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Night Terrors Every Night For All My Life. I Have Tried Everything. Please Help

by Carol
(Yucaipa, CA. USA)

I am a 27 yr old, educated, multilingual, emotionally stable, happily committed (to a boyfriend, not an institution) woman. I have night terrors AND nightmares (as they are NOT the same) not just every night, but every time I sleep, even if its just for a while, since before I can remember.

I have actually been told recently by my mother that they began occurring before I was 18 mos. old. I have never been subjected to any 'trauma' or 'accident' or any other physical or emotional explanation for my affliction. I have never suffered from any type of mental or emotional disorder (excepting of coarse, insomnia, somnambulism, bruxism and pavor nocternus).

I mainly dream of demons and am often killed in my 'dreams.' you know that old urban legend that if you die in your dreams then you die in real life? Well, if that were true, then i would have died well over 5,000 times. Many mornings i can remember detailed plots of the previous night like i had watched a movie, but also many times i can only remember disturbing flashes, and on the rare occasion, i wake up with no memory at all; these are my favourite mornings.

When i was a child, my family called me "commando Carol," because I would hit and kick violently in my sleep and often fell out of bed. the doctors just said that this sometimes happens to children for no good reason, and that i would grow out of it. I did not.

As far as the demons
go; i am christian, but am also extremely tolerant in that respect. one of my longest and closest friends is a wiccan, another is catholic, another is mormon, and my boyfriend is agnostic. almost every person in my life has become something evil and tried to kill me in my dreams.

My deaths are never 'pretty' either, and it's is not always someone i know who 'does me in'. I have even been a demon in my dreams once or twice; one dream comes to mind where I was a red headed vampire with a love for a yellow toothbrush. its not always about demons either, i had one dream where i was babysitting my niece and nephew (toddlers) and two perverts broke in the house to snatch them. Killed both of the men... violently. The only true constant in my dreams seems to be violence and a good dose of fear.

Please help me,

Kevin: Hey Carol, thanks for sharing your story. Have you explored lucid dreaming as a gateway for taking control of your bad dreams? You seem to be so acutely in tune with your dream world that taking the next step to lucidity would likely not be too hard for you, if you are not even there already. Check out this visitor-submitted comment for an idea of the possible potential here: Taking Control Of My Nightmares.


(Please keep in mind that I am a student of sleep science and not a medical doctor. Please take any thoughts I give with my background in mind.)

Comments for Night Terrors Every Night For All My Life. I Have Tried Everything. Please Help

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Sep 12, 2011
try melatonin
by: Tammy LPN

have you tried the natural sleep aid melatonin? it seems to have a calming effect and lets you ease into sleep stages versus going rapidly into deep sleep.

Sep 21, 2011
terror mares
by: Ffire

have you tried writing them down exactly as they are then write down the dream again but with something that you will make happen that will change the dream

during the day, day dream of your victory in your dream that night even if its something simple like when your the vampire you finally get the yellow toothbrush but with out killing someone allow yourself to hurt the things around you as it gives you control and still power

then perhaps keep it the same for a week then the next week change something small like the colour of the clothing your wearing or what the nasty guys / things are wearing.

once you realise in the dream you can change things then you will find you can change the path the dream is going down and if you cant do that then you can at least know whats going to happen and try to make it more unrealistic like putting the nasty guys in fairy costumes

hope that helps Ffire X

Dec 03, 2012
This may be a spiritual issue... NEW
by: Gabriela

Carol - as one who suffered greatly by this as a child and watched as my own son battled night terrors, I certainly understand your experience. I also am a Christian, and as a sister in Christ, might I ask if you have considered that this is a spiritual matter?
If we call Jesus as Lord, then we have been adopted by Him (Romans 8). Not that we would not suffer or be uncomfortable, but that we have Him on our side. When you are in the middle of a fight, always pay attention to the big guy in the room. As Christians, the biggest guy in the room is Jesus, who is on our side... and it isn't even close. A great illustration of this idea is in 2 Kings 6. And just as Elisha prayed that his servant's eyes be opened, that is my prayer for you.
Of angels and demons, Hebrews 1+2 make it clear that Jesus is more powerful and a loving protector. Pay close attention to Hebrews 2:14-15, especially in the New Living translation.
Carol, I don't know all that you are going through, but I'm taking you at your word that you are a follower of Christ. As such, I'm praying that His hand will be upon you and the words of Matthew 6 would work in your life. Seek His kingdom first, and the promises of Psalm 1 will be yours.

Jun 22, 2014
Sounds like a spiritual issue NEW
by: Sam

Carol, Sometimes we accidentally allow access to the enemy. Sometimes that can be passed down through generational warfare. Try reading "Reclaiming Surrendered Ground" by Jim Logan or "The Bondage Breaker" by Neil Anderson. They may help you understand what you are up against. You might want to look for a good Christian counselor. If you go to there is link to find a counselor in your area who is familiar with generational warfare. I hope this helps. If you are a Christian you have authority to make your spiritual attacker leave. I will be praying for you.

