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Confused and Paralyzed During Dreams While Waking Up

I don't know how to explain it, but a few times I have dreamt that I am laying there awake and paralyzed or keep going in and out of dreams, but I don't actually know if I am dreaming or actually awake.

It's like I keep waking up and trying to force my eyes open and move but I can't and if there is anyone else there I am saying to them that
I know I'm dreaming. Before I have dreamt i am laid there paralyzed while someone is breaking in to attack me.

What I don't understand is what is going on and am I awake really or are they just freaky dreams??

Kevin's Response

This is a really interesting connection you've hit on between sleep paralysis and dreaming. You see, experiencing paralysis as you are waking up is precisely linked to dreaming, because the paralysis you feel is left over from REM sleep, the period of the night where you do your dreaming.

The body paralyzes itself during REM sleep (the paralysis is known as REM atonia) to prevent it from acting out the dreams that are going on in your mind during this stage of sleep. When you experience sleep paralysis it is often because you have awoken during REM sleep and the atonia is a little slow to go

Sometimes that is all that happens, and it is just a short bit of paralysis that people are left with as they try to wake up (that can be disgruntling enough though!). However, sometimes the dreams themselves can carry over into this paralyzed transition phase, taking on characteristics of your environment, and manifesting themselves in what are called hypnopompic hallucinations. (Hypnopompic simply means it occurs when you are waking up. Hypnagogic is the opposite, meaning occuring when you are falling asleep.)

What you describe sounds exactly like sleep paralysis with some hypnopompic imagery. The incident of you seeing someone breaking in to attack you is a fairly common hypnopompic hallucination. As long as this is only occurring when you are waking up and not when you are falling asleep, this is virtually always completely benign, more common than you might expect, and just a product of REM functions outlasting your sleep a bit--not something to worry about at all.

So to answer your question of whether you are asleep or awake, you are essentially awake at this time but your body is still experiencing certain aspects of REM sleep. Pretty interesting, huh?

I hope this helps shed some light on what you are experiencing. If you have any follow-up questions or comments please don't hesitate to submit them using the "Post Comments" link below!


Comments for Confused and Paralyzed During Dreams While Waking Up

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Jun 24, 2010
A Lucid Dreamer Perhaps?
by: Kevin

Teresa, what you describe sounds an awful lot like lucid dreaming. For more information on that and to see if perhaps you are a lucid dreamer, check out this article:

If these are lucid dreams you are experiencing, really try to take that article in, because lucid dreams are amazing instances in our lives that can be cultivated and harnessed to better ourselves in the waking world even. Sounds intense right? Check out the article to see what I mean.

(If that's not quite what you mean, feel free to describe your experiences a little more.)

Aug 12, 2010
Waking up and waking up
by: Anonymous

"Waking up" in dreams is fairly common and doesn't have to mean anything.

Sep 17, 2010
Afraid to sleep
by: Anonymous

I have had sleep paralys alot this year but with mine, i fall into a dream where there is a spirit in my house. It attacks me and paralyses me so that I can't move or call out for help. I wake up in this way, trying to shout out and move but I can't. How do I stop this from happening? Its very frightening and I am really afraid to go to sleep

Sep 18, 2010
Knowledge and Lucidity
by: Kevin Morton

Sleep paralysis and the dream imagery that often accompanies it can be frustrating, but the key to staying calm with it is possessing knowledge about how it occurs. You can learn about that here:

You may also want to look into lucid dreaming, a skill that can be put to use very effectively to combat and control nightmares.

Oct 19, 2010
lucid nightmare
by: Anonymous

definately lucid dreaming! in my dreams i am stuck in the dream unable to move i also always have a few false awakenings ( when u think that u have become awake but infact u are still dreaming.. in some of my dream i can move around in my bed .. but can never get out sometimes i can just reach to my bedside table and get my phone. i know if im sleeping because i can never read the time its like a blur.. ive heard in lucid dreams that u cant look at such things like mirrors and phones they are just a blurr. i usually just scream in my dream trying to wake myself which i always do after a while.. the dreams are very realistic and terrifying.. for a while i was on prescription sleep tablets and i had these dreams constantly .. i am now on natural sleeping tablets and i still have them not as much. ive only had these dreams whilst napping during the day or on medication. dont think i have had them otherwise.. soo could this be the reason ure having them ? some people say they can control there lucid dreams.. unfotunatly i cant . maybe one day !

Nov 01, 2010
I experience the same :|
by: Alex

I experience the same thing as the author and as the guy in the last comment - I'm awake in my sleep, I have false awakenings and I'm fully paralysed. But I never get attacked, and I never reach for my phone/look at mirrors. What really bothers me is the fact that it happens when I'm about to fall asleep. I manage to wake up after few false awakenings, but it often happens several times before I finally go into normal sleep. What may be the reason and what can I do to stop it? I'm only 17, I don't want to eventually become scared of falling asleep :|

Nov 03, 2010
by: CS

I have just read the above response and noticed you said "As long as this is only occurring when you are waking up and not when you are falling asleep, this is virtually always completely benign, more common than you might expect"; what does it mean if I am experiencing these hypnopompic hallucinations when I just starting to fall asleep but feel as though I am still half awake?

Nov 03, 2010
HypnaGOGIC Hallucinations
by: Kevin Morton

Hey CS, experienced at the start of sleep these things are actually called hypnagogic hallucinations instead. The reason for the qualification in my post was that hypnagogic hallucinations are one of the four main symptoms of narcolepsy, although they are sometimes experienced in individuals without narcolepsy too. You can read more here:

Nov 22, 2010
dont know whats real or not
by: Anonymous

when i dream and wake up it takes me about an hour to stop feeling the dreams and sometimes i dont know if i dreamt things or they real i wake up in the night and talk to my hubby for what seems like a long time before i suss hes asleep i hear sounds that are different to what other people hear and see shadows moveing fast that scare me and flashing lights and i feel things touching me like people pushing down on me i dont sleep well and havent done for some time am i loseing my mind help please

Dec 13, 2010
my dream
by: bridgett

I was sleeping. I was dreaming of a tornado and them not letting me get in my car and leave school. I did not listen in my dream. I ran outside got,got in my car,and was sitting at the stop sign. The tornado picked me up in my car and spun me every where,I woke durring this. I was unable top move or yell. I was seeing my room I seen everything around me and I was seeing the dream at the same time. I was scared to death. Is this lucid dreaming? what is this?

Dec 26, 2010
Sleep Paralysis Treatment
by: Kevin Morton

Hey Ron, try checking out this book by a sleep paralysis expert named Ryan Hurd. I read it a couple months ago and it's got some really breakthrough insights for dealing with sleep paralysis--stuff that I've never seen anywhere else. Here's where you can find my review of the book and a link to get it:

Jan 05, 2011
by: Nicole

I've have had these dreams ever since i can remember and i'm only 20 and cause of that i have to sleep with someone or sleep with the door open, it mostly happens when i sleep on the edge of the bed i dream of something then i half wake up see the room i'm in and there will always be someone there or i can hear someone, examples this one time i woke up and i could see the room i was in then i heard this person breathing scarily in and out and as it did the whole room started to move and it freaked me out so much that i can barely move or talk at most and i closed my eyes tell myself to wake up but most of the times i can't. This really scares me help?

Feb 03, 2011
I thought I was dead
by: Anonymous

I had this same thing happen to me this mourning. I thought I was dead. It scared the hell out of be. I feel a little better now after reading your article.

Mar 09, 2011
im confused and concerned about the comment
by: Anonymous

what do u mean as long as its not occurring as u fall asleep?

Apr 01, 2011
Concerned about sleep paralysis
by: Mona

My husband is on multiple medications and is battling cancer. A few minutes ago, he woke from sleep and was paralyzed - he also had shortness of breath. I walked by the room and he was unable to make any noise or movement to let me know he needed help. This episode lasted about 10 minutes. I called his doctor's office and spoke with a nurse and the nurse told me to get him to a local emergency room. He refused to go! He calls this "waking paralysis" and said that he has had it happened before but has had no incidence in many years. I worry that it might have been a form of a stroke or a reaction to a build up on one of his medicines in his system. Can you give me any insight on this since he refuses to go get checked out at the emergency room?

Apr 07, 2011
*How to treat it*
by: Anonymous

When you go into REM,your brain releases a chemical to paralyze your body when you sleep, its deference mechanism. **Hold your breath next time, you will trick your brain and you will wake up normal**

Apr 14, 2011
I can't stay asleep when i realize i am dreaming!
by: Anonymous

I've been trying to lucid dream, and the last time I had a dream I remembered(and this has happened other times before as well) I realized I was dreaming, but then either the dream ended or I woke up. Is there something I need to do to stay asleep when I become aware of my dreaming so I can control my dream?

Apr 14, 2011
by: Anonymous

I believe your eyes could possibly be playing tricks on you while you are awaking from the REM sleep, as Kevin answered to this person's experiences. It could be possible that you are even hallucinating, as Kevin also explained above. To explain the sounds, your senses could still be in some sort of dream mode or being hyperactive. I've had periods where I awake from deep sleeps and think I smell cooking food. You might even be sleepwalking. This is all most likely just your senses being affected by the REM sleep and the dark causing you to hallucinate, but if it does become VERY troubling, I WOULD say that you might want to talk to someone about it. Dreams are odd things, and sometimes CAN have an internal meaning to the dreamer.PS I am no professional,ok? I've just been looking up a lot about dreams lately.

Apr 16, 2011
I too had this experience! Strange feeling it gives you!
by: kelly

I too had this experience. I was sleeping on my friends couch that faced the front door. I felt that strange feeling like when you forget where you fell asleep. The sun lighting up room like every other day and the room felt the same, as though I was awake. I just lay there (paralized, i guess) and was looking at the door and evey senario of who could might come in that door would happen. hen someone I know walked in something felt strange, or something odd would happen then I would wake up again to realize I was dreaming.. but again I was still dreaming.. and another senario would happen that was strange, and this started to scary me, and prayed to wake up in the real time.. I was like my brain didn't know what to expect when waking up, so it was making up it's own senarios until everything just started to feel right. I will never forget this..(I also sleepwalked alot when I was younger) I feel like the brain already expects, or is prepared to see everything that I see or go to look at as though things exist because we already know it is there, which I can see would give us a feeling of consistency and comfort in life, i think life could feel scary and chaotic if we didn't find connection to things that alreadt exist. Perhaps gives us a feeling of living in the now. I don't know if this totally makes sense..But this is the feeling this experience gave me. Weird!?

May 16, 2011
Assaulted during paralysis
by: Anonymous

I am a 32 year old woman who has suffered from sleep paralysis since I was a teenager. One night when I was about 17, I awoke from a dream that I was being dragged across the floor by my ankles. I woke paralyzed, unable to even open my eyes, but I felt the hands on my ankles and I was actually moving down the bed. When I finally could move, I was at the end of the bed. This was the scariest experience of my life until 2 days ago. I awoke from a nap where I had just been dreaming of walking in a crowd of people. Somewhere between the dream and consciousness, I felt hands on my body, one across my chest grabbing me, one prying my mouth open, I could actually feel a finger in my mouth, and one pushing my underwear down. I was paralyzed and could not move. I was so sure someone was in the room with me and I was about to be raped. Even after the paralysis ended, I could feel a cold sensation where the "hands" had been and my underwear felt out of place, though they were not. Has anyone ever experienced anything like this? I am afraid to sleep, which has never been an issue for me before, even with previous sleep paralysis experiences.

Jun 11, 2011
REM paralyzes
by: Dennis

June 11, 2010 location at my office work time 2pm to 3pm..i slept at the sofa of our office...during that time...when i was sleep i feel i would to urinate so i decided to wakeup...but problem is i can't move mybody i'm on a rem paralyzes looks like my eyes are open but not...looks like i can see the lights on the window but not...looks like somebody is on top of mybody straining me not to move...i tried to move mybody but i can't...i tried to drop mybody to the ground were i sleep just to wake mybody..but i can't...i'm fighting myself to wake myself-up...until...i gain control to move mybody...and when i woke-up mybody was very tired...looks like i haven't got rested...i don't know..i can feel some unexplained presences in the office...but i tend not to bug them..i'm already immune to there presence...or maybe there just playing with me...Please Help....

Jun 28, 2011
paralyzed while falling asleep
by: liz memdietta

I been having this confused paralyzed dream for about five years know and I get paralyzed when im falling asleep but it makes me fall in to a deep sleep like if im so tierd.then something unexplanible comes next to me and is tellimg me something in my ear I just cant explain what his trying to tell me try to open my eyes but I will only be able to see infront of me and I can think and pray at it or curz at it thats how I know that im awKe then my teeth start pressing against each other they fill like ther going to brake this is unaxplaynable .. But if I put a cross by me I wont ever have this dream if u can call it that.. Y do I have this

Jul 06, 2011
I think I am awake and getting out of bed
by: Mary

I have experiences where I am sleeping and I think I have woken up and am getting out of bed and then I realize I am still in bed and I can't move to get up. Then it seems like I do get up but I realize that I haven't and that I am dreaming. I go in and out of this, sometimes feeling like someone is outside my room or coming in and I am afraid. I can spend what seems like a long time trying to get up, thinking I am and the realizing I haven't moved. I believe I am going in and out of a dream, being almost awake and lucid and then falling into the dream again. I have to work really hard at getting myself to really move, really wake up, and get out of bed. When I do I repeat to myself that this is real.Sometimes the sense of someone being in my room is very frightening. I called out for help to a family member to help me wake up but I am not really doing it. What is happening?

Jul 09, 2011
Sexual Experiences During Sleep Paralysis
by: Kevin

To the commenters describing the evil-feeling sexual experiences during sleep paralysis, you both are by no means alone, as the commenter above suggests. In fact, sleep paralysis has long been known to take on darkly sexual natures for some. In fact, the famous 18th century painting "The Nightmare" by Henri Fuseli is thought to allude to this, where an incubus (a term used in many other cultures' names for sleep paralysis) sits on top of a seemingly paralyzed woman.

I wish I could offer more information on why this happens, but the only connections I can make without studying it more or experiencing it myself is that SP brings out fearful projections for most people, and REM sleep (whose mechanism REM atonia causes SP) is a sexually charged period of the night (the period of sleep where men naturally get penile erections and women experience processes related to clitoral stimulation). Combine fear and sexual processes, and you get the dark form of sexual encounters. That's the best I can offer at the moment, but I know it falls short of fully accounting for the insanely real feelings you both have during these experiences.

One more thing I can suggest though, and wholeheartedly, is to read Ryan Hurd's book about taking control of your sleep paralysis. It really sheds some empowering light onto how you can turn around the evil nature of many SP episodes and turn them into enlightening experiences. All the best!

Aug 02, 2011
by: Anonymous

Maybe 20 times now over the last 3 years (i am 21 now) i have suddenly woken up in bed completely unable to move and overcome with what i can only describe as sheer terror. I can control my eyes and look around the room but have no other bodily control. Each time has been different, i have (thought) i felt someone pulling on my arm from the edge of the bed and have seen people standing at the foot or side of my bed watching me...The first thing i do is panic and try to force myself to move or force out any kind of sound to wake my girlfriend, i am usually able to regain control within a minute and instantly jump out of bed grab the lights and look around. I never had the courage to talk to a doctor or anyone about this as i did not think anyone would believe me... just having recently researched this online and finding out so many others experience it is quite a relief, there is a lot of literature on hypnopompic states linked on this page and i cant wait to read through them to find out more about this state of mind.

Aug 28, 2011
by: Anonymous

I had a dream the other day where all I can remember is that I could not move or scream, my heart I remember was pounding. I was paralysed lying in my bed face up. I did wake up eventually. It is now a few days later and have noticed my face looks a little swollen on the left side of my face. I am 54 and am worried if my be this was a small stroke. If any one has any info please reply.

Sep 13, 2011
wierd scared and confused
by: eric 15

I'm going to make this short since it it 3:30 at night where I live at. But I just had one of those dreams and in It I imagined that I was trina th rapper and me and my freinds were playing basket then my. ball rolled into a dark corner and when I walked to go get it I disappeared and all I saw was blurr and I culdnt move an my eyes were hard to open. And I still have the chills

Sep 25, 2011
Waking up paralyzed
by: Warren walker

Well waking up paralyzed is always the same for me but the weird part is that I've been reading more about this and my expieriences are slot like many others it's very frightning
The dream world crossing over to our reality I'm not so convinced this is mi expirience I awake my eyes are heavy from deep sleep I can only move my head so I started shaking my head frantically trying to wake then my hands start to move as well and but I can't talk and this is the worst part that some of you readers can relate to that blows my mind .. Thier is somebody in my room a dark figure moving about and making noises so I'm now desperatly trying to move and awake myself now and so my body goes into overdrive and I begin to move faster and this is where my expierience gets worst and is different than anything I've yet to read about .. I'm fully awake and mobile now but there literaley is still a being of some sort I'm my house moving around and making noises that somehow manifested from my dreams in some phenominal way so I go searching for it with a knife in my hands of wich I keep on my night stand but I never find it this is causing me serious insomnia this situation is out of control but now I know there is more intrlligance to this than well ever understand the way I figure where creating this situation somehow in our dreams and wich of now is also my reality .... Please comment I hope I'm not alone out here..

Sep 29, 2011
My story
by: Diamond

I. Just had it around 5:am and I fell like it was because I had a hard time sleeping and when I finally want to sleep out of nowhere. I found my self walking up but not moving and then I saw this stange black shadow of a alien in front of me so I tryed closing my eyes but I feel like I'm going to die the weird thing for me was. I was facing the wall then I started hearing buzzing sounds and found my bumm starting to hurt and it felt like someone was hold a object to it then I moved my left leg and I was out of the trans so I had to look it up
one of the first times i had it was around 8or10 and I was at my grandma house in the living room and I found my self not moving but in font of me I saw a rope that was used to hanging then a woman in a dirty white dress was haning from there then all of a sudden she started to get in my face and I got out of the trans it sound like something of a moive but it was the scraest moment of my life so I tried repressing it as a dream but when ghost moment started happing to me like the acttic door was opening up and dog would bark out of nowhere all mean and look at the celling so i didn't know what to think but I'mnever really payed attenchen to it and digg into the house because it was hapenping at my house but I saw alien so I thought I was hunted or something but Ive been look on the net and found answers

Oct 14, 2011
by: Warren

Thank you diamond for the comment it made me feel better about it. what happened in situations like ours is unheard of you hear about ghost and aliens and yeti and every strange thing under. The sun but this it's incredible no answers though .

