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Shadow People and Dark Demonic Entities During Sleep Paralysis

by Barney Donnelly
(Dallas, TX)

{Editor's Note: While many religious and spiritual explanations for sleep paralysis can be found on this visitor-submitted post and within its comments, please view our own article about sleep paralysis to read about the insights biology and sleep science provide in determining the causes of sleep paralysis, and to learn this site's position on the matter. We are glad we can provide an open forum for discussion.}

I just made a video about my sp experiences, you can see it at are some of my experiences and my take on what sp is:

I had my first experiences with sp in 1996 when I was 16. I woke up in total paralysis and could see around my room. My room was exactly the same, the door creaked opened slowly and a dark figure entered. On this occurrence, I didn't have the chocking or sitting on my chest. Then it transitioned into an involuntary out of body experience where my spirit was floating uncontrollably above my bed. I could see my brother in his bed and I was trying to get back in my body.

I didn't have another sp or obe experience until 2005 and have had about 15 experiences since then. It usually happens to me just in the moment of falling asleep or shortly after. I feel the tingling feeling rushing down my body from head to toe as one would feel when a muscle is "going to sleep." I am conscious of the fact that I'm going into an sp episode and usually think to myself, "Here we go again."

At this point, I have had a variety of experiences but I will start with the most common: seeing one or two shadowy black figures standing at the side of or foot of my bed, they are staring at me and upon seeing them it is the worst terror imaginable.

Sometimes they aren't there at first and the door creaks open and it or they enter. Once they had hoods and red glowing eyes. Once a bright light shone into my bedroom window and i clearly saw the typical alien figure with the large round head and huge eyes. Besides the intense fear there is always the sense of an evil presence, even the times when I don't see an entity.

Many of the times I am being strangled and feel a real pressure on my chest.

There are also times when I interact with my wife and kids in my bedroom but when I finally get out of the sp, they are all sound asleep. Once, I heard my son calling for help in his bedroom so I walked over there to help only to find his window open, when I reached to close the window, a black cat with evil glowing eyes bite my hand and I couldn't shake the cat of my hand. At that moment, a hideous voice said audibly, "we're gonna kill your children!"

Another time the demonic figure with glowing eyes was at the side of
my bed and leaned over my head and pressed towards me to attack. First I just head growling then he screamed his name in my ear three time, "Darius, Darius, Darius!" I could feel his hot breath in my ear, it was super real and scary.

Other times when there are no attacks during sp, I'm just fighting to get out of it. Some things happen to me that aren't so common but I have found other sp sufferers that have these too:
False wake up...several times I fight to get out of the sp and finally "wake up" in my bed and think finally I'm out of it. I look around and see my room just the same, get up and do various activities only when something happens that let's me know this is not real, I realize I never got out of sp, when I wake up for real, its all the more freaky to come back to the real reality.

I have also been talking to my wife during sp and then she turns into a dark demonic figure who then attacks me.

Sp mostly happens to me while sleeping on my back but have had several time when I sleep on my side. The strangest thing is that when in enter sp while sleeping on my side, when I sit my torso up to look around, I feel the distinctive spinning one feels when you stand up fast from touching your toes and you regain your balance.

Also, when fighting so hard to get out of sp, I had strained so hard to move a limb that I have actually moved my "spirit" arm or leg up out of my body. This is also how I explain the ability to look around the room while in sp, It's my spirit that is moving all the while my body is paralysed.

I have read extensive material on sp over the years and tons of theories but have come up with my take on what sp is. Although I am an active Christian, I don't agree with what most Christians say about sp. I believe what the Bible teaches about demons and that there is a spiritual dimension that is unseen to our human eyes.

I explain my opinion more in my YouTube video. I have yet to find a commonality as to why sp happens or what causes it but as sure as I know the reality we know and live in everyday, I know these are not hallucinations. Sp is so strange that it forces us to figure out what we truly believe in...and that comes with much unbiased searching.

{Editor's Note: While many religious and spiritual explanations for sleep paralysis can be found on this visitor-submitted post and within its comments, please view our own article about sleep paralysis to read about the insights biology and sleep science provide in determining the causes of sleep paralysis, and to learn this site's position on the matter. We are glad we can provide an open forum for discussion.}

Comments for Shadow People and Dark Demonic Entities During Sleep Paralysis

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Dec 30, 2010
by: PK

I find it strange that other people would envision similar shadowy figures. I fought them, dare I say I killed some of them and cast them down to hell to await judgement. I never did drugs and stopped cold turkey on alcohol several years ago. Anything or anyone wants to attack me in my sleep or in my waking moments be prepared to see hell up close.

Jan 07, 2011
shadows/grim reaper
by: kayla

I have had so many encounter. One time the tall one standing by my bed told me he was Jesus, that he wanted me to join an army. The other ones were smaller and oh ya this was all in my mind, the conversation we had. I knew jesus would never put fear in me so i made a phone call to my dad who also has had bad experiences because i asked the tall one if my dad knew about it and he told me yes. My dad told me to go to the stress center but i think its a warning maybe from the lord and it just made me stronger. I would like to talk to someone who is educated about it cuz i seen the grim reaper shadow. I wish someone could tell me why.

Jan 07, 2011
Sleep Imagery
by: Kevin Morton

Hi Kayla, you may find either or both of the following pages useful:

Jan 09, 2011
Responses to Questions Posed in the Video
by: Anonymous

I just started experiencing SP in the past few months. Its happened three times. Here are my responses to your questions:

(1) False wake ups. I have also experienced this. I thought that I was awake and went on to do other tasks in my apartment, but then something would trigger the realization that I was still paralyzed and not awake yet. This happened three times in the same incident.

(2) Voices. I had SP again today and a shadowy hooded figure standing in the middle of my room was speaking in a raspy voice. But unlike you, I couldn't understand what he was saying.

(3) "Spirit-man." I haven't tried so hard to wake up that my "spirit arm" leaves my physical body.

(4) Marijuana. I've never done drugs.

(5) Physical/Spiritual Realm. I think you're onto something with your theory. I am also a follower of Jesus Christ, and I believe that there is a spiritual realm that exists that we normally don't perceive as well as the physical world in which our usual existence takes place.

* * *

Shout out to the Website: I am very appreciative of this website and this forum. The fact that Stanford University and medical professionals are associated with this website lend it great legitimacy. To the students that maintain it: thank you! Its reassuring to know that the things I see during SP are not "abnormal."

* * *

My personal thoughts: Upon learning that people have commonly experienced the terror of hallucinations of demons/evil figures for centuries and across cultures, I can't help but think that this is spiritual warfare. I don't think that human beings would choose to hallucinate about evil figures that want to hurt them. So why is there a general consensus that when we do see things during SP, we are acutely aware that they are evil? People across the world and across centuries are not collaborating in their reports of what happened. I think this is a venue for spiritual attack.

For those who are desperate, try saying this in your head next time you see an evil figure during SP: "In the name of Jesus, I command you to leave!" Even if you don't believe in Jesus, I would encourage you to try it. According to the Bible, Jesus has authority over demons/evil spirits. When you speak in His name, you are speaking with His authority, and this should make them leave. It never hurts to try.

Barney, thank you for sharing your experiences. My suggestion to you as one believer to the other, is to encourage you to go before the Lord and ask if there is any stronghold in your life that must be conquered. Also, if you haven't already, I would encourage you to assemble a personal prayer team. Satan doesn't waste his time on people that aren't a threat to him. My guess is that God is using you powerfully or planning to. Don't let Satan stand in the way of the effectiveness of God's ministry through you. Stand firm! :)

Jan 09, 2011
by: Kevin Morton

Thanks for the kudos to the website :) I'm proud to offer it as a platform for discussion, and pleased that you found it useful.

Jan 30, 2011
by: tiger girl

I am so happy to find people who have experienced the same things.These shadow figures are seen by people all over the world so i don't think its just our minds. I am a Christian and if u try to say "leave me alone in the name of Jesus" it goes away.Whatever these things are they seem to either bother us when we are moving up spiritually (probably trying to fight our progress) or when we are vulnerable (sick, sad, tired, hateful and etc..). I am only 18 and for two years i have been free of REM paralysis until two days ago when it happened when I was sick.I used to have it a couple times a month but it has definitely calmed down. some tips are to stay away from horoscopes, tarot cards,Ouija board or anything that can be associated with the occult.Even though I know not everyone believes in god it is obvious that there is a need for spiritual protection.Try to pray. And don't go to bed with negative feelings because if they are demons they will be attracted to your negative energy. I used to be depressed as a child and SP was just the perk that came with it.

Jan 31, 2011
by: Anonymous

Apparently, this can even happen JUST from doing heavy occult research, don't know if that's true or not. I also know a woman who is a Wiccan and we have never talked about her beliefs and exactly what she does (or does not do) however I always get an uneasy feeling around her, almost negative. Unfortunately she has been dating one of my very good friends for a cpl years now. Me and her had a falling out mainly b/c she is JEALOUS OF ANY FEMALE that comes into contact with my friend Jim. As a result, I have avoided that whole scene and barely even see him anymore because I know she's always around :( I have known her for about 5 years now. It is possible I suppose that she did infact put some sort of spell on me although I don't know how that could explain the weird sleep/nightmare episodes since I've had them much longer than I have known her. Fast forward to several weeks ago-note: these episodes ALWAYS HAPPEN WHEN I AM ALONE IN THE HOUSE AND/OR BED.

Jan 31, 2011
by: Anonymous

Was sleeping (sometimes it feels like I'm lucid dreaming) and I feel this omnipotent dark force which is always accompanied by a feeling of dread and fear. Also note: these encounters have NEVER been sexual which perhaps could rule out the incubus theory but this one isolated instance it did seem sexual, although I can't be sure. It seemed to me that HE (always feels like a male entity) was pinning me to the bed again and attempting to force himself upon me. As usual, I could not move and felt paralyzed in my sleep. I KNEW I WAS ASLEEP and was just trying to 'wake up' as fast as I could (which I always do before he started to do what I thought he was going to. Eventually I managed to awake, scared stiff at what just happened. IF, it was a dream OR nightmare it sure seemed REAL. So fast forward to last night/early morning. Again, I'm alone in bed as usual when it occurs. This time was different. It wasn't just a cloaked figure or shadow person it was a CREATURE type male being, almost looked like an "Orc" from Lord of the Rings. It was a lengthy dream which I won't get into because I don't want to bombard you too much more and also b/c it seemed unrelated and really didn't make that much sense. Long story short, there was a woman standing in front of me (who actually looked like my old boss) and I thought she had given me a bad reference for a new job. She looked at me and said "It's not me, it's the Devil" and I felt this rush of anxiety and terror as I turned around to see Satan himself (or what I thought was Satan) standing before me, leering at me with an evil wicked grin. This monstrous thing lunged at me and I just kept running and trying to get away. All the while, mind you, I am desperately trying to WAKE UP in real life as I knew bad shit was going down. Again, I could not wake up. He or it grabbed me and kind of threw me against something, hard. I ran again as fast as I could run and eventually after a few more minutes was able to jolt myself awake. What is extra interesting about this is I felt incredible PAIN upon awakening and a heaviness in my chest. I felt dazed, weird and like I had actually just got my ass kicked. Also interesting to note, besides these instances I almost never have "nightmares" I usually have cool and fun dreams. I swear it's not just sleep paralysis anymore. It was real and tangible and the pain and tingling I had when I woke up was very strange.
sorry for the long rant, there is actually a couple more things that have happened but I will leave it at this for now. If you're interested I can show you something that I had been looking into which apparently is guaranteed to haunt you once you watch it. Ever since then (about 6-8 mos. ago) I have experienced more strange occurrences including something blowing in my ear and whispering. I know this all sounds crazy but I swear I'm not. My husband even feels the "ghostly" presence here, esp. the bedroom where it's always freezing.

Feb 01, 2011
by: Anonymous

Would you religious freaks stop blaming the occult. 'Occult' simply means 'hidden'. I agree that it has something to do with the spiritual realm but has nothing to do with religion. I've had these experiences many times, it has something to do with the approaching 2012. I believe these shadows to be reptilians from another dimension. I also think they are targeting people who might be 'threats'.

Feb 01, 2011
jeezuz pt.2
by: Anonymous

The real reason religion tries to keep you away from the occult is because they don't want you to find out the truth about this 'world' we live in. Religion is the true evil.

Feb 02, 2011
by: Craig

I was curious, during my episodes the demon/s or what have you, are never the same, typically are 'male' but when they are 'female' the attacks are when I'm awake and have been heard and felt by a friend who doesn't even have a religion...anyone else have different demon/s overtime with varying strengths and abilities?

BTW, these always happen when I'm getting spiritual strong as well. But not all blindly following, glazed eyes, born again extremist kind of way...intelligent religious research and praise.

Feb 02, 2011
To the person... jeezuz Anonymous
by: tiger girl

I respect that you are not religious but I don't appreciate the insult.Since you are not religious then I assume you rely more on science.You claim that occult practices can reveal truth and religion just hinders you from doing so. If you really believe that then I have a challenge for you. You obviously had enough time to be insulting so you should have no problem doing a kind of "scientific study".I challenge you to a month of various occult practices. Some things like the Ouija board,automatic writing, spells and etc...Engage in an an occult practice at least twice a week for a at least 30 min to and hour at time.Then at the end of the week write a comment on the site on your reaction and experience. If all you find is "truth" then you win but if not then you really would know the truth about the whole situation. Honestly if you don't take the challenge then you know on some level that your scared and occult is to blame for some(not all)REM paralysis.
P.S. let me know if you are going to take the challenge or not and if you do make sure this experiment last for one month and only a month.

Feb 02, 2011
by: Kevin Morton

Barney, the new experiences you describe sound like out of body experiences, or OBEs as they're called. I don't have any personal experience with them but you'd be interested perhaps in some of Ryan Hurd's experiences with them. Ryan runs a website called Dream Studies and is author of one of the best books on sleep paralysis I've read ( I actually just got the chance to have dinner with him the other night too. Here's the url of an excerpt from his book about OBEs:

Feb 02, 2011
thx Kevin
by: Anonymous

I really appreciate you man, for all you do. I'll check it out.

Feb 03, 2011
by: Anonymous

To the person who was given the challenge to perform occult practices for a month by tiger girl, PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS! I understand what points you were both trying to make, but interacting with the occult is HIGHLY dangerous. It is not something to perform experiments with. The truth is out there if you seek for it, but be safe as you do. Please!

Feb 21, 2011
by: Anonymous

Omg I'm soooo happy I'm not alone, I've had these exexperinces since I was a kid, they started off as OBEs. N I was starting 2 c things n go places ouuta my body. But in high school even during the day a dark figure kept getting on top of me puttin pressusre on my chest suffocating me. I'd try 2 yell 4 help n I had no voice. It had been a while since my last 1 but 2nite was the worst 1 ever. I had just gone n2 my outta body exp faze n I heard sum thing get n2 bed wit me I was so scared n it got rite up on top of me. Suffocating me trying 2 cover me in its blackness. I never see a face or hear ne thing, I scared 2 sleep now. It was 2 real like always but I screamed out load potect me from this evil make it go away my voice was so faint. I left my body 2 get up n run 2 my front door, I opened it and the darkness closed it n took my breath from me. I feel 2 my knees. Managed 2 push the door open 2 get out n saw darkness outside n suffocated again. Tryed n tryed 2 wake up. :( :'( finally I'm up n more terrified then I've ever been all these years its happened 2 me. I'm not relgious but I'm very sprital. I belive in god, I'd fight 4 god, I do my best every day 2 love n help ppl n b a gud person. I'm not sure why these shadows have always wanted 2 hurt me so bad.

Feb 21, 2011
by: Anonymous

I started having this experience when I was in my first year varsity.
The first time I felt it I instinctively knew that it was an evil force and although I wasn't Christian at the time I wanted to call out the name of Jesus. It is the most terrifying experience, being totally wake and conscious yet not able to do anything and knowing that there is another presence in the room with me. It is so difficult to describe but sometimes feels as though something is pressing me down or feels as though my body gets numb and my spirit wants to leave me. I do not wish this experience on even my worst enemy.
Since I have submitted myself to Christ and growing in my faith I have experienced it more often, in January almost every night. I would be too afraid to fall asleep but even leaving the lights on does not help :)
Although I have consulted various specialists- neurologist, psychologist etc no one can help, only God. I was seeking answers because I was so desperate and thought there was something wrong with me.
I went on a fast and pray weekend this weekend and when returned last night I experienced it once again.
Although I don't always feel safe at night I have made a decision now that I won't be afraid. God will stand by His promise and He will not leave me. I thank Him for making me sensitive to the spiritual world and ask Him to use it to His advantage. These experiences has made me realise that the spiritual words is a reality and I now look forward to the eternal life with God. Fear will not rule my life and I choose to stand strong im my faith and in God. Jesus has authority over Satan when He died for us on the cross and as a child of God so do I because when I gave my life to him I inherited everything He has.
I believe in prayer and will keep on praying until I overcome this. I also pray for you. Submit to God and you soul and spirit will be safe.

Feb 21, 2011
by: Anonymous

thanks a lot for your message...I use as my social network of choice...feel free to contact me on there,

Feb 25, 2011
Re: Josephine
by: Barney

Muchas Gracias por tu comentario y no lo dudes, tu inglés esta muy bien, aún que tiene alguna y otra error, se entiende bastante bien. Lo que es mas importante que la gramática es la emoción y el mensaje que tus palabras estan transmitiendo, yo también soy creyente en Cristo y creo que este parálisis esta causado a veces por los malos espíritus.

Otra vez, gracias por tomar el tiempo de compartir esto con nosotros,

Feb 26, 2011
Now I am a free.
by: Josephine

Hey Barney! Thanks for the replied. Sorry I don't understand what you mean. I am from Denmark! God bless us all - Josephine

Feb 26, 2011
so sorry
by: Barney

So sorry, It's so funny I thought I read you spoke Spanish lol...I basically said, thanks a lot for the comment and don't worry, your English is good, there are a few spelling errors here and there but the message and emotion of what you are saying is very powerful and effective. Thanks again for sharing it with us :)


Feb 26, 2011
Now I am a free.
by: Josephine

Hehehe,it's ok Barney nothing to be sorry. I am originally from Philippines Denmark is my based home, and I thank you so very much for understand my words it means the world to me. How I wish I can explain it properly;(...Yes I noticed my spell error sorry about that, I didn't noticed it before posting my comments. I really don't like my English but I am trying my best out of it...I understand properly then writing. I really appriciated of what you are sharing and I am so happy I came across on your page, for some reason I was actually trying to reaches about this kind of things. Last night after reading the whole story I am so touch knowing that I am not alone of this scary experinced. Somehow I manage to get out of this sp. Since that day God touch my soul and I start beleiving him and start praying, never happen again I do really beleive that was our God Jesus Christ I saw, after the sp. He really changed my life and I will do my best to be true to myself and to others. To live life and appriciating everything and to be content. I am really proud of what you are doing I've just checked your youtube, homepage. I listen every words you have said in there. Thanks for everything you did I wish you all the best and keep doing what you doing is right. You and I have almost the same story in life. Lets Praise our Lord for changing our life! God Bless us more. - Josephine

Mar 06, 2011
similar experience to what others are describing
by: Anonymous

let me start off by saying I have always been an outspoken atheist, detesting the hate fueled rhetoric of supposed religious theocracies, but this lingering experience I had has really been weighing in on my thoughts lately. It was about ten years ago, and I was going through a rough patch in my life. Like Barney, I was heavily into smoking marijuana and was hanging out with the wrong crowd. I was definitely leading down the wrong path, and if I had continued I would probably be dead, addicted to drugs, or in jail right now. The same people I was hanging with are all in those situations. That being said, this event has only happened once. Like Barney, I had just began to nod off, when I was suddenly struck with sleep paralysis. I could feel, and see a dark presence in the corner of my room watching me (which I could only describe as the devil), and a weight of some demonic force pressing down on my chest. As if I knew exactly what was happening, this demon was trying to enter my body, maybe to possess me through my chest. I tried to speak, but my lips were sealed shut. I began to panic, and I did the only thing I felt was instinctively right - I was able to force out three words from the corner of my mouth, 'Jesus, help me' and instantly, the pressure stopped, the force in the corner of my room disappeared, and a voice whispered in my right ear, "we haven't much time", and everything was over. In a panic-stricken frenzy, I grabbed a notepad and wrote down my experience. This was ten years ago. Since then, I have denied and tried to suppress these memories but they have recently began circulating in my mind again. This type of event has never happened before or since that night, but I will always remember it vividly. When searching on the net days after the event, I found numerous websites that dismissed my experienced as stress-induced hallucinations. Since then, I have been on the warpath voicing my misguided opinion against theocracy, but now I'm slowly beginning to feel different as I continue to age. I don't know what to do, what to feel, or what I'm supposed to take from this. I feel extremely embarrassed for how I've acted against god, and I hope it's not too late. I just needed to get this off my chest, with the hopes similar people who have the same experience can find our words and know they are not alone. What do I do now? Do I denounce my atheistic beliefs and join a church? The same churches that fuel hate and rhetoric against people they believe to be inferior, IE gay people, Muslims? I don't know. If anyone has any ideas or guidance please help. Thanks.

Mar 06, 2011
RE: similar experience to what others are describing
by: Barney

Hey, I enjoyed your openness and willingness to share these things. I relate a lot with you about the age thing, I just turned 30 and along with the out of the ordinary sleep experiences, it does drive me to spiritual self-examination.

I too have said Jesus help me without even thinking, as if it were a reflex. I have never had immediate results like others I've heard but I have heard of other out-right atheists and non-Christians saying "Jesus help me" too.

It's something meaningful that this experience is leading you on a search ten years later. I notice after a month or two with no sp episodes, I forget the deep emotions and fear but like I just had one last night, the feelings are fresh on my mind. Since I posted this story and video, I have had about a dozen episodes but they are different. It's more floating above myself, floating in circles, very strong rushes of tingling from head to toe that feels like an electrical current.

Also, I no longer have seen the entities but on some occasions have sensed them. As of late, the episodes I've had have been more like out of body sp experiences. I get out of bed and start to walk awkwardly around my house in the dark, there's like a magnetic pull and It's hard to stay balanced. Like last time, I have many "real life" experiences like interacting with people and my family. There comes a point where I want to wake up but I can't get out of it. I walk up only to realize my surroundings are the same but then realize it was a false walk up. Last night it was like trying to walk up four or five times before I really woke up.

With Jesus Christ on my side, I'm not so scared of the evil anymore because he is more powerful than anything in the universe. If it helps, I recently uploaded a video series about my spiritual journey after getting off drugs, it also explains my encounters with God and tragedy in a simple down to earth way. I hope you could find some inspiration from them. Well, hope to chat with you anytime, I use YouTube as my social network. My channel is


Mar 14, 2011
Now I am a free.
by: Josephine

Hey similar experience to what others are describing!

Thanks for sharing it is good the you open your self in here. Your in the rigth please. Anyway,
I just want to share with you of what I think is right. I am a Catholich but I believe it doesn't matter if you don't beleive all religion, what matter is you have to beleive our GOD Jesus Christ deep inside your heart in mind.
If you don't know what to do, try this and this is what I did I'm like you before I hate religion even though I am a Catholict. But I found out to myself religion it doesn't matter to comit ourselv to our God. When you are alone try to relax and talk to our LORD JESUS CHRIST commit yourself to him and ask him God please forgive me all the mistake all my sins. Say what you want to say ask him to give you straigth. We cannot see or hear our God but he can hear us see us, but I beleive he will touch your soul he will come inside your heart you can feel him, that hes listening to you. He will guide you and help you if you will trust him and everything. GOD is good he save my life. And is not to late to have him now, but you have to do it now before is to late. I believe he will soon come and jugde us all. God is good but people are crazy...remember without our Jesus Christ our life is nothing, if we have him it felt like im already in heaven. I have him everyday If i feel sad or something I rely everything to him, and he is always there for me. I pray everyday I never knew how to pray before but since I learnt how because I ask our Lord for him. Use this to pray - SIGN OF THE CROSS

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit, Amen

Our Father our Father I believe in God the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and earth,
and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, Who was conceived by
the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified


Our Father, Who art in Heaven, hallowed be
Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done,
on earth, as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our
daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we
forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us
not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.


Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is
the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners,
now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.


Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

Keep your Faith to our Lord Jesus Christ

- Josephine

Mar 27, 2011
My experiences... Part 1
by: Anonymous ~ * ~

I can partially relate to most of the experiences described here by everyone. I started my episodes when I was about 17 and have had countless of them. They finally stopped about 7 years ago. They lasted about 20 years, but now I've been freed of them.

I too would know when one was approching and would think, "Here we go again!". They would always seem to start within the first few minutes of falling asleep. I would feel some sort of force or sensation overcome me physically, paralizing my physical being, yet my mind was alert and I could always see around me. I could see the time change on the clock, (when young) I could see my sister turn in her bed, (after being married) I could see my husband breathing while he was sleeping, I could see. I would try so hard to scream for help so that someone would wake me. I would try so hard to move and will myself to awake but it was always such a struggle and so frightening not to have or be in control.

I too would float above my body or uncontrollably. Most of the time it felt as if there was a force that took control of of my spirit self and separated it from my physical self. I couldn't fight it no matter how hard I tried.

I have also seen the cloaked figures in my room on a couple of the occasions. The last time they seemed to be about 5 of them, standing in various areas around me, facing me. There was one closest to me by left side. He seemed to have a older male presence and not quite as evil as some of the others. They were all different heights as well varying by a few inches. I could never see the faces, they were overshadowed by the hoods of the cloaks. The one closest to me tried to tell me mentally, not verbally that I would be fine but there was something that they had to see or do. The communication was telepathic. You could just feel not hear the message that they were trying to get accross to you. Then I was somehow lifted by my ankle above my bed. I was suspended upside down and my mother came in the room and I awoke. She was trying to put some clothes away.
My mother has always been there and tried to help me through these.

Apr 01, 2011
Re: Viktor
by: Barney

Hey Viktor,
Thank you for telling it. Yes, as I mentioned in my video I have heard them speak, breath in my ear and growl. God has recently given me deep peace in this struggle.
I use YouTube as my way of staying in touch so feel free to watch my videos and talk further at

Thanks man, stay in touch,

Apr 01, 2011
Sleep Paralysis cloaked demonic figure
by: Ryan

Well I would like too say that I had have 2 of these experiences in my life i am 24. The first on was that I was awake in my bedroom and I felt like I was paralysed and that someone was holding me down. Ok the real wierd one happened last night I woke up in the middle of the night and could'nt sleep. I was sleeping on my left side and all rememebr thinking too myself saying too my friend how would you like if I had sex with my friends sister in front of him. My heart started racing and became very cold and I got the chills. After that all I could remember is turning on my right side and seeing this dark cloaked small entity staring at me right near my bed. My body froze after I put my fist up to the demon. Then I finally woke up being scared and not knowing what the hell happened. Yesterday, during the day I was talking about 2012 and when the world will end. Also, when you die you die and you there is no heaven or hell. I don't know why that happened maybe that sick thought I had in my head intrigued the demon. I also found out yesterday that one of my friends from highschool died. This was one of the wierdest things I have ever experienced. I wanted too know if anyone has ever experienced the same thing. Just write on the blog if you ever did..

Apr 01, 2011
Re: Ryan
by: Barney

Hey Ryan,
Thanks for writing, I relate 100%. I have seen the hooded figure " demon" before and have also experienced aspects of sleep paralysis that were very vividly sexually "dirty" and felt clearly evil in a sexual way. I know exactly what you're talking about...


Apr 08, 2011
by: Anonymous

After reading all of this site and listening to your video, i strongly suggest that you google what is called "spiritual deliverance". Bob larson is one who dares to walk in the name of Jesus against these powers of darkness. It is NOT about religion, but rather a true and intimate RELATIONSHIP with Jesus and God. When i realized it was the religious people of jesus' day that killed him it changed me altogether! Now, God shares things with me through the work of the Holy Spirit and His written Word. I have received deliverance and it has helped tremendously. I pray this helps all who read it and the power of God's love will lead you to know our Redeemer and the Lover of our souls.

Apr 25, 2011
my experience
by: martina harrison

to the guy on the v.t , i have had very simalar bad negetive entity experiences and it is frightning, but i only have these exp. in a old ladies house that i look after, not in my own home or any ware else. ive always been sensitive towards spirits etc ,but ave never had anything so negetive till now, i have realized this entity is connected to the lady an has been for years an becuase im sensitive its bothering me, i dont firmly beleive in sleep paralysis, its proffesionals and none beleivers passing the buck. their are other demensions and other realms ov life only a few ov us experience this, and not always pleasant,ive had it so bad in the last 9 months with neg entities that ive ad to protect myself with various things ,the most successful is holy water and calling upon the angels to help me, because it has tried to take my soul 7 times while i slept,. im not religous and it wrks ,like i said it doesnt happen to me at home, you need to do a clearing, i would but she wont give permission and its not my house.good luck and dont always beleive in labels people throw at u.

May 01, 2011
how can it be stopped?
by: Anonymous

hi my name is chantelle im 23 years old and since december febuary 2009-2010 when both my grandparents passed away i have been seeing this tall dark figure in my room my childrens room i have heard a male and female argue on my old baby monitor i have heard a baby cry yet it is not my kids i have been touched grabbed i have felt the hot breath i have also felt it jump through me whilst driving it use to attack my elsest son who suffers a disability and also seizures and has night terrors... i have also had night mares to the point that i wake up in tears petrified of what i have dreamnt... it has also taken shape of my grandparents and attack me in my sleep i feel its presance and its touch i end up frozen to the spot please i need to know what to do i have never ever used the board or written letter to passed ones... please contact me at

May 05, 2011
its a real war!
by: Heather

I am so happy that I found this site!! I have had similar experiences. I am 26 years old and I have been having spiritual experiences such as these since I was 8. When I was 8 I saw a demon that was cream colored, bald,had wrinkled skinned,and red eyes. It tilted its head and then asked me if I wanted to play in a scary voice. I pinched myself as to wake myself from a nightmare but unfortunately I was awake (this is before I even knew about religion or demons or anything like this). Ever since then I have had dreams of shadowy figures (none with hoods though). Satan himself has visited me 3 times in these nightmares. One dream where shadowy figures were present I felt them coming into my body I simply would say I rebuke you in the name of Jesus Christ and they would come out. when I managed to wake myself up(I was paralysed as well) my bed had moved off of the wall. It's frightening to experience these things. To this day I can feel evil presence around me. They scratch on my wall and make sounds that sound like water droplets in my room when there are no leaks. Moving on as far as the obe goes I have had several of those as well..all involuntary. I feel major pressure on my head and tingling also my bed shakes before my spirit tries to come out. Each time I have come out a bit but somehow I have stopped it from coming out. It has come out once in a lucid dream. It rapidly came out of my body (no tingling or pressure) where it started running then all of a sudden it floated fast towards the ceiling in which it jolted me awake. This experience was different than the previous because I knew I was dreaming and the others I was also asleep but it seemed more like a physical reality maybe because I was in my own house, and in this instance I was in a different location. Anyhow I can't rule out that these dreams, sp, and obes are connected somehow because everybody here is experiencing all of them and were all predominantly Christian. Maybe we are a threat and god is going to use us in special ways. Just keep him first and do his will. Stay in the word!

May 08, 2011
by: Heather

The scientific term for this is called hypnagogia. I did a little research into it and I'm still inclined to believe that these experiences are of a spiritual nature. Contrary to Michael (no offense Michael) when my faith is at its highest point (praying more, making better choices,reading the bible often, and telling people about Jesus) I have these fearful attacks more frequently. I encourage everybody to look into this scientific side and leave their take on it. I'm curious to know what yall think.

May 11, 2011
by: Vanessa

Hi there, I am so glad I found this site! I am terrified! I have been experiencing the feeling of being paralysed and pressed down! I have also sometimes seen the dark figure. It always starts with feeling the presence and it touching me on my arm or shoulder and then suddenly it gets on top of me and presses me down! I have had these experiences only a few times but last night was the worst! I felt the ussual pressure and suddenly this thing growled at me! Like some sort of beast dog or something! My friend says that it is oppression of a demonic entity and that opression can lead to possession. I need to know how to stop this thing! It is scaring me so badly I am afraid to go to sleep at night! Please help!

May 13, 2011
by: Heather

Wow sorry you guys are going thru this stuff too. It is refreshing knowing that you are not alone. Atleast we have eachother to talk to about this phenomenon. The average person would think we are all nuts. To address what you were talking about summer.. I do not believe it has to do with your location. Maybe since there are more people and they are more openly sinning (it is called sin city you know) that you became more sensitive to spiritual activity. I don't know this for sure just guessing. Anyhow as far as the dead mobsters walking around that isn't possible. To be absent from the body is to be present with the lord. So these entities in which you are referring to are what the bible calls familiar spirits. They are demonic in nature. I agree with Barney we do need to pray for our protection and know everything is subject to the name of Jesus. He gave us authority over demons. We are his children!

May 13, 2011
please read
by: HB

I had an experience about a two months ago. I woke up and saw a black shsdow figure standing by my side of the bed. I couldnt move and I felt like something was on my legs and chest. I was trying my hardest to scream to wake my boyfriend up and I felt like my voice was just cutt off. I felt like i was being choked. It was by far the scariest experience Ive ever had.

May 14, 2011
by: TW

I have had SP since around 8 years of age. I am now 55. I was taken to a church that believed in casting out demons and speaking in tounges. I have received Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour. My expreriences have dark figures,too. I had oout of body experiences with these SP's. I would see a parent going down the hall to the bathroom and get awakend by the noise of their door being shut. I also would float above our pool table in our basement and wouldn't be able to get down. This doesn't sound terrifying, but it was to an 8 year old. I still have SP and can tell when they are starting. Like other comments I've learned to ask for Jesus help and I wake up. I've also awakened to quickly and see the dark figure fade away. So much more I could tell. If interested, ask.

May 22, 2011
Same Thing Happends To Me But Not Often.
by: Anonymous

Well thank you barney for sharing your story cuz honestly i thought i was crazy never thought there where other people in the world with this. Im mexican so im really religious, ive had this happend to me 5 x since 2009, but more frequently this year 2011 since i moved alone to my apt. i get really scared when i cant open my eyes where i feel my eye lid so heavy that i cant open my eyes meanwhile i feel and see a shadow walking around my bed.

May 24, 2011
Shadowy creature
by: Bonita

Hi, ok so i have not experienced any of this sp, or out of body experiences. but i know it happens and it can happen as most of you have shared your story. For me the last 2 months i have been scared at night to sleep for the fear of what lurks in the dark. last night i dreamed i was asleep as normal beside my boyfriend, and then all of a sudden i saw a dark shadowy creature jump on me, and it didnt try to get inside my chest, instead it lunged straight for my throat trying to kill me. no sound or anything came from it. Like everyone else i couldnt move or speak, this is the first time it has happened to me and i am 21 years old. i am very freaked out, and seriously hoping it doesnt happen again. B4 bed i do pray and ask Jesus Christ to protect us keep evil away, and that he lets his blood was over us and through us and keep us safe.

May 25, 2011
by: yhamina

Hello. I'm very realived to hear that someone else out there has experienced what I've been experiencing for years. I've experienced everything you've mentioned plus I've had the entity run after me after the sp. I haven't been able to see it it since I've been 6 or 7 yrs old. I would love to know how to stop it. I'm tired of the sleepless nigts. I can tell you for sure that the drugs do not initiate these experiences because I've had them all of my life. Please keep me posted if you have more info.

May 28, 2011
I Wouldn't Believe this 2 Months Ago but...
by: Anonymous

I few months ago I would not have believed this as I always thought that people who experience this are always "dredging up" some sort of hyper-vigilance and focus on "Evil Spirits" or something. Well it happened to me twice in the past month and I will agree that it is scary and unpleasant.

It's good to know that there's a name and explanation for this. Of course it is additionally troubling to me that the "spirit" feels so real and is a male spirit when I am female. And there is this feeling of evilness surrounding the entire experience.

Because I don't want this to happen again, I will try more to think pleasant, grateful thoughts before going to bed that "All is well." I'm relieved that this can be attributed to stress and some sort of temporary malfunction of the sleep cycle. If it does happen again I will relax about it, and not take it so personally.

Last night when it began happening as I started drifting off I said firmly "I don't like this" and it stopped. Take care everyone.

Jun 01, 2011
Sensitive in Connecticut
by: Anonymous

I have been searching for answers for the weird and ongoing experiences that I have been having since I was a child.

I had dreams of dead ppl who were killed in the late 1800's, for example, when I was pregnant with my second child, I had a dream of a woman hanging by her neck in a barn surrounded by to men who were also hanged. I wasn't scared in this dream, she jumped down and came up to me. She was dressed like a slave from this periods, her dress was periwinkle blue, and she had a head scarf on. She touched my belly, and I actually felt the warmth of her hand on my belly, and she said " This baby is not well". I woke up the next morning bleeding and I went to the E.R. where they performed and emergency Laproscopy because I had an ectopic pregnancy.

Recently, I had SP, and I saw a dark figure of a man standing on the right side of my bed, and a week after that I had a dream of a woman sitting on my couch trying to tell me something but I would not listen to her, and I began to pray, and I woke up.

I know I am sensitive to certain things, and I try not to scare myself or think about them, but when u have dreams that come true, like ppl dying and children being born, u begin to really speculate on how this universe really is.

I wish that I can analyze all of my experiences, at one point, I though the apartment or houses I lived in was haunted, but now, I'm starting to believe that its me who is haunted. I don't know how to control this and its irrtating me. I can't sleep because I see things move out the corner of my eye, but I refuse to acknowledge whatever is happening to me, so I just been ignoring them.

I always have dreams, and encounters with ppl who have past, like their energy, I never felt threatened, just bothered. I haven't heard voices, but I heard noises as if someone's in the kitchen early in the morning closing cabinets. I just want to be left alone and I feel that I have no one to talk to, to just get a better understanding of what's happening to me.
I do believe in the "other" side whatever it might me, my experiences have proven that to me a long time ago, I can also see a little of ppl's aura's.

Well, I just wanted to relate my expriences, oh, there was another weird one I had about 10 yrs ago, I had a dream about a Indian High Priest and he told me my future for the next 5yrs. I couldn't remember everything, but about me getting pregnant when my son turned 5 came true, and that's all that I remembered.

Jun 02, 2011
by: heather

Although I can stop the attack by using the authority of Jesus Christ I still was experiencing sp episodes nonetheless. I often wondered why I was still under attack even though I am a believer and not using his name as just "magic words". I came across a site called This website had a short video that was very informative and insightful in which it conveyed that this phenomenon can be caused by a generational curse. With that being said I prayed to the father to shut all of the doors my ancestor have opened and I haven't had another one since.

Jun 11, 2011
by: yhamina

thank you I will try that as well.

Jun 17, 2011
Dark entities
by: DreamPro

I will make no suppositions as to what this all was or meant, but one night I "thought" I woke up in a room that wasn't mine. There was a minor breeze flowing throw an open window that gave me a bit of a chill. So I proceeded to get up to close the window, but I froze once my eyes began to adjust to the low light. For lack of a better description my bed was surrounded by a bunch of small entities. Expressionless, and featureless the closest thing I can think to describe them was about 8-12 Eggplant-looking people. They said nothing, and did nothing to me, but they were moving with a weird vibration. They were all roughly the height of my bed off of the ground. They seemed to be crowded at the edges of my bed like a rock concert. At this point I was in full alarm, feral fight or flight kicked it and I woke up! Your thoughts?

Jul 24, 2011
Is this normal
by: Vronie

Okay I'm not sure if you've heard about the recent china train crash that occurrd earlier this morning but I was asleep and wasn't aware at the time about it and I dreamt that I was under this bridge with rubble and I saw a women crying and she was dirty with these white sort of dressy pants and all if a sudden I picked up this child I wasn't sure if it was a boy or girl and the huld had no shoes on and I could describe exactly what he or she had on well I gave the child to the mother and she kept talking but I couldn't understand her... Well when I awoke I told my mother n she said a similar thing had happend earlier that morning n I began to read the article on the news website and my story matched up before I could even read it so I was told and in the article it said that an unnamed firefighter was citied and I think that was me u think I went unto someone else and was there can this be real !!!

Jul 28, 2011
by: matt

i am only 11 and i have all the same experiences i need help

Aug 06, 2011
all of you need to read this
by: Anonymous

This has happened to me so many times i cant count, it used to be a shadow figure, sometimes you cant even see that but she just holds you down, i say she because i watched this shadow figure turn into a woman more then once. but even know it does this, it leaves bits and pieces out they dont understand the human body. sometimes i can taste sometime i can even feel her skin well in that form. This isnt the only one that has visited me there were others that stayed shadow figure like and tryed choking me to death. over the years i have learned that nothing is pulling my soul out of my body i have been doing it on my own.I have had every sp expereince you can think of some scary some beautiful like being with a past lover clear as day, waking up not knowing how i felt for her and who she is but remembering i felt it. Anyway lets get down to it, Monks practice what happens to us in our sleep, they do what we know with control and they master it. We do it with out control because our body is dying or weak when we go to sleep our blood pumps slower, if were weak enough our blood pumps so slow our heart can stop. I know this because when it happens to me i feel a strange preasure in the part of my body the cancer builds. My suggestion to all of you. best think is to go to the doctor and find out what its wrong with your host because there is the spiritual world and there are angels and demons and we all have seen them and that doesnt happen with out a reason.

Aug 06, 2011
by: Mari

Thanks for for this site and thanks to everyone for sharing their experiences here. Personally, I believe in God but my faith certainly wavered throught the years, and it's something I'm struggling with right now. My first experiences occurred in my early 20's, I had anxiety, bouts of depression and drank too much alcohol. It would begin with my being able to see the room with clarity, I could hear the voices of my loved ones, the tv being on, but I felt like I was in another dimension. At times I could travel down the hall, see the furniture, again I could hear everyone speaking, yet could not see anyone. I could see out the window, it appeared that everything was the same, except no people, animals or signs of life. However, an extremely menacing, evil presence was felt, as if something was watching me, quite frightening. Of course I couldn't move and it was as if my lips were glued shut. After that the 'shadow' man would come, that was my name for it. A tall evil presence that would always get on top of me, strangling me, in one incidence violating me. I'd often feeling his hands around my throat or compressing my chest, as if wanting to squeeze the life out of me and perhaps silencing me from any thought of God. I tried to call out to my then boyfriend, although I gathered he couldn't hear me. The figure was a black, male, the dimensions were of person yet no distinct physical features, more like an outline. It's difficult to put it all into words. I felt that I would die if I didn't wake up. I asked my boyfriend to not allow me to nap during the day as the 'shadow' man would come to torment me, if he didn't just being in the room I slept in again it felt extremely menacing, and being watched..Of course my partner didn't believe me and made reference to the Freddy movies because I begged him wake me if I fell asleep during the day. Through it all, I geared to thinking that these experiences are some sort of sleep disorder, as perplexing as it was, afterall there must be some logical explanation. Later as the internet surfaced, I decided to research it and I was glad to have hit the nail on the head, finding it, 'sleep paralysis'. The scientific explanations gave me comfort, I was relieved, and recalled having the episodes when mostly being very tired, stressed.. But was astonished how so many people around the world have so many of the same so called 'hallucinations'? Forwarding over 20 years, my last experience was about 2 years ago, again under duress I'm 43 now. I've recently began to try to renew my faith and read the bible and things would just jump out at me. I always felt an inner peace when I was troubled, as if God was lifting me up in those times of anguish, but I didn't and still don't feel worthy, which is another story. Anyhow, since reading the bible again and trying to renew my faith, I reconfirmed how the doctrine teaches to search His word to see if it is so.

Aug 06, 2011
by: Mari

Here are a few verses that my husband brought to my attention. It had me wondering even further regarding visions/dreams from a biblical standpoint.

Job chapter 4
4:14 Fear came on me, and trembling, Which made all my bones shake.

4:15 Then a spirit passed before my face; The hair of my flesh stood up.

4:16 It stood still, but I couldn't discern the appearance of it; A form was before my eyes. Silence, then I heard a voice, saying,

Job Chapter 7: The Depths of Job’s Depression
Job was asking, “Why, why, why?” In later chapters, he said that he had previously tried to serve God with all his heart, mind, soul, and strength. He revealed intimate thoughts that were very unusual, showing his personal dedication to God. In his anguish, he was saying, “I served you wholeheartedly of my own volition in the past, when I was healthy and the sun was shining on me. Do I now need the trauma that I am going through when I tried to do my very best previously?” Job wanted an answer. Eventually the Lord did give him an answer, as will be seen in later chapters.

Job 7:13 When I say, My bed shall comfort me, my couch shall ease my complaint;
Job 7:14 Then thou scarest me with dreams, and terrifiest me through visions:
Job thought that when he went to bed, he would get rest and relief from the discomfiture and heat of the day and perhaps also some improvement in his health, but instead he had nightmares. Of course Job did not know that Satan was causing the bad dreams.
Job 7:15 So that my soul chooseth strangling, and death rather than my life.
The nightmares were so real and so frightening that Job was depressed and wanted to die. Satan conjured up terrifying dreams in his attempts to break Job down.

Aug 09, 2011
Shadow planes
by: Scott

It really feels like you enter another realm of reality, however only your spirirtual self may gain entry. Not sure what's going on there, but I think it's more than simple hallucinations. You have to try and fight off the shadowy figures through empowerment or whatever religious convictions you may have. Lose your fear and explore. I've been trying for years but still can't shake the shadow figures. Not sure what they want to do or what they are tryng to tell me. People talk about other planes of existence, perhaps some more peaceful but I have yet to "wake up" in one.

Aug 10, 2011
by: Will power

I know these situations can be scary and sometimes overwhelming. One thing that works for me is not to try not give into the fear that comes with these experiences. The more afraid you become the the stronger these shadows/entities get. They almost feed off that negative emotion. When you are in this state of sleep paralysis you can be in touch with something called your higher self. Which in essence is your spiritual body un-programmed by the mind or experiences in day to day life. It sounds strange but you can actually give yourself a command and your higher self will help you. I know thought of giving yourself a command can seem like a waste of time but try it. Also instead of being afraid think of something that fills yourself with the feeling of love and imagine that image this will make the experience end or they will leave.... Now one thing that will help all of this is how much will power you possess. One way easy way to gain will power is to do the things you know you should take care of even if they are hard and you don't feel like doing them. I know that can be a very broad range of things here is an example. Cleaning your house, running, telling somebody something that you have been meaning to say but don't want go through emotions, basic day to day tasks and doing them right when you feel you should take care of them not realizing that they need to be taken care of and thinking I will get to them later. Try doing this for a week every day all day and when you experience this again when you go to sleep use your will power to make them leave, access your higher self, and not let fear over take you. The reasons that sometimes these things can not be achieved is because we don't possess the will to do so, we don't have control over our mind/body. I hope some of this has helped someone. Good luck and remember there is a higher power everywhere at work that will help us if we ask. Persistent prayer is the easiest solution.

Aug 12, 2011
by: Mari

Thank you Will Power. That train of thought has helped me personally. Also there's a particular sermon called the "Rightful Place of fear" that ties into what you're saying..Whether you believe as I do or not, I think it
is very good advice.

Aug 15, 2011
evil spirit
by: Anonymous

I started having sleep paralysis at age of 12 to 27. Thought my eyes would be open and my mind conscious, it felt as if an entity had been holding me down. It scared the crap out of me and I would sleep with my mom. I will never forget and do believe it was some evil spirit!

Aug 17, 2011
by: Kris

one thing that quickly ends my sp and is very effective (for me) i've learned to overcome my fear and concentrate on my breathing and letting my fear fade with each breath i take... no matter what is there with me i just breath steady and within minutes its over... but im also never asleep when it happens but one thing i've learned being a christian is that god is always with me and that helps with how fast it's over and when the men leave. hope this helps

Aug 18, 2011
RE: Clarissa
by: Barney

Hi Clarisa,
I've had this exact experience many times where I felt the demon trying to enter me. I also have opened doors to the occult and through drugs. I had to get serious with God and get his help to close the open doors of access that these spirits had in my life. The most powerful defense is the name of Jesus Christ. We can pray directly to our Father God through the name of Jesus.

Thanks for writing,

Aug 23, 2011
You are not alone
by: Ast

I have had the same paralysis 4 times. Your body is paralyzed but not your mind pray to Jesus and you will win against the evil forces.

God allows this to happen for you so you can engage in a spiritual warfare of prayer.

Aug 30, 2011
HELP!! :/
by: Anthony

I'm 30 years old, a born again Christian and I've been experiencing the worst things with SP (which always happens around 3:30AM) since I was 16: scratches on my body, sexual assaulted, levitation, hear evil voices, see dark shadows of human, animals defecating on me. I experience this almost every night.

My house in waking life has been afflicted: cold spots, objects moved or balanced, footsteps, banging noises, feeling of being watched, my bed creaks as if being sat on, scratches suddenly appeared on the wall, odd smells, oppressive feeling. Please help me!! Christians I speak with just tell me to call out the name of Jesus and I do, but it's not fixing the issue. I've been told that people can sense a "dark presence" with me, but I never knowingly invited anything in my life. I never tried anything of the occult or witchcraft. I can sense it too and whatever it is, it follows me.

Is there a group of Christians that specialize in helping oppressed Christians that are menacing with a resistant demonic host?? Please..

my email is

Aug 31, 2011
Its the only way, just try your hardest to have faith
by: Believer who has experienced all of what you have before and never will again

Pray and ask Jesus for deliverance from all of the evil influences in your life, not just the shadows, oppression or what have you. THAT MEANS SEXUALLY IMMORAL BEHAVIORS, SINGING AND DANCING ALONG TO SATAN MUSIC! THAT MEANS WATCHING AND PAYING FOR MOVIES SATAN HELPED CREATE INSTEAD OF GIVING TITHE TO A GOOD CAUSE! Im not saying live under a rock but for God sakes live your live to the fullest for him and when its your time to die you will then truly know what true happiness is. Drugs and sex or money will never make you as fufilled with joy as living in the kingdom of God will! Pray and ask his son Jesus, who he created after his own spirit, to revive you and help guide you in the path to Heaven. God Bless Everyone!

Sep 02, 2011
Demons unseen
by: Janelle

I've had SP since I was a teen but it used to only happen every 2 or 3 years. I've never seen a demon or shadow but always was frightened as if something was there. One time,while looking around the room in sp, i saw a big cloud moving around the room and i watched as it moved into the room next to me. c'mon, a cloud is not scary so I'm not sure why I was so full of fear. I've always started praying during it so that I could wake up but I'm sorry, that does not work for me. I tend to find myself yelling at my husband to wake me up but of course the words don't actually come out, no matter how loud I think I am screaming. Sometimes, I try to force my hand to hit my husband in bed. I figure, if somehow my hand works, he will wake up and yell at me. Once I actually got a scream to wake me up. The worst thing for me is something is trying to suffocate me. I don't know who it is but I know they will eventually win. I can't fight this entity forever. Lately I've been trying really hard and I think I'm losing. I have a harder time waking up in order to get air. He or them are targeting us for a reason. I've always been spiritual in a christian sense but haven't lived up to what a christian should be in the sense that I don't attend church all of the time. However, from childhood til today, I've felt a bigger connection with God than I think others probably feel. I've also never done drugs and don't drink. Have you ever read from the bible and then had a bad nightmare or sp directly after? I totally believe that Satan is trying to keep us in fear and break any connections of us having a relationship with GOD. When I first started going to church I would have the scariest dreams. Please pray for me that I can continue to fight this thing off and I will for you.

Sep 04, 2011
My experiences and how I stopped it (part1)
by: K

Seen this weeks ago but was undecided if i should post my experiences up. My experiences arent something I like to talk about. In the end I thought the right thing to do would be to share this.
I had SP afew times when I was 17. I only started having horrible experiences when I was 20. The first of these was similar to one of the experiences Barney wrote about. Seen a bright light shining threw my window, and seen a figure that was like a 'typical alien'. (I only had the alien like experience once, all my others have been more of an evil presence)
I could see its arm stretched above me. I couldn't move at all, and just kept trying to get out of it. I felt i was getting closer to being able to shake myself but felt like my room went slightly blurry then completely blacked out.
I was terrified after this and spent the rest of the night in the living room, to scared to try to sleep.

This became the regular thing for me to do after my bad nights. I would spend a couple of nights sleeping on the sofa with the lights on, after my bad experiences. That was the only way I could deal with it at the time.

I never had a similar experience to the above again. The rest of my experiences felt very dark. I wouldn't see any figures though. They would always come from behind.
Here are some of them:
One night, i woke up and heard something speak in my ear, behind me. I was lying on my right hand side it was clear and in a male voice. It was almost a whisper. I can't remember what it said, but it didn't say anything sick, it seemed to be linked to the thoughts I had in my head at the time. Was something like "But that never happened". I felt completely constrained as if I had been tied up and felt it shaking me side to side. And could hear a loud, high pitched, creepy laugh. It would laugh and shake me for a few minutes and stop. As soon as i opened my eyes again and try to move my leg, the laughing and shaking would start again.
After that experience I felt hopeless and gave up. I felt there was no point even trying to fight against it anymore, because it didn't work. I would say in my head "Please stop this! Why God is this happening to me?!" and I could feel my tear running down my cheek.
Here is another night that really messed with my head. I was lying in bed on my right hand side again, along the right edge of the bed. I felt like I was still awake, with my eyes shut. Then I felt a bounce and heard squeaking noises coming from the bottom left corner of my bed as if someone was on it. The fear just hit me as I realized I was going to have yet another horrible night. I opened my eyes and slightly moved my foot to try and dash out. But then I heard a terrifying growl. To scared to move, I didn't even try to get out. I felt it wrapped around me as if I was tied up again. I would just cry and give up. I would try to speak and shout for help but i was lucky to get a slight squeak out before my voice was cut off.

Sep 04, 2011
My experiences and how I stopped it (part2)
by: K

Majority of my bad nights are similar to the last 2 I've described. It would happen when I'm alone, around the same time of night (3:20am-4:20am), I wouldn't see what it was since it came from behind me, it would always happen in my bedroom.
I only had one other night that was different from my typical bad night. I was away to another city with my mum. We stayed in her friends house and I woke up, with a man standing, staring at me, in the left corner of the room. It was horrible but didn't feel evil like my usual experiences. It felt like I wasn't welcome. I couldn't move at first, then just rolled out the bed and ran out feeling dizzy. I've never slept in that room again.


As I said before, my experiences aren't something I've ever wanted to share. Even writing it on here I'm finding difficult. I'm on no medication, never touched drugs, I do drink alcohol but not often. It was always too real, I felt there is no reason why I could be having hallucinations so made me wonder if I was actually becoming crazy.

My mum would constantly push me to tell her what my problems during the night are. I talked about it gradually, but was really hard as I would just get so emotional about it.

We found out that someone we know has a friend (Elaine) who does psychic readings etc. My mum asked her if she could get in touch with Elaine as I've been after a reading for awhile (we didn't tell her about my horrible nights). My mum knew little pieces about it but not everything. No one else knew anything, it's something I've kept private. The woman i know got in touch, and Elaine gave her information about me she could never know. She said I needed her help, said about my experiences, said I had an experience while away, where it was etc, family problems, described me physically and personality to a Tee. The mutual friend had told her that some stuff she said was completely wrong. None of it was, it was just things me or mum hadn't told her about.

I was brought up Catholic, but I don't follow it. I believe in God and Jesus, but all my friends and family have mixed beliefs. So i just think that if you are a good person that's the important thing. I'd consider myself open minded but I'm sceptical and need proof a lot of the time. Psychics etc i think there are some who do have gifts but there are many who pretend. Don't believe it's evil either so my information might be something you wouldn't want to try. Fair enough.

I seen this woman, and she has helped me so much. She does Reiki; crystal ball readings and I think she is into Wicca too.

Sep 05, 2011
tired and scared.
by: Nikki

I haven't ever seen anything when i have SP. I do believe a lot of times it is astral projection or out of body experience. I have it almost all the time now (except when i was pregnant). Twice I felt the rushing through my ears when i felt something grab me by my ankle and drag me around the room. i could feel the carpet under my fingertips or the clothes that were on the floor. Does anyone know how to stop it? I try so hard to keep from experiencing it. Its not something i like going through (im sure yall arnt either).

Sep 06, 2011
I've seen them in real not even sleep!
by: Ebtesam

Hi, I am from middle-east...i'm 19 years now, I remember when I was 11 or 12 I had this experience but I wasn't sleeping or anything!
actually I never even saw them during my sleep only these years were so tough for me I saw them in day and night, but because my father had an experince before and once I told him of what I saw...he said there are some people who has the acknowladge they know how to use them...and we found out who did that to us it was a person who was close to my family who was trying to scare us . they are true creatures they do oby your orders only if you know how to use them!
They were taking the shapes of my old sisters and sometimes a young girl looks like a shadow and a man too!

Sep 08, 2011
Is there a demon living in me?
by: Anonymous

The black shadow entered my body through my chest. It was a long tail like skinny black shadow it was swinging from side to side while it was still connected to my chest. It was making waves in the air as it swung and made a distinct sound. It soon became shorter and shorter the my chest sucked it right in it sounded like a vacum sucking in air then it entered my chest and i woke up. Science says the black shadows we see are part of our brain wanting to dream. I do not know what to belive i just hope a demon is not inside me.

Sep 12, 2011
by: Gasheero

This is amazing I have been having this experience since I was Seven yrs old or even earlier. I have been slapped, choked and beaten by these dark forces and I even have scars of frightful events. These events happens on and off and I have even traveled far in my dreams and wake up tired and aching. I reached a place where I let them do what they wanted like slap me, then I would just turn and go to sleep, even though I was sleeping. Then I reached a stage where as my relationship with Jesus Christ grew and I began to fight with them and with Christ I always won and the shadows would walk away talking about how strong I was, but I never fought without Christ's name on my tongue or in my mind. Then I reached a place where I sensed their presence and as the bible says "resist the devil and he will flee" I would just resist them. These Dark forces have appeared to me in all shapes and's actually funny. I once had a dream I was being chased by a lion and it scratched me and when I woke I had that exact scar on my inner thigh, just where the lion had injured me in the dream. The bible says "the devil is a prowling lion searching for someone to devour". I also noticed the devil will only use your perception of what you think he is.

Sep 12, 2011
by: Gasheero

Just like oxygen does not need us to believe it exists for it to exist....the same goes for the spiritual world it does not need our belief to exist. The devil does not need us to believe for him to bug us or disturb our sleep...he will whether you invite him or not. The spiritual world is involved in a battle and the devil does not fight fair, look at how some of us started having these episodes at such a young age. I am glad that Jesus Christ saved and I urge everyone having this problem to TRY JESUS CHRIST...even if the attacks don't stop CHRIST has a way of HELPING you with it. My life is so much stronger from the SP ATTACKS. I had another such attack last night and i just googled my experience needing to know whether there were poeple who experienced this and WOW I amazed that there are people. I never ever thought I was a freak, I actually thought I was special having such a world revealed to me. I pray that God will continue use this site to encourage many who are suffering. And to all the atheists out there don't fight something that you believe doesn't exist just let go...if it doesn't exist then it should not bother you at all....but if it does then you have so much to lose! JESUS CHRIST REIGNS ABOVE ALL THINGS AND THE DARK SHADOWS ARE DEFEATED IN JESUS NAME!

Sep 19, 2011
good info/more help
by: lindsay

Hi there.My husband has this problem as well,he explains it to me as someone/something dark shadow,evil faces,stand over him,sometimes on his chest,talks to him in evil words and voice,its scary as his wife because i dont know how to help him.He says it has been happening to him since he was a little boy and it started when his family lived in the "fly" house,a house they thought was haunted and full of flies all the time.The only way he comes out of it is to try to wake me up to wake him up,he claims he can see whats going on and see me sleeping but he cant talk or move its like hes frozen and i wake up to him moaning and groaning,i than wake him up and he is all out of breathe and shaky.This worries me,i asked him if we should get him someone to talk to about this and he just doesnt know,like he doesnt want to tell anyone for they may not believe him.I'm wondering..what now?What can we do to get this to stop..any ideas?you can also email me if you like

Sep 21, 2011
Email me your opinion please

Idk what to call it but I experienced it kind of similar but still different from all of u I felt held down but I didnt feel an actual presence holding me down I just couldnt move speak or breath. It happened to me 4 times twice in my child hood and twice at the age of 22. The third time was in june 2010 after my girlfriend got locked up and that was the first time it felt like a presence in the room. It felt like she was standing over me but I knew she wasn't and because of that feeling I was able to break free from whatever was holding me down. The most recent time was this month on monday 19, I was on my way to sleep but not quite there yet and same thing happened only with out the presence and felt a little more aggressive this time and if I did not fight it I think I would have died. Every time it happens it feels like im being welcomed and that I'm just dozing off but at the same time it feels like death please if u have any comments please gmail me

Sep 23, 2011
strang happenings cont.

i would also like to add that i too have have one false wake up and as a child had an imaginary friend. i am a teacher of science and so i do see that my experiences could be dreams continuing after waking up or an over active imagination as a child. But what i cant explain is why at 6 i would imagine a horned figure, they are in no childrens stories i have ever read???

Sep 24, 2011
by: @kayla

kayla have you ever heard of the book of revelation?... if you the book there was to be an antichrist. the antichrist cliamed to be the new messiah(saviour). It said he will try to recruit a new ARMY for the second coming of jesus. SO whenever this apparition shows again. tell it that it is not welcome and to go away. i am not tying to freak you out. its just what i belive .

Sep 25, 2011
Deliverance from these Demonic Entities
by: Prince Israel

For all of those going through this first and foremost seek JESUS! When having these episodes call on JESUS. HE is a very present help when you need HIM. Wen I used to have these attacks I try to remain calm and ask JESUS to help me. Another thing I do is Plead The BLOOD of JESUS. I just say "THE BLOOD" Instantaneously the oppressive spirit leaves. demons fear the NAME of JESUS and HIS BLOOD and all of them are subject to HIS name and must obey. evil spirits can not cross THE BLOOD Line. For all my Born Again Christians take Communion in your house or place where there is demonic activity also Anoint ur house doorways,bedpost,and wherever else u feel comfortable. I know u may think but I'm not a pastor to receive COMMUNION. Truth is once in CHRIST we are all KINGS and PRIESTS. Revelations 1:6 KJV And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion forever and ever. A'-men. JESUS is ALL that we need from here to Eternity. Those without CHRIST I'm not telling you what to do but just give HIM a chance and open your hearts to HIM. He Loves you and has your best interest at heart. He's not like how religious people portray HIM to be angry and out to get you. But full of LOVE,MERCY,and GRACE. There's a great difference in being religious and having a personal relationship with CHRIST!

Sep 26, 2011
mine started at age 6 or 7
by: gypsy guy

Wow, im still shocked that im not the only one going thru this, or that other non gypsies are also experiencing these exact same accurances.

I was warned of evil spirits at a very young age by my parents, its a roma (gypsy) culture thing. not to eat in bed before you go to sleep cuz u will have nightmares. if you feel an evil spirit in your room cover the mirrors at night. and when you dream of a loved one that has been deseased calling you somewhere where in your dreams, means that death can be near for you and you must be very careful.
i thought sp began from all of this shit with my parents telling me, but you people go thru the exact same thing my GOD! it hapened so much that im comfortable with it now, but what works for me is a short juses prayer, and a few minutes time, then a quick jerk of movement of the body!!!
I wonder is this something spiritual????? is it really som evil beings trying to harm us, communicate?? tell us something???

Sep 26, 2011
by: gypsy guy

I'm really interested in this topic now as i have discovered today that im not alone in this. I do believe this is something spirituel rather than scientific.
email me if you want to talk about this.

Sep 28, 2011
by: Barbara

Thank you for your informative video. I have experienced SP for many years. It began after the birth of my first child. I find the episodes occur when my days are less active and during times of stress, and have been less frequent the older I get. I can relate to almost everything that you have said. However I don't see the entities I feel them.

Last night I had the sensation of a dark energy merging with me ( in the chest area). Hence my internet search! It was physically painful, fortunately through focused intention I was able to steer it towards the light. It was terrifying and today I feel exhausted.

There is no doubt that there is a physical- spiritual link. These episodes usually occur during change or stress periods in my life. There is no doubt ( even in my rational lawyer mind) that these energies are real.

When I am disciplined about my spiritual practice ( meditation, yoga) these episodes do not occur. For me the answer is healthy body, healthy mind, healthy spirit! This episode last night has forced me to remember that!

I lightly experimented with drugs as a teenager - but don't feel that there is any connection.

Thanks again for the informative blog.

Sep 29, 2011
Re: obe
by: Barney

Very interesting post, we're not is a breath of fresh air to know so many go through the same things. I know that drunk feeling as I have had many obe experiences mixed in with sp experiences.

It felt so strange to walk around my house was hard to walk and stay standing...also it felt so weird as if It's not supposed to happen.

Keep the faith bro,
I have sort of learned that this is a never-ending subject,

P.S. Thanks also to the many responses on way to reach me is on my YouTube page as I'm not on here much.

Oct 03, 2011
Amazing! Also terrifying...
by: Dot Humps

This is so great to hear. However, I'm a little freaked out because a lot of these stories are hitting a little too close to home. About six months ago I had the most terrifying sp experience to date. It was morning and I thought I was awake. But there was the typical "humming" sound and pressure in my head (this is the usual deal for my sp episodes). I was lying on my side staring at the door to my bedroom. The door slowly opened and a man in a red hooded cloak began slowly creeping in. He had a maniacal smile and was absolutely horrific. I broke out of the sp and rolled over to wake up my wife, she was still asleep and I thought it better to not wake her since it was still early sunrise. When I rolled over the man in the red cloak was STILL THERE! Only now he was a step closer. I had been tricked, I only thought I was awake. I broke out of it again and this time decided to wake up my wife. She sat up in bed, but it was then that I realized that I couldn't fully open my eyes or speak, I was still in the sleep paralysis. When I rolled over the man in the red cloak was right IN MY FACE! I yelled out and moved all my muscles at once, like a convulsion. And there I was, covers pulled up tightly to my chin, door closed. I looked next to me and there was no one in bed. My wife had gotten up hours ago. What the heck happens? I've heard a lot of people talking about seeing a hooded figure and find that fact a little disconcerting. I still haven't told my wife this story, I don't think she'd like. Peace!!

Oct 06, 2011
Running the gambit!
by: Mastino Templar

I have experienced this many times! I am actually currently fighting these things at the moment! My whole life actually I felt that I could astro project(at the time not knowing what it is called)out of my body, which as a child I have done this many times and as an adult it I believed has been lost to me or I have over looked it several times but know have become more consciously of my abilities to do this. I have my whole life encountered these demonic beings, I think I even at one point have gone to hell or some place like it as a kid nad had to fight to get out of it and killed 4 demonic beings. Now I know all this sounds crazy but trust me, I've never done drugs, I hold a Top Secret Clearance and I've guarded some of the most important people in the world and important government sites so I am a very normal person, I just have this crazy ability. To be honest, our whole family has this ability, it is as if we had it pasted down to us. I just bring this up because at 4am as my alarm clock was going off I slightly open my eyes and saw a dark figure looming over me, I knew what this was and I attempted kick it in the face from a laying position as I did this, the thing reached down at me and touched my lip....has this happen to any of you? This isn't the first time these beings have touched me in my sleep, but this is the first time I've talked about this publicly??? How do I keep them out of my room while I sleep????

Oct 08, 2011
Ender Men
by: Anonymous

oh god, these things are living hell. i've seen them in the distance when i was with people... until i'm alone. one appeared across the road from me and we stared at each other, unmoving. then i blinked and i felt VERY weak and dragged home. when you see them whatever you do, dont look at the eyes. if you know too much or have too much *joy/success/ect* then they watch you. if they come to you, run. just run. run for your life because they're everywhere, they just are *invisible* to those with low IQ or those who arent psychicly active. they follow you and if you see them get closer, stop what your doing and make observations.

Oct 08, 2011
Sleep Paralysis
by: SBS

This has happened to me since I was a child, haven't had it happen much lately. Was most experienced when I started interceding for my brother, a sinner at the time. Was so terrible I ended up sleeping in my walk in closet, which I had called my "prayer closet." I believe they are tormenting spirits who seek to deprive you of sleep. What I ended up doing was praying in the spirit and finally the sp would go away. Once I felt it coming in my son's room when he had been sick, I immediately laid my hand on my son and pleaded the "Blood of Jesus" After that I could literally see that spirit walking out of the room it was very tall, shadowy, and head was up to the ceiling with feet about 18 inches off the floor.

Oct 12, 2011
by: Anonymous

First of all this is supposed to be a sleep paraylis site, which from reading it thourougly, it is unlikly! Besides the phyc comments,drug comments & scarce biblical comments. What your dealing wh is members of babylonian believers seting you up. So I wouln"t surface this page if I were you. & many of the stories are affects of bablon believers. Which is not all supernatural & can be verfied biblically,secularly,scientifically, & yes some medicaly.speaking to the rigt peope,etc. Yet I"d caution who you speak to. Many of these stories set people up forphyc cases,attacks of the church& trouble wh some medical& police authorities. Sorry if some words are mispelled I am on a cell. Anyhow , I would first get off this site, know that supernatural is a nice show yet not real. Go pray, get the bible out & search for all passages pertaing to, babylon! You ca find them in th index, cordinance or just look up babylon biblically & you"l find the right passages!

Oct 13, 2011
Re: comment
by: Barney

Reading and spelling, it is hard to understand your point.
I don't even think you know what you're saying.
Lighten up your tone if you want to be taken seriously though

Oct 14, 2011
by: Anonymous

I am 19 years old. I had my first sp experience last night. I have been practicing lucid dreaming for a couple months now and sense I have started, I seem to sleep lighter. My dreams are much more real, rather than odd and fantasy based.

So in my dream, I was at my sisters old house. Only it seemed broken down, like it was going to be condemned, rather than the bright clean place it used to be. I was in a bedroom, but I heard a very evil sounding voice yelling in the kitchen, about somebody not eating their dinner. I don't know why, but I felt like the voice had this connotation that the dinner was poisoned. Naturally, in my dream of course, I started to yell at who ever was in the kitchen.