Jun 22, 2014
Sounds like a spiritual issue NEW
by: Sam

Carol, Sometimes we accidentally allow access to the enemy. Sometimes that can be passed down through generational warfare. Try reading "Reclaiming Surrendered Ground" by Jim Logan or "The Bondage Breaker" by Neil Anderson. They may help you understand what you are up against. You might want to look for a good Christian counselor. If you go to there is link to find a counselor in your area who is familiar with generational warfare. I hope this helps. If you are a Christian you have authority to make your spiritual attacker leave. I will be praying for you.

Dec 11, 2014
Night terrors?? NEW
by: Millie123

Hi I believe I have been having night terrors. My daughter often wakes me up in the night by tapping me and whispering in my ear, now I'm dreaming someone is tapping me and whispering in my ear and when I wake up and look no one is there so I scream, my heart rate is high and it causes great fear. I go through this at least 5 times a night and am absolutely sick of it!

Jun 05, 2015
by: Anonymous

I briefly skimmed over some of the previous comments that others had left you...I am turning 34 next week Monday and have suffered from what doctors have diagnosed as night terrors/sleep paralysis since I was 5...and since then I have searched for ways to stop first I could wake up by screaming...then when that stopped working I'd have to fight just to wake up and then when I finally did I would have to completely change the position in which I was sleeping in...then when that stopped working I would actually have to sleep by a living being (be it person/pet) and then muster all of my will and strength to move my hand enough to touch them and instantly the episode would stop...then when that stopped working I tried a medical approach and was prescribed medicine used to treat epilepsy even though I had no prior history of it and was told that my nightmares were a form of a brain seizure and was also prescribed various other medication to help me fall asleep and for depression...the first night that I took these pills I knocked out and slept without incident...however, the second night my ex had to witness me fight just to breathe while going through one of these episodes which frightened her...I continued taking the medicine but it seemed like my condition just worsened and became more violent so I opted to stop taking all medication...I've been through sleep study...I've seen almost every type of doctor and dietitian that one could think of from neurologist-psychologist/psychiatrist and still I suffer from these episodes...all I know to be true is that it feels more like a spiritual/physical attack rather than a sleeping disorder so whatever you do...DO NOT TAKE ANY MEDICINES THAT CAN ACT LIKE A TRANQUILIZER...OR A SLEEP AID!!!

Jul 03, 2015
try this approach NEW
by: Anonymous

best thing to do is consult a sleep specialist. they might recommend a sleep test. Make sure they are familiar with night terrors because there are specific things that need to be monitored and not all specialists know this. i had to have two because of this and they are expensive. be careful of melatonin, its natural but not legal to sell in some countries and i have been told it is not useful for night terror. there are some good, non habit forming medications out there and the sleep specialist can advise on this.

Mar 29, 2016
night terror everyday of my life NEW
by: Anonymous

Wow everything that was in your story that's me every night of my life I have never met anyone as bad as me I know it's very scary and I feel like a freak I always thought I was the only one I wish I can give you tips but I don't have any the only time I don't get one is if I'm drinking and that's not a lot I went to a sleep doctor one time for it and she made me feel like a freak saying I was her worst case in her 20 year career not a good feeling

Mar 29, 2016
night terror everyday of my life NEW
by: Anonymous

Wow everything that was in your story that's me every night of my life I have never met anyone as bad as me I know it's very scary and I feel like a freak I always thought I was the only one I wish I can give you tips but I don't have any the only time I don't get one is if I'm drinking and that's not a lot I went to a sleep doctor one time for it and she made me feel like a freak saying I was her worst case in her 20 year career not a good feeling

Mar 29, 2016
night terror everyday of my life NEW
by: Anonymous

Wow everything that was in your story that's me every night of my life I have never met anyone as bad as me I know it's very scary and I feel like a freak I always thought I was the only one I wish I can give you tips but I don't have any the only time I don't get one is if I'm drinking and that's not a lot I went to a sleep doctor one time for it and she made me feel like a freak saying I was her worst case in her 20 year career not a good feeling

Sep 09, 2016
43 Year old with night terrors NEW
by: Anonymous

I am 43 years old and have been having night terrors for the past 10 years or so a few times a week and this can also include a couple of times in one night.
My night terror consists of me waking up absolutely screaming the house down because I have stopped breathing or am about to die in my dreams. I awaken out of breath and find it very hard to breathe easily for a while and my heart is racing. It is the most scariest thing ever!!!

Oct 15, 2016
Pray NEW
by: Louis

Prayers helped me. Just before you go to bed, say a simple but believing prayer. Commit the night into God's hands and ask for His protection in Jesus name.
Read/Google Proverbs 3:24

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The Zeo

A revolution in personal sleep tracking, the Zeo is a wireless headband that transmits your brainwaves in realtime to a dock (pictured here) or your smartphone. The result? You can wake up and see exactly what stages of sleep you were in during the night! Unprecedented personalized sleep knowledge.

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