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Insanity Or Troubled

My dreams are always similar as i find my self in this grey room and in the middle of the floor is a person strapped to a table. i find that if i try to move or speak nothing happens like you whole body is numb then this man walks in wearing a white coat but has no face in fact never have i seen a face in my dream. well as he walks over he picks up this scalpel and slowly cuts the mans eye out at this point i was panicking thinking if i was next because the guy was screaming in pain. after some more amputation (ill try not to be graphic) he slowly walks over to me covered in red with this metal blade in his hand reflecting off some kind of light. i was trying so hard to scream but nothing was happening as he got close someone whispered my name in like a ghostly voice defiantly a feminine and then i wake up sweating.

This one time and i remember it all to clearly well it all rolled out in the similar way the grey room and no movement/voice however i was closer much closer to this person strapped in a chair the guy in white was near me and he was using some sort of old device on this man it involved strapping the mans hand to this glove like thing with a eye curler near the front then the guy in white pushed on this lever and ripped his nail off i cant possibly describe how i felt the screams were starting to blend together i somehow managed to close my eyes the noise stopped and all i heard next was the womens voice saying and i quote "I love you" when i opened my eyes i was back in my room staring at the ceiling. i did not go back to sleep that night and stayed off school as well for that day.

These dreams happen in an irregular fashion but this previous one was the worst am i going insane or is this normal the female sounds familial but i cant pin it. the dreams are still happening but im sort of accepting it if i don't squirm or make a noise i get this strange warmth on my shoulders almost like a hand so can i get anyones opinion on this.

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Aug 26, 2011
Torture dreams
by: Hawkmoon

The dreams you have must be very disturbing, and the point is surely not obvious: there is some faceless guy that tortures a victim, which scares the hell out of you and when you're about to be next, you are saved by the female voice. I cannot exactly tell what would be the cause of that fear, did you maybe redream the movies you watch? Your inability to interact somehow and you being forced to watch tell me about something that is not under your control, and that might just as wel happen to you. Did someone you know had an operation of some sort?
The female voice is a regular appearance of your subconsciousness that pulls you out of bad experience , so you should not focus on her, but just try to think about and discover what scares you most in your awake-life.

Jun 28, 2015
These are not normal dreams. NEW
by: Anonymous

I have the same thing with different experiences. And I know what you are experiencing because I force it on myself a lot. You are experiencing sleep paralysis, which is a part of astral projection(by the way you should look those up). Lots of people have the same type of thing happening with themselves. Let me tell you as much as I want to write at the moment. Sleep paralysis is where your sleeping body has some connection with your waking body and you're attatched. This happens when you are either just falling asleep or just waking up. The only ways I know to get out of this is to open your eyes wide really fast to wake yourself up and, to move out of it and stay in the place your sleeping body is in. Now to move out of it you have to move your body in whatever way is easiest or most comfortable slowly(possibly very slowly) and careful enough (not too fast, jittery) not to wake yourself up. Now, (I know this because I've experienced it many times before)I know that if you induce an astral projection on yourself then you can get sucked right into a sleeping state from a waking state (just as you wake up)where it can be really scary. I'd say if you start feeling a really creepy vibe like some creepy person staring down at you as you lay down or possibly you hear screams or intense breathing or possibly even tense running I'd say.... lol as you're body is pushing you into a sleeping state and you just wake up, keep moving your wakeful body before you're possibly totally fucked and in a scary place lol. But ya I found out that the voices you hear in your head in that state could either be from inside the room your sleeping body is in, or possibly from another place.

Jun 28, 2015
This is not a normal dream NEW
by: Joshua

I have the same thing with different experiences. And I know what you are experiencing because I force it on myself a lot. You are experiencing sleep paralysis, which is a part of astral projection(by the way you should look those up). Lots of people have the same type of thing happening with themselves. Let me tell you as much as I want to write at the moment. Sleep paralysis is where your sleeping body has some connection with your waking body and you're attatched. This happens when you are either just falling asleep or just waking up. The only ways I know to get out of this is to open your eyes wide really fast to wake yourself up and, to move out of it and stay in the place your sleeping body is in. Now to move out of it you have to move your body in whatever way is easiest or most comfortable slowly(possibly very slowly) and careful enough (not too fast, jittery) not to wake yourself up. Now, (I know this because I've experienced it many times before)I know that if you induce an astral projection on yourself then you can get sucked right into a sleeping state from a waking state (just as you wake up)where it can be really scary. I'd say if you start feeling a really creepy vibe like some creepy person staring down at you as you lay down or possibly you hear screams or intense breathing or possibly even tense running I'd say.... lol as you're body is pushing you into a sleeping state and you just wake up, keep moving your wakeful body before you're possibly totally fucked and in a scary place lol. But ya I found out that the voices you hear in your head in that state could either be from inside the room your sleeping body is in, or possibly from another place.

Jun 28, 2015
Almost forgot NEW
by: Joshua

And about that thing where you get sucked right from a waking state to sleep paralysis... I've had that and had to move myself out of my body connection and escape from terrifying things, the thing is every time I'd wake up I'd be back in a bed in sleep paralysis and it would happen over and over again even as I used my wake myself up trick. I'm just telling you now that that's a scary ass situation

Mar 23, 2016
My similar dream NEW
by: Anonymous

so there was a team of people hunting down this EVIL kid he would capture people and rip them apart he caught a few people from the team and tortured them then ripped them apart and killed them he did the same with animals he also had a base it was abandoned I also remember people chasing him down a train he also had a demonic voice and he looked demonic in the end he spoke in plain English (forgot what he said it was evil I know that) then he was killed

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The Zeo

A revolution in personal sleep tracking, the Zeo is a wireless headband that transmits your brainwaves in realtime to a dock (pictured here) or your smartphone. The result? You can wake up and see exactly what stages of sleep you were in during the night! Unprecedented personalized sleep knowledge.

Sleep Paralysis: A Dreamer's Guide

Sleep Paralysis Treatment Book

Ever woken up paralyzed? A surprising number of us have, believe it or not. But few know the actual causes of this phenomenon, and fewer still how to exert control over it. Dream researcher and sleep paralysis expert Ryan Hurd shares breakthrough insights into how to do just that.

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