As soon as I opened my mouth a dark figure rushed up right into my face. I couldn't make out any facial features, but I could just see this dark figure right in front of my face. It had a very heavy and angry vibe to it, it seemed evil. I put my arms up to push it out of my face and it folded my arms across my chest and I was suddenly in my own bed in my own room.

I couldn't move. Just stuck there with my arms folded across my chest and a pressure pushing down on me. All the while this dark figure sat just inches from my face, breathing heavily. I couldn't see its eyes, but it seemed to be just glaring at me. It stayed like that for a few seconds and suddenly, like I snapped out of it, it was gone. I was just in my bed with my arms folded across my chest.

I wasn't so much afraid, but angry that this being was so hostile toward myself and my family. I don't think it was an actual demon. I think I was in a very light sleep, like still awake a little bit, and entered an r.e.m. dream state. It felt more like a conscious, waking life, nightmare more than anything.

If it was a real demon, I choose not to give any power to it. My bed is a place of sanctuary for me. Where I rest, relax, make love, and break down sorrows of life. Haha and it is far too comfy to share with any demon.

Oct 14, 2011
please help with my ?

im very awake when i was sitting on my couch turned the light out like 20min later a figure of a tall man in a trench coat and hat came down the stairs i froze thought i was nuts all sudden it turned so sharply and came at me i covered my head and prayed to god we hear things doors slamming waling noise what does this mean

Oct 16, 2011
by: jazmyne

ok. so im 17 years old and this has been happening to me since i can remember. the most recent one happened this morning at 7:59 a.m. i had just fallen asleep and then i felt it happening. my body became paralyzed and i couldnt move at all. i looked around and i saw a black shadow walking towards me. i could feel a extreme heat coming off its body as it got closer. i then began to call for Jesus(as my mom and grandma told me to) however it didnt work and the shadow got closer until it was standing above me and watching me. it then began to speak in a dark raspy voice and it slowly leaned down and kissed me on the forehead. and i could actually feel it kiss my head. it felt hot in the spot where it kissed me. and right now it is exactly 1:27 a.m. and i am scared to go to sleep. i can still feel the heat on my forehead from where the shadow kissed me. i dont know what to do. i think that im going to try and get some sleeping pills 2moro... if anyone knows of a way to stop this from happening plz let me know because i feel like i am losing my mind.. i just want to have a peaceful night of sleep.

Oct 17, 2011
Cool :)
by: MAN

It happened to me But I've never enter the spirit realm, I will try though

Oct 17, 2011
2nd visit
by: r1burlie

Good Day. I had an experience last night and had to find your blog. 9 years ago my wife and I were expecting our first baby. After our baby was born, we were not getting a lot of sleep (as new parents usually do) she decided to sleep in the front living room to allow me to sleep so I could get up for work.

She said that she woke up in the middle of the night and there was a dark “cloud like object” somewhat in the form of a human, but cloudy. It was hovering over her. She could not scream, and her body was immobilized. She tried to scream for me but could not. After what seemed like a few min, it was gone.

Last night, on Sunday October 16th, 2011, I was sleeping in our bedroom not far from the front room. I went to bed early as I had to get up early for work. We have a hall light on so that the kids can find their way to the bathroom if they need to. So it’s dimly lit, but you can see the ceiling and wallpaper patterns in our bedroom if you need to.

At approx. 12:30am I started coming out of a disturbing dream. I opened my eyes and there was black, shadow on the ceiling. It was not “cloudy” or had soft edges. It was large, and had very sharp edges, (best way would be to describe it as a shape of a human, but it had jagged edges, like if you were to cut out a pattern with those pattern edged scissors ) or one of those speech bubbles comic books have, that look all zig lines

I could not move. But for some reason I was not scared. I was mad. I was mad that whatever was there was holding me against my will.

I actually said “f you! let me the f go!” and the second I could move my hands I raised both of them and give it the finger.

I’m not saying this to be cool or brave. I am actually pretty freaked out today. I was just mad at it because I am protective of my family, and I do not want it bothering me or my family. Especially my wife or kids.

After reading more this morning about shadow people, imp worried that it is a negative energy, and if I swore at it and told it to f off, I may not have done myself any favours.

Any suggestions? Please?

Oct 18, 2011
ladie in black dress
by: RRD

Upon having these I seem to catapulted into another realm of two of these occasions I am in a place of confusion and fear, their is another women their in a black dress she does not seem to be of this realm we are in, and just as confused as me. These experiences have happened more then twice but I have only seen this women 2 times on one occasion we seem to be standing in a street or infront of a structure, she is nervous and seems we both know we are not in the physical, their are creatures that are there but mainly I could see these large dark creatures very tall in hieght and dark they do not speak and stand guard, this is the best i can explainI they seem to be on guard. But anyway I have come to believe that this women is in fact at the same moment in time journeyed to this realm and we have somehow met up. She does ask me are we in hell, as I had said we are in very aware and realize we are off somewhere and not in our bodies, very conscious of the situation. I hope by writing this brief story mate this women can Identify this, or maybe I am just crazy.

Oct 22, 2011
Wide-brimmed black hat, black duster/trench coat
by: Savage

Astral Projection. Children do it naturally. the tall shadow like coroner guy is the snatcher of the young but the beast behind the red that stands apart from the berserk vultures in the dark twilight realm. In the red, is the flesh; the tar to bind the light and deceive. They are the makers of the sad an unhappy,,, they are the haters of heaven in hell.

Oct 23, 2011
Interaction with Shadow Beings
by: Iniquitous

Wow. I have had these same kinds of things happen to me. I find the commonality of these shadowy figures to be the most compelling evidence that this experience is an "out of body" conscious, astral, or spiritual type of experience. To me the sensation is one of vibrating. Often times I can consciously control my awareness when it starts and I have even been able to consciously initiate it on my own. I've had it happen dozens of times but only experienced the shadow figures one time. They looked exactly as described by others. There were three of them - one seemed larger than the other two. The two smaller ones grabbed onto my ankles and started pulling me out of my body - this is also the only time I have experienced a "spirit" version of myself, as I could see my "spirit" legs, luminescent representations of my legs, being lifted up and out of my body, and through the blanket I had over me. I was consciously awake enough during this experience to understand what was happening - these figures looked frightening but didn't really do anything or say anything threatening, except for that they were tugging on my spiritual essence to help it "out" I guess... I sat up and screamed at them - at this point I was most certainly fully awake - and could still see them and literally watched them vanish before my eyes. I haven't seen them since.

Just a few days ago I was napping on the couch, laying on my stomach. I was trying to go to sleep when I felt the first vibrations start, at that point I consciously held onto the experience... I no longer try to fight it, and actually try to make it happen... when suddenly I "popped" out and was floating above myself over the coach. I was able to move my consciousness about the house at will and look around. Some things appeared to be slightly off from what they would look like under normal situations, but I was aware of such things immediately.

It takes a little bit of practice, but each time it gets easier, and you can actually control the intensity. As far as I can tell it isn't anything to be afraid of. I think we are a small percentage of people who are able to become self aware outside the limited realm of our physical bodies.

Oct 25, 2011
demonic dream
by: Anonymous

This message?comment is for Kayla although I don't claim to know everything there is to know on this subject but I know enough to give you some helpful insight. My daughter just recently had a demonic encounter. . . I don't know if you're saved or not but please profess Jesus Christ as your Lord & Savior as soon as possible. ( Romans 10:9-10 )that figure of the " grim reaper " is none other than death itself ! Satan's mission is to kill, steal & destroy . .God will never employ any of his children to kill another. Satan know his end is near & he is trying to destroy GOD;S children. He can't possess what isn't his but he can try an tourment you..the next time this mat happen call upon JESUS as loud as u can !

Oct 26, 2011
by: RRD

Upon having maybe some encounters or experiences I will go to a place where everything is confusion and chaos, I have not gained full control but am fully aware I am not in a physical realm I seem to realize I have left my physical body and are wishing my wife would try and get me out of this place by shaken me or something. Well anyway as I said the place I journey to on one occasion is dark, dreary and nothing but confusing and chaos as a square peg trying to fit in a round hole. It has other people their we either are not helping each other or just cannot help we are alone truly but pass, stand and run around each other. Their are creatures one is a dark figure thing with kind of beetle black eyes solid figure and very tall 7-9 feet tall they just stand and watch as guards other creatures that seem unnatural nothing seems good here I ( STRESS ) the word confusion teeth gnarling confusion. I seem to speak to a dark man who has some type of little glowing bugs or something crawling under his skin, his eyes dark and hollow like evil, a ladie who seems lost they seem to know that their is someone in charge and he is evil the tell me its hell ( the ladie and man on different experiences to add) Also I have joureyed to another one place seems like a carnival but that's another post. Anyway in this place I can't make sense of anything and just when I think I do everything changes but there's alot of chaos there I am there trying to wake myself but can't I know my wife is next to my body but can't scream I feel stuck in this place fighting to awake myself out of this trance. I wish I could talk to someone about this who has had similar experience please write would like to talk.

Oct 27, 2011
by: Dylan May

Hi guys,
my names dylan may and im 20years old.

odd things happen to me and my mum all the time,It feels like something evil is watching us,but then at the same time it feels like something good is protecting us at the same time.

The first thing what has happened to me was when i was 13 years old ,
I was wide awake and i heard the door open slowly! ,then it sounded like something big walked in to my room,the thing then touch my shoulder and i couldn't stop shaking for about 1min it felt asif my soul was being ripped out of my body ,after 3 minutes I had the confidence to look and my door was wide open and the light was off!.I looked towards the doorway and could hear women's voice calling me to my mums room,i slapped my self about 3 times! ,I then ran towards the voice and to my mums room :( ,i kinda thought it was just me dreaming and it was all in my head but i asked my mum and she said she heard something come in my room.

About 5 years later I talked about this to my mum again,and she said to me "dylan i didn't want to tell you but when two weeks before this happened to you it happened to me,and a women's voice told me i would be ok".

My mum has told me other thing which have happened to her .When she was my age,Three small men used to come in her room every other night and she said that they used to stand there and but they wasn't looking at her but looking threw her like she wasn't there something else.

if anything like this has happened to you email me please:

Oct 30, 2011
re: similar experiences
by: Barney

Very glad it helped....I remember that same relief in 2007 when I found it on Google!

I've had very sp the last 8 months, thank the Lord.

Oct 31, 2011
I've only told my sister this...
by: RMR

I was living in an apartment in 1997, it was 1 year after my son was born. I was taking a nap in his room. He was in in his crib and I was on the spare bed in his room. It was early afternoon. I was awoken by my name being called out. Not yelled out but the voice was right in my ear so close I could feel the breath. The hairs on my entire body stood. That was the start of it all. A few times after this incident it happened again only it would be louder and would repeat my name two or three time. Well a few years later we moved to another location..I thought it would be over and maybe it was the apartment or me. Not so. I was, again, sleeping late at night. Again I was awoke to this deep, stern, demanding voice saying my name in my ear again feeling its breath. I would sit straigh up and it would be gone. I would get up and walk around because I was so uncomfortable with the feeling inside my body. Something didn't feel right.
Well - we moved again to Florida for a business opportunity. I had no problems again until about 6 monthes after being in Florida. I awake again to the voice but this time it was not in my ear it was straight in my face, I could not move my body I felt like it was sitting on top of me, I couldn't breath. I opened my eyes only to see red eyes looking into mine. As I would struggle to move my legs were being held down. The eyes followed mne in every direction I looked to. repeating my name. Then I prayed and told it to go away. Needless to say I couldn't sleep for a very long time. Many years have gone by and I have moved many times it's still with me. I have had some horrifing ventures with whatever this maybe and I do not talk about. Sometimes it happens now and I tell it not tonight I'm tired!! And it goes away and others I have no choice but to deal with it. It has gotten so bad I can sense days before when it's coming. That's when I start take sleeping pills. Many times I wake up with bruises on my legs and arms that I can't explain and neither can my significant other can explain or he wants to know what I'm doing to myself. Anyways, I always feel this presence and I realize that it's something I will probably live with the rest of my life. I have always had a sense of out of body experiences since I was a little girl but this is not an out of body experience. I'm awake and when I do get up after the episode the entire house seems to have a spell on it. I cannot not awake anyone no matter how much noise I make. No one wakes up except me. I wish I had more time but I have to go for now. Thanks!!!

Nov 01, 2011
by: Anonymous

I had my first experience as a child in theform of aliens. It was frightening at the time, but I laughed about it later. Now in my twenties, I've experienced it four times all as dark figures. Arms soon as it begins, I know what is about to happen. The slamming of doors, being pushut, being lifted off the ground by abdark figureand in one case being pushed down by 3 figures. Every time I call out to Jesus and ask for his help. And immediately I wake upgasping and pale faced. My mom experienced this while pregnant with me, so I know this is an attack on my spirituality. I find so much encouragement in all of this. I know now, I belong to God and God alone and despite these awful feelings, my faith keeps me sane. Good to know I'm not the only one to experience this.

Nov 03, 2011
changed a couple of non-believers
by: NOT-Crazy

I used to experience this often as a young adult(19-24 or so y.o.a)ONLY in my parents house and ONLY in my room(I slept often on the downstairs couch for experiments).
I would wake up in the middle of the night after all various times of being asleep(never the same pattern of happening)I could only move me eye's sometimes my head would move SLIGHTLY,above my bed is a crucifix and it would for whatever reason be a source of light in a totally dark room.
I would see 2-4 "shadow people" in the room all at different parts of the bed,I would try to scream and yell but it was impossible,it would slowly end after repeating prayers for 30-45 seconds end and movement would return to my body.
For skeptics,I spent a week at my girlfriends home while her parents went on vacation,it NEVER happened to her EVER! 2 nights in a row it happened to me while alone in the bed while she was in the den chatting on the net,she walked in one time just as it was ending,she always believed me that it happened for I had no reason to lie.
1 week after her parents returned home from their trip it started to happen to her,REMEMBER it never happened to her before I slept there but more than a few times AFTER I exp it,I was the bad one who party'd and did the wrong things,so a possible answer was always "its from the substances you abuse" MAYBE,but what about when I was sober for 3 yrs and it still happened?why my girl who NEVER abused anything EVER?
It has'nt happened in a long time and dont miss it,but its something I nor anyone else who knows me could explain,and believe me I looked for answers,6th sense sensitivity runs in my family so SOME things that I went through were un-covered but this was one that could not.

Nov 03, 2011
My Experience
by: Risela

Hey guys, glad to hear we are not alone after all. Not saying is a positive thing for most of us but at least we feel supported in a way. I do believe in God but I'm not into any religion. I was baptized at the age of 9 under the Catholics belief and I got married in the catholic church. Even do , I'm not religious , I could say Catholicism is part of me in a way. I do like Greek mythology though however like I said , I don't practice any religion in any way. I do have SP too. Mine, started since I was 4 or 5 and probably even earlier but the oldest one that I can remember was in the age around 4 or 5. I could actually move and even fell from the bed when I suddenly woke up but didn't feel pain or anything from the fall. In the sp state, I went to the hallway across my room trying to reach my parents bedroom. In the middle there was a bathroom. The door of the bathroom was open, it was not completely dark since it was early in the morning and a little bit of light was coming through the window. When I got close to the door a demon shaped figure, which I associated at that time with the wolf of red ridding hood, came out of the door and scared me really bad. At that moment , I woke up. The episodes are not that often , maybe 1 or 2 every other month. On my teenager days they used to be accompanied by very scary, undefined deep voices and couldn't move at all. Sometimes I could understand even though they were not saying anything meaningful and others I couldn't . There was one that it looked like a shadow spider that crawled into my pillow and started whispering things I couldn't understand but the voice sounded demonic. Every time I'm having this episode my body feels a tingling sensation and I used to compare it more as electricity running through my body. On the earliest 20 , I have lost if not all , most of the fear towards this experience but I do respect it since it is still unknown to me. Sometimes I want to experience it when is happening and I decide to stay a little bit longer but I do always have controlled the end for the episode. When I want it to stop, it will stop. I have notice that the more relaxed you try to be on the sp episode the stronger the feeling of the tingling sensations gets. It makes sense though, in order to have Out of Body experience you need to be relaxed. I can't still control very much the movements but now at the age of 25, I can move a little bit. Last week , the reason I'm doing research for 4th time, I kind of had an outer body experience. Like I said , I can control when I want to get out of the episode but the movements of my body is still hard to control. In other words can't move that much but is getting better. I used to pray "our father" out of fear to get this thing out of my sight or head in the same SP event but to be honest, I have learned the one that makes them stop is myself.

Nov 03, 2011
My Experience # 2
by: Risela

Well continuing with the experience of last week, I could actually get out of the body. On the corner of the room I was seeing a shadow but I decided not to pay attention and keep going. I moved one arm first, right arm, then with the help of it I sat on the bed. When I was going to get out of the bed, this shadow reached its hand to me like trying to grab me or push me to my body, not sure what it was trying to do but I woke up in a snap, seconds when the interaction happened. It was very weird. I'm not scared but confused. I have never seen a clear visual of these things but just shadow and very dark. I have experienced most of the stuff you guys have however never experienced, chest pressure, heavy breathing or hard to breath. I did at a certain point thought these thing were holding me from moving but as I have grown with experience of more episodes , now I believe is us. We are the ones who can't move. The movement is a matter of relaxing not forcing the body to move. The harder you try , the harder it will be to move. Is actually a combination of both relaxing and trying to move. The more you relax, the stronger the tingling sensation get and it can be scare since is something we are not used to so we would try to force ourselves to move instead. Also if you don't like the sp event, just force yourselves to wake up like if you were in a dream. I'm pretty sure all of you can control it. That's your body you own it. The mind and the will is much much powerful than you can actually imagine. So, in conclusion, I started very early and still get the episodes, not that frequent and I still can't experience a full body out of experience but I have improved. Now what it got me thinking was the shadow in the wall that I decided to ignore from my last episode that try to reach me. I don't know if it was me that made myself to wake up or it was this thing. It felt more like it didn't wanted me to leave my body instead of grabbing me. The hand looked very demonic like a a claw with long fingernails.

Nov 03, 2011
My Experience # 3
by: Risela

Well like I said, I'm not religious but I do believe in God/Devil and an unseen world. I'm not obsess with anything just chocolate and sugar in general. I'm healthy and active. Also I finish my B.A. in psychology at 23 and I'm two years behind from starting my Masters studies but I will get there. I needed to share that info since everything is important in order to figure this out. The only thing I have found from your experience is that you don't need to be ill or be practitioner of any religion to get this sp. Therefore body state and Religion is non related to the sp experiences or at least they are not the common triggers for the SP. The only thing in common here is we all Believe in God and we believe in this so called Sleep Paralysis and the evil shadows that brings. I will like to ask something, how is the episodes getting as you grow older? Do they get worse or better? Have they changed in frequency? Anyways, I do apologize for my English since I'm Hispanic.

Nov 03, 2011
To NOT-Crazy
by: Risela

Yes, same here Not-Crazy. Actually the 6th sense runs in my family too I don't know to what extent but It does too. I'm actually able to sense few stuff but thanks God I can't see or feel more than that. I'm not into those things and I prefer it stays that way. On the contrary of my husband that doesn't dream at all or at least he can't remember not even one, I do dream every day and in every sleep. In a few cases I have experience the so called de ja vu but it was just that I dream about it. I do believe we all have that too.

Nov 06, 2011
by: Anonymous

These figures you have been seeing are called "striga". They are a troubled spirit who attaches themselves to people in hope of finding comfort.

Nov 06, 2011
I am an atheist and i experience dark figures.
by: David A.

I am asleep or i think that i am asleep.i can see and hear and smell everything around me but i cannot move i am paralyzed my entire body is tingling. i watch this black shadow appear in front of me walking towards me empty eyes no legs. Just pure darkness staring me in the face. i try to scream no voice i can not move it stares and stares i hear static mumbling high pitch noises. I wake up.Or i think i did. but i am still asleep.Then another shadow appears in the corner. i feel pressure on my chest i feel my throat being grasped can not breathe and then i truly awake.No shadows same smells same everything.nothing but Pure FEAR.

i saw these figures when i was awake walking down the road. Everything seemed to go into slow motion and i would see this dark figure 6 to 8 ft tall empty eyes staring at me then it would disappear into the woods or just disappear.I feel watched i am always paranoid. this first started when i was around 5. I was diagnosed With bi-polar disorder with schizophrenic tendencies. and i have been off and on medications for years. And it seemed to stop until a couple days ago. Just dreams of that black dark empty figure and i feel as if something is watching me. I am confused.

Nov 10, 2011
sp - topic: crystals & fear (continued)
by: Phil

wanted to add some more comments to my previous post concerning the use of crystals and on the topic of 'fear'. Wanted to add that an amethyst pendant for protection should not be worn by anyone who is hyperactive, autistic, schizophrenic, mentally handicapped, or extremely single-minded. (then clear quartz would be worn instead or by anyone else) -this is according to the book i was quoting in the above post. just want to cover all the bases as best i can.

FEAR: something the book also mentioned about that i found to be simple and empowering. i'll just quote verbatim:

"The human being is certainly much stronger than any bad entity because the human possesses a body, which a spirit does not have. It is, moreover, the reason why evil, negative and disincarnate spirits search out people in order to posses them, since they want to re-embody themselves. Because we have something that the bad spirits have not (out bodies), we are stronger from the outset.
On the other had, the evil spirit does have a way in, a means of influencing human beings: fear. It is this which feeds the spirits and gives them their strength. If you have absolutely no fear of the forces of evil, then they can have no influence over you.
There are two natural fears: that of falling and that of sudden noise. All other fears are creations of your imagination. You do not need them and they can even harm you and slow down your evolution. Fear attracts that which you are afraid of. If you are afraid of thieves, they will come. If you fear fire, you will be a victim of it. If you are frightened of the devil, he will show himself to you.
You can confront fear, because it is very cowardly. All the time that you run away from it, it will follow you like your shadow. The moment that you turn and face it, it will be the one to run away. The only way to get rid of fear is to tackle it head on, to analyze it, to find out where it comes from and why it is there."

"From the earliest age we are taught to respond to fear more than love. As a result we have created a very critical situation in the world. People are afraid, react to that fear and work with it."

"...the power of the voice and that of the body - if one does not feel any fear - are stronger than any evil being. As Jesus said in the Bible: 'Get thee behind me, Satan'"

Hope this is helpful to anyone else. God Bless!!

Nov 14, 2011
Here is one of my experiences
by: Jessie

I'm glad to know we are not alone. I get them too. I have alot of them and has been happening for about 2 years now.

I was in my bed sleeping when i heard sounds like someone was choking someone. So I got up in order to help them but when i opened the door i saw some people carrying a young woman and they put her on the bed in the room across from mine. Well the woman was having a seizure. The people carrying her were trying to hold her down. Being a medic I knew I had to do something. I was looking at her and she was looking at me. Then I got this thought "In the name of Jesus be healed my child." So I grabbed her hand and touched her forehead and said "In the name of Jesus be healed." Well she stopped and then she turned into a demon. Yes crazy. It was very dark brown. I couldn't see any facial features to him. But he was screaming! So I grabbed him ( Of course the Holy Spirit did this because I could never do this on my own.) and had him against the wall. and told him to leave her in the name of Jesus. He screamed at me! and then left. (The screaming was the worst part)

Then I looked behind me at the window because there was two demons out there screaming at me. I couldn't tell what they were but they looked very evil. Almost looked like birds. I think they had red eyes. Anyways I don't know why but I pounded on the window.

Then i was running down this path. There was a fork in the road and i turned right. There was trees there. I turned around so I could see why I was running. I saw a flock of demons flying right behind me. I was a little scared but had this thought come to me that there was an angel there. I couldn't see him and then I woke up.

When I saw them i felt helpless but then remembered that I wasn't because Jesus gave us authority over them. I just never had to deal with those types of demons. There was alot of them too.

Nov 16, 2011
by: Anonymous

your fear is what powers them faith in god with Triumph over this force
i have many outer body experiences i seem to be able to leave my body and walk around this is usualy when i have these encouters
at first i tryed fighting them.. when they attacked me id throwing fists and kicking but it seemed to have no use they would over power me i turned to prayer and i would see a flash of light and a heavenly feeling and they would be gone
spirits had been bothering me for somtime i went to sleep very upset one night drunk (achual fuel these beings) and these forces came after me. unlike usual
I had felt somthing i had never felt before this night I felt a higher power fueling me a divine power within me usualy i pray untill it over but this time i left my body and chased this abomination away from me it was if it was overwheled amd feared me
i dont belive i have banished this being from my house but i know there i hope for salvation from these horrible things

Nov 17, 2011
by: richie

ive had a few of these first 2 scared me but the couple after that ive realised it as happend 2 me i just closed my eyes and ignored it and woke up just fine i feel if u panic thats when it starts 2 grip u its like whatever is doing this 2 u feeds off your fear i used 2 suffer as a kid with rearcurring dreams sp,s and used 2 see a dark figure with yellow eyes and pointy ears and now my son says he sees this dark figure when he told me it sent shivers up my spine i used 2 see this dark figure in my sleep and when i was wide awake

Nov 23, 2011
by: Anonymous

Have you read into astral travel or obe barney? Apparently there's alot of people who use SP as the basis of their obe. I know it's hard but if you can overcome the initial fear of SP you can apparently experience some pretty insane OBE.

Nov 23, 2011
Question about sleep paralysis
by: Justin

Is it possible to move at all during sleep paralysis. I had an experience in which I actually turned over to see a bright figure and then was paralyzed instead of being paralyzed from the moment I wake up. Is this common in sleep paralysis or is this another thing all together?

Nov 28, 2011
re: dream
by: Barney

Can you resend this message to me on YouTube?
I deleted your message and my reply by accident,

Nov 30, 2011
I Have exactly the same experiences
by: Anonymous

I just ran across this page because I googled Demonic spirits. I just recently had a sp thing and I've been having several of them. I have been wondering if they are just dreams but seriously they feel so real. It is getting irritating to have to resist the experience when you feel like you are going to die and they only leave you alone when you pray and ask for Gods aid. Any advice comment after this please . I'm tired of it and I'm starting to think they want me to negotiate with them or something.

Dec 01, 2011
more than sp
by: Anonymous

you wake up (not awake). why is everything moving at 3/4 speed? is this my bedroom? is fu*%ing has to be, right!? when you finally move in slow motion off the bed you collapse to the cold cold wood floor and tremble as an icy metalically electric (demonic) voice mockingly whispers through your poor head saying "there is no God". it's more than just a little 'sp'. I need Max von Sydow and the midget from poltergeist

Dec 02, 2011
Demonic Animals?
by: Caitlin in MN

Hi, all.

First, I am so relieved to hear of similar experiences. I have a twin sister and we both have experienced the evil spirit who enters our sleep and applies pressure on our chest. It happened for several years throughout college before we talked about it and realized we were experiencing the same spirit. It continued until I was 25. After that, I experienced a different type of presence.

When I was 25-26, I was bartending on a Saturday night and arrived at my apartment around 2am. I saw two dark four-legged shadows running, their shadows casted on the building nearby. I assumed they were cats, but I felt an all-over body chill. I told myself to ignore it and go to bed.

That night, I woke to my bedroom door being opened and I heard the pattering of paws across my carpet. I experienced the usual chill that starts at your forehead and runs across your entire body. The creatures hissed and jumped at my bedside as if they were trying to attack me. I could feel everything around me: my bed sheets, the way my body was laying, etc. I was half awake and could feel them tugging on the sheets, but it was as if I had this bubble of protection around me. It was so frightening.

Since that experience, I no longer feel the "man" - just the four-legged creatures entering the room. It happens twice a year. But one week ago, my puppy and my husband were laying in bed next to me... I was dreaming a pleasant dream and then it was suddenly interrupted to an evil presence. I was immediatley half awake; I could feel my puppy next to me and I could hear him whimpering, and I could feel my husband breathing. There was only one creature this time, and it crawled onto my pillow, sitting above my head and hissing. I could feel my hair move as it crawled around me. For the first time in this type of "visit", I was able to open my eyes but I was still paralyzed. I then did what I always do: I started saying the Lord's Prayer and yelled at it to "go away." It went away, and then my puppy stopped whimpering.

Does anyone else experience visits four-legged creatures? I feel so alone and unable to talk to anyone without getting laughed at and told that I'm just dreaming hard.

Dec 03, 2011
by: Anonymous

I have experienced sp before but, i have never seen any thing full of evil or hate. I just can't move nor breath very well it all most hurts and gives me anxiety. But my boy friend was telling me about this. He woke up to a pounding noise on his door and when he oppend his eyes hes had was faced towers the door and it slowly opened. There was this small figure standing by his bed staring at him. he said it was full of hate and evil.

Dec 06, 2011
Night Terrors and things that go bump in the night
by: Anonymous

There are so many others who experience weird and unexplained occurrences in the middle of the night. Who do you go to? Even members in your own house might think you have gone off the deep end when you even try to tell them what happened. I have had these bizarre things happen to me, my first one being a resplendent angel of light (wings, and glowing robe, very blindingly bright) that came to call on me in the night. His or Her message was for me to pray to God, and even though I was young (guessing between 3 or 4 years old) it scared me so much I told my parents that I had seen a devil cause no one ever told me about angels. I now know that the angel was a warrior angel and not a cute little cupid sent to advise me, so I believe it might have been St. Michael. I know now that it came to protect me from whatever was shaking the bed at night, which used to terrify me. An object in the house was haunted. That was my first experience, which frankly I put away for decades because it was so weird. However, I did pray at night, all the time and used to make up my own prayers of protection as I was aware that something was lurking in the dark shadows.

When I was older, I had a sleep paralysis during the day, and felt that someone was sitting on my chest and I couldn't move or scream out for help. It happened during the daylight and I was sick and in bed. Still horrifying and I let out a scream when I finally was able to function.

Other weird things: seeing an ET like praying mantis shadow projected on the bedroom wall at night. The actual physical figure was invisible, but the shadow was clear and animated, rubbing it "hands" together. I was terrified and in a state of panic, but somehow managed to go into a dead sleep and wake up in the morning. My last recollection of the night was trying to get out of the bed and turn on the light, but somehow I was zapped into a dazed sleep. That happened in the early 80's and no one talked about ETs, so I naturally thought it was demonic... not to say that ETs are not demonic in nature.

Another odd thing was waking up in the middle of the night and sitting up in bed and watching a very bright laser type scanner search the pillow, sweeping across the surface and disappearing. This was before we had the UPC codes and scanners, but in hindsight it was sort of the same.

Please pray to Jesus for your salvation, Pray at night when you feel you are being attacked by entities, ETs or demons. Surround yourself with the light of God and thank God for his Blessings. Be the best person you can be, and turn away from evil so nothing gets a spiritual hold on you. Remember you are a child of God and He Loves you. Read your Bible and keep it by the bed stand. It took me decades to sort this all out.

Dec 08, 2011
by: Kevin Johnson

When I was a child I woke up with my pants around my ankles and there was a black figure with squiggly hairlines and yellowish eyes hiding at the end of my bed.I was terrified. Then I seen a white figure commingle into my bedrrom and it lit up the whole house as it moved and then it went out to the hallway and vanished.My mother saw the light too. Then as a teen I played the ouijia board and it said I wad going to be killed when I was 30.Im30. My exgirl friend wad looking at me and her eyes got black and the devil told me I'm next.When I was in the ER recently I seen a white tunnel with a dark hooded figure coming towards me it looked like the virgin mary or the black maddona.I need a special priest.I hear voices talking to me all the time in the past year and a half.

Dec 09, 2011
I know the feeling
by: Dream Warrior

Sence readding this i now know that its called SP. I also was not away an1 out there but me had felt sanything like this ive hade many Dreams as i like to call them, but 1 thing ive learned to do is train mentaly & spiritaly so god is with me sleep or wake ive also adapted to being able to do thing in my sleep i could never do in wake but something i've noticed that no 1 says any how is that they cant scream & yes i admit it is very hard & i have to keep trying & trying & evenualy let out a scream or or load moan wich wakes my partner up & she wakes me up she knows whats going on i have told her. but 1 last thing my first experince in this i was not asleep! well not till i came conscious any how I saw 3 figuers in black cloaks 1 stood in front of the other 2 he had a staff with a green flame placed inside a rack of deer horns & when it reached out to touch me from almost 1/2 a field away it felt like my bone in my right arm burnt from the inside out. but besides that was the awfull feeling that were in there presence hopelessness, dispare, sorrow, pain, suffering every negitve feeling that any 1 has ever felt all @ once in one big oara there are thing that def go bumb in the night arm ur self jesus is my sheild & god is my sword prepare ur selves & dont go with out a fight i really hopes this helps @ least 1 person. good luck 2 us all

Dec 13, 2011
i want it to stop
by: Shannon

I too have had these experiences for years. I am glad to know that i am not crazy and other people have these experiences and it has a name. About 18 years ago I went to a Bible study. This was before my first experience and the leaders daughter was having the same thing going on. I remembered her saying she told her daughter to say "Jesus" out loud and it will end the sp. The first time it happened to me I didn't think to say it in the midst of it. When I was thinking about it the next morning (about 2 years after the Bible study) I remembered her saying to say Jesus outloud. Now everytime I have the sp I say Jesus. It feels like my vocal chords are paralyzed the first couple seconds but it eventually explodes out of my mouth then the sp is over. But it sure screws up my night. Why does this happen to me? The feeling in my chest scared me so bad. My husband says I am having panic attacks. No its not panic attacks. Its deamons. Why me???

Dec 26, 2011
by: missouri

I woke up last night in a dream, 5 figures entered my room and stood in a circle looking at eachother, then after about what seemed 5 minutes they turned to me amd attacked me. Im not the persom to believe this stuff, fairly freaked out.

Dec 29, 2011
Defeat Demons and Devils every single time
by: destroyer of Demons and Devils

My dear freinds Fear them not ,f for they are the fearful ones , and not us , they are cowards and are always scared , we can most ceratainly defeat them in every battle ! you never have to be afraid of then cowards any more ! i had the same kind of experiences many times in the past , i know i am awake but can not move my body , and many times there would be this very heavey feeling over my chest , God revealed to me how to defeat them in this situation and in all battles against the evil ones , when i know that i woke up but can not move any part of my body and there is this very heavey thing pushing on my chest , first i prayed in the name of Jesus for them to leave in my mind and spirit , they refused to leave , i didnt give up , i said the Holy Spirit is with in me , first time i said it the pressure lifted up a little , second time i said it the pressure lifted up much but not all the way , the third time i prayed it i said it with power and a loud voice and with my arms i pushed it of completelt and since even thought it tryed once or twice it failed against me , and it has never tryed again , and if it does this time i with the power of the Holy Spirit will send it to its death , yes you can kill these evil things by the Power of the Holy Spirit , and yes Jesus name is Blessed , but when he was asked how he got demons out , he said by the Holy Spirit
Fear them not , you can defeat them every single time with God and His Holy Spirit in Jesus name amen , Destroy the eiil one , go on you faithful believers of God , you are much more powerful than they can ever be , these evil things now are so afraid of me , because of He who lives with in me Amen

Jan 03, 2012
l am starting to hear the spirits that visit me?
by: Mr. G

About 2001 when l was in the army l experienced my first visit of a shadow person and since then l am visited every 4-5 months for the first year l would go to sleep and l would tnink l was awake and the dark figure would come through the wall or from above me as l lay on me bed every time l would be unable to move as the dark figure pressed against my chest l would then panic and manage to wake up and would be left with red marks on my chest after a few times of this happening l would show no fear to whatever it was that was visiting me and then it didnt happen for about 6 months when l left the army. Then one night as l was staying at my grans l slept on my uncles sofa bed and he witnessed a dark figure floating above me and did not tell me until the next day. That night l felt as if l had woke up andthe room was cold and l felt the bottom of my bed push down and there it was again staring at me l showed no fear this time again and l asked it what it wanted there was no repy and it went away again, just recently l have had two experiences in the last month one from a dark dog like creature that tried to drag me out the bed by the arm and my girlfriend lyin next to me woke me up ask l was yelling noand when l woke my arm was sore but l just passed it off as a nightmare to her, last night a dark figure lay next to me and whispered in my ear"my army as l lay" l asked him what he ment he repeated it and went away, l have never understood any of this, and l still dont.

Jan 07, 2012
by: Ashlyn

I've had these experiences since I was 16. My evil shadow guy was a man with a tophat and cane with smoke swirling around his entire body. I've came to the conclusion that there are upper and lower levels to this dimension. These beings.. and the feeling of terror in general are all a part of what this lower dimension in fact "is". But once you allow youself to go beyond that lower level of shear ugliness...there are no limits!

Jan 10, 2012
In The Name Of Jesus Christ Our Lord.
by: Anonymous

To All That Believe In The Power Of God, There Is Great The Tests To Come. With Each Test Of Faith, There Is Equal Strength Given To Win, And Conquer Your Enemy. What Is Left Unto You Is Your Will To Fight. Lift The Name Of Jesus From Your Lips, Speak, For With Faith Your Eyes Will Glow And Your Soul Will Reign Above The Highest Light In This World. Kneel Before Jesus, Surrender Your Life Unto Him, And Gain Joy Everlasting. With Men This Is Impossible, But With God All Things Are Possible. Acknowledge What You Are; I Myself Am A Fool, A Sinner, A Liar, A Weak Hearted Spirit, A Man With Nothing. But As Foolish As I Am, I Believe In The One Who Can Save Me, And His Name Is Emmanuel, God With Us. God Touch These People, Give Them Hope, Faith, And Love. Amen.

Jan 11, 2012
Same Experience
by: Tonya WIlloughby

I have experienced the same SP since 1994. I could be asleep and would ajar from a sound of a door opening and closing in my bedroom. I can open my eyes and see my bedroom and be semi awake but catch a shadow figure coming around. I can hear voices while I am sleeping. I am sane as sane can be! This pass week, I had two experiences. The first experience was on Monday, Dec 26th. I had picked up my son (whom I put up for adoption in 1992 and had reunited with him two years ago). My mother was killed in a car accident in 1998. That night, I had my father, my son that I reunited with after all these year, my other two children, and my husband under one roof for Christmas. That night in my bed I was asleep on my side but I could feel a presence. I tried to speak but nothing came out. I tried to speak again and can hear myself speak. I said "Mom is that you?", she said "yes, baby it is me." I said "I miss you and love you so much" she said "I love you so much baby girl." That was the end of our conversation. Last night I had the same episode. I said "Is that you mom?" there was no answer. I heard a cough and it sound like my Grandmother. I said "Grandmother is that you?" she said "Yes, it Grandmother." I said "Hey" and she replied by saying "hey." I said "I love you Grandmother" and she said "I love you too.": That was the end of our conversation. I belive we can communicate with our loved ones. It is unexpected.

Jan 14, 2012
RE: Communicating with dead loved ones
by: Barney

FYI...demons spirits are very deceptive and go to any extreme to trick us. The Bible makes reference to "Familiar Spirits" that can take the shape and voice of dead loved ones.

I have done a lot of research on this subject. A man named Roger Morneau was involved in secret groups that communicate with "dead loved-ones." He wrote "A Trip into the Supernatural" where he explains all that he saw first hand regarding this.

You can actually watch the entire interview on Youtube by searching "Roger Monreau"

Jan 15, 2012
an evil spirit
by: Hammad

hi all, well when I was living with my family in previous basement flat, my all family members had experienced that kind of tragic. you know when it happens you cant talk, move or even open your eyes. it gets harder as if your body is being forced to do so. however, it only happened in our basement flat not on ground flour flat. this clearly suggests that there is always someone or something hunting you in basement flat. well is it really an evil spirit or just a sleeping issue?? any suggestions please do not hesitate to contact me on the following email id...

Jan 16, 2012
Freedom from evil spirits part 2
by: E.A.J

It says in verse 13 it is disgusting to God and you will be an object of horror. Sexual sin and alcohol usage are also other vehicles which allows evil spirits to gain a foothold into our lives. There are many ways to open the doors to the demonic such as watching certain t. v. programs, and participating in certain activities such as stated above can open up the door for demons to be invited to your house and torment you. I could talk for months on this subject and have taught about these subjects as a minister many times. I have prayed for many people who have been attacked by demons some have even started shaking and manifesting like people you might have seen on television who were possessed by demons. I love to help people get free from these demons. All I can say is that if you want to be free from being tormented by these spirits here are some things you must do. You must be in a good Bible believing church that specializes in deliverance and you must confess Jesus as your Lord and Savior from Romans chapter 10 verses 8-10, and read the Bible every day. You must shut the door to some things you are doing, and remove certain objects in your house that are drawing these demonic spirits and triggering there appearance. You don’t have to manage sleep paralysis like I saw in some book. I broke free from sleep paralysis through the help of Jesus. It is your choice. You must make the first step. God is always waiting to help you in all areas of your life, but He won’t force you to follow Him. He comes on scene when you are sincere, and will help you know matter how many mistakes you make in life. His love is unconditional and is always free. My God bless you all.

Jan 17, 2012
by: Jermy

I have also encountered this situation with demons attacking me and coming into my bedroom. It did not stop for a long period of time and I would recommend wearing your body down to a point where you are still awake but you feel as if you are about to experience this SP and you may go into a deeper sleep that will cause the SP to not occur as frequently. you can also try taking sleeping medication but id advise talking to a doctor before you try that. I believe that the SP happens when you are falling asleep or waking up so if you can skip the lighter sleep periods then you will not hallucinate.

This website will help you understand the certain stages of sleep and SP occurs frequently in stage 1. If you can skip this stage SP may not occur.

Jan 17, 2012
by: Anonymous

Salaam everyone,
Here you are experiencing what muslims call the Shaitan Jinn (the bad ones, there are good ones too but they leave humans alone). The bad ones are the army of Satan and can appear in many forms. Thy seduce you by your weak points, since they are able to read your mind. There are ways to protect yourself from them. God tells us that he has revealed the chapter in the Quran known as Kursi to help fight these entities.
They feed off your fear and will entice you to believe they are good by playing with your mind. Once they get a hold of you, they slowly either drive you mad or kill you. They come as black shadows figures, black dogs, half human and half beasts. They like to be imaginative with how they look and like to scare humans. Generally they are made of energy (plasma) and live in another dimension alongside ours.

Play these verses from the quran and they will leave you. It worked for me. They get burnt by the Quran.
Also read the chapter Jinn in the Quran and sayings of prophet Mohammed.

Jan 17, 2012
Jinn Part 2
by: Anonymous

Sorry I also forget to give you the strongest Chapter in the Quran: This is specifically been revealed for protection against evil.

Surah Kursi :The Throne

Jan 17, 2012
by: mandii

I want to start by saying I'm a strong beliver in god! I have always been super sensitive to spiritual problems or things that have happend strang things have always happen to me I really don't know how you can clasify this but I had a dream that their were I guess you can say evil spirits in my house banging things yelling screaming doors slaming open and closed I felt my entire body tingaling and I was casting them out of my house prying and telling them how they didn't scare me and that jesus is here and a screamed GET OUT! And my front door slamed closed and everytning came to a stop....I know it sounds childish but I'm very fearful to sleep cause I'm scared I'm going to see thoughs things or experiance that again... I also used to see strange things when I was little my mother was the only kne who I could really talk to cause she used to see them to... It all stoped when I gave my life to got but I still have strange dreams and stuff.... Leave a comment please of your oppinion.. Thank you!

Jan 19, 2012
seek help other than the skyline
by: jimmy the snatch

You're schizophrenic and need medication. Or you have something called nightmares.
If you wake up from sp wouldn't that mean you'd be sleeping. Think about it

Jan 19, 2012
alright last one
by: jimmy the snatch

Why the fuck would sp cause you to "see a demon world" anyway? Haha
someone please answer me that.

Jan 20, 2012
re: Jimmy the "expert"
by: Barney

Dr. Jimmy,
While your expert diagnosis is almost appreciated, take your infinite wisdom and extensive vocabulary to a forum not interested in intelligent discourse.

"Why" is a question reserved for those of us with an ounce of sincerity. If you already conclusively know the final explanation of sp, how did you end up on this forum?

Jan 24, 2012
Same exact demonic dream, Help!
by: LL

I have been having the same exact nightmares now for months. Have almost come to the conclusion that my house is haunted with a freaking demonic figure until coming across this article.

I keep having a reocurring dream- everything is the same, my bed, my body , but then a demonic figure appears above me. It's a large black shadowdy figure- I can see it clearly- and it starts to lean down on top of me. I feel my chest getting heavy, and just then I wake up gasping for air. I always wake up extremely frightened and too scared to get out of bed, in feat that the black figure is still in my room.

I've been having trouble seperating my dream from reality. It's really scary. This happens frequently, even when I sleep on my side.

Any suggestions would be helpful!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jan 24, 2012
Re: Same Exact Demon dream, Help!
by: Barney

Hi LL,
I can relate. I am not a super religious person but I have a relationship with God via Jesus Christ and I have been meaning to share the Bible verses about demons for a long time. I find it interesting that the Bible talks a lot about demons and people being afflicted by or possessed by demons. The best part is that Jesus Christ said that He gives His follows power and authority over all evil spirits. This power over them is through the name of Jesus Christ.

CAUTION: The idea of using Christ name against evil spirits is that you have invited Jesus Christ into your life and asked for His help. As told in Acts chapter 19 There were some Jewish guys who did not know or believe in Christ but saw the way the Apostle Paul used the name of Jesus to cast out demons, they tried saying, "We cast you out in the name of Jesus Christ that Paul preaches." but it didn't work and they were
severely attacked by the demon possessed man whom they were trying to help.

I not actually trying to preach to you but I thought you would like to know some specific info that the Bible says about demons and evil spirits, I found the this teaching on a website--I will post it on the next reply because it's long.

There are many other resources you can find by typing in "bible verses authority over demons" in Google. I hope you find this helpful!

Jan 24, 2012
Re: Power Over Demons or Evil Spirits 1
by: Barney

Here's the info I was telling you about:

Your Spiritual Authority

When we have been given authority to cast out demons, but instead we pray that God brings the demon out instead, we are basically asking God to do something that He gave US the tools to do ourselves! Jesus told US to cast out demons! Nowhere in the Bible does it tell us to ask God to cast out demons!

Authority doesn't beg; authority doesn't ask; authority commands! We are not told to ask God to cast out demons, we are told to do it ourselves! We are not told to beg demons to come out, we are told to CAST them out!

Jesus cast out demons using His authority: Mark 1:27, "And they were all amazed, insomuch that they questioned among themselves, saying, What thing is this? what new doctrine is this? for with authority commandeth he even the unclean spirits, and they do obey him."

He cast out demons with His spoken word: Matthew 8:16, "When the even was come, they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils: and he cast out the spirits with his word..."

Jesus has been given authority over everything: Matthew 28:18, "And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth."

Notice in Luke 9:1 that He not only gave His followers authority over all devils, but also to cure diseases: "Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases."

I also think it's interesting how Mark 16:17-18 tells us that healing can come through the laying on of hands: "And these signs shall follow them that believe... they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover." The laying on of hands can encourage the transferring of power from us into the person and heal them, just like the woman who felt power flow from Jesus when she touched the hem of His garment (Mark 5:30)! Jesus said that those who believe will have the Holy Ghost flowing out of their innermost being (John 7:38-39), and even Peter's shadow healed people (Acts 5:15)!
Authority to cast out demons

Matthew 10:8, "Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give." And also look at Mark 16:17, "And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils..."

Luke 9:1, "Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils..."

Jan 24, 2012
Re: Power over Demons or Evil Spirits (Part 2)
by: Barney

Luke 10:17, "And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name."
Jesus distributes His authority

Mark 13:34, "For the Son of man is as a man taking a far journey, who left his house, and gave authority to his servants, and to every man his work, and commanded the porter to watch."

Jesus is given authority: Matthew 28:18, "And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth."

Authority given to Jesus' 12 disciples: Luke 9:1, "Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases."

Authority given to Jesus' 70 disciples: Luke 10:17, "And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name."
Through Jesus' name

Notice that the authority Jesus gives His people is not to be used in their name, but Jesus' name:

Luke 10:17, "And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name."

Mark 16:17, "And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils..."

Acts 3:6, "...Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk."

To use somebody's authority through their name is quite an honor! It's like being able to go to the bank and draw out a million dollars on behalf of a wealthy businessman!
Authority has been given to "Them who believe"

Jan 26, 2012
Sounds like Jinn
by: Khan

I read your words and am not surprised. I can understand the torment. I would advise that you research other religions in this aspect. islam has an interesting concept of jinn. Research in this has been made by a Modern Scholar Dr. Bilal Philips.

I pray for your relief from this torment. may the light of God enter your heart and be your strength.

Jan 27, 2012
by: Nikki Love 14yrs

I have a incubus prob. But he isn't hurting anyone
At night i feel his hand on my stomach....
Could i be prego with his demon kid/kids????
Please someone answer me...... I wanna know.

Jan 29, 2012
My experience is vast
by: Messenger

It always amazes me to read others comments and how very similar they are to my own events. It took me many many years to realize that SP events are of a demonic nature. Science can say what it wants about these events and what it means to science. All I know is after over 20 years I am lead to wisdom. First of all- you are attacked by demons that wish to mislead or terrorize you. Once you grow beyond the fear- truly beyond it- then you no longer see things the same. I know that alot of you may not believe in the Bible or the Son that god sent but he is just as real as the darker than night ones. My experiences are too many to talk about within the scope of 3000 characters. That limitation is about as limiting to my experiences as the notion of overcoming the national debt. I have had the slow realization of moving from SP to realizing that it is the spirit awake and have often left my body. Physicality has something to do with it as SP is real but what science does not understand is the other side because they have not been there. Seek the Lord.

Jan 30, 2012
Demonic shadow in my dream
by: Anonymous

Once I saw this dark shadowy man very tall with no feathers, in my dream. I could tell he was demonic and was after me to hurt me somehow. In my dream I was having lunch with my sister-in-law who I had not seen for 17 years. As I look over the trees the shadow man jumped out so fast, he didn’t give us time to run. I yelled to my sister-in-law and telling her to run and for some reason I told her not to let him touch her; I don’t know why I said that. I remember that distinctly in my dream that something was telling me not to let him touch me otherwise I will be coursed or will get badly sick. The dark shadow grabbed her and I got myself out of there right at nick of the time. A week after my dream my husband found out his sister was diagnosed with breast cancer. I can’t believe these demonic spirits can appear in our dream and harm us in our real life.

Jan 30, 2012
brutal attacks
by: john

My first time was when i was sleeping on the floor in our spare bedroom. I was watching a storm going on outside when i tried to move i was stuck. I turned my head to the right and i seen a body kneeling over me. Not touching just staring! I tried to get up but still could not move. Then his eyes turned glowing green and it growled thats when i decided togive itmy all. I started to get up but it was like i was in super slow motion. I finally got up and got the f out of that room i was 25. Second time i woke there were 3 of them there nails were about 6 inches long! They laughed then jumped on me and started to dig there nails into my body i was 30. Third and hopefully last i was sleeping in my cousins bed and at the end of the bed it sitting there with its head down rubbing my leg it had to last for at least 5mins! Im 32.

Jan 30, 2012
alittle confused
by: Anonymous

I have felt evil presence in the past and had light exp when i was half sleep but i didnt know what it was and i never told any1.Since ive told a close friend of mine i had 2 with in i would say 3 weeks.THE first 1 i was in my living room half sleep on the couch i felt 2 and i kind of sorta saw 2 shadows 1 about 5 feet from my feet and another about the same distace from my head.The 1 near my feet seemed to come close to me and i tried to kick it but i only kicked air i was TERRIFIED.I prayed and went to sleep.LAST NIGHT I had another but it was different i was actually dreaming about a female who was a evil spirit and for some reason i was taunting it in my dream, i could of sworn i woke up, my face was towards the couch so i couldnt see what was behind me but i felt a terrifing presence,i didnt turn around i felt something push down on the couch right behind me i still think it was real,I WAS TERRIFIED, ALL of a sudden it came or sumthin came around to where i was faced and i kicked it but only hit the couch.THE thing that really bothers me is thati wasnt sleep i know i wasnt. IS THERE ANYTHING U CAN DO TO STOP IT

Jan 30, 2012
Its happens to me
by: Nicolas Patton

I've had the same exact stuff happen. Except I have actually gotten out of my body and walked around. I tried waking my grandma up not realizing I wasn't in my body. Its do crazy cos everything that he said is true this isn't a dream it is real... They have spoken to me open my door and say stud like piccaboo I see you they have even told me to not be afraid to praise them, while my grandmother was sleeping next to me it was a black shadow laying next to me my grandma was on the other side it was rubbing my hand telling me to not be afraid to praise him. As I watched me shake in terror tryin to wake my grandma up she woke up from my shakes an I heard her say he must be dreaming but I wasn't dreaming it was real and when I asked her the next day if she said that she said that she wasn't saying it she was thinking it so some how I read herons while having a sp. I've also seen 3 black shadows, 2 was at the end of my bed and one was by my window and it was like they was playing with my soul I was hovering in circles over my body watching me sleep. The first time it happend was at my moms house i was like 16 or 17 but i swore I was awake and somebody was holding me against my bed I couldn't yell, scream, or move all I could do was take in the view. And it wasn't a dream and I know this because I was stairing at my alarm clock before I had woke up and when I was able to move it was the same time... That how I know these are real and honestly ive been smoking marijuana because it got I the point to where I was having them everynight and when I noticed smoking weed stops the sp I continued smoking.....

Jan 31, 2012
Shadow Person
by: Ridgecrest, CA

Pretty strange. Last night I was sleeping and then I was attempting to wake-up but could not. My eyes were open and then I could distinctly see this short shadow person fervently working on doing something to me. I don't recall if it spoke to me but I remember responding to it with the Lord's Prayer. The thing may have been mocking me. I have in the past had sleep paralysis but never where I saw a creature. I may have been able to see it since light from the living room was directly behind the thing. I have been as of late been dealing with stress and I guess it could be attributed to that. Let's hope that I no longer experience it.

Feb 06, 2012
they believe me now
by: Anonymous

A few months ago I was sleeping in my cousins bedroom, and awoke to a scary deep demonic voice yelling in my ear " I'm in the dark , and when you go to sleep . I'm going to get you." I told my cousin and everyone and of course they didn't believe me . Although now the believe me . My cousin was asleep in her room when she felt paralyzed, unable to breathe and couldn't talk . It also talked to her with the same voice and said "go to sleep" also saying other words. Her boyfriend had to shake her and take her out of the room . We are no longer sleeping in there . Could this be a demonic presence ?help.

Feb 09, 2012
I had them too - until my house was blessed.
by: Ioanna

I too would wake up with the pressure of something sitting on my chest or choking me - or just plain waking me up! I would also see shadowy figures at varying times every once in a while. No evil men in hooded robes though. I got Holy Water from a Catholic Church, and a prayed a Catholic house blessing service. Praise God - the Lord Jesus has ended these horrible things. Avail yourself of His mighty help! He loves us intensely!

Feb 11, 2012
Happens to me too
by: Sarah

Ok people; if anyone thinks that this is anything aside from spiritual they have to be crazy. There is NO WAY all of us are going through this for it NOT to be real. I am not giving going to talk about my experience because there is NO need to since it's identical to what everyone else has been saying. It's not like we are collaborating our stories. We are obviously being chosen to experience this and we need to know why. Maybe it's so we can relay the message to others that good and evil does exist and that Jesus really is our savior.

Feb 12, 2012
by: SUFI+Norway

Your whole story is true.Its not only you, but many in this world, suffering with multi dimensional acts of creature following Devil.They can be defined as a creature, with intelligence but with negative work and follow thier father devil.They cant be seen by ordinary eyes, as this evil creature is made from a radiation or wave that holds very special energy.We human dont have ray detectors for this very sofisticated frequency and thats why we dont believe in this creature.Infact this creature is very powerful for a weak spiritual person and can be destroyed if human is spiritualy strong and follow some special exercise through proper guidlines from a teacher.If you still have this problem, i might help you free of charge.

Feb 12, 2012
by: i am his vessel not theirs!

i have had a lot of guidance from saints and prophets...and am a stigmatic both physical and emotional extacy feeling,and my eyes even glow WHITE now...i see the demons all the time bu they no longer can come near me...atleast not yet,only those closest to times are now i know it in my soul....the demons are much stronger than they used to be..after all this is their realm...its just the way perg wasnt until i got baptized and just started reading the bible without knowing anything remotely close to what i know now.make sure u bind themm to the cross for all our sakes...and pray pray pray.may god have mercy on us all.and no i am not a preist i dont even go o church on a regular (doesnt mean u shouldnt cause thats where i started my search)just a messenger....god bless ..ty..anonymous

Feb 13, 2012
Attic Fears
by: Frightened

I had always believed in such things like this. Shadow people and such. But I always had the little bit of skepticism in my mind. I went to my aunts house and offered to sleep upstairs since there was an extra bed up there. I'll admit the upstairs had always made me feel like something was going to hurt me, reach out and grab me, It made me feel like I needed to run. The night rolled around and I went upstairs to go to sleep. All my stuff was up there mind you. I fell asleep after talking to my boyfriend on the phone and soon after, I began to have dreams, like multiple dreams all cut together on one photo reel. Soon shadows began to show up on the dreams, as if people were standing in front of the projector. My dreams were silent, in color. I don't generally dream with out sound. Soon enough I could feel every hair on my body lifting in fear, only to find myself waking up, just before I was thrown against a wall. I left all my stuff behind and ran, stumbling down the stairs and slamming the door behind me. I wanted nothing more to do with it, and even had my uncle go up and grab my stuff. I ended up falling asleep on the couch with my cousin in the chair next to me. I slept perfect. That morning, my aunt told me that I was braver than her sons, they had refused to ever sleep upstairs since my oldest cousin had started having 'episodes' as my family called them..But I know what he saw was real...My oldest cousin and I have something... in common. That everyone else refuses to believe.

Feb 16, 2012
my experiences..
by: Anonymous

i to have simular experiences..i just had one..although i see the shadows,i never heard the doors is very scary when it i always force my self to wake up by shaking rapidly till i wake up..this is the first tim its happened in a while..but i hope it will always happens in a series before they stop..

Feb 16, 2012
We are safe. Be strong.

... continued. last one! :)

To wake myself from the SP state, I just believe in the power of my own voice to free myself from the panic induced by the percieved paralysis. It always escalates to screaming as loud as possible. Sometimes I can't make a sound but I just try try try and it gets going and once it's ringing in my ears I wake up.

I wish everyone all the best in dealing with this, one of my friends went through an intense bout of it for over a month, I felt so bad for him. If it's tormenting you I suggest thinking of a special person, a personal angel, who can help you out, before going to sleep. Like really think about them, about who they are/were and your love for them and what they stand for. I think that by having faith in the power of love each and every one of us holds, we can wrap ourselves in that love and be protected by it.
Peace to you on your journeys! <3

Feb 17, 2012


Feb 17, 2012
I have almost the same issue.
by: Anonymous

As most of you have said you have all been religiously active or dabbled in some kind of witchcraft. I have never been into, dabbled or even been associated with any of the above.

Though in saying that i still get sp but mine doesn't stop when i wake, my dark figure stays with me. He is next to me as i go to work or school. Im 17yrs old and he first came to mewhen i was 12 in an sp episode, though unlike ther rest he came three nights in a row and said "i will be your brother, Grim" i thought he was stateting what he was but afyer so many years he's showed me that he is The Grim. I have trouble trusting people because of the things i've seen my Grim do.
I know this is a really really wacked out thing and possibly irrelevant but im just trying to see if anybody else has a 'Grim' that follows them or even assists them?
I have been diagnosed with depression but my psych has said this is the first she has ever heard off of a Grim. "Grim" has said he is Grim and all others are called "drakes" he wont answer me why but he has said they are the ones that haunt the plains. Which i think is the sp thing. I have tried to invoke name of God or Jesus christ but he stops and silences me saying he has no power in this realm.

Plz just tell me im not the only one with a grim.

Feb 17, 2012
Ive had similar issues
by: Greg

Ive had alot of smilliar issues my psychatrists and alot of people try to tell me its all In my head alot of it could be but there are some things that just are to.....REAL to be caused by just me, I think its people with abilitys not demons but no matter what it is there is mental illness but there is something that intensifies mental problem is how do we fight this?

Feb 19, 2012
by: Anonymous

Pray to God before going to bed and ask for him to protect you with the blood of Jesus!!!

Feb 21, 2012
they r real
by: gabriel

i belive what u say demons ,when i was in my early 20s my sprit came out of my body ,i was in complete horror but did not see anything at first then i was looking outside and saw 2 shadows like comets floating by. yrs later a pastor toad me they were demons pricipalitys of the air what bible says ,ask a pastor to pray 4 u and your home!

Feb 21, 2012
by: karen

ive had a a black shadow of a tall man walk across my room the noise of the foot steps woke me up, but i couldnt move! it crawled across my bed and held me down actually felt the movement and arm around me... i have woke a few times feeling like something has been watching me and often see strange shadows of the same figure when im awake.. i read about sleep paralysis last night and decided this was why! untill i turn to switch my lamp off, wide awake something made the most terrify noise i have ever heard right in my face! was too scared to move but finnally got my ass outa there!!

Feb 22, 2012
by: Anonymous

I have a question...My sister told me she was sleeping and she felt someone rub her leg ..then slowly moving up towards her body then started kissing her neck..she couldn't move she was paralzed only thing she can move was her lasted about a min..since this she cant sleep ..this happened to another lady that stayed with her..what does this mean? please help

Feb 22, 2012
What goes knock knock in the night?
by: Anonymous

I've also had my fair share of experiences... My first experience happened when i was about 8 yrs old. I had been sleeping with my parents and I got up to go to my bed. I remember that I had dropped something on the floor and when I bent down to pick it up an outline slowly began to appear on the bedroom floor. At floor I looked at it curious but became scared when I saw the red outline of a demonic face appear. I can remember the horns coming out of its forehead and that evil smile. To this day, it's the smile I remember most because it just exuded pure evil. Needless to say, my father had trouble putting me to sleep that night. Fast forward to my teenage years... it began one night when I went to sleep. I would wake up gasping for air as if someone was trying to suffocate me. Someone would tap on my window (mind you, I lived on the fourth floor)and i would wake up with a paralyzing fear that felt as if I were having a seizure. I told my mother what was happening and she began to believe when one day we came home from shopping and the moment we had entered the apartment the television turned on by itself. This happened for a few days before I finally went into my bedroom and told the entity to leave. Fast forward again to last night... I went to bed and could feel almost immediately that I was going to have one of "thoe" nights. I began dreaming about evil entities, killings.. almost as if I were watching a movie. The thing is I knew I was dreaming (don't know if that makes sense) but I couldn't wake myself up. And I remember saying in my dream that most non-believers usually start believing when they feel thae have no hope. At this point, my eyes just snapped wide open. And when I opened my eyes, I was looking straight into the face of a gremlin like creature that was hovering right over my head. When it realized I had opened my eyes, it ran off my bed. As if that wasn't terrifying enough what was most terrifying was that I actually FELT the creature running off the bed. So, I closed my eyes and opened them once more. My body was shaking with fear and it didn't stop for almost 10-15 minutes. I was so terrified. I remember it had almost like a football shaped head, was brownish in color (it was dark in my room) with big big eyes, long scrawny arms (and I assume the same for the legs). Either way, it's left me reeling and thinking I've gone insane. It's also left me with this feeling of dread that what happened when I was a teenager will happen again. The days of terrifying spooky noises, window tappings and the feeling of not being able to breathe. But as others have said, I do believe it has to do with there being another realm that we are not exposed to; only when our minds are "open." As I mentioned before, it occurred when I began to think about God and Jesus. I don't think it was a coincidence...

Feb 22, 2012
help yourself2
by: Mind2

Let's take a look- The first time you experienced SP it was something unknown to your mind. Being unable to move your body your brain tells you there is something very wrong. You do not know why you aren't able to move so you panic and turn to fear. The brain starts projecting things that it can relate to fear wich is evil, black, red, unknown, undefined creatures and figures, scary whispering voices.. (It is not necessary that you experience this kind of fear for the first time in SP because we all are different, no two minds react completely the same).

Fear is a primitive and powerful emotion, crucial for our existance and survival. As human beings we fear the unknown. Example- dark is scarry because you are not able to see like you normaly would. Same goes for not being unable to move your body. We FEEL emotions, and when we feel fear it puts some kind of a pressure on our chest and chills through our bodies.

Feb 22, 2012
help yourself3
by: mind3

At this point of your life your mind knows that something bad happens when you go to sleep. It has experienced it. You on the other hand have lived your life knowing that this sort of things do not exist. So in your sleep your mind catches you off-guard it wonders off and does what it knows. It knows what it has experienced in the past and what you have taught it by thinking about the past experiences. By thinking you gather more and more information about a certain thing thus making it bigger. By not thinking about it, it slowly fades away just like memories. So what you need to do is just to take control of your mind, teach it what you want for it to know. As more and more things you want your brain to know enter, the more things wich you do not think about fade away. So think about things you like, you want, you know would make you happy. The more u think about them the more you will leave others you don't want behind. You will always know about this experience but by time it will be just a

It is all in your head. Why aren't you harmed or even killed if this exists anywhere else than in your minds? Yes you can feel pain but this pain is caused by your emotions. Fear is so powerful it can make it hard for you to even breathe properly. We know this is not true by not being able to pin down what is happening. We can't define the figure's characteristics or the words they say (Just like in our dreams) But the more you think about it the more you define it and by that your mind will make up more details, which it would relate to bad. That is why it keeps getting worse and more realistic when you can actually understand their voices. And the reason you can see yourself or from another perspective is because your brain is capable of imagining how it looks. It mixes reality with fear so there you have it- figures in your room.

Feb 22, 2012
Sleep Paralysis occurs with me and sister
by: Shannon

Me and my sister suffer from insomnia as well as shadows following us since childhood. Even though I was raised in a foster care home, for me it was always there and my sister at our biological grandparents house would have the shadows their. Ive seen black shadowed figures and white shadowed figures neither feeling friendly.We have dreams where we wake up in them and see everything around us I was stuck in paralysis for an hour before my husband came into our room. It's very very real.Never let anyone say your crazy we've even woken with wounds.

Feb 23, 2012
Calvary chapel
by: Anonymous

He should go to church. A Calvary chapel if possible.

Feb 23, 2012
by: karina

for me really helped when i would leave my radio on during night, coz any sound and any touch would make SP go away. Its really not scary anymore when u know what u deal with, more scary and frustrating when u dont know what is happening with you and why.. im having SP already 13 years and i only find out about this sleep disorder 4 years ago.

Feb 24, 2012
still tormented by sp
by: Teresa

when i was younger i used to have weird things happen in my room. there were times when i would be wide awake and i could feel an overwhelming fear and then it would happen ,something would hold me down i couldnt scream ,move no matter how hard i tried. Once i was pulled from my physical body and my spirit was being swung around the room in a circular motion.I was always afraid in my room and at a very young age my mother became a drug addict and injected me with drugs also.she died in that house but i can still feel and fear the dark entity thst tormented my childhood,is it possible that -that sp became a part of me or follows me now?My son can feel eyes on him when he walks down our hallway in a totally differnt house i feel it also and it scares me.

Feb 25, 2012
by: Anonymous

I wouldnt say that i have had SP. But I do recall being asleep and suddenly waking up and seeing a tall looming figure. Cloaked in black. Probably about 7 feet tall. And ever since that remarkable and strange things have been happening. If you have any answers or want to know more and you could possibly help explain some stuff to me, then you can contact me at

Feb 26, 2012
Shadow or man with no face
by: Amanda

So for the last 10 years I've had what I put off only as a dream, but seemed too real to be a dream. It's always the same thing, I slowly awake from a male staring at me from the foot of the bed. I don't feel threatened, I don't feel connected to this being either. It's strange there is nothing to show that it is a man, but I get the feeling that it is. he never touches and rarely gets close to my face, only a few time can I remember that it's gotten close to me face. I feel this being during the day at times. I've had sensitive people tell me about this, even though, I've never told them. There is no facial features. I was wondering if anyone has had a similar experince?

Feb 29, 2012
A fight for my life (I think) with a Shadow Man or Demonic Entity
by: Anonymous

It was Dec. of 1996 in LA and I was at my grandmother's house sleeping in her bed on her side. We were visiting from Florida because she was dying, to be exact she died minutes after my attack.

I rememeber that night clearly. I had a high grade fever and was sleep when I woke to a black figure with a cloak and hat leaning over me. I believe he tried to suck the air from me, my soul, or tried to bit my head off. Fortunately, my mom was sleep next to me and if it wasn't for her fighting this black demon or my aunt and uncle running to the room, I don't know what would have happen. However, my mom will not talk about it to this day. She says it was probably the angle of!

Since than I have not seen him. However, there was a man standing over my bed in July of 2006, which I thought was my dead brother and I had an outer body experience. Now I think it was a shadow man disguised as him. He had me get out of bed and look at my reflection through a window while he stood behind me.

It's nice to know I'm not the only one!

Mar 02, 2012
Religion is Evil
by: Anonymous

Its a shame so many of you ran to religion when you were scared. Religion hurts this world and our country in so many ways. The power you are getting from your religion is confidence. If you believed in yourself and your OWN power like that, then you would have similiar results in the spirit/sleep realm and would have a greater impact in your real life. Religion has always existed(long before Jesus and Moses, which are also recycled stories from even older religions)and was created by man to explain the unknown. Don't be a mindless sheep and believe ridiculous stories told by ignorant palestinians. They aren't factual and are meant to be taken as allegories to teach a lesson on morality. Take it with the grain of salt as it is meant to be.

Mar 04, 2012
my experiance
by: sophia

ok i had 2 times had experiance's 3 years ago i dont know what it is hope someone can explain to me ok so i use to go to church 3 days a week i loved going then one night i woke up something told me to look at my friend i was sleeping over her house for the weekend and above her was this figure a demonic type person was above her i tryed to get out of bed but i couldnt move i felt like i was Paralysis but i could move my head thats it i told it to go away it just laughed at me and came toward me and then vanished this happen 2 nights in a row was this a demonic entitie some one like to email me and explain this to me i was so scared i stop going to church.

