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Please Help Me If You Know Whats Wrong..

by Matthew John Zotos

a little bit of back round knowledge: when i was about 8(im fourteen now) i was always terrified of a few things.. 1. the man on the moon, 2. rocky and bowinkle the moose, and third, those scary weird pop up pranks on the computer. please if you know whats going on. let me know.

My dreams have always been intense. ive always have woken up with chills or sleep terrors looking around my room like somethings wrong. still visualizing the outlines of the intense figures and patterns that were in my dream. this time it went way to far. when im in a realy deep sleep and its hard for me to wake up. my dream traps me inside. and scares the living hell out of me. i will try and try to get out, but it will trick me, like when ill have a bad dream and wake up and go to turn my light on, it wont turn on. thats when i realize im sucked into my dream and that i need to make a worth while and try to hold through so that i can get out.

my mind plays me over and over again, keeping me sleep terrors but i can feel the chills and goosebumps in my dreams.. and this time it was weird and messed up.. imagine you flying.. and in mid air a giant white man on the moon starts calmly yelling at you. your heart starts racing so fast that you fall down. then you wake up in somethings arms.. you open your eyes very slowly and its bowinkle staring straight at you not talking.

now pretend you wake up again this time in your bed where you had fallen asleep. you go down stairs to get something.. on your way up already a bit frightened of the basement, something pulls you down and you fall for three hours straight before
you finally smack face first into the ground you wake up.. again.. terrified.. go to turn on your light and tv as an indicator that your not in your dream.. nothing turns on, no one is home. you feel like your heart has been shattered from beating so fast and your chest incaves into your terrified body..

you kick open the door, run outside, and begin to run.. youve never felt your heart beat faster in your whole life time. you are scared and afraid and dont know what to do so you begin to run down your block jumping higher and higher with each leap. finally your flying over a nearby sod farm local to your house.. you fall again as you hit the ground you close your eyes open.. and know your in a boat with no oars in the middle of a lake.. you see a small paper plane fly across it and open it up into an exorcist face. you break down in tears. finally you wake up. this was my dream. after i woke up i immediately sat up the up half of my body, with an anxiety attack, i started crying my eyes out. bawling.

i tried picking up my legs it didnt work.. screaming.. AH NOT THIS NOTHIS GAIN NO thinking im still in a dream. finally my legs started moving.. as i went to reach for a light i had fallen down and started spazzing out on the floor, tried to indicate it. i blacked out after the spasm. woke up on my floor whhere it had occured.. i sat in my bed not wanting to fall asleep just crying for three ours straight until finally the sun came up.. i had made it. this was three days ago. im in need of some sort of information, explanation, or assistance. like i said if you know whats going on. let me know.

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Comments for Please Help Me If You Know Whats Wrong..

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Aug 24, 2011
Past, Present, Future?
by: Anonymous

You feel like you can't get away from anything in your dream. Everywhere you appear your traumatized by pain, helplessness, objects, people. Maybe the man on the moon yelling was a symbol of a strict parent or authority figure? and Bowinkle as the more softer parental unit. The fictional creatures have obviously arisen from your childhood. Think about why you used to be scared of them? What harm could they really cause you. They didn't try hurting you in your dream they simply frightened you because of the memory of being afraid of them. Try reanalyzing your dreams. Explain to yourself that nothing happened, your fine, and convince yourself that there is no danger; even in your dream. Your dreams involve of a lot of physical pain or any painful situation in the futur. Have you been bullied? Gone to the hospital due to injury or sickness? It could also be that your simply just scared of pain. I think that during the day you should check for anxiety signs. Perhaps you have an anxiety disorder. You can look it up on or If this isn't the case, talk to someone. Maybe an elder, priest, parent, therapist, they can all help you reveal the meaning of this nightmare and/or help you get away from your problems.

