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Most Frightening Experience Of My Life - Sleep Paralysis Like A Horror Movie

I laid down on my friend's couch in her room during the day. She was laying on her bed watching the movie "Fear" and I fell "asleep" but I was still "awake", I could see my friend laying down and I could hear the movie.

I knew the movie so I knew what part was on and what was next. I could see my phone on my red sweater beside me and then my blanket started making a vibrating sound and then it covered me and I couldn't move. It seemed alive and started hitting my ribs and I felt the pain. I was using my arms to try and push the blanket off and next I was sitting up and a woman's voice (kinda robotic and evil) next to me said "don't forget your blanket" and it was still daytime so I looked on next to me and saw no one but the vibrating sound started again and I was so scared because I knew what she meant so I stood up and the room turned blue, twilight-like and empty but my friend's bed was still there.

I tried to go toward her door but I couldn't move. I just stood there and I thought to myself "did I just die on her couch? Am I stuck in this room forever?" I was so scared and made myself drop to the floor and I touched what felt like carpet and started pulling on it but I was afraid to look to see what I had in my hands and then I got back up on the couch and I was laying back down and I saw my friend on her bed and I saw my phone on my red sweater.

I was yelling her name or so it seemed and she turned and looked at me then turned back around to the TV. Next I heard her call my name and I woke up and she asked if
I was OK and told me that I was crying and mumbling her name and I told her about my "dream" and she said she turned to look at me but I was sleeping and I told her I saw her look at me.

We went to the movies later that day and I did not feel good enough to enjoy the movie tho.
When we got back to her place, it was night and pretty late. I was so scared to go back to sleep and told her "what if I have one of those dreams again and I need you to wake me up but you'll be sleeping, how am I going to wake up?! I tried my best to stay awake.

The room was dark with only the TV on and I fell asleep and I already knew I was awake in my sleep. I could see the light from the TV but couldn't move and a huge dark shadowy figure on top of me. I can only describe it from the movie the grudge (the hair). I was trying to push it away, hit it, basically fighting for my life. I could move my arms and I was also trying to bite it. It felt like whatever it was was going to rape me so I screamed with everything I had and woke myself up and my friend also woke up and I told her what happened and I started to believe I was in some type of horror movie that something evil was with me.

We slept in the living room after that and I had a few nightmares after that but nothing compared to the two I had the day before.

It's hard to believe that this is hallucinations from our minds. I do believe it's something more. I don't understand why I could move my arms, hands, how I stood up, how I dropped myself to the floor when I couldn't walk forward.

Comments for Most Frightening Experience Of My Life - Sleep Paralysis Like A Horror Movie

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Oct 26, 2014
Maybe The Movement Was Part Of The Hallucination
by: Kevin

Thanks for sharing your story, that's a tough night to get through. At the end when you say "I don't understand why I could move my arms, hands, how I stood up..." etc, could it be that you were dreaming/hallucinating yourself standing up, but in fact you never did? For instance, if you would have actually stood up, your friend who was still awake would have noticed you.

I remember other visitors mentioning things like they would move their cell phones during the sleep paralysis episode, and it felt as real as could be, but when they woke up the cell phone was in the same place they left it the night before.

So it does sound like a thing some people experience, to hallucinate yourself moving around in the space during the paralysis episode when your physical body actually has not moved.

Nov 15, 2014
im so sorry NEW
by: cassie

I have dreans like that now and im only 13 ive experienced the old women thing and ive had a dream similar to that i know how you feel and im so sorry but i must ask does it get worse as you have more and more

Nov 15, 2014
im so sorry NEW
by: cassie

I have dreans like that now and im only 13 ive experienced the old women thing and ive had a dream similar to that i know how you feel and im so sorry but i must ask does it get worse as you have more and more

Nov 15, 2014
im so sorry NEW
by: cassie

I have dreans like that now and im only 13 ive experienced the old women thing and ive had a dream similar to that i know how you feel and im so sorry but i must ask does it get worse as you have more and more

Nov 30, 2014
scary experiences NEW
by: trystan

I feel your pain I have episodes all the time and every ends up being a scary experience for me, to answer whoever asked if it gets worse, I wouldn't say it gets worse, my experiences have always been frightening and have learned to wake myself up through that brutal force that stops you from waking up before anything more does happen but can.still feel that presence that something is there and will continue to frighten you if you don't wake yourself up I absolutely hate this condition but eventually learn to cope with it

Nov 30, 2014
scary experiences NEW
by: trystan

I feel your pain I have episodes all the time and every ends up being a scary experience for me, to answer whoever asked if it gets worse, I wouldn't say it gets worse, my experiences have always been frightening and have learned to wake myself up through that brutal force that stops you from waking up before anything more does happen but can.still feel that presence that something is there and will continue to frighten you if you don't wake yourself up I absolutely hate this condition but eventually learn to cope with it