Mar 05, 2012
Fighting off my demons while asleep!
by: Josh

I have read a lot of everyone's comments and post's and i find a lot very similiar to my own. I am 28 years old and have always had very lucid dreams. I have know God for most of my life but lost touch when i was a freshman in highschool, right after my mother passed away. For the last few years i have slowly develope a heavy drinking problem. In the last year i have lost my apt., my car, and my personal storage which contained about 98 percent of what i own! I have been praying more and more each day, and my dreams have been affecting my waking life so much more! I can feel myself becoming closer to God! It was only a week ago when i finally found the strength to stop drinking all together!! I hold the christian belief on most things. I have never, of all my dreaming, had and experience like this! I was surrounded by dark entities, most were just men in black suits surrounding me. I couldn't move but slowly began to repeat the Lord's prayer. Each time i spoke it stroger and louder and then the dark entities started to go away. The feeling i got from all of this was just the Lord was showing me how to fight off the demons that are keeping me down and he was telling me that i can fight them and i can beat them, but only with the help of God! These dream made me feel so much stronger! I feel blessed to have shared this experience with all of you!!

Mar 05, 2012
looking for truth
by: Dave

felt a hand over my face just before falling off to sleep one night 20 yrs ago. I awoke too this, and began looking for what I thought was a big spider in the sheets after turning on the light. Then I heard a voice say something in a different language from inside the room, from behind the recliner that I couldn't see behind! I was asking myself if I had just heard a voice, as it said the same thing again!! It sounded basically like "elo'ja" By this time I was fully awake and full of adreneline, but never went behind the chair. I felt safer making it make the first move, and it never did appear. From what I'm finding, it seems like it could be a witch. I know what I heard and I prayed at the time for protection and nothing happened to me. I have had episodes where I woke up but couldn't move or breathe. Could be related, or sleep paralysis. I know 20 yrs ago it wasn't SP.

Mar 08, 2012
My conclusion
by: Anonymous

When i was around 15, maybe 16 at the most i had a experience .One i would never want to happen again.Just like ne other night living at my parents house, Being tied, jumping into bed.I had the lamp on, it was clear as day, but out of the corner of my eye i saw my blanket raising as if someone was also sliding in next to me ,yes it did freak me out a little ,i soon got over it fell asleep .

I do not recall the time i was woken. But i recall having Sleep paralysis ,looking at my bedroom ceiling watching everything in a 2 meter circle spinning and being ripped away into a deep black hole ,Where i saw a skull face that looked like a grim reaper .While i am watching this all unfold right in front of me i am screaming HELP!! HELP!! KELLY!! to my step sisters, her room was right next to mine ...but no noise was coming out.

The hole experience was unpleasant,like it was unnatural Demonic maybe.

It has been close to 10 years since i experienced that event & what brought it up was a conversation i had with my mum and i shared the story with her & her telling me how my real father had that happen to him & it changed him for the worst .She told me how he had the full Exorcism done to him.tho i was very young when he passed away.

My conclusion is....I was a lucky one.The Entity that try ed to make me it's own failed & was collected by That skull face i saw in that black hole.

If you happen to understand this field more then me, Maybe you could help me understand this alot better :)


Mar 08, 2012
Didnt know i wasn't the only
by: Anonymous

I'll try and describe what happend to me as best as i can.

I had, what i assume was a dream. It felt like I partially woke up in a groggy daze, like i was sedated or something. Which is wierd because i'm such a light sleeper a friend can come to my house and if the window is even slightly open, the friend can call my name 2 stories down and i will wake up at first or second call. I can't recall having any problem getting up at any point of the night, not since childhood which is ~20 years ago.

I think i managed to open my eyes a little, and it looked like about 2-3 creatures of some sort where pulling my left leg. I can't really remember clearly what they looked like only that they did not look human but more like rags of thin cloth or something, but i can remember that they behaved in a manner i would describe as rabid, cartoony like.

If you ever seen the movie Lion King, with the three hyenas, the one that was the most tweaked out of them. I think that would the best way to describe the behaviour or demeanor of them. What they were saying i can not remember, if they even said anything, but i do remember it was some kind of talking og noisemaking going on.

I remember i tried to drag my foot away from them, because it felt like they were pulling and tugging it away from under my bedcover on the left side and into the air above the bed. I think i managed to snag it from them at one point because i could feel my calf hit a footstool that is placed directly beside my bed, one that belongs to a recliner chair i bought a few years ago. What happend after then i don't know because i can not remember anything until i later woke up.

Now to what's troubling me. I have a cyst, or tumor thing, that was discovered summer 2011, on the plantar fascia ligament of the same left foot, that i'm waiting on getting examined closer after taking ultrasound in fall of 2011. Also since around the time of the ultrasound my leg has fallen more or less half-asleep from the hip down, to the point where i can not sit in a chair, or stand still upright, but have to either lie down or walk around.

I can not remember if i had this dream prior or after this was discovered. So it might just have been the irritating feeling in the leg/foot that caused it.

But i am a christian that believes in Jesus Christ, and i know the Bible talks about 'beings' that are not of the good kind. So i thought i would check it out, if only to see if someone had had a similar experience, and the first google search led me to this page.

I have not had any such experience prior or after this one, but it could very well have been sleep paralysis.

If you have some thoughts you'd like to share surrounding this, please send me an e-mail on maybeim[att] , you don't have to leave a name, or leave a comment here for me if that is possible. I'm quite puzzled by this.

Mar 12, 2012
I don't know what this is...
by: Miranda

I'm relieved to know that there's others out there that have the same problem as me. I hate to experience these types of things, especially when I'm at the age of 17.
I'm always scared to fall asleep at night, because when I do, I feel like there's something watching me on the left side of my bed. I always sleep facing the right of my wall with the covers over me, because I'm always scared to see what is watching me. I can't describe what it is, but everyday I see a shadowy figure either in my house, my room, or at school. Sometimes I even see it more than once in my dreams, as if this demonic shadow is attached to me or something. Few months passed, and everytime I fall asleep, I have these dreams that I can never understand; I'm in the dark and I can't find my way out, and I feel that shadow following me from behind and touching me as I go to God knows where. It either hits me (pinches, punches, or flicks) my arm or leg, or even scratches me on the stomach or neck. Once I wake up (this never fails) I wake up with a bunch of bruises or long cuts. My mom tells me that it must've been from my cats or my dog previously before I went to bed, but they never scratch me or give me any of those types of bruises.
I fear that this thing is really real, since technically my mom has experienced some activity around the house last friday afternoon while she was on her day off. She also saw the shadowy figure, and someone or something has been throwing one of my cats into the closet and locking them inside. She's the only one there, and it happened twice.
There's also these 2--um, I wouldn't call them little girls--but these little ones that were in more than one of my dreams. Whenever I see them in my dream, I'm always inside this dull dark house and I always see them coming towards me--and they call me "mommy". They even spoke to me in my dream saying that they were Ki and Mi (either that's their real name or I couldn't hear right), but their faces...they looked just like me when I was little! Like a dark and good side of me or something, but I also sometimes see these girls out of my dreams, especially at school.

Before we moved into this house, it was completely blessed from top to bottom, and I truly believe in Jesus Christ--but no matter how hard I try to ignore this thing, it just won't leave me alone. Right now, I feel that it's here watching me, just breathing on me as I type this. I usually hear it breathing; one time I heard it growl at me while I was trying to fall asleep, and even when I'm not asleep, it whispers something abnormal to me or it tries to get my attention by poking my arm, feeling my shoulder, or pulling my hair.

I honestly don't know what type of demon it is or what it wants from me, but for now I named it Tuli.

Mar 12, 2012
We're not alone.
by: SouloCutz

(written to my FB friends on February 21, 2012)

The weirdest thing happened while I was trying to sleep earlier. I had sleep paralysis on just my left hand twice. Both times I kept hearing this voice sounding like a robot or something saying numbers. I felt like I was being abducted because not only was my left hand numb it felt like a force was pulling it. I tried to break free the first time and the same thing happened a few seconds later. After breaking free that second time I got up to change my whole body position. Could there really be something among us? Was that just my mind playing tricks? I'm looking this up now.

(Written to my FB Friends today)

Earlier I had another sleep paralysis episode where I can actually see the arms holding me down. A few weeks ago, if you're just tuning in, I had one similar but instead of just holding me down it pulled my left hand as if it were trying to take me somewhere. My friends, I think I may have a demon.

Mar 13, 2012
hearing cats and evil vocies
by: lynn

My brother went through the same things. He hearing evil voices telling him to go to the woods middle of the night . We found out about the woods cause my mom followed him. Something he said about cats screaming, and growling. When he tried to commit sucided while bleeding he went to the woods and just stare in. Yes hhe still living and getting help.

Mar 13, 2012
I've always wondered
by: Anonymous

A few times in my life I have had very creepy episodes at night. The only correlation I can find is the times it has happend has always been when I'm extremely tired (exhausted). I've never seen a shadowy figure though. This is what happens. As I'm falling asleep I am aware that something is happening. I have a STRONG sense of being sucked downward and a buzzing sound that starts off low and gets progressively louder. I can't move. Sometimes I'm able to open my eyes which brings me out of it but as soon as my eyes close it starts up again. During these episodes I feel like I'm being swung violently in a circle up in the air and then thrown against the wall. It is so scary. I too, am a Christian and have always wondered if this was a demonic attact or simply physical exhaustion. I've asked people about it and I've never come across anyone who experienced anything like it. I haven't had an episode in years now and I'm grateful. I'm wondering if it is the same thing? I have never seen any figures around my bed. Like I said it has only happend when I've been extremely sleep deprived.

Mar 13, 2012
Nightly terrors
by: rk

Good day all

My story begins when I turned 21. My very first experience was a black shadow of a man in my bedroom door. As I lay there awake I asked him what he wanted in my house, not knowing that it was an otherworldly entity. It leaped from the door onto me and held me down for a minute or so, smothering me so that I could not speak or scream. I felt a fear unlike anything I have ever experienced before.
Then the insomnia hit. 3 months and little or no sleep. Soon I started seeing them. Large bat like creatures sitting in the corner of the ceiling or on my headboard, and always the choking feeling. Many times I'd hear the sound of wings, very much like a dragonfly's, only, it would grow very loud and sting my ears so painfully, that I would be driven to tears.
Then the sex, I was so embarrased and would not speak about it. Then they took on the shape of ppl I knew. Walking about in the house, or staring at me while I lay there struggling to be free.
One night as I lay sleeping, a deep dark fear came over me, I turned around in my bed (I slept with the light on for many years since it began) and there, sitting on my bed was what I believe to be Satan. A large figure with a hood covering its face, as black as the darkness of hell. It stared at me with no visible eyes.
At this point, eight years later, I had grown weary of fighting, turned around and curled up into a ball.
Not too long after I was having a nightmare that I was alone in a forest, mist everywhere. In the fog was a wolf creature millimeters from my face. I could smell its breath. As I woke up I heard its growl. There beside my bed lay a burnt body with its hand on my chest, trying to drag me down, possibly with it to hell.

I know this seems far fetched but its not even half of what I've seen. I thank the Lord I found your page and if anyone would like to share what they've experienced, or even pray my email is I am a christian and believe in Jesus, the name that has rescued me from these clutches. You may or may not believe me, but I believe there is a purpose for this suffering.

God bless all of you.

Mar 18, 2012
by: tyler

like the one person said if u dont experice it youll never know the ture fear. im 24 now but my frist SP was when i was 16 and was by far the scaries one ive ever had. i came home for school and took a nap, i though i was awake but i was paralized could move or talk, only could see. a tall shadow/demon no face just soild black tall with long fingers standing at the foot of my bed it started crawling up my bed towards me i tried to yell but couldnt. then it pinned me to the bed and put pressure down on my chest as if trying to stick its had in my chest, fanilly i woke up scared to death, i felt if it want to harm me the image i still can remenber is awful.. im sure glad it didnt growl like it did to u guys. the shadow/demon was very scary looking just the 7ft tall with long fingers and i felt it crawling up me.... man the hair on my neck is standing up

Mar 19, 2012
Man in black
by: Anonymous

My son has been seeing a man in black. He's been seeing him for years. This man has hit him, and sent him in everyday living terror! My son has been sick for years. I am affraid for him and started to pray! It seems something evil is around my home! I'm starting to get affraid! Is he wanting to take my son!

Mar 19, 2012
by: Anonymous

I've never actually experienced any of these but i'm
not saying it's not true. Since I've never actually experienced it i can't say if it's true or not but i don't doubt it and frankly won't be surprised if its true. I'm a spiritual guy and believe in the after life. You might wanna check this out, . I can't really say much but i think these are evil malicious spirits that may either be trying to posses your physical body or just there to cause any sort of harm.

Mar 19, 2012
Friends experience
by: Anonymous

A friend of mine said that she has experienced this before. She was sleeping then woke up (or so she thought) and felt like the was being strangled. She forced her eyes open and saw black bony hands on her face. She tried to scream but she couldn't.

Mar 19, 2012
by: Anonymous

i had the exact same thing one time and it was horrible. it felt like and hour and when i finally woke up a black figure came speeding through my doorbut he was just kind of floating and it happend in a split second and when his head almost touched mine i finally woke up and i was so scared, he had glowing purple like eyes. after that experience i didnt sleep for 3 days and when i finally slept everything was alright but i am really terrified of them and i just want to say that you shouldnt try this because how brave you may be, you will get frightened really bad and mayby even traumatized.

Mar 19, 2012
Other Dimesnions
by: Anonymous

I've been told that there are other dimensions/ spheres. We live in the gross material world (earth and all that) then there is the ethereal which is still in the material world but less dense than the gross material. Its the closest to us so its not uncommon to see stuff from there, usually stuff happen there before they happen here so when people foresee an event its from there. There are other dimensions/spheres like that, it gets lighter (possibly heavier as well but i will have to confirm) and for each one we have a different cloak that our spirit/soul wears. The higher above in the spheres the better, means your purer so you will meet purer souls there. I don't want to get into too much detail but it goes into minute detail in this book called in the light of truth: the grail message. i recommend you buy the book. Its by Abd-Ru-Shin

Mar 19, 2012
What was it really?
by: ANdrew

Hi, I only experienced that phenomenal only once 6 years ago when I was 12, Now I remember I could move normally, and that I was fully awake at the time, in fact it's just when I opened my eyes I saw the figure with it's blue eyes(after feeling a light pressure on my chest) I was wondering if my experience was the same as yours, because I didn't feel any numbness, or "false awake" feeling, and the figure ram away after I opened my eyes.

Mar 19, 2012
by: ann

i had a lot of experiences not as scary as yours but one that freak me out so bad that i'm still afraid.. what cought my attention here was the time that the entitie told you his name.. so i tried to found out what does it mean or is there someone related named that way and what i found is the meaning of the name darius wich i think the first meaning suits the situation perfectly: Darius is a male given name, etymologically it is the English transliteration of the Persian name, Dariush, its meaning is "HE POSSESSES" or "rich and kingly" wich for what i read is the first goal of the entities.. anyways what happened to me brought me closer to god and that helped me a lot.. sorry for my mistakes but my mother language is spanish.. hope ur ok!

Mar 19, 2012
Beliefs about spreading the secret
by: E

I won't talk about my experiences for now, but I was wondering one thing :
I always somehow thought that researching, talking or even thinking about these entities will "make them angry" and make them come.
Has anyone else had these kind of beliefs?? That was something that I just kinda knew (just like we all felt they are evil..). If they are really forces of evil or demons, that beliefs would really suit them, wouldn't you think so?
Thanks for your comments.

Mar 19, 2012
So why?
by: Anonymous

I'm shocked you all have had so scary experiences. I experince SP quite often, but I saw a black figure only one time beside my Bed. It didn't had any negative presentation at all, it was like a shadow staring at me. Later it caressed about my cheek and left.
SP is ALWAYS a bad experience to me, but my first meeting with one of these shadows was rather nice than frightening. It may felt pity for a little girl, I will never know ;)

Mar 19, 2012
My experences and how to escape sleep paralysis
by: Navitus

About my SP, OBE and shadow people experiences.

I have had many many sleep paralysis moments starting when I was a little kid of maybe 6 or 7 years of age I have not recently had them. Usually it would start with an simple dream that would turn into a nightmare usually one where I was chased by a man with no face then it would turn into Sleep Paralysis time where I would feel like a combination of getting stabbed and when you lose circulation in a part of your body right at my abdomen. It felt like an evil torture I always tried to wake up from.

I have not once seen the shadow people while asleep or in sleep paralysis there are the exception of their appearances in my dreams. In my dreams they sometimes appear, they are the most terrifying creatures I have ever seen or imagined. But the worst nightmare was what I call the underground golden city of evil dream; like the name suggests it was in an underground golden city but it was filled with evil more demonic looking shadow people the whole nightmare was me trying to escape the city. I do recall hazy memories of the shadow people while in sleep paralysis but not enough to be sure. when sleep paralysis starts it's like I enter my own dark secluded chamber sometimes still inside the nightmare I was having at the time all while being aware that I am sleeping and I have to wake up but I still feel the presence of evil even when not in SP. I may seen the shadow people while awake but I can't know for sure.

I have never had any kind of OBE and I have never seen my spirit or soul come out of my body.

Anyways there are 3 methods that I have found that work while in sleep paralysis for me.

1. Wait like a total helpless fool and try to struggle to get out of it, seriously this is the most annoying and worst way to get out of SP.

2. Try to move your hand to your eye lid and open it(Movement is possible during SP but it is hard to achieve). This should wake you up immediately but beware you may get a false wake up and end up fooling yourself because its not very easy to move your arm or hand while in sleep paralysis, it takes strong will to do this.

3. This last method is also a little bit hard. You must move your pelvis up in down. This gives the sensation known as the kick from the movie inception which will immediately wake you up and get you out of Sleep Paralysis also know as SP.


You may want to get up immediately and maybe walk or something because after waking up you may fall asleep again and return to your SP nightmare and not even be conscious about having fallen asleep again.

Mar 20, 2012
sound fammiliar
by: Mike

i been having simmiliar experiance ever since i was 7 or 8... ussualy with me "waking up" but not being able to wake up and then see several dark hooded shade's standing around me sometimes even a white blurry something.
lately i am having more like "bad dreams" mostly me being chased around or my fammily being hurt or e ven my mother who turns into a evil entity that try's to choke me..
sometimes the terror's are so bad i just am afraid to go to sleep and i do not know how do deal with this...

if someone got some advice for me or help please do not hesitate to email me.

my email is :

Mar 20, 2012
i forgot
by: mike

i forgot to mention in my last comment that all of this mostly happen around 3:00 am

Mar 20, 2012
sp experience,dont know wether it's OBE or not
by: Barnley

well i'm still 16 y.o and i've been experiencing this kind situation several times. i wonder why in my dream i had very low level of consciousness and when i experience actually a shadow figure already stand in front of me,it's ALWAYS the same everytime i experience sp. i'm trying to wake but i can't,it's like hallucination that i have awoke,but surrounding still the same with different standing position of that shadow figure. in my dream i still had the same experience about difficulty in moving my limb since it's very heavy
and usually i awake by shouting in my dream,which also occurs in reality too,but in both of dream and reality i only can shout like dying people
i wonder if it's dangerous for my health
best regards

Mar 20, 2012
Lucid Dream about shadow figure
by: Anonymous

well i've been experiencing lucid dream lately and i wonder if what all i see is shadow figure without eyes / hood, but actually in my dream i'm being transported into different abbandoned building,but what the most frequent is my own bed room.
actually those shadow figures didn't attack me,but i'm always scared so once i tried to grab it,but when i tried to get closer i lose my strength,i fell to my bedroom floor, i still can move my hand to grab it leg,it was a successful attempt,what i feel is THICK BONE.
and the i tried to scream,but i don't have enough power to scream as loud as i can
i ended with my brother awake and tell me to shut,because i was shouting like dying people.
"hoorghhhh" that's what i shout in my dream.
and i also still in my bed,without moving any inches of my body,so i think it has similiarities with Barney story
i wonder wether it's dangerous for my health or not.
looking for your response

Mar 20, 2012
you're having the wrong reaction to this gift
by: Anonymous

hi, my name is augusto and i have 24 years old,
i've passed for this experience too, they are scary at first, a tall guy and a girl observing me with glowing red eyes while i sleep, this situation still occurs for a many times, i'm a mason so jesus is not a creed of mine. well i've been practiced occultism and witchcraft for a while, and my curiosity is always bigger than my fear, so last month i've tried to speak to them and they responded, they are guiding my research about the occult now, showing me symbols and asking trivial tasks in exchange for this knowledge, like some tatoos i've made and some animals i've killed, the girl asked me to stop seeing my girlfriend, but i'm willingly pay the price, they are good teacher's and not demons or bad at all.

Mar 20, 2012
Man in black
by: Anonymous

Well, I have gotten very serious about this black dressed man in my house bothering my son! I wen to go see the preist yesterday! He decided to come to my house and bless it and see my son! This darkness is really freaking me out and want my home to be better again!!!

Mar 22, 2012
happened to me
by: Some guy named %$@*

This had happened to me many times,but i didnt really see any dark figures. the 1st time this had happened to me was when i was 8 or 9 years old i guess. I moved my tongue to the left or right when i get that out of body experience thing, and i wake up when i do that but i know i was still asleep.

Mar 24, 2012
sleep attacks
by: kenneth

im 32 years old and has witnissed a excorcism in my grannys house by a pastor in port elizabeth at the age of 6. we grew up religious but in a broken home. my first encounter happened at about age 18 were a dark figure entered my room and said that hed been waiting long for this moment. i was rattled. soon after that i would wake up parilised at night and feel my body elevating above my bed as if something is trying to take my soul. its very scary and im totaly parilised. and it happens every few months.i sometimes manage to softly call my fiance anneline, but shes always fast asleep and of no help.when i regain my conscience and body control im scared to death and just hang onto her for comfort. its been 14 years of this ordeal. i need help

Mar 24, 2012
by: Anonymous

Friends, if you need help, simply post your email address here, some (such as my self) will try to help you , give you advice as to how to control and counter it, etc. Goodluck to all!

Mar 25, 2012
Man in black
by: Anonymous

I been feeling alot better since the preist came into my home! My son has seen thing since he was 1 years old, and now is 17. Our animals see it to! First the experiences were good! But turned into something bad ! We have had things move around our home in front of our eyes! Strange thing doesn't matter where we move! I am terrified for my son! Now my youngest has been experiencing strange things now! I learned how to pray! And I am learning to deal with this! Just not learning how not to be scared!!!

Mar 25, 2012
To the Man in Black
by: believer

To the one who commented above, I am praying for you and your sons' safety. Keep the faith, and pray that you will be protected too. Remember, you will not be harmed if you keep the faith, you can feel fear, but you never give up. Goodluck and Godbless to us all.

Mar 25, 2012
by: Anonymous

I had a cold and had a dream where I got attacked by a shadowy figure with voided out eyes, they floated toward me from a ship on a black metal sea. The ghosts were shooting poison arrows at my chest. The figure grabbed me and touched my spine with it's claw. Then I heard a loud voice. "I AM. JESUS CHRIST!" The ghost let go of me and looked confused, it let go of my spine and I woke up. The poison arrows were my chest congestion. I threw up after that. Every time I have these weird dreams I pray in the dream and I wake up immediately.

Mar 27, 2012
by: Anonymous

WOW!!! Im totally breathless by all the people that have gone through this crazy sh*t! Ill tell u a honest to God life experince my gma was a very gifted woman she could see things b4 they happened it started when she was 7 she had a dream of overflowing water to the point she woke up screaming im drownding, well the next day they found her neighbor dead in the bathtub. Freaky right? ok well when I was 14 I lived in vegas with my big sis, my gma lived in cali My sis was married with a bby well she decided to go out 1 night I begged her to stay home My stomach was turning so bad cuz i knew something was going to happen to her well my phone rings about an hour later its my gma in cali 1st thing she said was whats wrong with your sister all I see is a gun something is going on!! I tryed to calm her and tell her she was ok with friends then i had another call it was metro police telling me my sister just had her husband chase her down and hold a loaded gun to her head she was shaken up but she was ok. I have always been bothered by there dark shadow things since i was a child they used to sit on my chest n hold me down but I had something happen to me the other night that straight scares the crap right outta me It was a tall dark figure I was awake and i watched it come up frm my basement right to my room it sucked all the air outtta me frm my mouth i woke up gasping for air. im a christian and i know for a fact only god can save me,the thing that gets me is my husband just found out hes skizo why do drs say that your a skito if you see and hear all these things?? i need HELP!

Mar 29, 2012
Ghosts in my house
by: Anonymous

Hi, just wanted to touch base and see if anyone has had this experience. My sis and I are seniors after midnight we lay in her new bed reading scriptures and listening to praise music, when a neading started at the foot of the bed you can feel the bed move like a light vibrator message. I picked my foot up and slammed it down and said not in the name of Jesus. It stopped, I went to my bedroom and during the night it started again at the foot of my bed, I tried to ignor the physical movement. Its a tormenting spirit and a harrassing spirit also a spirit of fear. Should we try to take a picture of it? What do you suggest?????

Mar 29, 2012
A Ghost in the House
by: Anonymous

Do you have a ghost in the house that can physically touch your feet or bed? He doesn't leave he is in the house at bedtime and keeps you awake in the middle of the night fr one til morning?

Mar 30, 2012
Midnight creature

I've always kept this a secret and tried to forget about it. When i was a kid growing up in Mexico, I remember encountering what seemed to be a black slimy reptilian creature. The best i can do to describe it is it resembled Randall from Monsters Inc. if you can picture that realistically. I remember it as a sort of dream that was all too real. It was pitch black and i remember bieng entranced as though something was calling me. It felt alot like when you realized you were just sleepwalking. Next thing i know i see a shadow crawl on a felled tree and all of a sudden it became visible. I saw the creature just freeze and then it just glared at me with its hideous face. I was paralyzed by fear and shock. After that all i remember is bieng awake and it wasnt like when your normally wake up. My theories now is that it mightve been a demon, something deffinaetly supernatural. Thats the only explanation i could think of. Thinking on it now that im older i know that no 5 year old kid could possibly imagine something that looked so real, I remember it so vividly. Just picture the texture of a salamander but about the size of a big dog and it was slimy black. If anyone has experienced something similiar, ols tell me...

Apr 01, 2012
Call Apon Jehovah
by: Anonymous

Jehovah is Gods personal name as pronounced in the English language. Those who call apon it will receive imediate protection from demonic activity, even if only in your mind you say it then he will listen and imediatly the attack will stop. Refer to Proverbs 18:10 where it says the name of Jehovah is a strong tower. Into it the righteous runs and is given protection. Also refer to Psalms 83:18 where it says: That people may know that you, whose name is Jehovah, You alone are the most High over all the earth. The Demons shudder at the very mention of Gods name Jehovah. Once you reveive protection you should then start to take preventative measures in your life by identifying things that attract demonic activity, eg Bad music, Movies, Idols, spiritistic items books, pictures, second hand goods of unknown history, etc the list is long, refer to the 10 commandments at Exodus 20:4 to 17. May the True God now be with you who need his help.

Apr 03, 2012
by: Anonymous

sorry for spelling and grammar mistakes in my last two comments above, english is not my main language.. and i spot loads of error but i could not edit or delete them..

thanks for understanding..

Apr 03, 2012
The "Choking"
by: Anonymous

The choking your feeling is a reaction of fear. You spiritual beings cannot harm your physical body therefore they couldn't choke you or push on your body, you just feel heavy because you're tired. I've experienced sleep paralysis multiple times and never experienced a single entity. I believe it may have been because I'm a generally positive person with no beliefs clouding my perception. I do have to admit I have felt some sort of evil presence as it happens and sometimes when I'm trying to fall asleep as if it's trying to force me into it.
I feel like your choking feeling is more likely related to the fear of you seeing something that's not of this world, something that isn't supposed to be there.
Calm yourself before you sleep. Believe it or not find yourself a mantra or something. Meditate. As I've seen in this post it seems to be that a majority of you are practicing Christians or religious. I'm far from that, and I believe that may be why I've never experienced anything of the sort. Unrest is usually associated with stress which is associated with fear. Mix those with your beliefs and you get what you get. Why do you think people on LSD can have good trips (i.e. rainbows and unicorns) or bad trips (i.e. demons and entities)?

Apr 07, 2012
Believe in the demons and they will present themselves to you
by: Anonymous

Let go of fear, simple as that

Apr 11, 2012
by: Anonymous

ahahaha, these comments are brain washed fools and I have to find it hard to believe its not the author of this site typing this same stuff over and over... like who would even visit this site to comment as often as it shows? Honestly, what a laughable joke all this text is... holy ghosts and jesus, and people thinking they cannot be touched since they are blessed. ahahahah, yeah right you fools are wasting your life in hocus pocus made up stuff. There were no books or anything that long ago, so how could there be bibles and stuff? Its all made up to control dumber people to do what you want!

Apr 12, 2012
re: rofl "foolish" comment
by: Barney

You're comment is lacking any logical argument. You accused all those who've posted to be me but ironically left out your own identity. How did you end up on this page?

I don't think anyone here has the answers you already think you have so next time, unless you're willing to change your tone, choose a different Google result and move on and take your hostility with you.

Apr 12, 2012
re: rofl + (some more standard trolling title)
by: Anonymous

You might be right that there were no books, in the modern sense, with paper between to covers, im not sure. But there were scrolls, tablets and steeles and so on; all perfectly good to write upon. :)

So lets hope that He, who you say do not exist; forgive, chastise or rebuke you, whatever he sees fit for you. Until you realize that you shouldnt be so quick to answer things you know little about.

And it would be a smart choice to hope on the first alternative, and not the latter. :)

Apr 12, 2012
RE: name by Ann
by: Barney

Que tal Ann, soy Barney. muchisimas gracias por tú comentario!
Estoy muy bien este año, y tú como estás?

Dejame decirte que en ver el nombre "Darius" a la primera vista en lo que escribiste, mi corazón corrió muy rápido por que por unos momentos pensé que había encontrado alguien quién tambien escuchó el mismo nombre durante esa experiencia de parálisis.

Estoy de acuerdo contigo y si, he buscado en varias ocasiones el significado de ese nombre y aún estudié un poco sobre un rey que se llamaba Darius durante los tiempos bíblicos.

No te preocupes, tú inglés esta bastante bien, el que debe preocuparse soy yo porque el español es mi segundo idioma.

Espero que esas experiencias no te pasen mucho...

Apr 12, 2012
i dont know
by: chris

im not sure if im in the right place but i try any way i was in my bed thinking and i felt like i was shrinking i felt really really small i felt like i was in my bed but i was floating and i swear i could feel my heart pounding against the bed and i could my room mate snoring so loud like the sound was louder but in a smaller room i imagined my self floating in the bed not me floating but the bed and me or the bed spinning with me in it i used to get this feeling wen i was a kid alot i would be sitting in my chair at school and wuld feel like i was floating and spinning but i would feel like the i was doing it in or on i watever i felt like i was sitting on or standing on and wen i was younger than that i be in my bed and i would see the door open with a far away hallway light on and a dark figure i aasumed was my mom watching me in mt bed and i could see myself from a in the air poin ot view

Apr 13, 2012
Drained will.
by: Anonymous

I will wake up to this pressure in my head and my ears popping and I'm bound to my bed. I have to fight my way to move. This happens ever three months. And it only happens coming to a climax of falling asleep. Is it a demon?

Apr 14, 2012
Old Hag Link
by: Madison Meadows

I've had many experiences over the years w/ dark entities. I have blogged about the Old Hag. Please go to: to read more about my encounter w/ the Old Hag.

Apr 15, 2012
by: Andy

When i was a kid around 6 to 8 years, i used to see Shadow type figures move around my bedroom sometimes passing through me. Terrifying as it was i managed to get to sleep by repeating the word 'white' over an over.

I don't know if my recent experiences have any connection, but they appear of a different sort.

I am 24 now and in my opinion not very spiritually evolved. However..
As i am falling asleep i feel my imagination transforming into a dream. (a dense cold sense is sometimes felt) Its usually about that time when i feel an external force hit me like a jolt or slam. It is quite painful if only for a fraction. It knocks me out of thought and my reflexes kick in. One thing i feel sure of is that it is an external force that does it. Occasionally in crucial moments before hand i manage to open my eye's to to see an unrecognizable form about a foot above my chest. This form seems to take a couple seconds to disperse from sight. Iv come to believe that whatever is doing this to me doesn't want me to imagine creatively? I getting very concerned because these jolts/slams, are possibly doing serious harm to my brain. (and i get my fair share)

I am out raged about the situation, to suffer this sabotage from a cowardice bullys, taking shots at me from an unprotected and unexplainable position.

Can anyone shed some light on this at all? Any knowledge someone has is appreciated.

Apr 17, 2012
They won't leave me alone
by: Jerry ABRAMS

Use your motion detector on your iPhone download it from market. Set it up at night they stand at the foot of my bed all the time an put me under paralysis is true. OMG its true! !!!!!!

Apr 21, 2012
dark shadows passing as angels
by: melissa

i dont do drugs but i drink and this past three days ive been drinking in a huge party but when i finally rested from all the party thats when i had my last experience because ive seen the shadows, and all but this was different. First i dreamed there was this wedding who i didnt know the person and as i walk closer to the bride, the grim reaper was there he told me i had a few days to live a screamed no. I woke up well no i didnt i saw an angel a very handsome man but something was wrong telling everything was gonna be alright and i had 6 angels watching me weird. i woke up for real then i fell asleep. then one my angels was dying as i held his hand he turned on me touched my forehead and i felt i jolt in my chest and i got out of my body my room was trembling and i couldnt move and they were throwing my pillows to the floor and i beg to stop and i woke up. This morning i see my tile on the floor cracked where the angel or something evil made me get out of my body. I need someone to help me on this i dunno what to think about it.

Apr 21, 2012
by: jamie

I just came across your story by accident. However, I'm completely spooked out. I promise I have gone through the exact same thing. It's been rare through out my life but I had an apartment once that had an evil in it and for the 3 months that I lived there I was pinned down nightly completely utterly terrified. Worst experience in life by far is sp.

Apr 24, 2012
its getting really bad.
by: richard.

i`m 35 yrs old and for the past 20 yrs i`ve been getting people in my room, over the last few yrs the man(shadow man?) has been getting closer to me, when it started he would just stand near my bed or at the door but lately he`s now getting really close, i hear him enter the house by the front door walk up the stairs to my bedroom door, next he starts to open it and slowly walk around to my side of the bed and thats when i unable to move, i scream my head off and try to wake and move, he has no face he`s in black with a big black hat, last night he was telling me its time i went with him, i try but my body does not let me go with him, why???? i need to found out where we are going! please help me,

Apr 30, 2012
My deonic blanketing experiences explained
by: RA

I am going to first say that as a Christian in my soul and heart,(devoted deep down, cannot be shaken)not very church y though.I know who these strong entities are. I always knew I had a spiritual gift,I know now that as a seer for GOD, I comfort others.Yet, I will tell you that I was not infallible to demonic interference. I will share some profound real experiences in hopes to encourage you to trust God with all your heart mind, and being (soul)at all times. The reason I say this is, because if you do not you may become possessed because you are weak willed and self dependent, and they know this. You must be strengthened by the partnership of the holy spirit. DO it! I had a butterfly land on my hand twice when I asked it nicely. I was driving drunk (stupid)years ago and there was a large body of water directly to my left. I fell asleep, I felt this push on my shoulder wake me up before this car in front of me (10 feet in front)killed me, I also felt the wheel tug me to the right(too drunk to do myself). Now for the bad stuff. I was dealing with getting off cocaine and my son who was 14 at the time had been doing Ouija, and acting like he was a demon, pulling butcher knives on me saying he was going to kill me.etc. One night I pulled his bed into my room and talked him to sleep (boring mom)then I dreamed (not a dream) a bright green monster was gripping my right wrist with sharp claws,and I felt weight on my chest,I kept shaking my right arm and mentally saying get off me! Suddenly the lady of the house turned on the light she heard something. Just then the monster jumped of my wrist and she asked if I saw it? I said what? she said this black mass just jumped off me and flew out of the corner of the ceiling. I think this thing jumped off my son and onto me. I have had more experiences. I just want to tell you that We are soul. We are encouraged in the bible to seek peace and pursue it (at the risk of sounding boring) and also to be strong. WITHIN!!!!!!!!!! FAITH that cannot be shaken,I fought that thing and it could not get in cause I was already filled up with faith. Now do you understand?

Apr 30, 2012
by: Anonymous

pray and hope Jesus will do it as promised

Apr 30, 2012
by: Anonymous

Many people think that they are saved when they are not, and they are attacked just the same as a nonbeliever. One must have the Holy Spirit in them. It causes a shield of light to surround your body, and anything demonic just bounces off of it. Just ask God to bring His Holy Spirit into you, and you will never be bothered again. I know this because black magicians have told me that they cannot touch some Christians or send demons into them because they have a protective light surrounding them, and I ceased to be attacked when I received the Holy Spirit.
God Bless

May 07, 2012
by: Anonymous

i read alotta of these comments and the sleep thing happens to me often. i lay down and bout 3 mins later i i feel like somebody is laying on top of me. every single piece of hair on my body is standing up. its soo hard to explain. but for some reason the last 2 times this had happened to me when i finally gained strength to get up i have heard a very creepy mans voice on the tv speaking a different language i think? it was very scary. i just want to kno if this has ever happened to anyone else. i never really talked to anyone cause i dont wanna sound crazy. the first time i ignored it but the 2nd time it happened it was at like 3 in the morn and the sound came from my little brothers room and dora the explorer was on and everyone was sleeping. i have also laid down and i felt and heard a very loud breath right in my ear. all the windows were closed and i had no fan on and when i looked around the room noone was their.. idk whats going on but its pretty scary..

May 09, 2012
me too
by: Anonymous

from when I can remember I was about eleven years old and I felt a sort of sitting or force on my chest and I couldnt see anything at first but i felt the evil pulling me from within if that makes any sense. Then I remember as a teenager i felt it again it always happened as soon as I would fall asleep and i couldnt move or make a sound but i was screaming out jesus name in my spirit thats the only way i can decribe it. Then the other time when I was about 25 years old and it was happening when I was sleep and my three year old at the time told me she saw a black shadow man with a hood and red eyes looking at us as she was trying to wake me at the exact same time i was in a paralyis state then the last time which was recently I was at my old apartment and i began to fal asleep and I felt that pressure in my chest it was almost like I was somewhere else but still in my bedroom and in the left corner of the ceiling was a black shadow figure of a man which put me in the mind of like spiderman no not literally but the shape of the shadow in the corner of the ceiling looking directly at me as i struggled to scream in my sleep and even wake up I pleaded the blood of jesus . That was this past december.

May 11, 2012
damn you deceivers
by: Anonymous

Is this a creepy christian site? Theres gotta be sompin in d buybull about deceiving people. You guys are creepy sneaky slithering parasites.

May 15, 2012
not the occult
by: Anonymous

ive been having these issues for as long as i can remember even my 3-4 year old brother gets it but i in know way think its the occult i met someone when i went away to basic training that was in an occult and he told us about stuff they would do i believe its simply evil spirits in another realm that and i believe the god/s u all believe in are actually just beings not from this world and most of the evils committed in this world is because of religion wars in the name of god? i mean come on i find most religions to be so contradicting but thats just my view

May 21, 2012
My Sleep Paralysis beliefs...
by: Ricky

I too have recently had a similar experience, just woke up a couple hours ago as well from sleep paralysis. I am also a strong Christian believer, however I no longer attend services nor hardly read my bible...

I am 29/m ever since I could remember I have told my parents "The devil is after me", why I do not know...

What I do know is what just happened, I thought I woke up several times but these feelings were false only to terrify me more...

I could feel energy of an evil nature flowing through my body and recall seeing the color amber flowing through just as fast, It is the opposite of what the holy ghost feels like, and with a color instead, to put it simply my entire body felt immobilized with a force not of this world as if when one's arm falls asleep but all over and very evil.

What I found most terrifying was that this force was stronger than my vocal chords as in I could not scream out no matter how hard I tried...

The second to last element was if I touched my head I could feel a bolt sticking out of each side above my ears, apparently when I grabbed these the force was even stronger...

After several times of believing I was kicking and screaming towards my fiance I saw to men focusing on me and talking as if they were in an altercation about to go bad with me involved...

At this time I screamed to where my fiance woke up and shook me awake, I woke up sweaty, clammy, terrified, panicky, but relieved to be wide awake after only 2 hours of sleep last night.

What made this all too real is that I experienced much of what was described ahead of this comment I am leaving. I knew I was in bed, I knew my fiance was sleeping, I could see down on us and feel the cold air of our A/C unit etc...

Not only do I share this for knowledge, but I too seek answers...Can the human body be haunted like a house and not possessed?

Feel free to email me at if you wish too. I am very open to discussing this to learn more...

May 22, 2012
Sp my whole life
by: meredith

I grew up in a very during christian house hold. Never missed church. At a very young age I encountered demonic spirits in my room at night. One night in particular I some up to a very talk man and short woman standing in my door way. I knew it was demonic and I was in sheer fear. I was paralyzed from head to toe. I could not move, talk, scream etc..I started to command thademon out of my house in the name of jesus and quotedthe scriptures in my head until It went away. I have had this happen many many times since in my life. I believe that some people are more in tune to the spirit realm. I pray the blood of jesus over my house and family daily and since have not had any encounters. Where the Lord is the devil can not be!!

May 26, 2012
Get Saved
by: Jamie Thompson

Let this be a warning to the unsaved and non believers! My advice is to seek out a good Baptist Pastor and ask how you can become saved !

May 27, 2012
may 27th 2012
by: Jeff

im 17yrs old, ive been having these nightmares of these figures ever since i was younger i recall an instance when i was 4 where i was in my parents bed with my older brother and he was sound asleep and a dark shadow crept around the bottom of the bed and i was fighting to scream but not a word came out. since i turned 15 for two yrs the nightmares have been happening often, i fall into a almost inbetween sleep and reality i see everything in my room as if it were real. it is the most horrific thing i endure. i woke up from one of these nightmares and heard a voice tell me "you are going to die" im not sure if i was still in the state of sp but i heard it as if it were crystal clear. that night after waking up i was frightened of everything around me, due to the fact it was so real, the nightmare. i am writing now because i just woke up from one of these episodes. it was different though, because my door crept open and i felt a demonic or devilish presence and it felt as tho my spirit were taken out of my chest. earlier in the dream i remember seeing almost above myself throwing up into a toilet in my bathroom for no reason then calling my mom then waking up into the door creeping open. these nightmares in my case can be triggered by drinking arizona ice tea before i sleep im guessing from the caffene.. these nightmares have really effected my performance in school due to lack of sleep, i have trouble sleeping in my own bed because im scared to. i can go to sleep for 5 minutes then fall into sp. its something that is difficult to deal with, but it is something you must realize is JUST A DREAM! tell yourself instead of trying to move to "go away" if you see a shadow figure because your in control of your thoughts. i have been scared to the point ive stayed up for almost 3 days and many days with either an hour or less of sleep. try to clear your thoughts and worries before you sleep.

May 27, 2012
evil forces attaking on your sleep
by: Juan

Desde que era un niño queria encontrar la verdad y eso me a dado muchas experincias buenas y malas tanbien. No soy religioso pero me deleito en las cosas espirituales, se que existe DIOS y todo probiene por medio de el ,hay muchas experincias no muy agradables que nos pasan para nuestro progreso personal y otras por meter las narises donde no nos corresponde y tenemos que sufrir la consecuencia de eso, quiero relatar mis experiecias sobre el tema de sleep paralysis, lucid dreams ,false awakes and evil foces attacking me.
I want to start with evil forces attacking me, the first time it was when i was trying to make a change in my life and live a more spiritual life according to my limited understanding, one night i was sleeping face up and i could see the room but I could not move or speak then i felt that someone jump on my chest and start to slapping my face real fast at this point i was in terror ,I try to scream at my cusin that was sleeping across from my bed and i can clearly see him but no sound would come out of me, then in my on head i said in the name of Jesus be gone ,I soon as i said the pressure of my chest left and I recover control of my body it was the scariest thing ever happen to me at the time. The second time i was trying to go to sleep face down (this was years after the first time i was married with 2 kids) then I thought to my self Juan you forgot to pray then i heard some one why don't you pray to the devil instead then i said no i only pray to my heavenly father (i probably sound like a nut job by now but is the true) then I felt like someone grab me by my hair and pull me half way out of my body (i can see my self laid in bed face down) I could hear someone luke he was talking in slow motion i did not understand anything and i also heard like people were opening doors with a svranchie sound, this time i was not afraid and i didnt fight it and I repeat the same words as before, he left me but before he did he laugh right next to my ear my spirt drop to my body and i can move again. The 3rd time happen 6 years after , i was sleeping on my left side the for some odd reason I start to feel scared for no logic reason then I said to my self don't be afraid cause when you do the devil win then i felt someone embrace from behind and couldn't move I quickly repeat the words I said before and he left but this time a heard a voice in my head never to be afraid because there is an Angel per person watching over us.....this were not sleep paralysis , I hope some one can relate to my experiecias

May 28, 2012
This is interesting . . .
by: Anonymous

Interesting, I myself had an encounter. At 4:16 am (remembered the time because of how freaky the phenomena was). I usually wake to get some time for breakfast before school (In 2006 I was 16 atm). I have a curtain on my doorway instead of a door. I turned on my lamp and expected to see my grandma in the doorway when I heard something open it and there I saw red eyes with blue irises staring at me. I could feel it was reading my mind so I told it in my head 'I know you are reading my thoughts and you are only craving attention but unfortunately you have picked the wrong person. I like all creations of God whether they are good or turned evil. If you really want to hurt me go ahead, otherwise pls leave.' Its eyes widened as if surprised and it scrambled off.

May 28, 2012
Continuation of 'This is Interesting . . . '
by: Anonymous

. . . Also to add, this thing would played pranks on me and knew how to switch power in the house on and off using the circuit breaker. It would only play pranks when I was the only one conscious or around. (This explains why some people blame mental illness for activities). Christ is the suggested way to keep this from you. Stay with a positive belief. I have also noticed the activities shrunk greatly when I met my husband in high school (which I don't know why - maybe happiness?) Whatever the case heed others' warning and keep from the dark stuff unless you know what you are doing cause it does get serious. Get professional help if things still happen even when everything else is said and done.

May 30, 2012
Demonic Attack
by: Kevin L.

Fellows, you are all under demonic attack. Satan is attempting to prevent you from doing something. Yes there is a spirit realm, unfortunately, most of us are not able to view into it and keep our sanity. Pray daily, because I believe that Satan wants to affect your relationship with Christ… Yes, I have had sp. It’s not a good feeling. I have seen people walking through my bedroom like they were natural people. I do not and have never done drugs or made a habit of being drunk even though I did drink socially at one point during my younger years. I can tell you something that may help! Read the bible daily! Especially, read and ponder on Psalms 51 and 91. This will help you to overcome your attacks. You don’t have anything to lose, if you prove me wrong but you won’t. Be Blessed.

Jun 10, 2012
by: Oddfellow

Its re assuring to hear so many people have similar experiences. Regardless of what you believe shadow people can't hurt you and fighting the choking feeling or attacks and feeling of dread are counter productive. BEST THING TO DO is remember, if you can, these experiences can't harm you physically mentally or spiritually and you wont suffocate. Fighting the paralysis makes you panic more and thinking they are demons or something will only add to the terror. There is no heaven or hell outside of your own mind.

Jun 13, 2012
It happened to me too
by: Nia

Hey there, my name is Nia, I'm from Romania and I've been experiencing SP since I was about 14. Fortunately, these experiences stopped when I was about 18, but 4 years of sleepless nights changed me for ever. I used to be a very sociable outgoing girl, but I feel that the demons sucked all the life from me and turned me into an evil girl who joins watching horror scenes and who hates everybody. As I said before, the SP's stopped when I was about 18, unexplainable. I have to mention the fact that I had that experiences only in one house, in other places having no problem in encountering SP's. Lately, I began remembering about these horrible moments from my life ( because I was convinced that I was just crazy and I obliged myself to forget all these moments and to think they never happened, that they were not real), and I'm afraid the SP's will appear again. I am not religious, I became an atheist because of the SP's because I was praying for help every single day, but I got no help, things getting worse. I am very thankful that I discovered this website, it feels great to know that other people lived what I lived, and I feel understood. It's terrible to tell my parents what I've been gone through and my father to take me to the hospital for insane people. I think that these demons attack weak people, because since I became a stron g woman, I didn't encounter any other demons. And I hope I will never have again! It almost drove me to suicide, being very desperate. Be strong my friends, be strong! All the best!

Jun 14, 2012
I see and feel them too
by: Anonymous

When I was Young I saw Spirits and Demons. At first I thought I was just dreaming, but then I woke up agian and saw them. My Perents were told that I am demon posest, but what they did only made things worse. I now hid behind my walls with a fake smile to everyone I know. The Pain I have in my head never goes away. I Tried everything. I am very awear of what is going on my Eyes are open to the lies hidden behind the Walls what you people call life. It is good to live a lie you don't have to prove anyone right. I am 21 Years Old now and I can still feel there presence. I wake up a lot of times at night trying to move, but can't. I have gotten stronger and stronger this past year I learned to live with this curse or not. I see the future of othere people and I can even see things that happen in the past to people I don't even know. I have proven this to a lot of people. I can't not control it. I sence something comeing this Year. BE awear and awake ! I can't save I can just warn. I Never told this to any one Thats why I am now I don't care anymore. My life is over in the inside. I just wish people would wake up. Anyways you all shared so I will too. Good Luck world.

Jun 21, 2012
I had a similar experience when I was younger
by: Anonymous

When I was young, this shadowy bishop like figure would walk out of my closet. I would normally hide under the bankets and it would leave until one day. That one day, I had gained the courage to fight the shadow and watch it disappear. I let it get closer, and closer till it finally held out its right arm. That scared me right under the covers. I never have seen this figure after that. These occurences always happened on a Sunday morning, right after I would wake up. I told this story at a friend's, and his fireplace went out after the words "I never saw it again."

Jun 24, 2012
Sleep Paralysis
by: Hazii

Thank you for sharing this information. It helps me to understand what am going through.

God Bless - Hazii

Jun 26, 2012
Resisting the devil
by: Anonymous

I read your story and some of the comments and it sounds like it can be a very scary time. I do agree that there is a spiritual realm that we cannot see. I do not believe that its God's will for us to be tormented by demons and we do have power and authority over them because greater is He that is within us than he who is in the world. How about getting an Audio bible and playing it in your bedroom the whole night. The Word of God spoken in your home will drive the enemy away. Play worship music too all night. REBUKE that devil and RESIST him by living a holy life and he will flee from you. I pray that you all get God's peace in your life. Amen.

Jul 06, 2012
I can top it
by: Tommy

I am agnostic. My new girlfriend is as I call her....Hells christian. She has a devout love of god and Jesus but she made a pact with a dark one. It is with her always. The price she paid is she lost her ability to have real emotions. Her therapists are always in awe of her. They've mever seen anything like her. Because of her and her friend, I am starting to believe. I am just afraid of what it could do to her. She's considering a nunnery until it leaves, but what can she do if it wont leave?

Jul 10, 2012
My experiences
by: Anonymous

I have had occurrences where i have actually stopped breathing 2 times now it is the scariest thing I've ever been through and I'm not one to get scared easily mine have a single dark figure that has repeatedly try and physically harm me i actually just had one where this figure was literally choking the life from me my little brother tried to wake me but when he screamed for me to wake up the figure squeezed harder. So yeah anyone that has these experiences my heart goes out to you cause they can get scary.

Jul 11, 2012
agnostic, new girlfriend pt 1
by: Texas

I'm not an expert. Thought I should let you know I'm not claiming to be a source of authority. Yet, I believe in Jesus Christ, the awesome power in His name and the authority He has over all things including the spiritual word. I've had terrifying experiences every-so-often for most of my life, most of which I now understand/believe to have been aimed at misguiding my belief system and getting me off my spiritual path.

I can't know much about your specific situation, but I do firmly believe Jesus Christ has authority over darkness. If she is 100% willing to submit to the power of Jesus Christ and have a priest or person of the Christian Faith lay hands upon her with intent to exorcise the dark entity... the power of Jesus Christ will prevail. If even an exorcism or laying of hands fails, I would be very concerned that she is unwilling to let this evil leave.

Seek help. Don't wait. Be alert. The situation you describe could very well be intended to lure you into something dark. Like I said I couldn't know, and I'm not trying to judge her. She very well could need your help.

I never understood the idea behind the saying "a wolf in sheep's clothing" (search biblical scripture if you're interested) until I met a particular person in life. Someone who sounds similar to your girlfriend. I always thought if a person claims Christ, certainly they are "good" and have "good intentions." Then I read biblical passages about such "wolves" in the bible and put deep thought into the passages. Did you know it was the "super religious" (at least outwardly) who conspired to have Jesus Christ killed? There are in fact false prophets and people who claim to be religious living among us who have very ill intentions. It is hard to accept, but when I re-read biblical passages as an adult I found so many mentions/warnings about these "wolves."

Jul 11, 2012
for Tommy the agnostic w/ new GF pt 2
by: Texas

I am spending my time writing to you as I also am experiencing the negative impact of dark forces at work, and understand how confusing it must be for you. It's odd that this is the path which had brought you to the brink of belief in Christ;but for some people seeing is believing.

First and foremost, please reflect upon the situation and consider letting Christ into your life. His spirit will guide you through this very difficult situation and will shine a light upon the path in which you should take to resolve this.

Please don't attempt all of this alone. If what you said is true and not a need to seek help from the community of Christ. If she loves the God the Father and truly loves Jesus Christ yet cannot break this pact alone, she needs to be exorcised.

From what I know, Catholic Priests take exorcisms seriously. I know how difficult it is asking for help, let alone even talking about this as even many people of Faith will question you/just not understand. For her sake, and your own-- as I am concerned you have already become entangled in this--please seek help from a strong believer who can guide you through this.

No matter what-- GOD is in control and Jesus reigns. Darkness flees from light and the mere name of Jesus Christ has the power to drive away dark forces.

I understand where agnostics are coming from when they have no experience on which to base deeper beliefs. This is the understanding I've gained through my experiences: Evil exists. I have seen it, I've felt it, I've been hurt emotionally, damaged spiritually and even physically injured by dark forces. How does good still exists when we are all sinners--when we have all made bad, perhaps even "evil" choices in life? How does LOVE still exists in this life, when the forces of evil are so strong and widespread? You'll find Murder, greed, and lust in any culture yet you'll also find the beautiful innocence of a child and the unexplainable LOVE we can capable of feeling for one another. The good that remains here on earth despite all the evil around us-- that is GOD--that is what's left of his beautiful Creation. Satan has come to destroy (evil stuff mentioned) but satan will never destroy the work of Jesus Christ.

Jul 11, 2012
for Tommy the agnostic w/ new GF pt 3
by: Texas

Make sure your girlfriend gets help from a Priest and if she continues to refuse, you should part ways, pray for her and pray for your cleansing from this. Continuous refusal to part ways with this evil force signifies her preference of darkness over light---demonic forces over Jesus Christ. That is not something you should continue to connect yourself with...

You said yourself, what makes perfect sense to me...she paid the price of losing her emotions. She can't LOVE, she's been robbed of our greatest gift. This means she can't LOVE you. How could she prioritize your safety and spiritual welfare if she can't and doesn't love you? How can you believe anything she's saying if she's so entangled in darkness that she can't love you?

I will be praying for both of you. Bring Jesus to this battleground and you'll come out ok.

(to the admin, I'm sorry these somehow double posted, perhaps you can delete the duplicates. Thanks to everyone for sharing their experiences. This is a great outlet for such a hush-hush issue no one seems to want to talk about)

Jul 11, 2012
agnostic w gf
by: Tommy

Thanks for your reply. This is no joke. As our relationship goes on, she gives me more details. She said she is looking for something and it is not evil. The fallen angel has protected her from physical and emotional harm. She has few friends and has become very attached to me since I am receptive and numb to supernatural events. (my ex gf had a ghost that pretty much lived with us). My current gf has gifts that are impressive to watch. With a touch, she can tell you if you are currently being lunished by god, or about to be. She can also tell what evils you have done since her last contact with you. She is constantly checking up on me like this since she has trust issues. She shows no emotions. Like Spock, logic and complete supression of emotion drives her. She has the beauty of a christian and humanitarian and the evil of a demon on a mission. I want to help, but not sure how.

Jul 11, 2012
For Tommy
by: Texas

Please realize she is NOT doing any of these future forecasts herself and she is NOT capable of knowing the things that you do alone. Anything supernatural is NOT part of your girlfriend. The supernatural comes through us--we are just the outlet. For some, the Holy Spirit can guide our words and direct others to the light. For others, dark forces "guides" can use our bodies/minds for their own purposes. I don't like to use this word due to the stigma but what your describing is an agreed demonic possession.

That information she "knows" is being collected from demonic forces, and it seems pretty clear you now have something with you all the time per her request. She could bring up your attempt to reach out here (help her/understand her) and try to convince you you she doesn't need help or she's not in any danger. This dark force has protected her you say? Protected her from emotional and physical harm? Maybe she was abused or neglected? From an outsiders perceptive--she may have been an easy target. She was in a bad place in life when she accepted this "bond." Maybe she wanted to feel special, important or just safe and this force took advantage of that need she had.

It doesn't seem like she's being protected, it seems like she's being USED. How is stealing someone's JOY, ability to LOVE or the experience of HUMANITY helping or protecting? Satan came to earth to kill, steal and destroy.

You need to ask Jesus Christ to guide you through this situation. What a way to come to Christ--nevertheless--you can't get through this on your own. Neither can she.

All I can think to tell her is that she IS special for who SHE is, without supernatural forecasting, or whatever. GOD created her, GOD created the most beautiful things about her, of which she doubts and may have forgotten. Stealing her emotions is the same as ENDING HER LIFE, as she cannot LOVE. Again she CANNOT LOVE. The GREATEST JOY IS LOVE.

Jul 11, 2012
for Tommy pt2
by: Texas

If this force is actually "protecting her" it would care about her. If it cares about her, it would want to do what's in her best interest. If her best interest has now become that she desires freedom and release, then it would release her. If it is as easy as her asking it to leave, great. Unfortunately, I highly doubt this force cares about her at all and don't think it would ever put her first.

I have always wondered if a fallen angel could be forgiven. I wouldn't know. I just believe GOD created both humans and angels and GOD is capable of forgiving us through Jesus Christ. This sounds certifiably insane but I'm guessing you're in a place where you'll read it anyway-- despite what it/she will tell you--they both need to remember the LOVE that JESUS CHRIST has for all of creation.

I am only human so I can't "understand" this.

I pray that everyone involved makes it out ok.

You know the bible calls Satan the enemy. It also teaches us that we should pray for our enemies. I don't think I fully realized the depth in that truth until reading your story and praying for you both.

I think if we can learn to forgive our enemies we can learn to truly LOVE as Christ tried to teach us.

That's huge. People are going to read this and get totally confused. Oh well it was meant for you Tommy.

Jul 11, 2012
touched by everyone's struggles
by: Texas

For the young woman who wrote in June and everyone else who feels depressed about this experiences...

It took me a LONG time to accept these forces were in fact DARK. I tried to rationalize, I tried to justify, I tried to forget and suppress.

Months would go by without an attack or experience and I'd start
to kind-of-forget the terror and it became easier to brush off as delirium or nightmares (I never really believed it was but I tried to.)

These experiences always happened at times in my life where I was vulnerable to confusion. I've felt demonic suppression, been thrown off my bed, had SP and even waking paralysis. I have seen orbs, bright lights, and visions (wide awake pinching myself.) I have been physically harmed. For months I'd wake up with unexplained bruises all over my legs. I have NO mental illness (aside from the periods of depression I would go through following the attacks) and I have no major health issues that would cause this. I also DO NOT do any drugs.

So, as I'm sure you are all experiencing-- talking about these things is very difficult as is sounds unbelievable to anyone who hasn't gone through it. I wouldn't understand or really be able to believe someone if I hadn't gone through it myself...

Jul 11, 2012
by: Texas

I don't know what you mean by "neo." I don't have much additional input aside from-- her birthday comes and this is not over--exorcism to save her. She doesn't agree or want to, move on. Whatever this is, it is NOT good and will take you with it.

It is often said fallen angels lose their wings, so your mention of it is interesting. I can understand how all of this is intriguing, as you're learning things we are really not supposed to know in this life. Just pray for your own protection(and hers) and try to keep in mind at all times how dangerous this is and how it needs to end asap.

You already know it is with her always, thus you understand you cannot hide anything you do or intend to do. Just try to keep this in mind as well.

My heart goes out to both of you as this is a situation in which there is no reference guide. Humans make mistakes, and I believe we can be forgiven. I'll keep you both in my prayers.

She is precious is the eyes of God. God LOVES her. Her inability to love keeps her from putting Christ first--which is the only answer and only solution to release her from this captivity.

May God shine His light upon this situation.

Jul 12, 2012
by: Anonymous

The nightmares I have Is very frightening,it seems so real,but there's absolutely nothing I can do,I was awake in the morning say bout 8.30 then fell asleep again.then I woke up in some hospital straped to a wheel chair and opened the curtains and it was dark,then I look and suddenly I'm on the bed in the hospital and then I hear a voice telling me I'm not gona leave this nightmare and he's gona get to my body first,in a deep very deep voice then I try my best to beat him in 3 minutes before I got to my body I couldn't move any part of my body it was very stiff and suddenly I did,I was extremely scared,I got so afraid when I woke up I wanted to scream out aloud for my brother to save me,I'm in desperate need of help,I'm only 17 years old its not right for me to experience thes things,I had these from the age of 6

Jul 13, 2012
do not be afraid
by: Anonymous

i used to have sleep paralysis and see a shadowy figure at the bed side and it terrified me. later i used to have nightmares of bad peoples or daemons trying to hunt me or make bad things to me and it also terrified me. But recently when i experience such nightmares i managed to train myself to not feel fear and wake up in the middle of my nightmare and change the events in it i will make myself the person hunting down these evil figure and kill all of them. after that i have never experienced it again.

Jul 14, 2012
Agnostic with GF
by: Tommy

Just an update. I agree that my gf is dragging me down. I had an incident this morning that confirms it. She cares about nothing but a childish vendetta against God. Funny thing about all this is, it has done little or nothing to change my beliefs. I wanted to know if you had a contact I could reach that was SUPER knowlegable about all this. From what I've seen, the run of the mill pastor or reverend is a rank amatuer that wont be able to deal with this level of manifestation. No kidding, this is biblical. Exorcism is out of the question because she planned this all out thoroughly enough to put it in the bargain that if this thing gets removed before her birthday in 2012, it will kill her. I don't want to carry this conversation any more on a public forum, and have probably shared too much as is. Any help identifying or counteracting this thing is needed. She is salvagable and in need of forgiveness. I know deep down she wants to change.

Jul 20, 2012
by: Anonymous

When I was a child I woke up and saw two huge glowing yellow eyes staring at me, I don't remember much but I was so scared I tried screaming but couldn't, I hid under my duvet and refused to look again.. I don't remember any kind of paralysis but I felt cold all of a sudden and my window opened and for a brief moment felt like I was flying, it was a horrible experience and I've never forgotten it... I was wondering if that was to do with this stuff or something different? Can anybody help?

Jul 31, 2012
by: Anonymous

I had similiar dreams all my life i couldnt wake up and i felt like i was awake and i got choked and just now it happend again but i wasent scared i just heard souls yelling in my ear. The reason why i wasent scared is because im an intercessor now for THE LORD JESUS we intercede in the spiritual realm for the kingdom of God if you have dreams like this you can become a warrior for the Kingdom of God he put it in you to know about the spiritual realm

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.International Standard Version(©2008) Ephesians 6:12

We have power in us we can bind and rebuke demons in the name os Jesus Christ we also have spiritual gifts of tongues prophesy ect its in the bible Jesus wants us to use it Angels also dont have free will we command them to protect us
and they will!

Ps the spiritual realm is very real

Aug 02, 2012
the truth about the shadow
by: Anonymous

Generaly jinn or demons dont ask permision to inter any body,what most of you saying is build on just theories and /or illusion,thier is nothing called human spirit ,when human die the spirit leave to the other diminsion and never appear to the three diminsion world,what you see is always either jinn or kind of demons they are different in how they appear ,yes it is hard for jinn (jinn is kind of demonic entity,some are bilievers and most are nunbilievers in God) to inter the human diminsion or to appear for him although many wich,but in few cases for many reasons like when human give him the thourity or the code or magic or wija board or when human violate his place then he might appear and inter the human dimention,youhave also pure demons wich they comefrom the satan or azzaziel or shaytn or the devil or the diabolo he have many names but he is the father of his pure evil dark race ,they appear mostly as black shadow becz they are made of smoky fire and not from heavy cold electro waves like the jinn,remember dear humans when ever you feel or see any thing real,what ever it is surely it is not good for you in any way,thier is secret word well protect you and make the unseen entity scare or run a way ,i cant say it in publicly to not be used in rong way but thier is wepon in your hand wich God gave it toyou to scare us,i know i breakmy lows and rules when i say it but i hope with this God well reward me and forgive me for what i done before,if any human need help or suffer any unexplainable thing just write me( for my english,yours zodda

Aug 02, 2012
defense against demons
by: Anonymous

I experienced the same thing growing up (early 60's. I stopped all their attacks by creating mentally a flaming sword that I attacked them instead. God Bless

Aug 06, 2012
My experience
by: Ryan H

I am a reborn christian for about 2 years , but for the last year or so i lost my faith snd gave up and turned really bitter, Ive had wired dreams and a very wired experiences since loosing faith, I have had around 3 or 2 dreams of a dirty nature and I felt physically then the ones I had after that were evil and had a lot of the theme of death and suffering of myself in them which would normally end up with me waking up after being shot or tortured in a dream, never had any about daemons, but I did have sonthing wired happen like 1 day ago, I was in my brothers room and I closed my eyes and put my hands over my face, I then saw really evil and sinister looking faces, and other evil things that I don't want to discuss, I then thought what I seen was a daemon or Satan, I can't really describe Wat it looked like but it looked evil, it was like a wrinkly scale looking thing looking straight st me sitting somwhere, now these thing I saw were in black and white and sometimes in like s pale maroon red colour. As soon as this happened I prayed and rebuked Satan in the name of Jesus, now I don't know if this is a wake up call that is invented to show me if I continued to rebel where and Wat I would be seeing in reality, but I just praise god that I'm starting to acknowledge him again, praise god.

Aug 09, 2012
It was real!
by: Terri

I had gone to bed late and the last time I looked at the clock was about 2:15am. The next thing I knew my eyes popped open because I heard an intense swishing. I wanted to turn over and look in the direction of the sound in my room; however, I was unable to move. I tried to scream and nothing would come out of my mouth but my mouth was moving. Finally I got one word out...called out the name of a dog I had as a child...thinking that whatever/whomever was in the room would leave thinking the dog would get them. As soon as I did that...a dark shadowy thing came up behind me in the bed and draped what looked kind of like what may have been a veily arm over me. I used all my might and could lift my right arm and grabbed at the arm...there was nothing there! Then I could suddenly turn over and sit up in bed. I looked all around the room and there was nothing there. I grabbed my droid phone off the nightstand and turned on it's entity sensor (something I got when I purchased the phone...just for fun) and it shot up immediately to over 2000 with the red lights blinking.Then within a matter of micro-seconds it zoomed down to 200 before my eyes. This verified to me that what happened to me was NOT a dream. I knew I was awake but never had an experience like that before!

Aug 11, 2012
Diagnosis PLEASE
by: Anonymous

I woke up in the middle of the night and all I felt was this heavy pressure it felt dark but I wasn't asleep I could barely breath then I would see a different place and fall to sleep and ignore it

Aug 17, 2012
A sure cure
by: Anonymous

Seek a Catholic Priest that adheres to the Latin rites. They are trained in these things.

Aug 21, 2012
Yeah that's it
by: Kristin Williams

I do have Sleep Paralysis I see them to it scares me so I ask why me who always get's attacked while I Sleep and why does it attack during daylight and why.

Aug 22, 2012
by: Anonymous

I have experienced a lot of these things also - they started in 1999 and I eventually came to understand and control it by reading the trilogy of books by Robert Monroe on Out of Body Experiences.

If you want to understand it in even great detail there are books by Thomas Campbell - My Big Toe.

I would suggest anyone dealing with this to read Robert Monroe's books to begin with, some more info on him here:

Aug 27, 2012
alissa watkins and others like her
by: Anonymous

i have heard many women and younger unmarried ladies who have had sexual experiences with this same, do not worry you are not the only one ............

Aug 28, 2012
Sleep Paralysis
by: JP

I'm only half way through reading some of these experiences and I had to skip ahead and leave a comment because of how similar some of them where to mine.

Please e-mail me anytime if anybody wants to talk and speculate about these strange occurrences,

I had my first Sleep Paralysis experience last year and it only occurred after I had been reading online about abduction experiences etc., I had three at this point then they stopped until this week when I had another one. Not sure if it's been a full year yet but it may have been.

I had recently been reading a lot about the Occult Aleister Crowley, Grimoires, SL Mathers etc. I'm not sure if this is directly related but maybe their are some sort of astral beings who can target certain thought patterns within people who are open to the idea of Demons.

I love the idea one post above says above that it's Reptilians and they're targeting people who may be threats. I'd be honoured to be considered a danger. Whether it's Reptilians or Reptilians are just one of the forms these beings can't present themselves as it's all interesting to me.

I've never been religious although I can't dismiss any possibilities at all, I'm even open to some of Scientology's ideas. I like to remain as neutral as possible because in the words of the great late Robert Anton Wilson, "Only the Madman is absolutely sure."

I had a false awakening last year and was in my own bed I looked over the side to see if my Dad was awake as he'd passed out on the floor. Instead of seeing my father however a small child like shadow entity pure pitch black darkness no features at all popped up instead and it sprung at me instantly. It held my quilt over my face and continued to beat me violently until I woke up into Sleep Paralysis.

