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My Son Only Sleeps On Average 1 1/2-2 Hours In Blocks


My son is 5 1/2 and I can't count on one hand how many nights he's been able to sleep through the night. He has several allergies which makes him itchy and has trouble regulating his body temperature. Anyway, every single night he will go to bed (around 7:30-8) and will wake up around 9 or 10:00. I will then take him to my bed where he falls back asleep. He continues to wake throughout the night, but I hold him from itching and he falls back asleep.

We have tried several medication to help with the itching and help him sleep but nothing has worked. We are now trying Melatonin and it seems to help him fall asleep but not stay asleep.

I am not thinking he has a problem with his sleep cycles since it the same time (1 1/2-2 hrs) every night.

Please help...or can you point us in a direction of who we should see.

Thank you,

Comments for My Son Only Sleeps On Average 1 1/2-2 Hours In Blocks

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Jul 09, 2011
Itching child.
by: Sleep Tech

My suggestion would be to have a sleep study done to determine if it is an issue form itching or is he having a sleep disorder that is causing the awakenings. I hope this helps. The test is called a PSG and you can bring it to the attention of your child's Dr. They will know what it is. You explain why you feel it is necessary.

Good Luck.

Jul 29, 2011
Same here
by: Lisa

I have the exact same problem with my 2.5 year-old, who has never slept through the night. Much the same are you, he is up about 90 mins after he falls asleep, and then usually every hour to hour-an-a-half after that.

Please let me know if you discover anything that might help us as well, and I will certainly do the same for you.


Aug 19, 2011
Same problem

Hi, Our 3 1/2 year old has never slept through a night. He wakes almost exactly 90min after falling asleep and then continues to wake every hour to an hour 1/2 most of the night. They are always night terrors and last about 10 to 15 min each. We have been going to a sleep center for 3 mths now and they seem to be working through a process of elimination, trying things. Now that nothing has worked we are invited in for a sleep study. We go in on the 19th Sep. I so hope we get some answers and a plan of attack to help him sleep. If something works I will post it here.

Oct 09, 2011
by: Anonymous

My 4 year old daughter has similar issues with allergies and sleep problems. Just wondering what you've all learned in the months that followed your posts.

Nov 15, 2011
my 3 year old has same problem
by: Anonymous

My 3 year old has horrible exzema as well. He has slept thrpugh the night maybe 3 times and when I say slept through the night I'm saying maybe 6 hours with out waking up. He wakes up about 4 times every night bit it seems to be around he same times. I have tried everything. Please let me know what you find out.

Dec 12, 2011
Almost five year old daughter has svere Eczema and issues with sleep
by: Anonymous

My daughter who is almost five years old has the same problem, she has had very severe eczema since she was a baby and has rarely slept 4 hours at a strech. Because she would wake herself up by scracthing she sleeps with me so i can make sure that she doesn't scratch herself to bleed, which doesn't help much since she gets very aggressive when we try to stop her from scrathing she wakes a up at least a couple of times but each awake period lasts for an hour to 2 hours of strugle trying to keep her from scratching. I have noticed that she sleeps better after 5:00 in the morning. This has resulted in lack of concentration at school and her ability to stay on task. Please let me know if you find out anything that has helped your situation.

Apr 18, 2012
by: jenna

Hi i have a 3yr old son who has an allergy to milk which is well controlled and about a yr ago he started having problems with sleep he seems to wake up at 4am everynight and stays awake shouting me i have tried everythin but nothing works my health visitor and dr will not help and just say keep trying all the advice lastnight we got half hr of sleep he sems to b getting worse and it is now starting to effect my 5yr old daughter as he is wakeing her up and she is tierd going to skool i have had 5hrs sleep in 72 hrs if anyone has found anything to help plz post im a single parent an really struggleing now and at my wits end and worried my soon might have an underlying issuse so any advice would be appricated.

Nov 05, 2012
My daughter wakes up every 2 hours itching..
by: kabotra1978

My 2 year old daughter wakes up every night exactly at the same time. She keeps scratching so much and cries profusely.

