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Can SP Be Passed From Person To Person?

by Cami Pearl
(Hawai'i, Hawai'i)

I have never heard of or experienced SP until I dated my crazy Russian ex-boyfriend after high school. His name is Serge and he would always talk about these dreams or delusions that he would have. FYI he was very drug experimental and liked "strange" and unexplainable things.

Serge would describe his experiences as not being able to moved while your body gets dragged around the room. This one particular night it happened to him in my room while we were sleeping together. The light was on and I remember watching him sleep for a few and then he woke up saying things like..."You couldn't hear me talking to you?" I ignored it and figured he was just crazy.

A couple days later my mom woke me up around five a.m., Serge was on the phone calling from HPD telling me how he had gotten arrested the previous night and whatever. I was so tired after I hung up I couldn't believe how fast I fell asleep. I couldn't believe it because I wasn't really sleeping. I was laying on my side facing into the bed which left the entire open bed facing back at me. Serge wasn't there but I felt as if someone was. I had my arm up above my head. A position that I no longer sleep in because of the feeling of vulnerability. I could touch the wall and my eyes were open. I was able to think but not move. I couldn't even speak.

I was slightly confused and then I saw it. The presence. It didn't really look like anything and I couldn't move my head to really get a good look but I know it was behind me. I saw a part of it and felt the most of it. It was as if someone began to slowly and gently slide my bottoms off. This is when I became afraid. I tried to move my fingers that I felt against the wall but it was useless. I tried to call for my mom but not even my voice could escape. A second later and I instantly popped out of bed and ran to my mom's room. This happened in 2005.

The second time this happened I had already changed the furniture in my room around. I heard of ghost or spirits being able to reach you if you are laying in their path. I am born and raised in Hawai'i and am of Hawaiian decent. There are stories of Night Marchers; ancient hawaiian spirits lost in battle who walk
over or through the dead if you are in their path.

Well this is the second time and I fell asleep and woke up again...sleeping. I couldn't move again and this time there was a television set on in the background. I remember the awkward green illumination coming from it. Someone came through the door and kinda checked to see if I was asleep. Again my back was facing the outside of the bed. So my bed was next to the window and I was laying on my side looking out. And I saw that person begin to close the window. I felt as if something bad were to happen against my will. And I forced myself to wake up. I could feel my eyes rolling back as I was struggling to wake up. When I did there was no one there and my door was locked.

I can't remember exactly how many times it happened after this but a few years later I moved to the Big Island and had the most traumatic experience of my life. I was with another man that I had met later on in life. We spent the night together and I had a strange dream about my niece. It was very surreal. I saw an endless clear blue ocean. In the middle of it there was a bridge. Like an arch or something. It was white and perfect for some reason. I could see many kids. Young kids. My niece was there and suddenly we were under the bridge. She was sitting in front of me and I was putting a head band on her.

I suddenly woke up. I was laying there and we had put the black light on for a night light. I was at the edge of the bed sleeping on the outside straight on my back. I had a blanket on. It was a quilt. I always sleep with a blanket or quilt or something on. I began to talk to my ex about my dream and the bed started drastically shaking. I could barely move I was so stunned. And at that time I had a metal futon bed thingy. While shaking something grabbed onto my legs. I could feel its arms lifting itself towards me while the quilt slowly began to slid off. And it said in a male demonic voice, "HELP ME! HELP ME!" I have never been so fucking scared in my life. I sat straight up and it stopped but I really can't remember what came first. Did I wake up again?

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May 24, 2015
Always sleep with pillow magnetic south to cure yourself of monsters NEW
by: Anonymous

Your sleep posture is making you vulnerable to nefarious entities!

What direction is your pillow/headboard of your bed facing?

I suspect you may be sleeping with the top of your head facing magnetic north or equally bad magnetic west. Magnetic north is called the "death position" because coffins are buried facing north and if you sleep north ghosts appear in your life, says the folklore.

The people of Bali say "sleeping magnetic west means you will have no love, everyone will hate you and you will experience violence" I paraphrased but Google search "Balinese sleep north"

Many cultures recommended that you sleep with the top of your head facing magnetic south and feet facing magnetic north. An alternate position is your head facing magnetic east and feet facing magnetic west. Use an electronic compass, it has to be exactly south, any deviation such as south west of south east makes you open to nefarious entities.

Never sleep with head facing magnetic north cuz you are guaranteed to see ghosts and have nightmares.

Also never ever sleep on your back. Sleeping on the back is the posture of the corpse in a coffin and "vastu" says sleeping on the back ruins the brain. Try to sleep on the left side of your body always to get wealthy. Sleep on the right side is ok but not best and monsters probably attacked you while you slept on the right side of your body of slept on your back. Sleeping on left side is best and you get rich wealthy. Never sleep on the stomach you suffocate, sudden infant death syndrome.

I recommend you read this website, it explains the significance of monsters in sleep.

Also Google search "vastu sleep direction" and search also "sleep facing south" to get more information. Sleeping facing south makes you wealthy and healthy, sleeping east makes you intelligent but not wealthy so east is for children still attending school.

The information I wrote was for the northern hemisphere, I dont know about sleep position for the southern hemisphere of earth.

Also, what is your blood type? If you are blood type Rhesus Negative (Rh negative) then this website might be informative

Best of luck! Feel free to Pass this information on to non-demonic people.

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