Around about this time I had another SP experience I never saw anything I don't even think I could open my eyes this time but I felt as if something was about to happen. I kept screaming in my head, "You don't have my consent!" "Get tae fuck" lol you've all been there I'm sure you can imagine some of the colourful language I used in my mind.


Aug 28, 2012
Continuation of Above^ My Experiences
by: JP

Eventually these experiences stopped and I stopped giving the whole thing too much thought. Recently after getting into some of the Occult stuff I woke up into a false awakening and a large black shadow entity more wide than tall was standing with two very piercing eyes but I'm unsure what color they were. I looked at it and unsure why I turned my hand into the shape of a gun and aimed it at the dark figure upon pulling the imaginary trigger I woke up terrified, much more scared than I was in the dream. Then a few nights ago I was having a strange dream that I was in a large house with some other females around my age I can't remember all the details but I was talking to one of the girls about demons and we both went to a cupboard and opened it up, as soon as I opened the cupboard I awoke into sleep paralysis. I felt as if my arms were frozen in motion but I couldn't see them to make sure. I couldn't speak but earlier that night I had read that music brings it to an end instantly if you're listening to it, the room was silent so I instead started singing in my mind, Born to be Wild for some reason lol I don't know why. I was expecting instantaneously to wake up but it didn't work. I could see my room door while I was in SP and felt like something was about to enter I remember thinking, "I don't want to fucking see you!" I eventually woke up quite freaked out, tried to relax myself and enjoyed some of the cheesy violence Friday The 13th Part 8 Jason Takes Manhattan has to offer.

To the above posters who have mentioned seeing Satan what was his appearance like to you?

I recently, before I got deep into the Occult books I've been reading, saw a red skinned male when I closed my eyes. This was while I was wide awake and it was a very clear vivid image of a red skinned mischievously smiling man with pitch black hair and eye brows. He had this wide strange grin that I couldn't tell if it was playful or mischievous, instead of horns in the traditional sense there was an inverted triangle in between his eye brows, pure golden triangle almost as if where I'd imagine my pineal gland to be when I visualise my third eye opening. Maybe this vision is what spurred me to start reading up on these books.

Sep 01, 2012
by: Cassie

I am 31 years old and experienced sleep paralysis for the first time about 6 wks ago. I was unaware of it up to that point but have subsequently realised it has happened at least once to the majority of my friends and family. I'm in Ireland. I have done a little research since my first experience and came across an extremely helpful interview with a leading expert. At the end of this interview there is a link to a documentary on SP. If you are extremely frightened by your experiences and/or finding it difficult to sleep then I would not recommend watching the documentary. Some of it is unnecessarily dramatized with music etc. I didn't read all of the comments so apologies if this has already been mentioned.

Sep 02, 2012
To Mr. Logical...
by: Clara

It was a June evening at 7 pm. (8 yrs ago)I was lying in bed resting with my eyes closed next to my 2 mos. old son. Suddenly I become aware of a presence hovering over me. I didn't try to open my eyes, I didn't try to move, I didn't try to talk because I didn't want to wake up the baby. I just felt that entity there. It felt like something very evil. It didn't touch me but I felt like it wanted to harm me, maybe not physically. I believe in God and so my reaction was to start praying in my mind asking for protection from that thing. In my mind I also started singing hymns. Within minutes, I felt that thing leave. I didn't hop out of bed,I continued to lie there resting.

Sep 02, 2012
They are out there
by: Lilith

I have had astral projections since childhood. Many many dreams but one that sticks with me the most is where I looked up into the sky and flew up into a constellation. Upon being there I made myself invisible but was peeking behind stuff. Don't know what stuff it was because I realize it didn't exist on earth. there were aliens. They were putting this "chip" into the neck of human beings that were up there. Somehow they seen me even though I was invisible. I tried to get away but they could see my shadow. Somehow escaped. I was scared but it was very very real.
There was another time I lie in bed and wasn't asleep yet but was in that "state". I felt the covers move....I looked out the window but was still lying with my eyes closed, there were glowing eyes peering at me. I was paralyzed. My pajamas were off when I awoke and I had marks across my chest like claws. Nobody ever believes me when this stuff happens to me. And no, I do not do drugs either, or drink.

Sep 04, 2012
wow, I experience the exact same thing!
by: Anonymous

It's crazy. As I read your post I was like this is exactly what happens to me. I've had many so experiences where I accidently came out my body and when I think I'm awake only to see its just a trick of evil spirits. I have also experienced them appearing as my husband or just other ppl. before an attack to get my guard down. What led me to your post was the dream I just had about 1hour ago.I dreamt I was in my room laying down and this girl who I didn't know was just talking to me. I don't remember about what, anyway she was soon floating in the air and then sitting on my stomach. I was like oh no you don't! Me and my husband are expecting our first child, so wasn't having it. I told it to get off my stomach in the name of Jesus and she disappeared. But then I heard my door knob turning. My body was paralyzed. But I was saying leave in the name of Jesus. But then my mouth paralyzed. So then I felt a hand on my shoulder and see a black figure floating above me. It had the figure of a woman. I couldn't move my mouth so I.prayed in the spirit! She left and i woke. I just moved into a new home so today I will be praying and annointing my home with oil. An awesome book to read if you deal with spirits is, Prayers that rout demons, by john eckhardt! It's powerful. Anyway God bless!

Sep 12, 2012
Shadow People and dark Demonic Entities During Sleep Paralysis
by: Anonymous

I have had numerous encounters of my own, I do not take drugs have only drank a few times this year and I am a LaVeyan Satanist.

the first that I remember, is when I was young sleeping, awaking to see a figure down the hall slowly makeing its way towards me, going on to hold its hand out as if it was reaching out to me and then sucking in all the air around and from within me i felt the room get cold and i tryed to yell for help but my voice was gone, it began to rush forward and then i tryed calling for help again the answered was called from my mother she ran out to me hitting the figure causing it to evaporate or turn to dust, it was quite strange.

the most recent being on the 9/9/12
during some heavy lucid dreaming i awoke slightly to see a figure standing tall beside my bed looking down upon me, also another tall figure passing through out my room as like it was thinking trying to make a decision, also a smaller figure sitting with its legs crossed on my bed near my head. unlike other comments i have have read i was not met with violence etc... i did not have fear i felt safe enough to reach out to them and to fall asleep full knowing they were there and i feel as if i can feel thier energy some times calling upon them i geuss

another account my mother has told me of what has happened to her... she awoke to chattering or chimes of some sort to find the room filled with a dim red light and a creature as she described sitting on her chest starring her in the eyes and she was unable to breath her words describing as if something was pushing upon her chest not alowing her to breath she now sleeps with a cross beside her bed! a fulse idol of safety! in my opinion haha...

if you need to get a hold of me or just want to chat about these types of things that seemingly most other people think we are crazy just email me at

Sep 22, 2012
shadow people
by: Teresa

Hello. I am so glad to have come across this website.
I am looking for answers too. I have experienced this terrifying form of sleep paralasis several times in my life. When it started I was in my early 20's. The first few time i felt woke up gasping for air as if i had been unable to breath on one occasion I felt in a dream state but I coulg feel someone sitting on my chest and they where putting something in my mouth and I couldn't breath. I mentioned it to my doctor and he told me it was sleep apnea probably brought on by stress. Later in my thirties it began happening again shortly after my mother died suddenly. Now the episodes became more terrifying and I could feel great preasure on my chest as if someone where sitting on me and I could feel hands around my neck strangling me....each time i feel awak and my eyes are open. At one point in my life i was separated from my husband and my youngest daughter and I lived with my father for a yr (this is the house I grew up in. Now I had never experienced this growing up in this house but at 3 i saw a disembodied had at another apt where we lived ) When I stayed at my fathers the the atackes became so strong. At night I would lay in bed and I could see several dark figures around me, also there would be flashes of lights all around the room at times. The most terrifying experience was when I woke up paralyzed unable to breath and my eyes where open and right in front of my face looking down at me was this dark entity and his eyes where glowing red and sunk in.....i am alawys unable to speak out....but the state of terror I felt I can not express. I left the house and reconciled with my husband. I wonder if any of the things i experienced could have been caused by the fact that in the house where 3 urns of ashes which was my mom, grandma and a child i had that died at birth/ I havent had any recent experiences buit i still fear that it could happen again.

Oct 03, 2012
Spirit War prt2
by: Sentinel

Last word is dont place yourself in unholy places, demons are in large numbers and will follow you and try to destroy you and your families. And never ever invite demons they can actually possess you. Lastly read scriptures if you feel good and understand them you are experience the power of the holy spirit, all good books come from god and all good people do gods work. You may know them by the fruits of thier labours all good come from god all evil come from the devil. Dont bash other peoples religions or beliefs offer the truth you have found if they desire to hear it if not be at peace christ said come follow me he never forced anyone to become a true deciple. As for war I have been fighting this war before I was born and so have you. War in heaven was real but it didnt end satan and a third was cast out of heaven It didnt say the war ended god won a great battle the war continued on to earth and we are born to this world to both fight and be tested. Soldiers of god fight for the souls of mankind you were given this gift to know the truth of the spirit realm do not be afraid this is why they try to destroy you. You have the power to know they exist you have been born with the gift of discernment, or in other words you can discern spirits both living and dead. All of you who have experienced this will understand me when I tell you that when you are around poeple you can feel and tell if they are living a life of evil or good, you can also tell those who have joined satan and fight for his cause, they are dangerous even moreso then the demons you meet in the spirit world be very catious of them. Trust your feelings and instincts you almost never can explain why you feel what you do but you are gifted. God knew you would be strong enough to understand these things pray always and follow gods voice in your heart, serve him and fight his war help others to know the truth and love those who persecute you they cant see what you see. I admire poeple like my wife who dont see and yet she believes with great faith. We were born with spirit sight for a reason embrace it learn as much about the enemy and those who serve the devil. The world is being overun by his tyrants and we may be the only hope the world has left to warn the people .... Christ will come a second time I know it be safe and keep up the good fight


Oct 17, 2012
by: Anonymous

almost everything you've described has happened to me. the shadowy figures, for me it was a man in a red hooded cloak. the false wake ups, even seeing my wife sitting up in our bed, only to wake up and find that she was already awake and no longer in the room. the worst part is not knowing when and why these experiences will occur.

Oct 22, 2012
damonic shadows
by: tyler

it all started when we where whachting tv about theme so that night i was asleep in my bed then somthing woke me up at the foot of my bed was a dark shadow it dissapeard when i made eye contact
the next night i was sitting in my bed then i heard growling and we have no dogs so then i stuck my hand out it was cold i felt its hot breath on my hand can some body please give me an explination

Oct 25, 2012
My Experiences, If You like To Talk (616) 634-7575
by: Charlie Brooke

I first experienced this when I was 12 years old, but It didn't fully occure. I was sleeping at my Friends house, and while half asleep I was looking at the Window and saw what I could describe as a Blue Mist coming in through the Window (even though it was closed). It was not able to take hold of me, but I sensed something evil and terrifying about it. I periodically would experience similar things that would only get more insane as I got older. I have experiences it at least 100 times over the last 12 years of my life, and typically it happens more when I am doing what God want's me to do in life.
I've heard words, seen figure and hideous faces with evil eyes, and I've felt absolute emptiness and terror in their visits...but I have learned through them to fight within myself in the face of such terror, and never give up because that is when they can get inside and start to twist you. Also I have learned to trust in God to win the fights I don't know how to win.
The most vivid and scary event was when I woke up upon being Grabbed on my Chest and then a 2nd sudden grab to my legs. Then I was pulled from my Bed and dragged to the Corner of my room where I could see my Body still in bed. Prayer is the only things that has been able to suddenly stop an event, but not always the case...sometimes I have had to just fight and wait it out.
I would say this has contributed most to my belief in God and how He wants us to Live in Peace and show Love...the fact that something comes in my sleep to try and stop me, says more than enough to me that I'm doing something right.
Keep doing what is Right, no matter what Darkness itself will try to do to you, The Sun always rises.

Oct 30, 2012
by: Anonymous

Thank you for posting this. I have had similar experiences my entire life. They happen so often, that it doesn't even scare me anymore. I have "floated" above my bed also. It has "sucked" me off of my couch. Some times the only thing I can manage to think is "Jesus,Jesus,Jesus!" These attacks are really annoying. I just wish I new why. The presence of evil is definitely there. I hate this is happening to you, but It's nice to know I'm not alone. So thanks again.

Nov 12, 2012
by: Unknown

I just wanted to get across to you that since you have seen a shadow be wary of the things around you. Because you have seen a shadow in its lowest form. I have done research and among my research I have seen different types of shadows but they all start the same. I leave that to you to decide if you want to look them up in your spare time but I'll assure you this not all shadows can be mean and vicious as people put them out to be. Understand this though most of them are not here to make friends. They are like humans but in a different form. They have their own sets of emotions just like we do but you can never necessarily tell whether they are feeling the emotions you think. I have honestly no clue why those shadows were after you but rest assure they were probably angry with something either about you or your living being in their presence. But I have something else to tell you. Have you ever seen a shadow master?

Nov 14, 2012
Similar experience
by: Anonymous

I had something similar happen to me. I kept hearing knocking sounds coming from the desk in my room and also knocking on my door. I definitely felt a presence in the room of something without physical form, I tend to be hyper-sensitive to emotions and people.

The knocking continued for several nights and I knew something strange was happening, I felt fear, but I also like to know what is causing it, which overrides my fear.

Anyway I woke up one night, and I could not move my arms or legs, but I could move my head a little, and floating above me was this darker than black or shadow...Mass of smoke or something, and I managed to fight it off, somehow forcing it through a wall in my room.

Do not confuse these experiences with something of good nature. I am not religious, but it was a deceptive "force".

Nov 19, 2012
thinking your awake
by: jason t

thepart were you say you think your awaje i suffer from that so badley i will go thru the process about 5 TO 6 times befor i actualy wake up. not a nice feeling i kbo wheb im sleepibg because i cqnt see the screen on my phone.clel

Nov 26, 2012
It started with my two year old seeing "monsters"
by: Anonymous

My daughter woke me up at 7am this morning to tell me there were, 'monsters in our house and she had to hide or leave'... I have experienced paranormal activity but today was really frightning. I dropped her off and I did not sleep last night as things have mysteriously appeared on the floor out of the refrigerator. A half gallon of milk, a whole pack of sliced cheese, I am such a light sleeper and live in a 900 square foot house. My dog did not awake nor did I. My daughter has a morning playmate, Hannah. She is very descriptive about last names and dates. I checked and this girl existed at this address. My concern is when I had the sleep paralysis episode this morning, is it my fear working in overdrive? I have seen demonic entities before as a small child myself, and I was terrified at what she told me. I shut my eyes this morning on the couch. It was like I was drunk with sleep. I could not fight it. But it was nine am, and light throughout the house. I could almost see gray through my eyelids, and then the image of my house appeared but in black and fuzzy white. I saw a dark shadow peep around the kitchen entrance. I 'awoke' in total fear. Then once again I drifted. Then what I saw as a child, appeared out of the hall. Dark eyes, long face, teeth like a conehead. It smiled. Once again I 'awoke' terrified. I can handle ghostly activity but not evil. For a third time, I drifted. This time, my pillow came around my face and mouth. I was drug to the floor against the wall. I yelled, 'STOP! but nothing was coming out of my mouth but a small hiss... That was it. Up for the day! I am frightened and confused of what to do.....

Nov 30, 2012
dreams i don't understand

some nights i go to sleep or lay down for a few with my night light on but when i wake up my room is dark in it look like im doing the something i be seeing my people walking around the house but before i wen't to sleep all my people was in bad so i try to say something but they can't here me so i be hitting myself so i can wake up some time i wake up fast or some time i wake up slow. like i can't wake up.

Dec 10, 2012
To help people suffering from sleep paralysis
by: Akshay

Hey u all suffering from sleep paralysis i want to help u all and i am sure u all will be helped or either find some precious information from me.
My name is Akshay ,an indian ,I started having sp since 2008 And till now i am having it while sleeping and it seems it will happen all over my life. Usually i am having sp 10-15 times everymonth and also lucid dreams and obe experiences.During sp i have experienced very weird ghostly things like shadows, old woman,bright tiny light having tale ,shadows in walls ,very high pitched screaming sound of a lady,
a very high pitched sonic like tingling sound which seems to be unbearable
to ear(this happens in every sp) also i had experienced that any force is sucking me from my body upwards in sp apart from this i have also seen very divine things.But now i am able to deal with this and am not even not afraid of it. I have very deep interest in meditation and meditating since i was 10 years old. I have practised different forms of meditation including
om meditation, laya meditation, kriya yoga, kundalini meditation, tratak meditation, sahaja yoga etc and experienced many things in that too.

I can take time , but will surely help to whatever i can

Dec 11, 2012
Evil Sp
by: Anonymous

I too, have had the "evil" demonic entity enter my room and sit on my chest throughout my life, peaking in my teen years. I cannot move or talk. It never talks to me. What I find strange? When i addressed it, stating "Leave me th *&%* alone!" and saying the Lord's prayer and the Hail Mary in EVERY room, and beseching my deceased father and God for help, it got better... Maybe placebo, maybe not.

Dec 12, 2012
by: Anonymouszo3

Idk anything about this but I do think I exp my own sp I woke up at 2am and I heard a slow deep laugher twice then my hole body tighten then idk my hole word was spinning then I could realize that I could move but it took a lot of concentration then everything stopes

Dec 27, 2012
spirit power
by: Atman

Just fly into the fuckin cosmos if theres a threat while your in spirit form...
You control everything

Dec 27, 2012
by: lkb

I have felt it before but it isnt continouse, It happens just the way you said feeling something negative around me even after Im awake but I just ignore it and try not to think about it much I wouldnt Know what to tell you to make it go away completly but I can share my knowledge on my doctrine whitch is real good and you can decide what to do and what not to do. Its to make ur vibration higher and that way keeping away negative energies ok, first of all a vegetarian diet because animals have low vibrations, try to eat healthy as most as u can like no junk food ect.. exercise is good to eliminate toxins from the body and that being said keeping your vibrations in a higher level, try to listen to classic music a relaxing music, try not looking at negative things, (scary movies to much killing porno ect...) One good thing is to wake up at 4 am or 2 hours before the sun rises that momeent is a time to receive alot more energy than any other time of the day. Clean your house daily because bad energies dont enjoy clean enviroments, try to meditate and control your mind and the last but most important thing is to never release your sexual energy (orgasm) because the most powerful way to get you vibrations up is by not doing so and Cultivating and trans-mutating sexual energy!

Jan 10, 2013
Dark figure
by: Crystal

I Have had some of the same things happen as i have been reading on this site. I think it started quite a few years ago when i still lived at home with my parents. i was the only person in the house to have ever seen the tall dark figure and he had said my name in my ear when laying in bed one time as well. That was the scariest moment of my life at that point when it comes to paranormal or whatever it is going on. When i lived alone in my apartment i had those vivid dreams where you wake up, truly believing you are awake, and then something triggers you to know you arent. I had that repeat itself about 4 times that same night only for the last time to wake up there was a dark figure in the entryway of my bedroom door and before i could really look at him someone else put my blanket over my head and pinned me down on the bed. no matter how hard i screamed or tried to move nothing happened. There was many years where nothing happened for a while after that. I would still feel like there was someone in the house when no one was there. or feel a presence watching me. But nothing as bad as before. Now its been many more years and they are now worse again. I live with my Boyfriend and whenever he leaves for work in the morning and can sleep in a little while longer before i have to get up to get ready for work i get attacked by some unseen force. It feels so real and yet after it happens i wake up for real. kind of like the dreams from before where i would wake up thinking i was actually awake just to find out i really wasnt. Well in the most recent events a dark figure tries to pin me down. a couple times i have been pinned down and its almost a sexual thing, which made me think of Incubus.. but i have never actually been raped yet from this dark figure..although i have always been able to fight him off. This last one which happened last night, i woke up and went to see if the cats were still in the room with me and i saw him standing at the side of my bed, and the moment i screamed he lunged at me and tried pinning me down. Someone had told me to try to get it to tell me its name because if its a demon i can find a way to banish it as long as i know his name. (I myself am not really a religious person. I dont disbelieve but never really truly believed. Im more undecided) But never the less i was fighting him off and trying to make him tell me his name. He didnt tell me his name but i managed to keep him at bay long enough to be ok. i woke up to my alarm clock feeling very scared and sick and tired to my core of this. I Dont know what i can do to get rid of this dark figure. If anyone can help me i would appreciate it. i dont know what to do anymore and im not sleeping well with all this going on all the time. my e-mail addy is if anyone can help.

Jan 22, 2013
by: Anonymous

Pray in that state whatever religion you are as long as it is to a love source or an aspect of God Jesus, Mary, Buddha, Krishna, Or a Saint etc. or if you have a mantra. I chant Om Namah shivaya and it stops. Been having them since I 2 or 3 years old. Homeopathics helpful and any cleansing or bannishing or intent to bannish or cleanse and eating well and sleeping earlier.:)

Jan 23, 2013
a haunting
by: Anonymous

when i was 12 years old i went to bed then i woke up in the middle of th nite to see a woman floating over me she had some roses in her hands i tried to reach for them then she vanished i would like know what that means i also smelled the sent of roses all around me

Feb 13, 2013
by: Anonymous

It would be good to track how many people on this thread pass away and how they passed. To see correlation of sp and their type of death. Heard many who had specific heart issue also experienced sp

Feb 18, 2013
This is utterly idiotic
by: Secular

To suggest that you're interacting with demons. I 've had my share of experiences but I never assumed what I saw was real. Come on, reality check time guys. They're not demons, they're figments of your imagination and it's time to deal with a godless reality ffs.

Feb 22, 2013
Praying out LOUD
by: Anonymous

Hey guys. I just had my third sleep paralysis/demonic encounter the other night, and I have spent quite awhile reading these comments. I have marveled at how many people have experienced very similar things. I have had the whole "someone is sitting on my chest" thing but the other night was seeing (visually) a woman standing next to my bed. I turned away (I was not physically paralyzed but very very frightened), and began to pray in my head. "In the name of Jesus, the Name above all other names to whom every knee must bow, I command that you leave my home in Jesus' name and with the authority He gave me as his disciple". Upon praying this, I felt this...jolt of electricity hit my entire body at once, like a mack truck. It wasn't painful necessarily but extremely frightening, and I still felt the presence as thick as smoke in my bedroom, even after praying. So I decided to up the ante and prayed the same thing out loud, adding "I am not afraid of you because I have dominion over you through Christ." Again, another shock wave hit me and then I had peace. The thing about demons, guys (or evil spirits/presences, whatever you want to call them; Satan's little minions that attempt to scare us), is that they don't have access to our thoughts. As crazy as you may feel yelling a prayer in the middle of the night you HAVE to. They do not have access to our minds, Christ has not allowed them that but they can hear what we say. And you best believe when you speak Jesus' name and command that they get out of there they are OUT of there. I just thought this was an important point to make as I was perplexed as to why the presence remained after I had ordered it out of my home by praying in my head. I hope this helps some of you guys out...let these instances not dissuade you from God or your faith. Often these attacks come as a result of you doing something right in your walk with God, doing mission work, even something as simple as bringing someone to church. Satan DOES NOT want to see God's Kindgom advance, and he will do whatever God allows him to do (see Job, some things are forbidden) to scare, dissuade, discourage, depress, etc. in order to knock us down to our knees and weaken our faith. I have always had these things happen at times in my life where I was actively seeking to love in Christ's name and show others what that love looks like, and after the other night I realized that I had invited a friend to come to church with me who hadn't been in years, and she LOVED it and will return again next week. That pissed Satan off, and I am proud of that. God is the winner guys, and if He is your master then you have the authority of Christ as a believer. Do not forget that.

Mar 02, 2013

My dream I asked him to show me who he was? N it was a clear demon. N he made it through my protection. N almost chocked me with my leather protection. So scary. He was some what powerful. The creators more powerful.. I HAVE INNER PEACE N SHOWED UP.AS THE creator. Don't be afraid of them. Say "The creators most powerful"

Mar 08, 2013
by: Dream Interpreter

No human with a sound intellect will believe any of you...until and unless they experience it for themselves more than a few times.

Firstly, let it be clear that neither Jesus nor any historical person is the reason behind your protection from these uncomfortable otherworldly experiences. I'm not saying that because I disbelieve in him, on the contrary, I believe in him, agree with him and favor him. However, it is the Divine Hidden Being (the Heavenly Father, Allah, Brahman, Ahura Mazda, Elohim, YHWH, etc.) who these "shadows" seem to acknowledge and fear.

In all fairness, both masculine and feminine vibes emanate from these strange beings as well as both good and evil.

Only one thing is certain about these creatures; they exist (whether in our subconscious or in the plane of another dimension similar to our own). The question is; how do they have so much power, knowledge and frankly leniency to do what they do?

Being a scientist from Yale University I tend to research, evaluate, verify, repeat and look at things objectively, that is to say, without bias. That's the only way you can discover the reality of any matter.

Dreams, visions, and strange voices conveying revelations all belong to the metaphysical (a plane of existence beyond the physical, material, and tangible)and as such require interpretation. What is the meaning of these occurrences? Sometimes only time can tell.

Interestingly, I have had a multitude of similar vivid experiences whose happenings sometimes materialized. As I am inquisitive by nature, one time (less than a year ago) I had asked for the figure's name but he (masculine) was quite. An unknown young boy next to me on my left told me his name was "Sidr" meaning upper-most or leader or lote-tree very similar to the meaning of Darius. Another time he came to me as "Amir" meaning leader, commander, instruction. He had lifted my left leg and either pulled something out of my foot or put something inside my heel. either way it hurt like A LOT! He was wearing something around his head like a huge hat, turban, or helmet or it could have just been the size of his head (highly doubtful) and was very skinny and short in stature. He had a very powerful presence and I felt like he could crush me with two fingers. The other night someone saw him writing some ancient letters on a baby's head in my house and when they tried to stop him or it, the figure turned them upside down but eventually left them alone.

Obviously it seems like specific people are being singled out or chosen and followed. Seems like they might be marking those they choose or have an eye on...but for what?

I would appreciate collaborating with someone intelligent and open minded but who believes in the Higher Power and hidden realms to do serious research to find out at least commonalities between experiences and people. And unless it is the will of our Creator, we might not get anywhere.

Mar 10, 2013
by: AJ M

when youger they huanted me so bad that i could see them even awake are they real or wtf?

Mar 15, 2013
Stop Sleep Paralysis
by: sab201

I had sleep paralysis, real bad ones, a dark entity paralysing my neck, I somehow use my strength to overcome it and I move my neck, the paralysis stops.

There are very bad side effects of this sleep paralysis which is caused by this black entity. I feel like I am weak, drained of energy the next day, sometime could not even walk or stand the day after the event.

At last after a long time I have found the solution to stop this. I do not know if any researchers like Proud have found this solution, but I did. Anyone reading this please pass this message its really very simple. There is no need to say prayers of keep any GOD pictures, they dont work at all. All you have to do is you have to sleep with your head towards the South, East or West directions ONLY. DO not sleep with head towards north, this means you are facing SOUTH which is the demon direction according to HINDU VASTU. SO sleep with head towards SOUTH or EAST. Make sure you don't put cans of water near your east wall and place something heavy on the southwest corner on top of your building.

This worked for me 100 percent, its vastu, if these rules are folowed, the shadow people will never harm you.

Mar 21, 2013
hallo lord, byebye fears.
by: Anonymous

Welcome to become a beeing of fear in hell. Fear noone but the lord... its just a test! I had it since years now but jesus always gets u out of it :) anf i been loosing gravity for so many times i cant count... i had worms inside of me too
Thats good thou! It means ur on the right way to the lord by not having no fear.. or u did something wrong whcih would make the test end up beeing in hell.....
Jus today one rape me and i liked it but then i realised that it was a demon again.
Those are signs for u to not do what u just did... whatever felt wrong you shouldnt have done.
but this whole woRld is just a test for the self/sin.
Read the bible nd u will understand.
God bless you and be happy you wake up at all and dont see the lake of fire! And the screams... shit innnnsssannnne, lol.
But also to be honest its good because after all i been trough i can say: satan fucc u and ur demons can kiss my white booty! U loose ur fears which is great!

Mar 25, 2013
by: Anonymous

There are science theories and things that "prove" this is a disorder. It's not. When I was six, I would wake up and be paralyzed. Don't ask me if I didnlt have enough sleep, okay, I slept healthily. Anyways, I would look over and see a dark figure crouching at the side of my bed. Me and my sister had to share a bed at that time, so it would be about three feet away, but it watched me. I couldn't see it's eyes, but I know it was alive. When the paralysis thinned a little, I would turn over and face the pillow. It would simply climb onto the bed and crouch over me, and I felt it's BREATH and it's weight and the sides of me. The paralysis has returned, but I haven't seen the figure. But I felt it...

Apr 02, 2013
by: Anonymous


Apr 04, 2013
Common visions seeing aliens
by: Anonymous

This is Mercedes. I don't think I've seen Aiens, but I have been in the car with my mother and brother in thelateto mid seventies and they did see one in Port Arthur Texas. I've never been very observant or maybe that's its just that I blocked it out of my memory. Could this be a common link?

Apr 12, 2013
Do this the next time you have sp
by: Anonymous

I am an alien abductee. I just woke up when I turned 33. My youngest daughter since 3 years old would tell me theirs demons in her room abducting her and the stuff she was telling me there was no way a child could know these things. If you told me you were an alien abductee I would have laughed and said whatever.I cant tell anyone I suffer from this because they would think I am all 6's and 7's. Then I started really paying attention to my surroundings noticing things. Shadow beings all through out my home all last year. My oldest daughter was seeing them as well.We also saw 12 stars in the sky and they moved and disappeared in Feb 2012. My youngest daughter and I are RH negative Blood I am B- and she is O-. Do you have Negative blood or anyone in family negative blood? This seems to play a factor in the sp and abduction experience. I started getting paralyzed in my room but I wasn't resting and wasn't sleeping. I had a hand wrapped around my wrist. Pulling me but nothing was there. Now I am not a religious person. I was watching a you tube video of a priest telling abductees when you get the sp say in your mind Please help me Jesus. I said it like 3 times and it stopped. Every time it would happen I would do that and it stopped. We are not dealing with aliens but they are fallen angels. Read the bible, book of enoch, koran, torah. These books are a spiritual guide warning us of this. I feel with everything that is going on in the world that they are pouring into our dimension. Holy water stops the abductions and sp. So this is my advice if your not religious try to have an open mind and stop the trauma you are experiencing. It won't work if you truly don't believe. I make sure I pray to God to put a protective shield around my home, all four corners roof and floor. I ask God to forbid them from coming into my home, forbid them from harming us and forbid them from taking us to do experiments on us. I then bless every room in my home in the name of God and I make sure to put holy water around my bed, windows and doorway. It has not completely stopped them but it decreased their appearance. Last year and this year there have been so many UFO sighting reports. Shadow being reports was the highest last year as well. I truly hope my story helps some that are feeling hopeless experiencing this scary stuff.Also did any of you see an eye above your bed and were awake. I saw that first before I started seeing them. I think its the eye of Satan.

Apr 13, 2013
by: Anonymous

since I was little my parents can always talk to spirits or see them, they always told me be careful where you go, or step. really meaning you can attract spirits any where, if they want to come with you they will. some that come and wont leave and you can sense when it coming. you bought if with you, from some where you gone. these spirits always want something, they will keep doing it until you die. if you don't find some kind of help to get rid of it, soon make you sick, or kill you.

Apr 15, 2013
Can Relate
by: Anonymous

I have had the experiences described here as well. The paralysis, but eyes wide open with the dark energy crushing my chest making it hard to breath. There are times that I can feel it (something) sitting on my shoulders, holding me down, and too, hear the growling in my ear. It feels very evil, and you try to scream and move away from it, but you cant. Sometimes I can see it as a black fog moving up and crushing my body from my feet to my chest, other times it is just there. One time, a man with white hair and glasses appeared by my bedside, shortly after freeing my self from the black fog. All I can remember is that he took my hand and said "it is ok, there is a better place". I dont know who that man was, but he has never appeared again. But I still get the "shadow people", "black fog" and what I would describe is, those little "gargoyle things" huffing and puffing and growling in my ear. It is scary and am glad I am not the only one experiencing this.

Apr 16, 2013
by: Anonymous


i start to dream about a woman telling me bad news about a demon in a creepy voice and when i quickly woke up i was thinking for 2 minutes and i feel my head slowly lift off my pillow and ran out the room.

What i dont understand is i was awake..

Apr 18, 2013
These are devils or demons. Watch this.
by: T B Joshua

Apr 30, 2013
It was too Real
by: Anonymous

About an hr ago I was sleeping & this just happened to me, My room looked exactly the same as it does but I saw a very tall shadowy figure right in the middle of my room. I felt it choke my neck & I was struggling to breathe. i looked next to me & there was another shadowy figure next to my bed. I was struggling to breathe & to get out of my room. then i said "Get behind me Satan!" but my voice half sounded like me & half like them (dark & raspy). I heard them laugh. & i struggled more to get up but couldn't & the 1 was almost blocking the doorway.. I started praying in my head then they disappeared & i was truly awake but could most definitely still feel their presence & i still felt them choking me but it was less & less. my alarm clock made it's normal static noise & my closet made a little noise (which i hear those noises occasionally) but i've never put 2&2 together & thought it was the demons until today. after i heard those noises the choking was gone. But i heard them laugh again. I am also a believer & this past week i've been growing in God rapidly.. I want those things to leave but I don't know how.

May 04, 2013
by: sinner

When i was younger i was in New Age,and i meditate and i was trying to open third eye.Once,in mind i hear knocking during meditation and after that i had sleep paralisis.It was teryfing experiance.I look on the internet and find that many people had similar experience.I stoped with meditations and New Age,i trow every book from my house (this too brings dark entitis),books,objects,artifacts,amulets etc.Now i am an Orthodox Christian and i never had a similar experience.Now,even if normal dream go to strange way i pray in dream and wake up instantly.
Protect your soul with reading of New Testament,Psalms especialy 23,50,90.Read books of Saints ...Saints Anthony the Great,John of the Ladder,Serafim of Sarov etc.

May 13, 2013
need help
by: Anonymous

ok if its just a dream or our thoughts why the heck are we seeing this same shadow figure how? i would like some one to answer that because its weird that we all are seeing it..anyway im trying to get to the bottom of this because its driving me nuts because other times i didnt see a shadow one time i saw a young girl age around 10 or 11 she was black standing outside my window it wasnt night either it was in the morning and when i look at her her eyes was still on me not blinking at all like she was more shock then me and all of a sudden i started suffocating i force myself to go to sleep and the crazy thing about it is that i didnt want to get up and look at my window something woke me up and made me look at the window its like the girl woke me up and wanted me to see her it was like she needed help like something was alter her and its real crazy i dont care dont judge me but what if this is a gift that we just dont know how to use a doorway maybe the dark shadow is the one who wants to stop it maybe hes death im just saying im not 100 percent sure and let me tell yall this too when i was younger i could sense that something bad is about to happen before it happens any of yall did? and one time my adopted grandmother was given this statue of something i dont want to state to much about it but did any of yall seen it if you know what i mean and it was evil looking and a next couple of weeks she past away. and i think this statue is what causing this and i also seen other children if you have please give details about them.

May 18, 2013
I'm the original poster of this blog
by: Barney

Hi guys, I'm Barney the one who originally started this discussion. I wanted to update you on what has happened to me. 2010-2011 were very dark years for me when I had so many of these demonic attacks and involuntary out of body experiences during these sp experiences. I went on a spiritual journey to find out why this was happening and have gotten somuch comfort knowing that this is a common occurance although it's not much discussed among friends, classroom or even in churches.

Although I had a belief in Jesus since a small child...I really wasn't giving him all the areas of my life nor actively seeking Him to be the Lord in charge of all of me. At the beginning of this recent spell of sp episodes when I posted this, I knew that the cause was "open spiritual doors" in my life but I didn't want to believe that was the real cause. I didn't want to admit this because when you are so attached to a sinful behavior and believe there is no way to change, it's easier to change your belief system because I tried and failed a million times to change certain sinful areas of my life.

I felt abandoned by god during this time of extreme fear and darkness when I was even scared to fo to sleep and this vicious cycle seems to get bigger and bigger.

May 20, 2013
I'm the original poster of this blog (2)
by: Barney

I had to come to a place to really want to face this darkness of my past and current practices and habits and really ask god to give me the desire to get closer to him for real. During a very long process of seeking Jesus with all my heart I have made a full commitment to let God have all the areas of my life and when I came to the place where I was ready to hear, god showed me that these attacks were caused by open doors of current sin and past sin in my life and that gave satan and his demons an entrance to attack me. It was God's love to allow me to see my true situation and his power that has been changing me in deep places in me that I didn't even know where there. I spent years looking for answers in the paranormal but I have found them in drawing closer to jesus and reading the bible and getting to know god as a true living being involved in my life. Some may not be ready to hear this but all I can do is tell you my journey. God promised that if we sincerely seek him with All of our heart, we will find him. In my case it took me several years because he doesn't answer until we are in the place where we are willing and ready to hear what he has to say. Jesus showed power over all evil forces and we will not share that power that's available in and through his name until we have a true encounter with him.

Here's an interesting question: I know I had so many encounters with evil entities so why did I wait so long to have a real encounter with the creator jesus who is the only one who has power over these evil forces?
This is something you'll have to answer for yourself but in my case it was because these evil forces wanted me to stay away from Christ

May 24, 2013
by: Laura

I'm a 14 year old girl and stuff like this already have stopped happening to me recently when I pray to God and ask him to please not let it happen to me. Before, it happened to me several times, I'd be Lying in bed then I'd open my eyes and I'm still in the same room and position but I couldn't move. I felt as if many many hands were holding my body down and I couldn't even move my head or my mouth. And I'd see a tall dark figure by my bed and I'd hear many things whispering things I couldn't understand in my ears. And I'd force myself to wake up and not close my eyes whenever it happened. I just want an explanation on why this use to happen to me. I've been born a Christian and my parents practice it along with me and I sometimes pray to God.

May 25, 2013
by: Anonymous

this is so crazy I cant beleive othera are out their......I usually know when im.dreaming and have done the spinning technique since I was a child yet until now.never knew it was a technique. I too have had numerous sleep paralysis momenta with a shadow figure and have stood up better to my fears within those episodes to wake out of it. have experiences other spiritual and paranormal events....just glad to hear their are others but still have trouble sleeping :(

May 27, 2013
how far is too far?
by: Anonymous

I have done about everything I can with this disorder I have mastered out of body and ridden my fear of these shadow men I actually use a scapegoat
shadow man he is the tall man that looks over me usually appears in the morning I kind of trust him he never attacks or in a sense "TAKES WHO YOU ARE"
I say takes who you are because when I first got out of my body to see if it was my brother that was whispering it was the darkman who attacked now he was a real asshole pardon my french. But I'm glad the tall mans there ever since I grabbed his hand and felt that shock I feel protected somehow weird huh wish I were making this up sounds crazy. anyway I got bored and to be honest afraid becuase the further I would stray away from my body my heart beat would slowly fade I opened my front door once and let me tell you nothen but dark outside execpt the sky it's soooo beautiful but yea I found more intresting things then this like being in a dream and talking to someone while you are sleeping and they are awake pretty cool althogh my bro hates it when I shout his name lol

Jun 11, 2013
Being pined down by evil
by: Anonymous

I'm so happy that I found this page because i have been harassed by evil forces that i can't see for many years now, And im not the only one!. As a Christian i believe in jesus and the devil because i have experienced both! As i was sleeping last night, a powerful negative force woke me up by pining my whole body down on the bed and could not move. So i cried out lord jesus help me and the negative force was instantly gone from me. Every time it happens to me i call out to the lord and he helps me every time. I have experienced many of these attacks and in some cases 7 attacks in one night! When it happens to me i can feel this evil, negative energy pushing hard all over my body not just my chest!. This evil makes me so uncomfortable nd i know when its watching because i can feel its negative energy.

Jun 12, 2013
by: Anonymous

Hi I just awoke from sp I had it 5 times in a row, starting with voices some foreign and some not making sense one bit then I went into sp it felt like someone was right in my face laughing at me and talking jibberish It also felt like I was being shook and that feeling like someone has walked over your grave all over my body I daren't open my eyes cuz it felt like that was what it wanted me to do I'm fed up with having this happen to me now 1 in bout 20 times it can be a great friendly experience but the rest no thankyou, I've tried a few spiritualists and they just say your special you have a real gift and need to learn to not fear death then things will really start happening, ummm no I don't think so I want it to stop, they say its when people are awakening they get it, I get it straight away from nodding off and have the warning sighns before going into sp which I can get up and turn over but as soon as I've nodded off bang. I've had it for 20 years and it doesn't get any easier! Help!

Jun 25, 2013
demon trying to enter through feet
by: CY

Last night, I was in the middle of my sleep when I became aware that some demons (they look liked the little monster from Lord of the Rings) were gnawing away at my feet, trying to enter, but I pushed them away with my legs. I was a bit freaked out, so I googled to see what people said and what it meant. I came across this website, so many comments to go through, but I read one to say "In the name of Jesus, I command you to leave." After saying it, I felt wind come out from my lower body. Hope there's nothing else to worry about. Thank you!

Jun 28, 2013
dark shadow
by: Anonymous

ever since august 2012, i have dreamed about this figure in my room, this only happens when i'm asleep and i can see my self sleep,at first i began to see him at the end of my bed, then as time went by it kept moving closer,i was scare,i don't what it is? but all i know is it can be good or bad? after couple of weeks this never happen, then on June 28 around 2 in the morning i woke up from the same thing i saw months ago, this time i saw the end of the bed first but he wasn't their then i looked to my right side and their it was just looking at me. so i decide to see if anyone else had this problem and it seem like this isn't only happening to me.

Jun 28, 2013
dark shadow
by: Anonymous

ever since august 2012, i have dreamed about this figure in my room, this only happens when i'm asleep and i can see my self sleep,at first i began to see him at the end of my bed, then as time went by it kept moving closer,i was scare,i don't what it is? but all i know is it can be good or bad? after couple of weeks this never happen, then on June 28 around 2 in the morning i woke up from the same thing i saw months ago, this time i saw the end of the bed first but he wasn't their then i looked to my right side and their it was just looking at me. so i decide to see if anyone else had this problem and it seem like this isn't only happening to me.

Jul 12, 2013
I need help
by: Affinite Aguirre

Well I've always had that moment where I'm awake and can't move but since I've moved into this house I felt a presence you know.I can't tell if it's evil or Good but recently I was stuck again in my sleep or I was awake .. But while I was awake or asleep I turned my head and I could see my body lying there while I looked like me just light I prayed and then just snapped out of it idk what happen .Then I've felt a presence follow me kinda like it ran three me idk hats going on

Jul 14, 2013
shadow people and evil entities(part2)
by: Anonymous

I as well am a Christian and it did get worse for me when I was baptized. I read a challenge that was given to a man who I van tell is a nonbeliever. That was horrible to have someone do that. Shame on you. I see a lot of people have some of the same stories, but has anyone seen more than dark shadows or one entity? Has anyone seen different ones, hears voices, seen it take human form and disappear, or seen creatures that no one can explain or believe you?

Jul 17, 2013
it keeps coming to me at night
by: edwin

a shadow attacks me every night and i can't stand it anymore

it even said something to me just last night

it said you will suffer!

please anyone any addvice?

Jul 19, 2013
Inter dimensional demons
by: Jamie Thompson

Demons are smart and can shape shift, they play off your experiences and fears, I think they can be easier to detect in a dream state. But we have control of them through Jesus. Even the name Jehovah sends them away,,as the name itself is great. They've been around for centuries and aren't,going anywhere. They like to torment and trick, but they cannot hold,shape or form for long periods of disguise. I've noticed when I call out in prayer it becomes silent and I can here a reverberation from my voice,

Jul 20, 2013
Dark shadow
by: Katie

Last night it was as I was half dreaming but awake their was a dark shadow man above me an thou I couldn't see it face something about it I assumed it WAS a man. It started kicking me an I tried screaming for My mom but couldn't. It or something told me NOT to open MY eyes but I finally got the courage to look around an I WAS in a empty room kinda resemblance to MY old bedroom an he was gone SO I guess I completely woke up or something an went into MY parents room which is down the hall from MY room an I could STILL see it as if it was waiting for me.

Jul 24, 2013
Being attacked by the Darkside
by: David from FortWorth

It first started wile asleep waking up from getting the hell beat out of me an not able to move or scream for help , until a week ago. This last attack seam more evil with a black figure with 2 glowing eyes with a vicious growl at the foot of my bed. I've always seen spirits all around me no matter where I'm at. And catch them on a digital camera. The more I seek God an Christ the more they attack. I'm not scared of them because I know God an Christ is with me and that seems to really piss them off. It be nice if I could set down an talk to someone who knows what I'm saying is the truth an that I'm not some nut case. Because there's more. So is there anyone out there who would be willing to talk an help me? If so e-mail me at

Jul 24, 2013
@ David
by: Anonymous

It sounds like you have an evil spirit that is stuck in pergatory, it might be your house or something, any ways you didn't leave an email...were the glowing eyes red ? I know I spotted a red sphere like a burning amber at the foot of my bed once and while half conscious,I heard the phone rang, I remembering picking it up and hanging it up so that my roommate couldn't answer it, which, is a dick move and something I wouldn't normally do..strange

Aug 11, 2013
god, demons are also aliens
by: Gordon

Glad to find other people that have seen them. Its like being awake is another dimension where they can only watch. I know they are watching sometimes when Im awake.
They wait at the side of my bed and as soon as im technically asleep they attack (but Im actually still awake only with the sleep paralysis thing).
They are dark shadows they are like anti-light/radiating darkness and they also radiate horible dreadfulness they try to scare me on purpose as much as possible and they really do feed on fear. Its crazy! its like a horror movie scifi. Ive never been christian and ive seen them since at least early teens. I have been deeply looking at the patterns of the universe (eg. branching patterns and spirals on all scales) and I think we are in a sort of computer simulation or dream (which is same thing as brains compute and simulate, predict our perceptions. This also led me to read hindu and recently the amazing Gnostic Nag Hamadi gospels. -lots of stuff that was not included in the new testament- Jesus really seems like an alien. I have stood up and shouted at them (in my room in dream dimension) In name of jesus christ, get out and keep away from me! I had no fear and shouted it so loud! so I dont know... jesus is out there whether you call him alien or god they are same thing really but without all the loaded words and connotations of centuries of oppressive religion. Im gay also btw and yeah Ive had more attacks as Im figuring that this world is not real and I know they dont like us to know we are being basically farmed/enslaved. Ive never seen the glowing red eyes but just shadow figures. also a old zombie-like man with his hands up like craws waiting then attacked sucking my neck when I was asleep. So hard to wake up it takes so much effort! Thanks Im glad its not just me, it is really real.

Aug 11, 2013
has any one had this b4
by: Anonymous

ok SO I had a very strange experience, I was sleeping and suddenly i woke up, but it wasnt astral I actually woke up in real life & in my bed there was a motorlike ball the size of my fist and it noticed when I woke up and panicked and quickly vanished making a zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz sound as it left, it had a glow but not very bright it was very deem and took off very quickly! I was soooo surprised because it wasnt a dream or astral it was real!!!!!!?? Ive had many many astral & lucid dreams during my life but this was just something crazy! has neone felt this please I want to know if anyone has seen this b4

Aug 12, 2013
i need answers
by: Anonymous

can anyone help me figure out whats been happening?
i've never looked in to this before but it's starting to really scare me.
is it normal for two people to have this experience at the same time?
i was laying in bed with my friend, and we were both woken up in the middle of the night, my friend had a moment of sleep paralysis and i can't remember if i did or not, but we both saw the same shadowy figure above us, my friend was in sleep paralysis and was trying to scream or get me up because there was a dark shadow of a person above me holding a knife, i saw it but i was like half awake and confused but i was definitley really scared.
i'm curious if any one else has any info/insight to share or any similar experiences etc.

Aug 18, 2013
by: Anonymous

rebuke in the name of the lord jesus Christ everday

Aug 22, 2013
An article from
by: Aim

I found this article on
Hopefully it will help you make sense of what is happening to you.

Sylvia Browne's view on Sleep Paralysis

July 7, 2010

American psychic Sylvia Browne believes sleep paralysis is caused by "astral catalepsy," which can occur when a person awakes physically but their spirit (soul, astral body) has not yet fully left or re-entered the body.

"Several times a week, whether we’re aware of it or not, our spirits take temporary breaks from our bodies during sleep to go visiting, exploring or simply running free outside the confines of these goofy earthbound vehicles we occupy while we’re here," she notes in her book Phenomenon– Everything You Need to Know About the Paranormal (© Copyright Sylvia Browne Corporation 2005, published by New American Library, a division of Penguin Group (USA) Inc., ISBN: 0-451-21949-X).

"These breaks are as refreshing for our spirits as they are for our conscious minds, not to mention a frequent reminder that our spirits can and do thrive as the separate, eternal entities they are, no matter what happens to our mortal bodies."

Browne believes that our spirits can slip into and out of our bodies with ease during sleep. But on rare occasions, the conscious mind awakens and catches our spirit either coming or going from our bodies. When this occurs, the mind awakens but the body is unable to respond in any way.

"And in its less than alert state, the conscious mind, realizing the spirit is half in and half out of its body, jumps to an obvious conclusion. The body must be dying."

It is this conscious thought that causes a person to panic. The body is immobile, unable to cry out for help causing other "short circuits’ in our consciousness. That’s when a person may experience all kinds of strange phenomenon from heaviness in the chest area and shortness of breath, a feeling of being watched and/or touched, loud noises or buzzing sounds, apparitions and/or strange lights.

Browne affirms that everyone goes through this type of experience at one time or another and although it can seem frightening, there is really nothing to fear. While we sleep, "our spirits are off having beautiful adventures, reunions and Homecomings for our benefit, whether we’re consciously aware of them or not."

Astral travel has also been coined as out-of-body experiences, a subject that will come later in this series. Astral projection is yet another method whereby you prompt your spirit to leave your body while awake but in a meditative or hypnotic state.

Sep 23, 2013
Weird Black smoke strangling me
by: Hello


I am a well educated 32 year old religious male living in NYC. I have started to have sleep paralysis accompanied by hallucinations that I have thought to be paranormal and malicious. I don't like to even write about it. However my latest event was after a very bad dream where i was trying to escape a supernatural evil force in my room. I then woke up (sort of) and recognized I was still in between a sleep and awake state (this has happened to me before). I recognized this and subsequently began trying to wake myself up. I then saw a black smoke like ghost like thing wrap around my neck and begin choking me to where I could not breath. It was not a complete choke but a half choke as I could still breath but I could not breath well and it felt as though someone was choking me. I convulsed and moved around violently trying to fight it and wake up. I finally did. I was and am still very scared. I very much hope to have a simple not threatening scientific explanation.

Oct 25, 2013
shadow people and astral catalepsy
by: Brenda Brown

My son and my daughter experience astral catalepsy all the time when they are sleeping. often times they tell me that they see dark spirits when there spirits are out of their body. My daughter says that it is if she's traveling in another dimension. My daughter is also very psychic and has been every sense she was born. She and my son actually see spirits on a every day basis. Me myself, I don't see spirits however, I have a strong sixth sense and I am also very psychic and have been every sense I was a little girl. Shadow people are nothing more then demonic spirits that attack those individuals who are somewhat weak minded , depressed and whose spiritual faith in God is weak as well. Children are always attacked by the enemy because they don't really know how to protect themselves from darkness that roam this earth which is nothing more then HELL. As children get older, they will learn how to protect themselves spiritually from these dark entities by putting them in a good church home and surrounding your home with spiritual trinkets as well as anointing and cleansing your home in prayer everyday.

Oct 27, 2013
my first experience with sp
by: jacob

My first so experience was so real I thought i was really being ckocked to death by a bat about 2 feet wide hubbering over my bed chocking me with its evil super power. The Scarry thing is I knew it was not a dream, my room was the same I knew my girl friend was next to me in bed but she never heared my call for help.
The second time it was a wight Mose. And this time I was in the sleeper of the truck I drive, and again in the sp episode It was no different then in real life but the white Mose stairing at me with its evil eyes was not normal. I knew what was happening this time but even though I know I wanna wake up but I can't. This it did not chock me, it felt more like the mose paralyzing me by staring at me. Then I got a tingling feeling when I tried to get up because only my soul was moving and my body staing in bed. So I decided to lay down to keep my soul in my body. I had no idea what was happening to my until some research
. But I still don't understand why this is happening. I would love to get some more info about what to do about it. Thanks

Nov 11, 2013
Shadow people in my SP
by: David

It happened again yesterday afternoon during a nap. It usually occurs when I sleep outside of my normal schedule. I quit seeing terrible scary figures when I was a teenager but every once in a while I'll have an episode of sp that really spooks me. Yesterday was such an episode.. As I lay there on the couch powerless in a deep visceral buzzing sensation, I couldn't help but feel that the room was full of other ppl. there were fearful whispers all around me, mostly indistinguishable however I was able to pick out a panicked whisper of "I don't want to die I don't want to die" over and over again. And crossing my field of vision was a short shadowy blob, unrestricted to the surfaces of the walls or floor. It looked like a hooded figure but it was hard to tell.. It kept drifting around and I noticed there were a few of them, floating through doorways and even passing through the walls. As I slowly regained full wakefulness and control of my body, they slowly faded out of view. Not the scariest shadows I've seen but not a very pleasant experience either.. Anyone got anything similar? Or know what the hell just happened? Who or what are they?

Nov 22, 2013
Not Real
by: Lance

Those ARE hallucinations. Just because they SEEM real doesn't mean they ARE. The main property of hallucinations is that they seem real. And honestly if they were real you would have been dead by now. If beings from other realms that overlap our own can't interact with us while we're awake, they can't while we're asleep either.

Dec 03, 2013
believe in the unbelievable.
by: Jake

These things do exist whether you believe in them or not. I have been physically pulled off my bed during one of these encounters, there after waking up on the floor terrified. though I've never seen any demonic figures or entities as you call shadow people, I still can feel a heavy presence that seems very evil and eager to strike fear. I've had these experiences on and off for the last 8 years. never once have I touched a Ouija board or delved into any kind of occult. I'm a God fearing man and I have to say that is the only thing that works for me to rid myself of these presences. we live in a world of many unexplainable occurrences. I hope that being that we have all experienced similar things we can come together and form a more powerful army against evil.

Dec 20, 2013
shadow people and demons are real
by: djinn aghul

and familyThere a big part of my life..i stop talking to friends and family..they help you more than you started with me at the age of 14 years old..and now I'm a serious paranormal collector of djinns and ask real..i wear my paranormal jewelry all the time for years...I'm at work right now..but of you want to hear more reply to life hasn't been the same for 12 years..i lost my family from it not by death but just the lack of family still hurts me..but I'm consumed by magick and demons and spirits..ask i do its study..

Jan 13, 2014
Some advice that helped me hope it helps
by: Anonymous

So from a very young age i have seen demons, ghosts entities and much more super natural beings. I have sleep paralysis most nights and i find if in your dreams you fight them mentally and physically you will win everytime. The reasoning i believe these demons can get into your dreams is due to the fact that well you sleep you're the most vunable between the spirtal world and are own world. Also in dreams we are more fear full and thats what the demons play on to get you where they want you to become a reality in are world. So my advice to anyone that has sp dont let the demons control what happens in your dream you can destory them with your mind

Jan 18, 2014
any thought
by: TC

So I've never read up on SP till now. Just want to share some personal experiences. I never have nightmares..rarely remember my dreams. Except one it started when I was very young around 7 I woke up in my room unable to speak or move to a dark figure in my doorway. Terrified.. its happens atleast 2 times a year since then always completly aware of my suroundings but every time the figure gets closer and there's nothing I can do but lie in terror. However last night was the first time I wasn't stuck. In my dream I got up to use the restroom. Upon returning I moved the blanket from the silloet of where my girlfriend would be and she was gone I turned around Ans instantly froze as the figure touched my shoulder and I woke up to my girlfriend shaking me saying I was dreaming. Also four years ago I got a dog who is very close with me. She is also aware of these dreams as she has woken me up by barking or licking me awake multiple times. Each time she is facing towards where the figure was and is alert.. any thoughts.

Jan 25, 2014
by: Anonymous

i had sp 2 or 3 times now.. Once i was in verge of falling asleep n saw this grey skull like face in a black hood and red eyes who told me 'the next is you'... Then suddenly everything blacked out n there was a burst of energy kinda thing..i started feeling vibrations and had an obe for the first time. I wasn't frightened or fact i felt..happy! It was very sunny (bright yellowish lighting) and i saw the ceiling fan..passed right through the wall and saw a giant window (victorian like). I saw my spirit hands in front of me..didn't see myself or anything. It ended abruptly. I was also diagnosed with vertigo i.e. My head spins when i sit up from sleeping position..due to some fluid imbalance in my middle ear...i am sure all of this (the obe, the halluciantions some people have) must have a scientific explanation..

Jan 30, 2014
If you have not experienced it you don't know!
by: Summer

I too have went to sleep it will seem like I'm dreaming but I know where I am.. My room looks the same as it did before I fell asleep then suddenly I'm trapped in my body. I can't move can't get up or scream for help, there is always a black shadow in the room when this happens. It stares at me even after what seems like hours when I couldn't move or speak. It fills me with fear. I know it isn't a dream because my room is exactly the same and that shadowy figure why is it there staring at me? More questions than answers on this subject. It's only happened to me two or three times but it's was creepy. No red eyes though nor did it talk to me... However I promise you this much it was real. It was also really and really scary.
From a girl in Salt Lake City utah

Jan 30, 2014
Dark presence
by: Brian

Hello everyone. I also have had this experience two nights ago. I was sleeping downstairs on our sofa (have to keep the wood stove going all night) when there was a black presence standing at the foot of the sofa. It moved like a thick blanket in a wave coming up over me and through me. When it was completely over me it was trying to merge completely into me. I tried to speak the words - Get off me in the name of Jesus but nothing would come out. The third time I tried I actually spoke out loud and woke up. This thick black presence was lifting up and leaving me. Though this experience was terrifying in every way, I smile now when I think about how easily the name of Jesus overcame this darkness. I have been a believer for over 26 years. I love him more now then ever and I read His word on how we are to live as believers. I have no desire to live life my way, but only the way He desires. I have been set free from many things in my life and I encourage all who read this to seek Him as well. He really is the answer! This morning my wife who was sleeping upstairs asked me if I was making noises in my sleep last night. (Like I would know :)....) I said no, but just then my 21 year old son came down and said it was probably him. He related to us that he was sleeping and a demonic figure had come in his room and had tried pulling him off his bed as if to drag him away. He too managed to finally speak to it (what my wife heard) and it too left. I am 47 years old and this is the first time this has happened. Twice in 2 nights in our home. However, though the experience was real and terrifying I would like to end with a reassurance from Jesus' own words.

Mat 10:25 If they have called the master of the house Beelzebub, how much more shall they call them of his household?
26 Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known. 27 What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops. 28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. 29 Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing [5] and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father. 30 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. 31 Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows. 32 Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. 33 But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.

Feb 03, 2014
Not sp, but astral projection
by: Marie

I had these experiences when I was a kid, but I'm a Wiccan now, although I do believe in God. I can tell you that if you're able to move around and exit your body during sleep paralysis, you're astral projecting instead. Astral projection is when you leave your body, but sleep paralysis is when you cannot move at all.

Feb 13, 2014
They can't hold there shape for long
by: Anonymous

I've learned the demon or demons can't hold there shape for very long, and once you become suspicious the playing field evens. I stared deep into one last night as is appeared on top of me as a beautiful woman ! It than said " what are you looking at !" It's eyes went almost reptilian , I then proceeded to punch it in the face....and actually ended up punching my headboard and woke up lol. I'll get that fucker one day, it wasn't the first battle, I went matrix on it one time, I guess my martial arts works in the spirit world too ! If it stands between me and the light with the rest of the shadows when I die. It's on ! I am a soldier of Yaweh, brother of Jesus, and with my father beside me the hand (sword) of righteousness will come down hard. Stay in the dark where you belong motherfuckers

Mar 03, 2014
The demon always manifest as my mom
by: Cris

For as long as I can remember I had dreams that I am interacting with my mom and when I get a good look at her, she is identical to my mom, but it isn't her! It is the weirdest thing to explain. There are instances when there is a smile in her eyes. It is so scary!! Every time I realize it isn't my mom the entity grabs a hold of me and I can not move. It is as if my spirit is paralyzed. It has been 20 years that I have experienced these nightmares. Recently, I began remembering something very troubling from my childhood regarding my mother. It is so troubling because I don't know if it is a dream that I am remembering or is it a REAL memory?? How do I find out if this is a memory or a dream? Psychologically, if these memories are true, then it would fully explain my night terrors in which this demon manifest as my mother. On the other hand if these memories are false then how the hell did they get there, why does it feel like a real experience, and why is this paralyzing demon always my mom? Before I slip into one of these dreams I get a sensation in my chest and I know what is about to happen, but there is nothing I can do to stop it. Once the demon paralyzes me I usually close my eyes and think of myself in my bed. Lastly, I call out to God and I wake up. There have been times when I believe I am up and then the smallest detail prompts me to the truth, I am still a sleep!

Mar 04, 2014
by: Anonymous

There is only one answer of how to stop these! I had first experience of this about 30yrs ago & have experienced this about 3 other times over the years. It was always while I was in a deep sleep that I suddenly became completely paralyzed & felt like I was still in a very deep sleep as though somewhat comatosed, & there was much terror the first time. I tried to pray in my mind but though it did not stop it, I heard God speak to me telling me to say the name of JESUS out loud. It took quite a few attempts to do so because I was paralysed, but each attempt enabled me to get a tiny bit more sound out of my mouth until finally the name of JESUS came out fully, & immediately the demonic oppression left with no more paralysis or evil presence in the room.
On the other occasions this happened to me I was not afraid at all because despite the intensity of the evil presence & oppression & paralysis, I understood what was happening & how to stop it. Satan & his demons are very real & want to attack us, but those who accept Jesus as their Saviour have been given authority to use Jesus's Name as their protection. Jesus is no liar & he defeated satan on the Cross & those who receive this salvation & victory over evil must choose to believe what Jesus did for them & do things His way by obeying what He tells us in the bible to do, which is to repent of our sins (to close the dooways to demonic) & to call on the Name of Jesus & use our authority (in His Name) to tread on snakes & scorpions (demons) & cast out demons.
Ive never been afraid to go to sleep despite these experiences happening a few times since because i understand that I can chase them off & have Jesus's power to command them to leave after I simply speak His Name!
Its the only thing that works!!!
Its the same only thing that works against alien abductions & appearances because they are simply demons wich have shape shifted. There are many true testimonies of these being chased off this way!

Mar 10, 2014
It continues
by: Anonymous

Speaking Jesus' name out loud does work. I've dealt with them for over 20 years, it doesn't happen often anymore but my 3 yr old just described a black shadow jumping on her and making her stuck. It angers me that they would go after her but I know with God she will overcome. We are all at war.

Mar 12, 2014
by: Anonymous

I have done the following and am still doing them every day, they repelled the attacks of the enemy.

No more freezing when I am in bed. No more bad smell at the house. No more murmuring in the ears. No more disturbed sleep. No more bad dreams. GOD bless us all and protect us from the enemy every moment everyday, in Jesus name. Amen.

1. confessed my sins and repented; asked God's forgiveness; asked forgiveness from those I hurt; try to sin no more
2. accepted Jesus Christ as my Saviour; asked HIM to enter my life
3. daily read the Holy Scriptures; write all those verses which affected you, how you understand it, how to apply it in your life, and write a prayer about it
4. pray upon waking up, talk to GOD throughout the day, pray before sleeping
5. daily pray for the covering of the blood of Jesus Christ over you, your love ones, your houses, all your properties
6. play audio Bible while sleeping
7. play praise songs during the day both at work and at home
8. be sensitive to the urgings of the Holy Spirit
9. do good; a smile to the people you encounter everyday is a good start; a simple thank you and I'm sorry would go a long way
10. avoid places, things, circumstances, etc. that you know will cause you to sin
11. when tempted, ask GOD to help you overcome it or to keep you away from it
12. when the enemy is nearby, pray to Jesus Christ to cover you with HIS blood to protect you
13. never read books about the enemy, never watch horror movies, never visit porn sites; these serve as doors, never open them

Mar 14, 2014
I saw something last night
by: Anonymous

It's been years since I experienced this but last night I had SP. I remember having a dream about a colleague of mine which was I wouldn't say completely sexual but had a feeling that it was heading that way. I woke up and couldn't move and saw a dark figure by my bed. It said something but I didn't understand and I started trying to fight it. I thought I had snapped out of it because it was suddenly gone and I tried to put on my light repeatedly but it wouldn't switch on. Then I actually did snap out of it and woke up properly feeling like I had run a marathon(I guess that came from the struggle I had with that thing). I'm no longer afraid of these things even though they try to scare me. I'm not even religious to be honest. But for me the main thing is not to let these things frighten me because I feel then they will win. Usually before it happens I'll hear a loud sound like the sea amplified, sometimes I'll see flashing lights and occasionally I hear voices. Sometimes it feels like I'm sinking into my mattress. What I found in the past helped was a) sleeping in a cool room, b) not allowing myself to be so tired that I can't actually sleep properly (not sure if this makes sense). Just don't let them make you afraid or feel worthless. You are stronger than them. They attack in your sleep. No other time. So you can beat them. Tell them off, if rebuking them in the name of Jesus helps you then do it.

Mar 21, 2014
Black cat!
by: Anonymous

Lol I was intrigued with your story until you mentioned the black cat that bit your hand and wouldn't let go! Crazy person.

Apr 03, 2014
hooded creature
by: Anonymous


Apr 06, 2014
Feelings of being shocked or electrocuted
by: Anonymous

I haven't had a dream in awhile that felt like it fit the pattern although, I have screamed myself awake from something a few times before. This is my third post. About 2 months ago I was asleep, but felt like I was being dragged out of bed by my leg Every way I turned I felt as though I was being shocked or electrocuted. The dream had no beginning and I did not feel as though I was awake really as in the other dreams. I screamed and my husband heard me, it was enough for me to wake myself up and the dream and feeling of being shocked or electrocuted at dragged ended abruptly. i was not as scared as in previous dreams where I actually felt another presence in the room. Past dreams feeling awake with someone at the foot of the bed about to grab my ankle and feeling enveloped by something sitting on my chest wrapping themselves around my body. A dark spider man like being. I do know the omit but have never read that version of Spiderman before.

Apr 16, 2014
Now only a minor nuisance
by: Anonymous

I've experienced a range of odd phenomena over the past 25 + years, mostly in my late teens, and less frequently as I've grown older.

As a very young child I experienced night terrors for the span of a few months, during which I would rise in the middle of the night, fully mobile, moving about the house, shouting at hallucinations of demons and the occasional tiger. Eventually, as my parents, whom I saw as demons, held me in their arms, the hallucinations would fade. During waking hours, I sometimes sensed malevolent forces in my parents' basement - when confronting these entities, I could see them in my mind's eye for a moment, and strange words would come to me, perhaps names, which I would speak aloud almost involuntarily, causing the negative energy to subside. I felt I was protecting my family. I was too young to know of exorcisms, or of the apparent power of naming associated with such things (which I only recently read about), but if it was anything more than hallucination, I assume I had a gift for that art.

As a teenager, I felt that perhaps one of those entities was following me, and I had no power over it - electronics would break in my presence, street lights would flicker, and unseen spiderwebs would cross my path when I walked at night. Several friends witnessed and experienced these events. During this time, I had extremely bad luck which negatively influenced the course of my life for several years, and I was often depressed, which is not surprising for a teenager, but at the darkest of hours I could sense "something" near me.

Eventually, all of these things faded, and my life has remained normal for the better part of a decade. However, I recently had a dream, in which a familiar malevolent presence visited me - in the dream, I was in bed with my wife, as I was in reality, and a figure in the shadows was speaking to me, attempting to convince me that I was corrupted, and that everyone and everything I touched had and would continue to be corrupted as a result. I knew it was lying, trying to cause me to fear and despair, and I had little patience for it. I involuntarily verbally cast the entity out in the name of Christ and woke from the dream (though raised as a Christian, I am not devout). Having experienced several years of lucid dreaming, there's little that bothers me in dream, but I must admit, my heart was racing when I woke.

P.S. I have no history of mental illness.

Apr 26, 2014
by: trav

I find the strangest thing is that I'm not alone in all this.... Last night I had another episode, not so bad as said entity prying pressure on my chest. I felt the darkness of it and my whole body got goose bumps. I don't think they're is ever a time where I watched myself but I have been stuck in a dream like state, trying repeatedly to wake myself to no avail. What are these beings that come in the night to torture us, to take much needed sleep away?.. I am sorry that anyone else has to experience this. It's terrifying.

May 03, 2014
Similar experience
by: Jordan

Hello i am now 24 and experience Sp less frequently then in my younger years of 14 or so, it always comes with a very malicious and sinister presence, and usually dark shadowy figures watching me sleep . I can never speak as i would like to while this is happening, and neither do the figures, they just watch as though waiting for the right moment to take my soul (is possible) . At first i used to be terrified, and would even come almost to tears when trying to talk about it. and now after experiencing this almost countless time , i always just think to my self " Bring it on ! do your worst !" it always passes after at least 5 dream minutes ( what ever that is ) . it is a very interesting occurrence, that ive actually kind of grow to enjoy oddly enough ! although it is still super frightening, and causes my heart to race after awakening ......... just thought id share

May 15, 2014
Shadow Demon in my dream - Tiger
by: Wendy

I just woke up from a two hour nap. I've had two instances of sleep paralysis in my life (in the past six years) - during times of depression and illness. A strange experience when I was really ill last year that I can't even describe.

I'm not a religious person. I have studied Wicca in the past and Shamanism which worships the earth (not demonic like some people think). White magic which is basically meditation and spiritual healing. I asked for a message in my dream.

I was in my family's house and my whole family was there even my mum who passed away several months ago. I finally told my family I thought the house was haunted some sort of spirit there (I still think it is today even). In the dream I heard a dark growl and voice whispering over and over again, "Do you see?" And wherever we went, it followed us. I also had a pet kitten which seemed to be my protector (I hate cats!).

