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Seeing My Dead Boyfriend - It Scared Me

by Ann
(East London)

To cut the story short i was with my boyfriend the father of two teenage children for 19 yrs. When he found out he had lung cancer we were going through a relationship breakdown whereas he was seeing someone else and had got her pregnant and although i found out about this and he still wanted me to stay with him i could not handle it he found out he had cancer and was having treatment i went with him and held his hand after radio & chemo but eventually left. he was excited about having this baby and he sacrificed our relationship so the girl kept the baby as she was threatening to put baby when born in a home etc,

When he eventually died i was devastated and guilty as i just walked away and did not support him during his last weeks but made sure our children did. anyway a while after his funeral i had a dream that i was in my old bedroom in my mum's house a place i have not lived in for over 19yrs and i was under the covers and felt someone lie on top of me i tried to turn my head to see and it was my ex partner lying naked on top of me.

He would not let me turn my head around to him and was pushing my head down into the pillow to stop me from turning around i recall saying please phil let me get up i just need to go to the toilet but he would not let me go.

I managed to squeeze out from under him and fell on the floor by the bed with the duvet tangled up in my ankles and crawling on all fours to the door to the bedroom is said its okay phil i will come back and turned and saw him coming off the bed towards me, it fid scare me! and he was naked i said again i am only going to the toilet and open the door.

My mums toilet is opposite the bedroom and i recall going in there and sitting on the toilet and when i returned well i had woke up, what does this mean,the thing is i remember it so clearly when normally i dont remember dreams it was more like i was awake and drifting in and out of sleep.

I wonder if he hated me if i could of done more in the relationship. Is there something wrong with me but know that i loved him still do and dont think i could love another.

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Aug 15, 2016
My baby NEW
by: Anonymous

It's weird my boyfriend past away 2 weeks ago .and I been having dreams of him .it's so weird cause sometimes I wake up and forget his gone like the other day i had a dream of my boyfriend that he was in jail 😢 I don't know if he was telling me like he felt that he was always locked up or what it means .

Jan 31, 2017
Making Out With A Dead Actor NEW
by: Anonymous

I been obsessing over this dead actor. He's so handsome and died young. He died in my town. The strange thing is we actually met, and I did not know who he was, cause he left acting to do regular jobs. He's well known. I met him at his day job long time ago and didn't know it was him. Recently I visit his grave and left gifts. I went twice. First time I smelled perfume after leaving. Second nothing. He gives me lotta signs that he is around. I see his name, things he likes, year he passed. I've even seen him in my dreams a couple times. Even before I went to his grave. I did meditation to connect with passed loved ones and he shows up! I did this three times now. Today I did it. He showed up. He was smiling at me. He had a big smile on his face. He told me to sit on his lap and he was playing with my hair. I could feel it was feeling good. We went for a walk in a field and he said I'm already here you don't have to follow the meditation. I still did. I was asking him something about my ongoing court case. He said I can't see anything, but that I came to see him and spend time with him. He did give me a little insight. Not what I wanted to hear exactly. I fell down upset. We were both sitting on the grass. I sat on his lap. We started making out. French kissing. I jumped up and said "why are you kissing me?" He said "I wanted him to" not gonna lie I do have intimate thoughts of him. I know it's sick cause he's dead, but why would he make out with me? Aren't they supposed to not care about that. Help me!!'

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The Zeo

A revolution in personal sleep tracking, the Zeo is a wireless headband that transmits your brainwaves in realtime to a dock (pictured here) or your smartphone. The result? You can wake up and see exactly what stages of sleep you were in during the night! Unprecedented personalized sleep knowledge.

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