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Tsunami and World Cup Ambition Dream (S&D)

by Anonymous

My friends and I were on our way to the world cup games in South Africa. On our way to our flight departing from SFO, we decided that we wanted to go through the Golden Gate Bridge (even though the way to the airport from campus is not by traveling through the bridge).

The weather was overcast and so as the driver, I decided to stop at a small gas station/convenience store on the middle of the bridge to see how the weather was going to hold up. As I was getting a cherry coke slushie drink, I see news reports about a Tsunami that is about to hit the Bay Area, specifically the Golden Gate Bridge in 10 minutes. I pay for my slushie and call my boyfriend and my dad to come and help me out because the bridge was blocked so that no one could enter or exit the bridge. They both arrive in 2 seconds and we all decide to drive past the blockades to safety.

While I drive I could see the large waves crashing against the walls of the bridge and water slowly rising to the level of the bridge. Some parts of the bridge were breaking. All of my friends, my dad, and I finally reach a safer place but the water is still rising.

In order to reach the safe place, the person that was in charge of the area wanted my Barcelona jersey that I was wearing in return for entrance in the safe zone. There are stone stairs that seem to go to nowhere but I see many people going up the stairs for safety. The people going up the stairs seem like strangers but I soon realize that they were my grade school classmates who I have not seen in years. As I was debating whether to go up the stairs or not, I woke up from this confusing dream.

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Comments for Tsunami and World Cup Ambition Dream (S&D)

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Mar 08, 2016
Well NEW
by: Sumeet

After your dream got over did you try to complete it? I guess yes if it is tell me how did you do it and ya nexttime call me i dont have a girlfriend😂🙈

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Welcome! This site is continuously being created by students of Dr. William C. Dement's Sleep And Dreams course at Stanford University.

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