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How Do I Induce Sleep Paralysis?

I had my first experience with sleep paralysis last night.

I had heard about binaural beats and thought I would try them out of curiosity. I went to sleep listening to it and had some pretty strange dreams. However, the music only lasted 8 hours so I woke up in the early hours of the morning when it ended. I stayed up for a little while before trying to get some sleep again.

I went to sleep and started off with some dreams. However, it suddenly all changed. I woke up. At least, I knew I was in bed and conscious but I couldn't move. I realised two things in quick succession. One that my whole body was shaking, two that there was someone in bed next to me.

I was facing the wall so I couldn't see what it was, I could just feel the pressure of it on my back. I also knew that this thing was evil.

Just as I was trying to figure out what to do, the screams started. It began with just one, a man's scream, but was soon joined by millions of them all screaming inside my head. I knew it was in my head but it was still giving me a headache. I was panicking and trying to shout but nothing would come out. I eventually forced myself to wake up properly (with a lot of effort). Just as I did I felt something breathe in my ear.

All together I wouldn't describe it as an enjoyable experience. I was scared and confused at the time but I am now extremely curious. This may sound weird but I want to experiment with the paralysis and see what happens.

I have tried to do research on how to induce it but the Internet only seems to be full of people trying to get rid of it (which is obviously understandable).

I am going to try the binaural beats again but I was wondering if anyone has anymore tips on how to induce sleep paralysis? Thanks :)

Comments for How Do I Induce Sleep Paralysis?

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Sep 14, 2015
REM Sleep Is The Key
by: Kevin

Thanks for sharing your interesting story. Waking up during REM sleep is key to experiencing sleep paralysis, since it is REM atonia that causes the paralysis (see the graphic here). There are some devices that can detect when you're in REM sleep reasonably well, and if you can set off an alarm during that time period you will ensure you wake up during REM sleep and give yourself a better chance of sleep paralysis.

Sleep deprivation (and more specifically REM deprivation) will increase the likelihood of an episode as well, as when you are REM deprived your sleep consists of a higher percentage of REM. Taking naps while sleep deprived is often a time people experience their episodes, as with a sleep deprived nap your body will likely go into REM relatively quick and there's not as much time for you to wake up in a non-REM stage.

Also, lucid dreamers who experiment with wake-induced lucid dreams will sometimes experience sleep paralysis as a side effect, since the idea of that is to enter sleep straight into the dreaming stage (i.e. REM sleep).

You may be interested in reading Ryan Hurd's book on the subject, as he's experimented with his own sleep paralysis episodes. Also, using his tips for avoiding sleep paralysis and just doing the opposite is one way to go about it :)

Anyone else have anything to add to that?

Oct 20, 2015
Not scared no more NEW
by: Rhods

I have had sleep paralysis for so many times. I have experienced same episode as you once this year in July. I was always scared every time it happened, some dark figure would get on top of me and try to rape me. I would then call on Jesus and the figure would leave in less than a minute. In August this year, I experienced such episodes almost every night which left me depressed, scared of my house, feeling like I was going to lose my mind and even quit my job, and had to go to bed with lights on. I did internet research only to realize that I was blessed and had a special gift in sleep paralysis which would make me astral travel to future and even meet with the angels. Since then, I'm no longer scared, as a matter of fact, I have been looking forward to another episode. I had one last Tuesday night where I enjoyed my body vibrations waiting to have an out of body experience, visit those that I love, but the vibration stopped and woke up. I'm trying to induce sleep paralysis now, experience, and enjoy the astral plane. Guys, don't be scared, the evil spirits suck on your energy once they learn that you are scared in sleep paralysis. Dont give them that satisfaction!

Sep 18, 2016
You have to hypnotize your mind and body simultaneously NEW
by: Anonymous

Alright, from my many experiences with sleep paralysis I found a way to induce it purposely. It's fairly simple but you have to be really focused and at the same time drift into the abstract. Here's what you wanna do: Lay completely still on your bed ( lying on your back makes this way easier) literally not movingly any part of your body whatsoever; you ant even swallow saliva or snort in that booger into your throat. Simultaneously, you want to drift into thought; it can be anything really, it just has to be a thought you fairly easily get lost in ( that girl you like, sports, the economy, life questions.) The thought can be completely abstract and not make any sense so long as you drift into a lulled state. There you have it, it won't be a sure fire way of doing it, although it works for me. Well, Good luck! This is probably a late comment but for anyone who wants to try it knock yourselves out!

Sep 28, 2016
this may sound weird but your curiosity can payoff... NEW
by: Sarah

I have recently discovered that while your physical body is in a state of paralysis,(so you won't act out your dreams)it leaves your dream body free to act them out. once you are aware that you are half asleep, or rather, the body half of you is asleep while your mind is awake, your mind can take your dream body out to a dreamland you can control and where there is no law of physics, so you can enjoy some lucid flying dreams. As for how to induce sleep paralysis so you can experiment for your self, i am still trying to figure that out. So far the only thing i am sure of is that while smoking weed doesnt always send me into paralysis, i am much more likely to experience it when i go to bed right after smoking it. I have heard binaural waves will do it, and doing a lot of reality checks (asking yourself if your dreaming or awake) while your awake can hello with it too. I hope this has been helpful to you or at least interesting enough. I commend you for letting your curiosity overcome your fear, and wish you well in your mind expanding adventures.

Oct 16, 2016
Sleep peralyisis NEW
by: Anonymous

I also listened to the b beats just to g it a good night's sleep was visited by 3 gohts or allies they did some thing to me also seen them the next night without listening to b beats they were at the end of my bed then my attention was drawn to my bedroom blinds I didn't have my contacts in yet could see a very bright light ...

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The Zeo

A revolution in personal sleep tracking, the Zeo is a wireless headband that transmits your brainwaves in realtime to a dock (pictured here) or your smartphone. The result? You can wake up and see exactly what stages of sleep you were in during the night! Unprecedented personalized sleep knowledge.

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