Oct 14, 2011
Lucid dream turned into nightmare
by: Sylvia

I experience lucid dreaming and probably sleep paralysis from time to time. I use to dream I can't breathe and thought I had sleep apnea, but the apnea test was negative. Sometimes I dream that I wake up, see my room, stand and walk, talk to people as in real life (false awakening) Then smth unusual happens and I realize I am still dreaming and I struggle to wake up but I can't. After reading more about lucid dreaming I started using the trick of jumping off tall buildings in the dream to wake up. After that I always wake up and know that I'm awake from the first moment.

Today I had a scary experience, just after waking up from a lucid dream turned into a nightmare, I wasn't sure if I was really awake or not. I kept asking my bf if I'm really awake, because the scenario was similar to the other false awakenings. It took me some minutes to realize I am really awake and not in the dream anymore.

Here is the dream I had: I was out in my neighbourhood with my bf and we went to an outdoor party. The people attending the party were strange, some wearing elegant dresses, others dressed like goth and wearing piercings. Then it got scary, one guest had an axe coming out of her chest like in a horror movie, I could see the blood and the wound. The others also turned into zombies. I told my bf we should leave, we found an excuse like his mother is visiting the next day and left. After this I realized it was a dream and wanted to wake up but wasn't able to. So I used my waking up trick: me and my bf went on top of a building which was close to the location of the outdoor party so the party guests could see us and I screamed "hey, over here". They looked and saw us and in the next minute they were coming after us on top of the building, but before they could reach us, we both jumped off the building and then I woke up (for real).

When I woke up I saw my bf next to me was also awake and asked him if I'm really awake or still dreaming, because I just had a nightmare. He confirmed I was awake but I still needed few minutes to reassure I was awake, as I previously experienced false awakenings when I see the same image and talk to him and it's still a dream. This never happened to me before, when I wake up for real usually I realize it right away, this time the dream was so real that I wasn't sure if I was really awake or not.

Did anyone else experience smth similar? And do you have any advice on how to check if you are really awake or still dreaming? Or how to transform a lucid nightmare into a normal or even pleasant lucid dream? Is it better to wake up using the trick or try to transform the nightmare into a nice dream? It was a strange and scary experience and now I'm afraid to fall asleep again.

Nov 07, 2011
by: Dorothy

I have experienced this since i was about 9 but it has gotten worse i am 20 now. When i was younger i would have a hard time waking up out of my sleep just feeling paralyzed and screaming only for no one to hear me because they said it wasn't really happening. It scared the crap out of me. It stopped for about 4 ears and returned again. Since i have been in college the feeling of something standing over me, like a presence that i can literally feel is there and i am awake but i cannot open my eyes or move any parts of my body. It feels like i am fighting with all my might to wake up. One night i was sleeping and i felt something stand next to my bed and lift the covers off my shoulders and lean to look at my face. I felt the cover slowly slide off my body down to my waist and was fighting with all my might to wake up. After what seemed like forever i finally managed to move my head and look at my roommate who was across the room in her bed. She laughed and said i never moved. And that none of it had ever happened. I know that I'm not crazy and i know what i felt i don't believe its a dream. Should i see a psychologist ?

Jan 27, 2012
by: Khris

Almost every single night call paralyze dream. Not sure as well if I am aWake or not. I can't move before I can close my eyes. I start to wear watch and look at the time so i know what time when about to close my eyes and ten minutes or half hour later I woke up from awful dreamt but then I am not sure if it was a dream because Most of the time I see myself as my spirit falling away from my body. Sometimes I seen myself somehow crying so hard and screaming PLEASE WAKE UP.... My spirit begging me to wake up.

I cannot help what to do because I have five times or more in one night and most of the night sometime I feel I don't want to sleep.

Feb 06, 2012
Intense sleep paralysis
by: Anonymous

Last night as I went to bed I would fall in and out of sleep, each time when I would wake up I couldn't move my arms or legs, at one point during the night I experienced hallucinations of bein thrown around in my room. I called out to my roommates a d couldn't say anything Nd they couldn't help me, at another point during the night I had another Hallucination that a dark figured samurai was in my room I opened my eyes and he was there charging towards me with his samurai sword, the hallucinations and dreams felt so real and each time I woke up and couldn't feel my legs and arms longer then the previous time. I felt like I was being possessed by something, it was intense and the hallucination were so real, that's my story, has anyone had this happen to them multiple times?

Feb 13, 2012
Same old dream for years...
by: Anonymous girl

I've had these type of dreams since I was a teenager. It always starts the same. A terrible feeling of fear coming over me, my brain feels like its humming from an overload, I'm shaking. Something is coming into the room, something I'm very afraid of. I try and wake myself up before it gets to me. I cant move. I know I'm awake. I try and make noises. Any sound I can, so that someone can wake me up (and sometimes the sounds that come out doesn't even sound human). I'm terrified of it getting to me.

Feb 25, 2012
relieved but still scared :(
by: Olly :D

First I need to thank kevin and many others. I am no longer scared about these dreams where I can't move, but please someone tell me is it weird that I hear very loud pulsating noises during? I am still a little scared someone wrote on the comments above it was bad to have these dreams before you sleep, that just happened to me for the first time.. But I got out of the dream..I hope. Is it a bad thing that I had one of these dream things happen to me before I fell asleep? I remember the first time I ever had one of these I was down stairs sleeping on the sofa after a long and bad night of feeling dizzy and sick. Even though I was in my dream about my house getting repainted and having the floor done up, I was aware outside of the dream of my dad coming into the room, about to set off to work... I was asleep but slowly waking up, at first I couldn't move at all then after ages of trying to get up and move and trying to open my eyes I in the end did open my eyes and got up but I felt very weak but yet also very heavy, I was trying very hard to keep my eyes open... It was so hard even though I knew u was walking over to my dad, I was drifting in and out of my dream the only difference between the dream and the real life ( I remember them feeling the same) is in the dream I felt light and could hear but in real life like I said felt heavy and restricted and couldn't hear anything apart from the faint sound of my voice saying "dad, dad help me"and he said something but I couldn't hear a thing. I do not remember anything else.

Mar 02, 2012
by: Anonymous

this often happens to me. I try to remain calm and tell my self just relax and you'll be fine soon. sometimethough i cant help but struggle and panic. regardless you will wake up to your normal self soon.

Mar 03, 2012
Too much Rem sleep
by: Sandra

It is helpful, but I have a hard time understanding something, you see when I go to sleep at night everything is normal, my biggest problem is when I (Very rarely) take an hour or two hour long nap in the afternoon.My body paralyzes after about 20-35 minutes, and im still just falling asleep but I'm half awake and I literally have to force myself to speak if that is even possible, and sometimes it's not and I have to fall asleep then wake up about twenty minutes later. I thought rem sleep happened after about an hour of sleep...what is this then?

Mar 21, 2012
hardly sleep
by: lee t

all my life i have talked and thourt in my sleep, the past year my mind has gone mental i see big spooky dead faces before i go sleep so it takes me a while. but the past two week its like im dead. i cant move so i dont get up, i wake up hours later confussed sweating and angry. takes me a hour to sort my head out. i take 45ml mertazipine a night and i have the past three year, why do i experiance this and how can i make it stop

Apr 05, 2012
paralysis nightmare while beginniing to fall asleep! Almost scared to death!!
by: brenda

i have had numerous sleep paralysis, but the timing is different. it happens about ten minutes, if that, falling into sleep. last night i felt as if there was evil?? present-actually thought i physically felt it. of course, could not open mouth to scream for my husband, could not move limbs. finally, after slowing opening-almost peaking out of right eye out of fear-i can finally move, talk. but what worries me the most is that my heart is racing/pounding so fast/hard, scares to to death-almost!! i am 54 yr old woman, and when i do have these, i remember them being in beginning of sleep. can you give me any help? i sleep on side.

May 05, 2012
Paralysis and pulsating lights/noise.
by: Anonymous

I have a situation, unsure if it is a dream.
It has happened three times in my life but not for at least twenty years.
I am aware that I am lying there, I am aware that I am completely unable to move.
There is a pulsating humming noise that is making me really sick and an extremely bright pulsating White light.
It is growing with the pulses and I can't stop it. I feel so sick and scared it is inhuman.
After whatever time I am locked into this thing, when I come to and manage to get up (I have to get up then whatever the time because it has been so traumatic) I walk around in a semi concouse state absolutely scared out of my wits. I find a corner and huddle up there so scared I shake. I will stay there for hours till people start to wake up.
Sometimes I am in bed and I feel the pulsing start slowly but then it drifts off. I want to experience it again to see what the he'll it is but I think I know. I just need to know if anyone else has had it.
Please contact me if you have

Aug 06, 2012
Can you help me?
by: Abby

A lot of nights I have this dream Of a person covered in a bright white light and another person covered in a dark light are fighting. I try to move and yell stop, but I never can. Then suddenly the person in the dark light will turn his head at me and he has the scariest face I've ever seen. He'll laugh and point at me, and then I'm on the ground, screaming and curled in a ball. When I wake up, I'm still like that and I can still feel the pain. Nobody comes to my room when they hear me screaming anymore because they're used to it. I'm only 12 and this has been happening since I was 5. Can someone please help me?!

Sep 19, 2012
Can't sleep been a few days now...
by: Jeffery Duncan

Well okay here I go. It was three days ago. And I laid down for maybe ten minutes still awake. I looked at the clock and it was 12:30 when I fell asleep. And what's odd about this is that as soon as I closed my eyes. It hit me I feel like my eyes was open and I was laying down with my girlfriend. And I could not move,talk or even controll myself. And I know this is werid but after alittle time I sept trying to wake up not only I couldnt move or anything. I seen my dad.. And he was controlling my like my arms. I tried waking my girlfriend up but could not even if I got one arm free.. But anyways he made me mess with her.. And also after that I seen alittle girl walk pass me in the mirror only time I seen her and I've had 17 of these dreams these year and once when I was 6. What do I do? I can't sleep bc I'm afraid to go to sleep again. I need help bad.

Oct 14, 2012
by: Ana

I'm twelve years old now.and the first time I got stuck at night I was eight I was confuse and scary I tryed everything screaming , kicking but when I was screaming I heard myself but no one heared first I though that someone was Coming to save but I realized that now one was coming I though like my hole family was dead or something.and I was tie up and someone was coming to hurt me but I did not feel any ropes on me I just said to me it ok don't be scared just close your eyes and go to sleep Nd then I woke up and I though something was really wrong but I left it aolny (: because I was just really happy that I was out of it. I'm twelve now and it still happens to me I always get scared at first but I alway calm myself down and now that it been for year I found I trick of getting out of it I start with my feet up I can move me toes a little so I just keep wiggle then and then it feels like I can me but I don't want to and then it feels like I am still stuck then I just get up but still stuck I thing it because my body is just now realizeing that its wakeing up but now I have learnd to deal with my uncle has it to that's where I thinking get it from no one that I know of has it in my family and I just resintly found out that my uncle has it to and he told me that it call sleep deprivation and I'm glad I now more about it now so I know what's going on well thanking for listen I will be on here a lot to tell people what happens while it goes on we'll thank you for your time and the girl who had the since she was eight our s old and now is 32 I think you should try to move your feet and start up and see if that works bye (:

Oct 22, 2012
by: Meagan

This is scary it happens to me also and everytime I fall asleep its like a nightmare n I open my eyes n fight to wake up but can't . It only lasts for a min or so. I hav a lot on my mind also believe its stress n I'm not gettn enough rest so as I sleep away i strongly sleep away n it's hard to getup.

Nov 04, 2012
couldnt breath
by: fergie

What if instead of some one breaking in all I could hear was a familiar voice? And it appeared that a friend came to help me move but I could not speak it felt as if I could bearly breath

Nov 15, 2012
sleep paralysis
by: Anonymous

What is the best thing to do to not experiencing dis again... its scarred me a lot... please help me...

Nov 29, 2012
Weird sleeping
by: Anonymous

Sometimes when I'm falling into a deep sleep, or am asleep I feel like things are spinning.. Sometimes while I'm alseep and having a bad dream I feel as if I cant move my body at all. I cant move, but my mind is able to function and I try to tell myself repeatedly to wake up, but its hard for me to do, but eventually I do. Another weird thing that happens to me is sometimes while i'm asleep i get this feeling as if something is sitting on me. Its like a pressure that sits on me or is moving on top of me and its hard for me to move as well and wake up. This is all very weird to me. This stuff didnt start happening till pretty recently. I've only had one really frightening experience with whatever this is. One time i was asleep in my dorm room and I'm assuming i dreaming.. anyways,in my dream i was in my bed and I woke up to this black figure hovering over me. I remember i tried to move and scream but nothing came out and it felt as if i was paralyzed from the neck down. I felt this heavy pressure on my chest. All i could make were little moans and whimpers. Then i just woke up. What on earth is going on?

Dec 04, 2012
by: Anonymous

Mine only happens when im napping ive never have it happen during the night. but i will be paralyized its like i am up and trying to get out of bed but cant. It feels so real that i keep thinking that i am up and pictureing my self trying to get out of bed. Its like im standing next to myself i see the bed the covers and room . Ive actually have had it literally made it feel like i was not breathing. In one instance i was paralyized and couldnt breath i was gasping for my breath trying to call my husbands name,the next thing i know im paralyized and couldnt move then my husband woke me up because i was fully awake when i saw him but it felt sooooo real like i was actually not breathing. why does it happen only at certin times. Its made me not want to take a nape during the day

Dec 08, 2012
by: Anonymous

I dream when I sleep and when I wake up there is confusion between dream and reality ... what does this mean?

Dec 12, 2012
by: Nicole

I have been experiencing sleep paralysis for a couple of years now and after alot of research I am trying to not be so scared when it happens. My question is how is it that when Im awake I know what sleep paralysis is and what to expect from it and to not be scared of it but when its happening I am terrified and have no idea whats going on? I really want to turn it into something good maybe link it somehow to my lucid dreaming..but when it happens i feel like im hyperventilating and that im never going to wake up.

Dec 15, 2012
by: Nikki

Early this morning I had about six dreams? Or maybye it was a lucid dream but in each dream someone would be out to kill me for example in one I was in my room and there was a low knocking that continually got louder and I forced my eyes open to my Heart beating really fast and the house was silent and with each dream I had I forced my eyes open because I was so scared and I knew I was dreaming and it happened six times??????

Dec 17, 2012
I just call for help
by: Marcus

I used to find this experience scary when i was younger but now it is quite normal for me, especially during periods of stress or excitement. These episodes used to terrify me when I lived alone but now that I live with my girlfriend I can sometimes cry for "help". If on the occasion I am able to vocalize then my girlfriend just holds my hand at which point i stop to panic and wait until I wake up calmly. :)

Dec 19, 2012
scared the s#!t out of me!
by: Colleen

Ive had sleep paralasis a few times since i was 19, i just turned 30, on the 12th. I woke up today around 3 something in morn, was on couch, tried to scream to my boyfriend as hard i could, but all that came out was a god awful pathetic moan! The worst part was, i felt something at my feet, and yelling at me, in an un human voice, and a different language. Im still shaking. Its been about an hour since i broke free from it, also, i felt a strange vibration. And the weirdest part was my cats face, he was laying across the room, with a look of terror, looking toward me. Any one ever have anything like that happen?

Jan 01, 2013
cant sleep alone in night
by: Jenis

i cant sleep alone in night. when such moment comes i start dreaming as if someone is standing next to me but i cant see his/her face. M trying to open my eyes or lift my face to see but i cant. i try a lot but could not. I wanted to know why such things happen with me. why cant i sleep alone peacefully. Also if any day i sleep alot than regular that time also i feel the same. please help me out

Jan 02, 2013
it is ok
by: Anonymous

I also know what you mean I get that all the time and really you are awake but only your brain and continuous functions work like your eyes, lungs, and heart. The rest of your body is not awake. And when your body sleep you can't move them and when half sleep you feel a annoying tingling felling.

Jan 05, 2013
End of the world
by: Anonymous

I felt something strange happen 2 nights ago I had just gotten in to bed or so it seems. And my mind was still very active yet I was very tired. I laid in bed and listened to the sounds of my refrigerator and concentrated on the sound . As if in an instance the sound stopped and I felt as if the room around me was shaking and the darkness of the room got darker . I could see my room but was asleep . I remember in that instance feeling worry that my life was ending. And I remember then my eyes opened and everything was normal. It was bizarre because I felt awake and asleep at the same time.

Jan 08, 2013
Just had the worst one
by: GC

Have had these attacks for years. Yesterday was the worst one. My husband usually has to get me in an upright position for me to come out of it. Until that happens, I am DEAD WEIGHT like a rag doll, my head lolling freely about. Usually 5-10 minutes. Yesterday, after 30 min, he called for help. I remember trying to tell him to call 911 or my grown son for help. He could not understand me. I was repeating to my self that I was dying this time. It really scared me. They stood me up briefly, still like a rag doll, and applied cold rags to my face. I came out finally. I am always worn out for an hour or two.This all lasted about 45 min.

Jan 09, 2013
First sleep paralysis experience.
by: Ashley

I just woke up from what I believe was sleep paralysis. I felt like I was getting held down and saw people standing around me.. I guess it was the dream i was having mixed in with my waking up. So strange... My dog was sitting next to me looking at me like wtf is wrong with you!? Lol

Jan 10, 2013
the reoccuring dream the recent one
by: Autumn

At least once or twice a month i have this dream, I'm running in the street from a man who is trying to murder/rob me, when I think im escaping, I freaze in place, or i cant move.
The other dream scared me, extremely. At 3 am today I was dreaming that I was in a deep narrow cave. My freinds mom was there too. She had a ring that she had dropped down the long cave, which was why us 2 were in the cave, I went to pick up the ring, but when I reached for it I saw there were Now somehow two rings. I don't know why, but oi conected the two rings together. when i did that the rings formed an eye. It was a deep brown with a dialated pupil, it had veins everywhere, it had specks or blood in the eye, and iit was leaking. It looked so real. When i saw the eye I images a woman. My freinds mom then said we dont want anymore freinds and we left quickly. Please I know its long but im scared

Jan 13, 2013
Fill my house
by: Anonymous

So last night I fell asleep and I dreamt about being in my bed and not being able to move while some people start to fill my house with dirt except for my room but I couldn't get the door open when I thought I was awake because of the dirt behind it. It just kinda scared me and I was wondering what it meant.

