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My 7-year-old son won't sleep alone?

My 7-year-old son will not sleep alone. He goes to bed ok and falls asleep but wakes up 2-3 times in the night and comes and wakes me up to tell me he can't sleep. When I return him to his bed he falls back to sleep quickly, but then wakes again and so it goes on. I have tried everything I can think of, taking away things he enjoys, rewards for sleeping all night alone, but nothing works. Please, please help.

Comments for My 7-year-old son won't sleep alone?

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Feb 27, 2011
sleepign disorders
by: nikki

well my son is 7 and he has adhd but recently been waking up either crying or screaming in nite and its got me to scared to sleep at nite.but when let him sleep with me hes fine its so weird so i know wat ur goin through!

Sep 07, 2011
my son sounds just like yours
by: jvb

I also have a 7 year old son who wakes all through the night but sleeps ok if he is with me. He is a very restless sleeper though and always kicking and trying to shove his legs under me. He has always been a terrible sleeper. Has anyone found anything that has helped your children with their sleep? I would love to hear any ideas from anyone!!

Nov 15, 2011
Son and Mom with No Sleep NEW
by: Bryans Mommy

My son is 5 and is being tested for adhd. He is constantly waking up through out the night. I started giving him melatonin but it only got him tired to want to go to sleep. He was still waking up through out the night and waking me up. So his doctor prescribed clonidine but he still wakes up through out the night. Please help. My son needs sleep so he can function in school, I need sleep too. Can't remember what an 8hr sleep was like.

Nov 27, 2011
daughter wakes won't sleep NEW
by: Anonymous

My daughter is 7 years old takes about an hour to go to sleep with me in the room screams if i leave then during the night she wakes and screams if i don't sleep with her. 3 year old sleeps great

Aug 07, 2014
Cleanse??? NEW
by: Anonymous

Have an open mind, I had to and had pretty awesome results after months of my 8 yr old freaking out at bedtime during the night, many avenues looked into... Then much to our unease at the time we had someone cleanse our home with our daughter there as it seemed she had a presence with her. Now it has gone. Worth a try

Aug 13, 2014
My 7-year-old son won't sleep alone NEW
by: Anonymous

my 7 year old son every night i have the same issue he doesn't want to go to bed he screams and kicks on the walls...he's always got some excuse every night why he needs to stay up ,hes thirsty or hes hungry ..then his reasons r im scared of the dark so i either lve the hallway light on or the bathroom light and he still wont go to bed by himself ...its starting to get very frustrating cause this has been going on for 3 years now ive tried giving him a stuffy to sleep with and nothing seems to work he always has to have me in the same room ... then if i do lay down with him it takes him 3 hrs or more before he decides to go to sleep ....if anyone has any ideas it would be appreciated

Aug 30, 2014
7 year old won't sleep NEW
by: Anonymous

My son is exactly the same he's 7 and has ADHD every night is a battle I dread bedtime he kicks off from 8 till 1 in the. Morning sometimes! He throws things at me and deliberately brakes things in his room so I go in! Iv removed everything I can but not he's snapped his slats on his bed and using them to get my attention! I'm a single mum nobody helps me because he's too hard and I'm at my wits end I feel like a failure and really don't no what to do next! Iv even tried melatonin.

Aug 30, 2014
7 year old won't sleep NEW
by: Anonymous

My son is exactly the same he's 7 and has ADHD every night is a battle I dread bedtime he kicks off from 8 till 1 in the. Morning sometimes! He throws things at me and deliberately brakes things in his room so I go in! Iv removed everything I can but not he's snapped his slats on his bed and using them to get my attention! I'm a single mum nobody helps me because he's too hard and I'm at my wits end I feel like a failure and really don't no what to do next! Iv even tried melatonin.

Dec 27, 2014
My 7 yr old won't sleep alone answers NEW
by: Anonymous

I too have the same issues with my 7 yr old son. He nearly sleeps under me, as every time I shift, he tries to wiggle his legs and arms under me. I have 4 other children that we had cos leering arrangements with, and at the age of 3 they were all able to sleep alone. He recently received a dx of adhd, anxiety, and sensory processing disorder. Possibly has high ffunctioning autism. Sensory issues are very common in these disorders. Perhaps some of these children are affected by one or more. Particularly sensory processing disorder.

Dec 27, 2014
My 7 yr old won't sleep alone answers NEW
by: Anonymous

I too have the same issues with my 7 yr old son. He nearly sleeps under me, as every time I shift, he tries to wiggle his legs and arms under me. I have 4 other children that we had cos leering arrangements with, and at the age of 3 they were all able to sleep alone. He recently received a dx of adhd, anxiety, and sensory processing disorder. Possibly has high ffunctioning autism. Sensory issues are very common in these disorders. Perhaps some of these children are affected by one or more. Particularly sensory processing disorder.

