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A Man In The Doorway

by Brittany Leigh
(Defiance, Ohio, USA)

I'm 17 currently, but the very first time sleep paralysis happened to me was last year, while I was still 16.

I woke up randomly, and was frozen. I couldn't move a muscle except my eyelids, and I had a buzzing in my ear. Not like bees buzzing, but almost like an air compressor sound but not as loud. I looked around, feeling as if someone were staring at me. And there was a man standing in my doorway. Just staring at me. I couldn't make out the features of the man, but it looked like my dad, so I was going to say, "Dad" but I couldn't talk either. Then I woke up, and everything was normal, my door closed, and no man there.

I've had many encounters but I never opened my eyes because I told myself not too. Encounters happened such as my neck being pushed down when I tried to move it, just hearing the buzzing sounds and feeling watched, and even feeling as if someone was laying next to me when I know I was alone that night.

My recent encounter that was the scariest, happened only a few nights ago. I woke up, realizing I was having sleep paralysis and kept my eyes closed. I could move a little, and seemed to roll over, and I felt as if I was on fire, and as if needles were poking me all over. It ended and like always, everything was normal. The freakiest thing though, was when my mom went to make my bed, she found loads of needles in my bed. We don't even have that many needles.

I know my story is long, but it's all true.

Comments for A Man In The Doorway

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Feb 23, 2011
by: Zia

I had 2 men in my doorway when i was sleeping. they came to my bed. the full story is on this site somewhere.. the weird part was my door was shut when i went to bed. they opened it. a girl in my online cult told me to research shadow people. they feed off of fear. hope this helps. blessed be.

Feb 26, 2011
ive had plenty of these
by: Anonymous

ive had many experiences like that and im unsure if it is sleep paralyses wither, a few nights ago i was lying in bed listening to the radio waking up slowly i heard what sounded like two children whispering behind my head, and i began to focus on it they steadily got louder saying harry harry harry harry, i realised at this point i couldnt move but forced myself with every ounce of energy towards the radio and just about managed to get my arm up and tried to shout leave me alone and grumbled a few sounds and then i woke up in that exact position,

although arguably it could have been as simple as sp im not sure. the most prominent time though was when i was asleep on holiday visitng relatives, when i was dreaming about somethingrandom and then this voice said turn the light on quite prominently above the others and i woke at that point to see the light was on when it was clearly not on all night and it hadent woken my brother and everyone else in the house was asllep, it sounded like my nan so i asked her and she said she was asleep however my great nan had stayed in that room before she passed recently and she did sound alot like my nan

Jul 16, 2011
Cloak and Dagger Character
by: Becca

The same huge shadowy man in a trenchcoat and hat "stands beside my bed and chokes me" from time to time.
I try to scream, but can barely get any sound out.

Aug 18, 2011
Angry Man, Banshee, Touching!
by: Anonymous

I'm glad to hear others have had similar more vivid hallucinations. I've talked to others who've had SP but never experienced the auditory/visual component, which can be extremely frightening.

As for myself, I once saw a dark-haired man in a hotel room. He was very angry. His anger was palpable; I mean, he was PISSED about something. He was shouting or saying something and then actually tried to pull the blanket off of me, but my bf at the time woke me up. He said I was mumbling and sounded scared.

I've also heard voices in my ear - usually a man or woman arguing about something.

The crazier episodes are where the thing that I see or hear actually touched me. I've had a banshee-like thing floating above me who touched my mouth with her fingers and another time whatever it was that I heard in my room tapped me on the shoulder and told me to wake up.

I definitely do believe it's related to stress or just being tired because now I can catch myself going into an SP episode and usually I can stop it from happening.

Aug 25, 2011
by: Thomas Burch

Maybe during sleep paralysis you can see more than your normally are?

Apr 02, 2012
ghost in the door way? NEW
by: Anonymous

Some thing like this happened to me aswell. I remember looking at my doorway, all dark room, and seeing a figure looking around the door at me. It scared me so i turned on my stomic and face down in my pillow. Then i herd a voice say do you still belive in ghost? Then i felt a shiver up my whole spine into my head. It was weird.

Apr 10, 2012
A man with white eyes NEW
by: Anonymous

I had this experience a few nights ago, I awoke and heard a scratching sound at my doorway, I looked up and saw a man clearly, he was wearing a hoodie and jeans and was seemingly normal apart from having bright white eyes, I felt that impending doom, and he stared at me for a moment before running towards me, I felt his hand on my throat, I realised it was sleep paralysis and tried to calm myself, it woke me up, really scary though :(

Aug 05, 2012
Tench Coat with Fedora Hat Man NEW
by: Anonymous

I dont know if I suffer from sleep paralysis, but I have the same situation. I am in my early 30s now and have felt a presence since I was in my teens. He followed me through college and into every apartment that I have moved into.

He is a tall man, probably from the late 20s era, with a trench coat and a fedora hat. He does not do anything. He just stands at my doorway with his head turned down and watches me. His hands are in his coat pocket. I dont get the feeling that he is there to hurt me, but I get the feeling that he is a man who can be dangerous if he wants to be.