I don't know if this was a random dream but it sure freaked the hell out of me - an hour sleep and it seemed so real. My family admitted they all heard the voice and growls. And the "shadow demon" we summoned it in during a drumming ritual in my dream and it appeared as a tiger.

Dreams are a funny thing. I just had to write that down somewhere so I wouldn't forget it. The "shadow demon" seemed menacing in the dream however, turned out he was just there to show us someone who would deceive us.

Makes me wonder about the house now. BTW doctors will tell you s/p is a real brain disorder. But there have been reports of whole villages that have experienced it at the same time.

May 20, 2014
My experience - Dark hooded figure who whispered
by: Anonymous

I have only ever had this experience once. I am not religious, nor a spiritualist.

I was waking up with the odd thought of being able to envision long lost loved ones (you know, thinking how creepy it can be that they can and sometimes appear over people). Upon thinking that, what I came to see was a dark figure standing at the foot of my bed, though still slightly blurred as my eyes were gaining focus upon waking wondering who it would be. As my eyes gained full focus, what it was wasn't any past family member but instead a dark hooded figure. No features were visible, just a dark figure. At that point, I was paralyzed, couldn't move. I was more concerned with the current situation to take notes of my surroundings but from memory, the room was the same, which is very odd since the "dream world" surroundings are always different.

Within a split second, this thing appears over me and tilts its head towards the side of mine and all I hear is the sounds of several whispers (like a group of people whispering) no audible words, just the sound of whispers. I tried to shout and couldn't, couldn't move, but at that point it was so eerie that I fought like hell, and woke up.

I have never in my life had a nightmare like it before

May 21, 2014
I cannot belive there are so many others...
by: Anonymous

I found this site and cannot believe there are so many others with similar experience. Your are not crazy - your eyes have opened and I believe God has plans for you. Both my wife and I have different levels of this dark shadow experience. We both are Christians since birth and I have experienced these throughout my life starting at about 5 years old I will never forget the fear. I still have episodes and just pray and shrug them off. I am still scared but they cannot hurt me. I am protected by God.

It seems when I get closer to God I see these shapes and feel dark presence when I awake from sleep in the middle of the night. When I drift from God and preoccupied with daily life and sin I don't see them.

I think there is a spiritual world linked to our material world. Something like mass and energy. Praying to Jesus Christ and ordering the demons to leave always works. Have faith and pray. People can read and laugh but I think when you accept Christ, doors are opened and a spiritual world is revealed and suddenly we can see our true reality. Its not just computers, jobs, women or money.
The Bible is really starting to make spiritual sense. I wish you all well in your journeys. Remember Jesus is love and they ripped him apart and laughed when they crucified and tortured him. What kind of evil would do that to any living being? You can see the religious persecutions starting - even in the USA. My heart is broken because I love this country but its changing. Don't let anyone or anything take Jesus' love from you - ever. He is real - its just the world is becoming more messed up. Stay strong, pray and read the Bible. You will see things that will blow your mind. Take care all...

Jun 01, 2014
That name you mentioned
by: Anonymous

I have been Sp too a lot even astral projected out of my body and in other places without realizing it. But whats scary is one time I had a dream of sleep paralysis and I know its a dream since I woke up in the dream in sp as someone was fondling on my breasts which scared me like crazy, and then got out of sp and set up in the dream and saw a dark figure by the window, its a figure appearing to be shocked by electrity cause its hair is long and straight up, his its hands were claw like. I knew it was the one touching me and it scared me. And I woke up out of this dream.
Afterwards I kept having drea about a man with weird eyes, tall an with straight up hair. he popped up beside me and said "hi" smiling, then asked me what I was doing. I said nothing and we had a convo but I cant remember. he told me his name was "darius." I kept getting his name in pronouncaton wrong and he kept correcting me, talling me over and over "darius, darius, darius" getting annoyed and angrier.
I wont tell you the full dream but that name got my attention.
who do you think is this "darius" because it seems he visited you and me.

Jun 01, 2014
That name you mentioned
by: Anonymous

I have been Sp too a lot even astral projected out of my body and in other places without realizing it. But whats scary is one time I had a dream of sleep paralysis and I know its a dream since I woke up in the dream in sp as someone was fondling on my breasts which scared me like crazy, and then got out of sp and set up in the dream and saw a dark figure by the window, its a figure appearing to be shocked by electrity cause its hair is long and straight up, his its hands were claw like. I knew it was the one touching me and it scared me. And I woke up out of this dream.
Afterwards I kept having drea about a man with weird eyes, tall an with straight up hair. he popped up beside me and said "hi" smiling, then asked me what I was doing. I said nothing and we had a convo but I cant remember. he told me his name was "darius." I kept getting his name in pronouncaton wrong and he kept correcting me, talling me over and over "darius, darius, darius" getting annoyed and angrier.
I wont tell you the full dream but that name got my attention.
who do you think is this "darius" because it seems he visited you and me.

Jun 05, 2014
Demons/shadow people/creatures
by: Kara

I have had several experiences now. A few around the age of 15. Those were just sleep paralysis, I think. I never noticed anything else at the time except the fact I was scared out of my mind that I was awake watching myself, capable of moving my eyes to see, but unable to move my body. My breathing wasn't controlled by me though I did happen to notice that but I don't remember figures. Not until shortly before I was 22. But I haven't necessarily been "paralyzed" though. My demons/shadow people/even creatures aren't exactly "hooded" or alien like either if you will. I'm almost wondering if it may be actual demons as crazy as it sounds. I can their auras. The first time it happened right before I turned 22, I was asleep next to my boyfriend, when I had a nightmare. Some was chasing me etc, I woke up rolled over and asked him to hold me. I happened to look up in the corner of the bedroom and there was this haunting figure.. He had a purple aura, I could see the green/red glow of his eyes and that was about it. His eyes never remained one color.. Or maybe just the aura changed I really don't know. But his body wasn't exactly "straight" either. Animated looking almost. What was freakier, is that even though there was this purple outlined black zig-zagged shapped head and lower bodied creature like an anime character/demon, he had a black castes shadow behind him as well.. A cloud.. It was getting larger, but only a little at a time before it stopped. He just looked at me and laughed. It was sinister. He turned his hand over like he was about to shrug his shoulders.. Aside from being scared there's obvious confusion here. He never came at me, never threatened me, nothing. Just sat there and watched.. Like it was tv for him or something.. I shook my Bf to wake Him up. He remembered me waking him up and pointing at the ceiling, which of course The figure was gone by then but for my bf to remember that i couldnt have had paralysis. Since that incident I've had 3 other episodes too. All similar. 2 after nightmares. All without paralysis.. One was scared though and left as soon as I noticed his presence. The other was a lot like the first..

Jun 08, 2014
I'm so confused and kinda freaked out
by: Alejandro

I was sleeping last night feel asleep like I normally do tossed and turned a little bit but then I felt this weird field that someone was there I felt like I something was in my rroom tried to mom but couldn't my whole body just wouldn't move but I was able to move my head I live in barracks on a military post and my door is connected to the kitchen that has motion detector lights well while able to move my head I seen a invisible figure that I can't really see it but I see the out line of him I try harder to move but then I see myself out of my body and I freaked out more but then I see my self laying in bed again and I can't move this time I'm on my side I used all my force to turn my body my head my arms and there was nothing just me I was freaking out but then I calmed down and said it was a dream and check the time it was 1:23am but here is the thing that got me my door is open to the kitchen and in order to get the light to turn on I have to get out of bed and walk 3 feet but when I checked the time for my phone the light was on and I haven't gotten out of bed what does this mean

Jun 10, 2014
SP and Demons
by: Matthew

Firstly I would like to thank Barney Donnelly for setting up this forum as it is a great comfort to know that I am not alone. For the past 7 years I have experienced terrible episodes of sleep paralysis where I am constantly being attacked by an evil figure. This 'thing' hides in my dreams disguising itself as different people that I know to draw me in, then when I move closer to it, it jumps on me and holds me down on the ground. This thing has really long nails which dig into my hands and body. I'm half asleep/half awake when this happens. I try to wake up and when i eventually do, the evil spirit just disappears. Every night before I go to bed I say a prayer, which helps sometimes, but if I'm feeling slightly tired/angry/depressed/ill my prayer does not protect me as much. I have completely given up alcohol as that makes it 10 times worse. I have been to a catholic priest who performed an exorcism. This helped for a while, but the evil spirit did return in a few months. It affects my daily life as after an episode I can be very tired at work and make mistakes. I'm afraid that this spirit will never go away. After an incident I always feel somehow violated and dirty. I would really appreciate any advice on how to deal with this issue.

Jun 11, 2014
Nightmares for 13 years of shadow people.
by: Nate

Just recently I had a dream about a shadow person. I use to have them almost every night from when I was about 2 years old. I know this because I remember a lot of the nightmares I had about them because they were so frightening and being in my crib in some of my dreams. My dreams would always start off normal and vivid. Like any other day. I would leave the room to do something and everything would be dead silent. Right away I knew they were coming for me. I learned that in order to get away from them I had to hide as fast as I could. If I hesitated too long and saw them coming they were so fast I would have no chance to hide. They looked like naked silhouettes of people sometimes hazy but when they moved fast they looked like apes or something primal. If I felt that the place I was hiding was good I would close my eyes and wake up. Basically Lucid dreaming every time this happened. But if they found me..I sure as hell knew they did. I would tell my mom they "tickle me". Me being a very ticklish person and hating being tickled this is all I could really understand. WhenI think about it now though it wasn't a tickle, It was a enormous electric shock that trembled my whole body sent sever chills down my spine and then i would wake up still feeling the after effect for a few seconds. I had dreams like this almost every night from when I was 2 to 15 years old. I hated going to bed. slept with my light on for all those years. I rarley have dreams about them anymore and when I do I resist them. But now when I wake I see them in the room for awhile and they disappear. Im wondering if anyone else has a similar experience. Im afraid they are trying to tap into my dreams again.. =[

Jun 14, 2014
Illusions & Trickery
by: John Souglides PhD

Hi everyone,

These issues are real. One is able to identify and confirm this during hypnosis, regression and psychic work.

I have had my fair share of them, anyone who has not experienced such is either unaware or consider yourself fortunate.

My research has shown, these entities connect to your electro magnetic field of the heart. This field is a powerful energetic frequency they like to tap into. Another aspect by sitting on your chest and become semi physical (they come from being spirit form to semi physical form), hence the increase in weight, heavyness on chest. This is done to alter the senses and disprive you of air, altered consciousness.

Another issue they can shape change, create an illusion of trickery. They can shape shift in a form you rèlate to. This is done so you feel safe. Feeling safe you drop your gaurd, feeling scared you overwhelmed by fear so your aura is compact makeing you vulnerable.

Not all create illusions, those that do want to trick you so they wish to feel off your energy. When this occurs subtle petsonality changes at first may be witnessed by those close to you.

John Souglides Ph.D.

Jun 14, 2014
(Shadow People) The Truth!!! Must Read.GOD Bless
by: Anonymous

Not to put a crash on your theory,but what you've exsperenced as SP.which is what you call it.Its really a fake dream..that you are dreaming..they make people have them to put and leave fear in the person they are trying to scare..I was paralyzed in my sleep.. And had a so call "dream" lol..I was in the same position that I was in before I had drifted of completely and went to sleep..So in my sleep..I awoke and could not move or breath..but my eyes where open. I looked at my arm..and it was going through the floor..and they where making my body go if I was being pulled or sinking through..But I fought it..And awoke..But what do you know.When I arms was laying beside me .The whole time..I was sleeping on my stomach..That's how I sleep some times..And I remembered that's how I went to sleep..but in the dream.the arm I could see was layinging in front of my face..which wasnt how I laid down.(IN THE FIRST PLACE) pleasant surprise :).. It's just an illusion .. I've been having those kind of dreams for over six year..wich I've always know something but I couldn't very much PUT my finger on it..

Jun 23, 2014
seeing spirits/entities since i was 3, weird family history
by: jcharter91

its been awhile since ive seen anything but i just need to talk to someone who can help clerify WTH is going on... i have a weird family history and tried to research what ive experianced but its really hard to search for when its hard to explain... ive seen evil, been threatened by evil and even presented something to a dark entity while sleepwalking only to realize i was standing in front of the front door with outstretched arms... that happened when i was 6 and ive never been able to talk about it... ive also suffered from epilepsy since i was 2... if there is anyone that can help me understand my experiances please contact me at my email... i would really love some closure and or understanding of why and what it is...

please email me at

Jun 29, 2014
Imagine Your Body
by: m4ick

I've experienced these several times. When I was a kid I thought it was a ghost. I screamed for my dad but it was just a quiet whisper I could let out, and it took a lot of effort to muster that.

I've had episodes where I hear whispering in my ear and can feel the vibrations tickle the inside of my ear. Very scary. I woke up to realize it was me interpreting the sound of my box fan as something else, much like the pattern on your curtains can resemble a dream scene when you are not fully awake but your eyes are open.

I have found that if I want to wake up, just imagine your body. Imagine your hands and feet and bring that inward to your torso. Imagine yourself laying in your bed. You'll be surprised how quickly you wake up without all the struggle. Struggling is what makes it the worst.

Jul 09, 2014
Deep Sleep
by: Geeks

I'm twenty, female, not religious, and I've had one of those dreams that you all are talking about, albeit different.

I've had the same masculine/unidentifiable shadow from childhood look at me and talk to me (its voice wasn't even scary anymore).

I usually reacted by looking away then closing my eyes. I'd feel myself getting aroused while hating what it was doing to me.

Then I'd wake up at 3:29 a.m.* or earlier, feeling vulnerable and struggling not to cry.

I've never talked to my mom, sis, or grandma about it.

I've had zero out of body experiences and I'm sure I haven't been sexually abused.

I've come to the conclusion it's my own negative feelings manifesting, or something like that.

*I usually don't want to sleep after that, so I check a clock (or my cell) and think of happy things.

Jul 11, 2014
Entity looks like spiderman face in the ceiling of my bedroom
by: Wally

Sorry for my bad english, Some months ago, at night, I saw that thing appearing from the ceiling of my room, that thing takes me over my bed, in between a seal or circle with extranges symbols, I'm was so scary and can't move any part of my body.
If some one has a similar story, can contact me

Jul 18, 2014
fear, confused, seeking help.
by: Anonymous

I've suffered from what the Doctor notes as "night terrors" or "sleep paralysis" for 4 1/2 years! I've been told it's not unheard of in adults but rare. It's not just once a month, once a week, but can be a few times a night. Medical team as stated post traumatic stress as the cause. Although I was against it I went along with meds prescribed to help me... none have help.

I've read all the experiences posted, I've not seen any shadow, dark person, etc.. but experience the paralysis, the tingling from head to toe as I descend into this night terror, thinking I've woken up interact with all my surrounding only to realize I'm still in bed, I feel a presence that puts a fear right through my soul, I've been restrained, pulled, and at one point felt a presence move up against me and a voice at it's lowest whisper "I'll kill you if it's the last thing I do". Recently I've come to wonder if I'm being haunted due to the worst imagined, this...what ever it is...trying to make me believe my family is 100% behind it's will to break me down. Please note, I have the most loving family in the world. The doctors believe I'm suffering due to my husbands death, and some devastating events that followed after that. I've always been a women of strength, or so I thought. I've never believed in hauntings, or really understood night terrors, sleep paralysis, and any other sleep disorder. I've quickly come to understand what people experience in the above mentioned, and now more than ever ask myself "am I being haunted".... one thing I do know, as bad as it sounds it's good to read there are many out there suffering the same, and I'm not losing my mind. I feel perfectly normal during the day, work, socializing, but when night comes it's a whole different story. I'm seeking help and have found a few directions to take and try.

Jul 24, 2014
by: liam

bullshit just a writter trying to get attention .your not helping people who have real experiences

Jul 28, 2014
To Eduardo
by: onwardnupward

Eric Rodriguez

Hi Eric.

Fear is expected but I would say that IF this is evil in nature then... fear and.or misery is likely an objective.
Being a fairly faithful person my closest association to this caused me to default to spiritual warfare.
I have experienced something very similar to all these accounts and I am always impressed when I get tidbits of information that cause me to draw very specific parallels. It just reaffirms the experiences for me.
But in each case - the only action I took on to defend or control the outcome was literally invoking the "name of Jesus Christ" and rebuking (said spirit or entity) in the name of Jesus Christ. I've articulated this with my right arm to the square, palm open, fingers extended. Repeatedly.
I have also tried this when I was in paralysis and nothing would come out of my mouth. I assumed this was driven by fear but who knows. Nevertheless, within me (as if I had a voice) I again invoked the named of Jesus Christ, in spite of my fear (which is courage)and again after a bit it yielded the same effect.
That to me meant to simple things - a) either divinity is real and there is tangible power in the word or b)belief (in something supernatural) manifested in action (faith) also has power attached to it (somehow).
I am inclined to believe but to each his own.
All this to say... a) you're NOT crazy b) there is something definitively there c) you have control or power over it and maybe d) it (whatever that is) may have not power over you that you don't readily give it. Don't relinquish your power - get out of reactivity into proactivity (internally).
No patronizing. You're good. Press on!

Jul 28, 2014
Sry said Eduardo - I meant Eric.
by: Anonymous

Sry said Eduardo - I meant Eric Rodriguez. Apologies.

Aug 05, 2014
Reply to onwardnupward
by: Eric Rodriguez

Hey onwardnupward, I really appreciate the reply with your own experience and any which isn't derogatory. I don't know what this has to do with me being a writer, but personally I am not a fan of anything past a one page essay lol. Thank you again, and I will try my best to relate to your experience as well. Thanks for also letting me know I'm not the only one going through a similar situation

Aug 05, 2014
christian guy under attack
by: Anonymous

About 16 years ago I was an extremely in shape weightlifter and athletic tree evening I fell asleep and woke at 3:15 am the room was dark and the only lite showing was the led of the digital clock.My wife was sound asleep next to me.when I noticed something else was in the room also.I started to jump up and realized I couldn't. Move however my eyes were opened and I could see around the room but not move my head.I witnessed 3 to 4ft beings that wore hooded black cloaks rummaging through the room picking up pics on dressers curiously and our decorative figurines and things.just then I felt a searing pain running through my shoulder I looked. one of these beings was sticking some. Type of hot thin probe into my This point I started to panic but couldn't Move then as this probe was being pushed. Into my shoulder I concentrated with every thing in my being to move.after a minute or two of extreme. Concentration my left arm broke free and I grabbed the whole being off the ground in a vice grip lock trapping it.suddenly all 5 that were in the room rushed to their fellows aid,to free it from my grasp.they couldn't then a type of ramp or stair came down literally through the ceiling (the house was two stories and the master was on the 2nd)several more came in the room and violently wrenched their fellow out of my grasp.freeing it.along with the burning probe.Suddenly the paralysis. Was over and the being were all scurrying up the ramp I jumped up up and dove after the last one getting on the ramp as the others grasped it and pulled. It in .my dive was so violent like when I played football ,My diving momentum carried me over the top of our king size bed (my wife's side)and through a nightstand lamp and through the sheetrock wife awakened screaming what's happening turned the lights on just then I looked at the clock it said 4:00.the next day as I was riding to work(I live in Houston)The news radio said last nite between 3:00 and 4:00 all NASAs radar and instruments. Had gone completely Off and no one knew why.after that I privately confided what had happened to the pastor of my church he admonished me not to tell anybody and said it was some kind of demonic wife believed me because of my leap through the wall.This has never happened since but I have a strange and persistent left shoulder pain I've learned to live with I'm sure if someone tracked the dare the NASA problem to me was son was two years at that time now he is eighteen.

Aug 18, 2014
Dark Mischief Moments
by: Anonymous

I have been receiving moments of being held down and controlled in my sleep. I cannot get away. I sense a dark shapeless thing on top of me that seems to enjoy the fact I cannot get away. Each time, I struggle and force my way through the dark with all my might. Breaking free and feeling bewildered. Last night I had to yell my way out and away from the darkness, scaring me wife to death. I never really feel threatened, just inconvenienced! Gone so far to call this thing out and confront it, later going in after it in my dreams. It does not like this and hides, afraid of me. I'm angry at it.
Any thoughts?

Aug 27, 2014
Based on experience
by: Anonymous

It seems that intense feelings such as fear, hate, anger attract certain entities. They feed off this and can easily attach to people in this state of being.
Stay positive, do not be afraid and make your intent known the next time you encounter an entity.

Sep 07, 2014
Another Dimension
by: Anonymous

I was 4 years old when I had my first experience, it started shortly after I recovered from a bad fever.
I was aware that I was awake the darkness was red, it felt like I was in the twilight zone or perpetual darkness and the darkness made a humming buzzing sound and the shapes or shadows that make up the darkness started joining together (Im sorry about the description here I actually don't know how to describe what I was seeing and feeling here) anyway, I feel this tingling sensation on my face (the best way for me to describe this is like raindrops lightly spraying on my face that gave a tingling sensation) followed by a high pitched whining noise. I looked at the doorway of my room a cloaked figure entered. As the figure came towards me the high pitched whining noise got higher and more intense and louder with every step. I was so scared I was frozen still, I closed my eyes and tried to scream for my mother but I couldn't move. The intensity of the frozen motion brought me out of the whole experience. This occurred 7 times in my life time, the last experience I was 15 years old. Each experience started with the same sensations everything was exactly the same it didn't matter if I was in a different room or house and with each experience I knew the cloaked figure was coming to get me and I remember always saying to myself the moment it started "oh no here we go again". I was 7 with my 2nd & 3rd experience, I couldn't see the face of the cloaked figure I tried but got afraid again and immediately tried to shut down or shut myself off like I did the first time and it worked. The 4th experience I was 9 this time I saw the face it was skeletor and the eyes were huge blue diamond like. This experience was different this time. This time I remember a red flashing light shinning through my bedroom window. I remember turning over onto my side and I could see my sister in her bed and all of a sudden her face turned into a skeleton and her arm was waving up and down. At that moment at the age of 9 I felt like I was in another world or dimension. When I was 11 years old I started telling my mother and my sister of my experiences my mother said it was just a nightmare and wouldn't here of it again but my sister devised a plan that she would do her best to try and wake me if she ever saw me freaking out in bed while I was asleep. I was 13 when my 5th & 6th experience occurred. I was ready this time, I work on my courage to face this demon, and I planned on going with him to find out what this was all about. I really tried to be brave I was older and bolder but fear got the better of me again and I shut down like I did in the past. I don't know why doing it worked for me but it did.
I would cringe into a ball so tightly and intensely until the sensations stopped. I'm 50 years old now and as I reflect, I can vividly remember every detail of my experiences. I have researched the topic of sleep paralysis but no experience ever came close to my story. I hope to reach out to anyone out there who knows anything about this, offer some answers or share similar experiences.
When I was 15 I could actually hear myself screaming in my head with fear......

Sep 10, 2014
demon tricked me
by: Siana

The first time I had sleep paralysis I felt no evil presence I just awoke in my dream could see I was laid in my room as id fallen asleep and I just felt so heavy and I was being sucked into my bed like I was falling towards the ground.
He second time a similar thing but I was floating above my body.
The third time was horrendous! It happened within 2 minutes of me falling asleep. I woke with the overwhelming feeling of something to the right of my bed friendly wanting to hold my hand. I reached my hand out from under my pillow and a small hand gently held it. All of a sudden this feeling turned to pure evil, it grabbed my hand hard and tried to pull my out of my bed to the floor. I resisted and tried to kick it I couldn't move I couldnt scream. It was pulling me so hard I looked over at it and it had a demon like face its head the size of a babies and its head was at floor height I couldnt see its body but it had a manly face and some sort of hood on. I was pulling away from it as hard as I could it had a really tight grip! All of a sudden I broke free and woke up. It was terrifying!
The fourth time I fell asleep on the sofa and woke with a dead body on my with its arm around me. I tried to call my boyfriend using my mobile it was flat in the dream. I managed to get up ( so not completely paralised this time) and throw the body of the man to the floor.
So pleased others have had similar experiences, I am not religious at all

Sep 11, 2014
dark shadows awake and asleep
by: katelynn

i had a dream where i was with this little boy and we were playing, but i was a boy too? i looked away too see a dark figure standing in the corner. when i re looked at the boy he had hung himself and was dead.
i have had this dream repeatedly and not sure what it means. but there is always a dark figure now.
i'm also starting to see dark figures from my dreams during the day.

Sep 24, 2014
by: brounty

(sorry for my poor english...not a english speaking person)
i,ve been having sp since last year...have seen many things. some were pitch black shadows sitting beside me and just staring at me...they scared the shit out of me. somethime i just sence something evil sitting at the end of my bed with a evil smirk, (i call him the sinister bastard) heh.
have had some OBE. is there something i can do to make it stop???
and also i do think there are something that science tells somewhat acceptable...but that is in my opinion just 20% . After having researched and reading tons of articles on pubmed, they just keep on reaeating the same shit. i want explanations open for all kinds!

Oct 25, 2014
Advice NEW
by: Chessu

Glad to be back here after a few years ago... So i believe many of you came here to find answers about this common phenomena. Well, as I commented before, I ve also experienced many evil encounters during my sleeps paralysis days back then, now it doesnt happen so often. So during those days with lots of paralysis I've learnt a lot about it, and I want to share it with you. First, lets point out some things about it. SP is caused by bad entities, why? Well, I tested it. Second, "why it's happening to me"? There are different reasons why these would come visit u, but the most common reason is bcs u re somewhat involved with witchcraft, or ouija, or black magic, u know... those spiritual practices. Third, some people can see them when awake, but others can't and they would mostly think they re just a product of their mind. Fourth, most people will experience this after having a frustrated and tiring day, like studing for a test all night and sleeping the next night. In this case, bad entities would hit me during those times, when i was just so stressed and my mind was too tired. Fifth, once they hit u, ur mind wakes up and u re found paralized, or in SP mode, then u see weird things happening. Now here i offer u two choices. One is the religious part. If the entity is more than u can handle, then i recommend u to say these words out loud "the power of christ compells you" or any other religious phrase. They they will mostly fade out and u wake up or u continue into lucid dreaming. You can opt to follow a christian or catholic religion if u want to end these phenomenons, otherwise follow me to the next step. If the entity is something you can handle it, then go ahead and face it. Don't get scared by it, but dont open them doors and " give them ur hand". Just show them who is the boss and stay strong until they give up and leave u alone. After this, u have the option to enter in lucid dreaming. Just think or wish where u want to be, concentrate it and plop! You will be in it doing whtever u want. Well, so after stopping reading about witchcraft, watching ghost videos and after doing some good actions, these things just stopped appearing more often. They still do, but just it became unusual. I think they come visit u if u have that "bad energy" in ur life. For those who are seeing those bad entities when ur body and mind are awake (u re in d real world) then I recommend u to change ur lifestile for good and follow any religion that can scare them away, like go to ur local church, buy sacred water, and spread it in ur room or house, together with a pray for ur loved ones or urself. I realized by doing that, some family problems improve, like if those problems come also from those bad entities haunting me. Hope all this helps and good luck with ur sp!

Oct 25, 2014
Advice NEW
by: Chessu

Glad to be back here after a few years ago... So i believe many of you came here to find answers about this common phenomena. Well, as I commented before, I ve also experienced many evil encounters during my sleeps paralysis days back then, now it doesnt happen so often. So during those days with lots of paralysis I've learnt a lot about it, and I want to share it with you. First, lets point out some things about it. SP is caused by bad entities, why? Well, I tested it. Second, "why it's happening to me"? There are different reasons why these would come visit u, but the most common reason is bcs u re somewhat involved with witchcraft, or ouija, or black magic, u know... those spiritual practices. Third, some people can see them when awake, but others can't and they would mostly think they re just a product of their mind. Fourth, most people will experience this after having a frustrated and tiring day, like studing for a test all night and sleeping the next night. In this case, bad entities would hit me during those times, when i was just so stressed and my mind was too tired. Fifth, once they hit u, ur mind wakes up and u re found paralized, or in SP mode, then u see weird things happening. Now here i offer u two choices. One is the religious part. If the entity is more than u can handle, then i recommend u to say these words out loud "the power of christ compells you" or any other religious phrase. They they will mostly fade out and u wake up or u continue into lucid dreaming. You can opt to follow a christian or catholic religion if u want to end these phenomenons, otherwise follow me to the next step. If the entity is something you can handle it, then go ahead and face it. Don't get scared by it, but dont open them doors and " give them ur hand". Just show them who is the boss and stay strong until they give up and leave u alone. After this, u have the option to enter in lucid dreaming. Just think or wish where u want to be, concentrate it and plop! You will be in it doing whtever u want. Well, so after stopping reading about witchcraft, watching ghost videos and after doing some good actions, these things just stopped appearing more often. They still do, but just it became unusual. I think they come visit u if u have that "bad energy" in ur life. For those who are seeing those bad entities when ur body and mind are awake (u re in d real world) then I recommend u to change ur lifestile for good and follow any religion that can scare them away, like go to ur local church, buy sacred water, and spread it in ur room or house, together with a pray for ur loved ones or urself. I realized by doing that, some family problems improve, like if those problems come also from those bad entities haunting me. Hope all this helps and good luck with ur sp!

Oct 25, 2014
Advice NEW
by: Chessu

Glad to be back here after a few years ago... So i believe many of you came here to find answers about this common phenomena. Well, as I commented before, I ve also experienced many evil encounters during my sleeps paralysis days back then, now it doesnt happen so often. So during those days with lots of paralysis I've learnt a lot about it, and I want to share it with you. First, lets point out some things about it. SP is caused by bad entities, why? Well, I tested it. Second, "why it's happening to me"? There are different reasons why these would come visit u, but the most common reason is bcs u re somewhat involved with witchcraft, or ouija, or black magic, u know... those spiritual practices. Third, some people can see them when awake, but others can't and they would mostly think they re just a product of their mind. Fourth, most people will experience this after having a frustrated and tiring day, like studing for a test all night and sleeping the next night. In this case, bad entities would hit me during those times, when i was just so stressed and my mind was too tired. Fifth, once they hit u, ur mind wakes up and u re found paralized, or in SP mode, then u see weird things happening. Now here i offer u two choices. One is the religious part. If the entity is more than u can handle, then i recommend u to say these words out loud "the power of christ compells you" or any other religious phrase. They they will mostly fade out and u wake up or u continue into lucid dreaming. You can opt to follow a christian or catholic religion if u want to end these phenomenons, otherwise follow me to the next step. If the entity is something you can handle it, then go ahead and face it. Don't get scared by it, but dont open them doors and " give them ur hand". Just show them who is the boss and stay strong until they give up and leave u alone. After this, u have the option to enter in lucid dreaming. Just think or wish where u want to be, concentrate it and plop! You will be in it doing whtever u want. Well, so after stopping reading about witchcraft, watching ghost videos and after doing some good actions, these things just stopped appearing more often. They still do, but just it became unusual. I think they come visit u if u have that "bad energy" in ur life. For those who are seeing those bad entities when ur body and mind are awake (u re in d real world) then I recommend u to change ur lifestile for good and follow any religion that can scare them away, like go to ur local church, buy sacred water, and spread it in ur room or house, together with a pray for ur loved ones or urself. I realized by doing that, some family problems improve, like if those problems come also from those bad entities haunting me. Hope all this helps and good luck with ur sp!

Oct 27, 2014
by: Alyssa

i have had 2 episodes of sp before i thought i was going crazy and that it was all in my head. while i was laying in my bed late at night i was with my husband i had this sense of terror like something was coming to get me and i was just scared out of no where. as i was laying in my bed freaking out i just went paralyzed i couldn't move a muscle on my body at all i was fully conscious of everything around me but i couldn't move and i felt something come over me as if it were laying on top of me and i felt suffocated and i heard this weird humming sound i couldn't explain it then everything went black i was in total darkness but i could feel everything happening to me and i couldn't see it and as quick as it came it was gone then i didn't feel anything and it was like it never happened. i tried to tell my husband but he didn't and doesn't believe me still to this day!
i thought i was crazy until i read this and it wasn't sleep deprivation because i was pregnant and getting plenty of sleep!

Oct 27, 2014
by: Alyssa

i have had 2 episodes of sp before i thought i was going crazy and that it was all in my head. while i was laying in my bed late at night i was with my husband i had this sense of terror like something was coming to get me and i was just scared out of no where. as i was laying in my bed freaking out i just went paralyzed i couldn't move a muscle on my body at all i was fully conscious of everything around me but i couldn't move and i felt something come over me as if it were laying on top of me and i felt suffocated and i heard this weird humming sound i couldn't explain it then everything went black i was in total darkness but i could feel everything happening to me and i couldn't see it and as quick as it came it was gone then i didn't feel anything and it was like it never happened. i tried to tell my husband but he didn't and doesn't believe me still to this day!
i thought i was crazy until i read this and it wasn't sleep deprivation because i was pregnant and getting plenty of sleep!

Oct 27, 2014
by: Alyssa

i have had 2 episodes of sp before i thought i was going crazy and that it was all in my head. while i was laying in my bed late at night i was with my husband i had this sense of terror like something was coming to get me and i was just scared out of no where. as i was laying in my bed freaking out i just went paralyzed i couldn't move a muscle on my body at all i was fully conscious of everything around me but i couldn't move and i felt something come over me as if it were laying on top of me and i felt suffocated and i heard this weird humming sound i couldn't explain it then everything went black i was in total darkness but i could feel everything happening to me and i couldn't see it and as quick as it came it was gone then i didn't feel anything and it was like it never happened. i tried to tell my husband but he didn't and doesn't believe me still to this day!
i thought i was crazy until i read this and it wasn't sleep deprivation because i was pregnant and getting plenty of sleep!

Oct 29, 2014
First visit NEW
by: Anonymous

3 weeks ago I took off my cross and told a jehovas witnes that the world would be a better place if there was no religeon and that everyone should choose science over it. God has barely crossed my mind since and the belief I had a purpose of good left me.

Within a week I had woke from sleep feel g alone and afraid like an abndoned child several times. Then a few times I felt presence of something not evil but mischievous.
The last week my girlfriend has been saying she has been seeing a shadow of a man moving around our bedroom normally near the foot of my bed, I didn't tell her that I had felt a press nice and joked the matter off, she says in the morning every few days that he was there again last night but I took no notice. She doesn't believe in God or aliens or anything at all.
last night I fell into a lucid dream and me and my brother stood over the body of jesus. Who I don't believe in even though I did believe in God.
He was dressed in white wearing a red sash and a gold crown. He rose to his feet before me not stood. Rose to standing.
I then woke into sleep paralysis and there in the doorway was the silhouette of a shadow, about 5.8ft I froze looking at it but not moving to face it. I'm not sure what happened next but I woke from it into another sp but this time the door is shut and shadows are moving s cross my bedsheets where my gf would be sleeping but she was downstairs. Then I woke for real feeling abandoned like a child.

Oct 30, 2014
Dark Entity NEW
by: Cat Woman

I had an episode almost 6 years ago. My husband was in prison so I was by myself with my kids in the house. It was in the middle of the night and I was laying down to sleep, eyes closed. I felt a presence in the room which I thought was my late Aunt and actually felt soothed by it. I was at the point of falling asleep when I heard the most evil voice whisper in my left ear, something in another language which I did not understand. I opened my eyes and above me was this dark shadow looking figure. It was blacker than black and once it saw me see it, it started to 'attack' me. It came at me over and over, each time it 'hit' me I would hear this loud resounding clash sound - like someone hitting cymbals together. I turned my head to scream for my daughter who was sleeping right outside my room on the couch. No sound came out of my mouth. I tried again, but nothing. I was struggling the whole time, but my body felt restrained somehow and I just couldn't move. The next thing I know, my body is going into convulsions. It lasted for more than a few seconds and when done, I just remember thinking or whispering - leave me alone. Everything stopped and I was exhausted from the attack. I could move again, picked up my phone and sent a text to a friend just saying something attacked me. I fell asleep. I then had the weirdest dream - I knew it was a dream, but it seemed different. I saw my door open, my cat walked in followed by my dog, followed by a black and white cat that I never saw before.
The next day, I told my oldest children what had happened to me, they needless to say, thought it was all a dream. Then they went to the store, when they came home, they called upstairs to me and said they found a kitten. I yelled downstairs and asked if it was black and white. Yes, they said, how did you know?

I don't know how to explain what happened that night and I'm a very logical person. I just know that it did happen. I don't believe in sleep paralysis, other than scientist putting a name to something they otherwise have no explanation for.

Best wishes to everyone on this site.

Oct 30, 2014
Dark Entity NEW
by: Cat Woman

I had an episode almost 6 years ago. My husband was in prison so I was by myself with my kids in the house. It was in the middle of the night and I was laying down to sleep, eyes closed. I felt a presence in the room which I thought was my late Aunt and actually felt soothed by it. I was at the point of falling asleep when I heard the most evil voice whisper in my left ear, something in another language which I did not understand. I opened my eyes and above me was this dark shadow looking figure. It was blacker than black and once it saw me see it, it started to 'attack' me. It came at me over and over, each time it 'hit' me I would hear this loud resounding clash sound - like someone hitting cymbals together. I turned my head to scream for my daughter who was sleeping right outside my room on the couch. No sound came out of my mouth. I tried again, but nothing. I was struggling the whole time, but my body felt restrained somehow and I just couldn't move. The next thing I know, my body is going into convulsions. It lasted for more than a few seconds and when done, I just remember thinking or whispering - leave me alone. Everything stopped and I was exhausted from the attack. I could move again, picked up my phone and sent a text to a friend just saying something attacked me. I fell asleep. I then had the weirdest dream - I knew it was a dream, but it seemed different. I saw my door open, my cat walked in followed by my dog, followed by a black and white cat that I never saw before.
The next day, I told my oldest children what had happened to me, they needless to say, thought it was all a dream. Then they went to the store, when they came home, they called upstairs to me and said they found a kitten. I yelled downstairs and asked if it was black and white. Yes, they said, how did you know?

I don't know how to explain what happened that night and I'm a very logical person. I just know that it did happen. I don't believe in sleep paralysis, other than scientist putting a name to something they otherwise have no explanation for.

Best wishes to everyone on this site.

Nov 03, 2014
unsure. NEW
by: SprChin

Last night the 2/11/2014 i believe i witnessed a shadow person at the foot of my bed. Altough i did not experience sleep paralysis. I swear on my son's life i saw a shadow move from one side of my bed to the other, as if pacing. Then it stopped and just stood still as if it was looking at me. I mitigated it being one of my two roommates by using a torch. And even the area that i shone the light seemed darker. Its not the first time as i on regular basis see quick moving shadows out the corner of my eyes when indoors but. I have never had one stand still as a spider does when you spot it scurying across the carpet at night under the light of the tv. No harm came to me and i slept rather well even with odd dreams.

Nov 04, 2014
Dark Shadow NEW
by: Anonymous

As a child around 6 years of age I had out of body experience but did not understand what was going on. There was an invisible spirit that would hit me in the chest and yank me around while laughing. It followed me for years but as long as I slept with the light on it would never happen.I would also dream about the world ending by nuclear disaster. The entire world destroyed. I don't watch scary movies or horror flicks so that could not be the reason for this happening plus I was only a child. I would wake up my entire family and ask them hurry and pack because the world was ending. Finally in my twenties one night I decided to confront this fear so I turned off the light and it returned and proceeded to hit me in the chest and push me around. I yelled and said I have had enough. The spirit became sad and said it was sorry but it was just having fun with me. I came to terms with it and let it know that I would not allow it anymore and this was the last night so I allowed it to sleep next to me but I will never allow this to happen again. Never went through that again but a few years later I saw a black shadow with white eyes at the door of my bedroom but it would not enter and I made it clear that it was not allowed to come anywhere near my paralyzed body or I would wake her up (meaning me). I have had out of body experience but it is always this white hand that tried to reach out to touch me and at night I would see a group of people hanging out in my home waiting for me to take a journey and travel spiritually outside of my body. Forty years later I have not had any encounter.

Nov 04, 2014
Dark Shadow NEW
by: Anonymous

As a child around 6 years of age I had out of body experience but did not understand what was going on. There was an invisible spirit that would hit me in the chest and yank me around while laughing. It followed me for years but as long as I slept with the light on it would never happen.I would also dream about the world ending by nuclear disaster. The entire world destroyed. I don't watch scary movies or horror flicks so that could not be the reason for this happening plus I was only a child. I would wake up my entire family and ask them hurry and pack because the world was ending. Finally in my twenties one night I decided to confront this fear so I turned off the light and it returned and proceeded to hit me in the chest and push me around. I yelled and said I have had enough. The spirit became sad and said it was sorry but it was just having fun with me. I came to terms with it and let it know that I would not allow it anymore and this was the last night so I allowed it to sleep next to me but I will never allow this to happen again. Never went through that again but a few years later I saw a black shadow with white eyes at the door of my bedroom but it would not enter and I made it clear that it was not allowed to come anywhere near my paralyzed body or I would wake her up (meaning me). I have had out of body experience but it is always this white hand that tried to reach out to touch me and at night I would see a group of people hanging out in my home waiting for me to take a journey and travel spiritually outside of my body. Forty years later I have not had any encounter.

Nov 04, 2014
Dark Shadow NEW
by: Anonymous

As a child around 6 years of age I had out of body experience but did not understand what was going on. There was an invisible spirit that would hit me in the chest and yank me around while laughing. It followed me for years but as long as I slept with the light on it would never happen.I would also dream about the world ending by nuclear disaster. The entire world destroyed. I don't watch scary movies or horror flicks so that could not be the reason for this happening plus I was only a child. I would wake up my entire family and ask them hurry and pack because the world was ending. Finally in my twenties one night I decided to confront this fear so I turned off the light and it returned and proceeded to hit me in the chest and push me around. I yelled and said I have had enough. The spirit became sad and said it was sorry but it was just having fun with me. I came to terms with it and let it know that I would not allow it anymore and this was the last night so I allowed it to sleep next to me but I will never allow this to happen again. Never went through that again but a few years later I saw a black shadow with white eyes at the door of my bedroom but it would not enter and I made it clear that it was not allowed to come anywhere near my paralyzed body or I would wake her up (meaning me). I have had out of body experience but it is always this white hand that tried to reach out to touch me and at night I would see a group of people hanging out in my home waiting for me to take a journey and travel spiritually outside of my body. Forty years later I have not had any encounter.

Nov 04, 2014
Dark Shadow NEW
by: Anonymous

As a child around 6 years of age I had out of body experience but did not understand what was going on. There was an invisible spirit that would hit me in the chest and yank me around while laughing. It followed me for years but as long as I slept with the light on it would never happen.I would also dream about the world ending by nuclear disaster. The entire world destroyed. I don't watch scary movies or horror flicks so that could not be the reason for this happening plus I was only a child. I would wake up my entire family and ask them hurry and pack because the world was ending. Finally in my twenties one night I decided to confront this fear so I turned off the light and it returned and proceeded to hit me in the chest and push me around. I yelled and said I have had enough. The spirit became sad and said it was sorry but it was just having fun with me. I came to terms with it and let it know that I would not allow it anymore and this was the last night so I allowed it to sleep next to me but I will never allow this to happen again. Never went through that again but a few years later I saw a black shadow with white eyes at the door of my bedroom but it would not enter and I made it clear that it was not allowed to come anywhere near my paralyzed body or I would wake her up (meaning me). I have had out of body experience but it is always this white hand that tried to reach out to touch me and at night I would see a group of people hanging out in my home waiting for me to take a journey and travel spiritually outside of my body. Forty years later I have not had any encounter.

Nov 04, 2014
Dark Shadow NEW
by: Anonymous

As a child around 6 years of age I had out of body experience but did not understand what was going on. There was an invisible spirit that would hit me in the chest and yank me around while laughing. It followed me for years but as long as I slept with the light on it would never happen.I would also dream about the world ending by nuclear disaster. The entire world destroyed. I don't watch scary movies or horror flicks so that could not be the reason for this happening plus I was only a child. I would wake up my entire family and ask them hurry and pack because the world was ending. Finally in my twenties one night I decided to confront this fear so I turned off the light and it returned and proceeded to hit me in the chest and push me around. I yelled and said I have had enough. The spirit became sad and said it was sorry but it was just having fun with me. I came to terms with it and let it know that I would not allow it anymore and this was the last night so I allowed it to sleep next to me but I will never allow this to happen again. Never went through that again but a few years later I saw a black shadow with white eyes at the door of my bedroom but it would not enter and I made it clear that it was not allowed to come anywhere near my paralyzed body or I would wake her up (meaning me). I have had out of body experience but it is always this white hand that tried to reach out to touch me and at night I would see a group of people hanging out in my home waiting for me to take a journey and travel spiritually outside of my body. Forty years later I have not had any encounter.

Nov 04, 2014
This happened to me too. NEW
by: Ivy

I've had this happen to,the first time I was laying on my back tring to sleep. It was like I never fell asleep or woke up. I still think I was awake at times. I was laying down tring to sleep then I felt something around me,cold and dark terror overcame me completely. I couldn't move I could only look around. I felt eyes burning into me then I looked to the window. It was this demon disfigured face with a grin,like it was enjoying my fear. I became completely numb and scared more then I ever had been in my life. Then it apeared at the end of my bed, my heart raised more then it was beside my legs I thought I was going to have a heart attack. My chest felt like it was getting pushed in,to the point I could barly breath. I tried to move my hand to wake up my boyfriend but it wouldn't move. Then I noticed it wasn't there. All a sudden that terrifing feeling was back but worse, I could feel it again I rolled my eyes to the side of the bed,its face was right beside mine with a gruesome smile. It felt like my heart stoped. I closed my eyes. It felt like it was gone. I opened my eyes and it was on top of me it face against mine.It felt like it wanted me dead. My heart dropped tears down my face. Then it all stopped. I snapped out of it and looked around. I stayed laying down on my back tring to figure out what just happened. Then I noticed I couldn't move again. I felt it again so I tried so hard to move my hand again to wake my boyfriend it seemed impossible I was so scared and felt helpless. I kept tring then my hand moved and I grabbed him and tried to wake him up but it didn't work. It felt like a fight i couldent win. I was so scared of when or where or how it was going to show itself this time. Next thing I know I sat up tears down my face and was terrified. My boyfriend woke up,I was a huge mess. I told him what happened but he didn't believe in this stuff. After this,it started to happen more often. At times my boyfriend would wake me up because I was cring or screaming. This one night we layed down to go to bed and the second I layed down and closed my eyes I couldn't move again I had that same fear it felt like something was holding my arms and legs togetheir as if I was hog tied me. I felt my head and body turn from laying on my back to on my stomach and my face in the pillow. I started to sufficate. I was terrified I thought I was going to die. Next thing I know my boyfriend woke me up. He said I was making muffled noices and gasping for air. It scared him because he noticed I couldent breath and that I was tring very hard to.He said I just laid down and within a few seconds he heard me gasping for air. My whole life I've had crazy stuff happen to me. From seeing shadows,noices,objects moving or dissapearing. It help helps to know I'm not alone.

Nov 05, 2014
Defence NEW
by: Anonymous

I have had the same thing happen to me and he's what I did to prevent it and stop it from happening constantly, remeber people there is POWER IN WORDS and yes ur best defence is found in using the power that Jesus used THE HOLY SPRIRT and yes you need to be knowledgable in spiritual warfare. Remember these things have been here for thousands of years when they were cast upon the earth by God when lucifer rebelled!.they live to deceive people as well about whats really going on so ask God for disernment including when u sleeping because it also likes to get in through dreams in my personal experiance. Whenever it happends to me i need to first need protect myself by asking the Holy Spirit to come and using the Holy Spirit to command that any evil/sinful spirit leave ( it's also best if u identity what it is for example mine is an incubus demon and others... Because they don't come by themselfs but in groups ) ask for angles to stand by and protect you
And cancel the the works that it has done on you (for example the incubus demon will always brings perversion and lust ) need proof this is true try it out, call upon the name of Jesus to save you and the Holy Spirit to protect you ... Jesus by dying on the cross he had broken sins power and what he is here still to do because he LOVES US !! And wants us to be free!! Other important things to know : demons act like an army, so we as children of God (not to do with religion) need to wise up, take this situation seriously other wise evil will keep deceiving us ! And remember keep defending yourself, never lose hope or faith,that is what gets u through and that is the very thing these dark forces try to destroy because It helps us to become victorious with God !

Nov 10, 2014
Freaked Out NEW
by: Sandman1974

When I was a child I vaguely remember seeing balls of light that woke me up in my bed at my Grandparents home in Brookhaven, Mississippi, everything after that night until that morning I can't remember. I don't know if I went back to sleep or WTF, you know. I am a Christian and believe very much so in the written word of the Holy Bible. I ended up addicted to pain killers for about 10 years and decided that I had enough of the world of addiction and went for help. I checked into a christian rehabilitation center, a year long program that I completed. I then entered a reentry program at the same center in which helps you get back on your feet in the real world. In August of 2011 sleeping in my bed at the center I was awoken in the very early morning not being able to move, I could see around the entire room even seeing my roommate asleep in his bed to the right of me, then I looked to my left again seeing about a four foot figure, hazy gray, I could not make out what it was but my feelings were telling me it wasn't friendly by any means. I started screaming and my roommate wasn't moving, I felted so helpless, then all of a sudden the figure disappeared and I could move and physically hear myself talk. I woke my roommate up and asked him if he heard me screaming, he said he didn't hear anything, nothing at all, wow I said, because his bed was only five foot away from mine. I told him what had happened, he laughed and said you had a nightmare, it was no nightmare, and I don't believe it was demonic, evil, yes, but not demonic. It was the freakiest thing to ever happen to me, I never went back to sleep that night I will never forget it.

Nov 12, 2014
scared and speachless NEW
by: dp

I'm sleeping when I feel my body being lifted off my bed. I feel it but can't see anything thing. I start to awake and realize I am above my bed. I still don't see anything. I try to scream or move and I can't. I am so scared my heart is pounding. I then feel like I was released and fell to the bed where I laid scared to death. I finally went back to sleep and all of a sudden I feel something slap down on my bed right next to me. I don't see anyone but I am sure I felt it and not just dreamed it. What is happening to me? A friend said it sounds like a out of body experience.

Nov 12, 2014
scared and speachless NEW
by: dp

I'm sleeping when I feel my body being lifted off my bed. I feel it but can't see anything thing. I start to awake and realize I am above my bed. I still don't see anything. I try to scream or move and I can't. I am so scared my heart is pounding. I then feel like I was released and fell to the bed where I laid scared to death. I finally went back to sleep and all of a sudden I feel something slap down on my bed right next to me. I don't see anyone but I am sure I felt it and not just dreamed it. What is happening to me? A friend said it sounds like a out of body experience.

Nov 12, 2014
scared and speachless NEW
by: dp

I'm sleeping when I feel my body being lifted off my bed. I feel it but can't see anything thing. I start to awake and realize I am above my bed. I still don't see anything. I try to scream or move and I can't. I am so scared my heart is pounding. I then feel like I was released and fell to the bed where I laid scared to death. I finally went back to sleep and all of a sudden I feel something slap down on my bed right next to me. I don't see anyone but I am sure I felt it and not just dreamed it. What is happening to me? A friend said it sounds like a out of body experience.

Nov 12, 2014
scared and speachless NEW
by: dp

I'm sleeping when I feel my body being lifted off my bed. I feel it but can't see anything thing. I start to awake and realize I am above my bed. I still don't see anything. I try to scream or move and I can't. I am so scared my heart is pounding. I then feel like I was released and fell to the bed where I laid scared to death. I finally went back to sleep and all of a sudden I feel something slap down on my bed right next to me. I don't see anyone but I am sure I felt it and not just dreamed it. What is happening to me? A friend said it sounds like a out of body experience.

Nov 13, 2014
shadows im my dream NEW
by: Anonymous

It happened to me too, I was sleeping then I became aware of my bedroom surroundings and at the doors are two black figures talking to one another with raspy voices. I think they became aware of my presence because suddenly my vision became black and they are talking to me. So I tried to pray for this dream to end because I was so scared but they told me that it won't work so I tried to wake up my own. I still experience it but not as extreme.

Nov 20, 2014
Clean your life and mind and home and relations NEW
by: Anonymous

It is a very complex topic, seems there are good and bad and beyond. The dark cloud or witch shaped cloud can be seen in broad day light by a group! Other dimensions dragon like beings, who primarily cant touch us may have green or glowing eyes. Hooded guys got me via rune stones. and tarot cards brought the thickest of cloud a door. Herb does it, it creates an awareness of shadows/lull before sleep.
Some watch, some protect, some dwell, some slip through, some feed on a situation, some get involved in your sex life -eg they like or dislike your partner. If you have house dwellers just cohabit. Don't disturb them to much, be clean, and don't think bad things just get on with your day. Make sure you don't have negative or user friends. Stay chaste. Be clean and positive. Anger is not good. Also booze if you are in a negative mode or in wrong company. It can be to do with a home that may be near a stream or underground water and lots of other things. research your area. Move if you have to. Sometimes they follow a friend or family member who have made to many errs or have been hexed. So it will make it worse -I'm not sure whether they make you ill, I think it can and would make anyone ill. Don't ask to many questions -you will get more. And just try to put your life on track. respect all. Don't hate. Positive actions. If it takes you over if you feel rigid or depressed you must change your inner thoughts and do good things. And not expect any return. Understanding that nature is everything and we cant control everything yet we all have a part and are equal. Be confident in yourself. There have been worse hallucinations and some poor people hear voices. Don't tell people it will ruin you. Be great in your dreams! There were great points made about hot and cold atmosphere, Blood type, ufos, energy stealing, protecting, don't fear. Half of these things can't touch you. If you can't breathe then really something has to change in your life and you already know what it is. Is it a part of our consciousness or a place we go to when we are mad (angry/down) are you clean in the toilet. Do you sulk. Do you blame people. Have you ever sent them on someone. Well you must repent the things you did wrong and be clean and good and work hard if you're young you must ask your family members to start a new beginning for you. Good luck!

Nov 21, 2014
gnome NEW
by: Anonymous

i don't know how to go by getting answers i have researched the word gnome many times. once in a dream i found myself climbing a stair case with a small black child sitting in the corner with solid black eyes in a deep voice he screamed at me to protect the gnome over and over again i continued to walk up the stairs frightened and with no choice i could not controle my body and the deep voice still rumbling through my head protect the gnome i reached the top of the stairs and i awoke only to be completely paralysed for about 20 min when i started to move it felt as somthing was trying to pull me back to sleep and keep me in the dream i caint realy make out weather it was trying to go in or out of me but it was an intense experience one i intend to pursue and find out what a gnome is and why am i suposed to protect it

Nov 21, 2014
gnome NEW
by: Anonymous

i don't know how to go by getting answers i have researched the word gnome many times. once in a dream i found myself climbing a stair case with a small black child sitting in the corner with solid black eyes in a deep voice he screamed at me to protect the gnome over and over again i continued to walk up the stairs frightened and with no choice i could not controle my body and the deep voice still rumbling through my head protect the gnome i reached the top of the stairs and i awoke only to be completely paralysed for about 20 min when i started to move it felt as somthing was trying to pull me back to sleep and keep me in the dream i caint realy make out weather it was trying to go in or out of me but it was an intense experience one i intend to pursue and find out what a gnome is and why am i suposed to protect it

Nov 21, 2014
gnome NEW
by: Anonymous

i don't know how to go by getting answers i have researched the word gnome many times. once in a dream i found myself climbing a stair case with a small black child sitting in the corner with solid black eyes in a deep voice he screamed at me to protect the gnome over and over again i continued to walk up the stairs frightened and with no choice i could not controle my body and the deep voice still rumbling through my head protect the gnome i reached the top of the stairs and i awoke only to be completely paralysed for about 20 min when i started to move it felt as somthing was trying to pull me back to sleep and keep me in the dream i caint realy make out weather it was trying to go in or out of me but it was an intense experience one i intend to pursue and find out what a gnome is and why am i suposed to protect it

Nov 21, 2014
gnome NEW
by: Anonymous

i don't know how to go by getting answers i have researched the word gnome many times. once in a dream i found myself climbing a stair case with a small black child sitting in the corner with solid black eyes in a deep voice he screamed at me to protect the gnome over and over again i continued to walk up the stairs frightened and with no choice i could not controle my body and the deep voice still rumbling through my head protect the gnome i reached the top of the stairs and i awoke only to be completely paralysed for about 20 min when i started to move it felt as somthing was trying to pull me back to sleep and keep me in the dream i caint realy make out weather it was trying to go in or out of me but it was an intense experience one i intend to pursue and find out what a gnome is and why am i suposed to protect it

Nov 21, 2014
gnome NEW
by: Anonymous

i don't know how to go by getting answers i have researched the word gnome many times. once in a dream i found myself climbing a stair case with a small black child sitting in the corner with solid black eyes in a deep voice he screamed at me to protect the gnome over and over again i continued to walk up the stairs frightened and with no choice i could not controle my body and the deep voice still rumbling through my head protect the gnome i reached the top of the stairs and i awoke only to be completely paralysed for about 20 min when i started to move it felt as somthing was trying to pull me back to sleep and keep me in the dream i caint realy make out weather it was trying to go in or out of me but it was an intense experience one i intend to pursue and find out what a gnome is and why am i suposed to protect it

Nov 21, 2014
gnome NEW
by: Anonymous

i don't know how to go by getting answers i have researched the word gnome many times. once in a dream i found myself climbing a stair case with a small black child sitting in the corner with solid black eyes in a deep voice he screamed at me to protect the gnome over and over again i continued to walk up the stairs frightened and with no choice i could not controle my body and the deep voice still rumbling through my head protect the gnome i reached the top of the stairs and i awoke only to be completely paralysed for about 20 min when i started to move it felt as somthing was trying to pull me back to sleep and keep me in the dream i caint realy make out weather it was trying to go in or out of me but it was an intense experience one i intend to pursue and find out what a gnome is and why am i suposed to protect it

Dec 08, 2014
Had the same experiences as most of you had NEW
by: Rome_X_Man

Hi everyone; since I was a little boy I could see what others could not. My mother and my father told me that it was my imagination. However, I overheard my parents talking about their experiences with some bad spirits or demons. The last time I saw a dark shape was about 3 months ago, and its energy was negatively charged. Anyhow, sometimes those entities freely choose you to mess with; my experience tells me that there are some people that practice communicating with the dark ones. It is through that no one can control these dark figures; however, there is always some idiot that has something against you an visits the supposed to be controllers of these dark entities. In 2002 I was working on my desktop computer and I felt a presence behind me. Right away I turned around and I saw the a figure with two white eyes with a small dark center; and there was moving gas around an undefined 5'8' body. It was funny to see the entities face area when it figure out that I was able to see it. During my divorce in the 90's I was attached again; however, I knew how to take care of business. I started to pray and in my prayer I asked God to let me hit the entity and inflict pain to it. So in the middle of my prayer when the entity loosen its grip on my arm y punched the dark entity so hard that went through two room walls. Then I heard my father scream in the last room of the house. A week later the same entity returned with a companion. I heard the entities discussing me like I was a piece human trash. The taller entity said to the smaller one, that I did not look that tough; and that moment I got up and look straight at them, when entities noticed that I could see them they disappeared. Be tough pray and inflict pain to those entities that come to you while you sleep to inflict pay and frighten you. Last but not least, pray at night: the holly father, Salm 23, 35, and 91, and you'll have the best sleep you ever had. Best wishes for you'll, and remember that this entities are always around and they can see, hear and read everything we write. Also, this entities attack family members, and the family members make your life miserable. If you can see this entities; hence you are the strongest in your family nucleus and is your job to protect those around you.

Dec 08, 2014
Had the same experiences as most of you had NEW
by: Rome_X_Man

Hi everyone; since I was a little boy I could see what others could not. My mother and my father told me that it was my imagination. However, I overheard my parents talking about their experiences with some bad spirits or demons. The last time I saw a dark shape was about 3 months ago, and its energy was negatively charged. Anyhow, sometimes those entities freely choose you to mess with; my experience tells me that there are some people that practice communicating with the dark ones. It is through that no one can control these dark figures; however, there is always some idiot that has something against you an visits the supposed to be controllers of these dark entities. In 2002 I was working on my desktop computer and I felt a presence behind me. Right away I turned around and I saw the a figure with two white eyes with a small dark center; and there was moving gas around an undefined 5'8' body. It was funny to see the entities face area when it figure out that I was able to see it. During my divorce in the 90's I was attached again; however, I knew how to take care of business. I started to pray and in my prayer I asked God to let me hit the entity and inflict pain to it. So in the middle of my prayer when the entity loosen its grip on my arm y punched the dark entity so hard that went through two room walls. Then I heard my father scream in the last room of the house. A week later the same entity returned with a companion. I heard the entities discussing me like I was a piece human trash. The taller entity said to the smaller one, that I did not look that tough; and that moment I got up and look straight at them, when entities noticed that I could see them they disappeared. Be tough pray and inflict pain to those entities that come to you while you sleep to inflict pay and frighten you. Last but not least, pray at night: the holly father, Salm 23, 35, and 91, and you'll have the best sleep you ever had. Best wishes for you'll, and remember that this entities are always around and they can see, hear and read everything we write. Also, this entities attack family members, and the family members make your life miserable. If you can see this entities; hence you are the strongest in your family nucleus and is your job to protect those around you.

Dec 08, 2014
Had the same experiences as most of you had NEW
by: Rome_X_Man

Hi everyone; since I was a little boy I could see what others could not. My mother and my father told me that it was my imagination. However, I overheard my parents talking about their experiences with some bad spirits or demons. The last time I saw a dark shape was about 3 months ago, and its energy was negatively charged. Anyhow, sometimes those entities freely choose you to mess with; my experience tells me that there are some people that practice communicating with the dark ones. It is through that no one can control these dark figures; however, there is always some idiot that has something against you an visits the supposed to be controllers of these dark entities. In 2002 I was working on my desktop computer and I felt a presence behind me. Right away I turned around and I saw the a figure with two white eyes with a small dark center; and there was moving gas around an undefined 5'8' body. It was funny to see the entities face area when it figure out that I was able to see it. During my divorce in the 90's I was attached again; however, I knew how to take care of business. I started to pray and in my prayer I asked God to let me hit the entity and inflict pain to it. So in the middle of my prayer when the entity loosen its grip on my arm y punched the dark entity so hard that went through two room walls. Then I heard my father scream in the last room of the house. A week later the same entity returned with a companion. I heard the entities discussing me like I was a piece human trash. The taller entity said to the smaller one, that I did not look that tough; and that moment I got up and look straight at them, when entities noticed that I could see them they disappeared. Be tough pray and inflict pain to those entities that come to you while you sleep to inflict pay and frighten you. Last but not least, pray at night: the holly father, Salm 23, 35, and 91, and you'll have the best sleep you ever had. Best wishes for you'll, and remember that this entities are always around and they can see, hear and read everything we write. Also, this entities attack family members, and the family members make your life miserable. If you can see this entities; hence you are the strongest in your family nucleus and is your job to protect those around you.

Dec 12, 2014
I am just wondering what this was? NEW
by: Anonymous

I was 4 years old. Laid in my mom and dads bed. I woke up. I was defiantly awake but couldn't move. There was a figure in a black cloak walking out the room, it said to me don't look at me, and it tried to stop me looking, when it had gone out the room I could move. I wasn't frightened I was just wondering why it said don't look at me. It said it to my mind n wasn't vocal

Dec 12, 2014
I am just wondering what this was? NEW
by: Anonymous

I was 4 years old. Laid in my mom and dads bed. I woke up. I was defiantly awake but couldn't move. There was a figure in a black cloak walking out the room, it said to me don't look at me, and it tried to stop me looking, when it had gone out the room I could move. I wasn't frightened I was just wondering why it said don't look at me. It said it to my mind n wasn't vocal

Dec 13, 2014
Testimony on how i got my Husband back NEW
by: Marisa Saenz

My name is Marisa Saenz i want you all to join me to thank the great man that help me to restore my relationship with my husband who dump me for another Girl for 3 months because the Girl had money, at first i never believed Doctor Azul spell temple will be able to help me win Nelson back from this other Girl but because i still love him and i need him back in my life, i worked and follow his instruction and it surprise me that after working with him, Nelson called me and ask me to forgive and forget the past that he still love me and that was how my husband came back for good. So with this great work done for me by Doctor Azul spell temple of whom i promise to always share his good work to the whole wide world and if any body is out there passing through any relationship difficulties should kindly contact him via Email { }. Once again thank you Great Doctor Azul...

Dec 15, 2014
My haunted apartment building NEW
by: Jenny lee

My boyfriend and I had to make a quick decision on where to live. It wasn't a safe place but it was a roof over our heads. One night I took a shower while my bf was resting. When I was done and walked down the hallway he came jumping out the room scaring me. He said he must've had a bad dream and ended it at that. Then it was bedtime. In the morning he woke up early the sun was up it was going to be a beautiful day. He got himself ready for a shower. When he shut the bedroom door the room was instantly dark I started to become in a paralyzed state of mind I could hear something sounding like it was running in slippers in my room. The noise became louder and louder and my fear grew stronger. At that point I was still in darkness and then this black figure was on top of me pushing me down I was and able to speak I was in able to move I was in complete fear. Then my bf came in the door It was like someone turned on the lights. I couldn't believe it I was hysterically crying I had never in my 27 years of my life ever experienced fear like that before. I told him what happened he said that what happened to him the night before. How is that possible if I did know what happened to him the night prior. That's not a coincidence. I hope that no one had still lives in the building ever had that experience that we did. I found out years later that several people died in the building. Two had died from overdose. One from ammonia. I know there are several unsettled spirits roaming in the building.

Dec 15, 2014
My haunted apartment building NEW
by: Jenny lee

My boyfriend and I had to make a quick decision on where to live. It wasn't a safe place but it was a roof over our heads. One night I took a shower while my bf was resting. When I was done and walked down the hallway he came jumping out the room scaring me. He said he must've had a bad dream and ended it at that. Then it was bedtime. In the morning he woke up early the sun was up it was going to be a beautiful day. He got himself ready for a shower. When he shut the bedroom door the room was instantly dark I started to become in a paralyzed state of mind I could hear something sounding like it was running in slippers in my room. The noise became louder and louder and my fear grew stronger. At that point I was still in darkness and then this black figure was on top of me pushing me down I was and able to speak I was in able to move I was in complete fear. Then my bf came in the door It was like someone turned on the lights. I couldn't believe it I was hysterically crying I had never in my 27 years of my life ever experienced fear like that before. I told him what happened he said that what happened to him the night before. How is that possible if I did know what happened to him the night prior. That's not a coincidence. I hope that no one had still lives in the building ever had that experience that we did. I found out years later that several people died in the building. Two had died from overdose. One from ammonia. I know there are several unsettled spirits roaming in the building.

Dec 16, 2014
Low Blood Sugar NEW
by: Brianna

I used to have this ALL the time. It scared the hell out of me. Then I read somewhere where sleep paralysis can be a result of low blood sugar. I started taking steps to make sure I didn't have low sugar when I went to bed and I haven't experienced since. Drink some cranberry juice before bed. (I recommend cranberry because other kinds can give you a UTI if left on your bladder overnight. I learned the hard way).

Dec 19, 2014
Sleep paralysis coming into daily life. NEW
by: SP Longtime

I have had SP since I was little, I am now 37. Over the years I have had different experiences including lucid dreaming. I always got out a SP by moving a toe. I can also control my breathing during an episode.

Things have recently gone really bad / weird. I once had an SP where a little child runs to the side of my bed. This child has got in my bed before and tormented me. She has an evil smile. Anyway, the other night this happened and a tall dark figure was in the corner of the room watching the child. I managed to get out the SP but continued to see faces around me that eventually faded.

The next day I was drying my hair and I saw a shadow of a child run over to my side of the bed! I was shaking.

Last night I was entering a SP episode and a small child ran to my side of the bed. It put its arms on the matress and I felt the matress move down. It was like it was checking to see if I was asleep. I didn't open my eyes!

I got up, washed my face and went back to bed.

I entered another SP and the tall figure was in the corner again - watching. It felt like he had opened a void behind me which allowed lots of "children" to run around my bedroom. I could hear running feet all around. I managed to scream and wake my husband up, who woke me up. I didn't go back to sleep after that!

This figure that appeared as my dad a few weeks ago. I spoke to him as said "what are you doing". I said "are you my dad". He said "noooo, I don't know you". I said you are my dad I love you. He kept saying "nooo, I don't know you". I even text my dad the next day to see if he was ok!

Anyway, I am frankly getting pssed off with this guy in my dreams and want to know how to get rid of him once and for all! Any ideas?

Dec 21, 2014
Easier said than done. NEW
by: Nathan

The common denominator in most SP attacks is fear. The demons are parasitic and bathe in the presence of fear and terror. Fear is a form of energy and evil entities love the feeling that fear invokes, the same way humans enjoy the feeling that a warm genial person might invoke or radiate. the way i see it is in order to stop SP attacks or to overcome any attack is to become fearless. One cannot be allow a demon to feed on your fears. One cannot be afraid or terrified, easier said than done. Alls that I can say is to surrender to god, or the opposite force that opposes evil which through logical deduction would be pure love. So surrender to pure love. Demons can't feed on pure love for they have no capacity. Demons are stifled or paralyzed at the sight or slightest detection of pure love. So in your sleep instead of being in terror and allowing demons to feed on your fear, love them purely, accept them for who they are and they will leave you alone.