Dec 27, 2014
My 7 yr old won't sleep alone answers NEW
by: Anonymous

I too have the same issues with my 7 yr old son. He nearly sleeps under me, as every time I shift, he tries to wiggle his legs and arms under me. I have 4 other children that we had cos leering arrangements with, and at the age of 3 they were all able to sleep alone. He recently received a dx of adhd, anxiety, and sensory processing disorder. Possibly has high ffunctioning autism. Sensory issues are very common in these disorders. Perhaps some of these children are affected by one or more. Particularly sensory processing disorder.

Jan 04, 2015
help my 7 year old boy won't go in his own bed or go asleep. NEW
by: jenjoe8

Hello readers can someone please help me my 7 year old boy won't go into his own bed or even when he's in my bed he stays awake if anyone can give me any tips that would be great thanx.

Jan 28, 2015
son will not sleep on his own NEW
by: Anonymous

I have a 7yr old boy who refuses too sleep in his own bed. We tell him every night that other children his age sleep in there own bed. We have a hall night light on for him. This has been going on since he was 4 years old. Now beginning to think shoudnt of left it for so long but we need sleep too.;

Mar 11, 2015
stepmom struggle NEW
by: Anonymous

I wrote in earlier about my step daughter not sleeping in her own bed and basically not wanting to be alone at all. One thing that is not not touched on is how is a couple supposed to have intimate time together? If the child is allowed to sleep in the room beginning at her bedtime, what do the adults do? it's not my bedtime? we are held captive in our room with her, unable to leave and carry on as many married adults do. She will NOT even try to fall asleep in her bed. Its taking its toll, and although I am reading all I can on this subject, I'm not finding any real helpful answers to my questions.

Apr 27, 2015
My 7 year old son can't sleep alone NEW
by: Anonymous

We got problem with our 7 years old son, who always want to share bed with his parent. We trying best after 1 or 2 hours he came our bed room and request I can't sleep...any good suggestion Plz

Apr 28, 2015
Be open minded NEW
by: Anonymous

What your child is going through could be quite scary to them. I became open-minded to this and I learnt that she was seeing things. Sometimes hearing things that we don't as adults. Please take the time to listen and help your children, it took us over 6 months to get to the bottom of this and the easy answer for us was an amethyst crystal for my daughter to wear and an amethyst cluster to go by her bedside! You will need to program it to protect them from negative energies but your crystal shop will help you do this. Please try I didn't for 2 months then got to my wits end and bam it all stopped. Please let me know if you give this a try and if it works for you too.

Jul 29, 2015
my son 5-year-old won't sleep alone NEW
by: Sovannakphoung

My 5 year old waking up crying and scared through out the night . When I went to sleep with him he's fine until morning . Please help me I want him to sleep alone

Jul 29, 2015
Sleep NEW
by: Anonymous

My suggestion for your child is getting an amethyst cluster from a crystal shop clear it and program it. Most shops will help you. Program it with "I ask Mother Earth to program this crystal and program it with white positive and protective light, please protect the user from negative energies" then place it right near his bed within a metre. This may sound crazy but it has helped my girls. Even google crystal prescriptions good luck

Dec 13, 2015
My 7 yr old won't sleep in his bed alone. NEW
by: Anonymous

My son had sensory issues he will not sleep in his own bed. Has anyone had issues with this. Help.

Aug 29, 2016
My 7 year old NEW
by: Anonymous

I have a 7 year old little boy who wont sleep by his self ever since he lost his father 4 months ago he wont sleep by his self he crys and screams for his ddad it makes me so sad for him

Jan 02, 2017
Going to sleep NEW
by: Kristi

My 7 year old son sleeps fine trough the night but has issues going to sleep our rooms are right nexr to each other and he still won't sleep I know it disrupts mt two older girls but I don't know what to do

Jul 03, 2018
7 year old NEW
by: Anonymous

There is not one solution here. Son has the same problem.

Aug 30, 2018
Same issues as everyone else Were all venting NEW
by: Anonymous

This is just a therapy session to vent. Not any reply’s in regards to answers or solutions. A few things in regards to kids getting diagnosed but then what?

Dec 31, 2018
by: Anonymous son has as he and many of the issues you have mentioned I lived through...I tried everything the end it was smacking him and shouting at him for a couple of nights , he has to know your very angry and he's kidding you off, he slept alone fine then ....I.should have done this first ......wasted years on melatonin and meditation and rewards, its all carp to replace old-fashioned smack and shouting .....smack and shouting is only thing that worked

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The Zeo

A revolution in personal sleep tracking, the Zeo is a wireless headband that transmits your brainwaves in realtime to a dock (pictured here) or your smartphone. The result? You can wake up and see exactly what stages of sleep you were in during the night! Unprecedented personalized sleep knowledge.

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