Jan 16, 2013
Horrifying Dreams??
by: Rain

Ive had a reoccurring dream for a while now.. It happens in different ways every time though, with different people in the dream. Its like Im so exhausted in the dream and it feels like Its happening for real. In the dream I find myself trying to wake up or stay awake, but my eyes are so hard to hold open. And I try to get up and walk around but I stumble around like a drunk and fall every time. My mom was in this recent one I had the other night and I begged her to help me, and he laughed at me and told me I was faking it. I couldnt keep my eyes open, but they wouldnt close wither. It felt so real and I panicked because I thought I really couldnt wake up... But this cant be an hallucination because I woke safley in my bed right? I wasnt really trying to walk down my hallway, and I didnt really fall... But I felt it.. I didnt know if I was dreaming or awake...please help???

Jan 18, 2013
Scary and Awful
by: Anonymous

I was in a state of trance last night where i wasn't asleep but i wasn't awake and i saw a small human body sitting and leaning against the side of my bed. i couldn't see its face and i went to shove its knee. It show under my bed and started to pull me under too. i tried to scream, but my trance-like state wouldn't allow me. I finally shook it off and woke up only to realize that i was still getting tugged under my bed. i freaked out and grabbed my crucifix. Help Please

Jan 23, 2013
Half awake
by: Lawrence

I keep having dreams and I feel like I am half awake while I having them why is that

Jan 27, 2013
Frozen body!
by: Anonymous

Hi! I dont know with whom should i discuss this. I had a very bad dream at 3am and when I tried to come out of it..I realized that I can not move my body..My eyes were wide open but body was frozen. As that dream was also very horrible I took time to calm down my mind. Still this happened for may be third or fourth time. Can you tell me something about it.

Mar 09, 2013
Does This Relate?
by: Anonymous

Dear strangers,
I've experienced almost the same thing as the first person stated. I'll sometimes wake up in the mornings and feel restrained... Like I can't move, can't breathe, but I'm gasping for breath and it feels as though I'm going through a faint series of spasms that are oblivious to the people around me. What's wrong with me?
Best regards,

Jun 02, 2013
dreams so rela wake up and feel the pain all day
by: Anonymous

ive had bad dreams whare there in the fuchur or past but when i wake up im sweating and breathing hard but i feel like i aculiy did it and hurts its so real and painfull all day like i did it and some times ive found when i start to lie down to sleep ive seen whare my leg or arm will jurk with out me doing it .if u think u need to talk to me my face book is and howard bacon

Jun 30, 2013
Weird false awakening
by: Anonymous

It's kind of a blur, so I'm going to write about it quickly. It started with me playing a video game, however a new character appeared on the screen and before long, all the other character slots started to disappear. I selected the new character and managed to play for a few seconds. The game then crashed and the room fell into total darkness. More things happened after that but the only other thing I remember was fear, and the need to wake up. Then I had what I'm guessing is a false awakening. I thought I was finally awake, however I was greeted with a demonic voice laughing hysterically. For some reason my attention was drawn to the roof of my room where something was written in white. This false awakening happened in about 4 seconds so I didn't get a good look at what was written up there, and my memory of it is fading. It might have said hypnogic action( or something)? Anyway, just glad I'm awake now.

Oct 06, 2013
by: claudette


Nov 14, 2013
Weirdest dream within a dream
by: Anonymous

Just woke up to the exact same feeling? Is this a cause for concern?

Nov 22, 2013
by: Ashley

I love hearing all of your stories and experiences :) thank you to everyone for making me feel like I am not alone. I just had another one of these waking dreams. I am a psych student so I know the cause of this but it is so difficult to explain to someone else who has never done it. I have had these falling asleep and waking up. To Ron the police officer.. Your post scares me because I too hear old time radio big band music when falling asleep before this happens. Then I felt pressure on my chest like a demon trying to choke me. Tonight I dreamt that a giant head like the wizard of oz was the demon I was screaming no no no and I could feel my eyes fluttering. As you all know it takes a toll to force yourself awake. I dreamt my mothers voice and immediately woke as if it broke the ties to the dream and grounded me in reality. Once I dreamt witches were trying to drown me by forcing water up my nose. The lingering feelings are horrid. Glad I'm not alone :)

Dec 08, 2013
your not alone
by: Anonymous

I had this once and it scared the shit out of me. Im glad im not the only one haha.

Jan 07, 2014
Sleep Paralysis--can't open eyes or move
by: Anonymous

I can relate to not being able to open my eyes or move during a dream, but yet I am partially awake. The dream is melded with reality. Usually, I am dreaming that I am in a situation where I need to move or see and I cannot open my eyes or move! This causes me great anxiety, and I am fighting to open my eyes or move! I never experienced this until a few months ago. It happens about 3 to 4 times per month, but seems to be increasing in frequency! I know, logically, that it won't kill me, but when you are experiencing sleep paralysis, it is quite traumatic and I feel like I am suffocating and dying, and I PANIC until I am fully conscious! I think that my sleep paralysis is being caused by the stress and anxiety I have been under due to life events the past year. Has anyone been able to control this?

Mar 03, 2014
Happens when waking up....
by: CIP

Since I was 16 this has happened to me and although its less frequent now it happened recently. I think i have woken up - everything about the room i am in is exactly right (whereas usually in a dream i'm in a totally different room/house etc). So i believe i am awake - but then the first thing is this loud noise in my ears like when you yawn that thundery sound but it goes on and on and then i'm paralysed i think of it as something evil coming to get me and sometimes its lifting me high off the bed and getting closer. the first few times this happened i thought it really had but as the years have gone on i know its a dream and i can control it a bit. The other morning i thought i was awake and was looking at my mirrored wardrobe doors thinking it was all over but then my eyes actually opened and the room was the same but the colours were brighter and i feel thats the first definite sense of yes i am dreaming all of that stuff. I dont feel as frightened of it anymore and it prob only happens a couple of times a year and its always in the morning as i'm waking up.

Mar 13, 2014
by: ALejandro Taylor

Has anyone else had a dream where you are in a maze, and are being chased, then these buildings close around you and you feel that the pressure is growing, and then you feel that you are being held down, by all that pressure but at the same time you feel so light like a feather.

Apr 10, 2014
Falling off tall buildings but not waking up?
by: Shannen

Recently, my dreams have been perfect normal however towards the end of my dream I end up on a tall buildings I normally can control my dreams but this is uncontrolable. I step up onto a ledge, I'm never alone however the people I am with constantly wear masks, every time I hear one shout '1,2,3 GO' I jump with everyone I try to stop myself however i can't. The strangest part is when I hit the ground I don't wake up nor do I die, after the jump my dream carrys on for aprox. an hour.

Apr 22, 2014
i dont think that i am suffering from parilyis
by: Anonymous

I go to sleep then I wake up I can't move I yell for help but nobody hears me. That may sound like parilyis but I don't any one attacking me. When I was 9 I was at my aunts house and I was lying there whatching tv then I just couldn't move, I screamed but she didn't here me and she was right next to me. It happened once when I woke up at 2:30am but not until an hour after I woke I don't know what to do I haven't really slept in 4 years because I'm scared one day I won't snap out of it and that I'll dye trying.

May 22, 2014
by: Bones

My situation involves this, but im not sure its the main reason, the dreams start out normal or what i would call normal, then they take on a tone or a real intense feeling or atmosphere will out of nowhere or something makes itself known, and i get extremely scared and will start screaming in my dream for myself to wake up, ill try moving around and trying harder to wake up, then when i do my heart rate is high and im terrified, even thinking about whatever it is thats in my dreams gives me the chills, and its slowly getting worse. I only saw it twice, it was a shadow in the shape of a person that will come from a dark corner or such and move towards me.

May 23, 2014
sleep walking or night terrors ?
by: Anonymous

I would sleep walk but I knew i was awake like I felt stuck in my own body I always felt a panic like I needed to get out of the house or get to water I knew that if I could figure out how to get water that I wouldn't be trapped in my own body or sleep that I would wake up ? my mom said many times she had to lock the door because she would wake up in a panic and couldn't find me in the house..she would walk out the door and I was sleeping on the sidewalk right outside the house! Once she followed me said I had my eyes wide open but they were glazed over and she was scared because All I kept saying was water and I was shaking I went as far as standing in the shower trying to turn it on ? Not sure if it was a night terror or what but it went on for years started when I was six

May 28, 2014
Same here... But I'm not allways sleeping in my dreams
by: Anonymous

This has only happened to me a few times but the resent time I was trying to wake up and I could barely open my eyes and my head could move slowly side to side. The I could slightly see the light turn on and I could hear my mom trying to wake me up but I couldn't yell just kind of wisper. This was very scary but then I woke up for real. Another time a was in the bathtub and the water wouldn't turn off and I tried to yell but couldn't and then my mom was their but she didn't know what the problem was then I woke up... I am so glad I'm not the only one and that there is this ardicle on it.

May 29, 2014
the dreams of the dreams of the dreams dreams
by: the guardian

this is what happened to me,you see all you said, are also in my dream, do not worry because this is just a dream, I also had monstourus nightmares wierd and also different_______________________ dreams of the dreams of the dreams dreams, pretty hard right? thing aren't the way before, but every dream has a reason every dream relies adventure.I know some of you said "that is not true because some times my dream is one of the worst" YES! that is right sometimes, but that is only dream.that is only the work ON YOUR MIND!your just like on the theater, I am a stranger and I hope I help you.thank you ¬_¬ •_•

May 29, 2014
Thank you
by: Anonymous

I liked your idea and I will try to look at it in that way. Thanks (ps sorry everyone for posting my last comment so many times. The site told me it wasn't posting it. :O)

May 31, 2014
half asleep half awake ? HELP ME
by: Anonymous

Im 9nly 14 years old and i have these word dreams i feel light like a feather during my sleep or i feel alot og pressure . one of my dreams i was flyng I couldn't stop flying I try to wake my self up but I couldn't move or talk . ivwas feeling heavy nd ky heart beats fast . another dream i had while falling asleep i be laying in my bed nd feel my self getting heavy like someone pushinh dowm on me . i try to wake up but i can't i try to open my eyes but i see things moving nd spiders crawling on me or the walls i try to wake up but i feel STUCK wen i wake up i see nothings there and my head beggings to hurt idkaay whats going on but if anyone would like to give me solutions please reply and help me out thank uu

Jun 03, 2014
by: Rena

When I have these dreams that I cant wake up they really scare me. Every one I have I am asleep but I'm dreaming and in some way or another dying. In all the dreams I say to myself in them you gotta wake up or your going to die. I can't move or speak . The last one I had just last night there was a black shadow moving across the wall and over to me. It had hedge clippers and was cutting off my fingers and I couldn't stop it because I couldn't wake up or scream. I even felt the pain while it happened. Still scared when I woke up. It makes me breathe hard and my heart race. Are these types of dreams common too?

Jun 06, 2014
Somewhat different scenario, my partner is freaking
by: Anonymous

3 times in the past year my significant other has heard me dreaming, making odd sounds and has tried waking me, and not being able to wake me he has called 911 and I eventually wake to find a crew around my bed insisting I was not responsive and I have to go to the emergency room. Slowly I fully wake, feeling really groggy, and not dizzy or incoherent, fully functional, able to walk and dress myself. Cat scans and blood tests and 3 ER visits, I now think he has been trying to wake me out of a deep REM sleep. None of the DRs. even inquired about how long I had been asleep, or about my erratic sleep schedule each time this has happened..I can stay up 24 hours straight with no effort to get work done. What do you all think? I have tried to make him see there is nothing really wrong but he panics when I don't immediately wake when he wants me to. Appreciate and and all informed comments.

Jun 07, 2014
Dream and real world mashing up
by: Anonymous

I am 13 years old so this was pretty scary to me I was just having a normal dream I mean I could tell it was one and then it skipped to me in My room it was so so so realistic I was in a blacken and dark room I could only see the light from the crake of the door I feel asleep withe my headphones in and as I was laying ther unable to scream shout or move I couldn't then I started hearing staticky sound coming from my headphones then I saw a shawdo or apparition so I tryd to open my eyes and get up but I couldn't it's like I was trying to scream in my dream / sleep paralasis to wake my real life self up it felt like my dream and the real world wher mashing up and the I opened my eyes in the dream and then I woke up I started crying went to my mom and now I am weighting this

Jun 15, 2014
by: Anonymous

You Westerners are quite funny. The rest of the world acknowledges the existence of Jinns or whatever you call them in your culture, but you guys are so persistent in denying things like that, as if it would deny science. There are thousands and thousands of people of know they exist and are still scientists and doctors, etc. Most people outside of the US and Europe know where these night terrors come from.

Jinns are weaker than human beings, so they attack us when we are most vulnerable: when we are unconscious. So when you are sleeping. They appear to you in dreams, but that means they are next to you in real life.

We should never fear them, but the reality is that these experiences can be frightening. There are many ways to protect oneself from them. I urge people to look into Jinns. I am Muslim, and we all know about Jinns and the ways to protect ourselves from them. Christians and Jews also have ways, yet they are not really known (and Jinns are called demons or devils).

Or you can believe that you seeing someone barging into your room and choking you every night while you can not even move or wake up is just your brain playing tricks on you. Every night.

Look up Jinns, Roqia/Roqya, Islam and Jinns.

Jun 27, 2014
sleep paralysis
by: gutentagcdo

Thank you for the detailed information and explanation. I have experienced sleep paralysis with my entire life. I would dream being in the middle of a war. This is probably because our bedtime stories from our grandparents were recollections of their WW2 plight and the positive adventures they have with the American GI's.

I would dream that bullets and tanks will be following us, and being afraid to dying. I would tell myself that I am just dreaming and I would wake up. But then when I experienced this during my adult life. I would experienced strong heart palpitations as if I was gonna have a heart attack.

I would tell myself to wake up. My eyes awake and I can see the ceiling and the walls, but I cant move. Fear of heart attack made my heart palpitate more. So I learned to relax and let go of the fear and close my eyes. I actually return to sleep.

I tracted the instances when this sleep paralysis occurs. It seems that when I go to bed anxious and worried about something. I experience this. So I now practice letting go of my worries in life and say things like " all is well" as I crawled under my sheets. It has worked for several years now.

Jul 02, 2014
sleep paralysis
by: leslie

Last.. night i woke up because i couldnt breath, and i was just starring at the roof for a long time then i started to feel so scared and weak.

Jul 03, 2014
It seems worse
by: Lyssa

I have had similar dreams for aprox 20 yrs.. some lucid some repetitive.I know that I am not asleep the moment that I "awake" into an identical world because I am familiar with the way it "feels".I could always claw my partner, grunt or somehow alert him to wake me. Last night I screamed for what felt like hours and tried to viciously shake my partner, scratch him or anything. He said I never moved or made a sound until the end. He woke me believing I was having a seizure. I had been unconscious for 3 hours fighting to wake. This is the first in a couple years but the worst I recall. Is their any treatment that works?

Jul 14, 2014
Sorry it's late but,
by: Anonymous

What does it mean when while I am dreaming, I kind of experience what my body feels like while I was asleep? For example this one time I was dreaming, and then all of a sudden I felt my left foot get numb, and then when I woke up I realized I had shifted into some weird sleeping position, making my left foot feel numb. I don't know if it's something or nothing though.

Jul 15, 2014
Paralyzed Dreams
by: Nab

I haven't experienced a paralyzed dream for over a year.. I try to stay focus and not think about it.. too much thinking and worrying can have a major reaction and stress can bring it on... I just over look it.. don't dwell on it move on.. and you will notice once it doesn't scare you anymore it will go away.

Jul 21, 2014
Anxiety related
by: Rafael

Most people relate this sensation with paranormal events, which is wrong.

I have also been experiencing this since I was in college, to the point that started getting worried about it, so I decided to consult with doctors.

The answer is, anxiety and concerns. It started happening to me mostly, when I was during Finals and turning in projects. And it still happens when I have too much stress.

Doctors explanations, is that because you have a lot in things in your mind, you are commonly thinking about those concerns before going to sleep. What happens is that as you start falling asleep (as previously said in this forum, you are starting to fall in to REM) your body starts to "disconnect" from your brain, but your mind is still awake, aswell your hearing senses.

That is why you still can hear, and sometimes even see around, and you are kind of aware of whats going on in your environment, but you cannot move your body.

To avoid this, try to relax yourself before going to sleep, maybe reading a book, but avoid watching tv or listening to music, which are common causes of keeping you away from totally falling asleep.

I hope you find this comment as reliefing as I felt when doctors finally gave me a logical scientific or medical reason, instead of all the common reasons lots of forum in the Net talk about, ofently saying things about Incubus Sucubus and other paranormal things that will deprave you from sleeping even more.

Doctors say, it is really really common... And more nowadays with the stressful kind of living most people have daily (including myself)

Jul 25, 2014
what the what?
by: Dray

So ive recently been taking 25mg of Amitriptyline and suddenly im able to dream, and remember them. Btw, im taking med for a muscle relaxer. Anywho, i had an experience this AM ive yet to come across.
During my dream, i knew i was going to be attacked so i got a knife to defend myself. When i woke up i knew that instead of the knife it was my phone in my hand and i laughed a little. Pet my cat as he stirred beside me and got a cig and lit it. I was awake. Then the man from the dream came charging me from the hallway,he got about 3 ft from me, then darted towards my left and was gone. After i calmed a bit, i was thinking to my, ok it was just a false awakening, then i realized i was smoking the cig i lit when i was supposedly still dreaming. Can you make sense of that??

Jul 28, 2014
Strange happenings
by: Anonymous

My boyfriend and his mother have been experiencing something similar in the last several months. Most of the conditions are the same in which they see her son, my boyfriends brother, who has been dead for several years. They turn to speak to him and wake in the next moment. When they wake, they have racing hearts, tense chests and can't open their eyes no matter how hard they try for several minutes. They then hear what sounds like three gun shots and look out the window to see two cars racing off all three times. I myself have heard the three bangs but it lead to nothing serious in the end. What I want to know is if maybe this same form of sleep paralysis can happen between people who are close. I've never heard of anything like this happening before. Could it be that seeing their loved one puts them in this paralysis even though they believe he is there to warn them of some danger? And if it keeps happening should they seek help?

