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The Girl in the men’s restroom (S&D)

by Karanveer

This is the most vivid dream I recall and wrote completely. I was at a friend’s birthday party. However, this party was taking place in another school that I had visited a few times for competitions. I do recall the name of the friend whose birthday it was, but for privacy reasons, I shall not state it. Few of my favorite teachers were also there such as my math lab instructor and HOD, computer science.

There was a race and for some reason a few friends of mine went in the wrong direction. I thought I had won the race but it turned out I had to cross the finish line holding a sponge. I had to go back and I saw this white stall in the middle of a very green field with sponges. The stall owned refused to give me a sponge and I had to deposit my scarf (which is weird since I never wear scarves) to get the sponge. Knowing that I wasn’t about to win, I decided to just throw my sponge over the finish line, but someone saw me and I had to confess and I lost.

I started walking towards the restroom. It was a huge restroom- not like the dirty restrooms that are present in schools- more like a hotel restroom. I was staring at myself in the mirror and I noticed something disgusting on my sweater and I started feeling really bad because everybody in the party must have seen my dirty sweater. While I was emptying my bladder, a girl entered the restroom. She looked 7 years or so with very tiny with unbelievably scary eyes and wrinkled face. I still shiver picturing her in my head. She came close to me and asked me “Where is the restroom?” I told her that she was in the restroom and she smiled and said “Ok” in the creepiest falsetto possible. I remembered that she was a girl and shouldn’t be in the men’s restroom and I ran out.

However, I wasn’t in the field anymore, I was in my own school building- I clearly remember the color of the walls and am certain I was in my own school. I scream for help and people come near me and I tell them what happens but nobody believed me. I see her running and I try to follow her. Suddenly, she has disappeared and there’s this wide gap between where I’m standing and the place ahead of me.

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Comments for The Girl in the men’s restroom (S&D)

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Jun 19, 2014
i had a dream like that NEW
by: Jake

I had a dream just like that were I was in a restroom and a woman came out of nowere but unlike your dream it was an old chinese or japanese women

Aug 04, 2015
Creepy Girl NEW
by: Anonymous

I love the creepy girl in your dream... just imagining it gave me the goosebumps. Thanks for sharing!

Oct 24, 2015
Outcome NEW
by: Anonymous

Maybe She's dead!

Jan 02, 2016
What does this mean NEW
by: Tell what this means

I ended up in this White House not really dirty but not super clean . Then this female in her 20,s was there she was pretty blonde with shoulder length hair wearing a loose belly t shirt and short. She sat and talked with us. And would walk around by the window and continue talking.she seemed nice friendly girl she made my brother son who was with me something to eat.for some reason l fell asleep on the couch and woke with her in the kitchen . She brought the coffee to me telling me to wake up by whispering that into my ear. She also said that she was going to lie with me in bed and cuddle and more. L sat up and we talked more. I told hershe was pretty fare blonde light skin but she was solid. I made a joke of it that she could be a ghost.she told us that she was a disappeared right in front of us and then reappeared just as solid as you and me.we were shocked and left the house.but l said that l had to go back and tell her we were sorry l went back and she hugged me and l hugged her and she felt solid. She told me she really liked me and that she was raped and murder by a guy who had broke end. I then woke up from the dream

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