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Bed Sheets Slowly Pulled Off!

by Kyle
(Manchester U.K)

I was about 17 when I first had sleep paralysis.

I remember being in a deep sleep, one of the best if I remember right. I felt a strange force, as if it something was entering my body, it started in my feet and then slowly crept up to my head.
That's when I really felt something had entered my body, my eyes immediately opened to see the familiar sights of my family home bedroom.

Instantly I gazed around in panic, trying to move any way I could, I wasn't moving anywhere, this terrified me. I had never felt this sensation before.

Out of nowhere I started to hear strange screeching cat noises, like a cat's mating noise right in my ear, at this point I really felt like I was being possessed by something. Then I remember looking up to the ceiling and seeing a dark shadows hovering above my head but I couldn't move to do anything!

After that, I felt my sheets move. Immediately looking down to them I saw my sheets slowly being pulled away from me, this was when the panic really set in. I'm a big fan of Horror movies and have seen this happen before, they were the parts that really creeped me out!

Then as it started, the force seemed to withdraw from my body, from my head, down to my feet, and just like that it was over, I could move again.

I remember screaming in panic, but I was alone in the house that night so nobody could help me!

This seemed like it went on for hours, but it could of been 10 seconds for all I knew.

This was my first occurrence and I still have them all the time and I'm 22 now. I think mildly dabbling in ecstasy in my younger days could of triggered this off but who knows!

When I have them now, I can sense when they're coming and know just to not open my eyes, I can still sense there's something in the room with me, but the hallucinations are the most disturbing part about them.

They also occur one after the other for me up to 15 times in a night.
I just see them as a nuisance now!

Remember just keep your eyes closed, or for the people that are aware exactly what is happening ride it out and embrace it! See it as your own written horror story and that your not going to die, Sometimes it's fun!

Comment if you need advice, I'm an expert on this!

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May 24, 2015
Always sleep with pillow magnetic south to cure yourself of monsters NEW
by: Anonymous

Your sleep posture is making you vulnerable to nefarious entities!

What direction is your pillow/headboard of your bed facing?

I suspect you may be sleeping with the top of your head facing magnetic north or equally bad magnetic west. Magnetic north is called the "death position" because coffins are buried facing north and if you sleep north ghosts appear in your life, says the folklore.

The people of Bali say "sleeping magnetic west means you will have no love, everyone will hate you and you will experience violence" I paraphrased but Google search "Balinese sleep north"

Many cultures recommended that you sleep with the top of your head facing magnetic south and feet facing magnetic north. An alternate position is your head facing magnetic east and feet facing magnetic west. Use an electronic compass, it has to be exactly south, any deviation such as south west of south east makes you open to nefarious entities.

Never sleep with head facing magnetic north cuz you are guaranteed to see ghosts and have nightmares.

Also never ever sleep on your back. Sleeping on the back is the posture of the corpse in a coffin and "vastu" says sleeping on the back ruins the brain. Try to sleep on the left side of your body always to get wealthy. Sleep on the right side is ok but not best and monsters probably attacked you while you slept on the right side of your body of slept on your back. Sleeping on left side is best and you get rich wealthy. Never sleep on the stomach you suffocate, sudden infant death syndrome.

I recommend you read this website, it explains the significance of monsters in sleep.

Also Google search "vastu sleep direction" and search also "sleep facing south" to get more information. Sleeping facing south makes you wealthy and healthy, sleeping east makes you intelligent but not wealthy so east is for children still attending school.

The information I wrote was for the northern hemisphere, I dont know about sleep position for the southern hemisphere of earth.

Also, what is your blood type? If you are blood type Rhesus Negative (Rh negative) then this website might be informative

Best of luck! Feel free to Pass this information on to non-demonic people.

Dec 31, 2017
Something pulling away the sheet NEW
by: Anonymous

I am sorry to recognize this situation. It happened to me twice. Almost asleep, I feel the sheet is pulled away from me and I panic, wake up. My heart art is pounding loud. I look around around. There is no trace of my nocturnal attacker. Then I start wondering if it all was real or just imagination. No-one is ever going to believe me when I tell them the story. So I remain silent. If anyone has a plausible explanation for this strange and scary fenomina, please let me know.

Jul 24, 2021
pulled off bedding NEW
by: Anonymous

I woke up from a sound sleep pulling the top sheet off while it was still under the blankets. I seemed to be awake but continued to pull the blanket and bedspread off and threw it all on the floor. When I really woke up they were all in piles around my bed.

Oct 06, 2023
It just happened to me tonight!
by: Amelia

I’m awake because I just experienced this in the master bedroom. We moved to a new place last month and it was first time I actually slept in that room. I’ve been sleeping in the living room since we moved in there, but decided I’ll sleep in the master bedroom tonight. I felt my sheets being pulled off slowly and also felt a bad presence in the room. I got up and went back to the living room and fell asleep then I felt that weird feeling coming over my body. I would make small movements for it to go away because I’ve had this happen to me a few times already since I was younger so I knew if make any movements it will go away. It happen probably 3 times until I was fully awake and I was in the master bedroom! Not sure if I dreamed about going to the living or had an out of body experience but I got up and went to the living room. I can’t sleep and started looking up info and that’s when I found your story. Just wanted to share this with you.

Nov 16, 2023
Sleep paralysis demon cant catch me NEW
by: Anonymous

Ameilia i dreamed of seeing my family back home then i felt the covers slowly being pulled away then i sware i saw something about 5,4,5,5 long arms walks like a human run away to the door .i woke up in time , felt myself going into sleep paralysis but quickly woke up. Also does anyone have aby idea what these things are and how they are able to enter your home any tips feel free to text me 3012372107

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