Sep 03, 2014
by: Anonymous

I fall asleep but when I wake up im still in my dream and cant move and I know im dreaming but I cant wake and I cant speak yell or do anything then I feel like theres some one there and I onow I csn ro anything. Some time like a shadow grabs me and shakes me and just so scared im 20 years old I dont know what to do.

Sep 03, 2014
by: Anonymous

I fall asleep but when I wake up im still in my dream and cant move and I know im dreaming but I cant wake and I cant speak yell or do anything then I feel like theres some one there and I onow I csn ro anything. Some time like a shadow grabs me and shakes me and just so scared im 20 years old I dont know what to do.

Sep 06, 2014
Astral Projection
by: Anonymous

this is all astral projection and the entities you are seeing are more concious than us and realer than this simple dimension, it depends on your vibrational frequency on what entities you see. just be a positive person. these negative entities feed off the energy you release while in a fear state. so raise your vibration with love and light and happy travels!

Sep 29, 2014
Same here
by: Anonymous

Mine are exactly the same as that, but I'm yelling and moaning while in this transition and feel like a presence is over me at the same time.

Oct 11, 2014
Extremely Realistic Dream
by: Anonymous

Everytime I party and drink alcohol, I have extremely Realistic Dream about the party. Then I wake up and think about the dream. And sometimes I get confused for example. I think did I say that at the party or did that happen at the party or was it in my dream. Is this normal or should I go to a doctor. .

Oct 14, 2014
Everytime. Why shadow's, why?!
by: A pissed off person

This happens every damn time, every time i try to lucid dream i sleep and i successfully enter it but i see myself being pulled or terrorised by dark beings. These dark beings look like

1. Looked like a cloaked shade, no human just point black and was pulling towards me after i opened my door while trying to lock it.

2. I was in my bed and i felt something trying to climb up, i kept kicking it out and tried to escape since i knew what i was dealing with but i hurt myself and was shocked that nothing happened. I tried to scream and escaped.

3. Horned man thingy pulling me towards it. Dead bodies are near it while i'm in a dark room with it.

And if it helps as a kid in new years i saw this shadow person in my kitchen (The lights weren't lit) i saw somebody, totally black blank and with a hood and was just looking towards me. Didin't even move just staring scared me. I asked my mother if she knew and she just regarded it as my imagination. But that wasn't imagination, imagination dosen't give you the feel of fear and wanting to escape.


Nov 03, 2014
Help NEW
by: Anonymous

"Jul 03, 2014
It seems worse
by: Lyssa

Last night I screamed for what felt like hours and tried to viciously shake my partner, scratch him or anything. He said I never moved or made a sound until the end. He woke me believing I was having a seizure. I had been unconscious for 3 hours fighting to wake. This is the first in a couple years but the worst I recall. Is their any treatment that works?"

Lyssa I can totally relate. It's truly awful. Have you managed to get any help? I am still trying...
I've tried so hard to wake up i have even fallen and hurt myself in varying degrees, ended up at A&E on the worst one...

Nov 26, 2014
stopping breathing NEW
by: lilian

I can relate to so many of these comments. I do actually stop breathing sometimes and one time, even though paralysed tried to hit my husband to wake him up so he could wake me so I could take a breath. Whilst "asleep" I'm telling myself to take a breath but can't. I managed once to wake my husband and he woke up wondering what on earth was going on! I have just woken from yet another hallucination of me wondering if I'm awake or not, but telling myself my bedrooms not right so I'm still asleep. It's tiring!

Nov 26, 2014
stopping breathing NEW
by: lilian

I can relate to so many of these comments. I do actually stop breathing sometimes and one time, even though paralysed tried to hit my husband to wake him up so he could wake me so I could take a breath. Whilst "asleep" I'm telling myself to take a breath but can't. I managed once to wake my husband and he woke up wondering what on earth was going on! I have just woken from yet another hallucination of me wondering if I'm awake or not, but telling myself my bedrooms not right so I'm still asleep. It's tiring!

Dec 01, 2014
Evil face NEW
by: Anonymous

I've just woken up from what i know now was a dream now I'm awake
So I was lay on my back in bed and and could hear what seemed to be music from my house mates room I was thinking I can't remember the telly being on then a dark face (devil face) with white eyes came fastly in front of my face an laughed evil at me it scared me and I couldn't move or talk and i was just lay there while it was center meters from my face I tryed to talk an was thinking wake up wake up an j awake already as my room looked how it would in the dark no changes then got angry and said what you looking at you (#*#^) and it diserpieted and I woke up as I was speaking out loud
I'm so confused !!

Dec 01, 2014
Evil face NEW
by: Anonymous

I've just woken up from what i know now was a dream now I'm awake
So I was lay on my back in bed and and could hear what seemed to be music from my house mates room I was thinking I can't remember the telly being on then a dark face (devil face) with white eyes came fastly in front of my face an laughed evil at me it scared me and I couldn't move or talk and i was just lay there while it was center meters from my face I tryed to talk an was thinking wake up wake up an j awake already as my room looked how it would in the dark no changes then got angry and said what you looking at you (#*#^) and it diserpieted and I woke up as I was speaking out loud
I'm so confused !!

Dec 14, 2014
fighting to wake up... NEW
by: Anonymous

I've had dreams where i know i am dreaming, they are normally nightmares, i try to wake up, find that i do awake, only to find that i am still in the dream trying to wake up. I normally awake again, only to find i am yet again still in that same nightmare... It normally takes a few attempts to fight my way out of it... Any thoughts..?

Dec 24, 2014
Dreamt of multiple deaths. A dream within a dream within a dream, followed by paralysis! NEW
by: Tiffany

I just awoke from a dream where the setting was current (this evening) my boyfriend, my son and my clothes were exactly what we are wearing right now even the sheets were the same and this was consistent in all three dreams. The first dream involved my deceased dog (i was extremely attached to him). I knew in my dream it was his last night to live so i placed him in our bed for one last nice sleep. That dream transition into me "awakening" to my 8 1/2 month old son with his face covered in red bumps and slowed breathing i shot up to get my boyfriend and screamed lets go to the emergency room now! Then my son stopped breathing in my arms and i screamed call 911 over and over. Then the dream transitioned into my boyfriend, my son and myself in bed and i was telling him about this crazy dream we both stood up hplding hands and he said it's ok hes ok...we're dead. Then we were all back in bed together i could feel my life drain at the part when life went black i was "awake" i thought i was screaming and hitting my boyfriend to wake me but realized i couldnt move or speak or even hear. I then was able to begin quietly begging to be woken up. After however long i could hear him say you are awake and asking what am i talking about. At that point i must have woken my son who started moving which finally woke me. The lofe slipping from me felt so real...all of it did but particularly that part. Please someone help i am terrified to go to sleep. I have had paralysis many times before, however this was entirely different.

Jan 21, 2015
My weird scary dream NEW
by: Tyler

I hade a certant dream when i was little kid many times and rarely do now. I wake up on the floor of a realy tall work building and i decide to go down to the 1st floor and on my way down many vary VARY Scary things, people, and places. Also at the end i get to control my dream but i can't control the entire dream. Is that normal for my little me dream.

Jan 21, 2015
My weird scary dream NEW
by: Tyler

I hade a certant dream when i was little kid many times and rarely do now. I wake up on the floor of a realy tall work building and i decide to go down to the 1st floor and on my way down many vary VARY Scary things, people, and places. Also at the end i get to control my dream but i can't control the entire dream. Is that normal for my little me dream.

Jan 29, 2015
Is this dangerous? NEW
by: Anonymous

Hey guys! I literally just woke up and searched the internet to know if what happened to me was dangerous. I really don't know if I was dreaming or not but I had the same experience with the person that opened the topic. I was forcing my eyes to open then i can hear sounds that seems like someone is walking in my room then I saw a girl that was a burglar and I really can't stand up because I was so sleepy and my eyes kept on closing even though I'm already forcing myself to be awake. After a moment I woke up (real world haha) then the sounds that I had in my dreams were actually there but it's from a plastic that was in my room and I'm so surprised because what my room looked like in my dreams was literally how it is when I woke up. I am really scared because I got confused if I was really dreaming or not.
Is this dangerous? Is there a possibility that if ever this happen again I won't be able to wake up?

Feb 16, 2015
Please Help NEW
by: Aaron P

I know I couldn't wake up from my dream but that's not the freaky part. I was stuck in my actual bed with a uninvited guest. They had a knife and was trying to kill me but somehow I took the knife and stabbed them in the head. (This is when it gets a little crazy). They were still alive and I couldn't say nothing (while I was trying to wake up), my breathing became heavy and my body became stiff. When I finally got free and was able to open my eyes I seen two strange looking heads beside me. The heads were not of this world and I think that's what was holding me down. PLEASE EXPLAIN PLEASE HELP ... I AM NOT LYING I REALLY SAW THIS

Mar 07, 2015
Confused and Paralyzed During Dreams While Waking Up NEW
by: antony

I had the same type of dreams in the age of 28, now I am 39. Those days I had very lack of sleep. So whenever I sleep. I will have very deep sleep (of course I will be very tired when I got to bed) then latter stage when I try to wake up I could feel that someone is holding me down to the bed.. I take my all power to come out of from the sleep..
Latter I understand that, sometimes if we sleep when we are very tired then this kind of experience we will have. So sleep in time. Adopt a punctual life.. Pray every day to the God you believe..
You will see the things are changing and getting peaceful sleep...
I am taking from my own experience...
Thanking you all..
God bless you all...

Mar 09, 2015
Suffocating Fear NEW
by: x

I have had these sporadically throughout life and always thought they were just random nightmares. my boyfriend would say it's sleep paralysis but I always assured I never experienced SP because I thought my eyes had to be open. well I've oddly had 5 instances of it in the last few days and decided to research it and found this site. oh my god I've never read so many accounts of exactly how I feel! mine usually have scary "themes" (almost being raped, monsters/creeps, drowning or dying), but even if they are benign (which is rarely but kept happening today) it is always the same terrifying feeling of fear washing over me, coming down on me. I can't breathe and I try to flail my arms or cry out for my boyfriend to shake me awake, which neither work of course. it feels like i need to "break through" out of the dream. they often accompany false awakenings. I suspect that I might actually stop breathing and that's what's triggering it? and then my brain panics. right now I am kind of scared to go to sleep because of the recent frequency. they really are the most terrifying feeling. My suggestion is to sleep on your side and see if that helps. I never knew this was a specific thing, makes it kind of creepier.

Mar 20, 2015
Thanks kevin NEW
by: Marcus

Thank you for explaining that to me. You see for the past 2 months or so I have been experiencing this and I'm constantly freaking out about it. Esspecially the first time it happened, the night that it did happen I wouldn't let myself go to sleep afterwords for two days and I did go to sleep on the third, but only because I know sleep deprevation is a bad thing. But yes It usually takes about 1-2 minutes before I can accualy move and open my eyes, and the way that I would do it is I would put all my concentration into moving my hand and lifting it up and hitting the bed.But I do have a question about this and that is does this affect the way you sleep. Like patterns or how long I can sleep. Or will it intern mess up my dreaming? Because latly I havnt been able to dream but when ever I do this happens to me and it still scares me. So if you can help me with anything I'd be very nice thank you. I also hope you understand what I'm asking.

Mar 30, 2015
battling these dreams for years NEW
by: Anonymous

For ten years on and off I suffered from falsely waking up in dreams, waking up while still dreaming, paralyzed or not, woke up to myself screaming, or fighting, sometimes throwing my poor cats. I'm 30 now, but 8 years ago I was told I had night terrors and violent sleep disorder after a sleep study. I found that to get out of any dream, alseep or awake, if I could get angry enough to scream aloud, it would wake me up. It takes a lot of determination. But it helps.

Apr 17, 2015
scared-please leave advice NEW
by: Anonymous

this happen to me i couldn't tell if i was awake or dreaming at first but i couldn't move and i couldn't wake myself up even though i was desperately trying and i could see around my room was pitch black and i could tell a tall dark figure was standing next to me whispering something about not waking me up and then laughing and making fun of me not being able to wake myself up. i could see my husband lying next to me and had a immediate thought to wake him up. then the dark figure said said something of "oh shes waking him up." my hand somehow reached over and woke him up and the only words i could say was turn on the light as soon as he did that the dark figure went away and i was able to wake myself up.

Apr 27, 2015
can someone help me.? NEW
by: Roisin 22

I have been getting night terrors over 4 years now and there so common that I know what to do each time to get out of them and wake, in them I fall asleep in my room and awaking in a dream (in my room) but there is always one or two things different like a door on the left instead of the right or a radio instead of a TV and next thing I know someone is kicking in the door but I'd get over them...
RECENTLY......Im not being dragged into my sleep but I myself drift off and when Im so in BANG this darkness hits me and I'm trapped.! I get pressure in my head that I'm unable to control then shocks in my side whilst still in my bed, as this is happening the room is dark but getting darker I can since my partner next to me and hear the real movement in the house like if someone is making tea or moving about so I have my senses whilst asleep... I feel as tho I'm going to die because I can't wake up and it's really fighting can someone but my mind at ease and tell me what this is???

May 23, 2015
embrace it yo NEW
by: TOMA

i use to fall asleep in school ( because well school sucked) but would awake in paralysis, however i could still hear and comprehend everything and everyone around me especially the teacher telling me to wake up. It would take a good two to five minutes for me to snap out of it. didnt think much of it. later in my mid twenties. i would experience the same waking up in the morning. would not be able to move except for my eyes. i could see my room and hear any noises that were around me and able to comprehend that i was awake and in paralysis. being used to it i just kind of let it do its thing until i snapped out of it. however it began to get more intense. when i would enter this state i began to start feeling pressure, as if a force was pushing me down into my bed and even screaming at me. ive even had my sheets slowly pull off of me or shake intsensly to awake with no one insight. once i couldnt move and felt a precense like a little dog trying to hump my leg haha wierd. its scary at first cuz your like what the fuck. but what ive learned is to embrace it. ive had experiences where i cant move whether its when i fall asleep or after i wake, still in a conscious state and have had sounds like a tea kettle get so loud i thought my brain would pop. got to the point where i considered there was a ghost in my room. however during the day when im in my room and completely awake and reach to turn my lamp on by my bed, itll turn on by itself before i can twist the knob soo...... ya. Either way ghost or sleep paralysis just know your not being physically hurt. and try to learn something from it. at first i was scared and tripped out, now i can actually consciously analyze whats going on as it is occuring and in paralysis. your mind is powerful. accept your state and learn to minipulate it to your advantage. i have been able to control my lucid dreams as well. still trying to control flying but wake up almost immediatly after take off because i believe my brain doesnt know what to expect. All i can say is when you next experience your paralysis or what not, instead of freaking out in your brain and trying to scream and all that, just relax and make yourself realize that you are in that state. the calmer you can be the more chances it will either stop or you can begin to control what effects you experience. Like i said the brain is a powerful thing and it will manifest its thoughts. choose your thoughts wisely and may the force be with you.

May 28, 2015
Unusual. . . NEW
by: Mali

Ok so, I am a 17 year old girl and i have been having these dreams ever since i was 9 years of age. And what frightened me the other night when i had these dreams is that i fell asleep in my room, on the phone to my boyfriend and i woke up looking around my room but unable to move, i was paralyzed. I knew i was in a dream, because i heard my boyfriends voice on the phone and i kept screaming and yelling telling him to help me wake up but my mouth wasn't moving. Then i saw two dark figures in suits and ties but without heads?? i wasn't scared until i felt one of them get on top of me and started sucking my soul out of my body. At this point i was praying to wake myself up but it wasn't working,I closed my eyes then it all stopped. So i opened them again and i saw my body asleep on my bed and me flying away, down to hell, i was scared and it wasn't until i heard my grandfather drop a plate in the kitchen and i instantly woke up, and Walked down to my grandfather thanking him for dropping the plate he looked at me all puzzled haha.
Well that's my story, i would really like to know information about this type of dream :)

May 28, 2015
Same here NEW
by: Jose

This has happened to me too every time in the morning I feel like I am laying in bed with my eyes open but I can't move I try to move but I can't and than I wake up and realize I was asleep one time I recorded myself and It happened again but this time only for 10 mins and then I wike up but barely breathing, I just feel scared.

Jun 04, 2015
Something similar happened to me. NEW
by: Anonymous

Sometimes, when I go to sleep, I wake up shortly after, this happened once, and something else happened 4 times, anyways I was awake, I couldn't move, and I seen some animal getting up, it jumped at me and I woke up. It scared me. The other four things were, I was in that same state, but I was falling, when before I hit the ground I woke up as scared as that first dream. What does all this mean?
Is it normal?

Jun 08, 2015
Alarm NEW
by: Michelle

Set an alarm clock. It will wake you up. I get them when I'm taking an afternoon nap. So set the alarm. And remember if you see yourself you are dreaming. Try changing your dream or thought. Recognize it, change your thought/dream to something else; and know you will come out of it.

Jun 09, 2015
thank you NEW
by: Anonymous

Thank you for asking this question..and thank you for answering as well..I too often have dreams similar to the ones described....I've always wanted to know what was happening and what caused it to happen...I was begging to worry something wasn't rite..I have to ask. If this happens a lot should I be worried ...

Jun 09, 2015
Sleep studay NEW
by: Anonymous

I'm currently in hospital for this due to PLMD and REM sleep behaviour disorder. It's making me feel worse. They sleep deprive you for the studies. I am struggling to stay awake. Which is another problem I have during the day as well as the disturbing dreams at night. The worst of which I leapt from my bed having dreamt a cruise ship was falling sideways on top of me. The next thing I knew I felt blood on my hands and my tooth missing. I had hit my face on the bedside table. There were teeth marks in the top of the bedside table.

Jun 10, 2015
Sleepless nights NEW
by: Anonymous

I had a really sleepless night last night and I feel like I only got about 3 hours sleep although I'm not sure I do remember for about 2 hours I couldn't relax because I couldn't stop thinking bout things although none of these thoughts were real so I was obviously dreaming. I was jumping from side to side in bed sweating and woke up so tired today. I have had other nights similar to this. Has this happened anyone else or can someone explain please ??

