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A Lifelong Sleep Talking Problem + Sleep Attacks, Not Cataplexy, HELP

Hi, I was wondering about this! Ok, My sleep talking is so extreme that when I'm doing that, it often wakes me because I can HEAR myself talking in my sleep. WEIRD!! Are there other people who experience this same problem? If so, what is the diagnosis?

All my life i was teased that i told on myself in my sleep, "how" embarrassing is that? Also, i remember i would fall into a deep sleep in high school, only to wake from the bell, my desk would be slobbered on!!! Oh my, i do not know how i made it through that!! My teacher/teachers never said a thing to me, like they were not concerned!

Also! Before i'm just about to doze off, I get these unreal hallucinations! I will lay there for long periods with eyes closed and see all kinds of rapid, random, weird and intense hallucinations, often water is in the hallucinations! WEIRD STUFF! So REAL! So bizzare I could not explain it!

I never had this issue looked into. As an adult now, I have always felt I had narcolepsy but never took care of the problem! And it is a problem! I'm so embarrassed to sleep anywhere where there are other people in the room i.e staying with family! Also with spouse, he "reminds" me all the time that I am weird and say weird mumbly stuff almost every night he tells me I talk in my sleep.

I have to this day, sudden intense sleepiness, many times while driving and would pull off the road/or highway to sleep for 5 minutes! Also! Is this something to be concerned about?

I also have another weird symptom, just as I'm ready to fall asleep, my head makes this HORRIFIC loud BANG or roaring/or like a loud buzzing sound! I mean LOUD! Shoot, i am convinced i have some kind of seizure disorder or even a brain or acoustic tumor?

I remember this happening too, about 20 yrs ago, as i was sitting on the toilet, my spouse was just talking, and when i went to answer him, my speech came out all grumbled, I could not TALK right! I thought I was having a stroke or something! Too bad i didn't get the support i needed to address this problem! Just an embarrassment! What might you think??? Well, tell me what you think ok!! Im very interested!! Thanks

Comments for A Lifelong Sleep Talking Problem + Sleep Attacks, Not Cataplexy, HELP

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Feb 25, 2015
Drowsiness Is Red Alert!
by: Kevin

Thank you for sharing your story. If you are experiencing intense sleepiness while driving, it is definitely a cause for concern. Coupled with everything else you mention, including general daytime sleepiness, I would definitely seek out a sleep specialist. It's great that you have decided to pull off the road to sleep, but drowsiness while sleeping is definitely a serious matter, both for you and those around you on the road, and I would seek out the counsel of a sleep doctor to help with the issue.

Nov 15, 2017
probably right about the narcolepsy NEW
by: Anonymous

I know this is from a couple years ago but I'll answer for you and any other people out there who may be experiencing thing same thing.
Loud noises=Explosive Head Syndrome
Falling asleep= excessive daytime sleepiness disorder
Falling asleep at inappropriate times= excessive uncontrollable daytime sleepiness disorder aka Narcolepsy.
Narcolepsy can occur with or without cataplexy so there's that.
I have narcolepsy with cataplexy and I experience that really severe sleep talking like i know I'm talking in my sleep however I'm not sure it's related to the disorder. So you're not alone in that and I'm glad to see that neither am i. I believe that sleep talking accompanied with acting out your dreams(kicking,punching,etc) is a completely different disorder on its own called REM behavior disorder or something like that. But you really shouldn't be delaying with going to the doctor with this or any of your health problems. It's a dangerous thing to do. And if you do go to the doctor with these symptoms of narcolepsy don't just tell them your symptoms. Tell them that you feel that there's a possibility that you have narcolepsy because a lot doctors don't know about it suprisingly. It takes an average of 6-12 to get diagnosed with narcolepsy. They can misdiagnose you most often with bipolar diorser, schizophrenia, and/or epilepsy. As for the problems with you talking I don't know about that but I'm quite certain it's not a stroke. But then again I'm only 17 year old high school student. But I'm a 17 year old high school student with a passion for medicine. (I even have a bunch of textbooks i bought and i stole my moms nursing school books) okay I'm done rambling. I hope i helped some of you out. That's all i really want even if it's just one of you.

Feb 22, 2024
by: Anonymous

Херня всё это. У вас нарушена психическая нейросеть. Её может восстановить бог. Бог- это союз между тобой и микромиром. Так как союз с макромиром есть у микромира,то вместе с союзом с тобой получится бог. Только тогда ты сможешь понять всё. Но человеку невозможно иметь связь с макромиром минуя микромир. В этом вся фишка! Человек не царь природы! Он -человек.
А ты- эгоист. Это -карма.
Просто пойми, что ты не один и всё пройдёт.

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