Aug 05, 2012
Tench Coat with Fedora Hat Man NEW
by: Anonymous

I dont know if I suffer from sleep paralysis, but I have the same situation. I am in my early 30s now and have felt a presence since I was in my teens. He followed me through college and into every apartment that I have moved into.

He is a tall man, probably from the late 20s era, with a trench coat and a fedora hat. He does not do anything. He just stands at my doorway with his head turned down and watches me. His hands are in his coat pocket. I dont get the feeling that he is there to hurt me, but I get the feeling that he is a man who can be dangerous if he wants to be.

Oct 17, 2012
alixjohn NEW
by: alixjohn180

i just love passion is car driving,transfer a deed
i try almost 15 different cars yet...i gives me great pleasure while driving...

Nov 20, 2012
Help? NEW
by: Holly

Last night I dreamt of something stood in my doorway I couldn't see any features I think it was a girl but I got scared and shut my eyes when I opened them I was that frightened i tried to shout my mum but I literarily couldn't open my mouth I was sat up and my arms were moving I could shout I just couldn't open my mouth I was trying to bang on my way but it was like I had no energy like I was drained of energy when I relaxed I could open my mouth and I slightly shouted mum and woke myself up even when I woke I felt like I still couldn't move but I know I could. I've always believed in paranormal/supernatural things but I have never myself experienced anything like it. If anyone can help me kind of she'd a bit of light onto my dream email me thanks:(

Nov 20, 2012
Help? NEW
by: Holly

Last night I dreamt of something stood in my doorway I couldn't see any features I think it was a girl but I got scared and shut my eyes when I opened them I was that frightened i tried to shout my mum but I literarily couldn't open my mouth I was sat up and my arms were moving I could shout I just couldn't open my mouth I was trying to bang on my way but it was like I had no energy like I was drained of energy when I relaxed I could open my mouth and I slightly shouted mum and woke myself up even when I woke I felt like I still couldn't move but I know I could. I've always believed in paranormal/supernatural things but I have never myself experienced anything like it. If anyone can help me kind of she'd a bit of light onto my dream email me thanks:(

Nov 20, 2012
Help NEW
by: Holly

Last night I dreamt of something stood in my doorway I couldn't see any features I think it was a girl but I got scared and shut my eyes when I opened them I was that frightened i tried to shout my mum but I literarily couldn't open my mouth I was sat up and my arms were moving I could shout I just couldn't open my mouth I was trying to bang on my way but it was like I had no energy like I was drained of energy when I relaxed I could open my mouth and I slightly shouted mum and woke myself up even when I woke I felt like I still couldn't move but I know I could. I've always believed in paranormal/supernatural things but I have never myself experienced anything like it. If anyone can help me kind of she'd a bit of light onto my dream email me thanks:(

Apr 19, 2015
Paranoia, sleep depravation, stress NEW
by: Anonymous

Our brain is a complex organ... It's not fully understood what we are describing here are blatant examples of psychosis. Yes sleep paralysis is real it happens on occasion when your mind is awake but your body is still paralyzed due to our limbic system active ting chemicals so we don't act out our dreams. Healthy individuals, people who exorcise regularly, moderate stress and have a fairly normal sleep pattern do not report these events.
The likeness of each event to the other seems to show a very limited variety in experience and that should be highly unlikely due to the fact we all lead different lives. The lack of difference in experience shows to me an underlining psychologial problems not an otherworldly experience...think about depression and it's effects on both the psyche and neurobiology... it has some variation between each person but points to the same thing

Jun 23, 2016
This is what happened to me: NEW
by: Anonymous

I was in my bed, going to sleep as I normally do, when I turned around and saw this strange man, he looked a bit like that guy in the film called the Martian, anyway, I don't think it was a sleep paralysis, because I could move, and I was awake, but that's when this Pearson just threw their arms around me and I tried to get out of the bed but I couldn't. They weren't hurting me, they just wouldn't let go. This happened every so often, but allways the same guy. All this started when I used to have imaginary friends when I was eight, and now recently I have been seeing people, like in my story. Am I crazy?

Aug 10, 2016
.. NEW
by: lizarraga

I remember this time when I was asleep. It was during midnight when I was there sleeping and than I opened my eyes.. There was a man wearing a hoodie he was in all black just standing infront of me watching me sleep. And disappeared after. Every since that night I sleep with the light on. Theres been times where even my mom had seen shadows. She even claimed she herd them.. Once I was in my room arguing with my boyfriend during night but the tv was on. Than out of nowhere these flowers ihad on top of a shelf flew across the room, hit the wall, and bounced back.. I was confused and than I looked towards him and ive never seen him so scared. He started crying saying there was a man standing in the corner of the wall. He was even pointing to him.. I just hope nothing ever happens to me.

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The Zeo

A revolution in personal sleep tracking, the Zeo is a wireless headband that transmits your brainwaves in realtime to a dock (pictured here) or your smartphone. The result? You can wake up and see exactly what stages of sleep you were in during the night! Unprecedented personalized sleep knowledge.

Sleep Paralysis: A Dreamer's Guide

Sleep Paralysis Treatment Book

Ever woken up paralyzed? A surprising number of us have, believe it or not. But few know the actual causes of this phenomenon, and fewer still how to exert control over it. Dream researcher and sleep paralysis expert Ryan Hurd shares breakthrough insights into how to do just that.

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