Jun 13, 2015
The horrible sleep NEW
by: Anonymous

I have the same thing with dreaming to me it's a horrible experience because I try with all my froce to wake up and I can't and sometimes I hear people that I know try to wake me up like calling my name wake up and sometimes I feel like I'm being lifted in the air and when I wake up I'm so scared and this happens a lot sometimes and after I finally wake up and try go back to sleep again it happens again so I do hear people talking too like I said people that I know but we could like have a conversation and sometimes I Also try to speak so I can try to wake up but can't say a word is there anything that you can do to get rid of this ??!! Whatever truly it is.

Jun 15, 2015
by: madison

I woke up in what seemed to be my room... but... it was off...I then saw my boyfriend and daughter walk into the room.. but their heads were gone...and they went up in flames... I then felt a dark spirit and heard a very loud sinister voice in my head... I felt like it went on forever.. and when I finally woke up I was shaking uncontrollably and felt the weakest I'd have every felt.. what was this?

Jun 15, 2015
by: madison

I woke up in what seemed to be my room... but... it was off...I then saw my boyfriend and daughter walk into the room.. but their heads were gone...and they went up in flames... I then felt a dark spirit and heard a very loud sinister voice in my head... I felt like it went on forever.. and when I finally woke up I was shaking uncontrollably and felt the weakest I'd have every felt.. what was this?

Jun 18, 2015
I was shocked NEW
by: Anonymous

I woke up from a 45 min nap and I got up but I wasn't up, I hadnt moved at all, at first I thought I was extremely tired and might have gotten up and somehow fell back down but after more attempts on trying to get up I didnt, honestly a lot of weird things happen to me so I really didn't freak out that much. The main thing that bothered me was I could actually see and feel myself getting up, everything was vivid and real but when I tried to walk I'd somehow was still laying in my bed, I eventually took a deep breathe and pushed myself up and actually got up but I attempted that about 9 times before I actually got up.

Jun 18, 2015
I was shocked NEW
by: Anonymous

I woke up from a 45 min nap and I got up but I wasn't up, I hadnt moved at all, at first I thought I was extremely tired and might have gotten up and somehow fell back down but after more attempts on trying to get up I didnt, honestly a lot of weird things happen to me so I really didn't freak out that much. The main thing that bothered me was I could actually see and feel myself getting up, everything was vivid and real but when I tried to walk I'd somehow was still laying in my bed, I eventually took a deep breathe and pushed myself up and actually got up but I attempted that about 9 times before I actually got up.

Jun 20, 2015
Paralyzed in my sleep. NEW
by: Chantal

So I've been having the exact same dream for a while now. I dreamt it again last and when I woke up I was so scared that I ran up to my parents room and ended up sleeping there (mind you I'm 18 years old).
Basically what happened was I was at home and I can't quite remember every sordid detail but I do remember a girl in my kitchen, for a minute I think it's. She had dark hair and had it up in a bun and was wearing casual clothes. I couldn't really see her face because it was dark and every time I would try to turn the light on it would just flicker a little bit and for some reason I felt like she was the one controlling the lights. She was also holding a massive knife as well and she didn't say anything but I knew it was for me. After that I was back in my bed and I kept trying to wake up but I couldn't move my body and I kept calling my mum for help and it was like I could hear everyone around me but I couldn't wake up. I finally managed to move my finer and pinch my self on my leg and woke up but the whole feeling of it all was so scary that I couldn't go back to sleep.

Jun 25, 2015
I couldn't open my eyes NEW
by: Anonymous

I just got extremely confused this morning cause in my dream i couldn't open my eyes... I know alot of it was a dream because there people that I new but never hang with in them but I was also trying to asked them to help me with my eyes 👀 and they just seem very confused as I am now that I'm awake trying to remember everything...
How often will this happen?

Jul 01, 2015
Sleep troubles NEW
by: Amanda

Last night when my husband came home from work. I was a sleep. I had the urge to get up, but I couldn't wake up. Then I just jumped out of bed and could feel the carpet on my feet but I wasn't wake. I walked back to my bed to see my self asleep within a second I woke up on my bed trying to go to my husband. The second time I seen him but looking at my kitchen it was right walked back upstairs to find my self asleep and when I actually woke up I was confused. Like did I just go down stairs or not. Even though even walking I could feel everything along with what I touched I could feel. Any idea what is going on. It's happening more and more.

Jul 04, 2015
Tools for waking up from sleep paralysis and lucid dreams NEW
by: Novice no voice

I go through sleep paralysis way more than I want too some a short vision and I'm awake other times it feels like I have to "guide myself to the light". It's never easy to stay calm, but for waking back up I've noticed that trying to scream or move don't work that well because those are the part of the body functions most suppressed by REM (duh). I sometimes go through sleep paralysis multiple times in a night so I kind of make it a game (how did I feel, what did I see, hear, how long does it take to wake up)

Best ways to wake up:
1wiggle your toes
2hold your breath
3before you go to sleep set your room up to be more dark friendly open blinds a little

*advanced* the Rapid eye movement is side to side if you can move your eyes up and down or in circles you will unconsciously break the cycle and wake up

Jul 04, 2015
sleep paralysis in dreaming NEW
by: sneh parsaniya

I felt right as you say but is it possible sleep paralysis happened twice in three minutes in my dream not in reality?
Tell me about my dream
"I saw I wake up but can't move or speak and can't open my eyes after some seconds I was normal then drink water and again go to sleep then again its happened second time and longer then first .i just tried to move my body but can't also try to shower water on my face but water can't touch face then after I suddenly wake up from this "

Jul 05, 2015
wanting to wake up NEW
by: Angela

I was recently hospitalized for this. Four out of seven days, I lye helpless in my bed, trapped, unable to move or communicate for days. My doctors gave me minipress to minimize my nightmares and reduce the anxiety induced paralysis. I still have nightmares, but not nearly as graphic. The overwhelming anxiety has subsided. But I'm still unable to get out of bed at least a few days a week. This has me totally frightened and depressed, because I feel like an unproductive, lazy, ungrateful waste of space.

Jul 06, 2015
dream NEW
by: Anonymous

im 29 years old I had one of these lucid dreams!!! if you have seen the film incidious before it was the women in the spirit world who was standing in the corner of my room, it was so strange as I woke up shouting go away!! I can still remember it so clearly. trying to wake up but couldn't move not a nice feeling:(

Jul 07, 2015
Trapprd NEW
by: Anonymous

I've been having these dreams where I'm trapped in my dream and then I would wake up n still feel like I was trapped.. fir example.. my gf and I layed down to go to sleep one night.. I had a baby mattress nexd to my side of tbe bed agenst the wall... well my dream was her and I where in bed and we got loaded into the back of a box van.. or sonething. And in my dream I was slamming on the side of the truck walls and it was padded. Well I woke up still slamming but it was agenst the mattress .. it was pitch black in our room n I screamed to her
... we have to get out if here baby.. we have to get out.. I actually got up and walked around the bed all the way to the door before I knew I was awake. It was so real.. she was very concerned. . It has happend 4 times.. but diffrent situations. This is a very extremely scary dream .. can anyone help me with this?

Jul 09, 2015
by: Anonymous

this happened to me last night, the exact thing except I was actually already awake. I opened my eyes and saw a huge black shadow hovering me. My whole bed was shaking (not from me) and I couldn't move or speak. I felt as though there was pressure on my chest. I tried to yell someone's name in the house for help because I didn't know what was happening. Then I finally broke the "force". Can it still be considered sleep paralyis if you are awake?

Jul 17, 2015
I get this all the time after lucid dreamer. NEW
by: Anonymous

I can finally lucid dream but now I get these ALL THE TIME just exactly what that person said, I am in the same position and my hands feel heavy I can't move them or I move them really slowwww and my eyes I can't open them? They automatically want to close and eventually I can open them and then I'm awake? You know when you realize in a dream and say I'm dreaming. When I do that when I JUST WOKE UP I get paralyzed?

Jul 25, 2015
Feeling stuck NEW
by: Dee Step

I often have dreams were something scary and odd is happening, for an example:I remember being "asleep" but not really asleep. My whole body want numb and u was trying to move my arms and open my eyes but just couldn't . then it had seemed like I woke up from a dream within my dream and everything was fine. But after a while I got an in easy feeling and I believe I saw a strange figure and it made a very strange noise with its mouth and then it was over. I found it most alarming that when I "woke up it was in the exact same position that my dream left of. This caused me to question if this was a dream or not. If there is anyway to prevent this please let me know because this has happened on more the one occasion.
Thank you -Dee

Jul 31, 2015
dreams within dreams NEW
by: Linz

I am so happy to see others have had this same experience. I was home alone and took an afternoon nap, which is unusual for me. I felt myself begin to wake up after a few hours and I groggily got out of bed and walked toward my bedroom door. Then all of a sudden I was back in the bed and I realized I was still dreaming. So, then aware I'm still asleep I try to wake myself and open my eyes and get out of bed for real this time. So I stand up and feel so heavy and walk toward the door again. I can hear faint voices in the other rooms and it scares me because I'm supposed to be home alone. I somehow realize I'm still asleep and I'm instantly back in the bed. This time I decide to try to force myself awake by manually opening my eyes with my fingers but I realize I can't move my arms, or legs. It was such a scary feeling. I tried so hard to open my eyes but I just couldn't. It took what felt like at least 15 minutes for me to lay there and focus on waking up and trying to open my eyes before I finally did. I knew instantly I was for real awake that time, but my body still felt so heavy. I had a migraine that evening, which is not common for me. I've only had migraines twice in my life before. I'm not sure if the incidents are related but all of it was scary.

Aug 02, 2015
Wondering NEW
by: Deadpool420

See a couple times I'll be asleep, but then I'll wake up and I'll know I want to open my eyes but I can't, and I feel like my dreams are tugging me back in but my mind doesn't want to go. Feels like if I don't wake up immediately I'll just die in my sleep or something. Like there's no control.

Aug 08, 2015
same i faced NEW
by: Anonymous

same i faced today first time i was terrified but good to c i am not alone i thought i am dead i was screaming and shouting i can not die

Aug 11, 2015
paralyzed at work NEW
by: Pman

What linz described above me is exactly what happens to me sometimes. It only ever happens when I nap during the day, so I really try my hardest not to. But, today at work I was called in for a meeting. When I got there, the meeting was delayed an hour so I put my legs up and closed my eyes for a second. I must have been very tired because I fell asleep instantly. I woke up to myself falling backwards off the chair, but it was very slowly. I tried to put my hand up on the wall to brace myself. I could feel the wall, but when I looked I could not see my arm. When I looked down my hands were still crossed on my chest. Finally the chair fell and all of a sudden I was back in an upright position. I also tried manually opening my eyes with my fingers and when I did I saw a figure standing in front of me. (Keep in mind the room and everything about it felt completely real, and although I had only ever been in this room once, every detail was vivid). The figure moved towards me. I wasn't scared because I was at work and convinced myself that no harm could come to me at work. I tried standing up but my limbs were super heavy and I couldn't even peel my head off the chair. Again I tried pushing myself up, but when I looked down, there were my hands nicely crossed on my chest. Finally in one last attempt I flexed every muscle and finally my one eye opened. I could feel cool air rush against my eyeball and instantly knew it was for real this time. My head felt like it was full of sand and my hands and legs had pins and needles. I hunched over before standing to get a glass of water. I looked at my phone and the whole ordeal only took about 8 or 9 minutes, but felt like forever. I've had this happen once or twice at home as well. Always during the day though. Scary stuff, I couldn't imagine being a victim of sleep paralysis where people feel like they are being killed or having a demon or ghost on top of them.

Aug 30, 2015
can't wake up while I am dreaming NEW
by: Kaitlyn

I was dreaming and in my dream I simply can't wake up it would show me waking up then falling back to sleep several times. I need help, any suggestions on what this might be?

Sep 02, 2015
ghost boy NEW
by: jessica

i had gone to bed with my fiance at the time. i fell asleep quickly which was unusual. and into a deep sleep. i dreamt that i was on a family vacation by a lake. the lakehouse was nice and big. our first day there wasnt unusual. swimming, laughing and playing. the second day, i noticed a boy who was wearing swim trunks and he was really pale and out of sorts. i talked to him for a bit and he told me to follow him. reluctantly, i did. he led me to a log that was stuck in the shallows of the lake. he pointed and he said look for me. my parents think that i was kidnapped. so i lifted up the log and got stuck under it, trapped with the boys rotting body. i woke to my fiance shaking me and telling me that i wasnt breathing or moving and he thought i was dead. it scared me to death that i actually thought i would have died if he didnt wake me

Sep 08, 2015
sleep paralysis hearing a loud white noise and feeling totally paralyzed NEW
by: Pauly pops

Anyone that has experienced sleep paralysis it’s one of those freaky things hearing a loud white noise out of nowhere and feeling totally paralyzed with no escape, I experience it a lot when I was younger but never knew what it was, it happened again for the first time the other night 40 years later, even though I couldn’t move I was able to shake my head to release myself from it & that’s how I was always able to escape.

I always wondered what would happen if I didn’t escape from it and rode it out, the experience was way too scary to try so I never did. I never knew it was a common experience until today.

For me it was always the same noise, it started soft and got louder and louder then panic kicked in though not being able to move. Its good to know I’m not the only one. Id like to know if everyone that experiences this in the same way or is it a different experience for everyone.

Sep 18, 2015
When I dream and shake in my sleep NEW
by: Lucy Coulter

For the last 2 nights I have been having the same dream where i am crossing the road and when i come off the pavement i trip in my dream but when this happens my body shakes in my sleep. I don't know why and how that can happen but it feels really weird and i neec answers for my concern.

Sep 21, 2015
False awakening????? NEW
by: Ciniee

Lately when Ive been taking naps I realize that I'm asleep and get mad at myself for sleeping too long so I try to get out of bed but can't so I try to call out for my sister or boyfriend but i can't speak or it only comes out as mumbling or humming. I'll also try to lift my arms or legs but they feel so heavy so they only go up a couple inches or so. Also I'll dream that my sister heard me and wakes me up only to realize I'm still dreaming and it happens all over again. Such an ugly feeling really makes me not want to sleep

Sep 27, 2015
I saw a shadow after waking from a nightmare NEW
by: dave

I woke from a nightmare , I was fully awake,it was frightening & I screached aloud.I never have bad dreams.The dream seemed to be in 2 parts, the ending of second part is were the dream becomes paranormal. In the dream I am on a ship which is still docked, there us a girl or doll girl with her back turned , I am thirsty & don't want to draw her attention for some reason.I turn a drinking fountain towards me & drink no disturbing her, next I am on dry land looking up at ship the girl or doll is in doorway, a shadow flys out of her &past me, I watch this happen & I am not very scared I wake from dream turn my head & see a small shadow.I screamed , I had full movement& awake , I remember a cat behind shadow as well, I was very shaken the next day,& still a bothered a day later..

Oct 05, 2015
Sleep NEW
by: Anonymous

I go in to a dream an can't wake up I can't speak or move sometimes I am in a dream of a dream 2 -3 dreams I am in I remember when I didn't sleep for weeks BC of the shadow people now I can't move or speak an my dreams keep getting in to other dreams an its a shadow figure again please what to do?

Oct 07, 2015
My dreams are amazing and vivid NEW
by: Anonymous

I love sleep and have some really nice amazing dreams sometimes. But I have experienced the fear I think that is has to do with the paralysis which happens to me. I think it brain is in the panic state because of the fact that u are paralyzed. I get so panicky and it feels like it's the end of the world I almost feel like I'm in pain too. However my dreams themselves are so cool and interesting . I think I may have narcolepsy and am debating whether I should get treatment or not because I really love my dreams

Oct 07, 2015
strange NEW
by: Anonymous

i am 27 years old and for the first time in my life i felt i had no control over what was happening to me ....don't know if i am posting in the reverent part but here it goes....i was in bed watching TV felt tired so turned everything off and just went to sleep ,then i woke to watching my self sleep on my living room floor with in a split second it went from me watching over to actually being in my body and that's when it started i got dragged across the floor i moved my upper part of my body but it was so hard ....i was crying and screaming for help but feel on deaf years ...i managed to get up as i was dragged behind my sofa and that is wear i felt paralysed from waist down it was like the presence was toying with me choosing what part of me to paralyse i could not get my electricity trip switch to stay up so could have no power this was after i just found my self in bed then but felt like something was still their but wasn't doing anything at the time.....but one thing that is for sure and i know for a fact is that when i felt tired and turned everything off i was laying on my right side of my body to go to sleep but as i sut my eyes a red light like laser pen was pointed in my left eye and that was it i was slepping

Oct 09, 2015
i thought I was alone in this NEW
by: frank

Guess I wasn't. I can't explain it either but I don't think its(sleep paralasis science) u kno? There's definitly more to it I believe its something spiritual or beyond maybe. Maybe evil entities messing with us possibly. That's my oppinion. Wish I knew how to stop it I've tryd thinking "the power of crist compels you" type thoughts just about everything. I been goin threw it since I was a kid I'm 25 now. I've woke up to someon screeming.. woke up felt like being hit but without pain kind of like 2 magnets repelling fealing. A lot of weird stuff... maybe trying not to fear is the best way u know? Try not fearing fear maybe itl lose its power

Oct 11, 2015
Can't wake up NEW
by: Anonymous

Please help when u wake up sometimes it's like I am paralysed my eyes are open sometimes but most of the time I know u am awake but can't move or speak I try calling for help but can't do anything this started when I was pregnant with my son please help

Oct 27, 2015
physical feeling NEW
by: sharon

i had this paralysis last night for first time in about 5 years. i hear muffles voices and a sense there was a presence but also and more vividly, what felt like a childs hand softly pinching my left cheek and jaw bone. out of fear i woke myself up but quickly fell back into the nightmare of it again exactly the same as before 3 times until i managed to stay awake for 5 minutes. Scary!

Oct 29, 2015
i dont know if im amazed or scared NEW
by: Dave

uhm. Im only 15. this really scares me but im getting used to it. I can stop this by trying to close my eyes and open it with force, try it again and again and it is working.

My problem is, how to control these lucid thingy.

and I think this can only happen if youre thinking of it before sleeping or youre scared to feel it again.

