Searching For The Best Mattress Topper? Things To Consider:

Guest Article by David Patrick from

Kevin: A while ago David Patrick, the creator of a very useful consumer mattress review site called, shared an article with us about different questions to consider when buying a new mattress.

While there are a ton of other factors that go into having a good night's sleep consistently, havin' a comfy bed to wrap yourself up in every night certainly ain't gonna hurt.

And with that in mind, we've brought David back to share his experience about buying mattress toppers. For those visitors not as interested in plunging into the purchase of an entirely new mattress--which can cost a pretty penny--a mattress topper can be a great alternative that lets you get the added comfort benefit of the type of mattress you're interested in, without paying the full mattress bill. But how do you find the best mattress topper for your budget and your comfort?

Enter David:

The mattress topper market can be quite confusing. To help you in shopping for the perfect mattress topper that fits your preferences and other special considerations, here is a compilation of the five most important factors you should pay attention to, plus some tips on how to make your most important decisions.

1. Types of mattress toppers

How do you find the best mattress topper? A key first step in identifying the best mattress topper for you is determining what type of material you want it to consist of. At left is a list of the common options:

Latex toppers - The two best things about latex toppers are their hypoallergenic nature and their durability. But make sure you don't have latex allergies before you buy this particular type.

Memory foam toppers - Memory foam mattress toppers are currently the most popular type of bed enhancement. A lot of people are curious about the much publicized benefits of memory foam mattresses. But since these mattresses can cost over $1000, the next best thing is to buy a memory foam topper. This way, they can experience the same benefits without having to replace their whole mattress with an expensive one.

Goose feathers and down - Toppers that use feathers or down as the main filler material are number one in softness and plushness. A feather bed topper is also easy to clean; a simple spot clean will do. Unfortunately, while they are very comfortable, they don't offer that much support.

Polyester - Polyester fill toppers are long-lasting, less expensive, and are easy to clean. This is, however, not the first choice of consumers who prefer organic materials such as feathers and down, latex, and wool.

Cotton fiber - Mattress toppers that contain cotton fiber come in two types: those made with organic cotton and those made with synthetic cotton. These are great for extra softness, but not in terms of durability since cotton compresses more easily. Organic cotton toppers can be quite expensive, but synthetic cotton toppers are some of the most affordable on the market.

Wool - This is probably the most expensive type, especially if you choose the more premium blends such as French lamb's wool. Wool toppers focus on softness rather than on support, and like feather beds, they need frequent fluffing up to prevent matting.

2. Special Requirements

If you have any special needs in buying a mattress pad, do keep them in mind while shopping. Here are some examples of some special requirements people usually have; take note that each need requires a different solution.

  • Therapeutic/orthopedic support
  • Extra comfort
  • Extra firmness
  • Motion isolation

3. Price

The price of mattress toppers does not really indicate their quality absolutely. Some people have found that they were much happier with a $200 topper than a $600 one. It's all a matter of finding the mattress topper of the right type and that meets your specific needs.

Memory foam toppers range in price between $50 for the lesser known brands and thinner models, and up to $600 for the thicker models and popular brands like Tempur-Pedic.

Latex toppers, on the other hand, are a bit more expensive because they are often made from organic or natural materials. They can cost anywhere between $80 and $800, depending on brand, material, and thickness. The cheaper ones may be made of synthetic latex, so make sure to clarify this before you buy.

Feather toppers feature some of the most affordable options out there, with some of the thinner ones selling for only $40 for the queen-sized model. Wool toppers are generally more expensive, with queen-sized models starting at $130.

4. Thickness

Memory foam mattress toppers range in thickness from 2 to 6 inches, while latex foam toppers only range between 2 inches and 4 inches. The other types, such as wool, feather and down, and cotton tend to come thinner, usually at 2 inches and, at best, 3 inches.

5. Minor preferential features

You may also consider some optional features. These preferential features may put you on track to get the best mattress topper you can find, but they are also likely to affect the price of the mattress topper.

  • Quilted/non-quilted. Additional quilting on top can add to the durability of a mattress topper.
  • Covers. You can also look for toppers that come with additional accessories, such as a Coolmax cover that can wick away moisture and perspiration.
  • Baffling. Always look for baffling if you decide to go with the feather toppers. These are the segmented boxes that keep the material from shifting around too much and getting clumped up in one spot.
  • Higher thread count. You can ask for higher thread count if you choose a cotton topper.

Guest article courtesy of - a review-driven source of information about mattress brands and models. Visit us to learn more about mattress toppers and pads or to share your own Serta, Sealy, Simmons or IKEA mattress review.

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