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Sex Talk And Zombie Apocalypse

by Mae Lai Drew

My hot friend looked abit like Alex evans.

My hot friend looked abit like Alex evans.

I was in the Centre with a really hot guy friend that i had no idea who it was..we were walking and talking. Behind us was a couple, and the guy was very hot..i got jealous and told my friend to hold my hand. me: "hold my hand!" boy: "why?" me: "oh just do it!" *hold hands* We then walked into 'Claires accessories' and the layout was very strange and very different.. There were pens, notebooks and build your own toys..which were made from paper. Oh, and the couple had followed us into the shop aswell. I kept seeing the hot guy looking at me and i would just look away. I then walked up to the notebook section and looked at the notebokes. Then came a girl that looked like 9-11 with long,frizzy,curly hair..wearing blue eyeshadow and slutty clothes..and she started to talk to me. girl: "have you ever had sex before?" me: "what?.." girl: "have you ever had sex before?" me: *thinks in mind: no..* "yes.." girl: "oh, i've had sex 17 times, who did you have sex with?" me: " er, my boyfriend..." girl: "your a gimp." me: "how?" girl: "cause you had sex with your just don't do that. i have sex with everyone" me: "erm, okay.."

For some reaosn i was in my grans house and there was a zombie apocalypse. Me and my dad were the only survivers. We were in my grans house finding some jackets and food. I was wearing a black dress..i found one jacket but my dad told me not to wear the jacket because it didn't suit the dress and that i would freeze to death if i did, but the jacket was very fluffy. I then found the perfect jacket which belongs to my grans..she normanlly wears it when she comes over to my house or when we go out for something to eat. I wore the jacket and went out. I was waiting for my dad..and he had finally came out of the house and quietly locked the door. He had ran and went away without me and climbed over fences and he disappeared. I panicked and started climbing over fences to catch up with him. But i couldn't find him..and my dream ended.

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Feb 12, 2013
yeah NEW
by: john mathews

sex yeah. i had it 23 times with my classnate. after the lectures in the collage are over,i and sara do sex in the basement. i like to kiss her bumps and breast and she likes me to kidd on her whole body and we love each other and she i sexy.i love to kiss in her bumps and brest the sara is going to write something,i like him to do sex with me.

Feb 28, 2015
A possible answer NEW
by: Anonymous

Sounds like the girl telling you to have sex with everyone, was trying to get you to sin & become like her (vile & disgusting). Instead of better than her.
The coat of your grans you put on & following your dad. Your dad telling you to find a better coat so your not cold. Is his love for you & you finding a coat of your grans, is her love & his love protecting you. Your dad getting away from you, may mean to follow him, don't look back, & seek Him.

Jul 10, 2015
The explanation NEW
by: Anonymous

This happened to me when I got high on shredded Viagra

Jul 10, 2015
Solution and meaning NEW
by: Hugh Jaynus

Smoke weed errday.

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