Nov 03, 2015
Scary sleep NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi everyone,
Its good to read about people that are having very similar experiences with this. I've been experiencing sleep paralysis since I was a child and I'm nearly 30 now.
When I was a student I had lots of lucid type dreams where I would "wake" in my room and leave my bed, but the duvet would always still be attached to me. I could wonder around, but if I tried to grasp something my hand would go straight though it. Sometimes Id be aware of people in my room, but they would always be in my peripheral vision so I could never tell exactly who it was. I even once managed to recognise I was dreaming and thought it would be great to see if I could fly, but then the dream took over and I lost control - would love to know how to control this better, but unfortunately I have not experienced this for a while now. More recently the dreaming has become rare and usually I am just asleep then suddenly become aware of my room. I start to panic when I realise I cant move my limbs, or speak- sometimes its difficult to breathe too. Luckily my partner is used to this happening to me. Even though it feels as though I am screaming for her to wake me up, she tells me that I'm just breathing heavily & irregularly and making the odd sound so she wakes me. It can be very scary when she is not there though. I have learnt that if I start to struggle and try to wake myself up it usually takes longer and can be quite painful - I have sometimes woken with headaches from straining so much. I have learnt to just accept what's happening, relax and try to control my breathing. Usually after around 10- 20 seconds I can take a deep breath in - as if I'm about to hold my breath and I usually pull myself out of it. I absolutely hate it, but have come to realise that I am not going to die, its just quite frightening.

Nov 05, 2015
I need someone's help NEW
by: Jenny

I am 17. Just a little bit ago I was asleep and dreaming I was with my mom and we was going to eat well then I ended up somewhere idk where and the little girl was dying and everyone covered their face with their books except me cause I didn't have one and she kept growling at me and making faces and she scratched me on my leg and then before I know it I woke up I couldn't breathe tried yelling for my mom and couldn't I couldn't move I tried grabbing my phone to call my mom since I couldn't yell for her and I said in my head for the love of god get out of me and I started praying in my head for god to get me through this then seconds later to a minute I was able to move and breathe but was scared to death so much I woke my mom up and I started crying as telling her what happened. She said she thinks it's just my nerves cause it's been a stressful week.and i was probably having a panic attack. I need your opinions as to what you think this is and what can I do to make it stop?

Nov 06, 2015
lucid dreaming NEW
by: azhaan

when i was 5 i had a dream where i was one of myself and there was a duplicat.I woke up and forgot everything. It is lucid dreaming then my life changed.

Nov 06, 2015
lucid dreaming NEW
by: azhaan

when i was 5 i had a dream where i was one of myself and there was a duplicat.I woke up and forgot everything. It is lucid dreaming then my life changed.

Nov 11, 2015
same experience NEW
by: Christine

I recently had the same experience but when I woke up my eyes were open. I kept looking at my hand and it felt like I was moving but the image I saw was that my hand was not moving at all. I then lifted my head up a little and I saw myself sleeping. It was very strange and I was kinda scared and upset. I then felt something touch my shoulder and I looked over. I saw a hand. I then reached over and touched the hand and held it but my real hand and arm didn't move. It was more like my spirit left my body and touched it. I then sat myself up which was really hard to do but again it wasn't my real body and I felt really heavy so I laid back down. Then I was able to move inside my real body again.

Nov 17, 2015
Confused. NEW
by: Meaghan

If someone could explain what this is would really help! .. I could be wide awake trying to sleep but all of a sudden it feels like my whole body is spinning , first my head would start spinning and then down through my whole body but i dont think this is sleep paralysis because i can open my eyes and move around? very confused as this has happened to me 2 or 3 times in a month mostly happens right before i fall asleep!but i can move and open my eyes and cose my eyes and a minute after it happens again . im not concerned as i wake up normally and dream normally as i can controll what i am dreaming but this spinning feeling i get is unexplainable and would really like to know what it is .. Thank you!

Dec 14, 2015
Waking up in Dreams NEW
by: Sandra

Sometimes, an entire year will pass and it never happens. Other times, it can happen a few times per month.

I've noticed stress is a trigger. I always know right away that I'm in a dream and not really paralyzed but it never makes it easier to understand and always leaves me feeling like I've had little to no sleep the next day :(

Jan 01, 2016
I think I woke myself up NEW
by: Taylor

In my dream I was sitting on my bed with a man, about to go out with my mom, sister, and the man, who was a lover of my moms, except he was an Indian man who looked a lot like the guy from "Master of None" on Netflix and his name was Mike which is the name of a man my mother almost dated, and she also almost dated an Indian man named Sheldon awhile back. For some reason I thought he was Mark, they guy she is dating now, and he was gonna take us out to a concert at a café. He started kissing me, and I kissed back for awhile, and then I realized that not only was it weird that I was kissing my mothers guy, but that I am a sixteen year old girl being kissed by a grown man. I realize that he isn't Mark, and I say so, but then I think that it should be okay for me to be thinking it would be normal for Mark to be kissing me either. At this point I begin to panick, I call to my mother for help but my voice is small and hoarse and she can't hear me, I get really scared and he grabs my arms and I can't move. Then I wake up, in the place where I was having the nap, but I can't move, and I feel the "lead blanket" except it's really concentrated on my biceps, where he held my arms and I couldn't get away. My mom is standing above me and I say "mom, I can't move my arms." She replied with something along the lines of "I know honey". That's when I woke up for real, in the same spot, able to move, and with my mother no where around me, although I can still feel a kind of tension in my biceps where I was grabbed and couldn't move the most. Did my body force myself awake because I was about to have a dream about getting molested? Not being able to scream loud enough or be strong enough to get away is a theme I've had in other dreams. What's the significance of the name confusion, and why was he an Indian man, was he Sheldon (who never touched me) or was I just pulling faces from my memory of seeing the thumb for "Master of None" on Netflix or am I unconsciously racist towards Indian people?

Jan 01, 2016
I think I woke myself up NEW
by: Taylor

In my dream I was sitting on my bed with a man, about to go out with my mom, sister, and the man, who was a lover of my moms, except he was an Indian man who looked a lot like the guy from "Master of None" on Netflix and his name was Mike which is the name of a man my mother almost dated, and she also almost dated an Indian man named Sheldon awhile back. For some reason I thought he was Mark, they guy she is dating now, and he was gonna take us out to a concert at a café. He started kissing me, and I kissed back for awhile, and then I realized that not only was it weird that I was kissing my mothers guy, but that I am a sixteen year old girl being kissed by a grown man. I realize that he isn't Mark, and I say so, but then I think that it should be okay for me to be thinking it would be normal for Mark to be kissing me either. At this point I begin to panick, I call to my mother for help but my voice is small and hoarse and she can't hear me, I get really scared and he grabs my arms and I can't move. Then I wake up, in the place where I was having the nap, but I can't move, and I feel the "lead blanket" except it's really concentrated on my biceps, where he held my arms and I couldn't get away. My mom is standing above me and I say "mom, I can't move my arms." She replied with something along the lines of "I know honey". That's when I woke up for real, in the same spot, able to move, and with my mother no where around me, although I can still feel a kind of tension in my biceps where I was grabbed and couldn't move the most. Did my body force myself awake because I was about to have a dream about getting molested? Not being able to scream loud enough or be strong enough to get away is a theme I've had in other dreams. What's the significance of the name confusion, and why was he an Indian man, was he Sheldon (who never touched me) or was I just pulling faces from my memory of seeing the thumb for "Master of None" on Netflix or am I unconsciously racist towards Indian people?

Jan 19, 2016
Hole I'm april NEW
by: Anonymous

Holle I'm April n I'm 20 n I just had a dream the other day when I was trying to wake up but I couldn't n I was trying to move my feet , my hands , n scream but I couldn't n the first night that happened it was crazy but any ways I was sleep and I seen thus black shadow on the other side of the cover but I didn't see what it was sorry I know it's kinda hard to understand what I'm saying buying seen the hands go up and down but it looked like it had some different type of fingers then I tryed to hurry and wake up but I start praying then I woke up and told my boyfriend the. Today 01-19-2016 I was taken a nap just a min ago and I was dreaming about me and my boyfriend about to lay down but he had disappeared n something else was on my back n I see it , it was all black dark black too n the eyes was white n I can feel the sids on the bed go down like some one was just on the sides of me

Jan 24, 2016
Weird dream NEW
by: Erik

I just woke up from some crazy dream I was asleep with my sister when I woke up on the room (which looked completely the same) and I was paralyzed but when I tried yelling I couldn't finally I called for my mom and sometimes I could and other times my voice would some what crack then I saw shadows around the room so I yell for my dad twice and they were loud in clear I then woke up only to be in the same situation in another dream,now I can't sleep. What just happend???

Feb 06, 2016
horrible NEW
by: Vic

I rember waking up or something like that all i know is in my drean i was awake i was able to see but not my eviroment i saw swirliness i i
also had this lack to breathe i think i was laying ony back Then i rember trying to wake myself up i was talking very loud in my dream atleast teying too but all i cpuld hear was little faint talking i finally woke up i was so scared i didnt know whay this was i was fineafter tgat just alittle scared abf then i did some reaserach i dont know if this is what this is is this what is experince is? I still dont know i also remeber being very scared all i could hear was heart beating ....

Love, Vic~

Feb 06, 2016
by: Vic

Hello there kevin

Well i had this dream or soemthing like that but then i felt like i couldnt breathe i was scared i only heard my heart beat i could see but i didnt see my eviorment i saw swirls i remeber telling myself at the top of my lungs "WAKE UP" "WAKE UP"i was so scared after alittle while of this SNAP i wake up i am scared to death i feel like i cpuldnt breath for a lilttle but because of my nightmare/livemare i dont know i was fine after this! Can you please tell me if this is this or not?
Also, excuse my puntutaion mistakes E.T.C

Love, Vic

Feb 25, 2016
cant wake up on your own NEW
by: Anonymous

but what does it meAn when someone else HAS to wake you up cause YOU cat on your own

Mar 17, 2016
bad dream with big headic /forgetting things NEW
by: Aisha

Hi I had a really bad dream as soon as i woke up i forgot my dream and my head was in big pain qbd i was dizzy what does it mean can u help!?!?

Apr 04, 2016
Hate sleeping anymore NEW
by: Anonymous

Last night i had a dream that i was dreaming and couldn't wake myself up. I couldn't move in my dream or call out for help but there was something or someone preventing me from waking up.It lasted along time and in my dream i was terrified. I started to pray in my dream and that's when i woke up. This has happened alot to me over the years. Its very scary.

Apr 09, 2016
Scariest thing I ever experienced NEW
by: HM

A similar thing happened to me. In my dream I was sleeping and then trying to wake up but I couldn't move. And every time I tried to open my eyes, I saw mmy actual room which scared the heck out of me in my dream. That's when I woke up. I immediately fell back asleep but it happened again that I couldn't move. I was screaming in my dream. Trying to scream for help and I was pulling my hair trying to get my head to move. I was trying to wake myself in my dream.

Apr 21, 2016
Terrified NEW
by: Anonymous

I was laying down tonight and I felt someone hovering over me - I opened my eyes really fast and it was my dad hovering over me to see how I was beating before he went to bed (he just came home from work) but this freaked me out a little. After this I had a dream but I was still lying in the same spot. I tried to move my body and I did move it a little, but hardly. This was odd. I was slowly becoming paralyzed in my dream, in the same setting. My whole body was completely numb. I heard my mom in the bathroom and called for her and she heard me. She asked me what was wrong and I said to come here, that I couldn't move and couldn't feel anything. I slowly rised in bed but everything was frozen - my neck was frozen along with my arms and I couldn't move them. She said something, not sure what, but my reply was "No,no,no. I can't feel anything. I can't move. HELP ME." She turned on the light and said "oh my god...oh my god" in one of the lost terrifying voices I've ever heard. I have school in the morning but don't have the desire to go back to sleep. If this wasn't sleep paralysis, what was it? I could raise myself up but was slowly becoming unable to move - let my clarify this was not when I was going to sleep. It was when I was waking up.

Apr 25, 2016
scary NEW
by: dianne

I Have the feeling that I am being held by my hands and feet. I CAN feel the fingers. I used to fight but now I relax and slowly uncurl the hands from my extremities.... scary as.... happens a lot. the more often as I get older

Apr 29, 2016
Same NEW
by: Anonymous

The same thing just happened to me I had a dream about laying in bed and it felt real like real life and I tried to move but I was stuck to my bed and I couldn't move my left arm or leg to get up they felt very heavy so I finnaly got up and I just stood in my room Triying to open my eyes because it felt like someone was forcing them close because they wouldn't open and when I finnaly got them to open I went into another normal dream

May 09, 2016
Finally an answer NEW
by: Anonymous

This has happened once or twice a year since I was 17 - I'm 49. I had one this morning and realized what was happening and started screaming to try and wake myself up. I finally have an answer - thank you!!

May 13, 2016
testing to see if i'm actually awake, but can't wake up NEW
by: Anonymous

This happened last night for the first time in a few years, but the common factor seems to be that I was a bit sleep-derived and on an erratic/unusual sleep schedule.

I don't have the same sense of an "evil presence", or something on my chest, though I often feel as though I'm suffocating and then worry that I might die if I don't wake up.

I get lots of "false awakenings" (usually at least 5) and it gives me anxiety to think I might not get "out of the cycle". I have learned to test things, though, to at least know if I'm in a dream. For example, I made myself fall backwards, and instead of hitting the ground, I would sink into it for a while. Or I tried to turn on my phone's light to see if my eyes would perceive the light, but then I noticed that I had my long-gone flip-phone in my hand instead. Or I'll look at the surroundings and ask myself whether it's really the place I would wake up in. Sometimes I try to take advantage of the ability to do unreal stuff to have fun sexually in the dream.

I've seen and heard advice to do something like wiggle my toes, and I've tried that, but it doesn't seem to work, nor does trying to scream. I remember once thrashing and flailing around in my bed, only to wake up and find that my comforter was perfectly in place, haha.

It's sounds funny as I write it, but it's always a stressful experience and when I finally really actually truly for-sure definitely 100% wake up, there is lingering discomfort.

May 13, 2016
testing to see if i'm actually awake, but can't wake up NEW
by: Anonymous

This happened last night for the first time in a few years, but the common factor seems to be that I was a bit sleep-derived and on an erratic/unusual sleep schedule.

I don't have the same sense of an "evil presence", or something on my chest, though I often feel as though I'm suffocating and then worry that I might die if I don't wake up.

I get lots of "false awakenings" (usually at least 5) and it gives me anxiety to think I might not get "out of the cycle". I have learned to test things, though, to at least know if I'm in a dream. For example, I made myself fall backwards, and instead of hitting the ground, I would sink into it for a while. Or I tried to turn on my phone's light to see if my eyes would perceive the light, but then I noticed that I had my long-gone flip-phone in my hand instead. Or I'll look at the surroundings and ask myself whether it's really the place I would wake up in. Sometimes I try to take advantage of the ability to do unreal stuff to have fun sexually in the dream.

I've seen and heard advice to do something like wiggle my toes, and I've tried that, but it doesn't seem to work, nor does trying to scream. I remember once thrashing and flailing around in my bed, only to wake up and find that my comforter was perfectly in place, haha.

It's sounds funny as I write it, but it's always a stressful experience and when I finally really actually truly for-sure definitely 100% wake up, there is lingering discomfort.

May 13, 2016
In great need of help NEW
by: Mima

I just read through the comments, it's such a relief to know that a some people experience this condition too not not just me.Lately it's getting really scarry and annoying, I hAve them at night, when I'm napping,and even in the morning. I'm a student so the regular occurrence of SP is really effecting me n my studies coz I lose a lot of time trying to wake up. Plus I'm feeling scared of going to sleep coz the feeling is pure terror!! Plz help me what should I do?! And will this ever go away??!

May 16, 2016
I keep having dreams on dreams of an unknown force lifting up NEW
by: Anonymous

I've been having dreams of waking up but I'm not wake and I try to get up but I fall back down, then something pulls me back up again. Do I have ghosts in my house, or do I have something wrong with me?

May 26, 2016
Paralyzed WHEN FALLING ASLEEP**Not dreaming NEW
by: Scott

I've read many posts but I'm still confused. I just had 3 experiences just now ,,Back to back to back.(it's 3a.m in CA) I've had them off and on throughout my life but never more than once in a night as I did right now. AS I AM FALLING INTO SLEEP (looked at clock after happened first time it's about 10 min. After I shut eyes).. I hear a LOUD BUZZZZZZZZZ INTO sound THAT gets louder but higher pitched till I am scared because buzzing stops and I realize I can't move. I try to yell but I can't. I try to move but I can't, until barely feeling my toe move eventually and eventually waking up in fright. My gf shook me this last time as I was making weird was me trying to yell I told her.i saw her shake me, i just could wake myself or move or anything..explained to her what I felt. She is Mexican n says it's evil spirits sitting on me. I'm white n don't beleive those things. But I know what I heard loud n clear everytime it has ever happen3d it's that same buzzing and I know I'm about to feel that same experience. and know what I felt.and it is a scary feeling of helplessness. Everytime it has ever happened IT WAS AS I AM GOING TO SLEEP when I hear that infamous buzzing that gets louder and higher pitched till BAM I'M IN THAT STATE OF HELPLESSNESS AGAIN. I just went sober 2 weeks ago if that means only happened maybe once a year since I was 15. Tonight it has been 3 times the same buzzing noise, the same Paralyzed feeling, I can think, I can try n try to wake up right away but can't. I'm not dreaming, I don't beleive it's evil spirits,it's just scary obviously and very freaky. Happened twice 3 weeks ago.First time I googled it now. But I'm still confused. It's only wen I'm going to sleep and what's up with the SAME BUZZING NOICE AND EXPERIENCE IN MY SITUATION? Any input is welcome. Much peace and love to all. I am a happy positive person. Idk why it's happening to me. I don't want to sleep....well I'm probly going to watch t.v n fall asleep come sunlight.i do beleive in God and I'm going to go to church since I stopped going but still scientific views welcome! I wanna repeat again it ONLY HAPPENS AS I AM FALLING ASLEEP N I START FIGHTING IT AS SOON AS THE BUZZING NOISE STARTS. GODBLESS.

