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Son and Bedwetting

by Cheryl
(Moss Beach, CA)

My son is 8 1/2 and he has always wet the bed at night. Only one time he didn't do it for about four days straight, but that was the only time. It is every single night; daytime he is fine.

He wears diapers (Good Nites) to bed, but I am afraid it is really affecting his self-esteem. My son sleeps really hard and often times it's hard to get him out of bed in the morning even though he gets 10 plus hours a sleep per night. We have tried bed wetting alarms, I have waken him up in the night, and he still wets, I've tried vitamins on him, and even parsley (I was told), etc., but nothing has worked. I am not concerned about wet sheets; my main concern is how he feels about himself and his low self-esteem.

I've read about narrow palates in the mouth causing bed wetting issues, but I am not sure if he has this or not. My husband says he hears my son snore sometimes. Who would I go see to discuss everything in regards to him having sleep apnea or another sleep disorder which could be causing the bed wetting? Should I invest in one of those Continuous Positive Airway Pressure device (CPAP) for a child?

Thank you for your help!!

Hi Cheryl,

First of all, thank you for sharing your experience.

I would like to refer you to our page on sleep disorders in children, where we have a specific section on sleep apnea in children and bed wetting.

Hopefully you will find the information there useful and can get some feedback from other visitors here.



EYSD Editor

(If you would like more information about bedwetting specifically, you could try the Bedwetting Store's Learning Center)

Comments for Son and Bedwetting

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May 22, 2011
Bravery and Grace for bedwetting
by: Anonymous

I have a child who wet the bed nightly (often several times) until he was 8 years old. Beginning in preschool and through age 6, I just invested in a couple pair of washable, waterproof underwear and used a waterproof sheet protector to minimize the laundry. Definitely take a no big deal approach.
Washable, waterproof underwear can be found at the braveryandgrace website.

However when my child reached the age of seven, the bedwetting began to chip away at his self esteem. He began to fear his friends finding out and showed frustration about the bedwetting. We solved his bed wetting by using an alarm. He went from being wet every single night to completely dry in about 6 weeks. The bed wetting alarm has given us years of dry nights.

My child absolutely loved the children's book, Prince Bravery and Grace - Attack of the Wet Knights. It’s the story of a young prince who struggles with "the Wet Knights" and eventually defeats them by using an alarm. It's funny yet empathetic and gave him the understanding and motivation to end the bed wetting. has lots of positive information about solving bed wetting. Invest in the book, it makes the process so much easier, then an alarm -its the best decision I ever made.

Jul 28, 2011
Follow the Editor's Advice
by: Anonymous

I would not do any at home CPAP or anything else until you get your son tested for a sleep disorder. From you describe it sounds like sleep apnea. Stanford Medical is one of the best places to go for children. I was diagnosis there with sleep apnea (I believe I have it all my life) and when I went to get my sleep study and later my titration I noticed alot of children who were patients. I asked one of the staff memebers how many of the patients they have are children and she said about 30%. The night I went in for my sleep study they had a two year old in for a sleep study!
Please get your son help from a professional asap. It sounds like he is suffering. Best of luck-Blessings

Nov 20, 2013
M-helper Amazing easy recipe NEW
by: ouwin


Know that above all else, you are not alone in your pain, in your struggles, and in your fight

When Bed Wetting becomes a problem in your home, what do you do? Often times when a child is wetting his or her bed, the reason is due either to an undiagnosed medical condition or due to psychological effects. M-helper Amazing easy recipe Nature can help you boost your child's health, completely eliminate the bedwetting problem out of your life.

Get fast treatment:

Good luck with treatment!

Feb 20, 2017
Great resource NEW
by: Anonymous

Visit for the latest updates on bedwetting alarms, solutions and treatments.

Nov 17, 2017
A good bedwetting site NEW
by: Anonymous

A great resource for advice, treatment and bedwetting alarms is One Stop Bedwetting - They have a variety of alarms for boys, girls, teens and adults.

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A revolution in personal sleep tracking, the Zeo is a wireless headband that transmits your brainwaves in realtime to a dock (pictured here) or your smartphone. The result? You can wake up and see exactly what stages of sleep you were in during the night! Unprecedented personalized sleep knowledge.

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