Dec 26, 2014
by: Guarrandillo

The 'false waking' phenomenon is something I find completely astounding. I had been living some weeks in a bad situation in proximity to a person I could not trust at all and who by his own admission 'nurtured his dark side'. The night before I was to ship out, and on the heels of a bad disagreement with this bloke I 'awoke' to a presence of extremely violent intent lying over me, shaking me with what felt like the mixed intention to both rape and kill me ( I am male). I fought this male phantom creature against the dead lead paralysis which made it almost impossible to even move a finger let alone fight. The creature fled and I found myself standing 'awake' facing my room door whence the creature had supposedly 'fled'. At some point later I was to awaken authentically and realise that I never got out of bed, never fought and never stood by the door. It was all as if a complete parallel reality, with different rules. This is only one of many related incidents over my my life but the most powerful, lucid and convincing. So many here have written about intensely dark figures carrying some absolute malignancy and this too I have known many times. But I would like to ask all of those who have had such experiences to look at one thing and feed back to me. The infantile repression factor. When I was a kid I had such terrors at night as I can't now recall. I consciously pushed them out of sight so I don't now know what they were except that these imaginings terrified me. I feel that basically as a result of feeling alone and unprotected against these terrors I actually killed my imagination --- where others nurtured their imaginations. I wouldn't say it was unlikely that the force of that imagination so hard repressed could form itself into all kinds of 'demons' and 'hooded figures, succubus, incubus, all of this, later in life -- as we live numb and blandly unheeding on a cloud -- until the next time our imagination gets out of the bag.. What do you think --- I mean those who haven't gone straight into the kneejerk 'demons 'n jesus' corner.

Dec 28, 2014
You can fight them off. NEW
by: Jim

This first started for me when I was about 10 years old. I went to sleep in my grandparents house on 319 Rutger st. They are both dead now and they had sold the house before they died. Previous to my incident with the shadow person or entity there was an attack on the woman living in one of the 2nd or 3rd floor apartments, all the adults ran upstairs to help her after she went through the glass shower door while showering. However she never came back to the apartment. If you just had an accident in the shower you don't immediately leave your apartment and never come back. No one in the house wanted to talk about it.

I remember it was spring or summer and we were visiting my grandparents I was still young and my grandma told me to go lay down and take a nap, I was just drifting off to sleep and I heard the door squeak open. I looked towards the door which was at a 45 degree angle from the foot of the bed about 6 feet at the corner of the room where it met the wall, the door led to the hallway where the bathroom and the other bedroom was. I was laying on the right side of the bed from the door. I was under my grandmothers wedding bedspread that was part of her Dowery. It was old and had been washed hundreds of times. It was a little threadbare.

The shadow person or entity was slowly opening the door and I was scared because I didn't know who or what it was. I saw a dark silhouette I would describe as a black Cassock, hooded, no face but red eyes that glowed I remember bony fingers around the doorknob but no legs or feet. I can't express enough the evil that this figure exuded.

It seemed to be waiting to see what I would do. I decided to pull the covers over my head and call for my grandmother. That is exactly what I did. Then about 20 terror filled seconds later - It yanked the covers completely off the bed and ripped them around my hands. My grandmother came in about the same time and saw the covers slide down the wall to the floor. She at first thought I had kicked them with my feet but couldn't explain how I could have kicked hard enough to pull them off the bed fully and make them reach the wall while the sheet was still in my hands with the tear outs from the bed cover. I could tell she wanted to blame me but couldn't.

I told my grandmother what I saw and what it did. I then had to tell all the adults in the house when they got back because they wanted to hear the story. I heard them discussing it because the bedroom was right off the kitchen and they also discussed the "attack" on the lady in the apartment. My grandmother said she wanted a priest to come by and bless the house. My grandfather gave her shit about that, she told him where to go.

The second time the entity showed itself I got out of bed and attacked it physically and verbally I told it I would not be terrorized by it any longer and bring it into the light if forced. At first it had ahold of me but I got hold of one of its arms and started dragging it out of the shadows and it fought me for all it was worth. Eventually I got a bit of it out in the room light area and it screamed and disappeared back into the hallway. The scream was terrible and sounded like it was in horrible pain. I don't think they like the light.

My grandmother had the priest come over and bless the house, but I don't know if it was me or the priest or both that made it stop. Probably because it couldn't victimize me anymore.

I feel sorry for the people who bought the house though.

Dec 28, 2014
You can fight them off. NEW
by: Jim

This first started for me when I was about 10 years old. I went to sleep in my grandparents house on 319 Rutger st. They are both dead now and they had sold the house before they died. Previous to my incident with the shadow person or entity there was an attack on the woman living in one of the 2nd or 3rd floor apartments, all the adults ran upstairs to help her after she went through the glass shower door while showering. However she never came back to the apartment. If you just had an accident in the shower you don't immediately leave your apartment and never come back. No one in the house wanted to talk about it.

I remember it was spring or summer and we were visiting my grandparents I was still young and my grandma told me to go lay down and take a nap, I was just drifting off to sleep and I heard the door squeak open. I looked towards the door which was at a 45 degree angle from the foot of the bed about 6 feet at the corner of the room where it met the wall, the door led to the hallway where the bathroom and the other bedroom was. I was laying on the right side of the bed from the door. I was under my grandmothers wedding bedspread that was part of her Dowery. It was old and had been washed hundreds of times. It was a little threadbare.

The shadow person or entity was slowly opening the door and I was scared because I didn't know who or what it was. I saw a dark silhouette I would describe as a black Cassock, hooded, no face but red eyes that glowed I remember bony fingers around the doorknob but no legs or feet. I can't express enough the evil that this figure exuded.

It seemed to be waiting to see what I would do. I decided to pull the covers over my head and call for my grandmother. That is exactly what I did. Then about 20 terror filled seconds later - It yanked the covers completely off the bed and ripped them around my hands. My grandmother came in about the same time and saw the covers slide down the wall to the floor. She at first thought I had kicked them with my feet but couldn't explain how I could have kicked hard enough to pull them off the bed fully and make them reach the wall while the sheet was still in my hands with the tear outs from the bed cover. I could tell she wanted to blame me but couldn't.

I told my grandmother what I saw and what it did. I then had to tell all the adults in the house when they got back because they wanted to hear the story. I heard them discussing it because the bedroom was right off the kitchen and they also discussed the "attack" on the lady in the apartment. My grandmother said she wanted a priest to come by and bless the house. My grandfather gave her shit about that, she told him where to go.

The second time the entity showed itself I got out of bed and attacked it physically and verbally I told it I would not be terrorized by it any longer and bring it into the light if forced. At first it had ahold of me but I got hold of one of its arms and started dragging it out of the shadows and it fought me for all it was worth. Eventually I got a bit of it out in the room light area and it screamed and disappeared back into the hallway. The scream was terrible and sounded like it was in horrible pain. I don't think they like the light.

My grandmother had the priest come over and bless the house, but I don't know if it was me or the priest or both that made it stop. Probably because it couldn't victimize me anymore.

I feel sorry for the people who bought the house though.

Dec 28, 2014
You can fight them off. NEW
by: Jim

This first started for me when I was about 10 years old. I went to sleep in my grandparents house on 319 Rutger st. They are both dead now and they had sold the house before they died. Previous to my incident with the shadow person or entity there was an attack on the woman living in one of the 2nd or 3rd floor apartments, all the adults ran upstairs to help her after she went through the glass shower door while showering. However she never came back to the apartment. If you just had an accident in the shower you don't immediately leave your apartment and never come back. No one in the house wanted to talk about it.

I remember it was spring or summer and we were visiting my grandparents I was still young and my grandma told me to go lay down and take a nap, I was just drifting off to sleep and I heard the door squeak open. I looked towards the door which was at a 45 degree angle from the foot of the bed about 6 feet at the corner of the room where it met the wall, the door led to the hallway where the bathroom and the other bedroom was. I was laying on the right side of the bed from the door. I was under my grandmothers wedding bedspread that was part of her Dowery. It was old and had been washed hundreds of times. It was a little threadbare.

The shadow person or entity was slowly opening the door and I was scared because I didn't know who or what it was. I saw a dark silhouette I would describe as a black Cassock, hooded, no face but red eyes that glowed I remember bony fingers around the doorknob but no legs or feet. I can't express enough the evil that this figure exuded.

It seemed to be waiting to see what I would do. I decided to pull the covers over my head and call for my grandmother. That is exactly what I did. Then about 20 terror filled seconds later - It yanked the covers completely off the bed and ripped them around my hands. My grandmother came in about the same time and saw the covers slide down the wall to the floor. She at first thought I had kicked them with my feet but couldn't explain how I could have kicked hard enough to pull them off the bed fully and make them reach the wall while the sheet was still in my hands with the tear outs from the bed cover. I could tell she wanted to blame me but couldn't.

I told my grandmother what I saw and what it did. I then had to tell all the adults in the house when they got back because they wanted to hear the story. I heard them discussing it because the bedroom was right off the kitchen and they also discussed the "attack" on the lady in the apartment. My grandmother said she wanted a priest to come by and bless the house. My grandfather gave her shit about that, she told him where to go.

The second time the entity showed itself I got out of bed and attacked it physically and verbally I told it I would not be terrorized by it any longer and bring it into the light if forced. At first it had ahold of me but I got hold of one of its arms and started dragging it out of the shadows and it fought me for all it was worth. Eventually I got a bit of it out in the room light area and it screamed and disappeared back into the hallway. The scream was terrible and sounded like it was in horrible pain. I don't think they like the light.

My grandmother had the priest come over and bless the house, but I don't know if it was me or the priest or both that made it stop. Probably because it couldn't victimize me anymore.

I feel sorry for the people who bought the house though.

Dec 28, 2014
You can fight them off. NEW
by: Jim

This first started for me when I was about 10 years old. I went to sleep in my grandparents house on 319 Rutger st. They are both dead now and they had sold the house before they died. Previous to my incident with the shadow person or entity there was an attack on the woman living in one of the 2nd or 3rd floor apartments, all the adults ran upstairs to help her after she went through the glass shower door while showering. However she never came back to the apartment. If you just had an accident in the shower you don't immediately leave your apartment and never come back. No one in the house wanted to talk about it.

I remember it was spring or summer and we were visiting my grandparents I was still young and my grandma told me to go lay down and take a nap, I was just drifting off to sleep and I heard the door squeak open. I looked towards the door which was at a 45 degree angle from the foot of the bed about 6 feet at the corner of the room where it met the wall, the door led to the hallway where the bathroom and the other bedroom was. I was laying on the right side of the bed from the door. I was under my grandmothers wedding bedspread that was part of her Dowery. It was old and had been washed hundreds of times. It was a little threadbare.

The shadow person or entity was slowly opening the door and I was scared because I didn't know who or what it was. I saw a dark silhouette I would describe as a black Cassock, hooded, no face but red eyes that glowed I remember bony fingers around the doorknob but no legs or feet. I can't express enough the evil that this figure exuded.

It seemed to be waiting to see what I would do. I decided to pull the covers over my head and call for my grandmother. That is exactly what I did. Then about 20 terror filled seconds later - It yanked the covers completely off the bed and ripped them around my hands. My grandmother came in about the same time and saw the covers slide down the wall to the floor. She at first thought I had kicked them with my feet but couldn't explain how I could have kicked hard enough to pull them off the bed fully and make them reach the wall while the sheet was still in my hands with the tear outs from the bed cover. I could tell she wanted to blame me but couldn't.

I told my grandmother what I saw and what it did. I then had to tell all the adults in the house when they got back because they wanted to hear the story. I heard them discussing it because the bedroom was right off the kitchen and they also discussed the "attack" on the lady in the apartment. My grandmother said she wanted a priest to come by and bless the house. My grandfather gave her shit about that, she told him where to go.

The second time the entity showed itself I got out of bed and attacked it physically and verbally I told it I would not be terrorized by it any longer and bring it into the light if forced. At first it had ahold of me but I got hold of one of its arms and started dragging it out of the shadows and it fought me for all it was worth. Eventually I got a bit of it out in the room light area and it screamed and disappeared back into the hallway. The scream was terrible and sounded like it was in horrible pain. I don't think they like the light.

My grandmother had the priest come over and bless the house, but I don't know if it was me or the priest or both that made it stop. Probably because it couldn't victimize me anymore.

I feel sorry for the people who bought the house though.

Dec 28, 2014
You can fight them off. NEW
by: Jim

This first started for me when I was about 10 years old. I went to sleep in my grandparents house on 319 Rutger st. They are both dead now and they had sold the house before they died. Previous to my incident with the shadow person or entity there was an attack on the woman living in one of the 2nd or 3rd floor apartments, all the adults ran upstairs to help her after she went through the glass shower door while showering. However she never came back to the apartment. If you just had an accident in the shower you don't immediately leave your apartment and never come back. No one in the house wanted to talk about it.

I remember it was spring or summer and we were visiting my grandparents I was still young and my grandma told me to go lay down and take a nap, I was just drifting off to sleep and I heard the door squeak open. I looked towards the door which was at a 45 degree angle from the foot of the bed about 6 feet at the corner of the room where it met the wall, the door led to the hallway where the bathroom and the other bedroom was. I was laying on the right side of the bed from the door. I was under my grandmothers wedding bedspread that was part of her Dowery. It was old and had been washed hundreds of times. It was a little threadbare.

The shadow person or entity was slowly opening the door and I was scared because I didn't know who or what it was. I saw a dark silhouette I would describe as a black Cassock, hooded, no face but red eyes that glowed I remember bony fingers around the doorknob but no legs or feet. I can't express enough the evil that this figure exuded.

It seemed to be waiting to see what I would do. I decided to pull the covers over my head and call for my grandmother. That is exactly what I did. Then about 20 terror filled seconds later - It yanked the covers completely off the bed and ripped them around my hands. My grandmother came in about the same time and saw the covers slide down the wall to the floor. She at first thought I had kicked them with my feet but couldn't explain how I could have kicked hard enough to pull them off the bed fully and make them reach the wall while the sheet was still in my hands with the tear outs from the bed cover. I could tell she wanted to blame me but couldn't.

I told my grandmother what I saw and what it did. I then had to tell all the adults in the house when they got back because they wanted to hear the story. I heard them discussing it because the bedroom was right off the kitchen and they also discussed the "attack" on the lady in the apartment. My grandmother said she wanted a priest to come by and bless the house. My grandfather gave her shit about that, she told him where to go.

The second time the entity showed itself I got out of bed and attacked it physically and verbally I told it I would not be terrorized by it any longer and bring it into the light if forced. At first it had ahold of me but I got hold of one of its arms and started dragging it out of the shadows and it fought me for all it was worth. Eventually I got a bit of it out in the room light area and it screamed and disappeared back into the hallway. The scream was terrible and sounded like it was in horrible pain. I don't think they like the light.

My grandmother had the priest come over and bless the house, but I don't know if it was me or the priest or both that made it stop. Probably because it couldn't victimize me anymore.

I feel sorry for the people who bought the house though.

Dec 28, 2014
You can fight them off. NEW
by: Jim

This first started for me when I was about 10 years old. I went to sleep in my grandparents house on 319 Rutger st. They are both dead now and they had sold the house before they died. Previous to my incident with the shadow person or entity there was an attack on the woman living in one of the 2nd or 3rd floor apartments, all the adults ran upstairs to help her after she went through the glass shower door while showering. However she never came back to the apartment. If you just had an accident in the shower you don't immediately leave your apartment and never come back. No one in the house wanted to talk about it.

I remember it was spring or summer and we were visiting my grandparents I was still young and my grandma told me to go lay down and take a nap, I was just drifting off to sleep and I heard the door squeak open. I looked towards the door which was at a 45 degree angle from the foot of the bed about 6 feet at the corner of the room where it met the wall, the door led to the hallway where the bathroom and the other bedroom was. I was laying on the right side of the bed from the door. I was under my grandmothers wedding bedspread that was part of her Dowery. It was old and had been washed hundreds of times. It was a little threadbare.

The shadow person or entity was slowly opening the door and I was scared because I didn't know who or what it was. I saw a dark silhouette I would describe as a black Cassock, hooded, no face but red eyes that glowed I remember bony fingers around the doorknob but no legs or feet. I can't express enough the evil that this figure exuded.

It seemed to be waiting to see what I would do. I decided to pull the covers over my head and call for my grandmother. That is exactly what I did. Then about 20 terror filled seconds later - It yanked the covers completely off the bed and ripped them around my hands. My grandmother came in about the same time and saw the covers slide down the wall to the floor. She at first thought I had kicked them with my feet but couldn't explain how I could have kicked hard enough to pull them off the bed fully and make them reach the wall while the sheet was still in my hands with the tear outs from the bed cover. I could tell she wanted to blame me but couldn't.

I told my grandmother what I saw and what it did. I then had to tell all the adults in the house when they got back because they wanted to hear the story. I heard them discussing it because the bedroom was right off the kitchen and they also discussed the "attack" on the lady in the apartment. My grandmother said she wanted a priest to come by and bless the house. My grandfather gave her shit about that, she told him where to go.

The second time the entity showed itself I got out of bed and attacked it physically and verbally I told it I would not be terrorized by it any longer and bring it into the light if forced. At first it had ahold of me but I got hold of one of its arms and started dragging it out of the shadows and it fought me for all it was worth. Eventually I got a bit of it out in the room light area and it screamed and disappeared back into the hallway. The scream was terrible and sounded like it was in horrible pain. I don't think they like the light.

My grandmother had the priest come over and bless the house, but I don't know if it was me or the priest or both that made it stop. Probably because it couldn't victimize me anymore.

I feel sorry for the people who bought the house though.

Dec 28, 2014
You can fight them off. NEW
by: Jim

This first started for me when I was about 10 years old. I went to sleep in my grandparents house on 319 Rutger st. They are both dead now and they had sold the house before they died. Previous to my incident with the shadow person or entity there was an attack on the woman living in one of the 2nd or 3rd floor apartments, all the adults ran upstairs to help her after she went through the glass shower door while showering. However she never came back to the apartment. If you just had an accident in the shower you don't immediately leave your apartment and never come back. No one in the house wanted to talk about it.

I remember it was spring or summer and we were visiting my grandparents I was still young and my grandma told me to go lay down and take a nap, I was just drifting off to sleep and I heard the door squeak open. I looked towards the door which was at a 45 degree angle from the foot of the bed about 6 feet at the corner of the room where it met the wall, the door led to the hallway where the bathroom and the other bedroom was. I was laying on the right side of the bed from the door. I was under my grandmothers wedding bedspread that was part of her Dowery. It was old and had been washed hundreds of times. It was a little threadbare.

The shadow person or entity was slowly opening the door and I was scared because I didn't know who or what it was. I saw a dark silhouette I would describe as a black Cassock, hooded, no face but red eyes that glowed I remember bony fingers around the doorknob but no legs or feet. I can't express enough the evil that this figure exuded.

It seemed to be waiting to see what I would do. I decided to pull the covers over my head and call for my grandmother. That is exactly what I did. Then about 20 terror filled seconds later - It yanked the covers completely off the bed and ripped them around my hands. My grandmother came in about the same time and saw the covers slide down the wall to the floor. She at first thought I had kicked them with my feet but couldn't explain how I could have kicked hard enough to pull them off the bed fully and make them reach the wall while the sheet was still in my hands with the tear outs from the bed cover. I could tell she wanted to blame me but couldn't.

I told my grandmother what I saw and what it did. I then had to tell all the adults in the house when they got back because they wanted to hear the story. I heard them discussing it because the bedroom was right off the kitchen and they also discussed the "attack" on the lady in the apartment. My grandmother said she wanted a priest to come by and bless the house. My grandfather gave her shit about that, she told him where to go.

The second time the entity showed itself I got out of bed and attacked it physically and verbally I told it I would not be terrorized by it any longer and bring it into the light if forced. At first it had ahold of me but I got hold of one of its arms and started dragging it out of the shadows and it fought me for all it was worth. Eventually I got a bit of it out in the room light area and it screamed and disappeared back into the hallway. The scream was terrible and sounded like it was in horrible pain. I don't think they like the light.

My grandmother had the priest come over and bless the house, but I don't know if it was me or the priest or both that made it stop. Probably because it couldn't victimize me anymore.

I feel sorry for the people who bought the house though.

Dec 28, 2014
You can fight them off. NEW
by: Jim

This first started for me when I was about 10 years old. I went to sleep in my grandparents house on 319 Rutger st. They are both dead now and they had sold the house before they died. Previous to my incident with the shadow person or entity there was an attack on the woman living in one of the 2nd or 3rd floor apartments, all the adults ran upstairs to help her after she went through the glass shower door while showering. However she never came back to the apartment. If you just had an accident in the shower you don't immediately leave your apartment and never come back. No one in the house wanted to talk about it.

I remember it was spring or summer and we were visiting my grandparents I was still young and my grandma told me to go lay down and take a nap, I was just drifting off to sleep and I heard the door squeak open. I looked towards the door which was at a 45 degree angle from the foot of the bed about 6 feet at the corner of the room where it met the wall, the door led to the hallway where the bathroom and the other bedroom was. I was laying on the right side of the bed from the door. I was under my grandmothers wedding bedspread that was part of her Dowery. It was old and had been washed hundreds of times. It was a little threadbare.

The shadow person or entity was slowly opening the door and I was scared because I didn't know who or what it was. I saw a dark silhouette I would describe as a black Cassock, hooded, no face but red eyes that glowed I remember bony fingers around the doorknob but no legs or feet. I can't express enough the evil that this figure exuded.

It seemed to be waiting to see what I would do. I decided to pull the covers over my head and call for my grandmother. That is exactly what I did. Then about 20 terror filled seconds later - It yanked the covers completely off the bed and ripped them around my hands. My grandmother came in about the same time and saw the covers slide down the wall to the floor. She at first thought I had kicked them with my feet but couldn't explain how I could have kicked hard enough to pull them off the bed fully and make them reach the wall while the sheet was still in my hands with the tear outs from the bed cover. I could tell she wanted to blame me but couldn't.

I told my grandmother what I saw and what it did. I then had to tell all the adults in the house when they got back because they wanted to hear the story. I heard them discussing it because the bedroom was right off the kitchen and they also discussed the "attack" on the lady in the apartment. My grandmother said she wanted a priest to come by and bless the house. My grandfather gave her shit about that, she told him where to go.

The second time the entity showed itself I got out of bed and attacked it physically and verbally I told it I would not be terrorized by it any longer and bring it into the light if forced. At first it had ahold of me but I got hold of one of its arms and started dragging it out of the shadows and it fought me for all it was worth. Eventually I got a bit of it out in the room light area and it screamed and disappeared back into the hallway. The scream was terrible and sounded like it was in horrible pain. I don't think they like the light.

My grandmother had the priest come over and bless the house, but I don't know if it was me or the priest or both that made it stop. Probably because it couldn't victimize me anymore.

I feel sorry for the people who bought the house though.

Dec 28, 2014
You can fight them off. NEW
by: Jim

This first started for me when I was about 10 years old. I went to sleep in my grandparents house on 319 Rutger st. They are both dead now and they had sold the house before they died. Previous to my incident with the shadow person or entity there was an attack on the woman living in one of the 2nd or 3rd floor apartments, all the adults ran upstairs to help her after she went through the glass shower door while showering. However she never came back to the apartment. If you just had an accident in the shower you don't immediately leave your apartment and never come back. No one in the house wanted to talk about it.

I remember it was spring or summer and we were visiting my grandparents I was still young and my grandma told me to go lay down and take a nap, I was just drifting off to sleep and I heard the door squeak open. I looked towards the door which was at a 45 degree angle from the foot of the bed about 6 feet at the corner of the room where it met the wall, the door led to the hallway where the bathroom and the other bedroom was. I was laying on the right side of the bed from the door. I was under my grandmothers wedding bedspread that was part of her Dowery. It was old and had been washed hundreds of times. It was a little threadbare.

The shadow person or entity was slowly opening the door and I was scared because I didn't know who or what it was. I saw a dark silhouette I would describe as a black Cassock, hooded, no face but red eyes that glowed I remember bony fingers around the doorknob but no legs or feet. I can't express enough the evil that this figure exuded.

It seemed to be waiting to see what I would do. I decided to pull the covers over my head and call for my grandmother. That is exactly what I did. Then about 20 terror filled seconds later - It yanked the covers completely off the bed and ripped them around my hands. My grandmother came in about the same time and saw the covers slide down the wall to the floor. She at first thought I had kicked them with my feet but couldn't explain how I could have kicked hard enough to pull them off the bed fully and make them reach the wall while the sheet was still in my hands with the tear outs from the bed cover. I could tell she wanted to blame me but couldn't.

I told my grandmother what I saw and what it did. I then had to tell all the adults in the house when they got back because they wanted to hear the story. I heard them discussing it because the bedroom was right off the kitchen and they also discussed the "attack" on the lady in the apartment. My grandmother said she wanted a priest to come by and bless the house. My grandfather gave her shit about that, she told him where to go.

The second time the entity showed itself I got out of bed and attacked it physically and verbally I told it I would not be terrorized by it any longer and bring it into the light if forced. At first it had ahold of me but I got hold of one of its arms and started dragging it out of the shadows and it fought me for all it was worth. Eventually I got a bit of it out in the room light area and it screamed and disappeared back into the hallway. The scream was terrible and sounded like it was in horrible pain. I don't think they like the light.

My grandmother had the priest come over and bless the house, but I don't know if it was me or the priest or both that made it stop. Probably because it couldn't victimize me anymore.

I feel sorry for the people who bought the house though.

Dec 28, 2014
You can fight them off. NEW
by: Jim

This first started for me when I was about 10 years old. I went to sleep in my grandparents house on 319 Rutger st. They are both dead now and they had sold the house before they died. Previous to my incident with the shadow person or entity there was an attack on the woman living in one of the 2nd or 3rd floor apartments, all the adults ran upstairs to help her after she went through the glass shower door while showering. However she never came back to the apartment. If you just had an accident in the shower you don't immediately leave your apartment and never come back. No one in the house wanted to talk about it.

I remember it was spring or summer and we were visiting my grandparents I was still young and my grandma told me to go lay down and take a nap, I was just drifting off to sleep and I heard the door squeak open. I looked towards the door which was at a 45 degree angle from the foot of the bed about 6 feet at the corner of the room where it met the wall, the door led to the hallway where the bathroom and the other bedroom was. I was laying on the right side of the bed from the door. I was under my grandmothers wedding bedspread that was part of her Dowery. It was old and had been washed hundreds of times. It was a little threadbare.

The shadow person or entity was slowly opening the door and I was scared because I didn't know who or what it was. I saw a dark silhouette I would describe as a black Cassock, hooded, no face but red eyes that glowed I remember bony fingers around the doorknob but no legs or feet. I can't express enough the evil that this figure exuded.

It seemed to be waiting to see what I would do. I decided to pull the covers over my head and call for my grandmother. That is exactly what I did. Then about 20 terror filled seconds later - It yanked the covers completely off the bed and ripped them around my hands. My grandmother came in about the same time and saw the covers slide down the wall to the floor. She at first thought I had kicked them with my feet but couldn't explain how I could have kicked hard enough to pull them off the bed fully and make them reach the wall while the sheet was still in my hands with the tear outs from the bed cover. I could tell she wanted to blame me but couldn't.

I told my grandmother what I saw and what it did. I then had to tell all the adults in the house when they got back because they wanted to hear the story. I heard them discussing it because the bedroom was right off the kitchen and they also discussed the "attack" on the lady in the apartment. My grandmother said she wanted a priest to come by and bless the house. My grandfather gave her shit about that, she told him where to go.

The second time the entity showed itself I got out of bed and attacked it physically and verbally I told it I would not be terrorized by it any longer and bring it into the light if forced. At first it had ahold of me but I got hold of one of its arms and started dragging it out of the shadows and it fought me for all it was worth. Eventually I got a bit of it out in the room light area and it screamed and disappeared back into the hallway. The scream was terrible and sounded like it was in horrible pain. I don't think they like the light.

My grandmother had the priest come over and bless the house, but I don't know if it was me or the priest or both that made it stop. Probably because it couldn't victimize me anymore.

I feel sorry for the people who bought the house though.

Dec 28, 2014
had sp happen to me before... NEW
by: MelissaSelena

I've had about 3-4 episodes altogether of Sleep Paralysis. This one time I remember so clearly when I fell asleep one night....I was lying next to my boyfriend & I could feel myself sleeping but I was still looking around as if I was awake. I seen a black figure outside my door. Then, as it came inside my room, there's this clock/radio that was plugged in & playing music...I seen this 'thing' walk over & it stood right over my radio, it started crackling as if this thing was messing up its connection. Then it was sitting on top of my chest, choking me! I tried to call my bfs name but all I could manage was,"mmmmmmm"(Marcel) when that didn't work, I started praying in my head. I was really trying to pray out loud and woke up yelling, "JESUS!" Lol..but yeah, it was scary.

Dec 28, 2014
had sp happen to me before... NEW
by: MelissaSelena

I've had about 3-4 episodes altogether of Sleep Paralysis. This one time I remember so clearly when I fell asleep one night....I was lying next to my boyfriend & I could feel myself sleeping but I was still looking around as if I was awake. I seen a black figure outside my door. Then, as it came inside my room, there's this clock/radio that was plugged in & playing music...I seen this 'thing' walk over & it stood right over my radio, it started crackling as if this thing was messing up its connection. Then it was sitting on top of my chest, choking me! I tried to call my bfs name but all I could manage was,"mmmmmmm"(Marcel) when that didn't work, I started praying in my head. I was really trying to pray out loud and woke up yelling, "JESUS!" Lol..but yeah, it was scary.

Dec 28, 2014
Prey to God Ive got it. NEW
by: SP Longtime

Last night was another SP episode. He appeared as a small hooded man. I could tell he wasn't happy like his powers were going. I said to him in my mind 'oh it's you again, show me your face' I also told him that I loved him and Jesus loved him. As soon as I said that he shown me his face which looked like one of the Black Death plague doctors. In my head I said' that's very obvious' he then tried to show me a grey alien face and a stillborn baby, by then he had gone and I was awake. I strongly believe that a faith in Jesus Christ gets rid of these diamond whether in your mind or whatever!

Dec 28, 2014
Prey to God Ive got it. NEW
by: SP Longtime

Last night was another SP episode. He appeared as a small hooded man. I could tell he wasn't happy like his powers were going. I said to him in my mind 'oh it's you again, show me your face' I also told him that I loved him and Jesus loved him. As soon as I said that he shown me his face which looked like one of the Black Death plague doctors. In my head I said' that's very obvious' he then tried to show me a grey alien face and a stillborn baby, by then he had gone and I was awake. I strongly believe that a faith in Jesus Christ gets rid of these demonds or whatever.

Jan 04, 2015
MY experience with SP NEW
by: Anonymous

Hello guys,
I am glad that we have a great forum to share our experiences with SP. I have read about the subject a few times and it made me feel better that there is somewhat a scientific explanation. However, I am also aware that there is a supernatural realm that many of us can not explain. I have experiences SP maybe more that five times in my life. I am 34 years old now and it has been about 10 years that I have not experience, the sickening and scaring feeling that are associated with SP. At first, I used to experience the paralyses feeling with all my senses working , but only one time, I have experience the SP"demon." I was in my early twenties, working the graviar shift, and definitely sleep deprived, and sleeping on my back, which have been some of the main causes of SP according to a few research, which undoubtedly makes me feel better... Anyways, going back to that scary SP experience. It was in the afternoon, I heard the loudest weird sound to the point that my hears were in pain and ringing. Then I looked up, there was this man shadow right on top of me and he started to descent on me... I have never been scared like this in my life. I don't remember the exact words, but I kept saying either help me God or help me Jesus. I believe that it was short, nevertheless, life changing. It created a lot if anxiety for me to sleep in general. Either way if it happens to me again, I will remember the scientific explanation if the SP and if I get the SP" demon", I will call out God's name again. That is my simple plan and I am not loosing sleep over it again. It has been at least 10 great year w/o SP. Do not be afraid.

Jan 05, 2015
Prey to God its gone! NEW
by: SP Longtime

As my previous posts I have been battling what I am now convinced was a demon or something evil that fed off my fear.

As I have become more angry with 'it' disturbing my sleep its power has got smaller and smaller. My SP starts with a 'vibrating' feeling going through my body. The last time I had this feeling was about a week ago. I shouted out in my head 'Go' really angrily like I was in full control. And it went! Prey to Jesus that this has worked.

Jan 05, 2015
Prey to God its gone! NEW
by: SP Longtime

As my previous posts I have been battling what I am now convinced was a demon or something evil that fed off my fear.

As I have become more angry with 'it' disturbing my sleep its power has got smaller and smaller. My SP starts with a 'vibrating' feeling going through my body. The last time I had this feeling was about a week ago. I shouted out in my head 'Go' really angrily like I was in full control. And it went! Prey to Jesus that this has worked.

Jan 05, 2015
Prey to God its gone! NEW
by: SP Longtime

As my previous posts I have been battling what I am now convinced was a demon or something evil that fed off my fear.

As I have become more angry with 'it' disturbing my sleep its power has got smaller and smaller. My SP starts with a 'vibrating' feeling going through my body. The last time I had this feeling was about a week ago. I shouted out in my head 'Go' really angrily like I was in full control. And it went! Prey to Jesus that this has worked.

Jan 06, 2015
it just started NEW
by: Anonymous

Hello I am a 14 year old boy and around mid August I woke up in the middle of the night frozen with a terrifying dark figure in my room just staring me down after about 3 to 4 minutes it just vanished and I could move again this has happened about 4 more times after this but it seems to be getting longer the last time was over winter break of 2014 and It felt lie it was 20 minutes long I haven't told any one yet but I think my mom knows something is going on im scared and I just what them to go away before I don't wakeup.

Jan 06, 2015
Tell it to go away. NEW
by: SP Longtime

To the 14 year old - Know that whatever it is cannot hurt you. I've had SP since I was little. I once told it to bite me and it couldn't.

Tell it to go away in your head. I got fed up of my sleep being disturbed. Be powerful against it. I told it to go in the name of Jesus (trust me I am not a Jesus freak, but it worked).

Jan 06, 2015
scary as hell NEW
by: Anonymous

I had a dream that it was dark not to dark and I could here things under my bed then same dream but this time I jump out of bed beaches I wad think of Russ my boyfriend but when I opened the back door it was just so dark and it was raining hard and fast . Ths first one I ever had was a person in the corner of the room he comes in he was tall blond hairs and it was in the stly of rich people back in 1900 and black sun glass he shut the door the turns in to corner of the room I went to move then I freeze coincident move a inch. Last on was a big house I walk in a door and see three sheep's then a little girl dressed as Mary had a little lame song she turns around I knew right there what was going to happen so I tryed to turn and run but then it happened slowly I can't move. So these are my story's I have more but to many

Jan 07, 2015
You must believe, or they will come and come. NEW
by: Marie

I have had many many "visitors" over the past 5 years. I'm not a person to make things up or want to be famous for something. They did touch me, my arm, and scared the poopies out of me. I found if you say "leave in the name of JESUS" it does work.. and I CROSS + myself a lot. Also I have my TV remote next to my hand, and I turn the TV on a lot. I set the timer to go off.

Oh I forgot I have HOLY Water from
Egypt, I spray that around my bed and put Holy Oil on my bedroom door, and windows. Again, cross yourself, say "leave in the name of JESUS your not welcome here" I still have the body "vibration" but JESUS name works, He has a lot of impact. But you have to believe, If you don't you'll have many more visitors..

Jan 08, 2015
Pregnant and scared NEW
by: Anonymous

I have had my first experience of sleep paralysis and some sort of an attack in bed. I am currently 5 months pregnant with my second. I was keeping next to my fiancé who did not wake during my ordeal.
I was in bed and I thought my daughter had got out of bed as I saw a dark shadow. I thought it strange ss I did not hear her come up the stairs. I felt very cold and I turned to snuggle into my fiance. Then I heard an ear piercing noise in my ears like a microphone too close to a speaker and then I began to choke with my mouth open. I was paralysed and could not shout for help as I felt something try to enter my body through my mouth. I managed to make some noise to wake my partner who eventually woke and held me.. Once I had calmed down I heard a creak of the floorboard ( which need to be stood on to make the noise!) and I felt unable to return to sleep.
My daughter gas seen dark figures in her room and I used a tactic suggested to me by a trained friend . There had been no activity in he house for well over 2 years!
I am freaked and worried that it is trying to hurt my baby!! Please help 😞

Jan 09, 2015
Precognitive Night Traveller NEW
by: Sensitive

I suppose I should feel some sort of "relief" that numerous other individuals exist in the world having gone through similar experiences, and I believe in a way, many of us do- because we recognize that we aren't insane and we have a place here to discuss all of this as we wish. HOWEVER, certain aspects of these experinces I have still remain in great question. (I will first state that I am not religious at all, but I do believe in Christ as my Lord, and we communicate.) Now, for questions: (1) Why on earth, when these shadow things visit, do they show me things that happen soOnmetime in the near future... like the next day or things that haven't been invented yet, but will be? (2) Also, I visit places during my sleep, I guess out of body, and travel to some amazing places. I could explain the details to you even now. Does any of this sound familiar to anyone??? Here is some important info: I am no longer fearful of them, and they know.

Jan 10, 2015
I believe we should Pray for one another NEW
by: Sensitive

What I do know is this: if the Lord is truly in our hearts, then we should be afraid of nothing or no one. Psalm 27 1-2 says "the Lord is my light and salvation, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? When evildoers assail me to eat my flesh, my adversaries and foes, it is they who stumble and fall." And don't forget this, which has finally solidified in my heart: Matthew 26: 28 "And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear HIM who can destroy both soul and body in hell." I also love reading Psalm 91; it is the "Psalm of Protection" for believers, and of great comfort to me when I encounter struggles in life. But I wrote all of this to say, that because our world today is in constant spiritual warfare, (and times are morally bankrupt) we should fervently pray for one another.

Jan 11, 2015
Sitting next to my bed-I can't move NEW
by: Ayla

It is one of those SP dreams. But it was different because he was sitting usually he stands up beside doors(my bother had this one 3 times) bust this one he was sitting next to me and I could feel his hair and face, he had very short hair and it was soft and it was blond( a bit darker shade) and a bit oily face( 'cos I could feel it) and at some point I got up without even looking at him and I was looking for a Holy book and found it, but that man was in my room still and some girl(evil) followed me and had black eyes and was angry she tried to posses me or control me but I had holy book in my hand do she couldn't get to me(ps. That why she was angry) so I would run around room an hall way and in to my room and I would lay down with the book in my hands and this man came back and sit there again and this time he would hold my lag with one hand now I'm not even scared that much but I'm angry at him. So I (with the book on my chest) grab his head ( I can't move the rest I my body) and scream holy things and I'm trying to see his eyes and after a bit of struggle I could see his eyes a bit they were brown, and he was so surprised that is could see his eyes so he immediately look down so I don't see the rest. And I would say holy references and I would call my mom even tho' it was hard to say all these things and call my mom, I would take a deep breath take my time and say them and after a struggle of few seconds I would wake up... Ps. He was waring white t-shirt. Why was he sitting and not standing? And after I looked in his eyes he was kind of proud of me..! What does that mean?!?!? This is my first time having SP...

Jan 12, 2015
As one shadow approaches me another leaves my body. NEW
by: Anonymous

I was about 14 years old and was spending a few nights in an old motel. I remember waking up and looking around the room unable to move. As I looked towards the door to my room I watched a dark perfectly formed man approach my bed and it was almost like he was trying to shoot me (or was the feeling I got) upon the bang of the gun I watched as another shadow left my body and chased the man out of the room. I have never felt so terrified! I have encountered sleep paralysis several times but never witnessed what I saw that night. Several years ago my daughter woke up in the middle of the night screaming that a shadow was coming out of her ceiling, she too was terrified. Her father as a young man also saw the same figure my daughter did. What was this we were seeing?? It has been several years and we have not seen it since.

Jan 13, 2015
I would highly recommend his services, they do really, really work. NEW
by: Sara Douglas

A couple of weeks ago I was in a dark period in my life, the man I love to bits had gone off with someone else, that was when I was told about this man Dr. Lee. Well he told me he could see that we would get back together that gave me hope, and he was right, because this week we have moved in with each other and are so happy and this holiday is going be so wonderful because we are together. A big thank you to Dr. Lee. If you are in need of an angel please get in touch with or visit his websits on:

Jan 18, 2015
tall shadow man looked like the grim reaper NEW
by: TD

I was at a bed and breakfast in Jamestown R.I for one evening just to go to a wedding the next day, there was no tv in the room, i figured i'd just go to sleep and be up early, i was sleeping good, and i heard marbles hit the floor and roll, i shrugged it off and kept sleeping, again marbles hitting the floor and rolling, i shrugged it off and didn't even open my eyes and tried to sleep ,again marbles hitting the hardwood floor and rolling,this time i was like what the fluff is going on, i opened my eyes and saw this very tall 7 ft dark shadow man wearing a cloak,i was scared to death i could not move,i tried to pretend i didn't notice it as it stood there just staring at me,my thought was think of something good and i thought of flowers. I was never so scared in my life,this thing wanted my attention,I know some mediums say there just people who died but i know this was dark and evil. I started to google it years later and discovered other people were seeing him and another dark shadow called the hat man. My life has been riddled with deaths and bad luck,every night i had dark shadows come right up to my face while in bed,the shadow would linger around my bed all night yes it was hard to sleep ,i'd keep the tv on all night,finally one night before i dozed off i said Jesus you are the only light in the darkness,after being in rem sleep i felt my body slowly go up slowly going up up then i came to rest it was dark as i looked around i saw stars i was in space i looked to my right and saw it,this human figure glowing like the moon with it's arms stretched out,standing very still, i was scared,and thought this thing can kill me, and then i thought is this Jesus, yet no words were ever spoken,i could not move out of fear then i thought what if this is the devil trying to fool me as an angle of light,then as soon as i had that thought i was gone and could see nothing, i woke thinking i felt my self going up,i felt it, and remembered the entire thing,as the days went by i noticed everything was brighter, i had no shadows at night coming up to my face, the darkness was gone, it was over.When i go down to the basement or i'm in bed at night i still know darkness is there but i also know now that they can't come near me because i was given the light of the lord,and i never want to loose it, but i fear if i go looking for the dead, i will only find evil. This is my true story.

Feb 20, 2015
by: Anonymous

I was in the Base hospital at Grand Forks ND., back in 1982 after having two fingers amputated on a hanger door during a blizzard. That's a story in of itself, but spent a month in the hospital because of two surgeries that were two weeks a part.
I'll remember these two nights as long as I live, because of what I saw and experienced, but let me give a little background info first...

I grew up with (2) other siblings, and perhaps it was a result of my dad and his mother practicing in the black arts that was the reason my brothers and I experienced demonic activity n the home- or maybe it was that mom was a protestant and dad was willing to give up his practicing to join her faith that upset the underworld.
Family and friends who would stay over for a night would run out of the house in horror over things they heard and saw, and would never come back at night.
Due to so much evil activity in that house, we had to have it exercised twice. All would be calm for a while, then all hell would break loose again.
When my brothers and I accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, the activity stopped.
Fast forward to 1982, GFAFB hospital...
One night during my month long stay, I heard a code ring out over the intercom, with much commotion in the hallway. My hospital room door was open, and I saw two gurney's being rushed down the hall. I had asked my nurse what what going on, and apparently (2) Airman were riding tandem on a snowmobile on base, when they hit a telephone pole guide wire. The drivers head was almost severed- he was DOA, and the passenger was critical for a neck wound as well, and didn't make it.
I can't remember how long after this event- whether one night, or several days later, that I had my out of body experience.

I awoke during the middle of the night- above my body. I recall hovering close to the ceiling and looking down at my body, and its sleeping position. I remember feeling something not being right, and looked over towards the corner of the room- right above the bathroom door, and seeing this very dark- shadowy figure floating in the corner of the ceiling. It's shape and size was that of a bowling ball, with about a 2 foot tail that tapered in length. Once it knew of its presence, it came at me. Immediately I was back in my body and couldn't breath. i remember opening my eyes- in the same position I saw myself moments earlier, and this figure was in my face. I remember feeling its pressure, and without thought, mustered the words: "In the name of Jesus". It instantly let go of its grip, and I could breath. Then it pressed into me again- even making it harder to muster out the same words: "In the name of Jesus"... Then, It was as if something grabbed this figure and threw it against the wall. I could hear it hit the wall! The door was cracked open, allowing for a little light to penetrate the darkness, and I can remember hearing it running away from the room, and down the hallway.

The next night, I awoke around the same time. I opened my eyes and there in front of my face was this object, again. At once it tried suffocating me- its pressure making it all but impossible to breath, but was able to utter out- a little easier this time: "In the name of Jesus". The door of my hospital room was fully open, and I saw this figure/object, pulled away from me at light speed, and thrown outside the room. I could hear it pattering down the hallway again.
I never saw it again.

I am married now and live in Los Angeles. My wife and I purchased a home here in 2000. Within a few weeks of living here, we started to encounter paranormal activity again.

Feb 23, 2015
demions NEW
by: jessica

i have never had it happen to me but I was doing witch craft when I was 12 and I got really angry at my friend and that night she fell asleep and she saw a shadow demion in her sleep it chased her and the only way to save her from it was for me to enter her dream and touch her . I saved her and banished the demion I never did black magic agaen now I do white magic witch is good now my friend got killed by a shooting but I still do good I had to face a demion in a dream but with me I know how to banish it I hope yall read up on it. couse shadow demions are dangeriose and can kill u .

Mar 07, 2015
soul NEW
by: ashlee

Last night or this morning i encountered my first real attack. I woke up around 4 am, got up for a bit and went back to bed, on my couch. As soon as i started to fall asleep, i felt this struggle over my body. I felt a constant pull, and fight for my body. I could see myself getting pulled out of my body and being thrown around my house, i was fighting to get back into my body, and every time i would get back in, i would feel a pull again, which now was starting to strangle me, and keep me from talking or yelling for help. Every time i was pulled up from my body, i kept telling myself to yell for help, and then i started praying for god to help me. This was a struggle for awhile, until i could physically move my arms while i was sleeping. I could see my cat was at the end of the couch, as i was being pulled in again (it felt like i was losing my soul, and fighting for my body). i grabbed my cat to wake her up. It was the only thing i could grab onto that i knew was in the real world. Instantly she started hissing, but again i was pulled right back. (it felt as if my body was so tired, i couldnt open my eyes because they were so heavy, but i tried to open them as hard as i could, and i tried to stay awake.) Every time i was pulled back in, the pain i was experiencing got worse. I thought of yelling for my boyfriend, but i figured out he wasnt there. I even thought of trying to grab my phone to call for help, but i would keep getting pulled. I started to get words out, and i was being aggressive towards the dark spirit i felt. At one point, when i felt i was getting stronger, the dark spirit whispered something in my ear as it held me up. ( i knew my body was physically arched up as if i was awake and sitting.) It then let me down, and i felt one last pull until my cat ( who in the mean time is freaking out in the background), then walked on my chest and laid on me. I felt the weight of my cat was not letting myself get pulled, and i woke up. But it was like i was never asleep.

I never saw the spirit, but i felt it there. This lasted for about 2 hours.

Mar 09, 2015
attacks by the enemy NEW
by: Sam

Hi everyone

You are being attacked by demonic or evil spirits for a number of reasons, not because you did or did not do anything wrong, but because each one of you are children of our heavenly father.

There are a few things you can do, if you are a believer you can take authority over them in the name of Jesus, they are fallen angels that are all subject to Jesus name and his authority.

If you are a non believer you can still use the name of Jesus except you using faith in his name, to achieve the same objective you have nothing to loose.

They attack you at night or when you are asleep because that's when you are most vulnerable.

Now when you use the name of Jesus you can say leave in the name of Jesus or I order you to leave in the name of Jesus.

You may have to repeat this a number of times because they will try and resist or try and trick you by saying that doesn't work or you don't have the right to say that.

Its a lie keep using the name of Jesus and take authority over them, also if you are a non believer you are limited in your options of protection.

If you need more info or help email


Mar 15, 2015
Bed shaking NEW
by: Brenda

I experience bed shaking at night even when I am wide awake. It feels like something is riding my back. Also I can be at work and feel it when I am sitting down. Sometimes I feel like it is attacking my vital organs and making it hard to breath. I am a born again Christian and firmly believe it is demonic activity but find very little help in the Christian world because no one knows how to help.

Mar 16, 2015
Re-bed shaking NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi Brenda

You can take authority over that in the name of Jesus.

Jesus also said what ever you bind on earth the natural realm will be bound in heaven the spiritual realm.

It is part of your inheritance as a believer, you do NOT have to tolerate the enemy.

I will be happy to agree with you on this subject.

Please understand there is a difference between praying and saying.

Praying is asking God by faith to answer your prayers.

Saying is speaking the word of God with authority.

Jesus never prayed for one person in the bible he spoke the word to them, to meet there needs.

The only time he prayed was to the Father.

As born again believers we have the right and authority to glorify Jesus by speaking in his name.

Jesus took dominion back off satan and returned it to the body of Christ when he was resurrected.

The earth remained in darkness until God spoke the word and said let there be light.

That darkness still remains in peoples live's until members in the body of Christ and say let there be light which is Jesus.

Speaking the word of God releases our faith for God to achieve its intended objective.

Do not allow your self to be bulled its a deception and a tactic. if you wish to correspond or need more support and help.

Peace Sister

Mar 21, 2015
killing the shadow NEW
by: Anonymous

I wake to shadow people or some type of dark thing almost every night. It doesn't scare me anymore but when happens I do try to make myself wake up. I've noticed with every episode I can move around more and more but with a struggle. I want to defend myself and hit the shadow then the other night I was waking up and this shadow had me by the arm and I struggled with all my might to hit it and I smash the shadow and it disappeared. I told myself that I didn't care anymore then I was sucked from my bed to the closet and fell into the earth then I woke up. What does that mean. I haven't slept with the light off for months because of these encounters but I don't think that makes a difference but this night I did then this me

Mar 24, 2015
freaky shadowish being NEW
by: Anonymous

I was at holiday yesterday and I was making tea before taking my leave to the airport freaking thing happened and I felt massive energetic being looking me on my behind with its shadow rapidly ran away as I looked behind!even I felt lights being more shiny like the movies! i just could not believe what i am seeing! God knows how many holy verses I wrote everywhere even on my body to be protected by guardian angles! never saw such thing!then I watched news today and I heard so drastic events happening on the news. Was it a sign to alert me to leave that area? are they aliens? beings from other world?or sign of bad events coming???

Mar 27, 2015
PS Terror NEW
by: Anonymous

I have had SP and many out of body experiences.. over the last few years the SP occurances have escalated to more evil and dark experiences.. this morning was the lastest one I had... It felt like someone was holding my head down trying to put its mouth on mine... I reach out to see who it is and it whispers.. it doesn't matter who I am. omg sheer terror. I have heard the growls and felt the cold hands touch me.. its not fun!

Mar 30, 2015
dark entities NEW
by: omar

Let me tell you all who's reading this the truth. Behind. This paralysis is the energy in one.we are not ordinary. People we are gifted or curse.meaning we were reincarnated.

Apr 02, 2015
Demon Attacks NEW
by: Joy Montgomery

I am 40 this year I started getting Demon Attacks when I was 18, I would just be going into an episode I could tell with the noise interference and trying to come back before I went under! I was staying in a flat with my friend and she was sharing a bed with me! This was my first experience of Demon Attack I had severe pulling at my chest as though they were trying to take my soul that's the only description I could give for this, then I hover outside my body I can see absolutely everything, me lying on the bed my friend sleeping then I just danced outside my body and just slipped back in then a big green light came threw the window big alien like being with massive legs I was terrified, I woke up it had gone! Next time I'm in the living room lying on the couch and same thing again but this time the noise I can't scream can't wake and 5 black figures around me pulling at my chest with this funny weird noise and no faces dart vader like. Another time I had my own flat lying on my bed went into one again I'm trying to fight it, then I see my father at the bottom of my bed I could see his silhouette but no face and a black figure standing next to him. I looked around the room and all my teddys turned their heads I woke up and shat myself ran out the house left it open to the world couldn't go back was terrified! Another time was a few years later I was lying on my mothers couch she said she seen the presence like electricity in the shape of a person coming thru the window then I knew this wasn't going to leave me alone. I went to the hospital and got tests done as I remember shaking like I was having a fit during it and thought I was epileptic but test found I wasn't, the doctors put it down to paranormal activity! Well I found when I got them I was or had been under a lot of stress this was probably down to my father dying when I was 16. Anyway things got better I learned to say in my mind go away leave me alone, I haven't had this since. I went to a fortune teller and they said to me why didn't you get a grave stone for your father well because my mum didn't bother! Then they said he's been to visit you and you were terrified so he said he will leave you be your not ready and he doesn't want you scared of him he loves you. Shocked or what! So basically it was a warning sign when I look back because I had too much going on being a silly teenager and they were just trying to warn me of harm! But I'm still terrified and people I told thought I was nuts and I just felt no one understood or could help me, then I find out my brother had the same thing apart from his bed would move rapidly, I told him to tell it to go away and leave him alone and it did he's now a Christian anyway thanks for sharing folks I wasn't alone after all . X

Apr 04, 2015
more than a dream! what is the meaning? NEW
by: I Follow JESUS

Hello everyone! it's nice to find people who actually can relate to one another's dreams!

I've always had strange dreams,nightmares and etc!! I will start by telling you about what happened in my most recent dream!

In the dream I already knew that I was dreaming! I pay close attention to life and my dreams! my house didn't look the same in the dream! but I knew it was an attempted replica of my home..I looked at my hand in the dream
( I once was really into lucid dreaming and that is one thing described to do in order to have a lucid dream in which you can control) anyways..>
once in my dream> I looked at my hand, I wanted to do different things in the dream!! (I know it may sound crazy...don't judge me!! just read what happens next!)
I go downstairs and my moms dog meets me halfway down the stairs and he's clawing at me jumping all around and barking at me!! I can actually feel his nails scratching my arms!! I felt the slight pain of his nails..! once I got to the bottom of the stairs the lights are on .. keep in mind it was dark upstairs!! as I was going down the stairs..I am walking towards the door and my moms dog is still acting nuts!! I didn't look over at her when she spoke but I heard her voice talking to the dog.....saying
" Let her go out there if she wants too!" I looked back at the dog and he slowly turned into a lion cub and suddenly was very calm! I shook my head and turned the door knob..In my lucid dream I wanted to fly with the may sound crazy to whomever is reading this.. but that's what I wanted to do!! the stars are so very beautiful and this is what I wanted my lucid dream to be involved as I turned the knob I walked outside.. and as I was in a hurry I was STOPPED!! IMAGINE WALKING AND TALKING TO SOMEONE THAT IS RIGHT BY YOUR SIDE AND NEITHER OF YOU ARE LOOKING UP YOUR LOOKING AT EACH OTHER!! AND BAM YOU BUMP INTO SOMETHING!
Well that's what happened!! as I went outside and began to do my lift off I WAS STOPPED by A BIG BLACKER THAN NIGHT THING IT WAS TALL...MUSCLE BOUND..EXTREMELY MASSIVE WITH HORNS COMING OUT BOTH ENDS OF ITS HEAD..WITH THE NOSE OF AN ANIMAL..IT'S NOSE WAS LIKE A SNOUT!! I COULDN'T MOVE!!! I WAS STUCK IN THAT SPOT, I looked down and saw my garden through the darkness..and it's face began to come at me so I bit it on the arm in fear trying to fight back what I knew I couldn't physically over-power! (why..I don't know)
as I bit down on it because I couldn't move it's skin was like was like a thick leather that has never been created by man on earth!! It then grabbed me and I COULDN'T MOVE AND IT STARTED TO BLOW INTO MY MOUTH...I SMELT ITS BREATH...I FELT THE AIR COMING INTO MY MOUTH!! I CALLED ON JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AND I WOKE UP!!!!!!!! AND once I WAS AWAKE I NOTICED MY HEART WAS BEATING FAST AND PALPITATING!! I IMMEDIATELY GRABBED MY BIBLE AND READ FROM IT, ONCE I WAS DONE READING I PRAYED!!! AND KEPT MY BIBLE NEAR ME!! SHORTLY AFTER I WENT BACK TO SLEEP! With no problems..but once I woke up I remembered that dream as if it happened minutes ago...and told my wife!!

I always have dreams like's been happening to me for years and years!!!!!!!!!

JESUS IS REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





THE DEVIL AND HIS ANGLES COME TO STEAL, KILL, AND..>>>>>>>>>>D..E..S..T..R..O..Y...!!!!!!!!!!


Apr 09, 2015
Demon? NEW

I'm 14 n have been thinking if God is real then i want to promise my soul to the devil to talk to someone close to me that died. My life depended on him so last night i woke up turned my head to the left and it slowly started to be visible first his tan rob then his red skin he had hair around his mouth like a fresh shave and red glowing eyes. I think it was a demon below my heart burned and i could't move how do i get this to go away i dont care about the promise anymore im just scared.Help me

Apr 14, 2015
dark person NEW
by: Rosy

In my grandma house there was this dark person I can hear upthe stairs brun this burn to the ground my grandma had fears of the places burn she said onces she trying to kelp ever one safe form what has come I don't know but I don't know mygrandpa and my mom and most my family has big the house when tthey finely got most the house done it was like some thing else moved in my mom would go in to this head act painful like some one would be hit her head on the ground i know my aunt v has seen many thing and heared many thing form this thing my grandma try to pertack her and my mom but my mom wasn't born right grandma couldn't keep ever one safe she fear ever thing to then both she tryed just about 3 years ago or more my grandma died some thing evil made her sick I know it and when my grandpa stayed there alone with grandma gone he would hear thing burn burn of in hi head he said to my mom his daughter mother gone can't stay its not safe ever one knows it wasn't safe so the left so when he left me mom was the last one left we closed everything we checked ever thing there was a box in the living room the was some thing in there one old blenket we got a call for some one saying the house door open some got to go over other mom and my aunt v gone there the house was had dead bug ever she one the ground on the walls ju one ever where mom find the box open and the blanket moved upstairs with ever thing ripped on the walls soon they gone to grandma room they saidit was oddly warm then the rest of the house there was a bbasement my aunt v seen some thing and felt some one trying to pull her she was crying telling her sisster my mom they need to go mom was get sick soon they got home they were both white and crying I told never go there aunt v told me no one can live there its evil grandpa started it he got to end it I do know my grandpa was evil to mom and aunt v he hurt me ones I know now it wasn't him I will not be serprize if the house burns down form the evil Ik mom said the house smelled like dead people many of them I know it sound just silly to you but what u can feel and see it if very much real if any one want know more my gmail I just hope no one buy the house Ik many animal sick there too

Apr 16, 2015
Me Too NEW
by: Mary

I really do not want to get into too much detail but they have been similar to previous posts. Paralysis, fear, the sense of evil, feeling pressure on my chest and face, and I have also felt this beings breath on my face and immediately woke up. It has never spoken to me. I do not know what it wants from me. It had a black, tattered, long robe, no face that I could see and a crown on its head. I do not scare easily at all in fact I am almost never scared but this struck a sense of fear in me hard. I do believe that there is a God, that there are angels therefore I feel that I must believe that there are demons and a devil. I know that I am not asleep when this happens. It has even happened when someone else was in the room. They had no idea that this happened but when I came to I asked them if it was them that was pushing on me and they said that they hadn't. I guess I was just hoping that it was them because it had been so long since it had happened. I told them to immediately start praying. I am by no means a religious freak. I have my own opinions about what is the truth in religion and what has been elaborated by man. But after each encounter I always have a strong urge to pray. I have had sleep paralysis that was different, that seemed to be like the scientific explanation but when these things happen it is different on every level. It not anywhere near the same feeling. Regardless of any one that wants to be skeptical, I know what I have experienced, seen and felt. I am not crazy, I am by no means a spirit fanatic and I am usually skeptical of the things that are shown on television as reality tv. But I am certain that there is good and evil in this world and that there is a spiritual level to things. Like one of the older posts mention, there is no way that there have been extremely similar incidents reported over the CENTURIES in many different cultures. It can't be a coincidence. I don't read up on, study or entertain anything that pertains to this sort of thing. I have only looked into after my own experiences.

Apr 16, 2015
lucid demonic dreaming NEW
by: Walter

I fell asleep around 245am. The only light on is the night light in my bathroom with my bathroom door barely cracked open maybe half inch. Ashley is asleep behind me with my back against her and I'm facing the wall nearest to me (The wall across from my windows). I'm laying on my right side and I wake up but I feel like I'm in a dream like state. My body is paralyzed and I can only see in front of me and my left side Peripheral. Basically line of sight is from my TV at the foot of my bed, bathroom door, bedroom door, the wall and my night stand. I look at my 2 framed posters on the wall in front of me, but what's different is that there's only one frame and it appears to be a window like. And through it, I see some type of outdoor area that's dim lighted and empty (Picture a dim lighted alley in the middle of nowhere). I try moving, doesn't work. Then I see a black shadow of a person walk passed the window. No clear outline of shoulders or a head, but like a tall narrow oval like shape. a black entity if you will. Then one or 2 others follow behind that one, drifting across the window , in then out of sight. I try to move and wake up, fail. Another shadow crosses but stops at the window. Appears to rotate it's top part towards the sight of me, and where the eyes would be on this thing, there's 2 small red lighted dots. That's it, no other facial feature or anything, just 2 red fucking eyes! I freak out, I'm trying to move, speak, It then walks off like the others. But then multiple entities start going across the window passing by, all turning and showing me their damn red eyes. And then I notice the light that was once illuminating in the half inch opening of my bathroom door, go dark. As if a shadow figure walked right by it. Another passed by it. Then out come those red fucking eyes. Just standing at the end of my bed. And during this entire time I know ashley is still laying beside me bc I can physically feel her against my back. I know she's there. And I immediately get chills on my arm and legs bc I have this feeling that something is on the other side of the bed near ashley, but it's out of my sight and I still can't physically move. I then feel ashley raise up and move back towards the head board and I'm thinking she sees this shit and something evil is about to fucking go down, I then use all my energy and try to yell "NO"... my speech that I hear is very slurred n slow at coming out... but then my physical body let's out a sound that ashley said was a howling sound. Which when I tried yelling no... that's what came out. She then poked me hard as shit and I woke up. ... she said that I woke her up bc I was shaking vigorously and breathing heavy as fuck. And thought I was having seizures. And then I spoke what sounded like a howl. ....... that's it. Now what really gets me going about this whole experience is that I was in my room, in my bed, and I could still feel ashley beside me, but yet, I was seeing these unexplained entities... sooo.. was I dreaming, was I lucid dreaming, was I projecting but in a lower dimension ....?????????

Apr 16, 2015
dark friend NEW
by: angela

OK this might be werid but did any one remember there dreams being the next day like seeing the future seening what will happen I still have them in my dreams but when I walk up Isee him tthere watching over me I don't feel fear I feel better if he there to keep me save form the its been along time I seen him I think of him as a falling angel trying to protect me ever sec I think his name pat he help me to see what will happen next even when he not here now I can see some time what will next minutes of 2 years form now I can see it right be I spell I look at the if it 9:11 I know he be in my dream telling me some thing but if not I know he watching me to grow strong but he said and my family said to me I. The important piece of the puzzle I don't know what puzzle but I know I can see his and the future I wish Bilel was here I seen him mostly in my dream

Apr 17, 2015
please leave advice-im scared to death NEW
by: Anonymous

something like this has happened. i couldn't tell if i was dreaming or awake but it felt very much like i was awake. i was lying on my back and i couldn't move or wake my self up fully even though i desperately tried. a tall dark figure was standing next to me. i didn't see his face or much of his body (i couldn't move my head) and i was certain it was male. it was whispering something (im guessing to someone else) about to be careful not to wake me up. im pregnant so i was terrified it was something there to mess with my baby boy so i tried my hardest to wake myself up but when i tried i couldnt and it started laughing and started to make fun of me. it or the other one started whispering again but i couldnt quite catch what it said. i could see my husband lying next to me and had an emmidiate thought to wake him up. and the thing whispered something along the lines of "oh shes waking him up." although my body didnt move at all something of me shook him awake. i could manage to ask hime to turn on the lights. when he did the dark figure fled around the bed and into the closet and i fully awoke. soon after wards i feel back asleep thinking nothing of it but a bad weird pregnancy dream until the next day i told my husband about it and he said he remembers me grogely asking for the light to be turned on in the middle of the night. i was scared enough to spend three nights in a hotel and still dont want to stay in our room. (we've been staying at his sisters house while shes gone for now) but other than that i dont know what to do to feel comfortable in our room again

Apr 18, 2015
Dark Intruder NEW
by: Linda

My name is Linda, and my husband and I live in a 2-story house.
Several years ago, my husband was out of town. Around 11 pm, I was falling asleep. I heard a loud crash, like a window breaking. My whole body froze, and I closed my eyes. I bravely opened my eyes, and a shadowy man was standing over me, looking at me. I couldn't see his face, but I could see that he had a diagonally-striped shirt on. As I took a breath to scream, he began to vanish, and looked like snow on an old TV set that needed to warm up. I went downstairs to check on the windows, and all were in tact. Took a while to realize it was a nightmare. Have not had such a dream since.

Apr 24, 2015
hi NEW
by: Anonymous

I dont no why but i just woke up out of deep sleep and lunge at my wife after she touched my face and callled my name but i didnt hurt her i just grasped and hugged her idk why it was almost as if someone was trying to hurt us and i immediately went into protective mode. Im scared thats never. Happened before can someone please help me

Apr 26, 2015
Sleeping on your back NEW
by: roxy

When I was in my early 20s as soon as I fell asleep on my back a dark entity would jump on my chest and start pressing it to the point where I was choking and was paralyzed. I could not move or yell. I then discovered that if i sleep on my back with my arms or legs crossed then the dark spirit or demon would not harm me. I also have to sleep in different positions. It happened several times along the years. I have no idea why this happens.

Apr 28, 2015
Am i crazy NEW
by: Anonymous

Twice this morning i woke up and couldnt move at all. I tried so hard but i just couldnt. A black figure moved by me and then i was able to move. am i crazy?

Apr 29, 2015
EntityRED 13 NEW
by: Gabe

I have a similar problem but he is different. I have been having a dream for the past month and it has been getting worse. I was messing with candles, cyrstals, water, and a fan and I put them in a certen order and I passed out when I woke up all the candles had been blown out and there was a note saying " THANKS" and I freaked out. Then a few days later I heard a banging on my parents front door, when I opened it there was a scroll with a ruby ring around it and a note saying this will protect you and the name was Rayquex I keep it with me every I go. Then I had a dream and I say a cloaked figure and he said his name was EntityRED and it looked like it was about the height of a 13 year old. Now I get chills down my spine and when I look back I see it in real life. Right now Im running from a nightmare that has come to life. If you find anything that has EntityRED in it let me no. I have a fear i summoned a nightmare. Remember TRUST NO ONE .

Apr 30, 2015
I just want to know... NEW
by: Anonymous

For the last 2 years i keep seeing the same lady type thing. I see her in my dreams and I see her when I wake in the middle of the night. It looks like a woman with no defining features (no nipples or a mannequin but feminine) with pitch black eyes and she/it is covered in blood. And she's radiates heat. Like she's on fire but there's no flames and no smoke. She never talks. She almost touched my arm once in a dream and the heat was so intense I woke up drenched in sweat and my boyfriend thought I was sick because my body temperature was so high. She almost touched him too. I know she's radiates like the heat. I know I can't let her touch me or anyone else. But I can't find anything on what she is. I've looked. Does anyone know? Has anyone else seen her or something like her?

Apr 30, 2015
Cure For Sleep Paralysis/ NEW
by: Anonymous

If you suffer from sleep paralysis, PLEASE read this message!! My wife and her father have experienced sleep paralysis many times over the years, but I had not. My wife told me what it was like on a couple of occasions, but I couldn't relate. I thought she might have just experienced a nightmare or there was something physically wrong with her that caused it. For some reason, years after we last spoke about it, this subject popped into my head while I was at work. I looked it up on youtube and saw that some called it a spiritual attack carried out by demons. They said you could get them to go away by calling on the name of Jesus. I am a Christian, so I thought to myself this was interesting and went on about my workday. Little did I know that it would happen to me two days later, but the Lord did.

The night it happened I opened my eyes in the middle of the night and could not move anything but my eyeballs. I looked toward my wife, who was sleeping, and tried to call her but I could neither move my mouth nor make a sound. Then I saw a large dark, seemingly formless, figure rise up on my side of the bed near my feet. He floated over me and immediately, I remembered the youtube video I saw two days before. I yelled (In my head) "I do not belong to you, I belong to my Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST!!. In the name of Jesus I command you to leave me alone and to leave my home NOW"!!!! IMMEDIATELY, the figure dropped back down the side of my bed and I could move. I sat up, stretched my neck to check beyond the foot of my bed, and I looked at the floor on my side of my bed. The demon was gone. I said thank you Jesus and immediately laid back down and went to sleep. The crazy thing is that I had absolutely no fear while the demon was there, or after. The next morning when I recalled what happened I got a little rattled and couldn't understand how, after such an experience, I could have gone back to sleep like nothing happened. I also didn't understand how I could yell at the demon without having the ability to talk. There is power in the name of JESUS!! If you command the demons to get away from you in HIS name, they WILL do it!!

The next day, I googled how to anoint your home, bought some olive oil, prayed over it, and anointed each door post, window, headboard, television & computer (if you can believe) in my home!! I have not experienced this again.

Remember, there are no aliens, only the fallen angels discussed in Genesis Chapter 6 of the Bible and the damned spirits of their deceased offspring who were created by the mating of fallen angels and women, during the times of Enoch and Noah. This is why God brought the flood to this earth and only saved Noah and his family. He wanted to kill this evil offspring and to ensure there would be a pure bloodline through which he could bring the perfect, sinless sacrifice, and the redeemer of our souls Jesus Christ.

There is a spiritual battle going on and whether we know it or not, we are all participants. When you are attacked, don't shrink back and run. Call on the Mighty Name Of Jesus! There is power in HIS name! May God bless you all!!