Jun 19, 2016
Felt weird NEW
by: Anonymous

So I took a nap today and I had a dream where I was with other people and I had paint or some type of chemical thing and I accidentally dropped it and I guess if you breathe it in it will kill you. So I was freaking out in my dream. And I felt myself dying,but in my dream I knew I was dreaming and I was awake but my eyes were closed. In my dream I felt my heart rate grow quicker and I felt lack of oxygen and just felt myself about to die. And I tried to wake myself up but couldn't. Then I woke up and was sweating not so bad. This was probably one of the weirdest dream I had. It was kind of interesting to expirence but terrifying,but I'm not really scared at all . Lol

Jun 23, 2016
Help NEW
by: Anonymous

Wow after reading these comments ime panicking. I have these dreams whilst going to sleep. Even within half an hour like one just now. I can have them as a follow on from.a film or anything. They are scarey. I feel touch literally and it's awful. I keep waking up but it carries on. I hear voices and I also hear my own mumbles although very hard to speak. These happen at the early part. Any advice please

Jun 30, 2016
dieing in my sleep NEW
by: Anonymous

Long story short....
in my dream i had some new drug given to me for my back pain. shortly after i went into cardiac arrest. when the Dr.s tried to help i saw them putting a breathing tube in me and i died. it felt like about 5-10 mins after that my eyes slowly opened up as if i was coming out of surgery and thats how i woke up. not scared but very calm. i just wasnt sure what just happened to me. i have never died in my sleep before. if you fall from a building you wake up before you hit the ground. well i didnt wake up till after i was dead.

Jul 16, 2016
Bizarre Dream States NEW
by: Christopher

They started when I was 5. I either started dreaming while I was still semi-awake, or, I became semi-awake while I was dreaming.

These episodes have continued throughout my entire life. I am now 48 and still have them. Many of the 'symptoms' match Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder and the condition mentioned in this article.

In my mid Twenties, I approached Lucid Dreaming as an explanation. Even dabbled with Castenada a bit. There are many 'sources' that come close to describing my experiences, however, none of them mention the main (and most terrifying) aspect that I have experienced. The sound.

Imagine the sound of a lightening bolt and silk ripping at the same time. Entering this state, I can 'hear' this sound as an electrical buzzing in the center of my head. The scary part is the 'falling into the infinite void' sensation that accompanies it. I feel as if I will cease to exist if I don't wake up.

It is that struggle with not crossing that boundary, yet, not being able to pull away from it, that most of my 'lucid' states occur. I get stuck and usually scare the hell out of people when the 'unseen terror' has me waking LOUDLY!

I have even tried to 'let myself go' just to see what will happen. I was physically affected for days. The sleep mode that we feel when we first wake up stayed with me for 3 days.

The parallels that I see in paranormal literature seems to correlate with many of my symptoms. But, I am no kook. Even many 'alien encounters' that I have read about are similar in effect.

But, I am too rational to believe that. I know it is simply a by-product of a sleep syndrome of some sort.

But, it is the sound in my head that I cannot find in any literature on the subject. And it is the same every time. No matter how varied the dream state is (projecting energy-leaving my body-wrestling with invisible forces-etc)that sound always accompanies it. And yes, the 'lucid' bits are FAR more real than normal dreams.

I can also remain in a semi-lucid state and continue dreaming while not waking fully. I can even get up, walk across my room, hit the snooze button, get back in bed, and continue to dream for hours if allowed. I can even interact with those dreams to a degree.

I have never practiced this. I have never bought into any New Age mumbo jumbo. I accept it as a neurological experience and nothing more. But, it makes me weird.

Does any of this make sense?

Jul 16, 2016
Dream states paralysis NEW
by: Wanda

Usually brought on by a sense of need to be somewhere. Wake and get up several times to find I am still dreaming. This time tried moving my hands and in my last couple attempts to wake thought I actually felt my hands rubbing my face to wake up. At the last, I was looking down at the covers over me and although in the dream (lucid dreaming?) I could see my arms still under covers so I hadn't rubbed my face and my legs unmoved though I had dreamed throwing the covers back and sitting up. So real it was scary. Called to the Lord to let me wake and my eyes opened for real but I was very stiff and took a minute to move. Weird stuff.

Jul 16, 2016
Dark entities NEW
by: Anonymous

A lot of you talk of dark or evil/alien entities being a part of this experience. I don't know if any are believers of Jesus and the Bible, but if you are, none can hurt you because you are a child of God. Call on Him or, in faith of His power in you, command those beings/entities/whatever away from you in Christ's name. They have no power over Jesus!

Jul 19, 2016
Dreams within a dream NEW
by: Anonymous

Only recently I have started to experience having dreams within a dream. It's all a bit interesting to me but scary at the same time and I would like to know more. I thought their might be a reason behind it like stress or is it just normal to experience these dreams? Last night I dreamt that I woke up but I couldn't move my body or open my eyes, but some how even though I couldn't open my eyes I could see that I was in my room were I went to sleep next to my partner and I felt myself levitate. I then woke up from this dream in my room in the same place I was in my dream next to my partner. It all felt so real, can anyone help me understand this please?

Aug 07, 2016
Falling down free fall NEW
by: Anonymous

When I just woke up my mom told me wake in and eat apples, then I wanted to answer her but then a sound of air came like I was falling down or some spirit is pulling me from my back and i can't help my self I couldn't move it lasted for 5 minute.. I know how not to fear this and to break this paralysed dream. When you think this things has started donot think of a ghost, better something else ghost mind make you scared, it happened to me twice last time I saw ghost, so next you have to close your eyes and again relax you body to sleep and then try to wake up slowly.. It will help trust me..

Aug 20, 2016
Please help... NEW
by: Hania fatima

It sounds like paralysis. I can't move myself.but can shout cry.. But nobody listen me.I can see whatever going out side (waking world) even I can see if someone turned on the light.or someone came in my room. I saw someone coming to me and saw a beautiful girl sitting on my foot sit....I often asked her why you are disturbing me....I one day saw a woman coming to me when it came closer toe I realized that it was me....i couldn't saw her face but I woke up I found that she is wearing the same dress that I was wearing....Sometimes I heard that someome ight giving lecture...or heard that a boy is saying something.. A news reporter casting new all these sounds intermingled... And the state of paralysis start.... First time when I saw such dream I was in my grandma room she used to switch on zero that shadow could form...that night approximately at 2am in woke up...I saw a hand waving in the shadow which was drawn on the front... I was very scared... I just closed my eyes but in fact knews sleeping... A feel that a hand held (large one)my back tightly...I could feel the pain.....I read all the holy verses that I knew and seek help to God but nothing happened.. After few minutes I woke up... Plz help me and tell me it's reason... I just want to get rid of it.... I am suffering from last 3 year.and no one in my family and friends ever such dreams....

Sep 04, 2016
paralyzed in half dream NEW
by: Anonymous

Sir/madam, iam also experiencing the problem of paralyzing in a half dream,you will find that you are on the bed sleeping but you feel so paralyzed after sleeping but in that half sleep you hear like someone calling you and so irritating when you try to call someone you are sleeping with you are unable but consciously you even know the person you lying with in bed

Sep 08, 2016
Night from day sleeping NEW
by: Brittney

At night when my husband is home I sleep just fine but I get up every morning take him to work and sometimes I go back to sleep. It's like I will sleep for 20 minutes then hear a noise or dream and I will try to force my eyes open and I can't what does this mean.

Sep 14, 2016
My dreams NEW
by: Trish

It happens as I wake up I can see the room am parilized am trying to wake my husband beside me I no if he moves I'll wake up very scary

Sep 19, 2016
get up.get up.i cant move NEW
by: Reyna

I have read some of the stories and i got to say I'm happy well not happy but I feel better knowing I'm not the only one and that does take some weight off my's 9-18-2016 and I've been diagnose with fibromyalgia and im taking so many pills lately and i don't like pills but I can't get a good nite I've been getting this dream that i can't move or cry out for help.i do feel like I'm half awake and half asleep and sometimes I'm able to make alittle noise and i do remember kids say they do hear me trying to talk in my sleep.this scares me and I wake up with a bad feeling that comes over my body.this dream has been coming a lot least once a week now.i wish i didn't have to be worried about waken prayers go out to you guys in the same boat as me.

Sep 26, 2016
So scary. NEW
by: Anonymous

Events like this have always been a art of my life. Some people say they never experience this (lucky them) at first I just thought my house was hunted then as I grew up and moved and it kept happening then I thought I was hunted. After doing a lot of research I realized I was not the only one yet no one had a real reason why this happens to certain people. I hated going to sleep scared, I have through the years found ways to help me relax and wake up. Sometimes it's scarier than other and harder to wake up. I've reached out to people and tried screaming nothing works if you try moving eventually your body will respond. What has truly worked for me is trying to do a CONTINUOUS HARD BREATHING. Idk why or how but it's worked for me, usually waking up second after. If anyone else tries this and it works I would totally like to know.

Sweet dreams a everyone.

Oct 06, 2016
Scared NEW
by: donna

I suffer with this and it scares me so much, I sometimes feel someone is holding me down in bed and I cant get up

Oct 23, 2016
Scary NEW
by: Dawn

Hi I've been having these for a number if years now I usually starts with a buzzing sound at first while im awake the i wake up feels like im in the same home but just slight differences like can here a radio on and I can move my self abut but feels like a presence is the so I get scared abd wake myself up

Oct 31, 2016
Crazy dream NEW
by: Anonymous

I had a dream last night that somebody was in the kitchen shaking the dishes. But I was laying in bed and my body was paralyzed and I was hitting my boyfriend calling his name but he couldn't hear me he was still sleep. But then I actually woke up. What's does this mean?

Oct 31, 2016
Sleep Paralysis NEW
by: Eileen Lento

I would say that "I wake up"...but this is not entirely true. I seem to slowly emerge from a deep sleep. I seem to be aware that I am in the semi catatonic state. I try so hard to open my eyes but I can't....they are sealed shut. I also feel that something ominous is in the room with me...and I must keep it at bay. I do sense that I am flaying my arms out to protect me from whatever it is that I think is in the room. I also hear myself yelling....or I "think" that I'm yelling. However, the feeling of complete paralysis is overwhelming. Then I seem to go back to sleep but upon awaking I do remember the entire sequence and how upsetting it was.

This has happened to me about 8 or 9 times in my life and I am 76 years old. I never knew what it was or that anyone else had ever experienced this feeling. Now I know that there are others who also have experience this.

Nov 12, 2016
Waking up from bad dream NEW
by: Montanna

I have moved in to a new apartment I and my fiancé and her son. Every since we moved in,I had been experiencing dreams about my everyday activities and I dream about them in very bad way. Even my 6 year old son start to have nightmares is well. And sometimes I wake up and totally aware that I'm awoke but I can't move or speaks or even scream. And lately I been waking up over and over but it turns out that I'm still sleeping. And some li would sleep for one hour and after I wake up, it feel like I already slept all night and I be wide awake and can't go back to sleep. This has never happened to me before. Does anyone know why this is happening. Plz email me at
Thank you sincerely

Nov 28, 2016
Any ideas NEW
by: Barrie

I have been doing this strange thing when falling asleep have only done it about half a dozen times but I wake up but am half asleep and grab my girlfriend thinking she is falling out of bed and say to her it's ok it's ok does anybody else do this or any any idea why I may do it

Dec 10, 2016
Help I'm only 14 is it normal NEW
by: Ally

I'm 14 and I woke up from a nightmare and I couldn't move and something kept pinching me I couldn't do anything about it cuz I couldn't scream make a noise or move what's wrong with me

Dec 20, 2016
No control NEW
by: Lupe

I haven't had a "dream" like this in a while but it happened today. As if I know I'm about to get one because my eyes start feeling really reallly heavy, eye sight starts fading, my breathing becomes heavier and my heart pounds so fast. I try and talk my self out of it. Usually yelling at my self to wake up!! When ever I get these dreams it never feels like a good one. It feels like someone's there, like a demon is there. I feel "it" start getting really close to me. Taunting me in a way. Today I heard little children's footsteps running around in my room, laughing, even one jumped in my bed and came really damn close to me. I swear, I even felt the mattes move. It felt so damn real. i prayed as hard and loud as i could even though nothing was really coming out. It helped I think. I'm just sick and tired of feeling as if someone else has total control over my body.

Dec 26, 2016
brain blod presure NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi, and to me it happens often lately the same problem .I think it's because blood flow from the heart to the brain ,numbs my neck, I could not move, I hallucinations,i stop eating chocolate and drinking coffee.
I realized that you can get out quickly from this dream if you try to move your toes.
sometimes very scared and try to get out of this situation and if i do not try to do anything it's simply more deep and my head hurts.
the more I struggle to get out of this dream, I feel like something snaps and feel pressure in my head . i don't know ow to call this problem but is verry strange

Dec 27, 2016
dreaming in a dream NEW
by: Tshegofatso

I here everything about REM sleep... but then... what if i am still in my sleep...yet in have a dream in my dream...dreaming about everything said...yet feel like ma whole body is else where... its scary since i try to wake up but can't..
everything is so numb during the dream...

Jan 05, 2017
??? NEW
by: Anonymous

While I was sleeping I couldn't open my eyes and my heart started beating really fast and then my bed started shaking very intensely but I couldn't see anything until I opend my eye barely for a split second to see a big black figure but then i couldn't open them again and I went in and out of dreams and sometimes I thought I was awake.

Jan 18, 2017
My weird sleep/awaking moment NEW
by: Anonymous

Last Sunday my boyfriend went to the store while I was asleep and when he came back to show me a bag of chicken he bought, he woke me up, I ended up being so scared for some reason that I didn't want to turn around to look at him. I was kinda shaky but what I can remember is just being so scared and my heart was racing. Idk if it was from me being tired because I worked 12 hours the night before but I wasn't that tired and that's never happened to me before

Jan 19, 2017
dreaming of not being able to wake from dream NEW
by: Dayan N.

First, I have Obstructive Sleep Apnea. I wear a CPAP, which seemed to work well up to this point.
Three times in the past week, I have been paralyzed from breathing or moving in the middle of sleeping, and had to fight to wake up.
First time, I was in a pool where my brother was trying to push me to the surface. I could get air at the top, but I couldn't get my body to actively swim or climb out of the pool. I ended up jolting out of my sleep finally and gasping for air. Scary- especially since I already deal with the apnea.
The very next night, I dreamt I was ghost chasing in an old house. After challenging a ghost, I felt it attack me by closing off my breathing and compressing my chest. I couldn't move to stop it, and during the dream I realized I was dreaming. I tried to talk myself awake, but my body and breathing just wouldn't respond until jolting awake and gasping for air.
A few days later, tonight, I had the worst dream yet. I was dreaming that I was sleeping in a bed with my wife and she got up to do something. I fell asleep (in my dream) and was having a dream where I was having a hard time breathing. That's a dream within a dream, if you weren't following. I was trying to wake from my dream in my dream, but couldn't move. I was very weakly using my short breaths to tell my wife to slap me in order to wake me up- still in my dream. She slapped my a few times in the dream, with a gradual effectiveness in snapping me out of my dream (in my dream), but it still felt like it wasn't enough. Then, with the biggest jolt yet, I woke up. I was gasping for air so heavily that my wife woke to see what was wrong. She actually told me that she could feel me weakly tapping on her leg during my dream. This dream has scared the s--- out of me. I feel like the next time, I won't wake up- as this was the closest I have come to not waking up. I even read my CPAP report right away, and it didn't show any major obstructive apnea issues. I just stopped moving and breathing- feels like my body is just giving up and is on some serious narcotics (like an overdose of Vicodin or Percocet). Even after waking, my body felt weak.
Side note: I also have a severely impinged spinal cord in my neck.
Most people are reporting that they are awake but unable to function. I'm wondering if there is a difference for me, as I am in the middle of sleep and my dreams are so in-depth that I'm maintaining a dream within my dream. I feel like there's two levels of dream/paralysis to recover from. Should I be looking for different answers? Or, is this just another version of the same story being told? Thanks.

Feb 01, 2017
I agree with Kevin NEW
by: Anonymous

Most of which Kevin has described, such as REM sleeping can be applied to myself. For example, the reason i searched for posts on this subject is because i went through a certain level of paralysis last night after forcing myself to wake up. The paralysis was to the point that when put effort into moving my arms, it was insanely difficult, moreover, I don't know if its because i had just awoken but when i did attempt to move i had unknowingly stopped breathing for an unknown amount of time and this is my ghost.

Seriously though, apart from that i then had the delusion of screaming coming from my window, screaming to the point that i felt realistic pain ( probably phantom pain tho) . But now i believe that it was simply the aforementioned hypno-thing.

Feb 01, 2017
Really now? NEW
by: Anonymous

Am i the only one that can force themselves out of their dreams ? You just need either: A certain amunt omental trauma such as a big scare. Or you do something that your brain can't process in time. I usually do the latter, its a struggle but if you force your body to move randomly, such as turning towards an unnasuming direction it breaks the illusion/delivers a certain level of shock (Think of it like your brain's plot twist lol). However, if that doesn't work, suicide is always an option. An option i delight in taking whenever im being chased down. Of course this could cause more harm than good, but i personally delight in regaining control of my body, regardless of how its done.

Feb 02, 2017
Man it'd no joke NEW
by: Omarria

Hello I don't know I'd mine is like yours, but I was asleep and I woke up I could move but very slowly, and every time I pick up my head or lay it down it would start to get stuck, and it was very dizzy, I kick my feet up bit it was so slow till it and then I fell asleep am woke up, and herr I am to day

Feb 05, 2017
New form of sleep paralysis? NEW
by: Anonymous

I've always been one to be curios and left thinking when this happens because it is not the first or last time I'm sure it will happen. It started as a normal dream, a buddy and I were hanging out. When he gets on a bike and rides off. I turn to see someone running twords is so I try running away. In the dram my friend had pegs on his bike and I tried to catch up and jump on. That's when the paralysis kicked in. Could barley walk, talk, yell, or react to the attacker. So I woke up. I thought whatever and when back to sleep. I am aware of how strong the mind is and how it can flip out on its body. So once again I started dreaming, this time I was in a local tourist sight, devils bridge which leads to a tunnel. I'm not sure for what reason but again I tried running out of the tunnel with no success in talking or running. As if all the joints in my body were being pulled back. The third time i found my self at home! This was the moment I realized something was trippy, because I thought it was REALITY! I woke up from "sleeping" got up, went downstairs and my friend was there. I remember specifically I had a sever burn on my hand and felt REAL pain when I touched my thumb. That's how I knew this was real. And as if the dream world knew I had realized this suddenly a force tried pulling me down. I fought so hard (not to talk this time) but to go up the stairs and back into my room so I could "sleep" again. And once I did I woke up. Actually SCARED because I thought I was still dreaming. I grabbed water and when back to sleep. Nothing happened again. But this was a huge trip. Any help?