Aug 24, 2011
by: Anonymous

You say your 14 years old. That's a difficult age in a persons life where they deal with a lot of pressure and change. It could be possible that these dreams are coming from a traumatic experience of yourself, you've witnessed a family members death or lost someone close to you, you could be worried about something, or theses dreams are just coming from video games, shows, movies etc. Things that we see or hear may not bother us when were awake but the subconscious mind takes over at night. Ex: Maybe one day you went canoeing, boating, to the beach, etc. and later that night or in the near future you watched the exorcist or a movie such as that one. Maybe you should try cutting down on things you see on television.

Nov 08, 2011
A shot in the dark
by: Anonymous

It sounds to me like whatever chemical reaction your brain is having is feeding the dream cycle. I feel for you. I really do. I have had dreams to where I couldn't wake up. I have learned on little trick and that is to remain calm. It isn't easy, but sometimes it helps.

Mar 16, 2012
That's scary NEW
by: Anonymous

I understand the way you feel. One time I had a dream were I kept waking up and it would still be a dream. I also have dreams were I feel everything that's painful. Sometimes when I figure out its a dream things either go terribly wrong or I just go along with it. I been having tons of nightmares that seem so real and tons of wonderful happy dres that seem real. I naturally am a lucid dreamer. I'm not so intense because if I find out its a dream I just try and act like I would
In real life... Ex- if I just met my fav celeb . Lucid dreaming can be pretty horrifying but also fun.

Mar 20, 2012
Advice NEW
by: Anonymous

I'm 14 also, and I will occasionally get things kind of dreams. They used to freak me out at first, bu then I realized that for some reason when I start to panic, I tend to stay trapped in the dream longer. I guess I trained my mind to stay calm, and I get out of the dream easier and quicker.

So my advice is to try to stay calm. It may be a little difficult, but trust me, you'll get it soon enough. Dont let negative thoughts fill your head. Just relax. I dont think anyone has ever died from dreaming.

Hope this helps. ;)

Apr 26, 2012
advice NEW
by: Anonymous

Its deffinitly a scary thing. Being trapped in a dream like that, makes me think that in your life, you maybe have a boyfriend who you think your trapped with? It could be anything. Maybe you think theres no way out of life? I dont know your life, so i couldnt say. but before you go to sleep, listen to happy music, or watch a bubbly happy tv show. Good luck

Nov 07, 2012
Too Warm NEW
by: Anonymous

You're sleeping too warm. Sleep in a cool room and sleep with less cover. Keep yourself and the room cool and the bad dreams will stop.

Jan 02, 2014
Calm NEW
by: Jon

It sounds like what you are doing is fighting reality and fighting your dreams. I think that you should try relaxing and letting go of what happens. I would suggest meditation to help with this.

Jan 02, 2014
Calm NEW
by: Jon

It sounds like what you are doing is fighting reality and fighting your dreams. I think that you should try relaxing and letting go of what happens. I would suggest meditation to help with this.

Jul 12, 2014
Wow, I've had a dream like that before... NEW
by: Mike

When you have that type of dream is means you are trapped in something in real life, it could be a family member has died and you just can't let it go, your trapped, for me, when I was 5 maybe 7 my parents bought a slamman punching bag that resembled a man, and I thought he was alive and evil, and I kept getting those terrible nightmares in which he was suffocating me, repeatably, and I was stuck, I 'woke' up and quickly went outside to do daily activities and boom it happened again, about 3 - 5 times, it was horrifying. However, when my parents sold that punching bag away, the dreams gradually stopped over time and my last dream like that I remember was when I was 12, I became lucid and said right to his face, "hey man, wait, why are we fighting, lets work together...", and that's when I woke up and the nightmares fully stopped... Listen, remember this... Dreams are manifested from the subconscious, and are related to an interrupted thought we had the day before or during the dream, the way to stop negative dreams is to studying lucid dreaming, and to start having positive thoughts, if the nightmare contains a negative character like that moose guy, snap out if it, have a visual thought of a machine gun, and say to yourself, "I have a machine gun..." Then use it to rid yourself of the nightmare, btw video games actually do help a little bit, but only games such as minecraft or call of duty, PS : except zombies mode, don't play that that's just plain scary sometimes... This is because video games show a fantasy world which can be controlled, the same goes with dreams, they can be controlled with practice... PS : try to think of you defeating your enemy, the moose or whatever before sleep, this makes your subconscious put it in your mind as a dream, how do you think watching a scary movie right before bed gives you a nightmare...