May 01, 2015
shadow after me NEW
by: JUlian

this just happened last night i was sleeping at the edge of my bed and before i fell asleep i was thinking dark thoughts and 30 minutes to sleeping i woke up feeling half asleep and i couldn't move ..and then from the bottom of my bed arose a shadow figure and he had a hooded face figure with ears like batman.. and he was doing something to me like he was putting his hand in front of my face and he it appeared that he was trying to take my life force away a spinning spiral from my face to his hand.. but as soon as that happened i was saying in my head "Jehovah Jehovah Jehovah" and he disappeared by melting away to my floor and i woke up screaming calling my brother !! and a week ago my best friend just got killed so i hope this wasnt him :( ..5/1/2015 Chicago if you have any help contact me at

May 12, 2015
really bad nightmares NEW
by: Maritza instagram @flaka.puti

Well I'll start off by saying my mom did vodo & sadly I didn't have a choice over what my mother did
All I know is that she use to rub chicken's & different animals on me then killed them after saying some words.. Growing up I saw things shadows dark ones then I started having really bad dreams of course she said they where good but I know they where not.. She has Santos lots of them.. One night we all gather in the living room & sat on the floor she had one of her Santos on the flower on top of a mate my mom was asking questions & they would be answer by 4 shells.. We where all sitting in the living room then I looked over to the couch & saw 12 black shadows & I started freaking out she said don't worry there not ganna hurt you but how many do you see I said 12 then another one came & I said 13.
Anyways last night I woke up from a really bad dream
I didn't sleep nothing but 2 hours last night I stayed up the rest of the night but in my dream there's this deman it stared at me with big black eyes & it felt like I was not dreaming but this demand touched me he was chocking me.. All of a Sudan I wake up & looked around I was in my room but in my dream I was in the woolds I could feel the wet ground & feel the fog it was so cold I didn't know what to do then I started to day dream first happy then the demand popoed up in my day dream like if I wanted him to but I didn't I was day dreaming about me & this kid I never met & this deamn picks me up & drips me from the ceiling... It felt like it was real as it stared to trun morning I noticed one of my walls was really black but then it dyed down my walls never are black I always leave the light on.. I need help to know what I'm going tho I'm scared to fall asleep again

May 12, 2015
solution NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi everyone

if you are having all these shadow encounters through your dreams or when you are awake tell them to leave in the name of Jesus it is the only name and authority they are subject too.

May 21, 2015
Spirit warfare NEW
by: Anonymous

I am part of paranormal team at 34. But I have been battling spit entities since I was a small child. I experienced sleep paralysis or tech leaving my body. These voices starting talking and
I pray. The louder they get the harder I pray. I tell them they aren't taking my body because I am cleasned and the blood of Jesus Christ flows through my vains. Most people make the assumption that spiritual war far ghosts and spirits are fake
But if they are fake then why do you go to church?
Entity attacks are common in sleep state because. You are vonerable.

May 24, 2015
Wide awake... NEW
by: Anonymous

On Friday May 22,2015 around 3 am I heard a mumble. I assumed it was my husband playing a joke. He said no, its my son. Then my son started talking. I couldn't distinguish what he said, it was like a foreign language. My husband left the room and I got out of bed and began to pray over my son. Then as I laid down I felt a stare at me from the door. I looked up and saw a dark shawdow the shape of a Indian man. Not with feathers or nothing. It was a dark shawdow, but that was the presence I felt. I started to pray and it went away. We live with my mother n law. The strange thing is on Wednesday I was asleep in bed. My husband came and woke me up and asked me if I had went outside to the back porch to smoke. I told him no, you just woke me, why. He told me he and his mom where talking and the alarm sounded and said back door open, but when he went to check it was nothing.

May 24, 2015
Always sleep with head pointing magnetic south to cure yourself of monsters NEW
by: Anonymous

What direction is your pillow/headboard of your bed facing? I suspect you may be sleeping with the top of your head facing magnetic north. Magnetic north is called the "death position" because coffins are buried facing north and if you sleep north ghosts appear in your life, says the folklore. Many cultures recommended that you sleep with the top of your head facing magnetic south and feet facing magnetic north. An alternate position is your head facing magnetic east and feet facing magnetic west. Use an electronic compass. Never sleep with head facing magnetic north cuz you are guaranteed to see ghosts and have nightmares.

Also never ever sleep on your back. Sleeping on the back is the posture of the corpse in a coffin and "vastu" says sleeping on the back ruins the brain. Try to sleep on the left side of your body always to get wealthy. Sleep on the right side is ok but not best and monsters probably attacked you while you slept on the right side of your body of slept on your back. Sleeping on left side is best. Never sleep on the stomach you suffocate, sudden infant death syndrome.

I recommend you read this website, it explains the significance of monsters in sleep.

Also Google search "vastu sleep direction" and search also "sleep facing south" to get more information. Sleeping facing south makes you wealthy and healthy, sleeping east makes you intelligent but not wealthy so east is for children still attending school.

Also, what is your blood type? If you are blood type Rhesus Negative (Rh negative) then this website might be informative

Best of luck! Feel free to Pass this information on to non-demonic people.

May 24, 2015
Always sleep magnetic south to cure yourself of monsters NEW
by: Anonymous

What direction is your pillow/headboard of your bed facing?

I suspect you may be sleeping with the top of your head facing magnetic north or equally bad magnetic west. Magnetic north is called the "death position" because coffins are buried facing north and if you sleep north ghosts appear in your life, says the folklore.

The people of Bali say "sleeping magnetic west means you will have no love, everyone will hate you and you will experience violence" I paraphrased but Google search "Balinese sleep north"

Many cultures recommended that you sleep with the top of your head facing magnetic south and feet facing magnetic north. An alternate position is your head facing magnetic east and feet facing magnetic west. Use an electronic compass.

Never sleep with head facing magnetic north cuz you are guaranteed to see ghosts and have nightmares.

Also never ever sleep on your back. Sleeping on the back is the posture of the corpse in a coffin and "vastu" says sleeping on the back ruins the brain. Try to sleep on the left side of your body always to get wealthy. Sleep on the right side is ok but not best and monsters probably attacked you while you slept on the right side of your body of slept on your back. Sleeping on left side is best and you get rich wealthy. Never sleep on the stomach you suffocate, sudden infant death syndrome.

I recommend you read this website, it explains the significance of monsters in sleep.

Also Google search "vastu sleep direction" and search also "sleep facing south" to get more information. Sleeping facing south makes you wealthy and healthy, sleeping east makes you intelligent but not wealthy so east is for children still attending school.

Also, what is your blood type? If you are blood type Rhesus Negative (Rh negative) then this website might be informative

Best of luck! Feel free to Pass this information on to non-demonic people.

May 24, 2015
Always sleep with pillow magnetic south to cure yourself of monsters NEW
by: Anonymous

Your sleep posture is making you vulnerable to nefarious entities!

What direction is your pillow/headboard of your bed facing?

I suspect you may be sleeping with the top of your head facing magnetic north or equally bad magnetic west. Magnetic north is called the "death position" because coffins are buried facing north and if you sleep north ghosts appear in your life, says the folklore.

The people of Bali say "sleeping magnetic west means you will have no love, everyone will hate you and you will experience violence" I paraphrased but Google search "Balinese sleep north"

Many cultures recommended that you sleep with the top of your head facing magnetic south and feet facing magnetic north. An alternate position is your head facing magnetic east and feet facing magnetic west. Use an electronic compass, it has to be exactly south, any deviation such as south west of south east makes you open to nefarious entities.

Never sleep with head facing magnetic north cuz you are guaranteed to see ghosts and have nightmares.

Also never ever sleep on your back. Sleeping on the back is the posture of the corpse in a coffin and "vastu" says sleeping on the back ruins the brain. Try to sleep on the left side of your body always to get wealthy. Sleep on the right side is ok but not best and monsters probably attacked you while you slept on the right side of your body of slept on your back. Sleeping on left side is best and you get rich wealthy. Never sleep on the stomach you suffocate, sudden infant death syndrome.

I recommend you read this website, it explains the significance of monsters in sleep.

Also Google search "vastu sleep direction" and search also "sleep facing south" to get more information. Sleeping facing south makes you wealthy and healthy, sleeping east makes you intelligent but not wealthy so east is for children still attending school.

The information I wrote was for the northern hemisphere, I dont know about sleep position for the southern hemisphere of earth.

Also, what is your blood type? If you are blood type Rhesus Negative (Rh negative) then this website might be informative

Best of luck! Feel free to Pass this information on to non-demonic people.

May 25, 2015
Surprised NEW
by: Trenton

I'm surprised how many people go through this. I've had these similar experiences too. Im 22 years old. I have never seen any dark figures but today i was sleeping and i thought i was awake and i felt a dark presence almost like molesting me in the family jewels.(testicles). So i tried waking up and i did but was completely paralyzed. I dont know how i came out of it but i did. I've had a much worse experience than this before but rather not talk about it. I'm not too religious i should be though because i know i need help from something much greater than I. God is real unfortunately satan is too.

May 26, 2015
sp lucid dreams travel new NEW
by: Anonymous

This happens to me the last episode some demon beast things came to me during sleep paralysis or lucid dreaming or whatever. They wanted to know who or what i was. They where scary. They were sniffing, smelling and growling at me like they were about to tear me to shreds. But i sensed they were really afraid of me, they wanted to know what i was how did i get in their realm (if thats the right word). I got a really strong power that came over me and i told them i was a child of God. And that i was not scared. The power made me bigger and stronger than them the power even scared me. I dont remember what the beast did after that. But ive always had sp,i had an obe but it was hard to control my body outside of my earthly body but recently ive been able to control it, like fly out of my roof into some kind of space or realm???? Its hard to explain, its weird and it just happens. Well i started to be able to control what happens a little better now. Sometimes i can purposely "travel". I dont know why, i would like to lnow why this happens to me. I was born during an eclipse???? Whatever the reason its weird. But i would like to think that it is a way for me to connect with god more. When it happens i always tell myself "look for God'. Glad tp see im not the only one. I could never tell people i know they would think im crazy.

May 26, 2015
could someone please explain NEW
by: Anonymous

i just had a dream like yours, in my dream i woke up and my whole bed was surrounded by shadow people. i began to rise from my bed (hover about 1 foot above it) and began to spin, (i believe counter clock wise). All i could hear were voices yelling.

i also had a second one, i was laying on my side at the edge my bed on my side. Then some shadow person began to yell at me while in front of me and and would yell in my ear. the words felt like they were saying "you did this" but it felt like i translated it into "always"

May 28, 2015
worst nightmare NEW
by: Anonymous

I dremt that a demond snake was pulling at my backside & athen it let go & my sprit lifted up to the top of my room & I could look down to my room then I looked to the side & my door to the room slowly opend & I rebuked it in the name of jesues & I awoke

May 28, 2015
black mass NEW
by: leo

I have also had my experiences but not as extreme as yours, i have started to have started to have these occurrences when i was 5 years old and still am at the age of 17.

i have had the same experiences as you, with waking up and looking around my room but with a intense heaviness and disorientated and having my door being opened and a black mass slowly coming towards me, i have not had the pleasure of being attacked or having conversation with close ones then them turning into demons,

I have always tried to break my self out of this state as i am so terrified by me being vulnerable and not being able to move and also having a approaching black mass figure, i have never let it get close as i am to scared to think would could happen as no one i have talked to can relate to these experiences.

Thank you for sharing this as it has given me alot to reflect on and also that there is someone else out there experiencing the same things i am but worse.

If you have any more advice or knowledge that could help i would find it very interesting.

May 28, 2015
church demons? NEW
by: colorantchemist

I moved into my boyfriends house, and a couple weeks into living there i had my first sleep paralysis experience. he was sleeping beside me and i was on my side. a dark shadowy demonic figure was behind me and wrapped itself around me whispering some fucked up language in my ear, i couldnt understand a thing and started hearing screaming and high pitched noises getting louder and louder until i snapped out and was able to move again. i would continue to get sleep paralysis for a couple weeks, sometimes more than 5 times in a night. a demonic figure only actually appeared in a way i could see or hear him a couple of times. i never experienced it again after i moved out, and later on i talked to my friend who lived down the street across from a church and she said that she had terrifying dreams about demons and that church, and her friend who lived there as well had extremely similar ones.

May 29, 2015
What are these dark figures up to? NEW
by: Anonymous

I had some ribbing at my chest like they wanted something inside of me. I had one watch me struggle to get out of bed and then it knocked me down once I made it to my feet, had them try to cover my mouth when I tried to scream out for God. Had them drag me by my feet. What do they want with us???? Can they kill us? Can they take our soul??? Can they drain our energy??? Can someone tell me what they are up to?

Jun 01, 2015
sp NEW
by: Anonymous

Anybody knock hows to stop it from attacking you this is the 5th time it happen and this time it got real aggressive with me . I saw what it look like it was a tall black figure with going down. Iam crying while I write this because it was the night of my fifteen birthday and im terrified of what I saw,I just want it to leave me alone and never come back .

Jun 01, 2015
Reponse to SP NEW NEW
by: Anonymous


Reponse to SP NEW

You have to tell it or them to leave in the name of Jesus, they are fallen angels in the disguise of spirits and shadows etc.

It is the only name they will obey, say it as many times as you want

Let me know if you need more info

Jun 01, 2015
To SP New Anonymous NEW
by: roxithefox

If it keeps attacking you, ask a priest to bless and anoint your home. I did it to mine.You also need to not be into the occult. Anything that attempts to summon spirits even if it seems inoffensive like the charlie charlie pencil game, it is actually inviting demons to your house. And then they stalk you for a long time. This happened to me when I was young. Do not do tarot, palm reading, ouija board, nothing. Go to church, read scripture, pray, and walk with God. Then you will see it will never happen again. It will dissipate.Good luck and God bless.

Jun 01, 2015
I've stopped this! NEW
by: SP Longtime

Look I've had SP since little. Lately I had a dream. Not SP. I met the tall grey shadow person and he spoke to me. He told me I would not remember the conversation, but I asked him lots of questions. He told me I would never see him again. I believe that.

I cant remember the conversation, but it was the first time he had spoke to me. I know I wont see him again.

Remember, tell the demons to go away in the name of Jesus. Wiggle your eyes and face when it happens. Wiggle your little toe. Trust me, I'm 37 and had this since I was 7. It WILL go. You just have to fight it.

Jun 01, 2015 NEW
by: courtkne

The other night I experienced SP.
I was alone in my apartment my husband just left for work. I was maybe an hour from getting up my self. I wear a sleep mask over my eyes and ear plugs in my ears. Ive had sleep issues my whole life so these barely help me sleep.
I heard our bedroom door creek open i woke uo but paralyzed, i tried to tell my arm to move but no luck. I couldnt see because of thr mask- but i "saw" in my mind a dark shadow like figure move sround my room close the door and then move to my side of the bed. I could feel how large and dark it was and i kept trying to tell my arm to move. I felt a little pressure on my chest and then and extremely painful burning tingling sensation radiate throughout my entire body over and over. I felt like i was on fire. I passed out for a few seconds and then i came to and remembered i had seen something on Facebook about this just days before. All i could think to say was the lords prayer. I felt the being get mad and go under my bed and get angrier and it shook the bed and i tried to say AMEN as hard as i could in my head and it got even angier, it shook the bed and then disappeared. I then immediately passed out and didnt rememeber until i was driving to work because i started to feel like my skin had been burned.

Ive spent days reading about this. I dont think this is a simple case of imagination. My dad and i have been discussing this and he has been recollecting things from my childhood where i had dreams about a "bad man" and i used to see images and be terrified of going to sleep at night and extremely afraid of the dark. I have suffered from nightmares my entire life to the point where i have to choose not to sleep so i can get some relief.
I have been baptisted since i was a teen and accept Jesus as our lord and savior and yet i hsve always felt like i could "see" things maybe others couldn't.

Please email me even if its jusy to be like yeah that sounds like it sucks. I dont want to feel like im crazy.

Jun 10, 2015
Minister NEW
by: Brenda

I have been experiencing these occurrences since I was 13. I am now in my 60's. I have 5 children, almost all of them experience this type of occurrence. I truly realize that it is a seer anointing. We can actually see demons, gargoyles, shadows, even faces of individuals at times. We can also fly from house to house, sit on furniture to watch the activity in the house. This is nothing we give our selves. It is directly from God. We must find out the reason we have been selected and what we should be doing with this manisfestation of the spirit.

Jun 11, 2015
in jesus and god can anilate these evil entities NEW
by: peter

this is what you do and you will send them packing and they will think twice about an attack but you still will get attacks hear and their but you will have no fear of it I tell you call out to the lord jesus and ask him for help and I tell you he will respond the enemy is knows you have fear ask the lord to come to you and he will give you strength and no demon will be able to frighten you he will give you peace and you will be able to rippel their attacks say this jesus you died on the cross for me and saved me from death and you rose up from the dead and took all my sins and saved me in jesus name amen and he will help you the enemy is weak the movies make it to be strong but this is not true satan trembles at the name of god fear it tell you jesus anilated it at the cross it is living on borowd time ask the lord for help and put a cross in your room of the lord

Jun 11, 2015
oh my god i cant beleve any body els see him NEW
by: kasra

im was half sleep i open my eyes and suddunly his sleep right next to me and look me in the eye i dont remember whats happend after ithing i passed out frome fear i hope his never come back

Jun 17, 2015
so curious NEW
by: steph

Ok, so im not certain about astro projection, but the other night i had a very vivid dream, where i was in a large catholic church, and there were many demons whom possessed these people. They weren’t just any demons, but real bad ones, and there were probably 7 of them. As i am helping this priest to exorcise these demons, i literally wake can see myself waking up in the middle of it all and can see the demons different eyes and faces. I didnt get scared when i was laying on my couch, opening my eyes and seeing these things, i just fell right back into the actual dream. and then by that time, we had exorcised all the demons and were about to banish them into swords, and one demon broke free and released all the rest of the demons. The priest and i just ran as fast as we could, closing the doors behind us. next thing i know my family is inside this church cleaning and as im trying to tell them all to leave, they wont listen. so i just run. as im exiting the church i see a demon over the hill, he is red and running as fast as he can on all fours, and i run back into the church to try and flee and he gets to the front double doors, looks at me, then says your never getting out. and slams the doors.. then i instantly become possessed by a freed demon, and my family who is also possessed enters the room and tries to attack me, and i tell them i dont care, as they are biting me, because i too am one of them. (possessed.) I then abruptly woke up on my couch, my forehead was very cold and was tingling. I was very angry feeling and. I dont know what this means. What confuses me is why was my forehead cold, and why did it tingle..?

Jun 17, 2015
curious NEW
by: Anonymous

Ok, so im not certain about astro projection, but the other night i had a very vivid dream, where i was in a large catholic church, and there were many demons whom possessed these people. They weren’t just any demons, but real bad ones, and there were probably 7 of them. As i am helping this priest to exorcise these demons, i literally wake can see myself waking up in the middle of it all and can see the demons different eyes and faces. I didnt get scared when i was laying on my couch, opening my eyes and seeing these things, i just fell right back into the actual dream. and then by that time, we had exorcised all the demons and were about to banish them into swords, and one demon broke free and released all the rest of the demons. The priest and i just ran as fast as we could, closing the doors behind us. next thing i know my family is inside this church cleaning and as im trying to tell them all to leave, they wont listen. so i just run. as im exiting the church i see a demon over the hill, he is red and running as fast as he can on all fours, and i run back into the church to try and flee and he gets to the front double doors, looks at me, then says your never getting out. and slams the doors.. then i instantly become possessed by a freed demon, and my family who is also possessed enters the room and tries to attack me, and i tell them i dont care, as they are biting me, because i too am one of them. (possessed.) I then abruptly woke up on my couch, my forehead was very cold and was tingling. I was very angry feeling and. I dont know what this means. What confuses me is why was my forehead cold, and why did it tingle..?

Jun 19, 2015
shadow figure,red glowing eyes NEW
by: Walter

I have had the same experience as others,the dark figure incites a fear or terror that I have never felt before or since.Please be aware that since I have moved out of the house,that was haunted,I have never experienced it again,but my oldest son was killed in a terrible motorcycle accident,at the age of 18,Please any one who has experienced the shadow figure,needs to call on, JESUS CHRIST as your savior!!! Please do not let this evil entity take your child!!!!!There is so much to my story,it is almost unbelievable,but it is true,if anyone is interested,I will share it....
Go to

Jun 22, 2015
The Red Eyed BoogeyMan. NEW
by: Dalton White

Hi, ive had a problem with a shadow demon basically that has been taunting me and ruining my life making me a total mess to where im close to breaking down and he'll try to win my soul..
i know the entities name is Dovie and his appearance is humanoid figure standing at 5'5" blurry he was brownish tanned skin black long curl hair, checkered shirt red and black also ripped light blue levi jeans. and long finger nails he would come out of my closet at age 6-7 then my mother and i moved due to a divorce qbd she said someone with long fingernails banged there hands at my bedroom window..
im 18 now. and that event my mother witnessed was a "this is over yet, ill be back." hes back someone help me on how to get him out and stop him from ruining my family and loved ones..
Tulsa Oklahoma
email me ;

Jun 23, 2015
Not the only one. NEW
by: Nicole

I have been experiencing the same things. I thought it was just my mind playing tricks; "waking up" several time before actually waking up, the sleep paralysis, the out of body experiences; feeling like something is crushing your chest while you sleep.. Around 2:00 in the morning I woke up paralyzed, a black shadow figure to my left, I started shaking (almost like a seizure) and it felt like it was sucking something out of me. After about what felt like 30 or so seconds, it was over.. I had turned to my boyfriend.. Who then began to shake just as I did, but I didn't see the sp beside him or anything. It was the most terrifying experience, as this time I am 100% certain I was fully awake. I thought I was crazy, if anyone would like to talk to me with similar experiences.. Please feel free to email me. .. I feel at least a little better knowing that I'm not alone.

Jun 24, 2015
Has anyone heard of this? NEW
by: Jordan

Recently, I have been experiencing missing time one hour long every other hour. I can remember what I was doing right before the missing time. The past 3 nights have all been the same; I will go to bed at 8, stay awake, at nine I'll feel someone climb onto my bed and I forget everything else. Although today I woke up at four with my mouth bleeding and my lower back and hips bruised. I always feel like I'm being watched, and when I am alone the feeling intensifies. I've been seeing these "shadow people" a lot. I'd be doing something and I would see a dark figure standing in the corner of the room, when I turn to look there's nothing there. I keep having these dreams where I am in my room, and that these dark figures are standing at the edge of my bed and saying that they'll hurt me. I am only 13, and I don't know what's going on. I keep trying to talk about it, but
no one is listening and I'm scared. I just need to know if I should be worried, or if this has happened to anyone...

Jun 25, 2015
counter attack NEW
by: Anonymous

if you are experiencing SP or any thing else while you are dreaming or awake.

tell them to leave in the name of Jesus, they are fallen angels that inflict mankind.

what have you got to loose, its not like you have any other solution.

trust me use the name of Jesus over and over.

Jun 25, 2015
Deliverance from demonic oppression NEW
by: Jesus army soldier

I had been a victim of bullying and rejection throughout my childhood and at the age of 14 I became friends with one of the "tough girls" . This person was very much into occult - taro, oiuji etc. So I began to "play around " with this spiritual realm and opened a portal to another world. This resulted in demonic oppression for at least 20 years. This spirits would plant thoughts not my own , night terrors and just an overall hateful soul. a short , cloaked , green demonic face figure would come into my room for several weeks and go on my chest and I had sleep paralysis , I would also astral project , seeing myself sleep. These encounters are the most terrifying and evil feeling ever. I told my parents at that time about the encounters and we rebuked it and pray over my home and the physical demon left but the spiritual ones remained to harrass and oppress me mentally. About 3 months ago I reached breaking point , self hate , wishing I was dead etc. and I begin to seek God with all my heart and surrender it all to him. He used 3 different people to come into my life . And all these people told me - deliverance . You need deliverance . I decided to do a self deliverance. I seeked God with all my heart and read his word several times a day, prayed to him all day , fasted .I specifically repented for each and everything that I did that may have called upon these evil spirits, in my case the oiuji etc and self hate. I renounced the things I did and rebuked the demons. I reached a crossroads where I made a choice and that was to serve Jesus Christ. At that time I experienced astral projection and the enemy was fighting for my soul but I claimed myself for Jesus. I threw up. And I binded the evil entities in name of Jesus one by one , Now The closest that I've ever been to God and it's a beautiful thing that can't be explained in words . I serve him and am in ministry . I have true joy and peace . Please don't wait 20 years like i did living a life in darkness . Turn your life over to him Ephesians 6:12 for our struggle is not against flesh and blood , but against the rulers , against the authorities , against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms

Jun 26, 2015
Shadow People Inhabiting My Textiles NEW
by: Anonymous

When I woke up last night my blankets, even the ones on the floor I wasn't using because it was warm in the room, were lying on the bed next to me in human form, hands and fingers and feet and all. The faces were limited due to nature of the material but holy crap. Then I look around the room and my power strip is being help up by, something, who was pretending he was smoking a cigar.
I am out of bed run downstairs only to find a dozen more figures in the corners of course but also in the curtains which formed solid figures depending on where the light was shining. You couldn't see them after you passed that tiny light source but then would shift almost as if to utilize the light anyway the could. Too much light and they had to leave the material.
I ran onto my back forch and there must have been a hundred "shadow cats" running around. It seemed the light had a similar effect on them. As they moved into too much light they shrank in size but if it a very low light they grew. I watched as three average sized cats merged into one massive Labrador size cat when the all three ran through the same patch of tree covered low-light.
I went back to my bedroom and saw my blankets had shifted into one huge mass then began reforming into the four figures as edged closer to my alarm clock light. They gurgled some strange sounds which made no sense.
What in the hell is going on? Obviously I should turn the lights on at night but what else to rid the infestation?

Jun 26, 2015
sleep attacks NEW
by: peter

you must ask the lord jesus to come to you call him and ask for help he will help you do not fear these things I tell you and place a cross in your room the lord has defeated these pests all the are trying to do is scare you call on jesus look for his face think of him and try to invision his face fit it dose not work keep on doing it and call him to help I tell you they are defeated iv know from experience they try but I win all ways and without a sweet they try to make sugestions and allways eating my face but nothing I called the lord jesus and they can not

Jun 30, 2015
My Cure for Dark Entity and Sleep Paralysis - (I'm Not Religious) NEW
by: Michael

Only once in my life, many years ago, have I experienced a dark "demonic" black blob accompanied with sleep paralysis. I was awakened in the middle of the night to the sound of someone in my apartment kitchen. I assumed the intruder was a burglar. As I heard the intruder coming down the hallway toward my bedroom, I tried to get up and flee out the back door, but that's when the sleep paralysis set in. I tried as hard as I could to wake my body up, but it would not move for several seconds. By then I could hear the intruder standing only a few feet away from me in the doorway of my bedroom. I was lying on my right side, facing the other direction. I rolled over onto my stomach and turned my head toward the doorway and the intruder. I fully expected to see a knife-wielding burglar, or some similar sight, but what I saw was so much worse. I've seen many horrible scenes in real life, but the sight of this intruder was the most terrifying thing I've ever beheld. It was completely black, blacker than the blackness of my bedroom. It was about 3 feet tall and about 2 feet wide. It floated about 2 feet above the floor. It's overall shape was irregular, like a potato. I've since started calling it the "Black Blob". The blob had no eyes, no teeth, and no other anatomical body parts. It was just a floating black blob, but the moment I laid eyes on it I knew it meant to do me harm and I was overwhelmed with a feeling of doom.

I only looked upon the black blob for about 2 or 3 seconds, because to my astonishment, I "woke up" again, in my bed, lying on my right side, just as I had when the noise from my kitchen had originally awakened me. This time I heard the sound of frantic knocking on my front door.

I could go on and on about that crazy evening, but I'll spare you all the details. Suffice it to say, that the Black Blob encounter and what followed seemed so real that in the morning I just assumed it that it all had actually happened until I noticed that some impossible things had occurred. Even after recognizing the impossibilities of the entire episode, I still struggled for 3 weeks trying to figure it all out. Well, in a sense, I'm still trying to figure it all out.

My conscious and sub-conscious (I'm probably misusing those terms) seemed to have a strong disagreement about the whole affair. My conscious kept saying that it must have been some sort of dream, albeit much more realistic than standard dreams, but my sub-conscious kept sending me feelings that it was real and that I was in danger staying in the apartment. My head disagreed with my gut feelings, which is a strange sensation in its own right.

Each night for three weeks I'd wake up several times a night, scared that the blob might make a reappearance, even as I told myself that it wasn't real. I did not see the blob, but I thought about what I'd do if I did see it again. I eventually decided I'd speak down to it like I would any other rude person that imposed himself on me. After all, if it was destined to "get" me I might as well have my say in the matter.

One night, about three weeks after the original encounter, I awoke to a silent apartment. I looked around my darken bedroom wondering, as usual, if I had an intruder. The answer seemed to be "No", until I heard some sinister sounding breathing coming the head of my bed. The thing had returned, and it was just out of my field of view, a few feet from my head! I was terrified all over again, but I remembered my plan. Feeling vulnerable with no way to fight it physically, I spoke down to it the way I would to a rude person or a jerk. I said stuff like "Who do you think you are coming in here at this time of the night? Don't you know I have to go to work in the morning? You've got some nerve." I kept on with this sort of taunting. In retrospect, some of it sounds a little humorous, but at the time I didn't want to show that it was scaring me.

After I spoke to it like this for about 30 seconds or so, I noticed that its breathing became louder, faster, and more sinister sounding. My plan didn't seem to be working. I decided to flee, but I was victim of sleep paralysis again. As a way of gaining control of my body, I tried holding my breath for a few seconds. I soon noticed that whenever I held my breath, the intruder stopped breathing too. It suddenly dawned on me that even though I was sure that I had been awake the whole time, I was actually still asleep, and the breathing of the intruder was actually my breathing!

In a couple of seconds I awoke for what seemed like the second time. I was, of course, still lying in my darkened bedroom, but I could feel that my sub-conscious was now convinced that these sorts of realistic encounters with supernatural intruders could actually be a special type of realistic dream, totally unlike my typical dreams. I was instantly cured of the paranoia I'd been suffering from for the previous three weeks. My life returned to normal and I haven't been bothered by these concerns since. I do have more respect for religious people who make claims regarding the supernatural because I know first hand how real these "dreams" can be.

I suggest everyone look at links given at the very top of this article, put there by the editors of the page. They are very informative.

Jul 10, 2015
I would like some thoughts on my experience NEW
by: LightsShadow

This may be a long story so buckle your seats. so this basically started one night several months ago when I was sleeping. I was dreaming of being in my bed and everything looked real and felt real I looked over at my girlfriend and thought "guess I should go back to sleep". At that moment a dark figureless spirit entered the room and I was suddenly filled with a sense of pure terror. I tried to run from the room but I couldn't move and the spirit started circling the room. I tried to say something to rebuke the spirit but nothing would come out and that's when the spirit lunged at me and I woke up. I looked around and my girlfriend was looking at me worried, she said I had been screaming something she couldn't understand in my sleep.

2 months later I am sleeping again and I'm having another lucid dream. I am in my room petting my cat in the window. Suddenly my cat bolts out of the room and I feel like something is clawing up my back. I try to shake it off but whatever it was wouldn't falter. When it got to the top of my back I'm filled with that same terror as before and I wake up. I move my eyes to look around my room and everything is normal. I try to get up to get a drink but I can't move. No matter how hard I tried my body just sat there doing nothing. It took me nearly 10 minutes of hard effort to will my arm to move then finally my body broke free and I was fine.

I understand a lot about occult matters, and I am a practicing Wiccan, but I would like to hear someones opinion on what this could be. I am normally never scared of anything, even the prospect of death, so this terror really concerns me. Any ideas would be great, thank you.

Jul 11, 2015
My experiences NEW

Well this has plaqued me since a child. I remember my first experience as clear as day. Laying on my bed i saw a shadowy figure on the wall it seemed to be circles in a cluster on my wall fazing in and out red white orange black and i remeber a high pitch frequency noise in my ear that put me to sleep and i always have a vivid dream. Another time i was laying on my back wide awake and the feeling is always that of a slow death as if your slipping away from your body unable to move but i consciously fight and sometimes i win but in that situation i had a instant nose bleed. Ive had a instant were i was watching tv in the living from and something dark came over me i couldnt see it be i felt it and i began to fall on the couch sideways while still awake asking myself how is this possible but whatever it was put me to sleep but i would say this particular situation was the closet i ever got to a answer i had a vivid dream which started in my living room i met a group of people called the "porters" who happened to be in all black who taught me things (very long dream). Ive been held down but i felt different levels of conscious during these episodes even one time i felt as if my soul or a black figure was settling into my body it appeared to be vibrating and settling back inside of my body once it settled i could move again. Recently i heard a angry grunting noise while i was being choked in my sleep. Its happened so many times and i have so many dreams of fighting things

Jul 15, 2015
Astral projection NEW
by: Christiana

Very similar experiences have been happening to me since I was a child. When I was 5 I had told my mother and grandmother I could fly and float above them. Of course they told me that these were just dreams but I couldn't understand because they felt so much like real life. I even remember these "dreams" to this day and I'm 26 now. I would float above my mother and go into the woods floating, I would go to familiar places and just float/fly around. Flash forward to a little over a year ago, my dog who I had had since I was 8 years old passed away, I was miserable and heart broken, I remember going to sleep the night we buried her and this is what happened in my "dream". I went outside of my mother's house into the back yard, where we buried her right by the garden. She was there, running around, joyful and playful. She seemed to be inbetween puppy stage and adult stage. Just perfect looking with a golden glow around her, there were butterfly's she was trying to catch and beautiful flowers. As I started to approach her from a distance I see this huge dark figure to my left. He was giant, with this black hooded cloak with deep red symbols on the side of the arms. I was terrified, I knew him standing there meant I was NOT to approach my dog. And that I needed to leave. I went back into my mothers house into my room with the door ajar. My room looked the same as always but as I went into my bed,I saw a different being, they were just this dark shadow by my door. I knew it wanted to enter my room, I tried to wake up but for some reason I was having a hard time, I knew I needed to wake my body up, I started yelling get out of my room! Get out! And finally my body was no longer paralized, as I was able to move I yelled in the name of jesus I rebuke you! Then turned my light on.I was so freaked out about everything that happened, I asked a friend of mine,they are from Vietnam. They told me in their country they knew a girl who could see the dead, go in and out of our world into another demension. What I was doing was Astral projection. Shortly after I realized I had probably been doing this my whole life, I started doing it again,astral projecting,but this time I knew I was doing it so I felt I had more control. I would never go to far outside my body. Then I found out I was pregnant. I told my Vietnamese friend who told me be careful because the baby will follow you when you leave your body. I realized he was right.During all of my pregnancy I stopped.I hadn't done it since my daughter was born, until last night. When I tried to jump back in my body I looked up at the ceiling in my room and there was this black giant spider like creature growling at me and I felt paralyzed, I knew my spirit had to gain control of my body again and soon so eventually I moved my foot and opened my eyes and I was back to as we call it the "real world". The other world is intriguing for me because that's where I can go and find loved ones of mine that passed, but I know the longer I stay, the more risk it causes of me not getting back to my physical body.

Jul 15, 2015
Astral projection NEW
by: Christiana

Very similar experiences have been happening to me since I was a child. When I was 5 I had told my mother and grandmother I could fly and float above them. Of course they told me that these were just dreams but I couldn't understand because they felt so much like real life. I even remember these "dreams" to this day and I'm 26 now. I would float above my mother and go into the woods floating, I would go to familiar places and just float/fly around. Flash forward to a little over a year ago, my dog who I had had since I was 8 years old passed away, I was miserable and heart broken, I remember going to sleep the night we buried her and this is what happened in my "dream". I went outside of my mother's house into the back yard, where we buried her right by the garden. She was there, running around, joyful and playful. She seemed to be inbetween puppy stage and adult stage. Just perfect looking with a golden glow around her, there were butterfly's she was trying to catch and beautiful flowers. As I started to approach her from a distance I see this huge dark figure to my left. He was giant, with this black hooded cloak with deep red symbols on the side of the arms. I was terrified, I knew him standing there meant I was NOT to approach my dog. And that I needed to leave. I went back into my mothers house into my room with the door ajar. My room looked the same as always but as I went into my bed,I saw a different being, they were just this dark shadow by my door. I knew it wanted to enter my room, I tried to wake up but for some reason I was having a hard time, I knew I needed to wake my body up, I started yelling get out of my room! Get out! And finally my body was no longer paralized, as I was able to move I yelled in the name of jesus I rebuke you! Then turned my light on.I was so freaked out about everything that happened, I asked a friend of mine,they are from Vietnam. They told me in their country they knew a girl who could see the dead, go in and out of our world into another demension. What I was doing was Astral projection. Shortly after I realized I had probably been doing this my whole life, I started doing it again,astral projecting,but this time I knew I was doing it so I felt I had more control. I would never go to far outside my body. Then I found out I was pregnant. I told my Vietnamese friend who told me be careful because the baby will follow you when you leave your body. I realized he was right.During all of my pregnancy I stopped.I hadn't done it since my daughter was born, until last night. When I tried to jump back in my body I looked up at the ceiling in my room and there was this black giant spider like creature growling at me and I felt paralyzed, I knew my spirit had to gain control of my body again and soon so eventually I moved my foot and opened my eyes and I was back to as we call it the "real world". The other world is intriguing for me because that's where I can go and find loved ones of mine that passed, but I know the longer I stay, the more risk it causes of me not getting back to my physical body.

Jul 19, 2015
shadow ppl NEW
by: Vanessa

I've had numerous experiences with sleep paralysis. It does come and go, meaning, that I could go months or even a year or more without anything happening.

My most recent experiences was a few months ago. I woke up around 12 or 1 o clock in the morning. Something disturbed my sleep. I was half asleep and half awake at this point and I looked down at the end of my bed and I "seen" a black figure.. but the thing is I feel like I didn't see it.. like it was in my minds eye or something?! It doesn't make sense to most people probably, but all I know is my mind screamed DANGER so in my dream-like state, I bolted out of my bed and into the bathroom. I stayed there for a few minutes and just went into my room and went back to sleep. But I felt content at that point like nothing happened at all.

I know that I didn't dream this because I forget 99% of my dream, and yet this is so vivid still?

Jul 21, 2015
Sleep paralysis NEW
by: Anonymous

Ive had these dreams since I was about 16 . Its always the same I'm in bed I can't move or speak I can't see what's sitting on me but its quite, or heavy breathing I hear once I recall it was growling but as soon as I say the lords prayer it stops and goes away . I can't go back to sleep after that but this last one I had last night freaked me out it was sitting on and couldn't move it felt like something was squeezing my back of my left leg when I woke from saying the lords prayer I couldn't go back to sleep it scared me bad my leg is still hurting and have bruises on the back of my leg and it still hurts I don't like these dreams

Jul 22, 2015
Man in a cape NEW
by: Sandra

Recently I went to see my godmother. She is a santera She said she sees a dark man with a cape by my side. It freaks me out because when I was 19yrs old and living in New York the same man had appeared next to my bed one late night. It was not a nightmare or paralysis in my sleep. I remember going to bed. I was asleep and I was sleeping on the edge of the bed. I remember opening my eyes and seeing this strange man standing by my bed. He said something but didn't understand. I replied, yea ok and turned my body facing the wall and fell asleep. The man was all black. I couldn't see the face. He had a dress hat with the top flat. It looked like a long coat or cape. A few days later a friend of mine was shot and killed infront of the building and I witnessed it. I did some internet research and it seem I'm not the only one who has seened him also. After that incident I have not seen him again and don't want to ever see him.

Jul 27, 2015
What Hides Under Rocks And In The Dark Corner. NEW
by: Qbee

I have always known and speak The Word. As a child I was always able to say In The Name Jesus devil Get Away From Me,the words with will bring me right out of the scary dream I was having. In 2009 I received premonitions as I was incarcerated in the county jail. I can remember each dream (Premonition),within 24 hours after I was released everything played out, except for one part. Thats the part I have the chance to change before it happens. All I can say is I love all of you and the angery has ceased. I no longer want nor see the color red. I was so sick and lost, as a child of The Lord we are blessed to be pulled back into the light right on time. I will not allow enemies to have put me down. Death is not part of the path. The Lord will bring all that dark to the light. No more hidden and secret colt religion. This little light of mine I'm gonna let it shine, I may walk thru the darkness and kick over the rock they hide under and never will He let me be afraid. Thanks

Jul 27, 2015
What Hides Under Rocks And In The Dark Corner. NEW
by: Qbee

I have always known and speak The Word. As a child I was always able to say In The Name Jesus devil Get Away From Me,the words with will bring me right out of the scary dream I was having. In 2009 I received premonitions as I was incarcerated in the county jail. I can remember each dream (Premonition),within 24 hours after I was released everything played out, except for one part. Thats the part I have the chance to change before it happens. All I can say is I love all of you and the angery has ceased. I no longer want nor see the color red. I was so sick and lost, as a child of The Lord we are blessed to be pulled back into the light right on time. I will not allow enemies to have put me down. Death is not part of the path. The Lord will bring all that dark to the light. No more hidden and secret colt religion. This little light of mine I'm gonna let it shine, I may walk thru the darkness and kick over the rock they hide under and never will He let me be afraid. Thanks

Aug 01, 2015
by: Lisa Martinez

Hi i am Lisa Martinez from Tampa Florida. This is a testimony i am about too to share with you all regarding what happened to me after i lost my husband to a woman i called my best friend some years back. It is so hard raising two kids on your own when you don't have a stable job. My husband has always been the bread winner of our family, he was loving but all of a sudden things things changed drastically when i introduced my husband too my best friend (Michelle) i never realized i was casting my own downfall. My husband cheated on me and moved in with my best friend, i loved him so much and i never wanted to be a separated mom, because i want the best for my kids. My kids became so persistent that they are always asking about there dad after 4 years of us been separated, so i explained things to a friend of mine Latoya, she advised me on what to do if i really wanted to get my Ex-husband back. She told me about a Woman she knew in the Western Part Of Africa named Great OLOKUN, that she is a great herbalist who is well renowned in Africa for her mysterious works. She gave her testimony too me and i never believed in black powers, but Latoya was so persistent that i tried it if i really wanted my Ex-husband back, of course i do and my kids was the main reason i gave into it, i asked Latoya about contacting the Great OLOKUN, and she gave me her email and phone contact: ( I contacted her with faith, told her my problems and what i wanted she gave me a list of what too provide immediately, i did so and she told me in a week time my husband will come back asking me to forgive him, i doubted and in a week and two days my Ex-husband came asking for forgiveness. CONTACT THE GREAT OLOKUN NOW VIA ( )!!!!!

Aug 03, 2015
demonic power NEW
by: Anonymous


using demonic power to achieve your objectives contaminates your spirit and opens up the door to other demonic spirits to oppress and destroy peoples lives.

when you use the devil to get what you want there is no price you can give that will ever satisfy his appetite except your soul.

to encourage other people to use this service to get what they want, is like leading lambs to the slaughter, God will hold you responsible for there demises.

the only way to close this door is to repent and ask God for forgiveness through his son Jesus and at some stage to receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior.

now you might not be religious or believe in God, but its funny how people will turn to supernatural power for help but reject the concept of faith.

satan is mentioned in the bible as the deceiver and Jesus is returning to earth to take the children and his people away, you do not want to be left behind or stand before God to be judged.

repent while there is still time, because the consequence is eternal torment and suffering and thats something you want to avoid.

Aug 15, 2015
How to deal with Shadow People and other demonic entities NEW
by: Anonymous

I have dealt with many demonic beings over my lifetime, including the shadow people. What you need to do is take a deep breath. Then, imagine a flow of white pure love energy throughout your body. Now, imagine the love energy creating a bubble around yourself. Imagine the bubble expanding, and it should force the beings to leave. I hope this helps!

Aug 20, 2015
Sleep paralysis and black mist NEW
by: rorax

Ok...I'm almost 60 years old. When I was 14 years old I was living with my Grandmother. I was on my bed in my room mid afternoon and had fallen asleep. I woke up and opened my eyes but could not move. I was completely paralyzed! A swirling black smoke/mist floated above me and I heard a loud long guttural growl. The smoke/mist floated through the red roses wallpapered wall in my room. I was so frightened that I though I would quit breathing. I focused on trying to move my fingers and toes and finally I could move! If I were to guess the whole experience took less than thirty seconds but I will never ever forget it. I prayed a lot for protection, and I kept The Holy Bible under my pillow for years after that incident under the instruction of my Grandmother.

Aug 20, 2015
Sleep paralysis and black mist NEW
by: rorax

Ok...I'm almost 60 years old. When I was 14 years old I was living with my Grandmother. I was on my bed in my room mid afternoon and had fallen asleep. I woke up and opened my eyes but could not move. I was completely paralyzed! A swirling black smoke/mist floated above me and I heard a loud long guttural growl. The smoke/mist floated through the red roses wallpapered wall in my room. I was so frightened that I though I would quit breathing. I focused on trying to move my fingers and toes and finally I could move! If I were to guess the whole experience took less than thirty seconds but I will never ever forget it. I prayed a lot for protection, and I kept The Holy Bible under my pillow for years after that incident under the instruction of my Grandmother.

Aug 22, 2015
by: D

I have had Sp since I was little and every night that it happens I am terrified to go back to sleep. I have not been able to find a pattern, but I have seen a lot of simarities:

1) Sp only occurs when I sleep supine

2) I usually have a number of false wake ups during an episode

3) each episode is different. Last night a hooded figure kneeled next to my bed and was breathing heavily in my ear. Other nights I don't hallucinate at all but have the pressing feeling against my chest. Some nights I can feel when I'm about to have an episode, while other nights I 'wake-up' in the midst of one. The only commonality I have found is that these hallucinations are NOT friendly.

4) I usually have Sp at night. I don't recall ever having an experience while napping during the day

5) each hallucination is always set in the current room that I am sleeping in.

I am not very religious, but I do believe in love. On nights when I have these episodes I turn to Gods love to help me go back to sleep. I am also going to be a doctor. If a patient ever comes to me with Sp I want to be able to help them. I find comfort in knowing that I'm not the only one, but I am determined to understand WHY this happens to us.

Aug 22, 2015
my tips in avoiding sleep paralysis NEW
by: user1

Hi there
I have suffered from sleep paralysis for about 8 years every episode is different however I have found a few little tips that sometimes stops it happening. Before you go to sleep:
1. DONT drink alcohol.
2. eat less high sugar food.
3. say the Lord's Prayer before you sleep
4. list at least 3 positive things in your head that have happend that day. (SP accurs generally when your sad/upset/tired/ill)
5. If its hot crack a window, open doors.
6. When you awake from SP jump out of bed, turn on the lights and splash your face with cold water.
7. If you are in the middle of a SP episode relax your body and imagine it floating back into your body. DO NOT attempt to communicate with any of the dark spirits.

I hope this helps anyone. This forum is a great comfort to me as i know i am not alone. If anyone would like to discuss this issue with me my email is


Aug 26, 2015
More or less NEW
by: Anonymous

I really can't remember when they started to pay me visits, but it has been a long time. They always would come right as I was falling asleep. They would enter the room from the corners or from the window mostly. It was always an unpleasant feeling of evil that enveloped me when they would appear. I don't really think I experience SP. Sometimes it was like all of a sudden became aware of them and they were trying to take something from me. It was if there was something I possessed that they were trying to take but I would shout at them mentally and sometimes out loud. I have also shouted out over my children or mate that was sleeping next to me that they were trying to take something from them also. Once, I all of a sudden became aware of three of them, one larger with a different shaped hood from the other two and they were grabbing my arm and trying to take something. I try to remember to summons protection of myself before I go to sleep. I have also rebuked them on several occasions and they go aware. Just wanted to share my experiences. Thanks,

Sep 03, 2015
Dark figure NEW
by: Anonymous

My "dream" as it appeared I was sleeping in bed at home. Next to my boyfriend. I "woke" In my dream and the bedroom door creaked open a small bit. Then flung open and a black figure stood in the door way as I sat up in bed it disappeared toward the other end of the house. I woke my boyfriend and told him to go check it out, he goes and comes back telling me nothing is there, I lay back down and close my eyes then open again and I'm in the spare room curled up in a ball at the foot of the bed and I look up and a girl I used to work with along with her partner and daughter are sitting up backs against the head board looking at me and then out of no where this black face comes out of thin air and straight into my face. I have now woken from my dream in panic crying and wanting all lights to be turned on and my boyfriend had no idea what had happened I'm shaking crying hot sweats the worst night mare is ever had... If anyone can tell me anything about the meaning of this dream please let me know it's still worrying me

Sep 03, 2015
The being that never died. NEW
by: Anonymous

In 2006 When, I was trying to sleep, I awoke and saw a strange creature in my room. that being looked like his flesh was all melted on his face. I really don't know if it was a dream or reality because I couldn't move at all.
It seemed like the being was very ancient & I feel that it was from limbo.
Then for a moment the being was over me like it was trying to scare me to death. I was scared for a little when, I looked in it's eyes. Then in the moment that I wasn't scared anymore, I woke up again & the being was gone.
First thing I did is, I nailed all my windows shut. I even found a new place to live because, I just didn't like that experience. I wish, I knew more about this, but I don't & ever since then I have been having skin problems like an eczema rash that, I have never had before in my life.
To conclude, I'm wrighting this 9/3/15 & I have to let you know that I telling you my truly personal experience. This has only happened to me once & I hope it never happens to me again.

Sep 14, 2015
Grim reapers and shadow soldiers . NEW
by: DebbieAnonymous

Well my story started in 2005 shortly after my cancer was removed !In 2005 i was diagnoiced with Renal Cell Carcinoma and lost my right kidney , and shortly there after was diagnoiced with Meningioma on the right side of my head ! During this time i found out my husband had cheated on me with a coworker and she became pregnant ! While going through all this my husband lost his job and we suddenly were homeless , and to make matters worse my family turned me out in the street because of my dogs ! They asked me to put them to sleep , but i couldnt , so there i was in my car in tears ! I might mention that i lost my Mom and sister 6 months apart prier to all of this ! Well to make the story shorter , my nephew took us home to his house with our dogs (Chiwahwahs) ! And when we findly got a place and this was during my daughters car accident in 2006 which put her in a coma for 5 months , that i first saw the grim reaper ! It was standing right over me pointing down at me with its long black finger ! It had a top hat and was approx. 7 feet tall , with a long cloke and red eyes ! When we moved from that house it followed me to my second house and did the same thing , and i forgot to mention that i couldnt scream or breathe at all ! Well here it is 2015 and we own our house due to winning the law suit from my daughters wreak , and having to teach her everything over which caused me two break downs , but shes doing great now thank you to God ! One night i was having trouble sleeping like i always do , and 4:00 AM came around and when i turned my head for some reason because fear just came over me I SAW THEM !!! Two 7 feet tall black figures standing in my door way shining a really bright flash light in my face ! I couldnt breathe or scream or move as i watched them and in my mind with everything i had i started saying J E S U S in my thoughts over and over and i could hear there thoughts saying she saw us while shinning the lights on there belts at me ! I begain to scream Jesus over and over out loud until my daughter heard me , but she couldnt seem to get up either that morning ! Nothing on Earth scard me more then this in my life , and i dont care what the World says , they are real and they are with us , and they are evil !!!!

Sep 14, 2015
Grim reapers and shadow soldiers . NEW
by: DebbieAnonymous

Well my story started in 2005 shortly after my cancer was removed !In 2005 i was diagnoiced with Renal Cell Carcinoma and lost my right kidney , and shortly there after was diagnoiced with Meningioma on the right side of my head ! During this time i found out my husband had cheated on me with a coworker and she became pregnant ! While going through all this my husband lost his job and we suddenly were homeless , and to make matters worse my family turned me out in the street because of my dogs ! They asked me to put them to sleep , but i couldnt , so there i was in my car in tears ! I might mention that i lost my Mom and sister 6 months apart prier to all of this ! Well to make the story shorter , my nephew took us home to his house with our dogs (Chiwahwahs) ! And when we findly got a place and this was during my daughters car accident in 2006 which put her in a coma for 5 months , that i first saw the grim reaper ! It was standing right over me pointing down at me with its long black finger ! It had a top hat and was approx. 7 feet tall , with a long cloke and red eyes ! When we moved from that house it followed me to my second house and did the same thing , and i forgot to mention that i couldnt scream or breathe at all ! Well here it is 2015 and we own our house due to winning the law suit from my daughters wreak , and having to teach her everything over which caused me two break downs , but shes doing great now thank you to God ! One night i was having trouble sleeping like i always do , and 4:00 AM came around and when i turned my head for some reason because fear just came over me I SAW THEM !!! Two 7 feet tall black figures standing in my door way shining a really bright flash light in my face ! I couldnt breathe or scream or move as i watched them and in my mind with everything i had i started saying J E S U S in my thoughts over and over and i could hear there thoughts saying she saw us while shinning the lights on there belts at me ! I begain to scream Jesus over and over out loud until my daughter heard me , but she couldnt seem to get up either that morning ! Nothing on Earth scard me more then this in my life , and i dont care what the World says , they are real and they are with us , and they are evil !!!!

Sep 14, 2015
Grim reapers and shadow soldiers . NEW
by: DebbieAnonymous

Well my story started in 2005 shortly after my cancer was removed !In 2005 i was diagnoiced with Renal Cell Carcinoma and lost my right kidney , and shortly there after was diagnoiced with Meningioma on the right side of my head ! During this time i found out my husband had cheated on me with a coworker and she became pregnant ! While going through all this my husband lost his job and we suddenly were homeless , and to make matters worse my family turned me out in the street because of my dogs ! They asked me to put them to sleep , but i couldnt , so there i was in my car in tears ! I might mention that i lost my Mom and sister 6 months apart prier to all of this ! Well to make the story shorter , my nephew took us home to his house with our dogs (Chiwahwahs) ! And when we findly got a place and this was during my daughters car accident in 2006 which put her in a coma for 5 months , that i first saw the grim reaper ! It was standing right over me pointing down at me with its long black finger ! It had a top hat and was approx. 7 feet tall , with a long cloke and red eyes ! When we moved from that house it followed me to my second house and did the same thing , and i forgot to mention that i couldnt scream or breathe at all ! Well here it is 2015 and we own our house due to winning the law suit from my daughters wreak , and having to teach her everything over which caused me two break downs , but shes doing great now thank you to God ! One night i was having trouble sleeping like i always do , and 4:00 AM came around and when i turned my head for some reason because fear just came over me I SAW THEM !!! Two 7 feet tall black figures standing in my door way shining a really bright flash light in my face ! I couldnt breathe or scream or move as i watched them and in my mind with everything i had i started saying J E S U S in my thoughts over and over and i could hear there thoughts saying she saw us while shinning the lights on there belts at me ! I begain to scream Jesus over and over out loud until my daughter heard me , but she couldnt seem to get up either that morning ! Nothing on Earth scard me more then this in my life , and i dont care what the World says , they are real and they are with us , and they are evil !!!!

Sep 14, 2015
Evil visits from another dimension? NEW
by: Anonymous

For those who are struggling with this problem, don't look for help from people, or try to overcome demonic experiences by yourself. The only way to conquer this is to have faith in God and cry out to Jesus. He is so powerful that just saying his name will cause all evil spirits to flee. Pray to God, and you will feel his love and comfort to overcome these terrifying experiences. Living for Christ not only saves you from the powers of hell, but shines a light to others and provides a path to heaven. If you are a christian having these experiences, it is God's will to test you by allowing satan's presence to be near, but God only lets so much that you can handle. Have faith, he will send angels to protect you.

Sep 14, 2015
Evil visits from another dimension? NEW
by: Anonymous

For those who are struggling with this problem, don't look for help from people, or try to overcome demonic experiences by yourself. The only way to conquer this is to have faith in God and cry out to Jesus. He is so powerful that just saying his name will cause all evil spirits to flee. Pray to God, and you will feel his love and comfort to overcome these terrifying experiences. Living for Christ not only saves you from the powers of hell, but shines a light to others and provides a path to heaven. If you are a christian having these experiences, it is God's will to test you by allowing satan's presence to be near, but God only lets so much that you can handle. Have faith, he will send angels to protect you.

Sep 15, 2015
Grim reapers and shadow soldiers . NEW
by: DebbieAnonymous

Well my story started in 2005 shortly after my cancer was removed !In 2005 i was diagnoiced with Renal Cell Carcinoma and lost my right kidney , and shortly there after was diagnoiced with Meningioma on the right side of my head ! During this time i found out my husband had cheated on me with a coworker and she became pregnant ! While going through all this my husband lost his job and we suddenly were homeless , and to make matters worse my family turned me out in the street because of my dogs ! They asked me to put them to sleep , but i couldnt , so there i was in my car in tears ! I might mention that i lost my Mom and sister 6 months apart prier to all of this ! Well to make the story shorter , my nephew took us home to his house with our dogs (Chiwahwahs) ! And when we findly got a place and this was during my daughters car accident in 2006 which put her in a coma for 5 months , that i first saw the grim reaper ! It was standing right over me pointing down at me with its long black finger ! It had a top hat and was approx. 7 feet tall , with a long cloke and red eyes ! When we moved from that house it followed me to my second house and did the same thing , and i forgot to mention that i couldnt scream or breathe at all ! Well here it is 2015 and we own our house due to winning the law suit from my daughters wreak , and having to teach her everything over which caused me two break downs , but shes doing great now thank you to God ! One night i was having trouble sleeping like i always do , and 4:00 AM came around and when i turned my head for some reason because fear just came over me I SAW THEM !!! Two 7 feet tall black figures standing in my door way shining a really bright flash light in my face ! I couldnt breathe or scream or move as i watched them and in my mind with everything i had i started saying J E S U S in my thoughts over and over and i could hear there thoughts saying she saw us while shinning the lights on there belts at me ! I begain to scream Jesus over and over out loud until my daughter heard me , but she couldnt seem to get up either that morning ! Nothing on Earth scard me more then this in my life , and i dont care what the World says , they are real and they are with us , and they are evil !!!!

Sep 15, 2015
They are observing and testing us NEW
by: SP Longtime

I don't know if these visits are related to stress. I suffered from SP loads whilst in an un-happy narcissistic marriage. Since I kicked him out no sleep paralysis!
That was until last night, but I knew ex was coming around today.
Last night I was having a nice dream when I heard a bang like a draw closing. This took me out the dream and into SP. There was a shadow man routing through my draws. I had not long emptied my ex's belongings from those draws. I got the sense he was checking out what was happening. I was not happy as my sleep had been disturbed. I told him to Fcuk off and go in the mighty name of Jesus. He went and I came out of the SP. I get really angry when they visit as I can't go back to sleep and it was 5am!
I get the feeling that they are observing and testing us. I don't think they have any power other than to scare the hell out of us sometimes. Every time the shadow man appears he is watching what else is happening to me. Like which appearations scare me most. He stands in the corner and watches. He dioesnt normally route through my draws though lol

Sep 20, 2015
Dark Figures NEW
by: Anonymous

I have had dreams with dark figures in them all my life. I am 49 now.I had terrible nightmares all thru my childhood, teens, and twenties.After learning lucid dreaming, the balance of these nightmares, well, went away doesn't exactly describe it, but they became a non-issue.All but the dark figure dreams.Not less than 10, but no more than 20 times a year, my wife will wake me from sleep, saying I was thrashing about and crying out in my sleep.On these occasions, I will have been experiencing dreams in which a dark figure was involved.Typically,I am dreaming of some ordinary place I am acquainted with, but in the background I will glimpse a figure, usually somewhat small,[ 5 ft. tall or less], moving from place to place. Their movements are always rather abrupt, skittering along and stopping suddenly to stare at me. The very thought of their appearance,of what they look like, even in the light of day, is quite horrifying. I have found no explanation in psychology or theology that even approaches these occurences, and I have come to believe that this may be a rather 'singular' phenomenon.

Sep 21, 2015
At 5 yrs old NEW
by: Mo (female)

July 1993, my father died when I was 5. My grandfather hung himself a year later. I started seeing them both in dreams and during the day. They would drag me to their graves while sleeping/sleeping walking. I would wake up with bruises. My mum would find me sleeping in odd places of the house. She took me to a children's hospital and gave my mum some pills for me. From 5 yrs to 8 yrs old, I took these pills. It stopped my dreams, until I stopped.
I am now 27 years old and I see things, dream things, and more. I recently seen a dark shadow hanging from my 8ft ceiling fan and disappears when I fully enter the room. But my heart feels like it is beating out of my chest. I've awaken to curry powder, ice cubes or spoons all over my kitchen floor.
Things happen and I can't explain.
I've lived from CT to HI and Things have happened everywhere I lived, but it is never the same dark shadow, or dream or message.

Sep 23, 2015
i just woke up from sp NEW
by: Anonymous

I have the outer body experiences often. This isn't something that happens every so often for happens almost every day. While my body lays in bed I am awake. I dont see demons. I see actual people who try to get through or I hear a voice of a person trying to get through.

I woke up and man was it a struggle... My fiance and I go back and forth on possibly having a child and yes sometimes I think I could be pregnant or not. With that said... This person tonight brought up some.very personal things between me and my fiance that I feel are 100% crossing the line. And to be honest out of any time I've went through this I never felt so afraid of this man trying to contact me.

I just drove around for a few hours because I'm afraid to go back to sleep. I need advice or possibly guidance. This has been going on my entire life.

Sep 26, 2015
Help me NEW
by: Anonymous

Well I'm very young to begin with I'm about 11 and I always seeing dark shadows pass by. Well when I was little like 3 or so I saw Someone pulling me it was a shadow and ever since i can see things. This shadow follows me. Once my sister told me that it was on top of me when I was sleeping but something told her it was my guardian angel. Please reply is this entity good or bad. Thank you!

Sep 26, 2015
Unknown scratches, constant sleep paralysis NEW
by: Anonymous

I'm concerned in why I have sp once or twice a week?? I've experienced most of what people have been experiencing. Before I couldn't move or speak but would try to yell, "I love God,In the name of Jesus I demand you to let me go"!! Literally as soon as I said that I would be released then was able to wake up.Yesterday was a different story. I couldn't sleep last night and as my body went into a deep sleep I saw my dogs jump on the bed to come cuddle with me. However my smallest dog tried to wake me up by scratching my face. My two dogs then looked up at something above me got scared, barked and ran to its kennel. I then started floating above my spouce onto the floor but was fighting to move. I would jump and try to flip over my spouse but couldn't make it all the way around. I was trying to scream for help but i couldnt speak or move. I was able to finally say babe help!!! As he helped me and woke me up I looked around and tried to go back to sleep then woke up and realized I was still sleeping. I went to the restroom this morning and looked in the mirror to discover my face covered in scratches??? Keep in mind I cut my nails so low where if I would try to scratch my face in my sleep it couldn't happen? I have scratches of two on cheek,forehead,nose,neck???

Sep 26, 2015
Unknown scratches, constant sleep paralysis NEW
by: Anonymous

I'm concerned in why I have sp once or twice a week?? I've experienced most of what people have been experiencing. Before I couldn't move or speak but would try to yell, "I love God,In the name of Jesus I demand you to let me go"!! Literally as soon as I said that I would be released then was able to wake up.Yesterday was a different story. I couldn't sleep last night and as my body went into a deep sleep I saw my dogs jump on the bed to come cuddle with me. However my smallest dog tried to wake me up by scratching my face. My two dogs then looked up at something above me got scared, barked and ran to its kennel. I then started floating above my spouce onto the floor but was fighting to move. I would jump and try to flip over my spouse but couldn't make it all the way around. I was trying to scream for help but i couldnt speak or move. I was able to finally say babe help!!! As he helped me and woke me up I looked around and tried to go back to sleep then woke up and realized I was still sleeping. I went to the restroom this morning and looked in the mirror to discover my face covered in scratches??? Keep in mind I cut my nails so low where if I would try to scratch my face in my sleep it couldn't happen? I have scratches of two on cheek,forehead,nose,neck?

Sep 29, 2015
Im not crazy NEW
by: Anonymous

Thanks to all the stories i see im not alone or crazy. These dreams of watching myself sleep and the shadow people in my dreams isnt so crazy after all. However try explaining it to the wrong person and youll be on medicine real quick.But how does one keep to themselves these stories along with my own. The worse one happening in 2009 where i was awakened to a noise after checking to house and sitting back on the bed (never remembering laying down) but noticing a glow of light to my left. Thinking my phone is going off i attempt to reach for it but realize i can not move. Then i realize im laying on my back in the bed. Only movement possible is my eyes. So panicky i look around wondering what is going on. And from the brightness of what was assumed my phone i realize there is three figures in a group darker than the darkness in the room and a forth alone off to its self. I dont know if you could call them "shadow people" because they was so skinny and tall with long skinny pointy ears, and two horns. Noticing this and the fact i cant move i tried to scream but every time i would try a fifth darkness but this one with out form more like a fog would come toward me until it dissapeared as if it entered me and i would begin to sufficate. Fear would change my thought from screaming to just living and breathing and it would come back into view and i could breathe again. My eyes frantically moving from the mist to the figures back and forth. I tried everything to move but it was as if my mind would not or could not control any movement at all except for my eyes. So once again i try to scream but its like the mist heard my thoughts and before my brain could send the signals for me to speak and words come out the dark mist shoot in me sufficating me time after time but only when attempting to scream. The one figures never spoke but i couldnt help but have the feeling the one off to itself was of higher power,ranking,or had control over the other three and the mist. And as quick as it happened my hand became free just enough to nudge the person in the bed with me and as they moved the light vanished,the figures gone,i am free to move,and i scream out loud a name. A name of someone i once knew in my past. I dont remember laying back down or falling asleep,but i can tell you this. If it was a dream i never woke up. I only laid there a few moments trying to mentally process everything before a light somewhere in the background flickered and i got up got dressed and left. The glowing light i still cant explain. The phone i assumed it was from was in my pants pocket

Sep 29, 2015
Im not crazy NEW
by: Anonymous

Thanks to all the stories i see im not alone or crazy. These dreams of watching myself sleep and the shadow people in my dreams isnt so crazy after all. However try explaining it to the wrong person and youll be on medicine real quick.But how does one keep to themselves these stories along with my own. The worse one happening in 2009 where i was awakened to a noise after checking to house and sitting back on the bed (never remembering laying down) but noticing a glow of light to my left. Thinking my phone is going off i attempt to reach for it but realize i can not move. Then i realize im laying on my back in the bed. Only movement possible is my eyes. So panicky i look around wondering what is going on. And from the brightness of what was assumed my phone i realize there is three figures in a group darker than the darkness in the room and a forth alone off to its self. I dont know if you could call them "shadow people" because they was so skinny and tall with long skinny pointy ears, and two horns. Noticing this and the fact i cant move i tried to scream but every time i would try a fifth darkness but this one with out form more like a fog would come toward me until it dissapeared as if it entered me and i would begin to sufficate. Fear would change my thought from screaming to just living and breathing and it would come back into view and i could breathe again. My eyes frantically moving from the mist to the figures back and forth. I tried everything to move but it was as if my mind would not or could not control any movement at all except for my eyes. So once again i try to scream but its like the mist heard my thoughts and before my brain could send the signals for me to speak and words come out the dark mist shoot in me sufficating me time after time but only when attempting to scream. The one figures never spoke but i couldnt help but have the feeling the one off to itself was of higher power,ranking,or had control over the other three and the mist. And as quick as it happened my hand became free just enough to nudge the person in the bed with me and as they moved the light vanished,the figures gone,i am free to move,and i scream out loud a name. A name of someone i once knew in my past. I dont remember laying back down or falling asleep,but i can tell you this. If it was a dream i never woke up. I only laid there a few moments trying to mentally process everything before a light somewhere in the background flickered and i got up got dressed and left. The glowing light i still cant explain. The phone i assumed it was from was in my pants pocket

Sep 30, 2015
.. NEW
by: Anonymous

If u want to have experiences it is easier than you think..

psychoactive substances - even thc induces dmt

meditation- more natural with aerobic exercise daily can take a minimum of a month depending on age.

age- on the 30th day of pregnancy the pineal gland is formed, upon that day your spirit enters.
If the pineal gland is not used through puberty it doesn't function. If your over 25 it will take u longer

Every aspect of our society has been solely designed for the pineal gland this plan came into affect many thousands of years go.


heres a list of everything that affects our pineal gland:

invention of t.v- staring into the screen (nice story off that intelligent inventor)
food- meat, dairy products, sugar, CAFFEINE

there is no difference between animals and humans. so u believe animals don't have spirits, well they have a pineal gland. so enjoy your next life

the most insane truth is this eating meat from animals is no different that cannabilism ha. that's how insane the world is.

lack of exercise
fluoride in water, absorbed into your skin when u take you bath or brush your teeth.
masturbation -ancient people used to be able to channel the energy from orgasm out of their head chakra and back into the body. energy and ecstasy for hours. too much is evil u addict

Here is the answer to your life in a list of songs

pink Floyd(basically every song sorrow, com num, high hop, etc
jimmi Hendrix( all along the watchtower
led zeppelin Kashmir dmt trip
gnarles barkley dmt trip
the verve bittersweet symphony
the doors the end



you don't see with your eye(pineal gland)
you proceed with your mind
so that's the end
so ima stick around and such
and be a mentor

REFERING TO AN ENTITY we all have them around us


Am I going insane?

aleister Crowley said( btw im not a Satanist)

there is no such thing as I at all that we are simply the means of expression of something else. that when we think we are ourselves we are the victims of delusion.

basically from birth to death we are influenced as we are a proodcut of our society. we copy our role models so as gnarles barkley said its no coincidence I turned out like this.

so lets rap up this nightmare

black people our more spiritual than white people because black skin permeates energy less than white skin from the sun.. ra ra ra sun god


entities control our dreams and feed of us

how do I know. because I ahvehad one experience were I was able to controlthe energy surges up my spine through mediation.

one night I was awoken by the dream I was having
apart from the thousands of dots you see in the dark which is reality and the ringing in both ears same sound as being in the sea under the water

there were two enities towering over me, I put pressure on my pineal gland and the one on the right of the two sort of stretched through the wall and back again. the tension in the room I will never forget I have given upn mediation like a good pathetic human since.

there is no such thing as heaven or hell my friend, we are stuck in eternal reincarnation. there is no point to life at all. in ancient times dreams were so important now we don't remember any or forget within 5 minutes. what u don't understand is time dosent exist when we dream. so every time u dream u are getting rapped for a thousand years.

read the only research allowed on dmt by rick strassman. who knows how much is true but each indiviaduial said in 15 min trip a thousand years had gone by.

in 400 years on the earth we will only talk about gossip about who dumped who, all men will be transvetites ha. u think im joking its happening now go look up porn and see if u see any on the main page.

so what can u do?

the greatest invention is finace its only been around 8000 years. its the greatest tool to cause divide without reasonable excuse.

the intelligence which controls humans is not human

look up physicsts saying that this reality we live in isn't real its simulated"

that why hundreds of scientists how died starnge deaths these past 30 years.



ohh and forget history in the past 4000 years learn yourself a later time not from scripture which has passed through dirty Rome Judeo chistian scum.