We used Sun baths for 2 weeks and it worked like a charm. She actually slept full nights without itching. I was so close to say - her itching is gone, but it again started and now its really bad because of the winter weather (as per doctors).

Doctors said she has eczema and we kept switching lotions - from Aveeno to Cera and what not.

Just wondering, if anyone has the same issue and have found out some solutions.

It really hurts when your baby says - she is itchy and you can't do anything. is appreciated.


Nov 11, 2012
by: Anonymous

I came to this page because I too wake up with itching almost exactly 90 min after going to sleep. Always itching legs sometimes face. Consider the possibility of mites or scabies. there are a lot of things the eye can't see but manifest itself in itching redness or without visible indications, just found out the wife increased her sleeping meds due to itching complaint! Also pets move things around.
Current actions:
wash all bedding every 3 days sensitive skin detergent. Shower nightly, then body lotion, then field insect repellent spray on legs. Not cured but allows sleep.

65 yr old.

Dec 04, 2014
6 year old itching NEW
by: Darcy

My son also wakes up consistently every night 2 hours after waking. He is always, always itching some part of his body. It takes about an hour to get him all situated and stopped. So very frustrating. He does have allergies but those allergens are avoided. Atarax does not help keep him asleep, but he has been taking off and on now for 2-3 years. His skin is somewhat clear due to an eczema study we are in now but he still wakes up itching. We are wondering if it has become habitual? Anyone on here found any solutions since original post?

Feb 18, 2015
My son has itchy skin at night NEW
by: Anonymous

Our doctor has given my 5 year old son antihistamine just to use at night time to stop the itch and I'm glad to say it works!!

Jun 07, 2015
Trouble sleeping NEW
by: Anonymous

My daughter is almost 3 years old and has been itching since she was about 7 months.
She wakes up 2-3 times at night, every night.
I have tried Witch Hazel which is very soothing and I put some on the area she scratches every night. She likes it as it has a very cooling effect and I have to apply it several times to keep her sleeping.
Good luck to you all.
I keep praying God will heal all of our kids from this itching.


Jan 19, 2016
4 yr old son itches constantly and can't sleep; also has food allergies NEW
by: Anonymous

My son is now 4 yrs old and has rarely slept all night. We moved to a different state this past fall and haven't seen any improvement in his skin condition. His eczema is getting severe. Bleach baths have helped in the past as well as using Vanicream and prescribed medicated ointments (steroids). We can only use pure petroleum jelly (Vaseline) or other ointments free of perfumes, dyes, and certain chemicals. Anything with water in it makes his skin burn. Baths are limited to a few a week because of the water irritation. He wakes at the same time every night in the wee hours of the early morning because of the constant itching...he scratches until his skin bleeds and we can't get him to stop. He has multiple food allergies and sensitivities which worsen the eczema. I am having our third child in a few months and can't keep going off of a few hours of sleep each night. I just know that if we could figure out how to stop the itching he would be able to sleep all night, and so would the rest of our family.
Currently we are trying different natural supplements like Cod Liver Oil, and a few other nutritional changes (if we can get him to eat anything) to see if we can get the eczema cleared up and stop the itching.
It has been a battle for four years now and I have tried just about everything, no luck yet.

Feb 23, 2017
Help pls if anyone got any solution NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi,Pls pls give your suggestion if any of you got any cure of this above mentioned non sleeping problems bcs my daughter who is 5 years too has been suffering with the same since 2013.And we all three dont sleep whole night she does itching non stop and we try to give her relief and try to put her sleep .She sleeps after 5 or 6 and has to get up at 7 for the school.She only sleeps peace fully in the morning and evening .She becomes super active in the night at the time of sleep and lazy in the day time.We r having 2-3 hours sleep hardly in the whole night.Her nature is also getting change now and becoming aggressive because we stop her of doing scratching.We use cetafil and wet towel to make her skin moisturise .We have already visited many skin specialists but didn't work .Pls some one help
Ritu Jain

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