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Continous Dreams All Throughout Sleep!

Hello! I have been experiencing something strange regarding sleep. For years, I have been getting dreams right from the minute I sleep until when I get up, very rarely I do not get any dream I remember.

The dreams will be like a lengthy movie which lasts for several hours, but not on the same topic always. Sometimes I dream of a movie where artists will come coupled with relatives/friends. Sometimes, they feel like something natural/practical, sometimes the dreams will not be related in any way.

An even more strange thing is if I am awaken in the middle of a particular dream, I find that the same dream continues when I fall back asleep. Because of these dreams, I feel confused sometimes if a particular incident happened really or if it was in a dream!

I do not feel like I have slept or relaxed, normally other people get up with swollen eyes, or a fresh face but I hardly get such situation. I feel the reason behind this may be because I had very poor sleep in my teenage years. I used to be in my grandma's home, she used to keep the door open all through night for air, I used to feel very afraid & used to forcibly keep myself awake as best as I could & would go to sleep when she gets up @ 5 in the morning.

Even now I can sleep comfortably in the day time of course the dreams do come but I feel some relaxation. Now I am 27 yrs old & am under weight, my eyes will always have dark circles. I'll think a lot in sleep because of these dreams, so many why's & how's disturb me all through the sleep. I would be grateful if anyone can suggest a solution.

Comments for Continous Dreams All Throughout Sleep!

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Aug 04, 2011
I am as well
by: Anonymous

I had the same problem as well. I am afraid to talk to doctor because they might think I made up the stories or I am about to losing my mind. I had this problem since I was teenager. And still happening. Whenever I wake up, I don't feel like I slept. Always feeling tired.

Aug 11, 2011
This is serious

I think it goes without saying that proper sleep is one of the essential ingredients to living a long, happy and healthy life. It sounds like 20+ years of an early morning sleeping schedule has set your "biological clock" to follow suit. I would suggest sleeping a 15 minutes earlier each night and rising 15 minutes earlier each day. Do this gradually until your body clock has returned to a sleep schedule you desire. It will be a long and tedious process but is the best advice I have on such details. I am always available and willing to talk more on my site, listed above.


Oct 28, 2014
I'm the opposite. NEW
by: AspireingDirector

Now I am the exact opposite of that.I try to think of things I like to try to create a dream.This sometimes work but I usually don't have dreams for weeks when I do I sometimes have more like two dreams per that night.I think I'm more ready to start the day after I dream.Sometimes the multiple dreams actually have some weird connection to the previous dream. For example:I dreamed that two characters from a video game and I traded places I ended up in a small warzone in the game afterward some guy told me that his Lord[ lets call the Lord Psychic] the lords Rival [Ground] and a Snow Lord [Ice] got captured.That dream ended then a Second one happened.We where with the three from earlier in their cell. They just had a conversation about who would do something like this to them and the reson they where there.I guess it was this before the dream happened Ice killed a person he ruled under Dragon his heir wanted revenge and thus captured the three. Psychic gets really really angry at this and gets called "old" by Ice. [unintentionally]Dream Endded and Dream Began with this somehow the guy will assume Psychic's heir got a four-wheeler. That is the example I had a Pokemon Conquest obsebtion at the time.[I know its spelled wrong]

May 26, 2017
That's confusing, but... NEW
by: Anonymous

You may suffer from serious sleep depravation. Our body goes through a cycle of phases when we sleep, and dreams (actual dreams) are produced during the REM stage.

If your body is unable to reach the REM phase (and therefore be truly asleep), then you're not having dreams at all, but just hypnagogyc imagery that your brain is making up, but it's a tedious task when you're lying in the bed for hours.

In reality, a person cannot have dreams that "last for several hours like a movie". We have many dreams overnight, though we recall very few of them, and they all last few seconds, even when they seem to be lasting hours.

If you get comfortable sleep in the daytime, and you feel relaxed, that's because you have indeed slept. The problem here is not the "dreams" you have during the night, but the fact that you can't sleep during the hours preceding sunrise.

I suggest you take medicines to help you sleep. Your body clock will adjust accordingly.

It sucks to go through the whole night without sleeping.

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The Zeo

A revolution in personal sleep tracking, the Zeo is a wireless headband that transmits your brainwaves in realtime to a dock (pictured here) or your smartphone. The result? You can wake up and see exactly what stages of sleep you were in during the night! Unprecedented personalized sleep knowledge.

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