Mar 29, 2015
A Type of Oppression NEW
by: Anonymous

The experiences that each of you have commented on is a type of oppression. Perhaps you have not thought about this before. I know medical science would endeavour to offer a logical explanation. However, it has been my experience as a Christian pastor that those who have such experiences are experiencing a type of demonic oppression.
My wife experienced it for years before coming to the knowledge of what it truly was. Her environment when awake and when asleep would be unchanged, and she too would experience a weight of sorts holding her down, or on top of her. She was helpless to resist. This frightenening experience would follow her around wherever she would stay.
It was only when she came into the church that she learned that she could call upon the name of Jesus. Then this demonic oppression would go away. The experiences dramatically subsided, never to return.
I would advise you to remove also those items that would give the devil entry in your life. Stay away from the occult and spiritualism (i.e. dream catchers, horror movies, magic or movies with magic, astrology, tarot, clairvoyants, particular types of music that centre in death and anarchy, transcendental meditation, astral travel, stones with supposed powers, etc.).
I would encourage you to place your life in the hands of Jesus and experience the peace and power that He has over the destructive influences that we face in our lives. Many lives have been saved from despair and ruin through the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Let no one tell you tell you that the Bible is fiction. Look for yourself and see the truths that have changed the lives of countless numbers.

Apr 14, 2015
The same Experience, every time. NEW
by: Eric

Okay so I've been having sleep paralysis occurrences 2 times at least every few years and every time it happens I have mostly the same experiences. First I will tell you about the one that happened only once, so I had my eyes closed and I felt something laying on top of me and every time I breathe, it feels sounds like I'm.... Breathing deeply through my nose a certain way I can't really explain it but this one isn't as weird as my other one. So here is the most common experience that I have with sleep paralysis, it gets quite annoying to be honest, but basically I woke up with my eyes open and it kinda sounded like something was crawling up from the floor and then a few moments later I saw a big black shadow standing right next to me at the edge of my bed and I think it was looking at me, no words were spoken between us and the only thing that frightened me about it was how real it seemed. I. Actually had one just this morning and I still heard the floor creaking and the sound of it crawling out of the floor but I saw no shadow and I was scared for a moment but I realized the easiest way to break out of this is to calm yourself and know that you are in control of what you are seeing and you can make it go away all you have to do is focus on waking yourself up entirely and moving each part one at a time until you are totally awake. Also don't focus on what is trying to scare you because know that you must remain calm and know that fear is only a product of the thoughts you create and what you are seeing is only a product of thoughts that you create. These "entities" or products cannot kill or harm you in reality, so don't worry about whatever that do or try to do to you during the sp just focus on waking yourself up and staying calm no matter what.

Jul 16, 2015
I'm so glad you shared this NEW
by: Peter DuBois

I think I just had my first experience with sleep deprivation, and at first I thought something evil was after me aswell. I was pinned to my bed and I swear I heard some type of creepy joker like laugh. When I saw your story I found that you had it worse than me. I was glad to read it though because its giving me more reason to just believe that this was my mind. Thank you again.


Aug 09, 2015
How to get out of sleep paralysis NEW
by: Shan Dani from

Hi, I am as ever amazed at the fact that so many people experience sleep paralysis. I had the experience more than once. I think if you go to bed with stress and disturbing, unresolved, emotional issues you are prone to such dreams.

I remember my experience when my sister was kind of possessed after my mother's death. It's a long story, so I won't dwell in it.

One way to free yourself from sleep paralysis is to NOT be afraid. Just know it for what it is and accept it. If you keep struggling, you'll only get deeper into it. Just recognise it for what it is and smile. It's just stress. It will go away sooner than if you struggled.

Jan 09, 2016
if you need help NEW
by: Anonymous

please tell me if that happened again. Because I can help.

Mar 05, 2016
fucking night NEW
by: mahir

i also had a bad dream like that.The dream that i saw i cannot tell it was horrible.i was so .....

Nov 25, 2017
by: Anonymous

I’m only eleven but I have been getting these scary dreams and often wake up when my body isn’t ready. This scary stuff has been happening since I was seven it has been too long for me and I want it to end. As you have had these terrible dreams I have also. Now I have these hulucinations at least two times a week.

Nov 25, 2017
Similar type stories NEW
by: Shan Kissdani

I'm a writer of eerietales at and I have heard many such stories and more. There are too many to relay here, do go to my site and read them. They are stories sent by common people with such experiences. Sometimes, what we think are ghosts are nothing more than a visual experience and brain function we do not understand.

Jul 14, 2020
Oh my gosh!! NEW
by: Lily Luna Potter

I am so frightened

fuck you

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The Zeo

A revolution in personal sleep tracking, the Zeo is a wireless headband that transmits your brainwaves in realtime to a dock (pictured here) or your smartphone. The result? You can wake up and see exactly what stages of sleep you were in during the night! Unprecedented personalized sleep knowledge.

Sleep Paralysis: A Dreamer's Guide

Sleep Paralysis Treatment Book

Ever woken up paralyzed? A surprising number of us have, believe it or not. But few know the actual causes of this phenomenon, and fewer still how to exert control over it. Dream researcher and sleep paralysis expert Ryan Hurd shares breakthrough insights into how to do just that.

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