Feb 09, 2017
its not sleep paralysis, but it only happens in dreams!? NEW
by: Anonymous

i'm not sure if anyone has ever gotten this before.. but please let me know. it has been happening to me on and off for the past year. i have dreams that i am awake in the dream but i can only open my eyes in the dream, i can not move my body and i cant save myself from anything that is happening around me, i'm paralysed in my dreams. but not while i wake up. i know this isn't sleep paralysis because i've also had that before but this is different.. can anyone help me?

Feb 16, 2017
Pray NEW
by: PrincessOmarria

Hello I have been up here before and comment, but I have seen some very bad this that has happen to you guys, you guys need to pray if you dont belive thats on you but many times i had been stuck and cant move or even open my eyes or mouth, but when i dud i said jesus and then i could move agin the d was after me so, make sure if you ever have that done to you pray. But yiu have to belive in him ok so if you dont then hey its you lol, but if you wakeup from a dream with burn marks you need to pray pray pray!, prey for healing and safty. That's all i hope you all have a great day.

Mar 01, 2017
We'd not sleep right NEW
by: Anonymous

My doctor says that I have sleep apnea and I am on a CPAP machine now it doesn't seem like that is really the issue. The issue is the instant I fall asleep within the first hour or so I wake up within a dream at first it was very scary but now I'm trying to have control over it I wake myself up out of my dreams eventually but it take some time. I am concerned you do not know what is going on it seems as if as I'm sleeping I am paralyzed in bed cannot wake myself up if I do I passed out before I can seem to really wake up most of the time I get up after I wake up and when I go back to bed the issue does not happen again it's like a dream within a dream and watching yourself sleep not too many night terrors involved with it. So I thought it first maybe it was stress-related alcohol-related so I stopped drinking wasn't a big drinker anyways few beers here in there. Since I stopped drinking I went 3 days without an episode and last night I had another episode. In these episodes I feel like I'm waving my head back and forth trying to awake and moving my fingers and arms but I don't know in reality if it's even really happening. There's anyone out there with any words of advice thank you what happened last night

Mar 05, 2017
scared wittless NEW
by: Anonymous

i often have PS and its very frightning ..i will think im awake but really im dreaming .i cant open my eyes no matter how hard i try surroundings all look normal ..often one of my children will be in the room and i will be begging them to wake me up but of course they dont because really im dreaming ..or i will reach for my alarm clock to try and set my alarm as i know this will wake me up but i can never really make out the numbers on the clock ..they are all blurry ..sometimes i cant swallow and feel likeim going to suffocate and i have trouble breathing .i am willing my eyes to open and feel like i am trying to prise them open with my fingers but to no avail ..when i finally snap out of it and wake up its such a relief but makes me scared to fall asleep again

Mar 14, 2017
by: Anonymous

i had this same dream as you, where you are paralyzed and lucid dreaming.I tried my best to open my eyes fully but my eyes were only half open and it was painful.i went in and out of dreams and i wasn't sure where i was, also i was sweating heavily.i think it is a result of reading or watching horror stories.

Mar 22, 2017
Crazy dream NEW
by: Anonymous

I just had a dream where I could see everything around me but I was dreaming that my dog was running through the house going to the bathroom on the floor. I clould hear his nails clicking on the floor. Then I was frozen, couldn't move and I felt like the couch I feel asleep on was vibrating. I finally came to but I was scared.

Mar 23, 2017
Dreaming unable to wake as someone else NEW
by: N.Scott

So this has me really bewildered. I was asleep just now, I had gotten up and then went back to bed.

While asleep in my bed I was a different person, like they were in a coma almost and could not open my eyes, or I could not see out of them at least, I think they were actually open, I was on a train I think, or ferry, I could hear people interacting with me and everything seemed normal to them....I would try and "wake" or open my eyes as it seemed I was not really asleep....but rather unable to move, apart from my tongue, I could let my tongue fall out of my mouth, and some how it would end up back in my mouth.

Everyone seemed to be in a hurry and as hard as I would try to move, or "see" I could not, I could hear everything, I could feel the sun or warmth of the day, but I could not, as if an un-moving force was between me and "waking"

I wanted to wake up, I had no memory of my life as myself now, the person writing yo Me in the dream was unaware of me right now....that is what freaked me out. But I only realized that after I woke up "for real"

I began to become afraid in my dream, that no one could hear me, or I could not move, that is when I woke up here, suddenly awake here, without trying, just opened my eyes, and was very confused, as to where I was, I did not feel like the other person, but I did not really remember everything about me(the real me).

I got on facebook and people seemed strange to me, I knew them, very distantly, I have been awake for about 30 min now and things are settling down, everything seems pretty normal, but that was an intense experience. Any thoughts? I am going to read through some more of the comments. Hope to hear from some of you.

Mar 29, 2017
Experiance NEW
by: Shruti

The same thing happens to me also. I am usually not sleeping in the afternoon or once I am awake , I can not sleep again and if I tried to sleep, these disaster thing happens with me.

That someone trying to attack on me, I am not able to open my eyes ,MY eyes are heavy to open, I am shouting in sleep but little bit voice comes outside to people but I m thinking that I am so loud.

Why this is so, still not able to understand.


Apr 01, 2017
Dying to wake up NEW
by: scaredtodeath

Once in a blue moon, whenever I fall asleep very soon after, I become awake in my dream and it's always the same I'm lying in my bed trying to move and scream out but I can't do either and am scared enough that I believe I am dying. I find myself crying right before and when I am waking feels so real in my "dream". But on this night, which brings me here for help,I am just falling asleep,I am sure I am having a seizure and I am.holding my lounge down.between my teeth scared I am going to swallow it, and I am moving seeking help husband who is beside me. I even walk around still holding my lounge slapping down on the bed post and I even see my phone light up with my brother n law calling and I try to answer...and in reality finally my husband grabs and squeezes me...I awake shook up to the ends of the earth. Please help....what does this mean?

Apr 01, 2017
Dying to wake up NEW
by: scaredtodeath

Once in a blue moon, whenever I fall asleep very soon after, I become awake in my dream and it's always the same I'm lying in my bed trying to move and scream out but I can't do either and am scared enough that I believe I am dying. I find myself crying right before and when I am waking feels so real in my "dream". But on this night, which brings me here for help,I am just falling asleep,I am sure I am having a seizure and I am.holding my lounge down.between my teeth scared I am going to swallow it, and I am moving seeking help husband who is beside me. I even walk around still holding my lounge slapping down on the bed post and I even see my phone light up with my brother n law calling and I try to answer...and in reality finally my husband grabs and squeezes me...I awake shook up to the ends of the earth. Please help....what does this mean?

May 25, 2017
Stuck NEW
by: Anonymous

As I sleep with my 1 year old beside me and my niece on top of me she is 2 months old something pulls pulls me until I feel as if I'm being moved to the bottom of my bed then I can hear myself saying no no and along side of me I see a shadow crouched down beside me moving back and forth waiting like it was mad or something I kept telling myself act like it's not there because I couldn't wake myself up and this happened at about 9or10 in the morning as soon as I came to I told my 13 year old something tried to drag me off the bed

Jul 04, 2017
Thin man/black figure standing over me NEW
by: Alisha

About 3 weeks ago I was dreaming that I woke my kids up and took them to a local pizza place. When I got there with my kids a new friend that I had just started talking to online showed. He sat down and at that moment in my dream my mouth froze open and I couldn't open my eyes. I tried shutting my mouth but couldn't do it, I could slightly open one of my eyes. Then some how in my dream I ended up in my living room laying on the couch still my mouth froze open and only being able to open one of my eyes slightly to see the same guy sitting on the couch next to me. At this moment I was scared but some how knew I was sleeping and needed to wake myself up. Next I was fighting to wake up, at this point I was half way awake half asleep. MY MOUTH WAS TRULEY FROZEN OPEN!! I could not shut it but I could still open my eye slightly to see a thin man/black figure of a body leaned over me looking at my daughter! I had a g/f staying w me that weekend so I thought that maybe it was her but the body didn't look her shape. Then I thought it was my daughters dad that broke in or the guy I talked to online but it wasn't them either. Lastly, I prayed in my head because I thought I was being possessed. I couldn't move to do anything. It seemed to last forever and I was and am still to this day scared. I called my sister at 1 am to have her talk to me while I searched my house to find nothing out of the ordinary. I still have issues going to sleep and I'm still scared it will happen again. When I told my family they basically said I was crazy. I don't think anyone will believe me. Just hope it never happens again.

Jul 06, 2017
Scariest dream ? NEW
by: Anonymous

It was around 4:13 when i fell asleep and 4:27 when i woke up. I was having a completely normal dream when suddenly it was like i opened my eyes and was laying in bed but all i could look at was the ceiling. Than i started floating straight torwards the ceiling and just levitating. I feel like as soon as i started to scream or try to, my location changed to my sisters room which is furthest away from the living room. I try screaming as hard as i can an nothing would come out. I woke up with my pillow under my head and felt super nautious. Couldve i had sleep paralysis in my dream? Is there an explanation? Ive never had a dream this bizzare

Sep 20, 2017
spirit behind me NEW
by: Victor

I sleep and I feel like sumth behind me so hard to wake,im so confused...........................................................................................................I'm 20 and I don't want to be afraid to sleep...I think I need a doctor

Oct 06, 2017
Someone give me some ideas about this please! NEW
by: Black Ivy

I am 19 and I have been waking up in my nightmares for about 4 years or more because I thought it was normal at first and did not care that. It is very terrible that I can't even explain in words, like waking up in a nightmare that I know it's just a dream and I am in it. I want to wake up but can't, I try so hard to open my eyes that I even feel choked and suffocated. During that, my heart flutteres and my whole body is drifted, it's like a rollercoaster, or heart beating very fast like very very very fast. And I have never had a long sleep like 8 hours or 7 or 6 a day. Just sometimes, and it's very rare because I am often sleeping paralyzed and terribly wake up everytime and try to sleep back again since it has not been enough sleep time.
The most terrible things that I feel during sleeping paralyzed are that I try so hard to open my eyes that I even feel choked and suffocated but still I can't open my eyes. And the other thing is that my heart beats so fast and is like a rollercoaster, my whole body is drifted and flying without control.
I am tired of suffering from this, this is very terrible for me. This may be like normal but I have been suffering from this YEARS and CONSTANTLY! It's very rare for me that I can sleep well and have good nights. I am tired.

Oct 06, 2017
Someone give me some ideas about this please! NEW
by: Black Ivy

I am 19 and I have been waking up in my nightmares for about 4 years or more because I thought it was normal at first and did not care that. It is very terrible that I can't even explain in words, like waking up in a nightmare that I know it's just a dream and I am in it. I want to wake up but can't, I try so hard to open my eyes that I even feel choked and suffocated. During that, my heart flutteres and my whole body is drifted, it's like a rollercoaster, or heart beating very fast like very very very fast. And I have never had a long sleep like 8 hours or 7 or 6 a day. Just sometimes, and it's very rare because I am often sleeping paralyzed and terribly wake up everytime and try to sleep back again since it has not been enough sleep time.
The most terrible things that I feel during sleeping paralyzed are that I try so hard to open my eyes that I even feel choked and suffocated but still I can't open my eyes. And the other thing is that my heart beats so fast and is like a rollercoaster, my whole body is drifted and flying without control. I don't even know how I gather my strength and escape feom this state of paralyze and after wake up, i feel like like my energy are sicked up.
I am tired of suffering from this, this is very terrible for me. This may be like normal but I have been suffering from this YEARS and CONSTANTLY! It's very rare for me that I can sleep well and have good nights. I am tired.

Oct 22, 2017
scarey as hell NEW
by: Anonymous

when I have these kinds of dreams It's like I'm literally fighting to wake up or even to try and move and can't and more times then not it feels like my throat and mouth have swollen and even when i wake it feels this way sometimes for hours after I wake up. That is what scares me the most.Has anyone else had that happen to them ???

Oct 27, 2017
Frozen and screaming for help NEW
by: Jane

I had been on different medications prednisone, pain med for a chronic back problem and was running out due to refill time. Well I had not slept the whole night and the following day I decided to take a nap. I immediately went into a highly visual colored dream where I was like in a purple tunnel and then I was flying in the hallway. I desperately started screaming for my husband but he swears he never heard me. It was horrible because I couldn't wake up no matter how hard I tried and was stuck in these horrible little mini nightmares very visual. I finally woke up and I was so scared that I haven't been able to sleep since. I am going to try to sleep tonight and try to relax. Its horrible! I know now how others feel too. Thank you for this supportive site!

Oct 28, 2017
First time at five years old NEW
by: Christopher

Wrestling with invisible 'magnetic' entities...out of body experience and projection...partial manipulation of dream imagery...recurring themes and imagery lasting decades...hypnopompic on a regular basis...hypagogic since age 5 with terrifying (sometimes simply blackness) imagery or none at all...just terror...

I also happen to be Bipolar or something. Diagnosis have been all over the chart. I DO have a psychological issue going on. I'm 50. I'm intelligent. I don't believe in ghosts, psychic powers nor aliens.

But, the content of my experiences precisely parallel these phenomena. So, I see this as layers of deeper, underlying, psychological issues.

The 'dream state' is simply the surface. The 'content' is indicative of the unique personal perspective. The affect on conscious experiences is closely connected.

That is as far as I have gotten.

Nov 03, 2017
Affriad to sleep NEW
by: Anonymous

When I went to bed it only happens in bed room, but when I slept I dream within a dream and couldn't wake up from my 2nd dream and felt like I was being held down and front the first dream eyes were still closed bu felt. Something wrong because from 2nd dream, woke up sore. N very affriad to sleep

Dec 05, 2017
Worst sleep NEW
by: Anonymous

Lately while I sleep I will dream but then something will happen and I’ll try to wake up but I’m unable too. I’ll open my eyes and I’ll think I’m awake and my body will feel tingles go through it. I’ll try to move but I’m glued to my bed and if I try to move I lose control over my body and it starts to get flung around the room. I feel as though I’m awake and every time I hit something I’ll actually feel the pain. During one of the dreams I tried to call out for help but all I got was someone opening the door and throwing something at my face. The only way to wake up from these dreams is to allow my body to be thrown around my body a couple times and eventually wake up in complete shock and terror.

Jan 17, 2018
Asleep or rem or awaking NEW
by: Kevin

Today at 4:30 I went to sleep but in my dream my teacher was in my room with a pencil chatting to me and while I was I'm in my dream I'm in my bed but I told my teacher did he write on the wall because there was drawings and when I said that I thought I seen a hand coming through the wall and then I go to check my father's room it felt so real because I couldn't breath for about 10 second then I felt like I got hit in the dream and will I woke up I fought I seen something everything about it felt Real

Jan 19, 2018
Terrified and confused NEW
by: Danger in Dozing

I just woke up. I could have sworn I was asleep for hours, but only 30 minutes. In this dream I wake up, heart pounding, and start convulsing, hard shakes take over my body. This is all part of the dream. Then, I can feel the coolness of hardwood under my fingertips and then on my stomach crawling to the door to get away. Then poof I'm fully awake. I've has dreams where I'm screaming for help but no sound escapes. Terrified and trembling, finally I'll awake.
What kind of dream is this? How do I control them? It's to the point, I don't want to sleep.

Feb 24, 2018
I have severe headache after dream and i cant get up NEW
by: Anonymous

I had a dream i was in a room and someone knocked the door and it opened itself then i saw black shadow structure standing at the door and i couldn't move from there somehow i managed to get up and shut the door and after closing the door it made me confuse that it was someone i know but i knew it wasn't and then i got up and i couldn't move my head i felt my head too heavy i couldn't move even when i woke up t took me more than 15 mins to feel back to normal

Feb 24, 2018
I have severe headache after dream and i cant get up NEW
by: Anonymous

I had a dream i was in a room and someone knocked the door and it opened itself then i saw black shadow structure standing at the door and i couldn't move from there somehow i managed to get up and shut the door and after closing the door it made me confuse that it was someone i know but i knew it wasn't and then i got up and i couldn't move my head i felt my head too heavy i couldn't move even when i woke up t took me more than 15 mins to feel back to normal

Apr 19, 2019
by: Anonymous

Read that it could have to do with some kind of spirit (demon)
It’s there way of draining you of your energy

Apr 28, 2020
Confused NEW
by: Anonymous

I am confused, I have symptoms like this, but I could only move a little bit. I was able to speak one word, but nearly nobody could hear what I said, and I was able to move, but I could barely move.I can't tell if I was dreaming or if what happened was real, because it felt very real.

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Welcome! This site is continuously being created by students of Dr. William C. Dement's Sleep And Dreams course at Stanford University.

We made this site as a call to action for people all over the world to live healthier, happier, safer, and more productive lives by learning about their own sleep. We have faith that reading the information provided on this site will motivate you to be smart about your sleep deprivation and strategic about your alertness in order to live life to your fullest, most energetic potential.

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Publishing sleep stories and questions from our visitors is meant to create a forum for open and proactive dialogue about an extremely important portion of our lives (one that occupies 1/3 of it and affects the other 2/3) that isn't talked about enough. It is not meant to substitute a trip to the doctor or the advice of a specialist. It's good to talk; it is not good to avoid consulting someone who's profession it is to help you with this kind of stuff.

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The Stanford Sleep Book

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Dr. Dement's pioneering textbook has been the core text for Sleep and Dreams since 1980, but it has just recently been made available to the wider public for the first time.

In it you'll find a more detailed account of the most important things you need to know about sleep, alertness, dreams, and sleep disorders. Studies, statistics, plus plenty of Dr. Dement's classic anecdotes painting the history of sleep medicine.

Preface | Intro | Contents | Get A Copy

More Sleep Resources

The Zeo

A revolution in personal sleep tracking, the Zeo is a wireless headband that transmits your brainwaves in realtime to a dock (pictured here) or your smartphone. The result? You can wake up and see exactly what stages of sleep you were in during the night! Unprecedented personalized sleep knowledge.

Sleep Paralysis: A Dreamer's Guide

Sleep Paralysis Treatment Book

Ever woken up paralyzed? A surprising number of us have, believe it or not. But few know the actual causes of this phenomenon, and fewer still how to exert control over it. Dream researcher and sleep paralysis expert Ryan Hurd shares breakthrough insights into how to do just that.

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