Jul 12, 2014
Wow, I've had a dream like that before... NEW
by: Mike

When you have that type of dream is means you are trapped in something in real life, it could be a family member has died and you just can't let it go, your trapped, for me, when I was 5 maybe 7 my parents bought a slamman punching bag that resembled a man, and I thought he was alive and evil, and I kept getting those terrible nightmares in which he was suffocating me, repeatably, and I was stuck, I 'woke' up and quickly went outside to do daily activities and boom it happened again, about 3 - 5 times, it was horrifying. However, when my parents sold that punching bag away, the dreams gradually stopped over time and my last dream like that I remember was when I was 12, I became lucid and said right to his face, "hey man, wait, why are we fighting, lets work together...", and that's when I woke up and the nightmares fully stopped... Listen, remember this... Dreams are manifested from the subconscious, and are related to an interrupted thought we had the day before or during the dream, the way to stop negative dreams is to studying lucid dreaming, and to start having positive thoughts, if the nightmare contains a negative character like that moose guy, snap out if it, have a visual thought of a machine gun, and say to yourself, "I have a machine gun..." Then use it to rid yourself of the nightmare, btw video games actually do help a little bit, but only games such as minecraft or call of duty, PS : except zombies mode, don't play that that's just plain scary sometimes... This is because video games show a fantasy world which can be controlled, the same goes with dreams, they can be controlled with practice... PS : try to think of you defeating your enemy, the moose or whatever before sleep, this makes your subconscious put it in your mind as a dream, how do you think watching a scary movie right before bed gives you a nightmare...

Oct 01, 2015
That sounds horrible NEW
by: Somebody

For the dream part, I think I might be able to help.......this worked for me quite well when I was having nightmares.
During the day, every so often I squeeze my eyes tight as I can possibly go, and then I open them. But with FORCE. like opening them is the hardest thing in the world and your expending all your energy into making your eyes shoot open.
Practice this.
When your in a dream, do it. In your dream, squeeze your eyes HARD as you can possibly do it. Then open them with force.
And, if it works, your eye lids should have actually been working in real life, and your eyes will be open and you won't be dreaming anymore.
Of course, there is a chance you'll only BELIEVE your awake but your test this, I put the thought in my head " When I pinch myself, I will swell up like a balloon and float to the ceiling". And, if I'm still dreaming, I float. If I'm not, I don't float.

that's my advice for the dream problems. The spasms sound like something that needs medical expertise. You should really look into that. Talk to your doctor or even search google for spasms. It sounds like it could really be checked out.

I hope this helped......if it didn't, I'm sorry.

Oct 14, 2016
you were having a lucid dream NEW
by: Anonymous

this is called a flse awakening. Try not to be scared and you can fully control the dream. It's called lucid dreaming.

Jul 26, 2017
Break down NEW
by: Anonymous

Usually when you have a dream that you're trying to escape something it can be because you feel the pressure of family and relatives who don't approve of your path in life. Running away also symbolizes that there is fear in your life but you are able to make sure that your life is secure.

Nov 10, 2018
You can "wake up" i.e. NEW
by: Anonymous

Your dream is telling you that you are not "waking up" to the fact that things from your childhood cannot really hurt you now that you are growing up, There may have been things in your childhood which were distressing but now you can "wake up" i.e. let them go.

Nov 10, 2018
You can "wake up" from your childhood distress. NEW
by: Anonymous

Your dream is telling you that you are not "waking up" to the fact that things from your childhood cannot really hurt you now that you are growing up, There may have been things in your childhood which were distressing but now you can "wake up" i.e. let them go.

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The Zeo

A revolution in personal sleep tracking, the Zeo is a wireless headband that transmits your brainwaves in realtime to a dock (pictured here) or your smartphone. The result? You can wake up and see exactly what stages of sleep you were in during the night! Unprecedented personalized sleep knowledge.

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