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Very Interesting Sleep Paralysis Experience

by Joe

My name is Joe, I just had my second experience with Sleep Paralysis last night. I remember having a similar experience several months ago but I didn't recall it until now. Last night's experience was very memorable to say the least..

I was sleeping on my back (which was the case both times this has happened to me, i normally sleep on my stomach). My bed is a lofted bed in a college dorm room. I remember very vividly the dream I was having. I remember talking to a friend of mine about this girl that i liked. She had just broken up with her boyfriend (this is the case in real life too!! :) ) and i told my friend that i was going to try and ask her out.

Still in the dream, i remember looking to my right and there she was, the girl i wanted was standing right there with her jaw dropped in suprise, she had heard everything that i just said haha.

In the dream, I remember being shocked, caught dead-red with the secret i just told, all the people around us were saying "ooooOO!!!". I was so shocked that in the dream i actually started falling backwards as if I was fainting. At this point I realized that i was dreaming because i have never fainted in my entire life.

I immediately woke up but i could barely manage to get my eyes open. I remember feeling like i was spinnning and i couldnt control eye movement and my orientation. My arms felt like they weighed 1000 lbs and my ears were ringing. I think that i actually made some grunts because i was trying to force myself to move but i just couldn't.

My room was slightly lit from my iPOD that was charging so i turned my eyes a bit to see, but the room still felt like it was spinning and i couldnt control my vision at all. I remember being somewhat fearful, but not for ghosts or demons or any of that stuff that most people with Sleep Paralysis see. I was
afraid because i couldnt move and i felt trapped in sleep mode.

After about 20 seconds of this i eventually decided that i was still really exhausted so i drifted off to sleep, but as soon as I did just that, my eyes snapped open. I was 100% awake with full memory of everything that I had just experienced. I wasn't fearful at all afterwards, i actually felt really peaceful and my muscles all felt euphoric (almost the same feeling that you get when u take pain medication after surgery). I immediately fell asleep after that remembering that i had a math exam in the morning.

All in all, it was a very strange confusing experience that i really dont hope to experience again. I am glad that I was able to learn what the heck it was so I thank you all for sharing your knowledge on the internet. I hope you found my story very enlightening. Hopefully if I attempt to go after the girl I like in real life, I wont have a similar experience. :)


Kevin: Hey Joe, thanks a bunch for sharing this man! It's not everyday that I hear about a sleep paralysis experience that is so directly tied to the content of the dream. Your account makes me wonder if such an abrupt consciousness-aided awakening, like you experienced when you realized you had never fainted in waking life before, might make a sleep paralysis episode more easy to occur. Like if the REM atonia that keeps you paralyzed is not as quick to get the message that you're suddenly awake now.

It's also really interesting to hear of your snapping out of paralysis as soon as you decided to just go back to sleep, as well as the way your muscles felt when you were alert and mobile again.

Seriously cool stuff man. Thanks a bunch for sharing, and good luck getting the girl!! (I can see you guys being together for a long time, and then you telling her about this experience and it being hilarious for the both of you :)

All the best,

Comments for Very Interesting Sleep Paralysis Experience

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Oct 22, 2011
Kevin, PLEASE contact me!!
by: Anonymous

Last night I had the EXACT same experience. I was at college. Me and all of my classmates were in the hall. A girl appeared on my right side and asked something. The teacher got mad for something. I started fainting. When i woke up, I felt like i was going to sleep again, against my will and just when i tried to keep my eyes open, I heard a really LOUD noise, a pulsing one felt a shock going through my body and i woke up.
It seems pretty much like your eperience so I would like to talk with you! Please post a reply! I've eperienced sleep paralysis for the 3rd time. From all the internet topics your experience is EXACTLY like mine.

Oct 22, 2011
Kevin, PLEASE contact me!!
by: Anonymous

Last night I had the EXACT same experience. I was at college. Me and all of my classmates were in the hall. A girl appeared on my right side and asked something. The teacher got mad for something. I started fainting. When i woke up, I felt like i was going to sleep again, against my will and just when i tried to keep my eyes open, I heard a really LOUD noise, a pulsing one felt a shock going through my body and i woke up.
It seems pretty much like your eperience so I would like to talk with you! Please post a reply! I've eperienced sleep paralysis for the 3rd time. From all the internet topics your experience is EXACTLY like mine.

Nov 04, 2014
Faint or paralyzed? NEW
by: Anonymous

last summer I was out in the sun standing up. (I'm anemic) I felt like throwing up but I thought it was just some weird feeling and I wasn't going to puke. But then things started sounding different and everything turned blue. Then it turned pith black and I fainted BUT I was still awake and could still hear (even though it sounded weird) and I could still feel and I thought I was blind!!! People layed me down And I could see again! Now I'm trying to see what happens to me. Was this sleeping paralyzed (even though I was awake before it happend) or was a faint? The life guards said my Face was blue and my pupils were huge.

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