Sep 30, 2015
My experience NEW
by: Anonymous.

Well I wanted you to know I have had experiences as well actually many some are not there to harm you I used to deal with entities whom only wished to drive me insane it was a game to them. Now I have ignored them they left me be but now I help spirits/soul I had an out of body experience recently actually it was terrifying to me because I never do any of this on purpose well during the time I was out of my body I was in I think to be Florida that stuck to my head. I was with another soul he seemed to help me greatly I cannot remember much of appearances though we seemed to be close , I gathered these souls they were trapped they wanted to be at peace but no one would help them. Once I gathered them all I put my arm up to the sky and yelled something I cannot remember I know there was a surge of happiness and peaceful serenity. All of a sudden I awoke in real life my whole body was shaking I couldn't control myself it felt so strange no matter how hard I tried I couldn't move I was shaking uncontrollably and as I had my arm up in as a soul my arm was slowly going up I was not controlling myself and I swear there was another being in my room looking at me watching me. I had seen this being right before I fell "asleep" now I know I will sound crazy but these visitors inhuman beings are quite usual here because I am a "seer" Well that's all I'll tell for now any advice? Comments? Help? Sorry for disturbing or wasting your time.

Oct 03, 2015
I need advice NEW
by: Anonymous

My experiences were terribly scary and can only images others. I was at sometimes gone from asleep to half awake. Just chill in thinking in my head. Then my pillow moved a little away from as I was sleeping on a pillow I have never slept on in my life. I am only 14 so when it moved again, I was reaching for my light 2 feet away from my head because of occurrence #1. And it is right there hunched a bit. Just as shadow with no description. I hit it as hard as I could as a reaction, knowingly it won't do anything. It spreads and vaporizes by the time my hand goes through him or her, hurting my hand really bad against the wall. Now, finding my light switch panicing, flick it run through the house turning on every light switch. Sat on my couch reading about 100 of these comments. Now, here I am sitting and commenting now.

Oct 03, 2015
I need advice NEW
by: Anonymous

My experiences were terribly scary and can only images others. I was at sometimes gone from asleep to half awake. Just chill in thinking in my head. Then my pillow moved a little away from as I was sleeping on a pillow I have never slept on in my life. I am only 14 so when it moved again, I was reaching for my light 2 feet away from my head because of occurrence #1. And it is right there hunched a bit. Just as shadow with no description. I hit it as hard as I could as a reaction, knowingly it won't do anything. It spreads and vaporizes by the time my hand goes through him or her, hurting my hand really bad against the wall. Now, finding my light switch panicing, flick it run through the house turning on every light switch. Sat on my couch reading about 100 of these comments. Now, here I am sitting and commenting now.

Oct 07, 2015
My experience NEW
by: Robin

Hi there
My name is Robin and I am from India.
I am going to tell you that How this started with me?
I was only 7 and I was sleeping with my aunt and I had dream or nightmare, I don't know. When I was sleeping then I saw there is some kind of function was at my home. I was playing with my friends. We were running around the tree and try to catch me suddenly I saw a woman with open hair in white clothes and she hold a some kind of dead snake in one hand and another hand bowl of water or empty I don't know. She was after me. I was running around that tree and I jumped from there to roof then I saw myself sleeping with my aunt and I jumped from roof to myself where I was sleeping. I woke up and started cry. My parents asked me that what happened? But i couldn't explained this this thing. I was kid. I don't remember anything but I still remember this dream. Normally people forgot about their dreams.
My mom sent me in Sikh ( Religion from Punjab India) academy for study and she thinks that so I will become a religious person and good faith in God. I also believe in God and I started pray everyday there. Our teachers thought us everything about our religion.
One day I was sleeping in temple then i had first time SP. I was frightened that what was that?
I pray again and sleep. Then after couple of weeks I was sleeping in my hostel room. Then I saw someone was jumping on my suitcase. I asked him while I was sleeping that who are you. He made very loud noise and run away from window. That noise was very scary. I woke up then I didn't try to sleep.
Next day I changed my room from hostel and I got the room in temple. Same thing happen there also.
I told to my mom and she said don't worry about this. She advised me that every night if you going to sleep pray to God then sleep and you will never see these things. Be strong if you feel weaker in this situation then try to pray God. He will help you. I started praying every night. Then never happend to me anything in sleeping.
I came in England in 2009. I was 22. Here I saw worst things. I was stopped pray here. I started drinking and become non veg.
I was sitting on sofa and was playing game. I don't know when I fell in sleep. Then I saw someone touching my toe and thing hold my leg and throw from sofa and I woke up. I was not believing that what happend to me. I was the thinking may this is mind trick.
I forgot that thing then after a month it happened again. I started saw dark shadows. I never see any face.Then it started every week. I was scared and I went to temple here to pray God and apologise that I forgot him. I spoke to my mom and she told me that if you can't pray there then buy a tape recorder or something that you can listen pray while you going to sleep. And stop drinking because alcohol make your mind weaker and you can't control that things.
I downlod pray in my phone and every night I started play pray. So whenever SP happen to me then I try to listen that pray and try to speak with it.
One night I had enough. I challenged and said to black shadow show yourself. I'm not afraid of you. Then I saw it's real face. I was looking to roof in sleeping then I saw black smoke and when I said to that thing show yourself then dark black face was front on me. I tried to catch that face but that was smoke and my hand was going from inside that smoke and I can't catch that thing. I woke up and I realised that I can't move my body so how I am trying to catch that thing.
I think I will try next time. I was waiting for that thing again but never came to me. I was feeling stronger than that thing.
I waited for 3 or 4 months and I never saw it again.
Then we moved to different house. I had a dream that I saw someone again but it was not dark shadow or some thing like that. It looks like ice white human. Sitting next to me. I tried to speak to him. I asked him who are and where you come from? He said to me he will take me there where he come from? I was agree with and when I try to go with him then uncle woke me up said to me it's time to get ready for work.
I missed that one. I was thinking may that will come back again. After this black shadows start visiting me again and again. Every time I tried to catch them but they stronger than me. They made loud noises In my head when I am going to pray or some time they hold my breath. I can't breath in this situation now. I was very scared. I told to my doc about this last year and he done some blood test and he said to me that I need vitamin D. That's y it's happening. I started to take VitaminD tablets from boots. It stopped for 6 months and I was thinking that this happening because of Vitamin D. He advised me to take tablets for one year. After six months it started again. Then I stopped vitamin D. I done blood test with blood donation Charties. They said everything is fine.
Now I see these shadows once in three days. I'm addicted to these things. I don't afraid of these things now. When they come I do welcome and if they made noise then I also made noise against them. Some shadows are tiny and some are very tall. Some time I try to chase them in sky but I never catch them. When I try to chase them it looks that I am out from my house for few hours but when I woke up it just only 10 to 15 minutes when I was sleeping. When they put pressure on my body then I pray to God. Sometime I loose them but sometime I don't while I'm praying. Then I start fighting with them.
My mom told me that if you be strong against them the they can't do anything otherwise the will get you. This happening because if you pray to God to meet or see him. It's not easy to get the God. Everyone has God inside. So you to meditation to get him. There are some doors between your soul and mind. So if you opened all doors then your soul and mind become one and you can control everything. Lots of people and me also when pray to God then our mind is on different place. So if you do mediation then you will see light in your mind and your life bocome happy and smoother. These dark shadows are nothing. Because if you pray to God these try to stop you.because you are opening your doors between mind and soul. These dark shadows are your dark side of life. You can think why you can't see dark shadows while you waking. I tell you why you see these things while sleeping. Because you take God name when you going to sleep. And you thinks about God and these dark shadows created by your mind because when you pray to God, our mind try to finish our bad things.
For Example if you turn on the light in big dark room then you can see everything in the room if room is empty. But in the same room if we put some rubbish and you turned on the light what will you see? Rubbish. Inside that rubbish is dark. And you think I have to clear the room and I want to remove the rubbish then room will looks clean and tidy but everytime when you try to remove rubbish it messing up with room. And room get more dirty. Only intelligent people goes daily in that room and try to clean the room everyday. And one day there room will be clean and tidy. And it's their wish what they want in that room. There is five types of rubbish in the room .
Lust, Anger, Greed, Ego and Emmotional attachment. If you finish this rubbish from your mind then you can get the God.
I don't know you understand my point or not. But I am trying to say black shadows go automatically if you pray to God with mediation.
Thank you

Oct 07, 2015
Definition of black shadows NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi there
My name is Robin and I am from India.
I am going to tell you that How this started with me?
I was only 7 and I was sleeping with my aunt and I had dream or nightmare, I don't know. When I was sleeping then I saw there is some kind of function was at my home. I was playing with my friends. We were running around the tree and try to catch me suddenly I saw a woman with open hair in white clothes and she hold a some kind of dead snake in one hand and another hand bowl of water or empty I don't know. She was after me. I was running around that tree and I jumped from there to roof then I saw myself sleeping with my aunt and I jumped from roof to myself where I was sleeping. I woke up and started cry. My parents asked me that what happened? But i couldn't explained this this thing. I was kid. I don't remember anything but I still remember this dream. Normally people forgot about their dreams.
My mom sent me in Sikh ( Religion from Punjab India) academy for study and she thinks that so I will become a religious person and good faith in God. I also believe in God and I started pray everyday there. Our teachers thought us everything about our religion.
One day I was sleeping in temple then i had first time SP. I was frightened that what was that?
I pray again and sleep. Then after couple of weeks I was sleeping in my hostel room. Then I saw someone was jumping on my suitcase. I asked him while I was sleeping that who are you. He made very loud noise and run away from window. That noise was very scary. I woke up then I didn't try to sleep.
Next day I changed my room from hostel and I got the room in temple. Same thing happen there also.
I told to my mom and she said don't worry about this. She advised me that every night if you going to sleep pray to God then sleep and you will never see these things. Be strong if you feel weaker in this situation then try to pray God. He will help you. I started praying every night. Then never happend to me anything in sleeping.
I came in England in 2009. I was 22. Here I saw worst things. I was stopped pray here. I started drinking and become non veg.
I was sitting on sofa and was playing game. I don't know when I fell in sleep. Then I saw someone touching my toe and thing hold my leg and throw from sofa and I woke up. I was not believing that what happend to me. I was the thinking may this is mind trick.
I forgot that thing then after a month it happened again. I started saw dark shadows. I never see any face.Then it started every week. I was scared and I went to temple here to pray God and apologise that I forgot him. I spoke to my mom and she told me that if you can't pray there then buy a tape recorder or something that you can listen pray while you going to sleep. And stop drinking because alcohol make your mind weaker and you can't control that things.
I downlod pray in my phone and every night I started play pray. So whenever SP happen to me then I try to listen that pray and try to speak with it.
One night I had enough. I challenged and said to black shadow show yourself. I'm not afraid of you. Then I saw it's real face. I was looking to roof in sleeping then I saw black smoke and when I said to that thing show yourself then dark black face was front on me. I tried to catch that face but that was smoke and my hand was going from inside that smoke and I can't catch that thing. I woke up and I realised that I can't move my body so how I am trying to catch that thing.
I think I will try next time. I was waiting for that thing again but never came to me. I was feeling stronger than that thing.
I waited for 3 or 4 months and I never saw it again.
Then we moved to different house. I had a dream that I saw someone again but it was not dark shadow or some thing like that. It looks like ice white human. Sitting next to me. I tried to speak to him. I asked him who are and where you come from? He said to me he will take me there where he come from? I was agree with and when I try to go with him then uncle woke me up said to me it's time to get ready for work.
I missed that one. I was thinking may that will come back again. After this black shadows start visiting me again and again. Every time I tried to catch them but they stronger than me. They made loud noises In my head when I am going to pray or some time they hold my breath. I can't breath in this situation now. I was very scared. I told to my doc about this last year and he done some blood test and he said to me that I need vitamin D. That's y it's happening. I started to take VitaminD tablets from boots. It stopped for 6 months and I was thinking that this happening because of Vitamin D. He advised me to take tablets for one year. After six months it started again. Then I stopped vitamin D. I done blood test with blood donation Charties. They said everything is fine.
Now I see these shadows once in three days. I'm addicted to these things. I don't afraid of these things now. When they come I do welcome and if they made noise then I also made noise against them. Some shadows are tiny and some are very tall. Some time I try to chase them in sky but I never catch them. When I try to chase them it looks that I am out from my house for few hours but when I woke up it just only 10 to 15 minutes when I was sleeping. When they put pressure on my body then I pray to God. Sometime I loose them but sometime I don't while I'm praying. Then I start fighting with them.
My mom told me that if you be strong against them the they can't do anything otherwise the will get you. This happening because if you pray to God to meet or see him. It's not easy to get the God. Everyone has God inside. So you to meditation to get him. There are some doors between your soul and mind. So if you opened all doors then your soul and mind become one and you can control everything. Lots of people and me also when pray to God then our mind is on different place. So if you do mediation then you will see light in your mind and your life bocome happy and smoother. These dark shadows are nothing. Because if you pray to God these try to stop you.because you are opening your doors between mind and soul. These dark shadows are your dark side of life. You can think why you can't see dark shadows while you waking. I tell you why you see these things while sleeping. Because you take God name when you going to sleep. And you thinks about God and these dark shadows created by your mind because when you pray to God, our mind try to finish our bad things.
For Example if you turn on the light in big dark room then you can see everything in the room if room is empty. But in the same room if we put some rubbish and you turned on the light what will you see? Rubbish. Inside that rubbish is dark. And you think I have to clear the room and I want to remove the rubbish then room will looks clean and tidy but everytime when you try to remove rubbish it messing up with room. And room get more dirty. Only intelligent people goes daily in that room and try to clean the room everyday. And one day there room will be clean and tidy. And it's their wish what they want in that room. There is five types of rubbish in the room .
Lust, Anger, Greed, Ego and Emmotional attachment. If you finish this rubbish from your mind then you can get the God.
I don't know you understand my point or not. But I am trying to say black shadows go automatically if you pray to God with mediation.
Thank you

Oct 07, 2015
My story NEW
by: Robin Gill

Hi there
My name is Robin and I am from India.
I am going to tell you that How this started with me?
I was only 7 and I was sleeping with my aunt and I had dream or nightmare, I don't know. When I was sleeping then I saw there is some kind of function was at my home. I was playing with my friends. We were running around the tree and try to catch me suddenly I saw a woman with open hair in white clothes and she hold a some kind of dead snake in one hand and another hand bowl of water or empty I don't know. She was after me. I was running around that tree and I jumped from there to roof then I saw myself sleeping with my aunt and I jumped from roof to myself where I was sleeping. I woke up and started cry. My parents asked me that what happened? But i couldn't explained this this thing. I was kid. I don't remember anything but I still remember this dream. Normally people forgot about their dreams.
My mom sent me in Sikh ( Religion from Punjab India) academy for study and she thinks that so I will become a religious person and good faith in God. I also believe in God and I started pray everyday there. Our teachers thought us everything about our religion.
One day I was sleeping in temple then i had first time SP. I was frightened that what was that?
I pray again and sleep. Then after couple of weeks I was sleeping in my hostel room. Then I saw someone was jumping on my suitcase. I asked him while I was sleeping that who are you. He made very loud noise and run away from window. That noise was very scary. I woke up then I didn't try to sleep.
Next day I changed my room from hostel and I got the room in temple. Same thing happen there also.
I told to my mom and she said don't worry about this. She advised me that every night if you going to sleep pray to God then sleep and you will never see these things. Be strong if you feel weaker in this situation then try to pray God. He will help you. I started praying every night. Then never happend to me anything in sleeping.
I came in England in 2009. I was 22. Here I saw worst things. I was stopped pray here. I started drinking and become non veg.
I was sitting on sofa and was playing game. I don't know when I fell in sleep. Then I saw someone touching my toe and thing hold my leg and throw from sofa and I woke up. I was not believing that what happend to me. I was the thinking may this is mind trick.
I forgot that thing then after a month it happened again. I started saw dark shadows. I never see any face.Then it started every week. I was scared and I went to temple here to pray God and apologise that I forgot him. I spoke to my mom and she told me that if you can't pray there then buy a tape recorder or something that you can listen pray while you going to sleep. And stop drinking because alcohol make your mind weaker and you can't control that things.
I downlod pray in my phone and every night I started play pray. So whenever SP happen to me then I try to listen that pray and try to speak with it.
One night I had enough. I challenged and said to black shadow show yourself. I'm not afraid of you. Then I saw it's real face. I was looking to roof in sleeping then I saw black smoke and when I said to that thing show yourself then dark black face was front on me. I tried to catch that face but that was smoke and my hand was going from inside that smoke and I can't catch that thing. I woke up and I realised that I can't move my body so how I am trying to catch that thing.
I think I will try next time. I was waiting for that thing again but never came to me. I was feeling stronger than that thing.
I waited for 3 or 4 months and I never saw it again.
Then we moved to different house. I had a dream that I saw someone again but it was not dark shadow or some thing like that. It looks like ice white human. Sitting next to me. I tried to speak to him. I asked him who are and where you come from? He said to me he will take me there where he come from? I was agree with and when I try to go with him then uncle woke me up said to me it's time to get ready for work.
I missed that one. I was thinking may that will come back again. After this black shadows start visiting me again and again. Every time I tried to catch them but they stronger than me. They made loud noises In my head when I am going to pray or some time they hold my breath. I can't breath in this situation now. I was very scared. I told to my doc about this last year and he done some blood test and he said to me that I need vitamin D. That's y it's happening. I started to take VitaminD tablets from boots. It stopped for 6 months and I was thinking that this happening because of Vitamin D. He advised me to take tablets for one year. After six months it started again. Then I stopped vitamin D. I done blood test with blood donation Charties. They said everything is fine.
Now I see these shadows once in three days. I'm addicted to these things. I don't afraid of these things now. When they come I do welcome and if they made noise then I also made noise against them. Some shadows are tiny and some are very tall. Some time I try to chase them in sky but I never catch them. When I try to chase them it looks that I am out from my house for few hours but when I woke up it just only 10 to 15 minutes when I was sleeping. When they put pressure on my body then I pray to God. Sometime I loose them but sometime I don't while I'm praying. Then I start fighting with them.

Oct 07, 2015
Black shadows definition NEW
by: Robin

Hi there
My name is Robin and I am from India.
. What is black shadows.? I'm going to tell you about black shadows if you agree with that then reply me back.
My mom told me that if you be strong against them the they can't do anything otherwise the will get you. This happening because if you pray to God to meet or see him. It's not easy to get the God. Everyone has God inside. So you to meditation to get him. There are some doors between your soul and mind. So if you opened all doors then your soul and mind become one and you can control everything. Lots of people and me also when pray to God then our mind is on different place. So if you do mediation then you will see light in your mind and your life bocome happy and smoother. These dark shadows are nothing. Because if you pray to God these try to stop you.because you are opening your doors between mind and soul. These dark shadows are your dark side of life. You can think why you can't see dark shadows while you waking. I tell you why you see these things while sleeping. Because you take God name when you going to sleep. And you thinks about God and these dark shadows created by your mind because when you pray to God, our mind try to finish our bad things.
For Example if you turn on the light in big dark room then you can see everything in the room if room is empty. But in the same room if we put some rubbish and you turned on the light what will you see? Rubbish. Inside that rubbish is dark. And you think I have to clear the room and I want to remove the rubbish then room will looks clean and tidy but everytime when you try to remove rubbish it messing up with room. And room get more dirty. Only intelligent people goes daily in that room and try to clean the room everyday. And one day there room will be clean and tidy. And it's their wish what they want in that room. There is five types of rubbish in the room .
Lust, Anger, Greed, Ego and Emmotional attachment. If you finish this rubbish from your mind then you can get the God.
I don't know you understand my point or not. But I am trying to say black shadows go automatically if you pray to God with mediation.
Thank you

Oct 12, 2015
Intresting NEW
by: Leigh

Hi, when I was about 4 my mother and father came back from a night at the pub and found me staring into space not saying a word so they called our local gp to come and see me, the only words that were spoken "the man in the black hat" I don't recall any of this,then when I was around 16 a tall dark figure was standing next to my bed moving it's hands over my face so I vacated the room at speed never to return,also I have seen black spiders and a bat. Please help me understand.

Oct 22, 2015
2nd experience NEW
by: Summer

I'm happy and sad at the same time. Happy because others have experienced this (which validates my claims)- but sad that anyone had to go through what I did.

I'm not the type of person that needs validation, but when it comes to spiritual matters, and the fact that our stories match, really puts another perspective on things.

Sure, I'll accept that the mind puts the muscles to "sleep" so we don't act out our dreams in real life...but why do we all seem to see one or more shadow figures? Another poster put it elegantly, why do we see a human form instead of a flower, a puppy?

I do not believe this is an OBE or Astral Projection. I have self induced OBE's and literally crawled out of body (AP). None of those experiences were frightening for me. And since I have done both (there is a difference), I know the feeling.

This "thing" first happened maybe 8 years ago. I woke from sleep (napping) to feel something pulling the covers off me. Felt human but couldn't see anything. I was paralyzed, I knew what it was doing, it wanted sex (sorry maybe TMI). I wished it away, away it went, and I never told anyone about it. I'd sound like a nut job if I told anyone that.

Haven't had an entity experience since then (but plenty of self induced OBE's in addition to mastering Lucid Dreaming). So 2 nights ago I awoke from sleep, I felt something watching me. Listen, I found out the tooth fairy wasn't real at 5 years old, I felt a presence in the room, it was just my dad checking to see if I was sleeping to put a dollar under my pillow. We can feel the presence of another due to our magnetic field.

Any hoot, 2 nights ago I woke up from sleep, feeling a presence. Not sure of it was good or bad, but it scared the hell out of me since the figure was of man, but in the form of a dark cloud, or "shadow". When I looked up, it had no face. I tried to move and scream to no avail. It then lunged at me and I rebuked it in Gods name. It disappeared in thin air.

I haven't slept much the last few days. I know I will be okay, but Jesus, how frightening is it to wake up to an intruder that doesn't even need keys to get in? I am right with God, I have a personal relationship with God. But that literally scared the shit out of me.

How do we fight these things?

Oct 22, 2015
RE 2nd experience NEW by: Summer NEW
by: Anonymous


As Christians with personal relationships with Jesus, we are forbidden to participate or practice in any form of witchcraft sorcery or supernatural encounter that is not from God.

As confessing Christians, we should have a little bit of understanding and training in spiritual warfare and the tactics and deceptions that the enemy uses to enslave and bind people.

Out of body experiences (OBEs) astral projections and lucid dreaming etc are supernatural encounters that we are not to participate or practice in, because it opens up doorways for the enemy to enter and attack us legally.

We have to repent confess each practice and renounce them and ask for forgiveness to close those doorways because what we are actually doing in the spiritual realm is contaminating our Spirit and soul.

This is unacceptable to God because we are one Spirit with him after receiving Jesus as our Lord and Savior and what we are actually doing is polluting and defiling our union with him creating demonic soul ties unaware.

So it is in our best interest to walk in the Spirit and not fulfill the desires of the flesh and this will help us to develop the fruit of the Spirit which will help us to maintain our relationship with God through Jesus and keep us blameless.

In relation to protecting yourself against SP or any other supernatural attack, these entities and shadows regardless of what name they are called are all subject to the name of Jesus.

It is the only name any entity, shadow, or alien, will obey and this demonstrates that if these supernatural beings obey the name of Jesus then there must be some truth that the bible is indeed real and that each person has to make a decision to serve God or their own interests.

When attacked tell them to leave in the name of Jesus repeat as many times as you have too until they leave.


Oct 22, 2015
Re summer NEW
by: Anonymous


As Christians with personal relationships with Jesus, we are forbidden to participate or practice in any form of witchcraft sorcery or supernatural encounter that is not from God.

As confessing Christians, we should have a little bit of understanding and training in spiritual warfare and the tactics and deceptions that the enemy uses to enslave and bind people.

Out of body experiences (OBEs) astral projections and lucid dreaming etc are supernatural encounters that we are not to participate or practice in, because it opens up doorways for the enemy to enter and attack us legally.

We have to repent confess each practice and renounce them and ask for forgiveness to close those doorways because what we are actually doing in the spiritual realm is contaminating our Spirit and soul.

This is unacceptable to God because we are one Spirit with him after receiving Jesus as our Lord and Savior and what we are actually doing is polluting and defiling our union with him creating demonic soul ties unaware.

So it is in our best interest to walk in the Spirit and not fulfill the desires of the flesh and this will help us to develop the fruit of the Spirit which will help us to maintain our relationship with God through Jesus and keep us blameless.

In relation to protecting yourself against SP or any other supernatural attack, these entities and shadows regardless of what name they are called are all subject to the name of Jesus.

It is the only name any entity, shadow, or alien, will obey and this demonstrates that if these supernatural beings obey the name of Jesus then there must be some truth that the bible is indeed real and that each person has to make a decision to serve God or their own interests.

When attacked tell them to leave in the name of Jesus repeat as many times as you have too until they leave.


Oct 22, 2015
Re re sumer NEW
by: Anonymous

Oh just a reminder using the name of Jesus to defeat the enemy does not SAVE you,(non Christians) it just means you are honoring God by using his sons name because Jesus was obedient died of the cross rose again conquered sin and death and then sat down on the right side of his father and every time someone ask for something in Jesus name and it is considered and granted, God is glorified.


Oct 25, 2015
I dream about a dark figure NEW
by: Anonymous

At some point in my dreams I realize I am asleep and begin the struggle to wake up (try to move, scream, etc.) and the experience is always terrifying. This has been going on for years but lately I have been seeing a dark figure in my room. He has no face or distinct features, just all black.
At first he would just stare at me until I was able to wake myself up. I told my husband about the dreams and he suggested I try "talking" to the figure. Well, since I can't move or speak when this is happening I didn't think it would work.
Unfortunately, the figure in my dreams seems to know when I am trying to engage or interact with him and it really pisses him off. He has choked me and I woke up gasping for air with red marks around my neck. After the last episode my husband told me I should ask its name.
Like I said earlier, the thing just seems to know what I'm thinking as I'm laying there unable to move. Last night it leaned over my husband and began blowing smoke into his ear. The figure never speaks out loud but he told me his name is Efram. I'm just guessing on the spelling here. I woke up screaming and told my husband everything and checked his ears of course. The figure is coming about twice a week now, usually just to taunt me or stare at me or whatever the hell it does. I'm terrified and exhausted.
I'm going to try to do a sleep study and see if they can figure out what is happening to me. some nights I think I'm losing my mind.

Oct 25, 2015
Think I'm going crazy NEW
by: Anonymous

At some point in my dreams I realize I am asleep and begin the struggle to wake up (try to move, scream, etc.) and the experience is always terrifying. This has been going on for years but lately I have been seeing a dark figure in my room. He has no face or distinct features, just all black.
At first he would just stare at me until I was able to wake myself up. I told my husband about the dreams and he suggested I try "talking" to the figure. Well, since I can't move or speak when this is happening I didn't think it would work.
Unfortunately, the figure in my dreams seems to know when I am trying to engage or interact with him and it really pisses him off. He has choked me and I woke up gasping for air with red marks around my neck. After the last episode my husband told me I should ask its name.
Like I said earlier, the thing just seems to know what I'm thinking as I'm laying there unable to move. Last night it leaned over my husband and began blowing smoke into his ear. The figure never speaks out loud but he told me his name is Efram. I'm just guessing on the spelling here. I woke up screaming and told my husband everything and checked his ears of course. The figure is coming about twice a week now, usually just to taunt me or stare at me or whatever the hell it does. I'm terrified and exhausted.
I'm going to try to do a sleep study and see if they can figure out what is happening to me. some nights I think I'm losing my mind.

Nov 08, 2015
the dark shadows and a nan with a goat face NEW
by: Anonymous

I always see black shadows i have had two boy friends that have said they wake up and a black shadows on top of me and they cant move there trying to get it off but cant move then i started to see the black shadows every where i go i feel someone behind me always checking inside my car before i get in its makes me feel like im crazy but at night i hear them whispering they come close to my face i cover my face with the blanket but this morning it was diffrent i woke up at 3 as always and a man with a face of a goat with a long white beard was standing on the side of my bed i woke up my husband he said he couldnt see nothing i tryed to hit it in its face i truly. Thought it was a burglar. But ny hand couldn't touch it as it was cold air my hand went thru it what is this why is this happening to me i hate the dark now

Nov 17, 2015
my question ? NEW
by: Anonymous

Okay so I also have sp and had some common things like dark shadow standing at the foot of my bed , but this one was different instead I was laying in my bed and all of a sudden someone told me to summon bloody Mary but a weird way where in my dream my hand was moving out too the side to feel her like touch her but I was scared so I moved it out a little inches by inches finally I felt something then there was this dark demon thing on top of me stabbing me right in the chest it took me a while to get out the dream but when I finally woke up I was screaming because never have I gotten attacked like thatduring sp & it was around 2am.But I tried looking it up no results ? I mean I played bloody Mary before nothing happened though . What could this mean ? Please help do I need to get my house exorcism?

Nov 17, 2015
my question ? NEW
by: Anonymous

Okay so I also have sp and had some common things like dark shadow standing at the foot of my bed , but this one was different instead I was laying in my bed and all of a sudden someone told me to summon bloody Mary but a weird way where in my dream my hand was moving out too the side to feel her like touch her but I was scared so I moved it out a little inches by inches finally I felt something then there was this dark demon thing on top of me stabbing me right in the chest it took me a while to get out the dream but when I finally woke up I was screaming because never have I gotten attacked like thatduring sp & it was around 2am.But I tried looking it up no results ? I mean I played bloody Mary before nothing happened though . What could this mean ? Please help do I need to get my house exorcism?

Nov 17, 2015
my question ? NEW
by: Anonymous

Okay so I also have sp and had some common things like dark shadow standing at the foot of my bed , but this one was different instead I was laying in my bed and all of a sudden someone told me to summon bloody Mary but a weird way where in my dream my hand was moving out too the side to feel her like touch her but I was scared so I moved it out a little inches by inches finally I felt something then there was this dark demon thing on top of me stabbing me right in the chest it took me a while to get out the dream but when I finally woke up I was screaming because never have I gotten attacked like thatduring sp & it was around 2am.But I tried looking it up no results ? I mean I played bloody Mary before nothing happened though . What could this mean ? Please help do I need to get my house exorcism?

Nov 24, 2015
Shadow People are not what you are describing NEW
by: DB Cooper

I have read some of these posts, not all, so I am just going to put this here and hope it helps people out. First Shadow People are not the same as the vengful dark shadow entities that attack people. The attackers could be the incubus or the succubus, or is an ancient shadow hunter. I have experience the choking as my nephew and brother.......the sitting on the bed, the feel of gloom......I have found that if you cry out "get behind me satan in the name of Jesus Christ, and in the name he has bled for my sins" then the entity slowly loses power and eventually leaves.......if you talk to Jesus before bed.......has always helped also. Mt brother and Nephew live in the oldest house in this neighbor hood in the city I live . This dark entity has been harassing my family for over 30 years....starting with my mother and Uncle.............the house was then passed to my brother.......we had a priest exercise the house.....but the priest was scared and would not bless the basement......all was quiet for about 5 years, but it came back. Just recently, my nieces 25 year old boy friend spent the night and slept on the couch....the next morning he was asking my brother about the dark entity that went from the kitchen into my brothers bedroom......the young man had been told nothing of past I will finish up for now...... i will be back for another update some time.........I just wanted to share

Dec 16, 2015
i had sp my whole entire life since i was a toddler NEW
by: olivea

You not the only one I tend to master my ability when it comes down to me having the sp. I have seen spirits some horrible and some good. I went to see hell and heaven. Like you talking with your wife I seen my husband and it wasn't him talking because his eyes had changed. What got me out of sp was me talking to god. When I seen my husband like this which it was him. I asked god please I don't want to see this i want to go back and I did. I went back in my body. I still go through it but that is because of bs spirits are around or there is a spirit in my home. I have seen kids and grown ups. I have seen so much I fought against demons that try to kill me. Which I end up escaping and they end up coming back but the last encounter god saved me.and of course they were mad. So I still got it sp is something everyone have to get use to and master it and not to be afraid to something that's unseen to others that you can see. Its true the human eyes can't see it but your spirit eyes can. Master it don't let it master you cause that's when fear kicks in.dont ever be scared.

Dec 16, 2015
i had sp my whole entire life since i was a toddler NEW
by: olivea

You not the only one I tend to master my ability when it comes down to me having the sp. I have seen spirits some horrible and some good. I went to see hell and heaven. Like you talking with your wife I seen my husband and it wasn't him talking because his eyes had changed. What got me out of sp was me talking to god. When I seen my husband like this which it was him. I asked god please I don't want to see this i want to go back and I did. I went back in my body. I still go through it but that is because of bs spirits are around or there is a spirit in my home. I have seen kids and grown ups. I have seen so much I fought against demons that try to kill me. Which I end up escaping and they end up coming back but the last encounter god saved me.and of course they were mad. So I still got it sp is something everyone have to get use to and master it and not to be afraid to something that's unseen to others that you can see. Its true the human eyes can't see it but your spirit eyes can. Master it don't let it master you cause that's when fear kicks in.dont ever be scared.

Dec 16, 2015
i had sp my whole entire life since i was a toddler NEW
by: olivea

You not the only one I tend to master my ability when it comes down to me having the sp. I have seen spirits some horrible and some good. I went to see hell and heaven. Like you talking with your wife I seen my husband and it wasn't him talking because his eyes had changed. What got me out of sp was me talking to god. When I seen my husband like this which it was him. I asked god please I don't want to see this i want to go back and I did. I went back in my body. I still go through it but that is because of bs spirits are around or there is a spirit in my home. I have seen kids and grown ups. I have seen so much I fought against demons that try to kill me. Which I end up escaping and they end up coming back but the last encounter god saved me.and of course they were mad. So I still got it sp is something everyone have to get use to and master it and not to be afraid to something that's unseen to others that you can see. Its true the human eyes can't see it but your spirit eyes can. Master it don't let it master you cause that's when fear kicks in.dont ever be scared.

Dec 16, 2015
i had sp my whole entire life since i was a toddler NEW
by: olivea

You not the only one I tend to master my ability when it comes down to me having the sp. I have seen spirits some horrible and some good. I went to see hell and heaven. Like you talking with your wife I seen my husband and it wasn't him talking because his eyes had changed. What got me out of sp was me talking to god. When I seen my husband like this which it was him. I asked god please I don't want to see this i want to go back and I did. I went back in my body. I still go through it but that is because of bs spirits are around or there is a spirit in my home. I have seen kids and grown ups. I have seen so much I fought against demons that try to kill me. Which I end up escaping and they end up coming back but the last encounter god saved me.and of course they were mad. So I still got it sp is something everyone have to get use to and master it and not to be afraid to something that's unseen to others that you can see. Its true the human eyes can't see it but your spirit eyes can. Master it don't let it master you cause that's when fear kicks in.dont ever be scared.

Dec 16, 2015
i had sp my whole entire life since i was a toddler NEW
by: olivea

You not the only one I tend to master my ability when it comes down to me having the sp. I have seen spirits some horrible and some good. I went to see hell and heaven. Like you talking with your wife I seen my husband and it wasn't him talking because his eyes had changed. What got me out of sp was me talking to god. When I seen my husband like this which it was him. I asked god please I don't want to see this i want to go back and I did. I went back in my body. I still go through it but that is because of bs spirits are around or there is a spirit in my home. I have seen kids and grown ups. I have seen so much I fought against demons that try to kill me. Which I end up escaping and they end up coming back but the last encounter god saved me.and of course they were mad. So I still got it sp is something everyone have to get use to and master it and not to be afraid to something that's unseen to others that you can see. Its true the human eyes can't see it but your spirit eyes can. Master it don't let it master you cause that's when fear kicks in.dont ever be scared.

Dec 16, 2015
i been living with sp ever since i was a toddler NEW
by: olivea

You not the only one I tend to master my ability when it comes down to me having the sp. I have seen spirits some horrible and some good. I went to see hell and heaven. Like you talking with your wife I seen my husband and it wasn't him talking because his eyes had changed. What got me out of sp was me talking to god. When I seen my husband like this which it was him. I asked god please I don't want to see this i want to go back and I did. I went back in my body. I still go through it but that is because of bs spirits are around or there is a spirit in my home. I have seen kids and grown ups. I have seen so much I fought against demons that try to kill me. Which I end up escaping and they end up coming back but the last encounter god saved me.and of course they were mad. So I still got it sp is something everyone have to get use to and master it and not to be afraid to something that's unseen to others that you can see. Its true the human eyes can't see it but your spirit eyes can. Master it don't let it master you cause that's when fear kicks in.dont ever be scared.

Dec 28, 2015
Shadow in my sleep NEW
by: Anonymous

I have an reoccurring events happen to me since childhood I cant move nor can I talk but at the bedside there is a dark shadow it says to me I belong to him ways have and always will I told my mom years later she had told me when she was pregnant with me there was a dark shadow figure it would talk to her saying your SoN belong to him

Jan 16, 2016
Bad spirits, Good soul NEW
by: Anonymous

So the spiritual realm doesn't count as reality but it's the closest thing to it or is that these demons try to deceive you in thinking it's real life so they could put fear in you ? So in reality it's nothing but a dream and a sign that you need to get closer with Jesus and God

Jan 16, 2016
Bad spirits, Good soul NEW
by: Anonymous

I literally wrote down a good fuckin paragraph bout sp and this site started glitching on me.. So I was saying these demons try to deceive you in thinking it's real life when it's really not(illusions) the purpose for that is to store more fear in you and that's how they get stronger cuz of the fear we have for them, don't be deceived by the demon dreams, for awhile I thought to myself am I in real life or just dreaming, I seen dark shadows to grey demons to dreaming of having sp in another dream to getting abducted by aliens all in one dream (crazy shit)this one dream I had tho was freaky af it was I chillin with my friends in the room and the tv in my front room started to turn on by itself then it started switching channels thru guide and it landed on the excrocism movie and the next day in the morning my direct tv didn't wanna work.. I always had dreams of the future like de ja vu Ina way.. I think sp is genetically passed on cuz my brother and cousins have experienced it, it's a not a fun experience but more like a learning experience, seeing evil in your dreams is more like a gift I think, It lets you know about the spirits around you (physic awareness, maybe telepathy) and let's you know that you need to call Jesus cuz he is our savior..

Jan 24, 2016
Similar NEW
by: Anonymous

I am a Christian. Always have been, I was the child who asked everyone to Church as a kid. My father did not attend Church but was faithful in waking me and letting me attend. I look at culture as well being part Indian and I do remember my great-great aunt was a healer? My father said a few things of her, she called the day I was born and demanded my middle name be hers. I have not seen shadows in my sp. NEVER. I see nothing on me however do feel the demonic presence? I was not in my room totally, the walls were brick because I tried to hit them for 'help'. I could not speak, a yellow cloth of some sort was in my hand, I uttered the words finally after what seemed forever thinking how to remove it 'In Gods name be go e'. I took what seemed forever to wake. My whole life I have had this odd '6th' scence friends say. Dreams so vivid that when I was younger I could say this is not real and them end! So many reoccurring. I would stop and say I've dreamed this before, not today. Now I see color, smell oders, feel items and scence things try to change the outcome, but wake with my brain about to rupture my skull. I had out of body happen way more as a child. I spooked always of other presences. I have been so confused.

Jan 28, 2016
Dark figure NEW
by: Anonymous

I was not asleep, but the other night I woke and thought I saw a very short black figure with two points on both side of its head. Probably horns. Anyway I couldn't see very well and I'm not sure why I woke up but I kept looking in the direction of thing. I wasn't sure if I was actually seeing it or partly asleep and dreamed it. So I sat up to get a better look and if disappeared. Really freaked me out. I prayed to God that it would leave my house and not return. Ive experienced odd things before so I think it was actually in my room. It seemed like it wanted to watch me while I was sleeping.

Jan 29, 2016
New to all of this NEW
by: Anonymous

I have been having weird but strange things happening during dreams, I felt that I was pulled off away from my pillow one night and had sex with something but I couldn't see anything it was all grey. I use protection stones underneath my pillow, I have heard a deep voice before, I try doing a cleansing with incidences and candles, I have woke up with bruises that I have no clue how I have gotten them, I also have woken up crouching or feeling like I'm being choked. What should I do???

Jan 29, 2016
New to all of this NEW
by: Anonymous

I have been having weird but strange things happening during dreams, I felt that I was pulled off away from my pillow one night and had sex with something but I couldn't see anything it was all grey. I use protection stones underneath my pillow, I have heard a deep voice before, I try doing a cleansing with incidences and candles, I have woke up with bruises that I have no clue how I have gotten them, I also have woken up crouching or feeling like I'm being choked. What should I do???

Jan 29, 2016
New to all of this NEW
by: Anonymous

I have been having weird but strange things happening during dreams, I felt that I was pulled off away from my pillow one night and had sex with something but I couldn't see anything it was all grey. I use protection stones underneath my pillow, I have heard a deep voice before, I try doing a cleansing with incidences and candles, I have woke up with bruises that I have no clue how I have gotten them, I also have woken up crouching or feeling like I'm being choked. What should I do???

Jan 29, 2016
New to all of this NEW
by: Anonymous

I have been having weird but strange things happening during dreams, I felt that I was pulled off away from my pillow one night and had sex with something but I couldn't see anything it was all grey. I use protection stones underneath my pillow, I have heard a deep voice before, I try doing a cleansing with incidences and candles, I have woke up with bruises that I have no clue how I have gotten them, I also have woken up crouching or feeling like I'm being choked. What should I do???

Jan 29, 2016
New to all of this NEW
by: Anonymous

I have been having weird but strange things happening during dreams, I felt that I was pulled off away from my pillow one night and had sex with something but I couldn't see anything it was all grey. I use protection stones underneath my pillow, I have heard a deep voice before, I try doing a cleansing with incidences and candles, I have woke up with bruises that I have no clue how I have gotten them, I also have woken up crouching or feeling like I'm being choked. What should I do???

Feb 01, 2016
Trying to help NEW
by: Anonymous

Definitely a lot of interesting comments,the subconscious is a very powerful tool,it will show you a lot of unusual and interesting images.
I would first start writing everything down when you have these episodes and start looking for a pattern,you might not get an answer right away,but keep looking.
I've experienced many episodes since I was a child,
And learned to overcome all of it.
Whatever is going on with your subconscious or are you really seeing images of evilness or just shadows of unexplained paranormal,u need to figure that part first.
Ask your spouse if you sleep with your eyes open,you would be surprised how many people sleep that way,you will see all kinds of images.
You first need to overcome the Fear first,once you have accomplished that,you will start to over come the paralysis and start moving.
Your brain shuts down in FEAR.

Feb 02, 2016
Hello NEW
by: Anonymous

Definitely a lot of interesting comments,the subconscious is a very powerful tool,it will show you a lot of unusual and interesting images.
I would first start writing everything down when you have these episodes and start looking for a pattern,you might not get an answer right away,but keep looking.
I've experienced many episodes since I was a child,
And learned to overcome all of it.
Whatever is going on with your subconscious or are you really seeing images of evilness or just shadows of unexplained paranormal,u need to figure that part first.
Ask your spouse if you sleep with your eyes open,you would be surprised how many people sleep that way,you will see all kinds of images.
You first need to overcome the Fear first,once you have accomplished that,you will start to over come the paralysis and start moving,also try different lighting.
Your brain shuts down in FEAR.

Feb 09, 2016
I'm a Pagan Witch NEW
by: Anonymous

I'm a Pagan witch and I experienced my first sp with I was 16. A shadow man had grabbed me and growled "you're mine" I called out and asked the Goddess to protect me and I instantly woke up. I experienced it again around a year ago (I just turned 22). I wasn't able to move and before anything could happen I called upon the elements to protect me and instantly snapped out of it and woke up. I believe that you should harm none. But with the people I see on here blaming the Wiccan and the occult for "putting spells on them", I shake my head. Such ignorance is not the way it should be.

Feb 09, 2016
I'm a Pagan Witch NEW
by: Anonymous

I'm a Pagan witch and I experienced my first sp with I was 16. A shadow man had grabbed me and growled "you're mine" I called out and asked the Goddess to protect me and I instantly woke up. I experienced it again around a year ago (I just turned 22). I wasn't able to move and before anything could happen I called upon the elements to protect me and instantly snapped out of it and woke up. I believe that you should harm none. But with the people I see on here blaming the Wiccan and the occult for "putting spells on them", I shake my head. Such ignorance is not the way it should be.

Feb 11, 2016
show it no fear and watch the darkness tremble NEW
by: Anonymous

I suffered sleep paralysis for years, countless times between ages of 19 to 24. Almost exactly how this an many others have reported. Through panicking and fear,unable to wake up I'd rip myself out of my body to escape. only to watch my defenseless body lying there as that vile presence drew closer to finish me. then one day id had enou gh, my astral self burst into an absolute raw fit of rage. I wanted to rip it to pieces and made damn sure it knew I was coming for it!!! It took one look at me an I could feel it was terrified. It's never dared coming back since. I even want to have another chance, because next time I'm gonna destroy it. Like all bullys, they only pick on those that won't fight back.

Feb 17, 2016
warning a must to read NEW
by: Anonymous


there has been discovered, a very large sick evil group, As this uses women and men alike sexually, that some, suffer from, (DID) (MPD) Dissociative Identity Disorder, formerly referred to as Multiple Personality Disorder, is a condition wherein a person's identity is fragmented into two or more distinct personalities. Sufferers of this rare condition are usually victims of severe childhood sexual abuse and or suffer from a memory loss disorder, 200k cases of (DID) (MPD) every year.

They use influence to take a person that suffers from this disorder and place them with a financially well off mate, male or female, as to put on the facade they live normal lives, ie. going to work, church etc. however the mate that does not suffer from (DID) (MPD), will not know this alternate personality and or lifestyle or may very well be just like you.

The people within this ring send in a third party person (controller) age ranging from 18 to 27, to influence this alter within the one that suffers from (DID) (MPD), while the one that does not have this disorder is away from home.

They use the one that suffers from this disorder, for sex, in the form of a high end prostitute,while the mate is away from home, or even in some cases when they travel stay away from motels.

there are known cases that they sneak in at night while sleeping and no one is the wiser, if you think this may very well be your problem test your mate sexually while they sleep and see how they act, if in a very sexual way, ask them the fallowing morning, if they do not remember, then they are a prime target for this group, or already have them in there midnight run web, or while you are away,

help stop human trafficking and spread the word.

Feb 17, 2016
must read NEW
by: Anonymous


there has been discovered, a very large sick evil group, As this uses women and men alike sexually, that some, suffer from, (DID) (MPD) Dissociative Identity Disorder, formerly referred to as Multiple Personality Disorder, is a condition wherein a person's identity is fragmented into two or more distinct personalities. Sufferers of this rare condition are usually victims of severe childhood sexual abuse and or suffer from a memory loss disorder, 200k cases of (DID) (MPD) every year.

They use influence to take a person that suffers from this disorder and place them with a financially well off mate, male or female, as to put on the facade they live normal lives, ie. going to work, church etc. however the mate that does not suffer from (DID) (MPD), will not know this alternate personality and or lifestyle or may very well be just like you.

The people within this ring send in a third party person (controller) age ranging from 18 to 27, to influence this alter within the one that suffers from (DID) (MPD), while the one that does not have this disorder is away from home.

They use the one that suffers from this disorder, for sex, in the form of a high end prostitute,while the mate is away from home, or even in some cases when they travel stay away from motels.

there are known cases that they sneak in at night while sleeping and no one is the wiser, if you think this may very well be your problem test your mate sexually while they sleep and see how they act, if in a very sexual way, ask them the fallowing morning, if they do not remember, then they are a prime target for this group, or already have them in there midnight run web, or while you are away,

help stop human trafficking and spread the word.

Feb 17, 2016
must read this is all based on facts and has happened to alot of couples that I interveied NEW
by: Anonymous


there has been discovered, a very large sick evil group, As this uses women and men alike sexually, that some, suffer from, (DID) (MPD) Dissociative Identity Disorder, formerly referred to as Multiple Personality Disorder, is a condition wherein a person's identity is fragmented into two or more distinct personalities. Sufferers of this rare condition are usually victims of severe childhood sexual abuse and or suffer from a memory loss disorder, 200k cases of (DID) (MPD) every year.

They use influence to take a person that suffers from this disorder and place them with a financially well off mate, male or female, as to put on the facade they live normal lives, ie. going to work, church etc. however the mate that does not suffer from (DID) (MPD), will not know this alternate personality and or lifestyle or may very well be just like you.

The people within this ring send in a third party person (controller) age ranging from 18 to 27, to influence this alter within the one that suffers from (DID) (MPD), while the one that does not have this disorder is away from home.

They use the one that suffers from this disorder, for sex, in the form of a high end prostitute,while the mate is away from home, or even in some cases when they travel stay away from motels.

there are known cases that they sneak in at night while sleeping and no one is the wiser, if you think this may very well be your problem test your mate sexually while they sleep and see how they act, if in a very sexual way, ask them the fallowing morning, if they do not remember, then they are a prime target for this group, or already have them in there midnight run web, or while you are away,

help stop human trafficking and spread the word.

Feb 23, 2016
watch this link for some explanations NEW
by: Anonymous

Go to

Or type in Google "if you're a christen you must watch this" placebo

Is an hour long video on the spirit world.

Mar 03, 2016
Dark figure claiming to be Jesus NEW
by: Mona

Dear folks,

I had this weird dream last night which I find quite disturbing. I do believe there is a God, but I am not religious. I was not long in bed sleeping when I dreamed that a dark figure stood in the room. The next moment in a flash it was sitting behind my head. I asked him quite calm "Who are you?" At that moment he bent over and pressed his lips against my cheek and answered in my head "Jesus". But he started sucking my cheek harder and harder and it started hurting. So I asked still calm but confused "Why are you doing this?" And he said "You will know when the time comes". And I said "I don’t understand, please, why are you hurting me?" He made me clear I would not get an answer right now. It did not feel right. I pushed my head back because I wanted to see his face and he told me not to look. I saw no face but just a dark silhouette. I asked him to stop, that I did not trust him and forced my hand between my cheek and his lips to get him off me. I succeeded and pushed his face away without feeling I did. Immediately he vanished. Then I also woke up. The first thing I did was touching my cheek to feel if it was really hurting but it didn’t. Then I saw on the clock it was still the first hour of my sleep. Surprisingly I was not shaken up or scared which I normally would be after such a dark dream. Just turned around and went back to sleep.

What does this mean? Is it a warning? Have I been visited by something in my dream? And why was it doing what it was doing? Has it anything to do with religion or is it just a metaphor for something else? So many questions, I do not really know what to think of it.

Any ideas, suggestions are welcome thank you.

Mar 03, 2016
Dark figure claiming to be Jesus NEW
by: Mona

Dear folks,

I had this weird dream last night which I find quite disturbing. I do believe there is a God, but I am not religious. I was not long in bed sleeping when I dreamed that a dark figure stood in the room. The next moment in a flash it was sitting behind my head. I asked him quite calm "Who are you?" At that moment he bent over and pressed his lips against my cheek and answered in my head "Jesus". But he started sucking my cheek harder and harder and it started hurting. So I asked still calm but confused "Why are you doing this?" And he said "You will know when the time comes". And I said "I don’t understand, please, why are you hurting me?" He made me clear I would not get an answer right now. It did not feel right. I pushed my head back because I wanted to see his face and he told me not to look. I saw no face but just a dark silhouette. I asked him to stop, that I did not trust him and forced my hand between my cheek and his lips to get him off me. I succeeded and pushed his face away without feeling I did. Immediately he vanished. Then I also woke up. The first thing I did was touching my cheek to feel if it was really hurting but it didn’t. Then I saw on the clock it was still the first hour of my sleep. Surprisingly I was not shaken up or scared which I normally would be after such a dark dream. Just turned around and went back to sleep.

What does this mean? Is it a warning? Have I been visited by something in my dream? And why was it doing what it was doing? Has it anything to do with religion or is it just a metaphor for something else? So many questions, I do not really know what to think of it.

Any ideas, suggestions are welcome thank you.

Mar 03, 2016
Dark figure claiming to be Jesus NEW
by: Mona

Dear folks,

I had this weird dream last night which I find quite disturbing. I do believe there is a God, but I am not religious. I was not long in bed sleeping when I dreamed that a dark figure stood in the room. The next moment in a flash it was sitting behind my head. I asked him quite calm "Who are you?" At that moment he bent over and pressed his lips against my cheek and answered in my head "Jesus". But he started sucking my cheek harder and harder and it started hurting. So I asked still calm but confused "Why are you doing this?" And he said "You will know when the time comes". And I said "I don’t understand, please, why are you hurting me?" He made me clear I would not get an answer right now. It did not feel right. I pushed my head back because I wanted to see his face and he told me not to look. I saw no face but just a dark silhouette. I asked him to stop, that I did not trust him and forced my hand between my cheek and his lips to get him off me. I succeeded and pushed his face away without feeling I did. Immediately he vanished. Then I also woke up. The first thing I did was touching my cheek to feel if it was really hurting but it didn’t. Then I saw on the clock it was still the first hour of my sleep. Surprisingly I was not shaken up or scared which I normally would be after such a dark dream. Just turned around and went back to sleep.

What does this mean? Is it a warning? Have I been visited by something in my dream? And why was it doing what it was doing? Has it anything to do with religion or is it just a metaphor for something else? So many questions, I do not really know what to think of it.

Any ideas, suggestions are welcome thank you.

Mar 03, 2016
Dark figure claiming to be Jesus NEW
by: Mona

Dear folks,

I had this weird dream last night which I find quite disturbing. I do believe there is a God, but I am not religious. I was not long in bed sleeping when I dreamed that a dark figure stood in the room. The next moment in a flash it was sitting behind my head. I asked him quite calm "Who are you?" At that moment he bent over and pressed his lips against my cheek and answered in my head "Jesus". But he started sucking my cheek harder and harder and it started hurting. So I asked still calm but confused "Why are you doing this?" And he said "You will know when the time comes". And I said "I don’t understand, please, why are you hurting me?" He made me clear I would not get an answer right now. It did not feel right. I pushed my head back because I wanted to see his face and he told me not to look. I saw no face but just a dark silhouette. I asked him to stop, that I did not trust him and forced my hand between my cheek and his lips to get him off me. I succeeded and pushed his face away without feeling I did. Immediately he vanished. Then I also woke up. The first thing I did was touching my cheek to feel if it was really hurting but it didn’t. Then I saw on the clock it was still the first hour of my sleep. Surprisingly I was not shaken up or scared which I normally would be after such a dark dream. Just turned around and went back to sleep.

What does this mean? Is it a warning? Have I been visited by something in my dream? And why was it doing what it was doing? Has it anything to do with religion or is it just a metaphor for something else? So many questions, I do not really know what to think of it.

Any ideas, suggestions are welcome thank you.

Mar 19, 2016
Shiver explanation NEW
by: Caitlin in MN

Can anyone explain why we feel that shiver from the top of the head and throughout the rest of the body? It's a physical reaction to a spiritual encounter. It's a horrible, terrifying indication for me that a scary presence is unwantingly entering my bedroom.
Also, Can someone recommend a spiritual therapist/consultant who works with people like us? Itd be nice to have someone to talk to since my husband doesn't understand.
Lastly, critics on this board who are being hateful are at the works of the devil. Don't reply to them because it fuels their negative energy. God bless!

Mar 21, 2016
Deliverance NEW
by: Scott

Long story short: I have been in a deliverance ministry for 20 years. Freedom from all evil / demonic beings & continual and permanent freedom from them is found ONLY in Jesus Christ. Why? He is the Ultimate Authority in all matters, especially in spiritual matters. Read Philippians 2:9-11. Simply using his name will work in the short term, but demons will eventually discover you are not an adopted child of God (John 1:12-13 then Acts 19:13-20) and you do not have God’s permission to use His sons name. I have seen this played out many times. Jesus truly loves you. Ask him to forgive you, save you & protect you. He WILL. Romans 10:9-11.

Mar 21, 2016
Deliverance NEW
by: Scott

Long story short: I have been in a deliverance ministry for 20 years. Freedom from all evil / demonic beings & continual and permanent freedom from them is found ONLY in Jesus Christ. Why? He is the Ultimate Authority in all matters, especially in spiritual matters. Read Philippians 2:9-11. Simply using his name will work in the short term, but demons will eventually discover you are not an adopted child of God (John 1:12-13 then Acts 19:13-20) and you do not have God’s permission to use His sons name. I have seen this played out many times. Jesus truly loves you. Ask him to forgive you, save you & protect you. He WILL. Romans 10:9-11.

Mar 21, 2016
Deliverance NEW
by: Scott

Long story short: I have been in a deliverance ministry for 20 years. Freedom from all evil / demonic beings & continual and permanent freedom from them is found ONLY in Jesus Christ. Why? He is the Ultimate Authority in all matters, especially in spiritual matters. Read Philippians 2:9-11. Simply using his name will work in the short term, but demons will eventually discover you are not an adopted child of God (John 1:12-13 then Acts 19:13-20) and you do not have God’s permission to use His sons name. I have seen this played out many times. Jesus truly loves you. Ask him to forgive you, save you & protect you. He WILL. Romans 10:9-11.

Mar 30, 2016
Dark figures NEW
by: Anonymous

Had this dream like experience with a dark figure that kept trying to touch me.I have never felt like this with any other dreams .was like he didn't want me too leave.please tell me what to do.

Apr 05, 2016
shadow people NEW
by: Anonymous

Not true shadow people are seen my certain people that they attach themselves to. Like me, them always come back so I keep a lamp on at night and I don't have SP anymore but I still see them in the dark I would wake up and see them right in front of me and my cats would hiss and them. Also as for the grim reaper you couldn't have seen him, you only see him when your dead

May 08, 2016
shadow human NEW
by: Anonymous

I experienced something rare when i was trying to astrally project...It happened instantly and i was out of my body..I saw a shadow staring at me and laughing,when i saw it,it hides behind the curtain and then again it was looking at me and laughed..I was terrified and get back to my body instantly...when i woke up then i saw there was nothing...It was a very unusual experience for me...Tell me whether i really reached astral plane ?/

May 24, 2016
the cure for sleep deprivation from any entity NEW
by: I'll keep it Anonymous

I'll start by quoting" Its like as i first go to sleep something takes over my body i can see everything around me just can't move.LIKE BEING PARYALIZED I can also see the evil man ontop of me holding me downing and im trying my best to move, screamong for help at my partner or trying to hit my partner but hes not budging" end quote, this is quoted from the replies on april 2016, I quoted this part in particular because I believe this is the closest explanation to almost everyone having those episodes. let me begin by explaining that the cure I'm about to give is guaranteed to cure you. You dont have to believe in it, but you know what.. why dont you give it a try and see for your self you've got nothing to lose.
Now since you cannot read arabic, i'll send you a youtube link, keep it running while sleeping and keep the volume at a barley heard sound, low enough that you can sleep, or another way of doing it, is waiting untill you face that episode, once you wake up in the middle of the night, tune to the youtube link and you should not face that episode again. this process can be repeated as desired, but rest assured it will disappear from your life if you repeat this process for a week.

I dont want any credit towards this cure, I just want to help, the reason why I kept my name and email anonymous.

I will get back later to check the replies.

Jun 02, 2016
My outer body demon NEW
by: Anonymous

I was sleep on my couch alone and I woke up to the door knocking at least I thought when I answered a 7 or 8 foot demon walked in I couldn't breath I strive to wake and to find myself still trapped in my apartment with more demons I couldn't look at myself asleep I panic and faded in and out of my dream or realm I was in I finally fought enough to wake up my life has never been the same

Jun 06, 2016
Narcoclepsy NEW
by: Anonymous

My experience with this started around age 4 with the shadow entities although I never perceived them as evil. They were always a white human shaped appearance but no detail with a blue colored halo outlining them. I always felt more like they were protecting me in some way. I had vivid lucid dreams that were hard at times to distinguish from reality. I had waking dreams where I was conscious that I was dreaming, out of body experiences, dreams that played like movies and would continue where I woke and went back to sleep. I did experience a few I considered evil where something was always beating on a door or I could hear rushing wind sound around me filled with thousands of voices or demonic looking creatures. Some time during sleep paralysis everything would appear black and white. I would also have dreams where I would wake up over and over again to find I was still dreaming. About age 28 I started having hypogogic hallucinations or dreaming while I was awake. I decided something was very wrong and sought medical help. I was misdiagnosed with many different things until I was sent to a neurologist who assured me I was not dying or nuts. He had me complete a sleep study to determine I had Narcolepsy. My symptoms improved with treatment. I still have some very vivid lucid dreams but the other types of dreaming and hallucinations have since ended. These experiences seemed very real to me, however real or not I am thankful that I have some control over it now. Many of the things discussed here about the many types of dreaming are symptoms of Narcolepsy and sleep deprivation and other sleep disorders. There is help for some, see a neurologist and have a sleep study done. My experience was like living many different lives but became debilitating over time. I still believe these spirit creatures and demons are real and we somehow are getting a glimpse into a world that is supposed to be veiled from us. Thank you to modern medicine for returning that veil to me.

Jun 10, 2016
sp experiences NEW
by: Sonali from India

i would have same experience as u mentioned above.I have too SLEEP PARALYSIS PROBLEM.nd i can say thathat it is worlds most deadliest is even more dangerous than death.i have Sp problem from i was unware about it.i was only known that i suffer every night from spirit world Bt i was unable to tell anybody becoz its unexplainable.
In SP -I float in the air ,
my body gets tightened
unable to move body,or scream
feeling of presence of so soul in d room
feeling touch on body parts of unseen images.
bt dont know anybody why this happened???
even though psychatrist also fails to reveal why sleep paralysis suffers.

bt according to my opinion all those people who suffer from SP are all more sensitive about inner world.there six sence is active.we can feel unseen things nd people .we are more spiritual

as per my observation peoples suffer from sp have also many spiritual experiences.they can feel good nd bad things before happening
they can see future in dream

Jun 10, 2016
sp experiences NEW
by: Sonali from India

i would have same experience as u mentioned above.I have too SLEEP PARALYSIS PROBLEM.nd i can say thathat it is worlds most deadliest is even more dangerous than death.i have Sp problem from i was unware about it.i was only known that i suffer every night from spirit world Bt i was unable to tell anybody becoz its unexplainable.
In SP -I float in the air ,
my body gets tightened
unable to move body,or scream
feeling of presence of so soul in d room
feeling touch on body parts of unseen images.
bt dont know anybody why this happened???
even though psychatrist also fails to reveal why sleep paralysis suffers.

bt according to my opinion all those people who suffer from SP are all more sensitive about inner world.there six sence is active.we can feel unseen things nd people .we are more spiritual

as per my observation peoples suffer from sp have also many spiritual experiences.they can feel good nd bad things before happening
they can see future in dream

Jun 10, 2016
sp experiences NEW
by: Sonali from India

i would have same experience as u mentioned above.I have too SLEEP PARALYSIS PROBLEM.nd i can say thathat it is worlds most deadliest is even more dangerous than death.i have Sp problem from i was unware about it.i was only known that i suffer every night from spirit world Bt i was unable to tell anybody becoz its unexplainable.
In SP -I float in the air ,
my body gets tightened
unable to move body,or scream
feeling of presence of so soul in d room
feeling touch on body parts of unseen images.
bt dont know anybody why this happened???
even though psychatrist also fails to reveal why sleep paralysis suffers.

bt according to my opinion all those people who suffer from SP are all more sensitive about inner world.there six sence is active.we can feel unseen things nd people .we are more spiritual

as per my observation peoples suffer from sp have also many spiritual experiences.they can feel good nd bad things before happening
they can see future in dream

Jun 10, 2016
sp experiences NEW
by: Sonali from India

i would have same experience as u mentioned above.I have too SLEEP PARALYSIS PROBLEM.nd i can say thathat it is worlds most deadliest is even more dangerous than death.i have Sp problem from i was unware about it.i was only known that i suffer every night from spirit world Bt i was unable to tell anybody becoz its unexplainable.
In SP -I float in the air ,
my body gets tightened
unable to move body,or scream
feeling of presence of so soul in d room
feeling touch on body parts of unseen images.
bt dont know anybody why this happened???
even though psychatrist also fails to reveal why sleep paralysis suffers.

bt according to my opinion all those people who suffer from SP are all more sensitive about inner world.there six sence is active.we can feel unseen things nd people .we are more spiritual

as per my observation peoples suffer from sp have also many spiritual experiences.they can feel good nd bad things before happening
they can see future in dream

Jun 14, 2016
by: The Ram

If you experience SP you were born with a generous heart. You are a protector. With this gift you have a responsibility to realize with this extreme love comes extreme fear of losing the people/animals you love. You will die for whats right because of that fear. Fear is the unknown. If you meet entities, they will want you to live your life anticipating the unknown. They draw power from your fear, which can leave you in a clouded perspective in a woken state. You produce certain brainwaves when you sleep. In this case before SP episodes with negative exp you will manifest some derivative of fear sub consciously which is forced from the same source as these entities. When you nod off to your REM state/dream state, because of you prior negative manifest you create a frequency like a tether for these entities to grasp. What can escalate after that is how you react to the unknown.
If you try screaming, no sound comes out, If you give into the fear and get scared, you could experience levitation, sexual assault or faint at the apex.
You do have a basic weapon at this primary stage and that is simple sharp high pitch whistle that cuts the tether. When you do this you will see how real this really is.
Recognize these things get energy from you, You are the fuel you are the master.
These things dont give up, they will try strategies by giving you succubus/incubus dreams which will have you waking up in a SP state with symptoms like bruxism.
Accept that this is real, dont fear the unknown. You will unlock wisdom,reality and solutions a supercharged minds eye.
As cliche as it is, stay positive.
As scary as it is.......

Jun 22, 2016
by: Carlos

Yesterday was my 12 experience and i tried so hard to get off that i ended up punching my girlfriend. I had two dark shadow ontop of me and i was sofocating once i got off and came back to reality i was out of breath. I read many opinion and some people said not to freak out. But how can someone not freak out when all you are saying is ghost or people teying to harm u

Jun 27, 2016
Are they searching us out by our searchs? NEW
by: Anonymous

It's clear that jesus's name is the only defense! But I think certain things we are searching for or researching are putting a certain kind of spell or something on us. People looking into the evil of the world. Maybe a certain video or just searching they know that we are God's people. Someone tell me why God allows this? Why Dont I Ever See Him In My dream? Are we actually living in hell?? I just woke up from an attack. I'm scared and confused I feel I need jesus and even tho his name works I do not feel his comfort I feel deserted. What is happening? ????

Jul 01, 2016
In reply to the Babylonian reference. NEW
by: Researcher

Dear Barney,
My daughter suffers from SP but that is a small part of my spiritual research. I have been reading with rapt interest the comments and when I got down to the rambling reference to Babylon, my reading slowed. I know exactly what they are trying to say. And until you've done any research on the Babylonian Talmud you will never understand what they mean. These are the same people that Jesus fought against and warned us about.
I encourage everyone to read the Harold Rosenthal interview. It's shocking but it will help to understand those exclamations on spiritual warfare and why people feel that there is a war on for our minds and souls.
Jesus told us, but we still aren't listening.

Jul 01, 2016
his name 3 times NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi I was looking up that demonic creature that screamed his name 3 times and I found this.

Jul 03, 2016
Out of body experience for years NEW
by: Grego

Hello. I wouldloke to share my experience with you. For almost 20 years I was leaving my body every night when I was reaching rem 3 level of sleep (normal level of sleep is rem5).From the first time I could see everything around my sleeping body and then slowly I started visiting places. Last 9 years everything changed. I was visiting places that reminded ambandoned factory builinds and hospitals. All outside the buildings where grey and inside the building there was a slight light.during the visits to these places I felt I had a mission and I was a part of a team. We where searching for spirits that seemed semitransparent that where fading. We had to take each of them and take them out the the light(grey all the time). During the missions we had to fight with bad spirits fighting with us in order to take the soules we where trying to save. I was seeing them and their body was semi solid as ours and they couldn't pass thru walls, but they could walk on all surfaces. Everything I was managing to go to the light (some of the team couldn't) I was returning to my body. It was painfull and allways my body was shaking(my wife could feel this some times and she was thinging that there was an earthquake).For few minutes I couldn't move my body since everything was very heavy to move. Before 2 years and after a meeting with my team I visited a place and met a black dressed man(the messanger). He asked me if I want to go inside this place and if I will I will go to higher "levels" of power. I told him no this is quite risky for me and I will kot doit. He told me that since this is my decision I will not be able to travel again. From the next day my out of body experiences stopped. I don't know if this is good or bad. I spoken for this only to few persons but haven't found people with the same experiences yet.

Jul 06, 2016
Whats going on NEW
by: Tony kim

Had a dream there was a shadow being who said I want your blood in front of my face what does it mean by that

Jul 09, 2016
Inception NEW
by: Thor

Sleep paralysis

Hello! I had the same thing with waking up from a dream just to find out im still in a dream.

More then once!

Sometimes i feel like im floating when suddenly something drags me into a Wall or mirror.

The thing is when your exploring other realms the entieties does not want you to.

Aug 14, 2016
Entities NEW
by: Anonymous

Aragon supposedly drive entities away. You can purchase them online. Try taking your own stand. It feeds on fear so force yourself not to give it thst power. The feeling of fear may be being projected into you from it. Even if it's choking you laugh at it. ask it to leave. If that doesn't work. Look it right in the face and say I command you to leave.don't give it power over you.

Aug 16, 2016
Help NEW
by: Ryan

I have had dreams where I'm walking past my bedroom door only to look in and see myself sleep. Next to my bed is a shadow darker than dark almost beckoning to me. Taunting... I say darker than dark because it's literally the most blackest evil I have ever felt. When I'm walking passed in my dream body I can't stop. I try to warn myself but the figure is the only thing that looks like it hears me. I have times where my mom asks if I had company over last night and when I say no she tel